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A& 打开ArcMap能打开,Add Data 或打开mxd就出Runtime Error对话框。打开ArcCatlog或者ArcGlobe出现Runtime Error对话框Runtime Error!Program: D:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Bin\ArcMap.exeThis application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.Please contact the application’s support team for more information.解决方法:1:make sure exsit C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\dao350.dll andC:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\dao360.dll. if not please downlaod them 2:Windows XP 32-bit / Windows 2003 Server1) Go to Start > Run, type CMD, and click OK to bring up the command prompt. 2) Type in the following: regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\dao350.dll"3) Press Enter. Then type in the following and press Enter: regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\dao360.dll"Windows XP 64-bit 1) Go to Start > Run, type CMD, and click OK to bring up the command prompt. 2) Type in the following and press Enter: regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\dao360.dll"B ArcMap只有TOC和DataFrame没有工具条和菜单栏的解决方法有时候修复ArcGIS后再打开ArcMap,会出现如下情况:只有TOC和右边的DataFrame,任何菜单栏和工具条都没有解决方法:不要急着卸载重装或者重装系统,在该“有问题”的ArcMap的状态栏上(窗口最下方)右键你会找回那些菜单栏和工具条
C:Error:& MS Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error! abnormal program terminationArticle ID: 34472 Software:& ArcGIS - ArcEditor 9.0, 9.1, 9.2 ArcGIS - ArcInfo 9.0, 9.1, 9.2 ArcGIS - ArcView 9.0, 9.1, 9.2 Platforms:& Windows XP, 2003Server Error MessageWhen opening ArcMap or opening data in ArcMap, one of the following errors occurs: "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error! Program: C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Bin\DesktopAdmin.exe abnormal program termination" CauseThe Microsoft Data Access Object (DAO) driver needs to be registered.Solution or WorkaroundTo manually register the Microsoft DAO driver, follow the steps below: Windows XP 32-bit / Windows 2003 Server 1) Go to Start > Run, type CMD, and click OK to bring up the command prompt. 2) Type in the following: regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\dao350.dll"3) Press Enter. Then type in the following and press Enter: regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\dao360.dll"Windows XP 64-bit 1) Go to Start > Run, type CMD, and click OK to bring up the command prompt. 2) Type in the following and press Enter: regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\dao360.dll"
Error:& This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual wayArticle ID: 27163 Software:& ArcGIS - ArcEditor 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 ArcGIS - ArcInfo 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 ArcGIS - ArcView 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 Platforms:& Windows XP Error MessageThe following error message can occur in ArcMap or ArcCatalog under various circumstances. "Runtime Error! Program: 'C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\bin\XXXXXXX.exe' This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information"Cause--There is a software conflict between ArcGIS Desktop and the program eFax Plus. --Other unidentified software products may also generate this error. These may include, but are not limited to X-Tools Pro, SME, Hoff, and NG.cls. --Another issue that may be involved is whether or not the system's available physical memory has been exceeded. If ArcSOC memory requirements exceed the available physical memory, performance starts to degrade and the application may fail with this error. --Additional unidentified issues may also generate this error message.
Solution or WorkaroundTry one of the following solutions: The instructions below include making changes to essential parts of your operating system. It is recommended that you backup your operating system and files, including the registry, before proceeding. Consult with a qualified computer systems professional, if necessary. ESRI cannot guarantee results from incorrect modifications while followin therefore, use caution and proceed at your own risk.Completely uninstall the eFax software. 1. Start Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\Program Files\eFax Messenger Plus or a similar folder name. 2. Locate the file 'Hspfcw32.dll'. 3. Right-click on the file 'Hspfcw32.dll' and select 'Rename'. 4. Change the name of the file to 'Hspfcw32.dll1'. 5. Locate the file 'J2GSDK40.DLL'. 6. Right-click on the file 'J2GSDK40.DLL' and select 'Rename'. 7. Change the name of the file to 'J2GSDK40.DLL1'. See the link in the Related Information section below to access a Microsoft Knowledge Base article that describes this error and includes information on how to contact Microsoft Support to acquire a fix. Uninstall third party extensions that have been installed for ArcGIS Desktop, then run Repair on the ArcGIS Desktop installation. Refer to the instructions in the Knowledge Base article "MS Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error! abnormal program termination" in the Related Information section below. Go to Start > Run and type 'regedit' (without quotes). In the Registry Editor, browse to the directory HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software and rename the ESRI folder to 'old_ESRI' (without quotes). Access the link below for additional information about ArcSOC memory requirements on Page 8-18 (128 of 246):ESRI White Papers Memory Recommendations: If the ArcSOC process memory requirements exceed the available physical memory, performance starts to degrade and at some point starts to fail (with this error). Uninstall and reinstall the computer's operating system.
D:"Runtime Error! Program: 'C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\bin\XXXXXXX.exe' This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information"微软官方解释如下:症状在 Microsoft Windows XP 中运行自定义 Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 程序时,您可能会收到以下错误消息:This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.Please contact the application''s support team for more information.原因如果使用 /GR 和 /MD 编译器开关,并且 Msvcrt.dll 文件和 Msvcirt.dll 文件的版本是 7.0.x,则可能出现此问题。注意:当使用早于 7.0 版本的 Msvcrt.dll 文件和 Msvcirt.dll 文件时,不会出现此问题。解决方案Microsoft 现在提供了一个受支持的修补程序,但该程序只用于解决本文中提到的问题。仅当系统遇到本文描述的特定问题时才可应用此修补程序。此修补程序可能还会接受进一步的测试。因此,如果这个问题没有对您造成严重影响,我们建议您等待包含此修补程序的下一个 Windows XP Service Pack。要立即解决此问题,请与 Microsoft 产品支持服务联系,以获取此修补程序。要获取 Microsoft 产品支持服务电话号码和支持费用信息的完整列表,请访问下面的 Microsoft 网站:根据微软的方案可以如下解决这个问题:1、下载早期的 Msvcrt.dll 文件和 Msvcirt.dll 文件。2、在C:\Program Files\或者是其他软件安装目录下搜索这两个文件。3、下载微软官方补丁。
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请登录后评论。1、 问题: &Arcgis10.0 组件初始化失败
解决方法: &ESRI.ArcGIS.RuntimeManager.BindLicense(ESRI.ArcGIS.ProductCode.EngineOrDesktop);该语句需要引用ESRI.ArcGIS.Version类库
2、 问题: &无嵌入互操作类
解决方法: &嵌入互操作类 改为 false
&在VS2010中,使用.NETFramework 4.0环境时,ESRI的类库嵌入式互操作属性需要设置为False。
问题:向axMapControl控件中添加shp时,出现了&The specified path is invalid&这个错误,仔细检查代码并无错误;而从文件添加Layer则可以,但ToolBarControl无显示。
4、 问题:
&  //清除数据集前必须先刷新 &&&&&&&&&&&
   activeView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeoSelection,mapControl.get_Layer(0),null); &&&&&&&&&&&
  mapControl.Map.ClearSelection(); &&&&&&&&&&&       
  activeView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeoSelection, mapControl.get_Layer(0), null);
1、SDE认证问题: 使用ArcGIS.KeyGen.exe生成一个epp文件 方法:--&server--&All--&拷贝并保存为*.epp文件。认证时加载该文件即可认证完毕。
2、实例问题: 必须是这样的:"sde:sqlserver:SHENC-PC\\SQLEXPRESS"
3、可选 &pPS.SetProperty("AUTHENTICATION_MODE", "DBMS");
阅读(...) 评论()GIS开发 Engine开发(2)
&对 COM 组件的调用返回了错误 HRESULT E_FAIL&,
例如 以这个&ESRI.ArcGIS.AnalysisTools.Update updateTool = new ESRI.ArcGIS.AnalysisTools.Update();叠加分析中的更新工具为例
在这个界面里面有三个必须选择的参数,&updateTool.in_features = inputLayer.FeatureC
& & & & & & updateTool.update_features = updateFeaturelayer.FeatureC
& & & & & & updateTool.out_feature_class =this.OutputP
这三个参数是必须的,但是有人会问怎么判断输入的参数是对的呢,不急,在上面的红色箭头上,TOOL Help,点击就会进入
往下看,有Data Type.这就是在说明输入的类型
从上到下,权限递增,但是只能选择一个,切上面的权限优先使用,明白了吧,就是你都选了,权限也只是上面的ArcGis Engine
& & & & & & IAoInitialize aoInitialize = new AoInitialize();
& & & & & esriLicenseStatus licenseStatus = esriLicenseStatus.esriLicenseU
& & & & & licenseStatus = aoInitialize.Initialize(esriLicenseProductCode.esriLicenseProductCodeAdvanced);
* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场
(1)(6)(3)(1)(6)(3)One of my favourite “how to write” books is Nigel Watts’ .
My battered, torn and heavily-pencil-marked copy is a testament to how useful I’ve found it over the years. Although the cover appears to be on the verge of falling off altogether, I’ve risked opening the book once more to bring you Watts’ very useful “Eight-Point Story Arc” – a fool-proof, fail-safe and time-honoured way to structure a story.
(Even if you’re a short story writer or flash fiction writer rather than a novelist, this structure still applies, so don’t be put off by the title of Watts’ book.)
The eight points which Watts lists are, in order:
Critical choice
He explains that every classic plot passes through these stages and that he doesn’t tend to use them to plan a story, but instead uses the points during the writing process:
I find [the eight-point arc] most useful as a checklist against which to measure a work in progress. If I sense a story is going wrong, I see if I’ve unwittingly missed out a stage of the eight-point arc. It may not guarantee you write a brilliant story, but it will help you avoid some of the pitfalls of a brilliant idea gone wrong.
So, what do the eight points mean?
This is the “every day life” in which the story is set. Think of Cinderella sweeping the ashes, Jack (of Beanstalk fame) living in poverty with his mum and a cow, or Harry Potter living with the Dursley’s.
Something beyond the control of the protagonist (hero/heroine) is the trigger which sparks off the story. A fairy godmother appears, someone pays in magic beans not gold, a mysterious letter arrives … you get the picture.
The trigger results in a quest – an unpleasant trigger (e.g. a protagonist losing his job) might involve a quest to retu a pleasant trigger (e.g. finding a treasure map) means a quest to maintain or increase the new pleasant state.
This stage involves not one but several elements, and takes up most of the middle part of the story. “Surprise” includes pleasant events, but more often means obstacles, complications, conflict and trouble for the protagonist.
Watts emphasises that surprises shouldn’t be too random or too predictable – they need to be unexpected, but plausible. The reader has to think “I should have seen that coming!”
Critical choice
At some stage, your protagonist needs to mak a critical choice. This is often when we find out exactly who a character is, as real personalities are revealed at moments of high stress. Watts stresses that this has to be a decision by the character to take a particular path – not just something that happens by chance.
In many classic stories, the “critical choice” involves choosing between a good, but hard, path and a bad, but easy, one.
In tragedies, the unhappy ending often stems from a character making the wrong choice at this point – Romeo poisoning himself on seeing Juliet supposedly dead, for example.
The critical choice(s) made by your protagonist need to result in the climax, the highest peak of tension, in your story.
For some stories, this could be the firing squad levelling their guns to shoot, a battle commencing, a high-speed chase or something equally dramatic. In other stories, the climax could be a huge argument between a husband and wife, or a playground fight between children, or Cinderella and the Ugly Sisters trying on the glass slipper.
The reversal should be the consequence of the critical choice and the climax, and it should change the status of the characters – especially your protagonist. For example, a downtrodden wife might leave her a bullied child might stand up for a fellow victim and realise that the bully no longer ha Cinderella might be recognised by the prince.
Your story reversals should be inevitable and probable. Nothing should happen for no reason, changes in status should not fall out of the sky. The story should unfold as life unfolds: relentlessly, implacably, and plausibly.
The resolution is a return to a fresh stasis – one where the characters should be changed, wiser and enlightened, but where the story being told is complete.
(You can always start off a new story, a sequel, with another trigger…)
I’ve only covered Watts’ eight-point arc in brief here. In the book, he gives several examples of how the eight-point arc applies to various stories. He also explains how a longer story (such as a novel) should include arcs-within-arcs – subplots and scenes where the same eight-point structure is followed, but at a more minor level than for the arc of the entire story.
You can buy Writing a Novel from
– and I highly recommend that you do, as it’s an excellent book for any writer of fiction, and deals with all aspects of the craft (not just eight-point arcs!)
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17 Responses to “How to Structure A Story: The Eight-Point Arc”
Cool article.
Quick question: the link to the book you describe leads to a book of a different title: “Teach Yourself Writing a Novel”, not “Writing a Novel and Getting Published” (although both are by Nigel Watts).
Which book describes the eight-point story arc?
Another good book about story structure is “Story” by Robert McKee. Although mainly focused on movie plots, most of what he writes holds for stories in general.
Hi Jaguar,
They’re both the same book — just different editions. Both contain the 8 point story arc. The “Teach Yourself” one is the more recent edition.
Thanks, Ali.
Was not poison the cause of Romeo’s timeless end?
KRs, mongoose
Mongoose, thanks for spotting that — you’re completely right! I don’t know HOW I got that wrong.
I’ve amended the reference in the article now. Thanks again!
One of my favorite movies, “The Big Lebowski,” follows this structure exactly. Caution: although this film is hilarious, the “f” word is used quite often.
I know it won’t be a constructive comment, but at this point all I want to say is: Thank you for this post! I just started writing my own novel and am very unexperienced. But this eight-point-arc helped me a lot now, it gave me back the clear view of my work.
I ran through this article this morning but I wanted to write it on my notebook so I searched for it on the took a long while ‘coz I for got the title..a lesson time I’ll jot down right away when an article is worth remembering..thanks a lot! I’m an inexperienced writer and this helped me a lot!
Bill Rambo
One quibble — in terms of the tragedy, Romeo’s fatal choice is to challenge and kill Tybalt, after he killed Mercutio.
All the other wrong choices stem from that one, and it puts the responsibility for the rest of the tragic outcomes to some extent or another at his feet.
Dave Felton
Great article.
I realise it has been posted for some time but I have only just come across it.
Simple, effective advice.
Seneka Abeyratne
I’ve had Nigel Watts’ wonderful book for many years and read it ever so often.
The eight-point arc is handy even for writing plays and screenplays.
I’m a published playwright (Sri Lanka) and recently took a crack at writing my first screenplay — a kind of “art house” psychological drama set in Scandinavia.
Even though it has a non-linear plot, the eight-point arc was the template.
Thanks for this!
I am writing three stories – a storyboard for a machinima horror miniseries, a sci-fi children’s novel, and a role-playing fantasy game campaign for my 6th grade students.
This will work for all of them!
I’m really excited to use this and was imagining already the overall arc for each of the eight points.
Katheryn Lane
Thank you for the article.
A great summary of how to structure a good story
Matthew Akingbade
GORGEOUS!!! However, I am so glad that there are actually no rules about writing that are set in stone, yet this helps generalise the overall formula modern day creative writing uses.
What if the protagonist dies in the climax leaving 3 secondary characters behind? What happens to the other 2 points? How would it proceed?
This would be fun to do with other stories to help get the picture. I was thinking of The Wizard of Oz while reading the eight steps and wondering which part of the book/movie fit into the steps. ?
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