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&* phpMyVisites : website statistics and audience measurements
&* Copyright (C) 2002 - 2006
&* phpMyVisites is free software (license GNU/GPL)
&* Authors : phpMyVisites team
// Technical information
$lang['auteur_nom'] = &Leandro Batista Lameiro&; // Translator's name
$lang['auteur_email'] = &&; // Translator's email
$lang['charset'] = &utf-8&; // language file charset (utf-8 by default)
$lang['text_dir'] = &ltr&; // ('ltr' for left to right, 'rtl' for right to left)
$lang['lang_iso'] = &pt-br&; // iso language code
$lang['lang_libelle_en'] = &Portuguese&; // english language name
$lang['lang_libelle_fr'] = &Portugais&; // french language name
$lang['unites_bytes'] = array('Bytes', 'Kb', 'Mb', 'Gb', 'Tb', 'Pb', 'Eb', 'Zb', 'Yb');
$lang['separateur_milliers'] = '.'; // three thousands spells 300,000 in english
$lang['separateur_decimaux'] = ','; // Separator for the float part of a number
// HTML Markups
$lang['head_titre'] = &phpMyVisites | analisador de tr谩fico e estat铆sticas open source&; // Pages header's title
$lang['head_keywords'] = &phpmyvisites, php, script, programa, software, estat铆sticas, indica莽茫o, livre, open source, gpl, visitas, visitantes, mysql, p谩ginas vistas, p谩ginas, vistas, n煤mero de visitas, gr谩ficos, Browsers, so, sistema operacional, resolu莽玫es, dia, semana, m锚s, registros, pa铆s, host, provedor, site de busca, palavras-chave, referrers, gr谩ficos, p谩ginas de entrada, p谩ginas de sa铆da, gr谩ficos em pizza&; // Header keywords
$lang['head_description'] = &phpMyVisites | Um programa de estat铆sticas de web open source desenvolvido em PHP/MySQL e distribu铆do sob a GNU/GPL.&; // Header description
$lang['logo_description'] = &phpMyVisites : um programa de estat铆sticas de web open source em PHP/MySQL, distribu铆do sob a GPL.&; // This is the JS code description. Has to be short.
// Main menu & submenu
$lang['menu_visites'] = &Visitas&;
$lang['menu_pagesvues'] = &P谩ginas Vistas&;
$lang['menu_suivi'] = &Rastreamento&;
$lang['menu_provenance'] = &Origem&;
$lang['menu_configurations'] = &Configura莽玫es&;
$lang['menu_affluents'] = &Indica莽玫es&;
$lang['menu_listesites'] = &Lista de Sites&;
$lang['menu_bilansites'] = &Summary&;
$lang['menu_jour'] = &Dia&;
$lang['menu_semaine'] = &Semana&;
$lang['menu_mois'] = &M锚s&;
$lang['menu_annee'] = &Year&;
$lang['menu_periode'] = &Per铆odo Analisado: %s&; // Text formated (e.g.: Studied period: Thuesday, september the 11th)
$lang['liens_siteofficiel'] = &Site oficial&;
$lang['liens_admin'] = &Administra莽茫o&;
$lang['liens_contacts'] = &Contatos&;
$lang['generique_nombre'] = &N煤mero&;
$lang['generique_tauxsortie'] = &Taxa de Sa铆da&;
$lang['generique_ok'] = &OK&;
$lang['generique_timefooter'] = &P谩gina gerada em %s segundos&; // Time in seconds
$lang['generique_divers'] = &Outros&; // (for the graphs)
$lang['generique_inconnu'] = &Desconhecido&; // (for the graphs)
$lang['generique_vous'] = &... You ?&;
$lang['generique_traducteur'] = &Translator&;
$lang['generique_langue'] = &Language&;
$lang['generique_autrelangure'] = &Outras?&; // Other language, translations wanted
$lang['aucunvisiteur_titre'] = &No visitor in this period.&;
$lang['generique_aucune_visite_bdd'] = &&b&Warning ! &/b& You have no visitor recorded in the database for the current site. Please be sure you've installed your javascript code on your pages, with the correct phpMyVisites URL &u&IN&/u& the Javascript code. Try documentation for help.&;
$lang['generique_aucune_site_bdd'] = &No site registered in the database ! Try to Try to login as phpMyVisites Super User to add a new site.&;
$lang['generique_retourhaut'] = &Top&;
$lang['generique_tempsvisite'] = &%smin %ss&; // 3min 25s means 3 minutes and 25 seconds
$lang['generique_tempsheure'] = &%sh&; // 4h means 4 hours
$lang['generique_siteno'] = &Site %s&; // Site &phpmyvisites&
$lang['generique_newsletterno'] = &Newsletter %s&; // Newsletter &version 2 announcement&
$lang['generique_partnerno'] = &Partner %s&; // Partner &version 2 announcement&
$lang['generique_general'] = &General&;
$lang['generique_user'] = &User %s&; // User &Admin&
$lang['generique_previous'] = &Previous&;
$lang['generique_next'] = &Next&;
$lang['generique_lowpop'] = &Exclude low population from statistics&;
$lang['generique_allpop'] = &Include all the population in statistics&;
$lang['generique_to'] = &to&; // 4 'to' 8
$lang['generique_total_on'] = &on&; // 4 to 8 'on' 10
$lang['generique_total'] = &Total&;
$lang['generique_information'] = &Information&;
$lang['generique_done'] = &Done!&;
$lang['generique_other'] = &Other&;
$lang['generique_description'] = &Description:&;
$lang['generique_name'] = &Name:&;
$lang['generique_variables'] = &Variables&;
$lang['generique_logout'] = &Logout&;
$lang['generique_login'] = &Login&;
$lang['generique_hits'] = &Hits&;
$lang['generique_errors'] = &Errors&;
$lang['generique_site'] = &Site&;
$lang['generique_help_novisits'] = &Tip: Have you %s installed the tracker (javascript code) %s on your pages?&;
// Authentication
$lang['login_password'] = &senha : &; // lowercase
$lang['login_login'] = &login : &; // lowercase
$lang['login_error'] = &Imposs铆vel entrar. Login ou senha errados.&;
$lang['login_error_nopermission'] = &The user specified doesn't have any permission. Please ask the Super User to set up your website view/admin permissions in phpMyVisites.&;
$lang['login_protected'] = &You wish to enter a %sphpMyVisites%s protected area.&;
// Contacts & &Others ?&
$lang['contacts_titre'] = &Contatos&;
$lang['contacts_langue'] = &Tradu莽玫es&;
$lang['contacts_merci'] = &Agradecimentos&;
$lang['contacts_auteur'] = &O autor, documentador, e criados do projeto phpMyVisites 茅 &strong&Matthieu Aubry&/strong&.&;
$lang['contacts_questions'] = &Para &strong&d煤vidas t茅cnicas, avisos de bugs, sugest玫es&/strong& por favor use os f贸runs do website oficial %s. Para outros pedidos, por favor contate o autor usando o website oficial.&; // adresse du site
$lang['contacts_trad1'] = &Voc锚 quer traduzir o phpMyVisites para sua l铆ngua? N茫o hesite, porque o &&strong&phpMyVisites precisa de voc锚!&/strong&&;
$lang['contacts_trad2'] = &Traduzir o phpMyVisites vai tomar um pouco de seu tempo(algumas horas) e requer um bom conhecimento das l铆 mas lembre-se que &strong&qualquer trabalho que voc锚 fizer vai beneficiar um grande n煤mero de usu谩rios&/strong&. &Se voc锚 estiver interessado em traduzir o phpMyVisites voc锚 pode encontrar toda a informa莽茫o que voc锚 precisa no %s a documenta莽茫o oficial do phpMyVisites %s.&; // lien vers la doc
$lang['contacts_doc'] = &N茫o hesite consultar %s a documenta莽茫o oficial do phpMyVisites %s que lhe dar谩 muitas informa莽玫es sobre instala莽茫o, configura莽茫o e a funcionalidade do phpMyVisites. Esta est谩 dispon铆vel na sua vers茫o do phpMyVisites.&; // lien vers la doc
$lang['contacts_thanks_dev'] = &Thank you &strong&%s&/strong&, co-developers of phpMyVisites, for their high quality work on the project.&;
$lang['contacts_merci3'] = &N茫o hesite consultar a p谩gina de agradecimentos no site oficial para ter uma lista completa dos amigos do phpMyVisites.&;
$lang['contacts_merci2'] = &Um grande obrigado a todos que compartilharam sua cultura contribuindo com a tradu莽茫o do phpMyVisites:&;
// Rss & Mails
$lang['rss_titre'] = &Site %s on %s&; // Site MyHomePage on Sunday 29
$lang['rss_go'] = &Go to detailed statistics&;
$lang['mail_sender_name'] = &Web statistics (Automatic)&;
// Visits Part
$lang['visites_titre'] = &Informa莽玫es dos visitantes&;
$lang['visites_statistiques'] = &Estat铆sticas&;
$lang['visites_periodesel'] = &Para o per铆odo selecionado&;
$lang['visites_visites'] = &Visitas&;
$lang['visites_uniques'] = &Visitantes 煤nicos&;
$lang['visites_pagesvues'] = &P谩ginas vistas&;
$lang['visites_pagesvisiteurs'] = &P谩ginas por visitante&;
$lang['visites_pagesvisites'] = &Pages per visit&;
$lang['visites_pagesvisitessign'] = &Pages per significant visit&;
$lang['visites_tempsmoyen'] = &Dura莽茫o m茅dia de visita&;
$lang['visites_tempsmoyenpv'] = &Tempo m茅dio por p谩gina vista&;
$lang['visites_tauxvisite'] = &Taxa de visitas de uma p谩gina&;
$lang['visites_average_visits_per_day'] = &Average visits per day&;
$lang['visites_recapperiode'] = &Resumo do per铆odo&;
$lang['visites_nbvisites'] = &Visitas&;
$lang['visites_aucunevivisite'] = &Sem visitas&; // in the table, must be short
$lang['visites_recap'] = &Resumo&;
$lang['visites_unepage'] = &1 p谩gina&; // (graph)
$lang['visites_pages'] = &%s p谩ginas&; // 1-2 pages (graph)
$lang['visites_min'] = &%s min&; // 10-15 min (graph)
$lang['visites_sec'] = &%s s&; // 0-30 s (seconds, graph)
$lang['visites_grapghrecap'] = &Gr谩fico do resumo das estat铆sticas&;
$lang['visites_grapghrecaplongterm'] = &Graph to show long term statistics summary&;
$lang['visites_graphtempsvisites'] = &Gr谩fico da dura莽茫o das visitas por visitante&;
$lang['visites_graphtempsvisitesimg'] = &Dura莽茫o das visitas por visitante&;
$lang['visites_graphheureserveur'] = &Gr谩fico das visitas por hora do servidor&;
$lang['visites_graphheureserveurimg'] = &Visitas por hora do servidor&;
$lang['visites_graphheurevisiteur'] = &Gr谩fico das visitas por hora do visitante&;
$lang['visites_graphheurelocalimg'] = &Visitas em tempo local&;
$lang['visites_longterm_statd'] = &Long term Analysis (Days of the Period)&;
$lang['visites_longterm_statm'] = &Long term Analysis (Months in the Period)&;
// Sites Summary
$lang['summary_title'] = &Site Summary&;
$lang['summary_stitle'] = &Summary&;
// Frequency Part
$lang['frequence_titre'] = &Returning visitors&;
$lang['frequence_nouveauxconnusgraph'] = &Graph to show New vs Returning visits&;
$lang['frequence_nouveauxconnus'] = &New vs Returning visits&;
$lang['frequence_titremenu'] = &Frequency&;
$lang['frequence_visitesconnues'] = &Returning visits&;
$lang['frequence_nouvellesvisites'] = &New visits&;
$lang['frequence_visiteursconnus'] = &Returning visitors&;
$lang['frequence_nouveauxvisiteurs'] = &New visitors&;
$lang['frequence_returningrate'] = &Returning rate&;
$lang['pagesvues_vispervisgraph'] = &Graph to show number of visits per visitor&;
$lang['frequence_vispervis'] = &Number of visits per visitor&;
$lang['frequence_vis'] = &visit&;
$lang['frequence_visit'] = &1 visit&; // (graph)
$lang['frequence_visits'] = &%s visits&; // (graph)
// Seen Pages
$lang['pagesvues_titre'] = &Informa莽茫o de p谩ginas vistas&;
$lang['pagesvues_joursel'] = &Dia Selecionado&;
$lang['pagesvues_jmoins7'] = &Dia - 7&;
$lang['pagesvues_jmoins14'] = &Dia - 14&;
$lang['pagesvues_moyenne'] = &(m茅dia)&;
$lang['pagesvues_pagesvues'] = &P谩ginas vistas&;
$lang['pagesvues_pagesvudiff'] = &P谩ginas vistas 煤nicas&;
$lang['pagesvues_recordpages'] = &Maior n煤mero de paginas do visitante&;
$lang['pagesvues_tabdetails'] = &P谩ginas vistas (de %s 脿 %s)&; // (de 1 & 21)
$lang['pagesvues_graphsnbpages'] = &Gr谩fico do numero de visitas por p谩ginas vistas&;
$lang['pagesvues_graphnbvisitespageimg'] = &Visitas por n煤mero de p谩ginas vistas&;
$lang['pagesvues_graphheureserveur'] = &Gr谩fico das visitas pelo tempo no servidor&;
$lang['pagesvues_graphheureserveurimg'] = &Visitas por tempo no servidor&;
$lang['pagesvues_graphheurevisiteur'] = &Gr谩fico das visitas por tempo local&;
$lang['pagesvues_graphpageslocalimg'] = &Visitas por tempo local&;
$lang['pagesvues_tempsparpage'] = &Time by page&;
$lang['pagesvues_total_time'] = &Total time&;
$lang['pagesvues_avg_time'] = &Average time&;
$lang['pagesvues_help_pagename'] = &Did you know that you can give a friendly name to your pages?&;
$lang['pagesvues_help_track_dls'] = &Did you know that you can track Downloads, and external Urls redirection?&;
// Follows-Up
$lang['suivi_titre'] = &Movimenta莽茫o dos visitantes&;
$lang['suivi_pageentree'] = &P谩ginas de Entrada&;
$lang['suivi_pagesortie'] = &P谩ginas de Sa铆da&;
$lang['suivi_tauxsortie'] = &Taxa de sa铆da&;
$lang['suivi_pageentreehits'] = &Entry hits&;
$lang['suivi_pagesortiehits'] = &Exit hits&;
$lang['suivi_singlepage'] = &Single Pages visits&;
$lang['provenance_titre'] = &Origem dos visitantes&;
$lang['provenance_recappays'] = &Resumo dos pa铆ses&;
$lang['provenance_pays'] = &Pa铆ses&;
$lang['provenance_paysimg'] = &Gr谩fico de visitantes por pa铆s&;
$lang['provenance_fai'] = &Provedor&;
$lang['provenance_nbpays'] = &Number of different countries : %s&;
$lang['provenance_provider'] = &Provedor&; // same as $lang['provenance_fai'], but not if $lang['provenance_fai'] is too long
$lang['provenance_continent'] = &Continente&;
$lang['provenance_mappemonde'] = &Mapa Mundi&;
$lang['provenance_interetspays'] = &Countries Interests&;
$lang['configurations_titre'] = &Configura莽玫es dos Visitantes&;
$lang['configurations_os'] = &Sistemas Operacionais&;
$lang['configurations_osimg'] = &Gr谩ficos mostrando o sistema operacional dos visitantes&;
$lang['configurations_navigateurs'] = &Browsers&;
$lang['configurations_navigateursimg'] = &Gr谩fico mostrando os browsers dos vistantes&;
$lang['configurations_resolutions'] = &Resolu莽茫o de tela&;
$lang['configurations_resolutionsimg'] = &Gr谩fico mostrando a resolu莽茫o de tela dos visitantes&;
$lang['configurations_couleurs'] = &Qualidade de cor&;
$lang['configurations_couleursimg'] = &Gr谩fico mostrando a qualidade de cor dos visitantes&;
$lang['configurations_rapport'] = &Normal/widescreen&;
$lang['configurations_large'] = &Widescreen&;
$lang['configurations_normal'] = &Normal&;
$lang['configurations_double'] = &Dual Screen&;
$lang['configurations_plugins'] = &Plugins&; // TODO : translate
$lang['configurations_navigateursbytype'] = &Browsers (by type)&; // TODO : translate
$lang['configurations_navigateursbytypeimg'] = &Graph to show browsers types&; // TODO : translate
$lang['configurations_os_interest'] = &Operating Systems Interest&;
$lang['configurations_navigateurs_interest'] = &Browsers Interest&;
$lang['configurations_resolutions_interest'] = &Screen Resolutions Interest&;
$lang['configurations_couleurs_interest'] = &Color Depth Interest&;
$lang['configurations_configurations'] = &Top settings&;
// Referers
$lang['affluents_titre'] = &Indica莽玫es&;
$lang['affluents_recapimg'] = &Gr谩fico de visitantes por indica莽茫o&;
$lang['affluents_directimg'] = &Direta&;
$lang['affluents_sitesimg'] = &Sites&;
$lang['affluents_moteursimg'] = &Mecanismos&;
$lang['affluents_referrersimg'] = &Indica莽玫es&;
$lang['affluents_moteurs'] = &Mecanismos de Busca&;
$lang['affluents_nbparmoteur'] = &Visitas vindas de mecanismos de busca: %s&;
$lang['affluents_aucunmoteur'] = &Nenhuma visita veio de mecanismos de busca.&;
$lang['affluents_motscles'] = &Palavras Chave&;
$lang['affluents_nbmotscles'] = &Palavras-Chave distintas: %s&;
$lang['affluents_aucunmotscles'] = &Nenhuma palavra-chave encontrada.&;
$lang['affluents_sitesinternet'] = &Sites&;
$lang['affluents_nbautressites'] = &Visitas vindas de outros sites : %s&;
$lang['affluents_nbautressitesdiff'] = &N煤mero de sites diferentes: %s&;
$lang['affluents_aucunautresite'] = &Nenhuma visita vinda de outros sites.&;
$lang['affluents_entreedirecte'] = &Requisi莽茫o direta&;
$lang['affluents_nbentreedirecte'] = &Visitas por requisi莽茫o direta: %s&;
$lang['affluents_nbpartenaires'] = &Visits provided by partners : %s&;
$lang['affluents_aucunpartenaire'] = &No visits were provided by partners sites.&;
$lang['affluents_nbnewsletters'] = &Visits provided by newsletters : %s&;
$lang['affluents_aucunnewsletter'] = &No visits were provided by newsletters.&;
$lang['affluents_details'] = &Detalhes&; // In the results of the referers array
$lang['affluents_interetsmoteurs'] = &Search Engines Interests&;
$lang['affluents_interetsmotscles'] = &Keywords Interests&;
$lang['affluents_interetssitesinternet'] = &Websites Interests&;
$lang['affluents_partenairesimg'] = &Partners&;
$lang['affluents_partenaires'] = &Partners&;
$lang['affluents_interetspartenaires'] = &Partners Interests&;
$lang['affluents_newslettersimg'] = &Newsletters&;
$lang['affluents_newsletters'] = &Newsletters&;
$lang['affluents_interetsnewsletters'] = &Newsletters Interests&;
$lang['affluents_type'] = &Referer type&;
$lang['affluents_interetstype'] = &Access type Interests&;
// Summary
$lang['purge_titre'] = &Resumo das visitas e indica莽玫es&;
$lang['purge_intro'] = &Este per铆odo foi removido na administra莽茫o, apenas as estat铆sticas essenciais foram mantidas.&;
$lang['admin_purge'] = &Manuten莽茫o do banco de dados&;
$lang['admin_purgeintro'] = &Esta se莽茫o permite que voc锚 administre as tabelas usadas pelo phpMyVisites. Voc锚 pode ver o espa莽o em disco usado pelas tabelas, otimiz谩-las ou remover registros antigos. Voce tamb茅m poder谩 limitar o espa莽o das suas tabelas no banco de dados.&;
$lang['admin_optimisation'] = &Otimiza莽茫o de [ %s ]...&; // Tables names
$lang['admin_postopt'] = &O tamanho total foi diminu铆do de %chiffres% %unites%&; // 28 Kb
$lang['admin_purgeres'] = &Remover os seguintes per铆odos: %s&;
$lang['admin_purge_fini'] = &Terminou de deletar as tabelas...&;
$lang['admin_bdd_nom'] = &Nome&;
$lang['admin_bdd_enregistrements'] = &Registros&;
$lang['admin_bdd_taille'] = &Tamanho da tabela&;
$lang['admin_bdd_opt'] = &Otimizar&;
$lang['admin_bdd_purge'] = &Crit茅rio de Remo莽茫o&;
$lang['admin_bdd_optall'] = &Otimizar Todas&;
$lang['admin_purge_j'] = &Remover registros com mais de %s dias&;
$lang['admin_purge_s'] = &Remover registros com mais de %s semanas&;
$lang['admin_purge_m'] = &Remover registros com mais de %s meses&;
$lang['admin_purge_y'] = &Remove records older than %s years&;
$lang['admin_purge_logs'] = &Remover todos os logs&;
$lang['admin_purge_autres'] = &Remover comuns 脿 tabela '%s'&;
$lang['admin_purge_none'] = &Nenhuma a莽茫o poss铆vel&;
$lang['admin_purge_cal'] = &Calcular e remover (isto pode levar alguns minutos)&;
$lang['admin_alias_title'] = &Website aliases and URLs&;
$lang['admin_partner_title'] = &Website partners&;
$lang['admin_newsletter_title'] = &Website newsletters&;
$lang['admin_ip_exclude_title'] = &IP address ranges to exclude from the statistics&;
$lang['admin_name'] = &Name:&;
$lang['admin_error_ip'] = &IP has to be in correct format: %s&;
$lang['admin_site_name'] = &Site Name&;
$lang['admin_site_url'] = &Site main URL&;
$lang['admin_db_log'] = &Try to login as phpMyVisites Super User to change database settings.&;
$lang['admin_error_critical'] = &Error, needs to be repaired for phpMyVisites to work.&;
$lang['admin_warning'] = &Warning, phpMyVisites will work correctly but maybe some extra features won't.&;
$lang['admin_move_group'] = &Move to group:&;
$lang['admin_move_select'] = &Select a group&;
$lang['admin_site_select'] = &Site to administrate&;
$lang['admin_intro'] = &Bemvindo 脿 area de configura莽茫o do phpMyVisites. Voc锚 pode modificar todas as informa莽玫es relacionadas 脿 sua instala莽茫o. Se voc锚 tiver n茫o hesite consultar consultar %s a documenta莽茫o oficial do phpMyVisites %s.&; // link to the doc
$lang['admin_configetperso'] = &Configura莽玫es Gerais&;
$lang['admin_afficherjavascript'] = &Mostrar c贸digo JavaScript de estat铆sticas&;
$lang['admin_cookieadmin'] = &N茫o contar o administrador nas estat铆sticas&;
$lang['admin_ip_ranges'] = &Don't count IP/IP ranges in the statistics&;
$lang['admin_sitesenregistres'] = &Sites registrados:&;
$lang['admin_retour'] = &Voltar&;
$lang['admin_cookienavigateur'] = &Voc锚 pode excluir o Administrador das estat铆sticas. Este m茅todo 茅 baseado em cookies e esta op莽茫o s贸 vai funcionar com este browser. Voc锚 pode mudar essa op莽茫o 脿 qualquer hora.&;
$lang['admin_prendreencompteadmin'] = &Contar o administrador nas estat铆sticas (deletar o cookie)&;
$lang['admin_nepasprendreencompteadmin'] = &N茫o contar o administrador nas estat铆sticas (criar o cookie)&;
$lang['admin_etatcookieoui'] = &O Administrador 茅 contado nas estat铆sticas para este site (Esta 茅 a configura莽茫o padr茫o, voc锚 茅 contado como um visitante normal)&;
$lang['admin_etatcookienon'] = &Voc锚 n茫o 茅 contado nas estat铆sticas para este site (Suas visitas n茫o ser茫o contadas neste site)&;
$lang['admin_deleteconfirm'] = &Please confirm that you want to delete %s?&;
$lang['admin_sitedeletemessage'] = &Please &u&be very careful&/u&: all data associated to that Site will be deleted &br&and there won't be any way to recover the data loss.&;
$lang['admin_confirmyes'] = &Yes, I want to delete it&;
$lang['admin_confirmno'] = &No, I don't want to delete it&;
$lang['admin_nonewsletter'] = &No newsletter found for this site!&;
$lang['admin_nopartner'] = &No Partner found for this site!&;
$lang['admin_get_question'] = &Record GET variable? (URL variables)&;
$lang['admin_get_a1'] = &Record ALL URL variables&;
$lang['admin_get_a2'] = &Do NOT record any URL variable&;
$lang['admin_get_a3'] = &Record ONLY specified variables&;
$lang['admin_get_a4'] = &Record all EXCEPT specified variables&;
$lang['admin_get_default_pdf'] = &PDF report :&;
$lang['admin_get_default_pdfdefault'] = &Defaut PDF report&;
$lang['admin_get_default_theme'] = &Visual theme for this site:&;
$lang['admin_get_list'] = &Variable names (&b&;&/b& separated list) &br/&Example : %s&;
$lang['admin_required'] = &%s is required.&;
$lang['admin_title_required'] = &Required&;
$lang['admin_write_dir'] = &Writable directories&;
$lang['admin_chmod_howto'] = &These directories need to be writable by the server. This means you have to chmod 777 them, with your FTP software (right-click on the directory -& Permissions (or chmod))&;
$lang['admin_optional'] = &Optional&;
$lang['admin_memory_limit'] = &Memory limit&;
$lang['admin_allowed'] = &allowed&;
$lang['admin_webserver'] = &Web server&;
$lang['admin_server_os'] = &Server OS&;
$lang['admin_server_time'] = &Server time&;
$lang['admin_legend'] = &Legend:&;
$lang['admin_error_url'] = &URL has to be in a correct format : %s (without slash at the end)&;
$lang['admin_url_n'] = &URL %s:&;
$lang['admin_url_aliases'] = &URLs aliases&;
$lang['admin_logo_question'] = &Display logo?&;
$lang['admin_type_again'] = &(type again)&;
$lang['admin_admin_mail'] = &Super Administrator email&;
$lang['admin_admin'] = &Super Administrator&;
$lang['admin_phpmv_path'] = &Complete path to the phpMyVisites application&;
$lang['admin_valid_email'] = &Email has to be a valid email&;
$lang['admin_valid_pass'] = &Password must be more complex (6 characters minimum, must contain numbers)&;
$lang['admin_match_pass'] = &Passwords do not match&;
$lang['admin_no_user_group'] = &No user in this group for this site&;
$lang['admin_recorded_nl'] = &Recorded newsletters:&;
$lang['admin_recorded_partners'] = &Recorded partners:&;
$lang['admin_recorded_users'] = &Recorded users:&;
$lang['admin_select_site_title'] = &Please select a site&;
$lang['admin_select_user_title'] = &Please select a user&;
$lang['admin_no_user_registered'] = &No user registered!&;
$lang['admin_configuration'] = &Configuration&;
$lang['admin_general_conf'] = &General configuration&;
$lang['admin_group_title'] = &Groups manager (permissions)&;
$lang['admin_user_title'] = &User management&;
$lang['admin_user_add'] = &Add user&;
$lang['admin_user_mod'] = &Modify user&;
$lang['admin_user_del'] = &Delete user&;
$lang['admin_user_oldPwd'] = &Old password&;
$lang['admin_user_oldPwd_bad'] = &Old password incorrect.&;
$lang['admin_server_info'] = &Server Information&;
$lang['admin_send_mail'] = &Send statistics by email&;
$lang['admin_rss_feed'] = &Statistics in a RSS feed&;
$lang['admin_rss_feed_specific_site'] = &Website '%s' Statistics - RSS&; // site 2
$lang['admin_site_admin'] = &Site Administration&;
$lang['admin_site_add'] = &Add site&;
$lang['admin_site_mod'] = &Modify site&;
$lang['admin_site_del'] = &Delete site&;
$lang['admin_nl_add'] = &Add newsletter&;
$lang['admin_nl_mod'] = &Modify newsletter&;
$lang['admin_nl_del'] = &Delete newsletter&;
$lang['admin_partner_add'] = &Add partner&;
$lang['admin_partner_mod'] = &Modify partner's name and URL&;
$lang['admin_partner_del'] = &Delete partner&;
$lang['admin_url_alias'] = &URL alias Manager&;
$lang['admin_group_admin_n'] = &View statistics + Admin permission&;
$lang['admin_group_admin_d'] = &Users can view site statistics AND edit site information (name, add cookie, exclude IP ranges, manage URLs alias/partners/newsletters, etc.)&;
$lang['admin_group_view_n'] = &View statistics&;
$lang['admin_group_view_d'] = &User can only view site statistics. No admin permission.&;
$lang['admin_group_noperm_n'] = &No permission&;
$lang['admin_group_noperm_d'] = &Users in this group don't have any permission to view statistics or edit information.&;
$lang['admin_group_stitle'] = &You can edit user's groups by selecting the users you want to change, and then select a group in which you want to move the selected users.&;
$lang['admin_url_generate_download_link_example'] = &Download file adress Or URL redirection to an external website&;
$lang['admin_url_generate_title'] = &File download / Url redirection : Url generator&;
$lang['admin_url_generate_intro'] = &phpMyVisites can count your file downloads, and can also track external clicks to URLs. Downloads and URLs tracked will appear in the 'Pages views' section of phpMyVisites.&/p&&p class='texte'& To achieve this, you have to use a URL that points to the phpmyvisites file, then it will redirect to the URL you need. Because it is not trivial to generate such a URL, here is a tool that will make it simple (because phpMyVisites must be a simple but powerful experience for all of us). Simply fill in the form, click the 'Generate URL' button, and you will count your file downloads or external URL redirections very easily!&;
$lang['admin_url_generate_site_selection'] = &Select the site for which you want to count a file download or a URL redirection&;
$lang['admin_url_generate_tag_selection'] = &Select the tag for which you want to count a file download or a URL redirection&;
$lang['admin_url_generate_enter_url'] = &Enter your file complete adress or the external Url you want to track in the statistics:&;
$lang['admin_url_generate_help_enter_url'] = &Help: It must be like '&b&/file/' or for any URL redirection '&b&http://www.the-site-&/b&'&;
$lang['admin_url_generate_friendly_name'] = &Friendly name of the file / URL that will be used in the page views table:&;
$lang['admin_url_generate_help_friendly_name'] = &Help: You can classify the 'files / Url redirection' in categories for a better display in the Pages view section in phpMyVisites. You can separate the category and the files or Url redirections with the character '&b&/&/b&'. For example, the Name can be '&b&my photos download/Summer in France&/b&' or '&b&Partners/ website&/b&' : it will classify respectively in the folder '&b&my photos downloads&/b&' or in the folder '&b&Partners&/b&' : you will see them in folders in the 'Pages view' section in your phpMyVisites interface.&;
$lang['admin_url_generate_result_url'] = &Here is the URL you can link to: &;
$lang['admin_url_generate_html_result'] = &If it is useful for you, here is the HTML Link you can use:&;
$lang['admin_url_generate_html_onclick'] = &Here is the HTML using onclick event:&;
$lang['admin_url_generate_image_legend'] = &Example of Pages views with URL redirection and file download tracking:&;
$lang['admin_site_link_javascript'] = &%s Now you have to install the tracker on your pages (copy paste the Javascript code). Click to display the javascript code. %s&;
$lang['admin_last_version'] = &Do you have phpMyVisites last version? (Recommended!)&;
$lang['admin_general_config_firstday'] = &First day of the calendar?&;
$lang['admin_default_language'] = &Default language? &br/&It will also be the default language for emails.&;
$lang['admin_back_statisitics'] = &Go to statistics&;
// Pdf export
$lang['pdf_generate_link'] = &Generate a PDF presenting all statistics for site %s&;
$lang['pdf_summary_generate_link'] = &Generate a PDF presenting a statistics summary&;
$lang['pdf_free_page'] = &Free new page&;
$lang['pdf_free_chapter'] = &Free title chapter&;
$lang['pdf_page_break'] = &Page break&;
$lang['pdf_page_summary'] = &Summary&;
$lang['generique_pdfno'] = &PDF %s&; // Newsletter &version 2 announcement&
$lang['admin_pdf_title'] = &Website PDF&;
$lang['admin_nopdf'] = &No pdf found for this site!&;
$lang['admin_recorded_pdf'] = &Recorded PDFs:&;
$lang['admin_pdf_add'] = &Add PDF&;
$lang['admin_pdf_mod'] = &Modify PDF&;
$lang['admin_pdf_del'] = &Delete PDF&;
$lang['generique_pdf'] = &PDF&;
$lang['pdf_lib_show_interest'] = &Interest array is displayed&;
$lang['pdf_lib_hide_interest'] = &Interest array is hidden&;
$lang['pdf_lib_show_all'] = &Details are displayed&;
$lang['pdf_lib_hide_all'] = &Data are limited in size&;
$lang['pdf_lib_edit_text'] = &Edit this text&;
$lang['pdf_lib_need_at_least_one_page'] = &You first have to create an 'empty page'&;
$lang['pdf_lib_can_not_add_chapter'] = &Can't set an element before a page is created.&;
$lang['pdf_lib_pdf_name_mandatory'] = &Name is mandatory&;
$lang['pdf_lib_pdf_expand_all'] = &Expand all&;
$lang['pdf_lib_pdf_collapse_all'] = &Collapse all&;
$lang['pdf_create_from_interface'] = &Create a personalized pdf report!&;
$lang['pdf_complete'] = &PDF Complete report&;
// Installation Step
$lang['install_loginmysql'] = &Login do banco de dados&;
$lang['install_mdpmysql'] = &Senha do banco de dados&;
$lang['install_serveurmysql'] = &Servidor de banco de dados&;
$lang['install_basemysql'] = &Nome do banco de dados&;
$lang['install_prefixetable'] = &Prefixo da tabela&;
$lang['install_utilisateursavances'] = &Usu谩rios Avan莽ados (Opcional)&;
$lang['install_oui'] = &Sim&;
$lang['install_non'] = &N茫o&;
$lang['install_ok'] = &OK&;
$lang['install_probleme'] = &Problema: &;
$lang['install_DirectoriesWriteError'] = &&b&Problem! &/b&&br/&Cannot write in the folder(s) %s Please verify that you have the rights necessary to create files on the server (try to CHMOD 755 the folder with your FTP software : right click on the directory -& Permissions (or CHMOD). &br/&&br/&If the CHMOD doesn't work with your FTP software, try to delete (if it exists) the directories, and create them with your FTP software.&;
$lang['install_loginadmin'] = &Login do Administrador:&;
$lang['install_mdpadmin'] = &Senha do Administrador:&;
$lang['install_chemincomplet'] = &Caminho completo para o phpMyVisites (como /rep1/rep3/phpmyvisites/). O caminho precisa terminar com uma &strong&/&/strong&.&;
$lang['install_afficherlogo'] = &Mostrar o logo em suas p谩ginas? %s &br /&By allowing the display of the logo on your site, you will help publicize phpMyVisites and help it evolve more rapidly. &It is also a way to thank the author who has spent many hours developing this Open Source, free application.&; // %s replaced by the logo image
$lang['install_affichergraphique'] = &Mostrar gr谩ficos de estat铆sticas&;
$lang['install_valider'] = &Validar&; // &during installation and for login
$lang['install_popup_logo'] = &Please select a logo&; // TODO : translate
$lang['install_logodispo'] = &See the various logos available&; // TODO : translate
$lang['install_welcome'] = &Welcome!&;
$lang['install_system_requirements'] = &System Requirements&;
$lang['install_database_setup'] = &Database Setup&;
$lang['install_create_tables'] = &Table creation&;
$lang['install_general_setup'] = &General Setup&;
$lang['install_create_config_file'] = &Create Config File&;
$lang['install_first_website_setup'] = &Add First Website&;
$lang['install_display_javascript_code'] = &Display Javascript code&;
$lang['install_finish'] = &Finished!&;
$lang['install_txt2'] = &No final da instala莽茫o, um pedido ser谩 feito ao site oficial para nos ajudar a ter id茅ia do n煤mero de pessoas usando phpMyVisites. Obrigado pela compreens茫o.&;
$lang['install_database_setup_txt'] = &Please enter your Database settings.&;
$lang['install_general_config_text'] = &phpMyVisites will have only one administrator user who has full access to view/modify everything. Please choose a username and password for your super administrator account. You can add additional users later.&;
$lang['install_config_file'] = & Admin user info entered successfully.&;
$lang['install_js_code_text'] = &&p&To count all visitors, you must insert the javascript code on all of your pages. &/p&&p& Your pages do not have to be made with PHP, &strong&phpMyVisites will work on all kinds of pages (whether it is HTML, ASP, Perl or any other languages).&/strong& &/p&&p& Here is the code you have to insert: (copy and paste on all your pages) &/p&&;
$lang['install_intro'] = &Welcome to the phpMyVisites installation.&;
$lang['install_intro2'] = &This process is split up into %s easy steps and will take around 10 minutes.&;
$lang['install_next_step'] = &Go to next step&;
$lang['install_status'] = &Installation Status&;
$lang['install_done'] = &Installation %s%% complete&; // Install 25% complete
$lang['install_site_success'] = &Website created with success!&;
$lang['install_site_info'] = &Please type in all information about the first website.&;
$lang['install_go_phpmv'] = &Go to phpMyVisites!&;
$lang['install_congratulation'] = &Congratulations! Your phpMyVisites installation is complete.&;
$lang['install_end_text'] = &Make sure your javascript code is entered on your pages, and wait for your first visitors!&;
$lang['install_db_ok'] = &Connection to database server ok!&;
$lang['install_table_exist'] = &phpMyVisites tables already exist in the database.&;
$lang['install_table_choice'] = &Either choose to reuse the existing database tables or select a clean install to erase all existing data in the database.&;
$lang['install_table_erase'] = &Erase all tables (be careful!)&;
$lang['install_table_reuse'] = &Reuse existing tables&;
$lang['install_table_success'] = &Tables created with success!&;
$lang['install_send_mail'] = &Receive an email each day per website containing statistics summary?&;
// Update Step
$lang['update_title'] = &Update phpMyVisites&;
$lang['update_subtitle'] = &We detect that you are updating phpMyVisites.&;
$lang['update_versions'] = &Your previous version was %s and we have updated it to %s.&;
$lang['update_db_updated'] = &Your database was successfully updated!&;
$lang['update_continue'] = &Continue to phpMyVisites&;
$lang['update_jschange'] = &Warning! &br /& The phpMyVisites javascript code has been modified. You MUST update your pages and copy/paste the new phpMyVisites Javascript on ALL your configured sites. &br /& The changes made to javascript code are rare, we apologies for the trouble we are taking you through with this change.&; // TODO : translate
%daylong% // Monday
%dayshort% // Mon
%daynumeric% // 27
%monthlong% // Febuary
%monthshort% // Feb
%monthnumeric% // 02
%yearlong% // 2004
%yearshort% // 04
// Monday February 10 2004
$lang['tdate1'] = &%daylong% %monthlong% %daynumeric% %yearlong%&;
// Monday 10
$lang['tdate2'] = &%daylong% %daynumeric%&;
// Week February 10 To February 17 2004
$lang['tdate3'] = &Week %monthlong% %daynumeric% To %monthlong2% %daynumeric2% %yearlong%&;
// February 2004 Month
$lang['tdate4'] = &%monthlong% %yearlong% Month&;
// December 2003
$lang['tdate5'] = &%monthlong% %yearlong%&;
// 10 Febuary week
$lang['tdate6'] = &%daynumeric% %monthlong% week&;
// 10-02-2003 // February 2 2003
$lang['tdate7'] = &%daynumeric%-%monthnumeric%-%yearlong%&;
// Mon 10 (Only for Graphs purpose)
$lang['tdate8'] = &%dayshort% %daynumeric%&;
// Week 10 Feb (Only for Graphs purpose)
$lang['tdate9'] = & Week %daynumeric% %monthshort%&;
// Dec 04 (Only for Graphs purpose)
$lang['tdate10'] = &%monthshort% %yearshort%&;
// Year 2004
$lang['tdate11'] = &Year %yearlong%&;
$lang['tdate12'] = &%yearlong%&;
$lang['tdate13'] = &%daynumeric%&;
$lang['moistab']['01'] = &Janeiro&;
$lang['moistab']['02'] = &Fevereiro&;
$lang['moistab']['03'] = &Mar莽o&;
$lang['moistab']['04'] = &Abril&;
$lang['moistab']['05'] = &Maio&;
$lang['moistab']['06'] = &Junho&;
$lang['moistab']['07'] = &Julho&;
$lang['moistab']['08'] = &Agosto&;
$lang['moistab']['09'] = &Setembro&;
$lang['moistab']['10'] = &Outubro&;
$lang['moistab']['11'] = &Novembro&;
$lang['moistab']['12'] = &Dezembro&;
// Months (Graph purpose, 4 chars max)
$lang['moistab_graph']['01'] = &Jan&;
$lang['moistab_graph']['02'] = &Fev&;
$lang['moistab_graph']['03'] = &Mar&;
$lang['moistab_graph']['04'] = &Abr&;
$lang['moistab_graph']['05'] = &Mai&;
$lang['moistab_graph']['06'] = &Jun&;
$lang['moistab_graph']['07'] = &Jul&;
$lang['moistab_graph']['08'] = &Ago&;
$lang['moistab_graph']['09'] = &Set&;
$lang['moistab_graph']['10'] = &Out&;
$lang['moistab_graph']['11'] = &Nov&;
$lang['moistab_graph']['12'] = &Dez&;
// Day of the week
$lang['jsemaine']['Mon'] = &Segunda-Feira&;
$lang['jsemaine']['Tue'] = &Ter莽a-Feira&;
$lang['jsemaine']['Wed'] = &Quarta-Feira&;
$lang['jsemaine']['Thu'] = &Quinta-Feira&;
$lang['jsemaine']['Fri'] = &Sexta-Feira&;
$lang['jsemaine']['Sat'] = &S谩bado&;
$lang['jsemaine']['Sun'] = &Domingo&;
// Day of the week (Graph purpose, 4 chars max)
$lang['jsemaine_graph']['Mon'] = &Seg&;
$lang['jsemaine_graph']['Tue'] = &Ter&;
$lang['jsemaine_graph']['Wed'] = &Qua&;
$lang['jsemaine_graph']['Thu'] = &Qui&;
$lang['jsemaine_graph']['Fri'] = &Sex&;
$lang['jsemaine_graph']['Sat'] = &Sab&;
$lang['jsemaine_graph']['Sun'] = &Dom&;
// First letter of each day, weekdays ordered
$lang['calendrier_jours'][0] = &M&;
$lang['calendrier_jours'][1] = &T&;
$lang['calendrier_jours'][2] = &W&;
$lang['calendrier_jours'][3] = &T&;
$lang['calendrier_jours'][4] = &F&;
$lang['calendrier_jours'][5] = &S&;
$lang['calendrier_jours'][6] = &S&;
$lang['weekdays']['Mon'] = '1';
$lang['weekdays']['Tue'] = '2';
$lang['weekdays']['Wed'] = '3';
$lang['weekdays']['Thu'] = '4';
$lang['weekdays']['Fri'] = '5';
$lang['weekdays']['Sat'] = '6';
$lang['weekdays']['Sun'] = '7';
// Continents
$lang['eur'] = &Europa&;
$lang['afr'] = &脕frica&;
$lang['asi'] = &Asia&;
$lang['ams'] = &Am茅rica do Sul e Central&;
$lang['amn'] = &Am茅rica do Norte&;
$lang['oce'] = &Oceania&;
$lang['oc_pac'] = &Pacific Ocean&; // TODO : translate
$lang['oc_atl'] = &Atlantic Ocean&; // TODO : translate
$lang['oc_ind'] = &Indian Ocean&; // TODO : translate
// Countries
$lang['domaines'] = array(
& & &xx& =& &Unknown&,
& & &ac& =& &Ascension Islands&,
& & &ad& =& &Andorra&,
& & &ae& =& &United Arab Emirates&,
& & &af& =& &Afghanistan&,
& & &ag& =& &Antigua and Barbuda&,
& & &ai& =& &Anguilla&,
& & &al& =& &Albania&,
& & &am& =& &Armenia&,
& & &an& =& &Netherlands Antilles&,
& & &ao& =& &Angola&,
& & &aq& =& &Antarctica&,
& & &ar& =& &Argentina&,
& & &as& =& &American Samoa&,
& & &at& =& &Austria&,
& & &au& =& &Australia&,
& & &aw& =& &Aruba&,
& & &az& =& &Azerbaijan&,
& & &ba& =& &Bosnia and Herzegovina&,
& & &bb& =& &Barbados&,
& & &bd& =& &Bangladesh&,
& & &be& =& &Belgium&,
& & &bf& =& &Burkina Faso&,
& & &bg& =& &Bulgaria&,
& & &bh& =& &Bahrain&,
& & &bi& =& &Burundi&,
& & &bj& =& &Benin&,
& & &bm& =& &Bermuda&,
& & &bn& =& &Bruneo&,
& & &bo& =& &Bolivia&,
& & &br& =& &Brazil&,
& & &bs& =& &Bahamas&,
& & &bt& =& &Bhutan&,
& & &bv& =& &Bouvet Island&,
& & &bw& =& &Botswana&,
& & &by& =& &Belarus&,
& & &bz& =& &Belize&,
& & &ca& =& &Canada&,
& & &cc& =& &Cocos (Keeling) Islands&,
& & &cd& =& &Congo, The Democratic Republic of the&,
& & &cf& =& &Central African Republic&,
& & &cg& =& &Congo&,
& & &ch& =& &Switzerland&,
& & &ci& =& &Cote D'Ivoire&,
& & &ck& =& &Cook Islands&,
& & &cl& =& &Chile&,
& & &cm& =& &Cameroon&,
& & &cn& =& &China&,
& & &co& =& &Colombia&,
& & &cr& =& &Costa Rica&,
& & & & &cs& =& &Serbia Montenegro&,
& & &cu& =& &Cuba&,
& & &cv& =& &Cape Verde&,
& & &cx& =& &Christmas Island&,
& & &cy& =& &Cyprus&,
& & &cz& =& &Czech Republic&,
& & &de& =& &Germany&,
& & &dj& =& &Djibouti&,
& & &dk& =& &Denmark&,
& & &dm& =& &Dominica&,
& & &do& =& &Dominican Republic&,
& & &dz& =& &Algeria&,
& & &ec& =& &Ecuador&,
& & &ee& =& &Estonia&,
& & &eg& =& &Egypt&,
& & &eh& =& &Western Sahara&,
& & &er& =& &Eritrea&,
& & &es& =& &Spain&,
& & &et& =& &Ethiopia&,
& & &fi& =& &Finland&,
& & &fj& =& &Fiji&,
& & &fk& =& &Falkland Islands (Malvinas)&,
& & &fm& =& &Micronesia, Federated States of&,
& & &fo& =& &Faroe Islands&,
& & &fr& =& &France&,
& & &ga& =& &Gabon&,
& & &gd& =& &Grenada&,
& & &ge& =& &Georgia&,
& & &gf& =& &French Guyana&,
& & &gg& =& &Guernsey&,
& & &gh& =& &Ghana&,
& & &gi& =& &Gibraltar&,
& & &gl& =& &Greenland&,
& & &gm& =& &Gambia&,
& & &gn& =& &Guinea&,
& & &gp& =& &Guadeloupe&,
& & &gq& =& &Equatorial Guinea&,
& & &gr& =& &Greece&,
& & &gs& =& &South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands&,
& & &gt& =& &Guatemala&,
& & &gu& =& &Guam&,
& & &gw& =& &Guinea-Bissau&,
& & &gy& =& &Guyana&,
& & &hk& =& &Hong Kong&,
& & &hm& =& &Heard Island and McDonald Islands&,
& & &hn& =& &Honduras&,
& & &hr& =& &Croatia&,
& & &ht& =& &Haiti&,
& & &hu& =& &Hungary&,
& & &id& =& &Indonesia&,
& & &ie& =& &Ireland&,
& & &il& =& &Israel&,
& & &im& =& &Man Island&,
& & &in& =& &India&,
& & &io& =& &British Indian Ocean Territory&,
& & &iq& =& &Iraq&,
& & &ir& =& &Iran, Islamic Republic of&,
& & &is& =& &Iceland&,
& & &it& =& &Italy&,
& & &je& =& &Jersey&,
& & &jm& =& &Jamaica&,
& & &jo& =& &Jordan&,
& & &jp& =& &Japan&,
& & &ke& =& &Kenya&,
& & &kg& =& &Kyrgyzstan&,
& & &kh& =& &Cambodia&,
& & &ki& =& &Kiribati&,
& & &km& =& &Comoros&,
& & &kn& =& &Saint Kitts and Nevis&,
& & &kp& =& &Korea, Democratic People's Republic of&,
& & &kr& =& &Korea, Republic of&,
& & &kw& =& &Kuwait&,
& & &ky& =& &Cayman Islands&,
& & &kz& =& &Kazakhstan&,
& & &la& =& &Laos&,
& & &lb& =& &Lebanon&,
& & &lc& =& &Saint Lucia&,
& & &li& =& &Liechtenstein&,
& & &lk& =& &Sri Lanka&,
& & &lr& =& &Liberia&,
& & &ls& =& &Lesotho&,
& & &lt& =& &Lithuania&,
& & &lu& =& &Luxembourg&,
& & &lv& =& &Latvia&,
& & &ly& =& &Libya&,
& & &ma& =& &Morocco&,
& & &mc& =& &Monaco&,
& & &md& =& &Moldova, Republic of&,
& & &mg& =& &Madagascar&,
& & &mh& =& &Marshall Islands&,
& & &mk& =& &Macedonia&,
& & &ml& =& &Mali&,
& & &mm& =& &Myanmar&,
& & &mn& =& &Mongolia&,
& & &mo& =& &Macau&,
& & &mp& =& &Northern Mariana Islands&,
& & &mq& =& &Martinique&,
& & &mr& =& &Mauritania&,
& & &ms& =& &Montserrat&,
& & &mt& =& &Malta&,
& & &mu& =& &Mauritius&,
& & &mv& =& &Maldives&,
& & &mw& =& &Malawi&,
& & &mx& =& &Mexico&,
& & &my& =& &Malaysia&,
& & &mz& =& &Mozambique&,
& & &na& =& &Namibia&,
& & &nc& =& &New Caledonia&,
& & &ne& =& &Niger&,
& & &nf& =& &Norfolk Island&,
& & &ng& =& &Nigeria&,
& & &ni& =& &Nicaragua&,
& & &nl& =& &Netherlands&,
& & &no& =& &Norway&,
& & &np& =& &Nepal&,
& & &nr& =& &Nauru&,
& & &nu& =& &Niue&,
& & &nz& =& &New Zealand&,
& & &om& =& &Oman&,
& & &pa& =& &Panama&,
& & &pe& =& &Peru&,
& & &pf& =& &French Polynesia&,
& & &pg& =& &Papua New Guinea&,
& & &ph& =& &Philippines&,
& & &pk& =& &Pakistan&,
& & &pl& =& &Poland&,
& & &pm& =& &Saint Pierre and Miquelon&,
& & &pn& =& &Pitcairn&,
& & &pr& =& &Puerto Rico&,
& & & & &ps& =& &Palestinian Territory&,
& & &pt& =& &Portugal&,
& & &pw& =& &Palau&,
& & &py& =& &Paraguay&,
& & &qa& =& &Qatar&,
& & &re& =& &Reunion Island&,
& & &ro& =& &Romania&,
& & &ru& =& &Russian Federation&,
& & &rs& =& &Russia&,
& & &rw& =& &Rwanda&,
& & &sa& =& &Saudi Arabia&,
& & &sb& =& &Solomon Islands&,
& & &sc& =& &Seychelles&,
& & &sd& =& &Sudan&,
& & &se& =& &Sweden&,
& & &sg& =& &Singapore&,
& & &sh& =& &Saint Helena&,
& & &si& =& &Slovenia&,
& & &sj& =& &Svalbard&,
& & &sk& =& &Slovakia&,
& & &sl& =& &Sierra Leone&,
& & &sm& =& &San Marino&,
& & &sn& =& &Senegal&,
& & &so& =& &Somalia&,
& & &sr& =& &Suriname&,
& & &st& =& &Sao Tome and Principe&,
& & &su& =& &Old U.R.S.S.&,
& & &sv& =& &El Salvador&,
& & &sy& =& &Syrian Arab Republic&,
& & &sz& =& &Swaziland&,
& & &tc& =& &Turks and Caicos Islands&,
& & &td& =& &Chad&,
& & &tf& =& &French Southern Territories&,
& & &tg& =& &Togo&,
& & &th& =& &Thailand&,
& & &tj& =& &Tajikistan&,
& & &tk& =& &Tokelau&,
& & &tm& =& &Turkmenistan&,
& & &tn& =& &Tunisia&,
& & &to& =& &Tonga&,
& & &tp& =& &East Timor&,
& & &tr& =& &Turkey&,
& & &tt& =& &Trinidad and Tobago&,
& & &tv& =& &Tuvalu&,
& & &tw& =& &Taiwan, Province of China&,
& & &tz& =& &Tanzania, United Republic of&,
& & &ua& =& &Ukraine&,
& & &ug& =& &Uganda&,
& & &uk& =& &United Kingdom&,
& & &gb& =& &Great Britain&,
& & &um& =& &United States Minor Outlying Islands&,
& & &us& =& &United States&,
& & &uy& =& &Uruguay&,
& & &uz& =& &Uzbekistan&,
& & &va& =& &Vatican City&,
& & &vc& =& &Saint Vincent and the Grenadines&,
& & &ve& =& &Venezuela&,
& & &vg& =& &Virgin Islands, British&,
& & &vi& =& &Virgin Islands, U.S.&,
& & &vn& =& &Vietnam&,
& & &vu& =& &Vanuatu&,
& & &wf& =& &Wallis and Futuna&,
& & &ws& =& &Samoa&,
& & &ye& =& &Yemen&,
& & &yt& =& &Mayotte&,
& & &yu& =& &Yugoslavia&,
& & &za& =& &South Africa&,
& & &zm& =& &Zambia&,
& & &zr& =& &Zaire&,
& & &zw& =& &Zimbabwe&,
& & &com& =& &-&,
& & &net& =& &-&,
& & &org& =& &-&,
& & &edu& =& &-&,
& & &int& =& &-&,
& & &arpa& =& &-&,
& & &gov& =& &-&,
& & &mil& =& &-&,
& & &reverse& =& &-&,
& & &biz& =& &-&,
& & &info& =& &-&,
& & &name& =& &-&,
& & &pro& =& &-&,
& & &coop& =& &-&,
& & &aero& =& &-&,
& & &museum& =& &-&,
& & &tv& =& &Tuvalu&,
& & &ws& =& &Samoa&,
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