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英语四级快速通关入门班 原价:¥120
  2003年6月  Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)  Section A  Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the
end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the
conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question
there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked
A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the
corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the
centre.  Example:  You will hear:  You will read:  A) At the office.  B) In the waiting room.  C) At the airport.  D) In a restaurant.  From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work
they had to finish in the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at
the office. Therefore, A) &At the office& is the best answer. You should choose
[A] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre.  Sample Answer [A] [B] [C] [D]  1.  A) At a theatre.  B) At a booking office.  C) At a railway station.  D)At a restaurant.  2.  A) The man is inviting the woman to dinner.  B) The woman is too busy to join the man for dinner.  C) The woman is a friend of the Stevensons'.  D) The man is going to visit the Stevensons.  3.  A) The professor's presentation was not convincing enough.  B) The professor's lecture notes were too complicated.  C) The professor spoke with a strong accent.  D) The professor spoke too fast.  4.  A) The furnished apartment was inexpensive.  B) The apartment was provided with some old furniture.  C) The furniture in the market was on sale every Sunday.  D) The furniture he bought was very cheap.  5.  A) The man is thinking about taking a new job.  B) The man likes a job that enables him to travel.  C) The man is sure that he will gain more by taking the job.  D) The man doesn't want to stay home and take care of their child.  6.  A) Take the GRE test again in 8 weeks.  B) Call to check his scores.  C) Be patient and wait.  D) Inquire when the test scores are released.  7.  A) She read it selectively.  B) She went over it chapter by chapter.  C) She read it slowly.  D) She finished it at a stretch.  8.  A) He was kept in hospital for a long time.  B) He was slightly injured in a traffic accident.  C) He was seriously wounded in a mine explosion.  D) He was fined for speeding.  9.  A) Wait for a taxi.  B) Buy some food.  C) Go on a trip.  D) Book train tickets.  10.  A) It's not as hard as expected.  B) It's too tough for some students.  C) It's much more difficult than people think.  D) It's believed to be the hardest optional course.  Section B  Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of
each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions
will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best
answer from the four choice marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the
corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the
centre.  Passage One  Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.  11.  A) Anxious and worried.  B) Proud and excited.  C) Nervous and confused.  D) Inspired and confident.  12.  A) His father scolded him severely.  B) His father took back the six dollars.  C) His father made him do the cutting again.  D) His father cut the leaves himself.  13.  A) One can benefit a lot from working with his father.  B) Manual labourers shouldn't be looked down upon.  C) One should always do his job earnestly.  D) Teenagers tend to be careless.  Passage Two  Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.  14.  A) He ran a village shop.  B) He worked on a farm.  C) He worked in an advertising agency.  D) He was a gardener.  15.  A) It was stressful.  B) It was colorful.  C) It was peaceful.  D) It was boring.  16.  A) His desire to start Iris own business.  B) The crisis in his family life.  C) The decline in his health.  D) His dream of living in the countryside.  Passage Three  Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.  17.  A) Because there are no signs to direct them.  B) Because no tour guides are available.  C) Because all the buildings in the city look alike.  D) Because the university is everywhere in the city.  18.  A) They set their own exams.  B) They select their own students.  C) They award their own degrees.  D) They organize their own laboratory work.  19.  A) Most of them have a long history.  B) Many of them are specialized libraries.  C) They house more books than any other university library.  D) They each have a copy of every book published in Britain.  20.  A) Very few of them are engaged in research.  B) They were not awarded degrees until 1948.  C) They have outnumbered male students.  D) They were not treated equally until 1881.  Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)  Directions:There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by
some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices
marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the
corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the
centre.  Passage One  Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.  On average, American kids ages 3 to 12 spent 29 hours a week in school,
eight hours more that they did in 1981. They also did more household work and
participated in more of such organized activities as soccer and ballet (芭蕾舞).
Involvement in sports, in particular, rose almost 50% from 1981 to 1997: boys
now spend an average of four hours a girls log hall that
time. All in all, however, children's leisure time dropped from 40% of the day
in 1981 to 25%.  &Children are affected by the same time crunch (危机) that affects their
parents,& says Sandra Hofferth, who headed the recent study of children's
timetable. A chief reason, she says, is that more mothers are working outside
the home. (Nevertheless, children in both double-income and &male breadwinner&
households spent comparable amounts of time interacting with their parents.19
hours and 22 hours respectively. In contrast, children spent only 9 hours with
their single mothers.)  All work and no play could make for some very messed-up kids. &Play is the
most powerful way a child explores the world and learns about himself,& says T.
Berry Brazelton, professor at Harvard Medical School Unstructured play
encourages independent thinking and allows the young to negotiate their
relationships with their peers, but kids ages 3 to 12 spent only 12 hours a week
engaged in it.  The children sampled spent a quarter of their rapidly decreasing &free
time& watching television. But that, believe it or not, was one of the findings
parents might regard as good news. If they're spending less time in front of the
TV set, however, kids aren't replacing it with reading. Despite efforts to get
kids more interested in books, the children spent just over an hour a week
reading. Let's face it, who's got the time?  21. By mentioning &the same time crunch& (Line 1, Para. 2) Sandra Hofferth
means _________.  A) children have little time to play with their parents  B) children are not taken good care of by their working parents  C) both parents and children suffer from lack of leisure time  D) both parents and children have trouble managing their time  22. According to the author, the reason given by Sandra Hofferth for the
time crunch is _________.  A) quite convincing  B) partially true  C) totally groundless  D) rather confusing  23. According to the author a child develops better if _________.  A) he has plenty of time reading and studying  B) he is left to play with his peers in his own way  C) he has more time participating in school activities  D) he is free to interact with his working parents  24. The author is concerned about the fact that American kids
_________.  A) are engaged in more and more structured activities  B) are increasingly neglected by their working mothers  C) are spending more and more time watching TV  D) are involved less and less in household work  25. We can infer from the passage that _________.  A) extracurricular activities promote children's intelligence  B) most children will turn to reading with TV sets switched off  C) efforts to get kids interested in reading have been fruitful  D) most parents believe reading to be beneficial to children  Passage Two  Questions 26 to :30 are based on the following passage.  Henry Ford, the famous U.S. inventor and car manufacturer, once said, &The
business of America is business.& By this he meant that the U.S. way of life is
based on the values of the business world.  Few would argue with Ford's statement. A brief glimpse at a daily newspaper
vividly shows how much people in the United States think about business. For
example, nearly every newspaper has a business section, in which the deals and
projects, finances and management, stock prices and labor problems of
corporations are reported daily. In addition, business news can appear in every
other section. Most national news has an important financial aspect to it.
Welfare, foreign aid, the federal budget, and the policies of the Federal
Reserve Bank are all heavily affected by business. Moreover, business news
appears in some of the unlikeliest places. The world of arts and entertainment
is often referred to as &the entertainment industry& or &show business.&  The positive side of Henry Ford's statement can be seen in the prosperity
that business has brought to U.S. life. One of the most important reasons so
many people from all over the world come to live in the United States is the
dream of a better job. Jobs are produced in abundance (大量地) because the U.S.
economic system is driven by competition. People believe that this system crates
more wealth, more jobs, and a materially better way of life.  The negative side of Henry Ford's statement, however, can be seen when the
word business is taken to mean big business. And the term big business --
referring to the biggest companies, is seen in opposition to labor. Throughout
U.S. history working people have had to fight hard for higher wages, better
working conditions, and the fight to form unions. Today, many of the old labor
disputes are over, but there is still some employee anxiety. Downsizing ---- the
laying off of thousands of workers to keep expenses low and profits high --
creates feelings of insecurity for many.  26. The United States is a typical country _________.  A) which encourages free trade at home and abroad  B) where people's chief concern is how to make money  C) where all businesses are managed scientifically  D) which normally works according to the federal budget  27. The influence of business in the U.S. is evidenced by the fact that
_________.  A) most newspapers are run by big businesses  B) even public organizations concentrate on working for profits  C) Americans of all professions know how to do business  D) even arts and entertainment are regarded as business  28. According to the passage, immigrants choose to settle in the U.S.,
dreaming that _________.  A) they can start profitable businesses there  B) they can be more competitive in business  C) they will make a fortune overnight there  D) they will find better chances of employment  29. Henry Ford's statement can be taken negatively because _________.  A) working people are discouraged to fight for their fights  B) there are many industries controlled by a few big capitalists  C) there is a conflicting relationship between big corporations and
labor  D) public services are not run by the federal government  30. A company's efforts to keep expenses low and profits high may result in
_________.  A) reduction in the number of employees  B) improvement of working conditions  C) fewer disputes between labor and management  D) a rise in workers' wages  Passage Three  Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.  Professor Smith recently persuaded 35 people, 23 of them women, to keep a
diary of all their absent-minded actions for a fortnight. When he came to
analyse their embarrassing lapses ( 差错) in a scientific report, he was surprised
to find that nearly all of them fell into a few groupings, Nor did the lapses
appear to be entirely random (随机的).  One of the women, for instance, on leaving her house for work one morning
threw her dog her earrings and tried to fix a dog biscuit on her ear. “the
explanation for this is that the brain is like a computer,” explains the
professor. &People programme themselves to do certain activities regularly. It
was the woman's custom every morning to throw her dog two biscuits and then put
on her earrings. But somehow the action got reversed in the programme,& About
one in twenty of the incidents the volunteers reported were these &programme
assembly failures,&  Altogether the volunteers logged 433 unintentional actions that they found
themselves doing -- an average of twelve each, There appear to be peak periods
in the day when we are at our zaniest (荒谬可笑的). These are two hours some time
between eight a.m. and noon, between four and six p.m. with a smaller peak
between eight and ten p.m. &Among men the peak seems to be when a changeover in
brain 'programmes' occurs, as for instance between going to and from work.&
Women on average reported slightly more lapses -- 12.5 compared with 10.9 for
men m probably because they were more reliable reporters.  A startling finding of the research is that the absent-minded activity is a
hazard of doing things in which we are skilled. Normally, you would expect that
skill reduces the number of errors we make. But trying to avoid silly slips by
concentrating more could make things a lot worse m even dangerous.  31. In his study Professor Smith asked the subjects _________.  A) to keep track of people who tend to forget things  B) to report their embarrassing lapses at random  C) to analyse their awkward experiences scientifically  D) to keep a record of what they did unintentionally  32. Professor Smith discovered that _________.  A) certain patterns can be identified in the recorded incidents  B) many people were too embarrassed to admit their absent-mindedness  C) men tend to be more absent-minded than women  D) absent-mindedness is an excusable human weakness  33. &Programme assembly failures& (Line 6, Para. 2) refers to the
phenomenon that people _________.  A) often fail to programme their routines beforehand  B) tend to make mistakes when they are in a hurry  C) unconsciously change the sequence of doing things  D) are likely to mess things up if they are too tired  34. We learn from the third paragraph that _________.  A) absent-mindedness tends to occur during certain hours of the day  B) women are very careful to perform actions during peak periods  C) women experience more peak periods of absent-mindedness  D) men's absent-mindedness often results in funny situations  35. It can be concluded from the passage that _________.  A) people should avoid doing important things during peak periods of
lapses  B) hazards can be avoided when people do things they are good at  C) people should be careful when programming their actions  D) lapses cannot always be attributed to lack of concentration  Passage Four  Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.  It's no secret that many children would be healthier and happier with
adoptive parents than with the parents that nature dealt them. That's especially
true of children who remain in abusive homes because the law blindly favors
biological parents. It's also true of children who suffer for years in foster
homes (收养孩子的家庭) because of parents who can't or won't care for them but refuse
to give up custody (监护) rights.  Fourteen-year-old Kimberly Mays fits neither description, but her recent
court victory could eventually help children who do. Kimberly has been the
object of an angry custody baffle between the man who raised her and her
biological parents, with whom she has never lived. A Florida judge ruled that
the teenager can remain with the only father she's ever known and that her
biological parents have &no legal claim& on her.  The ruling, though it may yet be reversed, sets aside the principle that
biology is the primary determinant of parentage. That's an important
development, one that's long overdue.  Shortly after birth in December 1978, Kimberly Mays and another infant were
mistakenly switched and sent home with the wrong parents. Kimberly's biological
parents, Ernest and Regina Twigg, received a child who died of a heart disease
in 1988. Medical tests showed that the child wasn't the Twiggs' own daughter,
but Kimt only was, thus sparking a custody battle with Robert Mays. In 1989, the
two families agreed that Mr. Mays would maintain custody with the Twiggs getting
visiting fights. Those rights were ended when Mr. Mays decided that Kimberly was
being harmed.  The decision to leave Kimberly with Mr. Mays rendered her suit debated. But
the judge made clear that Kimberly did have standing to sue ( 起诉) on her own
behalf. Thus he made clear that she was more than just property to be handled as
adults saw fit.  Certainly, the biological link between parent and child is fundamental. But
biological parents aren't always preferable to adoptive ones, and biological
parentage does not convey an absolute ownership that cancels all the rights of
children.  36. What was the primary consideration in the Florida judge's ruling?  A) The biological link.  B) The child's benefits.  C) The traditional practice.  D) The parents' feelings.  37. We can learn from the Kimberly case that _________.  A) children are more than just personal possessions of their parents  B) the biological link between parent and child should be emphasized  C) foster homes bring children more pain and suffering than care  D) biological parents shouldn't claim custody rights after their child is
adopted  38. The Twiggs claimed custody rights to Kimberly because _________.  A) they found her unhappy in Mr. Mays' custody  B) they regarded her as their property  C) they were her biological parents  D) they felt guilty about their past mistake  39. Kimberly had been given to Mr. Mays _________.  A) by sheer accident  B) out of charity  C) at his request  D) for better care  40. The author's attitude towards the judge's ruling could be described as
_________.  A) doubtful  B) critical  C) cautious  D) supportive  Part III Vocabulary (20 minutes)  Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each
sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer
that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the
Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.  41.She _________ her trip to New York because she was ill.  A) called off  B) closed down  C) put up  D) went off  42. _________ the storm, the ship would have reached its destination on
time.  A) But for  B) In case of  C) In spite of  D) Because of  43. We should concentrate on sharply reducing interest rates to pull the
economy out of _________.  A) rejection  B) restriction  C) retreat  D) recession  44.The _________ of finding gold in California attracted a lot of people to
settle down there.  A) prospects  B) speculations  C) stakes  D) provisions  45. I suffered from mental _________ because of stress from my job.  A) damage  B) release  C) relief  D) fatigue  46. The rest of the day was entirely at his _________ for reading or
recreation.  A) dismissal  B) survival  C) disposal  D) arrival  47. You will not be _________ about your food in time of great hunger.  A) special  B) particular  C) peculiar  D) specific  48. Crime is increasing worldwide, and there is every reason to believe the
_________ will continue into the next decade.  A) emergency  B) trend  C) pace  D) schedule  49. You shouldn't have written in the _________ since the book belongs to
the library.  A) interval  B) border  C) margin  D) edge  50. The _________ of airplane engines announced a coming air raid.  A) roar  B) exclamation  C) whistle  D) scream  51. This ticket _________ you to a free boat tour on the lake.  A) entities  B) appoints  C) grants  D) credits  52. This is the nurse who _________ to me when I was ill in hospital.  A) accompanied  B) attended  C) entertained  D) shielded  53. I was about to _________ a match when I remembered Tom's warning.  A) rub  B) hit  C) scrape  D) strike  54. The advertisement says this material doesn't _________ in the wash, but
it has.  A) contract  B) shrink  C) slim  D) dissolve  55. He was proud of being chosen to participate in the game and he
_________us that he would try as hard as possible.  A) insured  B) guaranteed  C) assumed  D) assured  56. Not only the professionals but also the amateurs will _________ from
the new training facilities.  A) derive  B) acquire  C) benefit  D) reward  57. The work was almost complete when we received orders to _________ no
further with it.  A) progress  B) proceed  C) march  D) promote  58. I waited for him half an hour, but he never _________.  A) turned in  B) turned down  C) turned off  D) turned up  59. A house with a dangerous gas can be broken into _________
immediately.  A) leak  B) split  C) mess  D) crack  60. A dark suit is _________ to a light one for evening wear.  A) favourable  B) suitable  C) preferable  D) proper  61. It was in the United States that I made _________ the of Professor
Jones.  A) acknowledgement  B) acquaintance  C) recognition  D) association  62. Could you take a _________ sheet of paper and write your name at the
top?  A) bare  B) vacant  C) hollow  D) blank  63. A culture in which the citizens share similar religious beliefs and
values is more likely to have laws that represent the wishes of its people than
is a culture where citizens come from _________ backgrounds.  A) extensive  B) influential  C) diverse  D) identical  64. Areas where students have particular difficulty _________ have been
treated particular care.  A) by  B) in  C) under  D) with  65. He gave a _________ to handle the affairs in a friendly manner.  A) pledge  B) mission  C) plunge  D) motion  66. Don't let the child play with scissors _________ he cuts himself.  A) in case  B) so that  C) now that  D) only if  67. _________ the danger from enemy action, people had to cope with a
severe shortage of food, clothing, fuel, and almost everything.  A) As far as  B) As long as  C) As well as  D) As soon as  68. Many people lost their jobs during the business _________.  A) desperation  B) decrease  C) despair  D) depression  69. Whenever a big company _________ a small one, the product almost always
gets worse.  A) gets on with  B) cuts down  C) takes over  D) puts up with  70. Mr. Smith was the only witness who said that the fire was
_________.  A) mature  B) deliberate  C) meaningful  D) innocent  Part IV Short Answer Questions (15 minutes)  Directions: In this part there is a short passage with 8 questions or
incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or
complete the statements in the fewest possible words. Write your answers in the
spaces provided on the right of the page.  What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? I think the following
would be generally accepted.  First, the teacher's personality should be lively and attractive. This does
not rule out people who are plain-looking, or even ugly, because many such
people have great personal charm. But it does rule out such types as the
over-excitable, sad, cold, and frustrated.  Secondly, it is not merely desirable but essential for a teacher to have a
genuine capacity for sympathy, a capacity to understand the minds and feelings
of other people, especially, since most teachers are school teachers, the minds
and feelings of children. Closely related with this is the capacity to be
tolerant -- not, indeed, of what is wrong, but of the weaknesses and immaturity
of human nature which induce ( i)~ ) people, and again especially children, to
make mistakes.  Thirdly, I hold it essential for a teacher to be both intellectually and
morally honest. This means that he will be aware of his intellectual strengths
and limitations, and will have thought about and decided upon the moral
principles by which his life shall be guided. There is no contradiction in my
going on to say that a teacher should be a bit of an actor. That is part of the
technique of teaching, which demands that every now and then a teacher should be
able to put on an act to enliven (使生动) a lesson, correct a fault, or award
praise. Children, especially young children, live in a world that is rather
larger than life.  A teacher must be capable of infinite patience. This, I may say, is largely
a matter of self-discipline and self-training, for we are none of us born like
that.  Finally, I think a teacher should have the kind of mind which always wants
to go on learning. Teaching is a job at which one w there
is always something more to learn about it. There are three principal objects of
study: the subjects which the the methods by which the
subjects can best be taught to the particular pupils in the classes he is
and ---- by far the most important -- the children, young people, or
adults to whom the subjects are to be taught. The two fundamental principles of
British education today are that education is education of the whole person, and
that it is best acquired through full and active co-operation between two
persons, the teacher and the learner.  S1. Plain-looking teachers can also be admired by their students if they
have S1 .  S2. The author says it is S2 that teachers be sympathetic with their
students.  S3. A teacher should be tolerant because humans tend to have S3(1) and to
be S3(2) .  S4. A teacher who is S4 will be able to make his lessons more lively.  S5. How can a teacher acquire infinite patience? S5  S6. Since teaching is a job no one can be perfect at, it is necessary for
teachers to keep improving their knowledge of the subjects they teach and their
S6  S7. Teachers' most important object of study is S7 .  S8. Education cannot be best acquired without S8 between the teacher and
the learner  Part V Writing (30 minutes)  Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write an
eye-witness account of a traffic accident. You should write at least 120 words
according to the outline given below in Chinese:  假设你在某日某时某地目击一起车祸,就此写一份见证书。见证书须包括以下几点:  1, 车祸发生的时间及地点  2, 你所见到的车祸情况  3, 你对车祸原因的分析  An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic Accident  PartⅠ Listening Comprehension  Section A  1.D) At a restaurant.  2.A) The man is inviting the woman to dinner.  3.D) The professor spoke too fast.  4.D) The furniture he bought was very cheap.  5.A) The man is thinking about taking a new job.  6.C) Be patient and wait.  7.A) She read it selectively.  8.B) He was slightly injured in a traffic accident.  9.C) Go on a trip.  10.C) It's much more difficult than people think.  Section B  11.B) Proud and excited.  12.C) His father made him do the cutting again.  13.C) One should always do his job earnestly.  14.C) He worked in an advertising agency.  15.A) It was stressful.  16.B) The crisis in his family life.  17.D) Because the university is everywhere in the city.  18.B) They select their own students.  19.B) Many of them are specialized libraries.  20.B) They were not awarded degrees until 1948.  PartⅡ Reading Comprehension  21.C) both parents and children suffer from lack of leisure time  22.B) partially true  23.B) he is left to play with his peers in his own way  24.A) are engaged in more and more structured activities  25.A) extracurricular activities promote children's intelligence  26.B) where people's chief concern is how to make money  27.D) even arts and entertainment are regarded as business  28.D) they will find better chances of employment  29.C) there is a conflicting relationship between big corporations and
labor  30.A) reduction in the number of employees  31.D) to keep a record of what they did unintentionally  32.A) certain patterns can be identified in the recorded incidents  33.C) unconsciously change the sequence of doing things  34.A) absent-mindedness tends to occur during certain hours of the day  35.D) lapses cannot always be attributed to lack of concentration  36.B) The child's benefits.  37.A) children are more than just personal possessions of their parents  38.C) they were her biological parents  39.A) by sheer accident  40.D) supportive  Part Ⅲ Vocabulary  41.A) called off  42.A) But for  43.D) recession  44.A) prospects  45.D) fatigue  46.C) disposal  47.B) particular  48.B) trend  49.C) margin  50.A) roar  51.A) entities  52.B) attended  53.D) strike  54.B) shrink  55.D) assured  56.C) benefit  57.B) proceed  58.D) turned up  59.A) leak  60.C) preferable  61.B) acquaintance  62.D) blank  63.C) diverse  64.D) with  65.A) pledge  66.A) in case  67.C) As well as  68.D) depression  69.C) takes over  70.B) deliberate  Part IV Short Answer Questions  S1.Plain-looking teachers can also be admired by their students if they
have great personal charm.  S2.The author says it is desirable and essential that teachers be
sympathetic with their students.  S3.A teacher should be tolerant because humans tend to have weakness and
immaturity (1) and to be wrong (2).  S4.A teacher who is a bit of an actor will be able to make his lessons more
lively.  S5.How can a teacher acquire infinite patience? By self- discipline and
self - training.  S6.Since teaching is a job no one can be perfect at, it is necessary for
teachers to keep improving their knowledge of the subjects they teach and their
methods by which the subjects can best be taught.  S7.Teachers’ most important object of study is the learners to whom the
subjects are to be taught.  S8.Education cannot be best acquired without full and active co-operation
between the teacher and the learner.  听力原文:  PartⅠ Listening Comprehension  Section A  1. M:Gorge, look at the long waiting line. I am glad you've made a
reservation.  M:More and more people enjoy eating out now. Beside, this place is
especially popular with the overseas students.  Q:Where did the conversation most probably take place?  W:乔治,看看这里排着这么长的队,真高兴你订到了座位。  M:越来越多的人喜欢在外面吃饭。而且这个地方尤其受留学生亲睐。  Q:对话可能在哪里发生?  2. M: I wonder if you can drop by tomorrow evening. The Stevensons are
coming over to dinner. I'd like you? to meet them.  W:Sure, I'd love to. I've heard they are very interesting people.  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?  M:你明天晚上能到我这来一趟吗?史蒂文森一家明天到我家吃晚饭,我希望你能见见他们。  W:当然,我非常愿意。我听说他们非常有意思。  Q:我们可从该对话中了解到什么?  3. W: The presentation made by Professor Jackson?was?? complicated to
understand.  M:Well, I think he didn't speak slowly enough for us??  ? for us to take the notes.  Q: What did the man complain?  W:杰克森教授作的报告太难懂了。  M;我觉得他的语速太快,我们根本没法做笔记。  Q:男士抱怨什么?  4. W: You've got your apartment furnished, haven't you?  M:I've bought some used furniture from Sunday? market. It was a real
bargain.  Q:What does the man mean?  W:你买了家俱,是吗?  M:我从周日市场买了一些旧家俱。价钱便宜。  Q:男人什么意思?  5. M:Mary doesn't want me to take the job. She says our child is too young.
And the job requires much travelling.  W:You should talk to her again and see if you can find a way out. Think
about the gains and losses before you make the decision.  Q:What do we learn from the conversation?  M:玛丽不想让我干那个工作,她说孩子还些?这个工作又需要我经常出差。  W:你应该和她再谈谈,看你们能不能想出个两全其美的办法。权衡一下利弊,再做决定。  Q:从对话中我们可以了解到什么?  6. M:I haven't got my scores on the GRE test yet. Do you think I should
call to make inquiries?  W:There is no hurry. The test scores are released at least eight weeks
after the test.  Q:What does the woman advise the man to do?  M:我还不知道GRE考试的分数。你觉得我是不是该打电话问问?  W:不要急。考试的分数至少要在考试后八周之后公布。  Q:女人建议男人干嘛?  7. M:Have you finished reading the book you bought last month?  W:oh, I didn't read straight through the way you read a novel,I just
covered a few chapters which interested me most.  Q:How did the woman read the book?  M:你读上个月你买的那本书了吗?  W:哦,我不象你读小说那样从头读到尾。我读了我感兴趣的几章。  Q:女人采用什么读书方式?  8. W:Hello, Joe, Haven't seen you for quite a while. Are? you fine?  M:Oh,yes, but not a thing to go against me. I had a car accident, only
some?minor injuries though.  Q:What happened to Joe?  W:你好,乔,很久不见,你好吗?  M:还好,我吉人自有天相,出了车祸,只不过受了轻伤。  9. M:The taxi is waiting downstairs, let's hurry.  W:Wait a minute. I'll take some food with us. I don't like the meal served
on the train.  Q:What are the speakers going to do?  M:出租车在楼下等着,赶紧!  M:等等,我要带点吃的东西。我不喜欢吃火车上供应的食物。  Q:两个谈话者准备做什么?  10. W:Is that optional course as hard as everybody says?  M:It's actually even worse, believe it or not.  Q :What did the man say about the course?  W:那门选修课象别人说的那么难吗?  M:不管你信不信,难极了。  Q:他们如何评价选修课?  Section B  Passage One  My father woke me up early one morning when I was fourteen and announced
&Get up, you are going with me to cut grass.& I felt proud and excited because
my father thought I was responsible enough to help him in his business. Still,
that first day was very hard. From sunrise to sunset, my father, my younger
brother and I cut and t very large yards in well-to-do part of the city. By the
end of the day I was exhausted, but I felt good. I put out a hard day's labor
and earned six dollars. One day, my father spotted some weeds I have miss
cutting and pulled me inside. &Cut that section again!& he said firmly &and
don't make me have to tell you again.” The message was very clear. Today I
stress the importance of doing the job right the first time. Every job I have
held from cutting lawns to wash dishes to working a machine on the construction
site. I have learned something that help me in my next job. If you work hard
enough, you can learn from any job you do.  11. How did the speaker feel when his father asked him to help cut
grass?  12. What did his father do when the speaker missed cutting some leaves?  13. What did the speak want to tell us in this passage?  Passage Two  I am living in a small village in the country. My wife and I run a village
shop. We have a very peaceful live, boring some my say. But we love it. We know
all the people in the village. They have plenty of time to stop and chat. I have
plenty of time for my hobbies too--gardening, fishing, walking in the country
side. I love the outdoor life. It wasn't always like this though I used to have
a really stressful job, working so late in the office every evening. I often
bring work home at the weekends. The advertising world is very competitive. And
when I look back, I can't imagine how I stood it. I have no private life at all.
No time for the really important things in life. Because of the pressure of the
job, I used to smoke and drink too much. The crisis came when my wife left me.
She complaint that she never saw me and I had no time for family life. This made
me realize what is really important to me. I talked things through with her and
decided to get back together and started a new and better life together. I gave
up tobacco and alcohol and searched for new hobbies. Now I am afraid of looking
back since the past life seemed like a horrible dream.  14. What did the speaker do for a living?  15. What do we know about the speaker's life in the past?  16. What made the speaker change his life style?  Passage Three  &Where is the university?& is the question many visitors to Cambridge ask.
But no one could point at any one direction because there is no campus. The
university consists of 31 self-governing colleges. It has lecture halls,
libraries, laboratories, museums and offices throughout the city. Individual
colleges choose their own students who have to meet their minimum entrance
requirements set by the university. And the graduates usually live and study in
their colleges but they are taught in very full groups. Lectures and
laboratories and practical work are organized by the university and held in
university buildings. There are over ten thousand undergraduates and three
thousand five hundred post-graduates. About 40% of them are women and some 8%
from overseas. As well as teaching, research is of major importance. Since the
beginning of the twentieth century, more than sixty university members have won
Nobel prizes. The university has a huge number of buildings for teaching and
research. It has more than 60 specialist subject libraries as well as the
university library, which as the copy-right libraries, is entitled to a copy of
every book published in Britain. Examinations are held and degrees are awarded
by the university. It allowed women to take the university exams in the 1881,
but it was the not until 1941 that they were awarded degrees.  17. Why is it difficult to located Cambridge University?  18. What does the passage tell us about the colleges of the university?  19. What can be learnt from the passage about the libraries in Cambridge
University?  20. What does we know from the passage tell us about the women students in
Cambridge university?
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