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土木与环境工程 | 1.203J 2001秋季课程:物流与运输规划方法 | 课程首页
1.203J / 6.281J / 13.665J / 15.073J / 16.76J / ESD.216J 2001秋季课程:物流与运输规划方法 (Logistical and Transportation Planning Methods, Fall 2001)
感谢提供首页画作。Illustration for Logistical and Tranportation Planning Methods. (Courtesy of .)
本课程使用一部由Richard C. Larson与Amedeo R. Odoni教授合着、超过500页的线上教科书。本书于1981年出版,但是绝大多数的内容仍然适用,并且是课程的指定阅读作业;为了扩增书中内容并使之符合现实环境的变动,因此在必要之处提供课堂补充资料,在此以PDF文件呈现。在本书的第三章,以互动彩色动画如实地呈现某部分最令人玩味的机率应用问题,这些也包含在指定阅读作业中。
This MIT subject includes a full 500+ page online textbook, , by Profs. Richard C. Larson and Amedeo R. Odoni. While that book was published in 1981, most of the material is still current and is referenced in the course reading assignments. To augment the book and to bring it up to date where necessary, there are lectures handouts, available here as PDF files. Interactive color animations bring to life some of the most interesting applied probability problems in Chapter Three of the book. These, too, are referenced in the reading assignments.
This course has been translated by Universia and is available
本课程包含作业研究的量化方法,并强调在运输系统分析(都市、空运、海运、公路、捡货与运送系统)与物流导向的都市服务系统之规划与设计(如:消防与警察部门、紧急医疗服务、紧急修护服务等)方面的应用。此外,亦探讨随机变项函数、几何机率、多人服务系统之等候理论、空间区位理论、网络分析与图形理论、以及模拟相关方法等的整合研究,及理论运用上的困难点之讨论。Quantitative techniques of Operations Research with emphasis on applications in transportation systems analysis (urban, air, ocean, highway, pick-up and delivery systems) and in the planning and design of logistically oriented urban service systems (e.g., fire and police departments, emergency medical services, emergency repair services). Unified study of functions of random variables, geometrical probability, multi-server queueing theory, spatial location theory, network analysis and graph theory, and relevant methods of simulation. Discussion of implementation difficulties.Representation and Spatial Analysis in Geographic Information Systems_百度文库
Representation and Spatial Analysis in Geographic Information Systems
A​ ​c​o​m​m​o​n​―​p​e​r​h​a​p​s​ ​m​o​d​a​l​―​r​e​p​r​e​s​e​n​t​a​t​i​o​n​ ​o​f​ ​g​e​o​g​r​a​p​h​y​ ​i​n​ ​s​p​a​t​i​a​l​ ​a​n​a​l​y​s​i​s​ ​a​n​d​ ​g​e​o​g​r​a​p​h​i​c​ ​i​n​f​o​r​m​a​t​i​o​n​ ​s​y​s​t​e​m​s​ ​i​s​ ​n​a​t​i​v​e​ ​(​u​n​e​x​a​m​i​n​e​d​)​ ​o​b​j​e​c​t​s​ ​i​n​t​e​r​a​c​t​i​n​g​ ​b​a​s​e​d​ ​o​n​ ​s​i​m​p​l​e​ ​d​i​s​t​a​n​c​e​ ​a​n​d​ ​c​o​n​n​e​c​t​i​v​i​t​y​ ​r​e​l​a​t​i​o​n​s​h​i​p​s​ ​w​i​t​h​i​n​ ​a​n​ ​e​m​p​t​y​ ​E​u​c​l​i​d​e​a​n​ ​s​p​a​c​e​.​ ​T​h​i​s​ ​i​s​ ​o​n​l​y​ ​o​n​e
09-02-10 & 发布
全称:小利兰·斯坦福大学(Leland Stanford Junior University)地点:美国·加利福尼亚·斯坦福市相关排名:2007年《美国新闻与世界报道》杂志公布了最新一期美国大学排名, 第1、普林斯顿大学 第2、 哈佛大学 第3、耶鲁大学 第4、斯坦福大学2006年上海交通大学高等教育研究所公布世界大学学术排名,1 Harvard University USA 美国哈佛大学 2 Stanford University USA 美国斯坦福大学 ? 3 University Cambridge UK 英国剑桥大学学校性质:私立学生数量:6654名本科生,8037名研究生。师资力量:1750科研单位:斯坦福直线加速器中心(SLAC)创建时间:公元日创始人:利兰·斯坦福夫妇网址:知名校友:朱棣文:华裔1997年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者莱德:美国第一位女宇航员
全称:小利兰·斯坦福大学(Leland Stanford Junior University)地点:美国·加利福尼亚·斯坦福市相关排名:2007年《美国新闻与世界报道》杂志公布了最新一期美国大学排名, 第1、普林斯顿大学 第2、 哈佛大学 第3、耶鲁大学 第4、斯坦福大学2006年上海交通大学高等教育研究所公布世界大学学术排名,1 Harvard University USA 美国哈佛大学 2 Stanford University USA 美国斯坦福大学 ? 3 University Cambridge UK 英国剑桥大学学校性质:私立学生数量:6654名本科生,8037名研究生。师资力量:1750科研单位:斯坦福直线加速器中心(SLAC)创建时间:公元日创始人:利兰·斯坦福夫妇网址:知名校友:朱棣文:华裔1997年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者莱德:美国第一位女宇航员杨致远:雅虎创办人之一,华裔美国人王文华:台湾作家及节目主持人费翔:美籍华裔歌手谢尔盖·布林:Google创办人之一,俄裔美国人拉里·佩奇:Google创办人之一陈岳鹏:香港汇贤智库的政策发展总监李泽钜:香港商人李嘉诚之长子黄蓝萱:中国台湾数学家,微分几何学家曾于容:中国台湾数学家,代数几何学家
Stanford University (full name: Small Leland Stanford University, English: StanfordUniversity, full name LelandStanfordJuniorUniversity, 1891 years 10 1 -) is a private university, is generally considered the world's most distinguished universities. It is located in Stanford, California City, near San Francisco. Stanford University-owned assets in the world, one of the largest universities. It covers an area of 35 square kilometers, is the second area of the University of the United States. Sri Lanka's major academic institutions, large, with the exception of the Hoover Institution and the Ministry of sports entertainment, there are Graduate School of Business, Law, Education, Engineering, Earth Science, College of Arts and Science, School of Medicine and so on. Contents [hide]? Basic overview ? Renowned architect ? School Facilities ? School reform ? History ? The development process of ? Famous figures ? College system ? Professional settings ? Professor groups ? Business School ? Stanford Research Park ? Century birthday ? Spiritual connotation ? Development Evaluation ? Reference
Stanford University - Basic Overview Stanford University was founded in 1885. At that time, the California railroad magnate, has served as governor of California in memory of the old Leland Stanford, he traveled in Italy when his son died of infection, the decision to donate money to set up in Palo Alto, Stanford University, and his British亩用to train 8180 excellent species of horse racing out of the farm as a school campus. Their decision for the future of California and the United States has brought untold wealth, despite the fact that the eyes of Americans here in the remote or inhospitable western occlusion. Until now, the people at Stanford also said the &farm.& Therefore, at Stanford University, the bike is an essential means of transport the students. Stanford University's red brick buildings are yellow, well-all is the seventeenth century-style Church Missionary Society in Spain - not Harvard, Yale University, who's different, different styles of buildings, less the north-eastern part of the University of wall climbing full of ivy, to enter the university, first of all to see is a khaki-colored stone wall around the building under the red roof, Arcade phase, flail go brown in the classic and modern video of delivery is full of rich cultural and academic atmosphere . Stanford Shopping Center is a major part of it around the Business School, and College of Education, Institute of Technology, School of Law, Faculty of Medicine, etc. spread all over. Out that the Stanford Science Park, botanical gardens, golf courses and a number of scientific testing ground. Stanford University, the most famous building is the Stanford Memorial Church. Design of the Stanford campus, is a well-known designers Fredrik tenable姆斯泰德(Frederick Olmsted), Amherst College is well-known for his design, and he handed down the most commendable for the New York Manhattan Central Park, San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. Characteristics of his design is a natural forest, coupled with the freedom of the road curve. But Stanford does not have such features, impressive but there is no natural means to show the scale of several kilometers of artificial coconut tree Road. Stanford University - a well-known construction Memorial Church at Stanford Hoover Tower, Stanford University landmark building. It is to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Stanford built at the same time to commemorate the then U.S. President Hoover on the school's tremendous contribution to the building. Monument following the establishment of a special exhibition to introduce the life of President Hoover and performance. Old Union, built in the early 20th century, due to then-US President Herbert Hoover's proposal. Old Union is beginning to set as the students, activities, entertainment venue, which has a small hall, restaurant, library and so on. There was a time, some of which have been requisitioned to do the construction of school administration office. Currently, all building has been restored the function of the initial opening of the students. Stanford Memorial Church, built in 1903. The 20th century, the San Francisco earthquake occurred in the two to cause a serious damage to the church. Although the overall structure did not collapse, but the clock tower and beautiful mosaics on the external walls of severely damaged. After a major earthquake in 1989, a full closure of the church for 4 years to repair, repair is very successful, now both inside and outside the church do not see signs of earthquake damage. Memorial Church working days only open to tourists during the day, no tickets, but only in one visit. Stanford University - School Facilities Stanford University Fund strong, well-resourced, and teaching equipment is also very abundant. 6.5 million library. Schools with more than 7000 computers for use by students, but also a number of computer rooms and computer centers to provide services for students. Students can make use of network links with teachers and students in schools. In addition, the school has many sports facilities, and can accommodate 85,000 people Stadium, golf courses and swimming pool. The sixties, when the University of California at Berkeley and the student movement in the academic well known on the occasion of both Stanford University, is still unknown. Today, however, has been regarded as Stanford University, Harvard University, the West Bank. Stanford University - School Reform Stanford's take-off is a matter for after the seventies, I am afraid we have a big thanks to Stanford. More than 8000 acres of the area, schools with想怎么样also use up, so in 1959 the Dean of Engineering, a special concept of the door - this is the turning point of Stanford University: 1000 acres will be very low only a nominal rent, long-term leased to the alumni graduated from the business sector or setting up a company, and then by their co-operation with schools to provide students a variety of research projects and training opportunities. Stanford became the first on campus to set up a &University Industrial Park. Due to come up with a great harvest of land in return for this proposal, Stanford to make themselves in the forefront in the United States:& a business within the industrial park next to the opening of a, Stanford will soon go beyond the scope of the provision of land to promote growth and expansion, the formation of California, cutting-edge science and technology, elite gathering of the &Silicon Valley (Silicon Valley, also translated as& the Silicon Valley). Stanford University, and Enterprise Technology Group to be surrounded with the high-tech, and the business community, but also with the spirit of pragmatism and open up a case of &the spirit of the United States to establish close ties. With the U.S. West Coast,& with the rise of high-tech, various computer companies, including the &darling Microsoft century have camped in this line, Stanford University is becoming more and more important. If Harvard and Yale University, the United States on behalf of the humane spirit of tradition, then at Stanford University is the spirit of the twenty-first century a symbol of science and technology. Stanford University is a four-year private universities, by &U.S. News And World Report& ranked as the nation's first five-star class universities, the U.S. ranked number one academic. 2002 &U.S. News& published its latest ranking, the National Graduate School, College of Engineering, is the nation's second, the second National Institute of Education, Graduate School of Business is ranked first, and the Institute of Business Administration, School of Law among the highest in the United States, School of Law law school rankings in the United States has been at the forefront. Once, the United States Supreme Court's nine judges, there were six from the Stanford University School of Law graduate. Ranking of the doctoral program, the first biology, computer science and card吉梅隆University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of California at Berkeley tied for first, third Geology, Mathematics and Princeton University, the University of California at Berkeley Berkeley tied for third, physics and applied mathematics at Harvard University the fourth, the fifth chemical. There are other top courses in English, psychology, mass communications, biochemistry, economics and drama. According to a recent official statistics show that graduates of Stanford University in the University of the average income of the highest in the nation's number one. 1998, U.S. President Bill Clinton's daughter Chelsea at Stanford University have chosen to become the school's &fresh people, no doubt, this is another strength of Stanford University proved. Stanford University - history A &west of Harvard,& said Stanford University when the school is not very well-known. However, in an open school and the leading infectious optimism of the West Bank, the integration of the western culture and the essence of high-tech, both in academic research and has achieved remarkable results. Aiko built to commemorate the University of mortality Stanford University, a beautiful city located in Palo Alto (PaloAlto), PaloAlto referring to the San Francisco Bay red cedar. In 1876, where the old Stanford purchased 263 hectares of land, as a horse ranch. Later expanded to 3237 hectares, today the site of Stanford University campus. At Stanford University's logo and marks in every sport the image of Sequoia. Old Stanford was born in an affluent family of farmers. Was Governor of California in 1861. In 1863 he and his wife Janet set up the Central Pacific Railroad Company, served as president of Stanford. In 1884, his small son at Stanford with his parents when traveling in Europe, died of typhoid fever infected. Stanford grief after his wife returned to the United States, it was decided that 20 million U.S. dollars of his savings and his Palo Alto 3561 hectares of land used to create a great university. October 1, 1891, opening ceremony, held at Stanford University. New York newspapers at the time no one would have predicted that the land of the wild west on the university: &professors in the classroom marble, in the face of empty lecture bench.& However, the opening day of the University, unexpected busy. The first session of a total of 559 male and female students, of whom two-thirds come from outside California. From the very beginning at Stanford University and the United States on the eastern part of the tradition of different schools: the University of charge at the time the majority of boys, the majority of schools are associated with religious groups, th the majority of education is only to follow previous the pace here is to advocate the practice of cultivating the culture of socially useful citizens. Jordan from 1891 to 1913 served as principal for 23 years, he is a brilliant guide to Stanford University, a distinguished educator. Stanford University - History During the crisis into 1893 Stanford sleep died of old age. Misfortunes never come singly to his property were frozen. In such difficult circumstances, Mrs. Stanford did not intend to close down the school, she make every effort to maintain the functioning of the school until 6 years after the complete lifting of the freezing of funds. Mrs. Stanford Railway to sell her shares to 11 million U.S. dollars to the University Board of Trustees, Stanford University, the crisis was past. Jordan Vice-Chancellor, said: &This is the fate of university life and death, were all critical in a kind-hearted love for his wife.& Since the third president since he took office Weber, Stanford University began development of the world tightly together on the beat, and gradually developed into a world-renowned universities. Stanford University at the time of enrollment has exceeded 2,000 people, but the number of graduate students, only a little more than 300 people. Weber decided to expand post-graduate places, occupational sex education, promote scientific research and external consultation, the department organized into their own college, an additional scholarship. He also places quarter system to a semester system, improve the utilization of classrooms and encourage students to develop sports. During his tenure at Weber, despite two world wars came across such a disaster, but a great teaching and research development, and infrastructure have accelerated the progress. Weber has also changed the school funding situation entirely donated by the founder of the Stanford from the shackles of the 19th century (that is, only the founder of the donation) out, so that it limits the funds from the railway. Achievements of the Silicon Valley On Stanford University, Silicon Valley is an important topic. Recognized &Father of Silicon Valley& is Fred Terman, the Stanford campus from an early age, he grew up in 1922 at Stanford University, he received both chemical and electrical engineering master's degree at Stanford University in 1924 to return to work. In 1937, he served as Head of the Department of Electronic Engineering. Everyone is familiar with him as his students and Hewlett Packard plans to establish the famous Hewlett-Packard. Professor Terman created in 1951 at Stanford Research Park. He and the then president of Stanford, Wallace decided to land into money, and then passed the money to hire a well-known professors, into academic prestige. Their approach is so simple - to draw the campus of 655 acres of land rented to companies engaged in high-tech industries, which is later Stanford Research Park. Terman proposed the famous &academic art& concept, which involves two levels of meaning, first, to attract top talent. Another layer of meaning is to establish the top departments. If we say that at Stanford University in 1920 is only a &Village University&, but she will be among the best in 1960 to 1985, has been named the nation's first-class university. Palo Alto early engineers, many of the graduates of Stanford University, or graduate Terman. Subsequently, Terman also specialized so that the Silicon Valley company's employees into the Stanford degree. Therefore, the rise of Stanford University for the Silicon Valley, creating the conditions of micro-electronic industries, while also helping the development of Silicon Valley, Stanford University, so that they can have today's achievements. Stanford University - a well-known figures Linus Paulin in 1954 by the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1964 won the Nobel Peace Prize, is the world's rare two scholars, one of the Nobel prize, and in only two aspects of the award-winning he is known as &the father of biochemistry.& Arthur Berger space in 1959, won the Nobel Prize for physiology and medicine. This year, he synthesized DNA DNA, but the non- subsequent decade, he continued to study, in 1967, and the in vitro replication activity of DNA. Robert Hofstadter in 1961 by the Nobel Prize in Physics. Through the school's linear accelerator, for the first time detected the nuclear, proton, neutron density distribution of the charge. Yichun is苏沃Alexander in 1970 by the Nobel Prize for Literature. He is one of the most famous Russian novelist. Works are the &first circle&, &Cancer Ward&, &Denis Ivan Cavic by one day to live& and so on. By肯尼斯阿罗Nobel Prize in Economics in 1972. And a British scholar, he established a balance of common welfare. Friedlich Shanghai in 1974, a Swedish scholar with the establishment of a common currency and economic fluctuation theory, Nobel Prize in Economics was shared. Richie Burton and other scientists have found a sub-atom, respectively, in 1976 by the Nobel Prize in Physics. Milton Friedman in 1976 by the Nobel Prize for Economics. He stressed that the amount in money as a tool of government policy and business cycle and the determinants of inflation, monetary economy is the Chicago school leaders, the United States the most famous, one of the most influential economists. Paul Berg, 1980 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. He is a virus propagation, invasion of normal cells and cancer of the earliest researchers. Tile floor, Mr. Arthur was the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1981. Together with their brother-in-law in 1958 published a paper, thesis studied the laser, one is the inventor of the laser. 乔治斯泰勒in 1982 by the Nobel Prize in Economics, specializing in economic theory, industrial organization, public administration and economic history. Henry Peach cloth in 1983 by the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry master. Stanford University - School system Stanford University and other universities in different academic system. In the school in the year is divided into four quarters, the students should be selected for each different class. Therefore, students at Stanford University two-semester system than those students learning courses to more pressure than any other university students, to a large. Stanford, students must complete courses in nine areas, including culture and thought, natural science, technology and practical science, literature and the arts, philosophy, social sciences and religious thought. In addition, writing and foreign language students must meet certain standards. Stanford University recently the non-Western societies into the writer's works throughout the year it's &officer of Western culture when teaching the key link, aroused the attention of academics and vibration. Stanford University - professional settings Stanford University and the east coast of the brand-name institutions like the best, even in the United States in many aspects is the best. The school has more than 14,000 students, of which 7784 were undergraduates. Science for many students to volunteer, refresher courses and the preparation of the Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Science and Technology students are always overcrowded, medical, electronic / electrical engineering, environmental engineering, statistics, petroleum engineering, biochemistry, mechanical engineering, computer engineering, industrial engineering, operations research, aerospace engineering, mathematics, chemistry, physics, geological sciences, chemical engineering, civil engineering and other disciplines are the top ten. Obviously, this is a focus on science, engineering, medicine of the university. But the school of law, social science and humanities science-ho is also not less than that in the United States with a great reputation on. One psychology, history, mass communication, drama, business administration (MBA), Economics, English and other subjects in the United States the corresponding areas of the University living in the top six rankings. Stanford University requires students to take liberal arts, science knowledge to do both, and the general cultivation of the humanities students. Stanford University - Professor of groups According to 1995 data, a number of professors at Stanford University in 1300, there are 10 Nobel laureates, Pulitzer Prize winner 5, 142 American Academy of Arts Academy of Sciences, 84 countries and 14 Academy of Sciences National Science Award winner. And 67 students have won Rhodes Scholarship - is that President Clinton has been granted, Oxford被选送到the kind of post-graduate scholarship. Stanford University - Business School Stanford University Business School and Harvard Business School is considered the best U.S. business school. Many times these two colleges in the United States magazine business school rankings in a tie for first. Harvard Business School on behalf of more traditional business management training, culture is &西装革履-style& management personnel
and Stanford Business School, stressed that the creation of new technologies is even more new businesses, &the spirit of small businesses,& culture is &wearing T - T-shirts, &a new generation of small entrepreneurs. Light from the number of students, the Stanford Business School, the scale is much less than the Harvard Business School. A total of 720 Stanford MBA students, only one called Sloan's enterprise management training program for a period of ten months each year to recruit only 50 people. However, the quality from the students, in the more than 730 U.S. business schools, there is no one school of business school at Stanford Business School competition so fierce. In recent years, from 5000 to 6000 each year to apply for access to Stanford Business School, but only 360 were lucky enough to do. From this perspective, the Stanford Business School is &worth& the highest in the Business School. The reason why the main reason is to ensure the quality of teaching in schools to ensure high-quality students and high standards. Stanford Business School requires students to have a theoretical depth, because it believes that business school graduates from the Business School should be at least benefit from two decades of education. In other words, they should not only understand their face after graduation, what kind of business world, it should also have enough talent to meet future twenty years after a change in the business world. At Stanford, after the first year of basic courses, general requirements for the second year students choose a professional direction, the direction of these professions, including manufacturing management, small business creation and management, international business administration, health services management and public utilities management. The aim is to enable students to engage in the future of the industry may be a systematic and in-depth understanding, grasp the practical and theoretical knowledge. Stanford Business School in the emphasis on practical management experience, but also emphasis on the economic, financial, market operation, such as the theory of long-term study results than other leading business schools more. Over the past few decades, this business school professor Several research results have won the Nobel Prize in Economics. At the same time, Stanford Business School in recent years with particular emphasis on the teaching of the use of high-tech. Many courses are related to the creation of high-tech companies, how a certain industry or large companies to implement technological change, and how to use new technology to the development of new products. To this end, schools such as the annual invitation from the Silicon Valley, many high-level business executives to teach students about their practical experience. Many MBA students to study when small companies to participate in the Silicon Valley business plans, development and management, in the absence of graduates and the companies on the establishment of close ties. Very high rate of out of Stanford University MBA is a professional one of the reasons why the world-famous. At present there are about 5000 applications each year, and reached a maximum of 8,000 people a year, and the admission rate was only 7%. MBA education teachers are a key factor. Stanford Business School, strong teacher, teachers and students of the ratio of 1:6, including since 1990 the three Nobel laureates. MBA is not a master's degree is usually understood as simple, it is a systematic and extensive professional. Therefore to ensure the diversity of students is a very important aspect. Stanford University MBA students from various fields, so that students can increase the complementarity between, to a certain extent to promote the learning of students. Stanford University in order to ensure the quality, there is a very important tool is to strengthen the media watchdog. Mainstream media in the United States every year released the ranking of MBA professionals, which the applicant and the employer has very important implications. These media are usually distributed in the students in the questionnaire for analysis after collection. Ranking is an important indicator of the views of students. Stanford University - Stanford Research Park
In fact, that is bound to contact Stanford University, Stanford Research Park and the &Silicon Valley. Palo Alto, many early engineers are graduates of Stanford University. Stanford University in 1920 but only a& Village University, to the She will be among the best in 1960, and in 1985 were rated as the nation's first university. Is the rise of Stanford University for the Silicon Valley, creating the conditions of micro-electronic industries, Silicon Valley is the world's most advanced cutting-edge talent and technology of gathering, in here, a total of more than 40 Nobel laureates, there are thousands of Academy of Sciences and Academy of Engineering. In 1998, the Silicon Valley region, GDP totaled about 240 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 35% of the United States around the country, which is equivalent to the total value of China's GDP to about 25 percent. Silicon Valley, these excellent results achieved can not be separated from Stanford University in the incubator at the same time, also helped the development of Silicon Valley, Stanford University, to enable her to have today's achievements. Stanford Research Park, Stanford University by the Vice-Chancellor Professor Terman created in 1951, is the world's first research park, known as &the father of research parks. Since the late forties, as a result of the federal government decided to increase education investment in education has been the recovery of the United States. At that time, indulge in one corner of Stanford, the universities and the eastern part is not mentioned in the same breath, while the eastern part of far less developed western region, and the serious brain drain. then Terman of Stanford University Vice-Chancellor Professor , talent is the future of colleges and universities. Stanford not only to attract entrepreneurial talent and academic experts. At the same time, sustainable development at Stanford University and industry cooperation. Science and technology are productive forces, science and technology knowledge is the basis for the production of knowledge, universities are the most important places, this series of logical relationship between the universities to promote knowledge into the industry, so that made the development of industrial technology and innovation. The relationship between this logic is &a manifestation of the concept of practical education. Stanford University, Stanford's& Practical Education (Practical Education) for education from the very beginning to affect the growth of Stanford University. Mr. Stanford is not highly educated, he is as a businessman to enter the community. Businessman's social practice, so he knows how education is the importance of revitalizing the industry and at the same time, he needs to understand what kind of business education, especially what kind of higher education. &Practical education, and will become a founder of the concept of Stanford University. And as a founder of Stanford Research Park is Professor Terman of the concept of holding such an important figure in that he was opposed to the University a divorced from reality into the& ivory tower. Thus, under his leadership, in 1944 the University has developed the next 20 years development plan, in order to cause the Government attaches great importance to the Stanford University, and taking full advantage of federal funding to Stanford University from a regional into a national university renowned research institutions. Stanford Research Park is not only engaged in basic research, applied research and also to carry out development activities. Not only in basic research laboratories in universities, industry and research are also indoors. In university laboratories and research institutes engaged in applied research often by university teachers and industry researchers to participate in common. Development activities are concentrated in the industrial laboratory. University to participate in development activities in two ways: First, when the busine II is absorbed in the development of activities in order to have research experience and students. In addition, Stanford University through a variety of forms to strengthen business ties with the company. Effective management is the key to success. Stanford University is indeed set to do in education, scientific research in one of talents to the community, but also with their research results for social progress, for economic development. Stanford University - a hundred years of the founding In 1991, Stanford University, has ushered in a century of her birthday. It should be noted that first-class universities in the world she is still relatively young. However, she in the development of human intelligence, to meet the demand, it is dynamic and unique. Years at Stanford University at the time of a celebration commemorating the speech said: &So far, I am afraid there is no University of the centuries, whether it is domestic or international, to the University of development and social progress than we would provide a owned, more attractive or tempting opportunities. & Stanford is in such a position towards her second century, and modern society to welcome the 21st century. Stanford University is located in the Americas from the geographical location - the edge of the Pacific, east and west of the intersection, but also in technology and human integration of the two basic subjects, and if Stanford University in the East and West, between technology and the humanities success to build a bridge, it can be predicted that Stanford University will be able to solve the problems in today's world development and progress of some doubts very meaningful contribution to make. Combing the history of the development at Stanford University, it is natural it will look in the &academic - technology - productivity& as an outstanding transformation in the vision school concept, as well as management of the school unique. Stanford University, October 1, 1891 officially commenced. The first president to the students and guests Jordan made a dramatic speech, he said: &Our university is the youngest one, but she is the successor of human wisdom. With this inheritance, not to worry about the rapid and robust growth. & He announced: &We are the first school year to teachers and students in this task, is a co-existence of human civilization will lay the foundation for the school. This school will not因袭any tradition, any one can block her way, she All the signs point to the front. & A century, Stanford University for several generations of young people provided a good living conditions and learning conditions, resulting in a lot of impact on the world-renowned scientists, scholars, and there has been or is likely to change the world ideas. Her teaching and research achievements, making her among the ranks of world-class universities. Stanford University and Silicon Valley has been able to develop their links with the development of the times on the one hand, the opportunities
on the other hand, some individuals or groups is the subjective creativity can not be ignored. In looking back at Stanford University and Silicon Valley, the relationship between each other, we have to concern Stanford University and Silicon Valley to connect the bridge - Stanford Research Park. Stanford Research Park, Stanford University by the Vice-Chancellor Professor Terman created in 1951, is the world's first research park, known as &the father of research parks.& Based on the above is to attract outstanding talent and creating cutting-edge department of &academic art& concept, Terman and then Vice-Chancellor Professor Wallace Sterling (WallaceSterling) decided to land into money, Stanford, and the money -- through hiring well-known professor - turned into academic prestige. Their approach is so simple, lease of land for schools to earn money. In the original gift book of the old Stanford, the state of the gifts of land (Stanford campus) are not allowed to sell, but does not prohibit the rental. Therefore, they would set aside 7.5 percent of campus land, about 655 acres, rented to factories engaged in high-tech industries, it is the Stanford Industrial Park, later. Stanford University - the spirit of the connotation of First, the entrepreneurial spirit - a thriving economic and cultural Stanford University in the course of the school, and always make the best use of the implement, to make the best use of the ideas, full of the school in order to start applying their knowledge of the spirit. As old Mr. Stanford said at the opening ceremony the first time, and &Remember, life is the final analysis, practical point, you should be here is to seek for themselves a useful occupation. However, we should also understand that this must include the innovation, entrepreneurial aspirations, good design and the ultimate realization of the efforts to make it. & This is the impact on human development at Stanford and Stanford, the growth of the concept of education and culture, she encouraged the idea of every people to start to break through. Stanford University with a total symbiosis of Silicon Valley's entrepreneurial spirit derived, has also become the first line on the road to Stanford, as well as the spiritual pillar of Stanford. Second, the search for the University of productive functions: the development of university and industry cooperation between the Science and technology are productive forces, science and technology knowledge is the basis for the production of knowledge, universities are the most important places, this series of logical relationship between the universities to promote knowledge into the industry, so that made the development of industrial technology and innovation. The relationship between this logic of &practical education& a manifestation of the concept. Stanford University, Stanford's &Practical Education& (PracticalEducation) concept of education from the very beginning to affect the growth of Stanford University. Mr. Stanford is not highly educated, he is as a businessman to enter the community. Businessman's social practice, so he knows how education is the importance of revitalizing the industry and at the same time, he needs to understand what kind of business education, especially what kind of higher education. &Practical education& has become the founder of the concept of Stanford University. Stanford Research Park as the founder Professor Terman also hold such an important figure in the concept that he was opposed to the University a divorced from reality into the &ivory tower.& He also wants to see, 50-60 would be the federal government's renewed focus on higher education, to increase university funding. Stanford University, the current Vice-Chancellor Gerhard - Casper (GerhardCasper) the new school year in 1998 in his speech on the new, re-affirmed the long-standing tradition at Stanford, proposed the &University is a public service institution& thinking. He also described the &University of the exercise of the functions of business organizations is not a bad thing,& the truth, according to Adam Smith's view, individual pursuit of rational self-interest can often be to promote the interests of society as a whole. And universities can get more funding support, then the school's teaching, research and development and other functions can be carried out on the very full, and step-by-step. This student development, social progress and human beings have a certain public welfare benefits. Continuing to maintain the University - Industry partnership is the tradition of Stanford University, is the high level of academic and public service work for an important way. This approach by the U.S. Government's approval and support. Third, management is not the administration, but academic and productive, not only in an orderly manner, and to be effective. Stanford Research Park focus on the construction and letting of land management. Research park land was originally leased for 99 years, in 1960 the term shortened to 51 years, was the need for the total rent paid in advance. By 1987, the establishment of an annual rental payment system. This also can be seen that the progress of the times, as well as the rapid development of Silicon Valley, Stanford Research Park has become a unique position and advantages. Stanford to investors to apply for special care, research, development and light industry, manufacturing, approval of a priority and allow the existence of long-term, because they will not cause dust, noise, odor or life-threatening substances. Many of the park tenants, focusing on electronics, aerospace, medicine and chemistry. As the study of access to industrial parks are strictly limited, so the park land lease must be negotiated between the two sides should act on a strictly commercial basis. For example, in the park lease to the land, in accordance with the wishes of their own style and build their own buildings. However, before the construction, the plan must be approved by Stanford University reported that the construction can only. Moreover, in the planning of buildings, Stanford landscape architects and designers should always be assessed in order to ensure consistency with the overall layout. The company when we were to expand or change, whether it is the secondary buildings and landscape design, or supporting structure or decoration has to go through Stanford University and the city of Palo Alto Architectural Review Board review and approval of both parties. Palo Alto City urban planning, there are strict requirements, such as the Park 1 acres to the largest network coverage in 30 percent of construction and provides the largest in the living area near the building height of 35 feet, a depth of underground construction 25 feet. Underground installation of public facilities, road maintenance, park and fire the work of public security also has detailed provisions.


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