明天英语演讲的主题是to learn is to change 有一个创新创业大赛评委提问问环节 一般老师会从哪一些方面问问题?紧急

英语演讲比赛中评委的问题在英语演讲比赛中,评委可能会问我哪些问题.我演讲的题目是“I love English”.问题越多越好,最好能有回答,还会有加分.在帮我翻译一下这两个句子,This is really a great honor to have this opportunity,and I believe I can make good performance today.Now I will introduce myself briefly.
How long have you been learnig Englsih?-- I've been learning it for xxx years.Why are you so fond of English?Because English is a language spoken by many people...Why do you think English is important to you?Because it opens another window for me.What impresses you most in your English class?Some classmates are very active in English class...Have you ever talked to a foreigner in English?Yes.I once met a foreigner in the park...What difficulties have come across in learning English?I think the main difficulties are.Have you read any interesting English stories?Can you tell us the main contents of one of them?I've read some interesting Englsih stories,one of them is...
Good afternoon. Thank you for coming to this afternoon’s competition、W. And after your speech, it’s a very great chance for us to learn each other: In today’s show: Now you are watching the 5th English speech contest of Yucai Middle School. W! T,my honored teachers and my fellow students.I&#39. You’d better give out your own understanding or ideas about them: Yeah. Ok;ll all make good use of this opportunity.Believe yourself and just hold it,m very honored to be the host for today&#39, one of our judges will ask you some questions. Ds competition this afternoon to give the opening speech for everybody. T, Ihope we can exchange experiences of how to learn English better from it.And I believe that these experiences will be very useful for the students in our school.So I hope we&#39, you’ll have 5 minutes or so to give your speech. This is the final of grade 7 and grade 8,everyone. They are coming from different Classes of different Grades, isn’t it一. There are 21 contestants in both groups
所有&quot:W!) all make good use of this opportunity.Believe yourself and just (hold--&gt。大家现在观看的是育才中学第五届英语演讲比赛的一部分--初一和初二年级的决赛. This is the final (of--&gt:W.T;there) are 21 contestants in (both groups--&gt: G for&#47,该选手应就这些问题给出自己的理解或者观点?注:是的,是吧,相信这些经验对于我校的同学们会非常有益;m XXX,我们的一位评委会提问,马到成功;make) opening&#47,我叫XXX.;m from, Ihope we can exchange experiences of how to learn English better from it.And I believe that these experiences will be very useful for the students in our school.So (I hope we&#39.;前的部分建议改成其后的部分: Yeah, you’ll have 5 minutes or sos--&gt,everyone。译文: In (today’s show.;&#47。好了,括号内&quot:老师们,and I&#39。比赛中;演讲过后.;前的词汇都是建议删掉的。相信自己其中有许多错误;come) from different Classes of different Grades.Now you are watching a part of the 5th English speech contest of Yucai Middle School.---&gt. And after your speech.. You(’d better--&gt: I&#39, one of our judges will ask you some questions,让我们共同利用好这次机会; to&#47. W; afternoon/) competition。以下是尝试纠正稿及译文,这确实是一次我们相互学习的难得的机会,分别代表两个年级组;) great chance for us to learn each other。所以,) (There--&& give&#47. Thank you for coming to this (afternoon’s&#47,同学们!很荣幸作为今天下午比赛的主持人. During the contest, it’s a (very/ everybody&#47。T,每位选手演讲时间在五分钟左右; the&#47。感谢大家来到比赛现场;---&ve got to) give out your own understanding or ideas about them. Ok: 今天的比赛有来自不同班级和年级的21名选手参加! T;ll--let us 注!T;m very honored to be the host for (today&#39, isn’). My name is XXX;this event,来自. They (are coming--&gt:我叫XXX;&quot,我希望通过比赛我们可以交换彼此学习英语的经验,大家下午好,my honored teachers and (my/ speech&#47,for each student, representing the two groups):前面刚有hope显得重复!W;) fellow students.I&#39,建议纠正后再用.;this) competition (this/ 'for) grade 7 and grade 8
W:在今天的比赛中,两组有 21 位选手,他们是来自不同的年段的不同的班级。在比赛过程中,每个学生都有5分钟的时间演讲,每次演讲完,都会有1个评委问你一些问题,你最好说一下自己的理解或看法。好的,我希望同学们可以在这次比赛中交流一下怎么才能把英语学得更好,而且我相信这些经历会对我们学校的学生有用的。所以我希望我们能够充分利用这次机会,同学们,相信...
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Christopher Emdin在Ted英语演讲老师如何创造魔力(中英双语)
it could be a life。死去的鱼只会随波逐流,知识更全面的一些宝贵经验,非常怀念那段时光,只有不懈地努力、 永远对自己充满信心一. Fifth、 每个人都应有远大的理想5,这里有非常好的学习资源和氛围,希望已经很小了, the importance of students exchange 3,也可以是生活上的,甚至更远, more comprehensive knowledge of the Some valuable experience. Society for their preparation, so that each student be able to cherish the hope that each day has a bright future, in the eyes of others appears to be &quot,在他人眼里看来是“幸运”的东西就会降临到你身上. Second。
我曾经就想过;s a very happy memory of that period of time is because we come together is a difficult and fulfilling Years? But the important role of the teacher,要对自己充满信心, and finally,在增进与同学的友谊的同时,同龄人间的鼓励往往有着意想不到的效果, there is a very good learning environment and resources, such as timidity,我也总会抽出一小部分时间来阅读课外书籍, in achieving their goal of the day before初中的学习生活1。自己学会预习,也可以从同学那里学到一些可以使自己思维更开阔、有人会想,就应该为自己选择一个适合自己的远大的理想,就是告诫部分同学, when we have to form good habits of self-study, to explore the outside world wide,当我们对自己的能力有所了解之后, vitality is activated,让我明白,将来要成为一位科学家,我记得即使是初二那段很紧张的时间里, or even farther。三!1。而当一年级过后, the exchange of students and not just learning,在实现自己目标的那一天到来之前.
I have four more than in 2002。五, everyone should have lofty ideals 5,因为我们共同走过的是一段艰苦而又充实的岁月,还不断地去网上查阅各种科普类资料,面对实际问题时我们才会拥有自己的一套思维方式,用各种方式开导我,就曾给我设下无数的障碍,自己独到的见解,所以希望每位同学都能珍惜每一天. I hope the beginning of the life of junior high school students to treasure every day, often with the encouragement of the same age the world has an unexpected effect,否则我会错过更多的机会,就像我现在一样, not only so that I seriously Learning to complete the task。
最后。所以希望刚开始初中生活的各位同学好好珍惜每一天, only for their tireless efforts to get their brains working, I had to set numerous obstacles,在面对难题, always full of confidence in their own I、每个人都应该有远大的理想,无论何时; things Will come to your body、当我们已形成自主学习的好习惯时, it seems now that hope has been very small,那老师还有什么可做的呢,当我们有了远大的理想?老师的作用可是举足轻重的, well prepared. The dead fish will drift with the tide and the fish alive will revert back to when we have lofty ideals, just as I like some of the students together and talk about the past, it&#39. I am sure that in the future I will bring many benefits,祝各位同学能够在四中这所名校中学业有成, for junior high school。二,多翻翻有益的课外书绝对是很有好处的。我相信这样会给我将来的发展带来很多好处,便会向着理想孜孜不倦的勇往直前,如胆小怕事,不仅让我认真地完成学习任务, and so on. Only in this way in the face of challenges, it is necessary confidence in their own, I wish all of you to the Fourth schools in achieving this.
在这里我顺便提一下、 谈谈老师的作用4,去探索外面广阔的世界, to talk about the role of teacher 4, and his mission is to teach students how to style、复习, thanks to my teacher during that time constantly encouraged me.
Of course,怎样去学习以及帮助学生用健康的心态去面对考试。只有这样, review and learn to see the kinds of books to help consolidate their knowledge.
I have thought about the future is to become a scientist,信心不足等等,他的任务是要教会学生怎么样为人处世, I understand that there are opportunities to prepare preference、对于初中生来说, everyone should have lofty ideals,都有一个似锦的前程, my teacher told me the biggest favor is correct as far as possible to help me in my style, I even remember that two days of very intense time, we face the real problems will have their own set ways of thinking,和一些同学聚在一起谈起往事,但这个目标却在过去很长的一段时间里让我对学习充满了热情, and how to help students with learning and healthy state of mind to face the test, it will tirelessly towards the ideals of courage、最后一点。
Here I am the way,每天处理完自己觉得应该完成的学习任务后, their own unique view,拼搏的灵魂被唤醒时. Fourth, every day should feel that their hands after the completion of the study mission, is part of the warning students,学会参阅各类书籍来帮助自己巩固所学的知识, should be a suitable choice for their own aspirations,开动脑筋, the inadequacies,活着的鱼才会逆流而上;lucky&quot, I taught a variety of ways,现在看来. Knowledge can be translated into their own skills,而绝非仅仅向学生灌输知识,我的班主任对我最大的恩惠就是帮助我尽量改正了我为人处世中的不足之处, but this goal has in the past for a long period of time so I am full of enthusiasm for learning,机遇偏爱有准备的人, no matter when, the next is to learn to students and exchange students and the promotion of friendship.
After junior high school life, students can also learn some of the thinking can make a broader、 要学会自主学习2, I Federation of taking a small portion of the extra time to read books, emotional,既然学习可以自己来解决,接下来就是要学会与同学交流, when we do have the ability to understand。四,情绪上的,生命力被激活, some people may think that since the study can solve。
经过初中的生活、 重视同学间的交流3,好好地准备. When after the first year. This is a one-on weakness。就单是这一个弱点. Third, and that the teacher what else can they do it,虽然, but also to keep on-line access to a variety of types of scientific information, or else I will miss more, the struggle was the soul of wake-up time, though, not only to impart knowledge, a lack of confidence。因为这也正是我在初中时代所留下的遗憾, many pointed out repeatedly in extra-curricular useful book is very good。
我在四中二年有余,与同学的交流不光是学习上的. Because this is what I said in my junior high school age are left with regret,就非常的开心。所学的知识才能转化为自己的本领,幸亏我的班主任在这段时间里不断地鼓励我, to learn how to self-study 2, I think the most important thing is to learn to self-study


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