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参数页面,引用自中关村在线1、外观&手感到手之后拿着和水果5S放在一起比了一下,宽度几乎一样,长一小截。未拍和5s的比较的图,下面几张图你们感受一下。我之前看到有人说,fire phone就是一部4S的加长版,此话看来的确不假。手机正反两面为康宁大猩猩玻璃,这手机屏幕真的不耐划,我拿卫生纸擦一下都一堆小划痕我也是醉了。后面玻璃上的amazon非常之好看,到手就知道了。正面的4个传感器看上去其实不怎么突兀,不如说相当炫酷,反正拿出手不会有类似设计的机型,就是个性。不可以贴玻璃膜,贴玻璃膜相当于把传感器遮住了,某宝上有针对fire phone开模的贴膜,传感器都开了洞,有需要的自行搜索,不过不是玻璃膜,我订了两张还没用,据说因为开孔的原因,可能边角帖的不是那么牢固,尚未到手,未证实。边框材质为类肤质涂层的塑料还是橡胶制品,厚度我不记得在哪儿看的好像是8.9mm,总之绝对谈不上厚,手感好极了。手感方面,如果满分是五颗星,这手机起码四颗半。2、性能&跑分我对跑分没什么兴趣,基本上一定的配置下,体验和跑分关系不大,主要看优化,我举个最简单的例子,安兔兔上跑分第一的是MX4,然而这并没有什么卵用,flyme那是人用的?我自己就是MX4用户,在此奉劝脑子正常就别买魅族产品,尤其是神奇的mx4pro。下面上跑分:因为是720P屏,所以在adreno330的支持下,3D绘图的分数相当的高,经过测试,炉石传说运行流畅。系统运行流畅,应用切换流畅,因为是用的emmc,所以也没兴趣去测读写速度了,感觉还是挺快的。HTML5测试分数中规中矩。没有使用其他的软件测试,实际体验非常流畅,没有什么卡顿的地方,开机关机速度也很出色,开机后即可操作,不像神奇的flyme刚开机就用就等着卡死重启。4、硬件体验。前摄像头渣出翔了,不只是像素方面,而是打开前摄像头时拍摄画面一卡一卡好似幻灯片,后摄像头成像中规中矩,对焦速度中规中矩。百度一下fire phone,有网站做评测上了样张我也就懒得到处拍了。外放声音较小,内放挺好,无电流声——耳机铁三角cks99。电池没有想象中的那么不经用,可能是因为我版本降到了3.5.X。轻度使用一天一充,重度使用什么手机都离不开移动电源。支持NFC,储存方面32G大概还有23G可用。5、系统体验因为amazon大部分服务在国内用不到,所以在先备份的条件下可以凭感觉删,amazon开头的基本上可以删,如果删出了问题就还原。在此推荐使用lbe,在fire phone上运行完美,用lbe删东西也自己给备份了,出了问题还原也方便。我也不知道删错了什么东西,返回桌面的时候上面图标都没了,还原了几个小东西之后就好了。Fire OS系统的内存占用应该算是低的了,总之比国内的各种系统占用低,运行是各种流畅。开启USB调试的方法是在设置里,进入device,再进入Get info about your Fire,然后多点几下版本号就OK,届时下方会出现Developer Options,然后再勾上USB Debugging就行了。另外就算Root之后装了“区域”,设置了中文,也只是小部分汉化。大部分设置以及原生应用里头还是英文。而且汉化之后的设置各种BUG各种闪退,如果有英文基础的话建议直接升4.6.1,虽然没法Root,不过反正Root了在这个机型上也是一大堆事儿做不了。经测试无法正常运行clash of clans,其他的能人异士搞不搞得定我不知道,反正我各种方法用尽了我搞不定。Google套件勉强能通过安装到system/app来搞定,但是各种运行异常。4.6.1的bin文件居然有1.3G,简直吓尿,刷机方法吧里应该有,如果没有的话这个群里有:,群里有大神。6、价格。英版完美支持联通234G,支持移动2G,支持电信4G(只可上网),1K左右可入到全新水货,英版系统升级降级不丢图标,也不知道为什么,所以推荐英版。说到底在中国买fire phone的最大的动机还是这便宜的让人震惊的水货价,单纯就性能而言火机直逼米4,但是做工真不是一个层次了,我拿着火机觉得爱不释手,至于小米4——哦,就这样吧。至于魅族还是让鸡王去养鸡吧,雷布斯耍猴至少最后还给猴子吃香蕉,鸡王可真该杀鸡儆猴。7,、进阶使用低版本支持towel root,可安装google套件(system/app),可安装Xposed框架,可用翻墙路由器(有些个intel设备就用不了)和赛风,busybox未测试。总评:不是发烧友不要入,够折腾的,但是有一定折腾能力的人赶紧入吧,Fire Phone可谓当之无愧的千元艺术品。有心看测评的可以收藏一下这个帖子。
Google框架安装办法:先下载以上文件,解压后一个个用RE管理器扔到system/app里头,把权限都改成-rw-r--r--,然后重启,然后最好用LBE把这些google应用升级。登录Google账号也别去设置里头找了,直接打开Google play登录。
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或亚马逊Fire Phone:很酷但你可能不会买的手机|亚马逊|Fire|Phone_手机_新浪科技_新浪网
亚马逊Fire Phone:很酷但你可能不会买的手机
  今年6月19日,亚马逊发布了旗下首款智能手机Fire Phone。动态3D显示、头部交互、图像识别、万货商店……诸多因素赋予了这款手机独特而神秘的气质。
  用回亚马逊的词汇,“Firefly”和“dynamic perspective”无疑是Fire Phone的杀手锏,也是外界对这款手机最感兴趣的地方。
  近日部分外媒拿到Fire Phone并进行了评测。不妨听听Business Insider,TheVerge,CNET对这款手机的感受。
  Fire Phone由AT&T独家销售。32G Fire Phone两年合约价为199.99美元,裸机价格为649美元。购买Fire Phone将获得一年免费的Prime服务。该手机将在7月25日上市。
  Fire Phone采用:
  2.2GHz 四核 Snapdragon 800 CPU;Adreno 330 GPU
  2G RAM,32or64GB ROM
  4.7英寸分辨率IPS LCD显示屏,最高亮度为590尼特,室外下也可以看清屏幕内容
  Fire OS 3.5(Android定制)
  其它:双声道杜比音效扬声器,Cloud Drive提供无限量的照片云存储空间
  dynamic perspective
  Fire Phone具备动态3D显示功能,该手机内置了四枚前置摄像头,组成名为“dynamic perspective”的头部检测系统。在特定的应用支持下,当用户头部和眼球移动时,会呈现出不同的景深和位移,模拟出物理世界中的显示效果。亚马逊为研发这项功能已经用了数年时间,亚马逊手机一再延迟发布,也是因为这玩意。
  dynamic perspective可以让手机锁屏界面变得更加有趣,它提供了19种不同的锁屏状态选择。“给人第一眼的印象的确非常酷。”Business Insider的编辑谈到。不过该媒体认为,恐怕许多人不会太在意手机的锁屏状态是怎样的。dynamic perspective真正可施展拳脚的地方应该是游戏及切换手机界面。
  当你第一次拿到手机时,你需要一些时间才能适应与dynamic perspective相关的手势操作。你可以单手晃动、倾斜手机来切换界面、滚动浏览器或是调出隐藏页。
  在把玩的几天中,Business Insider编辑发现自己有60%的时间都使用了手势操作。“我想,当你用的越久,你就会越来越适应它,那时你会意识到,相比其他手机,单手操作亚马逊手机可以做到更多的事情。”
  dynamic perspective的确能带来不一样的游戏体验,这从一些小游戏上就能感受到,比如《雪中飞舞》(SnowSpin)。亚马逊目前也在陆续推出更多使用该特性的app。不过亚马逊需要花更多的心思来激励开发者参与进来。
  “dynamic perspective在手机上体现在多个方面,比如每个app图标看起来都是有层次的;点击Wi-Fi按钮,它会像真实的按钮一样弹出;通过地图查看3D地标;这些内容可能无法左右你购买手机,但是却体现了亚马逊在细节上的用心。”Business Insider表示。
  CNET的编辑则认为dynamic perspective是一个略带噱头的功能,它看起来确实很酷。亚马逊试图借此掀起新的硬件潮流,将3D效果延伸至手机的多个方面,不只是锁屏。不过,“总的来说,这个功能玩乐大于实用。”如果dynamic perspective惹恼了你,你可以将它关闭。
  dynamic perspective显然惹恼了TheVerge的编辑。dynamic perspective是核心UI的一部分,也是绝大多数内置app的一部分。它运行得不错,同时也是一个可以卖弄的有趣功能。“但这个功能的最大价值在哪呢?诚然,当我移动头部的时候,可以看到图标的不同面,但这其实没什么实际意义,即使是在亚马逊最引以为豪的地图使用场景(当你倾斜手机时,你可以看到地图上关于某个地点更多的信息),它也只是比‘点击’和‘缩放’更高效而已。”
  TheVerge的编辑继续吐槽,“dynamic perspective只是为了让界面更简洁,只有在你需要的时候才展示相关信息,但这样做在常规状态下也会隐藏有用的信息。而查看这些信息着实需要时间适应,因为这些信息在手势操控时快速地闪进闪出,如果不够熟悉,就搞不清楚如何让界面驻留或是重新找回界面。”
  “dynamic perspective的确能让锁屏界面看起来更酷更有趣,但这对提升智能手机的用户体验没有太大价值。”TheVerge编辑称,“我认为dynamic perspective最终可能会在游戏中大展拳脚,带给人身临其境的感受,而实际上亚马逊也推出了专属游戏。但是,倾斜手机滚动浏览器、以及基于手势的UI都让人觉得复杂和困难。”
  如果说当初亚马逊推出Kindle Fire平板是为了向用户销售其在线内容的话,那么这次手机上的Firefly,就是这家百万商店的最佳形态。
  简单来说,Firefly就是一个连接现实和在线世界的枢纽。在你的Fire Phone上打开Firefly,它能够自动读取电视节目台词或者歌曲,向你提供亚马逊在线内容的链接;扫描绘画和书籍,会向你提供维基百科和亚马逊书店的链接;扫描实体商品,例如一罐洗衣粉,你能够看到与亚马逊的比价;扫描一本杂志,你会Firefly能够分辨出它的餐厅广告,甚至还能够识别出上面的订座电话……
  Fire Phone机身侧面有专门的实体按键,点按它就能立刻进入Firefly模式。
  “虽然我不是特别频繁地使用Firefly,但我依然能感受到该功能让人兴奋的地方。它在识别歌曲、扫描名片拨打电话、扫描物理书籍查看Kindle版本方面非常管用。我想,许多人应该会喜欢扫描比价功能。”Business Insider的编辑谈到。
  由于Firefly和dynamic perspective是Fire Phone手机的两个鲜明标签,所以我们重点关注了它们,希望看到整机的详细评测,可移步Business Insider,TheVerge,CNET。
  我们不妨看看这三家媒体对Fire Phone的总结。
  Business Insider:
  总体来看,Fire phone值得购买,智能手机的基本功能它都具备,价格也没有偏离市场主流价位,手势操控和Firefly也是有趣而实用的。
  建议去AT&T亲身体验dynamic perspective。如果你喜欢在亚马逊购物,并且享受亚马逊的电影等娱乐服务,那么不妨入手Fire phone。
  不过,如果你期待获得最新最酷的app和服务,或者是青睐大屏手机,你可能会考虑其他的手机。Fire phone适用这样的用户,想要待在亚马逊的世界里,而对最新酷的app和服务不怎么感兴趣。我猜想大部分人都不属于这一类。
  缺点在于,就像亚马逊平板一样,Fire Phone可适用的app相当有限。你无法享受Google Now这类流行服务和新酷的app,也不能使用Google Play的其他服务。这对许多人来说将是难以接受的。此外,电池续航也让人失望。
  如果你看了TheVerge的对Fire Phone的评分,你会立马关掉该手机的一切网页。TheVerge给亚马逊的首款智能手机只打了5.9分(满分10分),作为对比,HTC One (M8)为8.5分,LG G3为8.3,Galaxy S5为7.8分。
  Fire Phone让TheVerge满意的地方主要是拍照、电池续航和许多新酷的玩法,而不爽的地方则是混乱复杂的界面、平淡乏味的设计、丑陋的软件。并且,该媒体认为智能手机不应该只是个商店。
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CNET Editors' Rating
6.9 Overall
Amazon Fire Phone
Studded with four motion-tracking cameras and crammed with the retail
giant's membership perks, Amazon's 4.7-inch Fire Phone strides into the
smartphone arena armed with industry firsts,
including 3D-like Dynamic Perspective visuals, an integrated "Firefly"
scanning button, and a real-time Mayday help desk. Amazon is sweetening the deal
-- for a limited time -- with a free year of Amazon Prime for both new
and current subscribers. For the most part, these bells and whistles
work as advertised, delivering some notable features you won't find on
other smartphones. What doesn't work is the premium retail price, the so-so performance, and the slightly sub-prime specs. The $200 on-contract price with US carrier AT&T has already dropped to $1 since the phone's debut (it's still $650 off-contract), and the phone costs ?33 or ?48 . (There's no Australian pricing or availability yet.) The quad-core
Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor struggles to respond, battery life sputters out quicker
than I'd like, and the phone also throws off enough heat to melt a pat
of butter. Also, as the
(like Amazon's )
uses a heavily modified version of Android, the limited app store
blocks Google Play
services. That
last issue will be a deal-breaker for many, because you you won't be able
to access popular services like Google Now and Google Maps that you'd
find with a
"true" Android phone (or an iPhone).The Fire Phone is daring, aspirational, and pleasing to use.
But you need to be all-in on the Amazon ecosystem to fully appreciate
it, and even then, it's not delivering a lot of Amazon features
that you can't get on rival products. When
the Fire Phone eventually gets its inevitable markdown -- say, $99 or
less on contract -- and Amazon delivers more must-have apps to its app
store, the Fire Phone may be more recommendable beyond hard-core Prime
addicts. In the meantime, fervent Android fans (and anyone else looking
for the best deal) are better off with an , , or .
1 - 5 / 16
Dapper design
Look at the Amazon Fire Phone, and four eyes peer back. Infrared cameras in each corner track the position of your head in relation to the display, creating a sort of 3D effect in hot spots throughout the phone. These cameras form the Fire Phone's most distinguishable physical characteristic (apart from the Amazon logo on the back) in an otherwise indistinct-looking black-on-black body.
In other words, this phone looks like almost every other smartphone in its class.
Amazon's aesthetic is all sleek distinction, with a tall, relatively narrow chassis (5.5 x 2.6 x 0.35 140 x 66 x 9 millimeters), glass backing, and gently rounded spines. The dimensions lend themselves to easy pocketing and one-handed slinging, though any glass backplate is in danger of breaking, and smudges are inevitable. While its 5.6-ounce (160 gram) heft makes it feel sturdy, a tumble has already mildly dented the top-left corner.View full gallery (16 Photos)Amazon's Fire Phone looks tailored and sleek, for those who like their phones to blend in.
Josh Miller/CNET
The Fire Phone's 1,280x720p HD screen isn't as high-resolution as other handsets with 1080p HD or quad HD displays, but it has a respectable 315ppi pixel density. I really had to strain my eyes to see much difference between the Fire Phone and
M8 when comparing 4K wallpaper and zoomed-in lettering.
In terms of external features, you'll find a small, oblong home button along the bottom edge, and a volume rocker, SIM card tray, and convenience key on the left spine. Double-click the home button to view recent apps, and long-press for bare-bones voice commands, like placing a call or text. Similarly, a tap on the convenience key turns on the camera (any button on the left edge takes a photo after that) and a long-press launches the built-in Firefly scanning app (but more on that later). Unfortunately, you can't reprogram the convenience key as you can on
if you'd like that side button to do anything else.
The screen lock button sits up top and the Micro-USB char the lens to the right of the Fire Phone's speaker grille serves up selfies, and the camera on the phone's back has a sidekick in an LED flash. A sealed device, there's no popping off the back cover, but 32GB of internal storage (with a 64GB optional upgrade for $750) is more than enough for most.Dynamic Perspective: A new angle
You call it 3D, Amazon calls it Dynamic Perspective. This mouthful refers to the phone's visual effects and details that flicker in and out, depending on how you tilt the phone.
You see Dynamic Perspective in lock screens you can peer in and around (some look more like dioramas, truth be told), on home screen widgets and app-tray icons, and in secondary lines of text tucked within menu bars and search results as you angle your eyes. Maps and certain games (like To-Fu Fury and Saber's Edge) also include the shifting graphics, as do browser pages you can autoscroll as you tilt the phone up and down. Worry not: if this annoys you, you can turn it all off.View full gallery (16 Photos)The Dynamic Perspective lock screen looks great, though some designs are more immersive than others.
Josh Miller/CNET
In the camera, Dynamic Perspective appears in the "lenticular" camera mode, piecing together multiple photos of a scene into a moving image that resembles a jerky hologram or GIF.
Is Dynamic Perspective a gimmick? A little bit. You certainly don't need it, but parts of it look really cool. Amazon deserves credit for trying to spark a new hardware trend and for extending it into multiple aspects of the operating system, not only the 3D lock screen -- but, out of the gate, it still feels more like a party trick than something that changes the way you'll use your phone.Firing up Amazon's OS
If you're familiar with Amazon's Kindle Fire , then you can guess that the Fire Phone OS has its own character, even though it's founded on Android code. A row of oversize widgets makes up the home screens, with context such as app recommendations or your browsing history stacked below.
I like the look -- it's intuitive and visual, though there'd be more room for suggestions if the widgets were smaller, and I wish you could simply swipe or X-out a widget to clear it (instead, you have to press and hold). Even though you can pin icons to the carousel, the Fire Phone doesn't always snap open to the first one, the primary home page, as you expect it should.View full gallery (16 Photos)Amazon's widgety carousel stands in for home screens.
Josh Miller/CNET
Beyond that, navigation remains mostly the same as you'd see on traditional Android phones, with support for folders and an app tray -- swipe up to reveal it. Amazon has incorporated gestures that slide open the notifications tray and menus on either side of the screen, though you can also swipe with your digits as well. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to go back.
A basic voice assistant makes calls, sends texts and email, and can search the Web.
If you get lost at any point along the way, Amazon's video tutorial is very complete, and its live Mayday chat puts you face-to-screen with a customer service rep who can draw on your display to guide you step by step.Apps and ecosystem: Don't think 'Android'
Just as Amazon designed its own interface, it also takes control over the app store and services. A yearly Amazon Prime subscription ($99; $50 ?79; Amazon doesn't offer Prime in Australia) gives you faster shipping, a wide selection of Instant Video and music downloads, and a free e-book a month from the
lending library. Even if you're not a Prime member -- or if you want content that's outside of the Prime bucket -- you can still get it, you'll just have to pay. Luckily, free photo backup for life comes with the phone regardless of your Prime status.
Amazon's video and music stores have strong catalogs, but you shouldn't necessarily expect a lot of competing services to be available. Because the Fire Phone doesn't hook into the Google Play app store, you can access only Amazon-compatible apps. That includes (at launch, anyway) Netflix, HBO Go, Showtime Anytime, and Pandora, but not Vudu or YouTube.
Amazon also adds in perks like X-Ray, which does things like gives you song lyrics in the right-hand menu, and Miracast syncing that lets you watch stuff from the Fire Phone on any other compatible device, say the PlayStation or Amazon Fire TV.View full gallery (16 Photos)Don't hold your breath for Android features like Google Now. The Fire Phone isn't compatible with Google Play services.
Josh Miller/CNET
If the Fire's lack of Google Play services douses your enthusiasm, this isn't the phone for you. It means no Google app store (or video or music downloads), no Google Now, and no Waze real-time feedback on the map. In addition, Google hasn't made standalone apps available for the Fire Phone/Kindle store at the time of this review, so you'll need to find a way to live without YouTube, Google Voice, Hangouts, and Drive. (But you can easily integrate the calendar, contacts, and email accounts.) Ditto Endomondo, Runkeeper, Clash of Clans, and others.
That said, Amazon's Appstore does have a lot of apps I'd want to use most days: like CNET (natch), my bank, my airline, Skype, Yelp, Groupon, Instagram, Tumblr, Open Table, Airbnb, Hotel Tonight, Evernote, Vine, Kayak, Flipboard, Trip Advisor, and TripIt. It also comes with some popular gaming titles, though there are plenty of apps and games that haven't yet made the jump. Expert users can "sideload" some third-party Android apps, but sideloading premier Google-made programs won't work.
For the most part, I could do all the basic things I needed to do: navigate with Here Maps, manage my inboxes, and communicate on social networks. Still, with so much of my personal and professional life attached to Google, the loss of those apps meant I had to establish workarounds to get my tasks done.
Little things also got in the way, like absent social media alerts that made it hard to keep up a conversation, lack of Priority Inbox filtering that cluttered up the email app, and loose ends like a Facebook Chat Head option that did nothing when I pressed it. Amazon has said it's working with third-party developers to fix some of these known issues.Firefly: More than shopping
If the thought of scanning-versus-typing fills you with a warm glow, you'll love Firefly. Programmed into the camera key, you set the item within the frame and wait for the twinkling lights to home in on your object (hint: you can also launch Firefly from the app tray).View full gallery (16 Photos)Sure, you can quickly find shopping items, but Firefly also packs in an optical character reader and a sound database for movies and tunes.
Josh Miller/CNET
Shopping for stuff on Amazon is the obvious use case, and as an Amazon customer myself, it came in handy. However, you can also scan an email address or phone number to quickly ingest it into your address book, and identify songs, TV shows, and movies.
I was impressed that Firefly pegged almost everything I threw at it, even when items remained in their packages and bar codes were somewhat obscured. Firefly's features aren't new -- in fact, you can find every feature in some combination of preloaded and third-party apps for any OS, including some of Amazon's. The difference here is that Amazon packaged it all together and made it launchable with a button press.Camera and video
Amazon keeps camera options spare on the 13-megapixel shooter, letting you swap between front and rear cameras for videos and stills, ignite the flash, and turn on HDR, panorama, and lenticular modes (see above). At least you'll find a full complement of photo-editing tools in the photo gallery, a plus. It'd be nice to have more say-so over images in the photo gallery, like assigning them to folders on the device (you can arrange them online through Cloud Drive).View full gallery (16 Photos)The 13-megapixel camera options are bare-bones, but the images are nice.
Josh Miller/CNET
Image quality itself was more than decent, though not spectacular. Photos are absolutely usable for sharing with loved ones and even printing onto a mug, though edges were a little soft, exposure was off, details blended together, and colors tended to fade compared to real-life scenes.
Video capture in 1080p was smooth and audio was loud, though the camera struggled to adjust to some outdoor lighting conditions, blinking between exposures even when I held the phone absolutely still.
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Jessica Dolcourt reviews smartphones and cell phones, covers handset news, and pens the monthly column Smartphones Unlocked. A senior editor, she started at CNET in 2006 and spent four years reviewing mobile and desktop software before taking on devices.
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