it is a nice day.nice是什么意思识

it_is_a_very_nice_day_when_bob_has_classesit is a nice day.是什么意识?_百度作业帮
it is a nice day.是什么意识?
it is a nice day.是什么意识?
life is beast love it please !tomorrow is another day什么意识 生命像野兽一样 请你关心它(爱它)! 明天是新的一天
今天是个好天气。 是个风和日丽的天气。
相关词典网站:必修作业 >人教版课标初中英语八年级八年级下Unit 10 It is a nice day, isn’t it?
Unit 10 It is a nice day, isn’t it?(初中英语八年级)
(&静宁县初中英语一班 )
人教版课标初中英语八年级八年级下Unit 10 It is a nice day, isn’t it?
  本单元的语言功能项目是“Make small talk”涉及到的语法是“反意疑问句”,另外还有“Thank-you note”的形式和内容,因此在教学中,要采用灵活、开放的教学模式,充分利用教材中的卡通画,紧密联系实际,为学生提供真实的情景来交流、讨论,从而实现本单元的目标教学。
Section A是语言功能的初步呈现和输入阶段。师生可由1a部分的卡通画部分开始,通过呈现——展示——讲解——理解——操练——运用这几个环节,循序渐进,从而达到对反意疑问句这一语法现象的认识。师生在完成1a卡通画的过程中,教师可对一些语言文化知识进行必要的补充,激发学生的兴趣和想象力,在师生的交流过程中完成1b的听力任务和1c的说的任务。
  2a是任务型听力,要求学生听完听力材料后,判断哪一个谈话是成功的“small talk”,同时让学生明白,只有交谈双方积极参与,这样的谈话才是一个愉快地、成功的“聊天”。2b的句子通过听力进行排序,并在此基础上加以操练,注意运用反意疑问句来提问题。在实施2c的教学中,可鼓励学生联系实际,用反意疑问句形式提出问题。3a是“a small talk”在实际生活中的体现和运用,鼓励学生完成该对话并向全班同学汇报。3b是在3a的基础上,对本单元语言功能“a small talk”的进一步巩固和操练,学生分组完成,如需要,教师可给必要的提示或帮助。
  Section B是本单元语言功能项目“a small talk”的再现、巩固,以及语言的综合知识的扩展部分。通过1a四幅画问题的讨论,介绍东西方语言文化背景知识的不同,同时练习1b的pairwork。2a、2b的听力材料相同,但任务不同,在教学过程中,应以学生为主体,依次完成任务。在2c的角色扮演中,鼓励学生运用生活实际情况提问题或利用2b、2c的内容来完成“a small talk”,3a是“Thank-you note”的示范展示,体现了语言的综合运用,3b和3c是“Thank-you note”的操练、模仿和运用,鼓励学生进行大胆的语言运用和输出。
  Self Check的卡通画为学生提供了生动、活泼的情景,鼓励学生发挥想象,运用反意疑问句完成“a small talk”。
    第三课时:SectionB:3a——Self Check
掌握umbrella 、noon、goodbye、cross、low、slow、cost、note、body、holiday、traffic、look through、get along、at least、be careful等词汇及短语。
掌握句型:It’s a nice day, isn’t it? You are Ben’s sister, aren’t you? The train is always late, isn’t it? You love violin music, don’t you?
学习反意疑问句的表达:The No.15 bus stops here, doesn’t it?
教学准备   powerpoint课件、与课件配套的练习题 教学过程:
Period One
Target& language:
(1)Words and expressions: Small, tall, umbrella, noon, by noon
(2)Key sentences: Tag questions:
It’s really cold today, isn’t it?
The line is moving slowly, isn’t it?
The train is late, isn’t it?
Ability goals:
Get students to know where to make small talk;
Enable students to make small talk using tag questions.
Learning ability goals:
Help students know how small talk is used in different situations.
Teaching important and difficult points: The use of tag questions.
Teaching aids:
pictures, tape, recording
Teaching procedures and ways:
课前出示几张幻灯片,教师问,学生答, T: It is an apple, isn’t it? He is dancing, isn’t he?学生只需回答Yes或No
[思路点拨] 为本节课做好铺垫。
Step one: Lead-in
T: Good morning, boys and girls! Now let’s recall something about two tears ago, the first day when you came here. Everyone was new here then. You didn’t know each other at that time. Do you still remember the words that you said to the students you didn’t know? What are the words?
Well, the conversation between you and other people you didn’t know is called “small talk”. (Write “small talk” on the blackboard.)
Step two: Presentation
  1. 教师可在班上找几个学生一起来完成Guessing Games.
   师:You are 13 years old, aren’t you?
   生:Yes, I am.
   师:You like playing football, don’t you?
   生:Yes, I do.
师:Are you in Class One?
生:Yes, I am.
   说明:这是为了向学生展示反意疑问句的构成(陈述句+简单问句)和利用反意疑问句来“make small talk”。
  2. 教师可利用上述内容,师生对话。
   师:He is 13 years old, isn’t he?
   生:Yes, he is.
   师:He likes playing football, doesn’t he?
   生:Yes, he does.
师:Is he in Class One?
生:Yes, he is.
  3. 学生们向老师提问,老师给出Yes或No回答:
   生:You are 30 years old, aren’t you?
   师:Yes, you are right.
   生:You live in Mu Ping, don’t you?
   师:Yes, I do.
   说明:通过学生提问,既练习了利用反意疑问句来构成“a small talk”,又活跃了课堂气氛,激发了学生的兴趣和热情。
4.Now, let’s think about when we make small talk? Just now, we talked about the first day you came to a new school. That’s an example of the situation. Are there any other places in your life where you would talk to some people you don’t know? What are they? Make a list of them. (on the bus, wait in a movie line, at a bus stop or train station, at a concert, in a& restaurant, at a park)
5.Point out the four scences.Ask different students to say what is happening in all the pictures.Help students understand that in all the pictures two people who don’t know each other(strangers)are starting a conversation.
6. 教学SectionA-1b,1c
Now listen to three conversations and decide where they are making small talk. Number the pictures in 1a in the order you hear them. Listen again. This time listen for how they start their conversations. Try to catch the first sentence each conversation. Ask them to repeat and write them down on the blackboard.
He’s really good, isn’t it?
The line is moving slowly, isn’t it?
The train is late, isn’t it?
  3). 教师让学生看1a的四幅画并完成1b的任务后,讨论这些“small talk”的内容。
  说明:教师可鼓励学生猜测每幅图“small talk”的内容,并向学生介绍英语语言国家的语言文化习惯,即进行“a small talk”的必要性,怎样进行“a small talk”,以及“a small talk”要注意避免的内容和话题。
Step Three:Pair work
(两个同学之间对话,并每组派两对同学为全班表演)T: These questions are tag questions. They are quite often used to start small talk. For example, in the first picture, they may make a conversation like this:
A: It looks like rain, doesn’t it?
B: Yes, it does. And I forgot my umbrella. (draw a picture of umbrella to teach the new word umbrella) Can you make small talk for the other pictures? Work in pairs to make your small talk.
Call several pairs to present their conversations. You can use the &expressions below:
The train is always late, isn’t it? You love violin music, don’t you?
Step Four: Listening (2a, 2b)
Teacher:Well,boys and girls.When we begin a small talk,we are asked to begin a successful small talk.Some sentences we can use,but some we can’t use.&& Please read the fllowing sentences and say if the sentences are successful or unsuccessful.
(How old are you? Your dress doesn’t look nice, don’t you think so? Your cell phane is too cheap, isn’t it? How much is your skirt?)
2.Listen to the three conversations. Are they examples of successful or unsuccessful small talk? Play the tape and check the answer.
3.Let the students read the sentences in 2b. Explain two language points: I &&&hope so/I hope not.
Step Five: Pair work
(1)Role plays the conversation in 2b.
(2)Get students to practice the conversation in 2b and ask some pairs to act out.
(3)Make your own conversation.
Step Six:& Summary
What did you learn in this class?
Step Seven: Homework
(1)Make a similar conversation.
(2)Find out the differences in the beginning of small talk between China and western countries.
Unit10 It’s a nice day, isn’t it?
It looks like rain, doesn’t it?
The train is always late, isn’t it?
You love violin music, don’t you?
Period Two
  以在车站等车的场景为例,指导学生在大胆说的基础上,进行书面表达,选择一些贴近学生生活的情境(如:waiting in line to buy ice cream, two people alone in an elevator)指导学生如何选择话题编情景对话,从而在实际应用中真正掌握与人闲聊的技巧。
Step One复习(Review)
  1. 教师给出一些对话情境,让学生两人结组从中选择一个,编对话,进行a small talk,然后随机提问几名学生,进行对话表演。
  Situation 1: Looking through(浏览) books in a bookstore(书店).
  Situation 2:waiting to cross(穿过) a busy street.
  Situation 3:Two people alone in an elevator(电梯).
  Situation 4:Waiting for rain stopping
  Situation 5:Waiting for a train
  Situation 6:Waiting in line to buy ice cream.
  Situation 7:Visiting an exhibition
  Situation 8:At the beach
  Situation 9:Watching a basketball match
Step Two 教学Grammar Focus
  It looks like rain, doesn’t it?
  He doesn’t need to work so late, does he?
  1. 陈述部分的主语是this, that时,疑问部分的主语多用it;陈述部分的主语是these, those时,疑问部分的主语多用they。如:
   This is a dictionary, isn’t it?
   Those are shelves, aren’t they?
  2. 陈述句如果是there be结构时,疑问句部分仍用there。如:
   There once was a man named Saint Nicholas, wasn’t there?
  3. 在英语口语中,“I am +表语结构”,后面的反意疑问句多用aren’t I来体现。如:
   I am very interested in learning English, aren’t I?
  4. 陈述句的主语是动词不定式,动词的-ing形式或从句时,疑问部分的主语多用it来体现。如:
   Taking care of our environment is very important, isn’t it?
   What he said is right, isn’t it?
  5. 陈述句中含有not, no, hardly, neither, never, few, little, too …to等否定词或具有否定意义的词时,疑问部分常用肯定形式。如:
   Few people knew the news, did they?
   Tom has never been to England , has he?
   She is unhappy, isn’t she?
  6. 陈述句的主语是nobody, no one, everyone, somebody等不定代词时,反意疑问部分的主语多用they(当强调全体时)或he(当强调个体时)。如果陈述句的主语是something, nothing, anything, everything等不定代词时,反意疑问部分的主语多用it。如:
   No one knows him, do they?
   Someone is waiting for you, isn’t he?
   Nobody says a word about the accident, do they?
   Everything seems all right, doesn’t it?
  7. 陈述句是主从复合句时,如果主句的谓语动词是think, believe, expect, feel, guess等词,且主语是第一人称I时,反意疑问部分的人称、时态与宾语从句保持一致,同时还要考虑到否定的转移。如:
   I believe that the boy can get a ticket for you, can’t he?
Step Three 教学SectionA-3a
  1. 叫两名学生将未完成的对话朗读出来。给学生几分钟时间,补全对话。
  2. 利用课件展示答案。
  3. 叫几组学生将完成的对话表演出来,看看哪组表演地最贴近生活。
Step Four 教学SectionA-3b
  展示课件上给出的情境,从3b中选出一种情景来完成自己的“small talk”并向全班同学汇报。
  [思路点拨]明确---通过设计的情景,学生理解、运用反意疑问句,并能顺利完成“a small talk”。
Step Five 教学4
  Discuss in fours: What are some good small talk topics to use with these people? Fill in the chart.
  Make a report like this:
  When we have a small talk with a student, we can talk about …
Step Six 教学SectionB-1a,1b
  1. 教师可设计如下的问题,让学生相互讨论。
  Is it polite to ask people you don’t know well about personal questions?
  Which are personal question?
  师:Look at Picture One. What does the boy ask?
  生:He asks “Do you like thrillers?”
  师:Is it good to have polite small talk with people you don’t know well?
  生:I think so.
  3. 师生看1a的图画,就图画上的问题完成对话,完成1b。
  师:Do you like thrillers?
  生:No, but I love comedies.
  师: You’re Anna’s brother, aren’t you?
  生: Yes, I am.
  [思路点拨]通过师生对话来完成“a small talk”这一语言功能项目的活动,同时可通过guessing games来促进练习,如“You like playing football, don’t you?”等。
Step Seven 教学SectionB-2a,2b
  1. 播放录音,注意每个对话发生的地点,完成2a,教师核对答案。
  2. 再次播放录音,将问题和答案匹配,教师核对答案。
  3. 学生在完成2a、2b的听力任务后,可继续进行2b中的对话活动。
  A: You’re Jenny’s friend, aren’t you?
  B: Yes, I am. My name is Rita.
  [思路点拨]给学生充足的材料来训练“反意疑问句”构成的“a small talk”, 从而达到真正理解和运用本单元语言功能项目的目的。
Step Eight 教学SectionB-2c
  学生看2c部分的内容,完成自己的“a small talk”,参考对话如下。
  A: This is a great party, isn’t it?
  B: Yes, it is. All the people are friendly and the food is very nice.
  A: But it’s very crowded, isn’t it?
  B: Maybe you are right. Too many people are here.
  A: Would you like something to drink?
  B: No, thanks.
Step Nine 链接生活
    He didn’t watch TV last night, did he?
    __________. He did his homework till 11:00.
    He could hardly believe his works, _______?
    He dislikes history, ______?
Step Ten& Summary
What did you learn in this class?
Step Eleven &Homework
  1.It’s really cold today, _____________& ___________?
  2.You ’re new here, ____________& _____________?
  3.The bus stops here _______________& ____________?
  4.You love basketball games, _____________ _________ ?
& B:&日常生活中我们会遇到形形色色的人,我们跟不同的人展开对话,话题应该是相同的吗?课下总结与不同职业的人闲聊应该采取什么话题。
Unit10 It’s a nice day, isn’t it?
Do you like thrillers?
This is a great party, isn’t it?
Period Three
  (1)重点词汇thank-you note, come along, get along, have a wonderful time, feel like, be friendly to sb
  (2)重点句型: Thank you for + n./ doing sth
  &&&&&&&&&&&&  help sb with sth
Step One 复习(Revision)
  Where: at Kim’s party
  Who: Maria and her new friend she doesn’t know well
  What: The party is very great.
Step Two 教学SectionB-3a,3b
  1. 学生看P59的三个Thank-you notes, 完成下列任务。
   Whom is the thank-you note from?
   Whom is the thank-you note to?
   What is the thank-you note for?
   Note 1: Party From Maria to Kim
   Note 2: Help From Bill to Tony
   Note 3: Gift From John to Allen
   [思路点拨]让学生明白感谢信的类型和形式,理解并能实际运用“Thank-you note”。
  2. Fill in the blanks in the thank-you note.
Step Three 教学SectionB-3c
  学生完成3b部分的填空并向全体同学汇报。在此基础上,学生写出自己的Thank-you note。在学生写自己的感谢信前,教师可帮助学生就所要写的感谢信列出清单。
   如:Who is the thank-you note to?
   What is the thank-you note for?
   What would you like to tell your friends? 等。
  [思路点拨]让学生掌握感谢信的写法,并能就实际生活运用感谢信表达对他人的感激,在实际运用Thank-you note的过程中,提高自己综合运用语言的能力。
Step Four 教学4
Step Five 教学Selfcheck
  1.SelfCheck 1
  2. SelfCheck 2
  3. SelfCheck 3
Step Six 教学拓展
  组织学生进行课堂游戏:Guessing game.
  Wei Hua comes to school by bike every day, doesn’t she?
  Li Lei watched TV last night, didn’t he?
Step Seven &Summary
What did you learn in this class?
Step Eight &Homework
 Write your own thank-you note.
Unit10&It’s a nice day , isn’t it?
Thank-you note for a gift
Thank-you note for a party
Thank-you note for help
Unit10&It’s a nice day , isn’t it?(Revision)
& &&1. 知识目标:复习本课的单词与短语
&&& 2. 能力目标:复习反义疑问句,并且能够使用反义疑问句来进行闲聊。
&&& 3. 情感目标:通过使用反义疑问句来进行闲聊,让学生能够了解闲聊的内容及方式,了解英语国家人们的生活和思维方式。
教师利用目标语言:It’s a nice day , isn’t it?和学生共同讨论当天的天气状况,导入复习。
Step2 Review the words in unit10
Step3 Complete the thank-you note
When we begin a small talk , we are asked to begin a successful one. Some sentences we can use, but some sentences we can’t use.Please tell us some unsuccessful& small talk topics.
Step5 Successful small talk topics
Successful small talk topics:
1.In Britain, the best topic is the weather. Britain weather is changing all the time.You can start chatting by saying “It’s a lovely day, isn’t it?”
2.Besides weather,it’s good to talk about gardens.
Those& roses look really beautiful, don’t they?
3.English people love their pets, so it is also nice to start with:What a lovely dog!
Step6 Explanation 屏幕展示
&&&&& &&在一个陈述句之后附上一个简短的疑问句,对陈述句提出相反的疑问,这种疑问句叫反意疑问句。
&&&&&&& 如:
&&&&&&& 1.& SARS is scary, isn’t it?
&&&&&&& 2.& We speak Chinese, don’t we?
结构一: 前肯 + 后否eg.&& SARS is scary, isn’t it?
结构二: 前否 + 后肯eg.&& SARS isn’t scary, is it?
结构一: 前肯 + 后否
Be 动词:1. You are an actor, _____ ____ ? 2. He is a good boy, ____ __ ?3. It was fine yesterday, __ __ ? 4. You were studying when I called you last night,___ ___ ?
&5. She is going to visit me, _____ __? 6. I am Chinese, _____ _?
行为动词: 1. It often rains here, ____ ___ ? 2. He likes soccer, __ __ ?
&3. You have a headache, ___ __ ? 4. I called you yesterday, ___ __?
1. You will go to America, ___ __ ? 2. We have ever been to Shanghai,& __ __ ?
1. His mother is a doctor, ___ ____ ?2. The dogs are fighting, _____ ____?
3. There is a boy in our classroom, ____ _____?4. There were many cars in the street,
___ ___ ?5. There will be robots in our families,____ ___ ?
特殊用法(二) 6. Sit down please, _____________ ?7. Please call me, ______________?
8. Let’s go home,& ______________ ?9. Let us go home, ______________ ?
10. Let me see, ______________ ?
结构二:前否 + 后肯
&1. You aren’t an actor, ____ __ ?2. He isn’t a good boy, _____?
&3. It wasn’t fine yesterday, ____ _ ?4. It doesn’t rain here, ____ __ ?
&5. His sister doesn’t &have a headache,& &___ __ ?
&6. You didn’t call me yesterday, &___ __?7. You won’t go to USA, ___ ____?
8. There isn’t a boy in our classroom,__ __ ?
9. There weren’t many cars in the street,_____ ____ ?
10. Don’t smoke, _____ ___ ?11. Don’t let’s do it, _____ ___ ?
Step7 Exercises
Step8 Grammar
Step9 Exercises
Step10 Homework
1.Surf the Internet, and find out how the Chinese and the westerner begin small talks.
2.Suppose your friend bought a ticket to the World Expo for you. Write a thank-you note for help.


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