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尽职尽责地词典解释adv. 忠实地;忠贞地网络释义Dutifully - 尽职尽责,忠实地,忠贞地An dutifully - 安守本分Work Dutifully - 工作要尽职尽责
忠实地; 尽职地; 忠贞地
她近况很好,还请我代她向你和她母亲请安。She is well, and begs to be dutifully remembered to you and her mother.四大行则尽职尽责地加强努力,支持新的经济优先事项。The big four have dutifully emphasised their efforts to support the new economic priorities.在认真检查完中奖表格后,她转向了他。After dutifully inspecting the sweepstakes form, she turned to him.小乔治有点被摄像机惊吓到,但仍保持礼貌地向爱慕的群众挥手。George, looking slightly alarmed by all the cameras, waved dutifully at the adoring crowds.当时我是驻东京的记者,因此我尽职尽责地报道了这些有关中间商之罪行的研究兼训诫。Back then, I was working in Tokyo as a reporter. So I dutifully reported those studies-cum-sermons on the evils of middlemen.新婚后同妻子住了几天就返回学校了。过了两年,他成为一群学生中的核心人物。Just as dutifully, he slept with his bride for a few days, then went back to school.他向东旅行,并忠实地将自己的手表往前拨,以适应当地时间。Traveling eastward, he dutifully moved his watch forward to match local time.我的老师们都很擅长教书,他们都很尽职尽责。My teachers are good at teaching, They are very dutifully.imf尽职尽责地给出了一项精确预测:明年全球经济将增长3.6%。The IMF dutifully produced a precise forecast: next year the world economy will grow by 3.6 per cent.每当他开口,他的话就被一字不漏地记下来,并在中国的媒体上报道。When he opens his mouth, his words are dutifully recorded and reported in the Chinese media.老师在黑板上写了一个很重要的术语,你会忠实的把它拷贝到你的笔记本上。The instructor writes an important term on the chalkboard and you dutifully copy it in your notebook.他迅速地叼起我一直停在上面的报纸,尽职尽责地跑回到他的主人身边。He quickly picked up the newspaper I had been parked on and dutifully ran back to his master.当然啦,我们不能抱侥幸心理,温斯顿顺从地同意。'Of course we can't afford to take chances,' agreed Winston dutifully.这种做法无疑激励后面的人义无反顾地去投机。This procedure behind drove without doubt the person dutifully goes congenially.他试了几次,终于手机不辱使命地显示了一个列满国债价格和收益率的页面。It takes a couple of attempts, but the phone dutifully displays a page full of T-bill prices and yields.例如,如果你请库存查询系统告诉你还有多少小部件,它会忠实地查询数据库,并报告到你提问时间为止的库存数量。If, for example, you ask the inventory query system to tell you how many widgets are in stock, it will dutifully ask the database and report the number as of the time you ask.我心里有怀疑,不过还是顺从地在表上签了字。I had my doubts, but dutifully signed the form.忠实地遵守权威的命令或指示的。Dutifully complying with the commands or instructions of those in authority.在他十二三岁的时候,心理医生一直给他处方抗抑郁药物,他听话地坚持服用了两三年。He was 12 or 13 when the psychiatrist prescribed antidepressants, which he dutifully took for two or three years.我有条不紊地解释为什么每个线索都透露得太多,我丈夫就尽职地划去一些词。As I methodically explained why each clue revealed too much, my husband dutifully crossed out the words.他每个月的开支都是我支付,远超过我该尽的义务。I pay his stipend every month, far more dutifully than I should.他每天晚上都恭恭敬敬地做祷告。He dutifully said his prayers every night.后来,当他到威廉o莫里斯(William Morris)应聘时,他不能免俗地撒了个谎,自称毕业于加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)。But when he later applied to William Morris, he dutifully lied and said he graduated from UCLA.我们是死者,裘莉亚乖乖地附和说。'We are the dead,' echoed Julia dutifully.这时,父母给他找了一个十四岁的媳妇,他便尽义务似地结了婚。In the meantime, Chao's parents betrothed him to a girl of fourteen, whom he dutifully married.“小伙子们,不要拍摄我从泳池出来的画面。”他们便乖乖地把摄像机放下了。'No movies of me getting out of the pool, boys.' They dutifully lowered their cameras.他恭顺地服从长官的命令。He dutifully followed his commander's instructions.接着她赞美真主,我恭敬的重复了她的话,相视一笑;戴头巾的女性皈依教徒并不多见,这我明白。She praised God, and I dutifully repeated her words, I understood that a convert in a head scarf was unusual.您的邮件服务器将接受10000个请求,并非常尽职地完成其任务。True to form, 10,000 requests hit your mail server, and it dutifully goes about its task.您所在位置: &
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n. 养父母;接受管
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怀疑论者的历书 Ellis)的畅销书《屠夫的钩子》(The Butchers’ Hook),还有伊桑?坎宁(Ethan Canin)的《怀疑论者的历书》(A Doubter’s Almanac),以及汤姆?康诺利(Tom Connolly)的《男人如空气》(Men Like Air)、盖尔?福尔曼(Gayle Forman)的《让我留下》...
If you’re still a doubter after combing recent related news articles, look no further than this description of what may be the sixth mass extinction on Earth.
But if we do win the League I will gladly hold up my hands as a doubter and say that I was wrong and then claim that I never, ever thought we would lose the League.
An agnostic is a doubter.
Reza Aslan, the best-selling Iranian-American author of "No God But God, " was also a doubter before the speech.
Not that Google is a doubter of the value of social media.
As for Freud, it was apparently his love of an intellectual mystery that he might be the one to solve that helped make him a doubter.
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