
出门在外也不愁三星S6 edge也有Plus款:配5.5英寸曲面屏
腾讯数码讯(水蓝)或许是临近正式发布的缘故,三星GALAXY S6 edge Plus最近在网络上有着较高的曝光率。日前,在首次泄露这款三星双曲面侧屏新机的渲染图之后,知名爆料人@OnLeaks在推特上又再次曝光了几张GALAXY S6 edeg Plus模具的照片,并通过与三星GALAXY S6的对比,再次确认该款机型配备的是5.5英寸触控屏。S6 edge Plus模具曝光此次知名爆料人@OnLeaks曝光的所谓S6 edge Plus 的模具,主要用途是供给中国厂家制作手机壳。同时通过与三星GALAXY S6的对比,我们不难发现S6 edge Plus的体积还是大了不少,但在外形上并没有多少变化,尤其是背面的摄像头也同样有些凸起。而在此前,@OnLeak还首次曝光了GALAXY S6 edge Plus的渲染图,并显示该机与GALAXY S6 edge相比在整体外观上并未有任何变化,同样采用了双曲面侧屏设计,但在一些局部细节上略有改动,比如底部的麦克风被移动到了扬声器一侧,而且音量键的位置也有所不同。此外,该机的机身尺寸为154.45×75.80×6.85mm,相比GALAXY S6 edge在体积方面自然会更大一些。5.5英寸触控屏不过,在三星GALAXY S6 edge Plus的触控屏尺寸方面,@OnLeaks则表示该机配备的是5.5英寸显示屏,这与此前传出的消息有所不同。而在此前,国外网站SamMobile从知情人士处声称得到的确切信息,这款新机的触控屏尺寸将会提升至5.7英寸,并支持2K分辨率,与当前三星GALAXY Note 4和edge保持一致,并将预装最新的Android 5.1.1 系统。同时来自韩国媒体ET News的消息也披露称,该机将作为GALAXY S6 edge的大屏版推出,装载的是5.7英寸2K分辨率触控屏。至于该机的主要配置方面,据称三星GALAXY S6 edge Plus并不具备S Pen手写笔功能,将会装载骁龙808六核处理器,提供了32GB的存储容量,并配有与GALAXY S6系列相同的500万像素前置镜头和1600万像素主摄像头,而借助全新软件的支持,能够提供全手动模式和RAW格式照片拍摄等功能。或称S6 note同时根据消息人士在微博披露的消息称,三星GALAXY S6 edge Plus的国行型号为SM-G9280,将会支持全网通功能,全面兼容GSM/CDMA2000/WCDMA/TD-SCDMA/FDD-LTE/TD-LTE网络。并且该机目前已经有SM-G928F,SM-G928V,SM-G928A以及SM-G928S等多个型号被曝光,应该是面向欧洲,美国和韩国市场推出的版本。值得一提的是,尽管该机被称为是GALAXY S6的大屏版本,但从最新曝光的名称来看,应该是大屏版的GALAXY S6 edge,似乎也在一定程度上证实了GALAXY Note 5系列不会有edge版本推出的传闻。同时根据荷兰网站最新报道的消息称,三星已经在韩国注册了“S6 Note”的名称,所以这或许有可能是这款新机未来的正式名称。至于该机的具体发布时间方面,目前比较普遍的说法是将在第三季发布,但根据韩国媒体的消息则是,该机会提前至八月份发布。
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Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge review
Sure it looks cool, but it's difficult to justify
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Our Verdict
The S6 Edge is a fantastic looking handset with plenty of power and an impressive camera, but a high price, poor battery performance and sub-par edge screen features stop it from achieving perfection.
Premium, eye catching design
Fast, slick and powerful interface
Stunning camera
Very expensive
Disappointing battery life
Edge screen offers very little
No microSD or waterproofing
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Introduction and design
The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge is a striking handset, taking the title as the world's first dual curved displays smartphone.It attracts the eye, puts butterflies in my stomach and makes me weak at the knees. Samsung has, at last, made a handset which not only packs a powerful punch, but looks fantastic too. Following on from the
which boasted a single curved screen, the Galaxy S6 Edge was rumored for some time so its arrival wasn't a surprise - it's the natural progression for Samsung's curved display technology.It's certainly not cheap though, with the entry level 32GB model rocking a wallet trembling SIM-free price tag of around &700 (around $1030, AU$1320). If you fancy 64GB or even 128GB of internal storage you're looking at approximately &749 (around $1120, AU$1430) and &829 (around $1180, AU$1500) respectively.Shop around though and you'll be able to find it a little cheaper than Samsung's official site with the 64GB model available for around &635, $915 (about AU$1290) off contract.That makes the Galaxy S6 Edge more expensive than the , a handset that already has my bank manager sweating.Samsung has
some bad sales figures for the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge with news of both phones getting a "price adjustment." We take that to mean the handsets are going to be dropped in price a little but there's no news on when it'll actually happen.Samsung also hasn't confirmed how much will be knocked off the price or whether the discount will come to all markets though.The Galaxy S6 Edge arrives alongside the , and the two handsets share pretty much identical specs. The S6 Edge is slightly thicker (7mm vs 6.8mm), slightly lighter (132g vs 138g) and packs an ever so slightly bigger battery (2600mAh vs 2550mAh), but that's it.Galaxy S6 versus Galaxy S6 EdgeIn short then, there's very little between the two, aside from the obvious inclusion of the two curved display edges on this device. It makes the &100 difference in price hard to swallow and me question why Samsung bothered making both handsets in the first place.For those looking to upgrade from the , or even the , there are a few compromises for you to consider.In an effort to get a slender handset with a metal unibody Samsung has removed the microSD slot, blocked access to the battery and shied away from dust and waterproofing.Many potential customers won't be too bothered about these omissions, but for power users who have stood by Samsung for its continued inclusion of expandable memory and removable battery this news will be difficult to hear. That said, whip the Galaxy S6 Edge out when you're with your mates and they'll all be clambering over you to get a peek of your new SpacePhone.It's also worth mentioning the Galaxy S6 Edge ran away with the Best Phone award at the . The ceremony took place in July this year and our judges seemed to love the innovative curved display as well as Samsung's fully thought out redesign.We are also expecting Samsung to introduce an Galaxy
handset quite soon with rumors heating up in recent weeks. There's a Samsung Unpacked event scheduled for August 13, maybe we'll see it there.DesignI've already expressed my love for the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge's design, but in truth this is a Jekyll and Hyde device.Place the S6 Edge face up on a desk and you can't help but be impressed with the sweeping sides, rounded metal frame and overall premium appeal of the handset.These are compliments usually reserved for the iPhone range and HTC's One series, but Samsung has managed to haul its design department into the 21st century banishing plastic to the lesser mobiles in its line up.There's no question there are some similarities to Apple's design here. The placement of the headphone jack, microUSB port and machine drilled speaker holes on the base mimic the , while the change from a volume rocker to separate metal keys on the left also suggests a Cupertino influence.With the edges of the handset tapering to a very slender profile thanks to those dual curved displays there's no space for a SIM tray - plus that glass rear isn't coming off.This has forced Samsung to the top of the handset where it lines up alongside an Infra Red blaster, handy for controlling your home entertainment systems.Everyone I showed the Galaxy S6 Edge was impressed by the handset's premium appeal and lush curves - that was until they actually picked it up.While the front of the S6 Edge is beautifully curved, the rear is as flat as a pancake, instantly making the handset feel a lot wider than it is.Coming from the
which sports a lovely arching metal behind which nestles wonderfully into the palm, the S6 Edge never felt at home in my hand.Things are made a little more unbearable thanks to the metal frame which runs round the circumference of the device.On the front it doesn't sit flush with the curved Gorilla Glass 4, creating a rather annoying lip which you don't get on the , while on the back the edges of the frame are sharp and dig into your hand.The glossy glass rear offers little in the way of grip, which made me tighten my grasp on the handset, resulting in the frame digging into my palm more.It's never going to draw blood, and I wasn't exactly in pain, but the S6 Edge is uncomfortable to hold for extended periods.Had Samsung repeated the curved design of the front on the rear the Galaxy S6 Edge would sit a lot better in the hand. It may make it slightly thicker, but that would mean a bigger battery and no camera protrusion - which in my book would be good things.Sticking with the back and I have to say I'm a little disappointed. For all the good things I can say about how the Galaxy S6 Edge looks front-on, it all seems to be undone by a sloppily implemented rear.True, you don't spend much time looking at the back of your smartphone, but the rear of the Galaxy S6 Edge looks like it was a bit of an afterthought. I'm all for minimalism, but the flat, blank rear does nothing to ignite the senses and the bulky camera lens rearing its ugly head from the S6 Edge is a rather unattractive sight.The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge is available in white, black, gold and green - and the latter three reveal just how much of a fingerprint magnet it is.There is some evidence of this on the white model when you turn the screen off, but the other colors reveal the full effect of the finger smudges - front and back.In short, you'll find yourself cleaning your Galaxy S6 Edge regularly if you don't want your greasy paw prints on show.Samsung's iconic home button is retained on both the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge, but it's been updated with a vastly improved fingerprint scanner (more on that later) and a sturdier construction.This makes it feel more premium and resilient, while the touch sensitive 'back' and 'multi-tasking' keys flank it, illuminating only when required.The design of the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge is very good and a huge leap forward from the
and even the .The futuristic premium look and feel helps to justify its lofty price tag a little more, but a number of niggles detract from the overall experience.
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