a ( 3,0),b(1,–3),c在直线y=2分之1+2上,d在y轴上,a,b,c,d构成平行于x轴的直线

Conference Paper
Measurement of analyzing power
in elastic electron-deuteron scattering in the momentum transfer range of 0.3–0.8 (GeV/c)2
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AIP Conf. Proc. 570, 704 (Fri Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2001);
Conference date:
16-21 Oct 2000
Osaka (Japan)
Buy: USD30.00
The results on the measurement of the analyzing power component
in elastic
ed scattering are presented. An internal storage cell target technique was used in the VEPP-3 electron ring in Novosibirsk for this measurement. The measurement has been performed in the range of momentum transfer poorly investigated but important from theoretical point of view because of the node of the monopole charge
form factor of the deuteron. The comparison of the other experimental data and some theories are discussed.
Key Topics
Measurement of analyzing power
in elastic electron-deuteron scattering in the momentum transfer range of 0.3–0.8 (GeV/c)2
AIP Conf. Proc. 570, 704 (Fri Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2001);
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Scitation: Measurement of analyzing power
in elastic electron-deuteron scattering in the momentum transfer range of 0.3–0.8 (GeV/c)2
proceedings.aip.org/570/10.4149/Right1,Right2,Right3如图,已知抛物线经过A(﹣3,0),B(1,0)两点,与y轴交于点C,其顶点为D,对称轴是直线l,l与x轴交于点H.(1)求该抛物线的解析式;(2)若点P是该抛物线对称轴l上的一个动点,求△PBC周长的最小值;(3)若E是线段AD上的一个动点( E与A、D不重合),过E点作平行于y轴的直线交抛物线于点F,交x轴于点G,设点E的横坐标为m,△ADF的面积为S.①求S与m的函数关系式;②S是否存在最大值?若存在,求出最大值及此时点E的坐标;若不存在,请说明理由.
试题分析:(1)把A、B的坐标代入抛物线的解析式即可;(2)作B关于对称轴的对称点A,连结AC交对称轴于P,点P就是所求的点;△PBC得周长就是AC+BC;(3)①求出直线AD的解析式,由点E的横坐标为m,可以表示出点E的纵坐标;由于F的横坐标也是m,点F在抛物线上,所以可以用m表示出F的纵坐标,由S△ADF =S△DEF+S△AEF即可求出S关于m的表达式;②把①中的函数表达式化为顶点式,即可求出最大值和点E的坐标.试题解析:(1)由题意可知:,解得:,∴抛物线的解析式为:;(2)∵,∴C(0,3).∵△PBC的周长为:PB+PC+BC,BC是定值,∴当PB+PC最小时,△PBC的周长最小,∵如图1,点A、点B关于对称轴l对称,∴连接AC交l于点P,即点P为所求的点.∵AP=BP,∴△PBC的周长最小值是:PB+PC+BC=AC+BC.∵A(﹣3,0),B(1,0),C(0,3),∴AC=,BC=;∴△PBC的周长最小值=+.(3)如图2,①∵抛物线顶点D的坐标为(﹣1,4),A(﹣3,0),∴直线AD的解析式为,∵点E的横坐标为m,∴E(m,2m+6),F(m,),∴EF==,∴S=S△DEF+S△AEF=EFoGH+EFoAG=EFoAH==;②=;∴当m=﹣2时,S最大,最大值为1,此时点E的坐标为(﹣2,2).
不是同类二次根式”中,正确的个数有(  )个
下列说法中①一个角的两边分别垂直于另一角的两边,则这两个角相等②数据5,2,7,1,2,4的中位数是3,众数是2③若点A在y=2x-3上,且点A到两坐标轴的距离相等时,则点A在第一象限;④半径为5的圆中,弦AB=8,则圆周上到直线AB的距离为2的点共有四个。正确命题有( ▲ )
若⊙O与直线m的距离为d,⊙O 的半径为r,若d,r是方程x2-11x+30=0的两个根,则直线m与⊙O的位置关系是(  )
京ICP证050421号&京ICP备号 &京公安备110-1081940& 网络视听许可证0110531号
旗下成员公司【小题1】 56. We can see _______
in the butterfly exhibition .A.some paintings .% _- S
\) c/ i7 F
\5 eB.some pictures of butterflies only .' j" O7 g: Y1 `- W5 S: AC.some beautiful butterflies .4 ]( W6 T. e- ?D.some pictures of the towns from all over the world .' O# e7 W+ @: A4 c: N【小题2】 You are going to see the exhibition with your 14 –year –old daughter , you will have to pay __________ .A.15 yuan8 Y% Y" c/ B! Q4 V3 \B.20 yuan8 g$ Q2 Q
P+ g6 N7 g5 ^C.25 yuan
F2 G4 a3 X! A6 Q. X2 ^/ YD.35 yuan9 T- L7 A- b8 g. U
J【小题3】We can book group tickets ____________ .A.by making a phone call* G8 h9 W' [
c' D+ D- aB.by sending an e –mail* _1 E% a
f4 KC.by writing a letter. Y
\/ i. ?$ J+ O" f. C' @D.by filling in an application form$ g. X( T2 X2 [# `+ A/ Y, a! [; ^: c2 O【小题4】There are 45 students in our class . How much will they pay if they visit the exhibition ?A.¥ 675$ ]; f. `3 U* LB.¥ 4503 M- G$ `* e- B) S- MC.¥ X5 _$ I/ j% W4 ND.¥4006 ^' `+ c8 A4 ?$ F9 S5 ?/ X【小题5】If
you go to the exhibition on 1 st , May , you can get ___________ .A.a book- C0 ?: M' C
W7 f* W/ e- FB.a ticket2 [; P* A& X! c" a+ bC.a butterfly0 g1 @0 h& f& M" C0 K% YD.a present( Z' B& A6 L2 P! ` - 跟谁学
在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:【小题1】 56. We can see _______
in the butterfly exhibition .A.some paintings .% _- S
\) c/ i7 F
\5 eB.some pictures of butterflies only .' j" O7 g: Y1 `- W5 S: AC.some beautiful butterflies .4 ]( W6 T. e- ?D.some pictures of the towns from all over the world .' O# e7 W+ @: A4 c: N【小题2】 You are going to see the exhibition with your 14 –year –old daughter , you will have to pay __________ .A.15 yuan8 Y% Y" c/ B! Q4 V3 \B.20 yuan8 g$ Q2 Q
P+ g6 N7 g5 ^C.25 yuan
F2 G4 a3 X! A6 Q. X2 ^/ YD.35 yuan9 T- L7 A- b8 g. U
J【小题3】We can book group tickets ____________ .A.by making a phone call* G8 h9 W' [
c' D+ D- aB.by sending an e –mail* _1 E% a
f4 KC.by writing a letter. Y
\/ i. ?$ J+ O" f. C' @D.by filling in an application form$ g. X( T2 X2 [# `+ A/ Y, a! [; ^: c2 O【小题4】There are 45 students in our class . How much will they pay if they visit the exhibition ?A.¥ 675$ ]; f. `3 U* LB.¥ 4503 M- G$ `* e- B) S- MC.¥ X5 _$ I/ j% W4 ND.¥4006 ^' `+ c8 A4 ?$ F9 S5 ?/ X【小题5】If
you go to the exhibition on 1 st , May , you can get ___________ .A.a book- C0 ?: M' C
W7 f* W/ e- FB.a ticket2 [; P* A& X! c" a+ bC.a butterfly0 g1 @0 h& f& M" C0 K% YD.a present( Z' B& A6 L2 P! `【小题1】 56. We can see _______
in the butterfly exhibition .A.some paintings .% _- S
\) c/ i7 F
\5 eB.some pictures of butterflies only .' j" O7 g: Y1 `- W5 S: AC.some beautiful butterflies .4 ]( W6 T. e- ?D.some pictures of the towns from all over the world .' O# e7 W+ @: A4 c: N【小题2】 You are going to see the exhibition with your 14 –year –old daughter , you will have to pay __________ .A.15 yuan8 Y% Y" c/ B! Q4 V3 \B.20 yuan8 g$ Q2 Q
P+ g6 N7 g5 ^C.25 yuan
F2 G4 a3 X! A6 Q. X2 ^/ YD.35 yuan9 T- L7 A- b8 g. U
J【小题3】We can book group tickets ____________ .A.by making a phone call* G8 h9 W' [
c' D+ D- aB.by sending an e –mail* _1 E% a
f4 KC.by writing a letter. Y
\/ i. ?$ J+ O" f. C' @D.by filling in an application form$ g. X( T2 X2 [# `+ A/ Y, a! [; ^: c2 O【小题4】There are 45 students in our class . How much will they pay if they visit the exhibition ?A.¥ 675$ ]; f. `3 U* LB.¥ 4503 M- G$ `* e- B) S- MC.¥9006 Z3 R9 X5 _$ I/ j% W4 ND.¥4006 ^' `+ c8 A4 ?$ F9 S5 ?/ X【小题5】If
you go to the exhibition on 1 st , May , you can get ___________ .A.a book- C0 ?: M' C
W7 f* W/ e- FB.a ticket2 [; P* A& X! c" a+ bC.a butterfly0 g1 @0 h& f& M" C0 K% YD.a present( Z' B& A6 L2 P! `科目:难易度:最佳答案【小题1】C【小题2】D【小题3】A【小题4】B【小题5】D解析试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了在阳光镇博物馆举行的蝴蝶展。在那里你能看到来自世界各地的美丽蝴蝶。五月一日去的话,你还会获得礼物。【小题1】细节理解题。根据短文All kinds of butterflies from different parts of the world可知我们能看到世界各地的各种蝴蝶。故选C。【小题2】细节理解题。根据票价成人20,学生15,十二岁一下免费,而女儿十四岁,故选D。【小题3】细节理解题。根据团购方式Can be made through the group line (010) 74xxxxxx27故选A。【小题4】细节理解题。根据团购价格Students groups of 10 or more : ¥ 10 each 可知45*10=450.故选B。【小题5】细节理解题。根据最后Come to the butterfly exhibition on 1 st ,May and receive a free picture of butterflies故选D。考点:广告类短文阅读。知识点:&&基础试题拔高试题热门知识点最新试题
不是同类二次根式”中,正确的个数有(  )个
京ICP证050421号&京ICP备号 &京公安备110-1081940& 网络视听许可证0110531号


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