
What is the purpose of life?Up to now I have no satisfactory answer yet for myself,but I can imagine I lie motionless in a rocking chair with the sunshine on my face when I become old and frail,recalling my life’s journey and the things past.What are the other things that can make me excited and what are the things that can make me remorsed?Will I show a composed smile or a mournful expression when the old and helpless me can’t do anything but wait in the rocking chair for my destined final moment?Don’t leave any regret for yourself,since there are things that will never again arouse your passions in your remaining entire life if left undone.
Why people alive? Now I can't give his answer to satisfied, but when I think about his old after, can move of lie in a rocking chair, the sunshine in the face. Thinking of a lifetime of road, recallin...
Why do people live? I can not give any satisfactory answers by myself right now, but when I will get old, unable to move and lying on a rocking chair with the sunshine on my face. Thinking about my wh...
Why do people live? I can't give myself to a satisfactory answer, but when I think of my own older, has been unable to move lying on a rocking chair, sunlight on my face. Thinking of the road of life,...
why do we live?I can not make a satisfied answer now, but when I imagine when I am old , I would be so weak that I could only lie on a rocking chair with sunshine touching my face ,thinking of my whol...
Love is really a wonderful feeling.Without too many words,love which you have will get your heart beat faster.A day's trip was over and it was quite late when I got back home.As I lied down on bed by myself,I couldn't help thinking of you to whom I just said goodbye.On the way back,I had a dream in which I leaned on your strong shoulder,hearing your heartbeat,feeling your body heat,and your calm breath.Your warm hug,holding firmly my hands,and the kisses filled with love.I didn't how to react to what you did to me,but couldn't refuse you simply because I felt like a girl who found her love for the first time and couldn't refuse the boy,my first lover,whom I thought about day and night.Please accept my apology for my retreat from your love.But if love cannot last forever,such a beginning of love will only add sadness when love ends and we say farewell to each other.I havn't written diary for a long time.I only wish that this feeling of love will last for a long time/I only wish that after many years,this feeling of love will still be fresh in my memory.
Love is a sense of amazing.Words are so needless,it is just when I look into your eyes my heart beat beacome quickly.End of all day's journey,I back home late,lying down my bed by my self,cannot help ...
Love is a wonderful feeling, do not need too many words, just stare at you will be full of excitement.A day trip is over, back home late, a person lying in bed recalling just said goodbye to you,...一想到2012年伦敦奥运会我们无不心潮彭拜回忆2012年奥运会比赛场上的某一个政_百度知道
出门在外也不愁生于七十年代-记忆中的经典(572)【难忘80欧舞—曾令无数80年代青少年心潮澎湃的“MORE THAN A KISS(不仅仅是个吻)”MICHAEL BEDFORD(迈克尔.贝德福德)1986年】_土豆_高清视频在线观看}


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