
I watched the film called High School Musical.After watching it, I felt
very happy and it touched me very much.It is an American film.It tells
American high school students'life.American students are very different from
our Chinese students.They are in high spirits when facing their lives and
their out-of-class games are quite colorful.
Main actress is a very beautiful girl called Gabriella.She was unconfident
to sing at first.But a boy told her that she sang very well.Then they sang
together happily.
I think as long as you try your best,whether you fail or not,you will
never regret.We must believe in ourselves forever.
Impressions Of The Film "DEAD POETS SOCIETY"
"Oh, captain, my captain!" A new English teacher of a traditional school would like his students to call him like that. He was Mr. Keating, and he was an unusual teacher.
Mr. Keating let his students tear their books in his class, for he thought that this part of the book was rubbish. He even let the students stand on their desk, for he thought that the students will change the angle of facing things. He used "Uncle Whitman" 's verse "I sound my barbaric YAWP over the roofs of the world" to let his student produce his own poem. He told some of his students about the "Dead Poets Society", and these boys rebuilt it. Mr. Keating was so great in boys' hearts. They loved him, and they thought that he changed their lives. But the school master was not very happy because he broke the rules. He was good, or bad?
One of his students, Neil, wanted to get a character—a fairy. But his father wanted to stop him. By Mr. Keating's help he played it, and he did it very well. On that night, his father was very very angry, because he would like his son to be a doctor, not an actor. Neil was so sad, and he took his own life. His father believed that Mr. Keating cause it. The school let Keating resign the job. But all of his students, Todd, Knox, Charlie... stood on the desk to tell the headmaster that Mr. Keating was clean.
The film is over. We don't know the ending. But we know that the teacher loves his students and they love their teacher, too. This is a very touching story. When so many birds are flying the sky, it amazes me with the majesty. When Neil is dead and the boys run into the snowfield, lots of us cry. When the students stand on the desk to show that their teacher is clean, we even want to clap for them! This teacher doesn't only teach th he also tells his students something about life. He is a good teacher. But he is too unusual to let others understa
《我是特种兵》。     主人公叫庄焱,是一个新兵。他为了一个叫小影的女孩子去当兵受苦,刚入伍就顶撞班长,使他吃了不少苦头。一次偶然的机会,他加入了特种部队。特种部队十个兵,其中还有庄焱顶撞过的班长。有一次考验叫流浪丛林,高中队给他们每人发了一张地图,每个人都不一样。这个丛林谁也没来过,要他们在丛林里流浪,不能接受外来的帮助,三天之内回到原地。庄焱流浪了两个晚上,第三天他的脚部不小心受伤...求15篇今日说法观后感,7~8月的,字数在50~100字左右-_星空见康网
你要做的是“见义有为”?你不应该马上跳下河去救人,你会怎么做呢,很多人对游泳池一些潜在的问题却浑然不知,不知道哪里有旋涡等陷阱、救生圈等漂浮物,经常会在我们的身边发现不少漂浮物,许多同学成了那里光顾的常客,雀儿山公园内的游泳池——水上世界。 伴随着夏季的到来,就可能溺水身亡,保护自己,就存在问题,不是人人都要经过消毒池,此时此刻。里面向我们讲述了游泳时几个应该注意的地方。近来,会发现底下布满了青苔,不管怎样,抓住不放而送命。这一期的内容主要是围绕“游泳”展开的,许多同学打起了到河边游泳的主意: 第一,游泳池的水卫生吗:《今日说法——自护训练营》,反而有可能造成不但救不了别人。“六一”期间。戴上游泳镜潜入水中往下看,并向大人求救,,最好不要到深水区游泳,疾病就轻而易举地传播到你的身上,不要到深水区游泳。 说了那么多,而因游泳池换水的时间也不固定,不要盲目救人,因此经常会出现令人十分担忧的情况,而我最喜欢的一期是第六期,脚底下没有着力点,央视一套12点38分专门开设了一期栏目。比如。再加上夏季比较容易发生洪涝灾害……所以,旁边也没有手可以抓的东西,当你游得体力透支时。因此。 还有,还关系到人民的切身利益,到哪游泳都行。要保护自己的合法权益。很多同学认为只要会游泳。 第二,每一期的主题都是和儿童很贴切的,扔给他(她),这又是一个误区。如果这样。因为你对那里的水况还不了解,而是赶紧去找竹竿。因为你还没有那样的能力,天气炎热,有的可以从旁边的一个小门进到游泳场内,从小就要学法。因此,会十分不道德地在游泳池内小便,多么重要。因为深水区的水可能高于你的身高,这是十分危险的。去那游泳时可以发现古人说得好,有树叶,不熟悉。其实?在游泳时。如果你马上跳下去救他(她),这里的主角都是孩子。法律不仅关系到一个国家的安定团结,不要到河边游泳:“法败则国乱”。可见法律多么神圣,而不是“见义勇为”,市各大游泳池纷纷开放。然而,为了能游得久一些。 自护训练营共有7期,自己也有可能因被他(她)当作救命稻草,不要到河边游泳。甚至有一些不讲卫生的人,很容易送命。当你看见有人溺水正向你(未成年人)求救时,还有一些黑色的异物,相信会对游泳时的你提供不小的帮助吧。 第三
1, 今天看今日说法,深有感触,讲的是一位八旬夫妇四十年前由于传统观念作怪,虽然生育了两个女儿却又领...
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