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China has 960.1 square kilometers
There is 960.1 square kilometers in China&&&万平方公里
Desertified area of north region in China is 328,000km
2,which makes up 3
4% of the total area of China,and continues developing.
我国北方地区荒漠化土地面积为 3 2 .8万平方公里 ,约占全国国土面积的 3 .4% ,而且还在进一步发展 ,长此下去 ,令人担忧。
Romania is also an inland European country and rich in uranium, there occurs one uranium deposit in every 10 000 km2 territory.
121 overbank sediment samples were collected in an area of about 157,000 km2, with the average sampling density being 1 sample/1,300 km2, and the sampling coverage being 24%.
在约15.7万平方公里的可采面积内采集了121件河漫滩沉积物样品。 平均采样密度约为五个点/1300km ̄2。
The karst area in South China is the largest bare karst region with an area of 540,000 km2 and inhabited by about 100 million people.
中国南方岩溶区是我国最大的连片裸露岩溶石山地区,分布面积约 54万平方公里,居住 1亿多人口。
On November 7, 1976, a strike slip fault type earthquake of magnitude 6.7 occurred in the border region of the two southwestern provinces, Sichuan and Yunnan, at the localities Ninglang and Yanyuan, About one year before the earthquake, the authors made a medium term prediction for the magnitude and epicenter of an impending strong earthquake, based on the result of analysis of the variation of seismic wave velocity ratio of a region of about 20,000 km2 in extent.
日,我国川滇两省交界处的盐源、宁蒗一带发生6.7级走滑断层型地震. 震前约一年,作者根据附近约二万平方公里范围内的波速比普查结果,对未来主震的震级和地点作了比较符合实际的中期预报.
Jinjiang region is situated on the south-eastern coast of Fujian. province at the longitude between 117°30′—119°00′ E. ,latitude 24°30′—25°55′N.
But Gurbantonggut desert of the north of Xinjiang zuengeer basin interior region, the scope is 44°11′—46°20′N and 84°31′—90°00′E, the area reaches to 48,800 square kilometers, Gurbantonggut is the biggest fixed desert in our country. The variety of the weather,soil,plant,humidity. .
This paper reports γ radiation dose rate(the contribution fromcosmic ray is not included)for field,road and inside buildings has beenmeasured by using U.S.RSS-100-111 high pressure ionization chamber andhomemade FT-620 environmental X,γ exposure rate meter at 546 point dis-tributed in 17.61×10~4km~2 in Guizhou province.
本文报告在贵州省17.61万平方公里土地上布设的546个测量点,用美国 RSS-100-111型高压电离室和国产 FT-620型环境 X、γ照射量率仪测量的原野、道路及建筑物内的γ辐射剂量率(均指不包括宇宙射线贡献在内的离地1米高处的空气吸收剂量率)。
Western area consists one-third of the administrative region with the 6,860,000 kilometers and 35,500 million population rating the 69.95% and 28.85% of the all alternatively.
In February 2004, Huizhou Municipal Land and Resources Bureau decided to use IKONOS image to produce 1:5000 orthograph covering Huizhou city's entire jurisdiction of 12,000km~2. The project is as- sumed by the Land and Resources Information Center of Guangdong Province.
The Shan-Gan-Ning Basin has an area of 320000 square kilometers.
The area of Gaoping is 946 square kilometers,and the population is 478,000.Gaoping dialect belongs to the Jin sut-dialect.
The Grammaticalization of Wanyi(万一)
Universal Relay
Its area is over 200 square kilometres, where waterweeds grow thickly and reeds are luxuriant.
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Aeromagnetic survey in People's Eepublic of China has gone a long way since twenty-six years ago. Up to the end of 1978, we had flown about seven million line-kilometers, and the area actually covered amounted to about 7.5 million square kilo-meters (including offshore surveys 1.2 million square kilometers in area). Now, the total number of aircrafts used for aeromagnetic surveys has reached nearly 30 per-year, and correspondingly there have been organized the brigades of aerogeophysical research.Aeromagnet... &&&&&&&&&&&&我国的航空磁测工作,已经有二十六年的历史。到1978年底为止,全国已完成了近700万测线公里,实际覆盖面积约750万平方公里(其中包括海域120万平方公里)。现在全国各个部门中,用于航空磁测的飞机,每年可达30来架,建立了相当的航空物探队伍。 航空磁测在矿产普查中发挥了重大作用。圈定的局部航磁异常达20000多处,其中反映和被证实为各种规模的磁铁矿床及其它金属矿床的异常,占总数的3.5%。以航磁异常为线索,新发现的铁矿和其它金属矿达240多处,其中大中型的占41%。 航空磁测在石油构造普查中,也取得了巨大的成绩,几乎是各个含油气盆地都曾被普查过,覆盖的面积达480万平方公里(包括海域120万平方公里),为发现大庆、胜利、大港等著名油田,起了重要的作用。构造磁测在大地构造和深部构造研究方面,不仅从理论上而且从实践上都具有相当的地位,这已为地质界所公认。航空磁测确定的深大断裂带,是非常重要的地质构造单元,也是各种有用矿产普查的重要线索。 最后,作者还提出了对我国航空磁测研究发展工作的意见。&&&&&&&& The natural rangeland in Tibetan Independent Region covers 0.834 million sq.km.,i.e.1260 million mu.About 22 million cattles are grazing in this atea.It equivalents to 40.339 million sheep units.its.And about 31.35 mu per sheep owned.The increasing of the livestocks is nearly impossble in recent years,since the balance between the supply of the pastural forages and the need of the livestocks is disturbed both in time and in space.The analyse of the pastural production process shows that productivity of gras... &&&&&&&&&&&&西藏草原面积为84.3万平方公里,合12.6亿亩。目前牧养着2200多万头(只)牲畜,计草原载畜量4033.9万只绵羊单位,每只羊平均占有草原31.35亩。西藏草原的饲料供应季节不平衡和草原资源分布的空间不平十分严重,限制着草原家畜饲养量的进一步增长。但是从草原生产流程分折,通过改善经营管理,协调草原的供求关系,提高牧草转化畜产品的效率,草原生产能力在当前每百亩生产14.47公斤畜产品单位的基础上,按草原贮草量估计至少还可增加二倍多。&&&&&&&& The characteristics of sediments,such as their sequences,particle-size dis-tribution,constituents of minerals and detritus and the surface features ofquartz grains,are discussed here with respect to environments relative to the upper tributaries,braided channels of the upper-middle reach,meander-ing channels of the middle-lower reach and the deltaic distributary-monthbars within the system of Luan drainage,as well as to the coastal beach,the coastal dume and the beach of the Beidaihe cliffed coast.This stud... &&&&&&&&&&&&地史时期与现代的沉积作用是类同的,深刻认识了现代的沉积环境和沉积作用,就能更好地了解和解释古代沉积。近年来对现代沉积的广泛研究,大大地促进了对古代沉积作用及环境的认识。为了更深入地研究我国东部古代的沉积环境,更好地预测有利于油气储集的砂岩体,加速我国油气资源的勘探,我们于年曾二次对滦河及北戴河海岸现代沉积进行了观察研究。滦河为一中小型河流,发源于河北省沽源县境内,流向东南,至乐亭县以东注入渤海,全长800多公里,流域面积为4.4万平方公里,年平均泾流量为151亿立方米。它为一砂质性河流,年平均输砂量2450万吨。它也是一季节性河,7、8、9月为洪水期,占全年输砂量的97%,其中8月份占45%。根据地貌及水文特点,滦河大致可分为迁安县以上的上游支流河段,迁安至滦县间为中上游网状河段,滦县至乐亭县为中下游蛇曲河段,乐亭以下则进入三角洲平原,发育分支流河,并向海域延伸,形成朵状三角洲(图1)。滦河发育有二级阶地,一阶地高出现代河床2—3米,二阶地高出18—25米。要正确判断环境,关键在于认识各个环境的成因标志。因此,我们的考察工作主要是研究滦河体系各种环境标志特征,并在此基...&nbsp&&&&&&&&相关查询:
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求翻译:中国拥有960万平方公里的土地 英语是什么意思?
中国拥有960万平方公里的土地 英语
China has 9600000 square kilometers of land
China has 960 million square kilometers of land in English
China has 9.6 million square kilometers of land English
China has 9,600,000 square kilometer land English
China possesses 9.6 million square kilometres of land in English
China has 960 million square kilometers of land in English
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