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— Here comes the grooms in E! Network’s reality special, Lance Loves Michael: The Lance Bass Wedding, Thursday at 8 p.m. Eastern. See the former boybander tie the knot, plus his bandmate JC Chasez serenades the happy couple.
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— Grab the smelling salts, because How To Get Away With Murder is back, Thursday at 10 p.m. Eastern on ABC. What sorts of sexy scandals will gay law student Connor (Jack Falahee) find himself embroiled in this time? How will he and the rest of his class deal with the fallout of the freshman drama’s fall finale?
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— Soak in all the crazy on Thursday’s How To Get Away With Murder before the show goes on hiatus until 2015. Viewers will find out who killed Sam in the midseason finale, airing Thursday at 10 p.m. Eastern on ABC, but we’re really hoping there will be more of Connor (Jack Falahee)’s
to hold us over until the series returns.
New housewives on Beverly Hills, a very '90s Christmas and more TV this week,  ...
Openly gay writer/producer Peter Nowalk recently had a with Southern California Public Radio's John Horn about his hit show How to Get Away With Murder. Nowalk also dished on what its like working with fellow executive producer Shonda Rhimes to create authentic, sexual characters - gay and straight alike. 
On writing the character &Connor& who you'll likely remember from last month's . 
The character of Connor was described as gay in the pitch. But when you read the script, it wasn’t “Connor, 28, gay.” It was, “28, sophisticated, sexy, smart.” And so, then you can write the discovery of his gayness into the script as the audience discovered it. [Connor] happens to be gay, is what I like to say, but there are many interesting things about him. [There] was an instinct to have a gay, young male character on the show. One, I don’t think there’s that many of them out there on network. But even on TV in general. And this whole show is based on the fact that these students are all so different from one another. So, of course one of them’s going to be gay. I definitely wanted to write a diverse cast, and that just happened that Connor was our gay character, and maybe there’ll be more in the future.
When asked whether the network was concerned about the show having a gay character so open about his on-screen sexuality, Nowalk answered:
No, the network was not concerned about it at all. Shonda and I have talked a lot about this question because we’re getting it a lot in a way that surprises me. I have grown up writing a lot of sex into ShondaLand shows. It’s just part of what the characters in a ShondaLand show do. And, like we all do in life, people have sex. So to write another character having sex wasn’t a big deal to me. I think it’s just the fact that people are saying, “Oh, it’s two men that are having sex,” just like we’ve seen and just like I’ve written scenes of a man and a woman having sex. It’s the same thing to me. So I just don’t want people to marginalize that part of the show or make too big a deal about it. It’s not a big deal. It’s part of life, and if people want to call it progressive, that’s fine. 
You can check out an audio clip of Nowalk's interview (as well as some more shots of HTGAWM's Connor in action) ...
Check out our weekly guide to make sure you're catching the big premieres, crucial episodes and the stuff you won't admit you watch when no one's looking.
— While there's still plenty to scrutinize about How To Get Away With Murder's ambitious, promiscuous gay law student Connor Walsh (Jack Falahee), you've got to hand it to the show for
on network TV. (Take , for example.) His character is allowed to have a lot more depth (and sex) than we're used to seeing gay characters have on a network series, even on such a pulpy nighttime soap. This week's episode, Thursday at 10 p.m. Eastern on ABC, shines a spotlight on Connor's classmate Laurel Castillo (Karla Souza).
Plenty of Project Runway, online therapists and more TV this week,  ...
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February 2015逍遥法外 How to Get Away With Murder - 美剧英剧资讯追看讨论
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  本剧讲述有一位魅惑﹑神秘﹑危险的教授兼诉讼律师 - Annalise Keating在她的课程「How To Get Away With Murder(如何杀人后脱嫌)」上,将会选四位学生进律师事务所跟她工作,而这引起了众人的勾心斗角。不过当学生们与一具尸体扯上关系后,他们就得「学以致用」了。..闪电侠、权力的游戏、舞林争霸、超越时间线、妙女神探、绿箭侠、哈啦夏令营
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在本周的《闪电侠》(The Flash)结束后,制片人解释了下列问题:Harrison Wells的「终极目标」将在本季结束前曝光,你会发现他现在所做的每一件事都有很强的针对性。这么早就揭露反闪电侠的真实身份是为了「不糊弄观众」,但至少剧中人还不知道他的这重身份。「花衣魔笛手」Hartley将出现在下周的新集里(今后还有回归机会),Cisco为了找到Ronnie可能真的会放过他。「花衣魔笛手」有获得救赎的机会,毕竟他到现在为止没有杀一个人,也没有人因他而死。Joe和Cisco在某集中启动大规模调查行动,目的是查清Barry母亲遇害当夜发生的真相,但Joe绝不会让Cisco知道自己的真实想法。让Wells遇到麻烦的「速度力量」(Speed Force)就像是《星球大战》中的迷地原虫,那是一种无定形的东西,漫画书迷很熟悉它。目前来看,这是一种超级形态,能够连接超级宇宙、超级力量和超级能力。Ray Palmer和Felicity将在第18集中访问中心城,Ray需要星空实验室团队帮助他改进战斗服,但此时恰逢Barry遭遇(道德)困境,只有Felicity能让他渡过难关。Ray和Cisco成了朋友,他们都酷爱技术。Felicity这样描述Ray:「Ray就像进了Oliver身体的Barry。」原子侠漫画中重要的反派角色之一「暴眼大盗」将出现在这一集中。今天最重要的人事变动信息包括:Brianna Brown被提升为《阴险的女佣》(Devious Maids)的常规演员。Jerry Ferrara加盟《权欲》。Katie Holmes加盟《清道夫》(Ray Donovan),扮演关键多集角色、女商人Paige,是Andrew Finney(Ian McShane)的女儿。Fiona Gubelmann客座演出《男与女》(New Girl)。Madeleine Arthur客座演出《邪恶力量》(Supernatural)。CBS将在2月26日播出维多利亚的秘密泳装特辑。来看看《舞林争霸》(So You Think You Can Dance)的新评委席:Paula Abdul、Jason Derulo和Nigel Lythgoe。真是讽刺……美国观众在本周一晚上宁可看往年橄榄球超级杯大赛的广告集锦(1083万,2.1)也不愿看当晚的电视剧集。当晚也只有《单身汉》(795万,2.3)的18-49收视率比它高点。值得一提的是,CW的《初代吸血鬼》(174万,0.7)和《处女情缘》(155万,0.6)都达到本季最高……这要感谢正在肆虐的暴风雪?留在家里看电视剧的年轻人稍微多了几十万?《权力的游戏》(Game Of Thrones)的力量真是不容小觑。虽然即将在IMAX影院上映的两集只是「旧集」,但电影票销售情况依然火爆,200家影院中部分电影票已经售罄。据称每家IMAX影院每个周末的平均收入为美元,但《权力的游戏》已经达到甚至超过了这个标准――即便是如《星际穿越》(Interstellar)这种热门新片也不过如此。说到《权力的游戏》,来看看这张偷拍照――你知道这是弥林最可怕的「Daznak’s Pit」竞技场,你也知道这是《魔龙的狂舞》中的故事,而且你还知道这里会有一场大屠杀……但是,究竟谁会死在这个情节中(这里有多名你非常熟悉的核心角色,包括那个刚刚漂洋过海的「小矮个子」)。这套偷拍照的剩余部分你都看过了,因此我不再废话。Rachel Nichols认为《超越时间线》(Continuum)可能会有第五季――在「别的什么地方」(加拿大Showcase已决定取消该剧,但给了它一个6集的终结季)。<blockquote style="border: 1px dashed rgb(204, 204, 204); font-family: Verdana, Courier, font-size: 13 margin: 20 outline: 0 padding: 25px 90px 10px 30 vertical-align: quotes: ''; background-image: url(); background-color: rgb(242, 242, 242); color: rgb(102, 102, 102); line-cdth 25 text-align: background-cdth 100% 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-"><p style="border: 0 font-family: font-style: font-weight: margin: 0px 0px 1.625 outline: 0 padding: 0px 0px 0px 60 vertical-align: line-cdth 20 background-image: url(); background-cdth 0% 0%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-">I know that we’re gonna do everything possible to make season four even more electric and thought-provoking than prior seasons, so of course I’d like to be optimistic and think that perhaps this isn’t the end.今日主要预告片忠诚 Allegiance 预览王室 The Royals 预告 5(大量新镜头)我是僵尸 iZombie 预告:“Liv to Tell”妙女神探 Rizzoli and Isles S05B 预告:“死党”绿箭侠 Arrow S03 拍摄花絮:“Merlyn的终极考验”播出季● Netflix用下面这个宣传片正式公布了八集有限剧集《哈啦夏令营》(Wet Hot American Summer)的演出阵容――用「超级豪华」来形容一点都不过分。该剧根据2001年的同名喜剧电影改编,原版电影中绝大多数演员会回归,包括Elizabeth Banks、Michael Ian Black、Bradley Cooper、Judah Friedlander、Janeane Garofalo、Joe LoTruglio、Ken Marino、Christopher Meloni、Marguerite Moreau、Zak Orth、Amy Poehler、David Hyde Pierce、Paul Rudd、Molly Shannon和Michael Showalter。他们中有些人当年演这部电影时才刚出道,如今都已是「大明星」了。这部电影票房不佳,但却吸引了特定影迷的崇拜。电影版描述了一个以夏令营为背景的、典型的青春喜剧故事,主打的是喜剧化的台词和复杂的人物关系,没有什么特别的情节。该剧的开发模式与《发展受阻》(Arrested Development)相同――即它是原版电影的「续篇」。具体而言,故事发生在原版电影的「10年之后」。Michaela Watkins扮演一名性格强硬的纽约人,Josh Charles扮演竞争对手夏令营的成员,Rob Huebel扮演David Hyde Pierce的竞争对手教授,Richard Schiff扮演David Hyde Pierce的领导,Randall Park扮演一名爱上Molly Shannon的图书管理员,Paul Scheer扮演一名记者。新剧开发消息● CBS宣布预订《超脑特工》(Intelligence)创作人Michael Seitzman开发的医学剧试映集《Code Black》。该剧根据Ryan McGarry的纪录电影改编,标题「代号黑色」是一家洛杉矶县医院急诊室(号称是全美国最繁忙的医院)对特殊情况的称呼――当大量病人涌入医院,院方没有足够的人手治疗所有病人时,其中一些病人可能因此死亡。主人公是一名刚刚加入该医院急诊团队的年轻医生,他和他的同事们一方面艰难地面对有严重缺陷的医疗系统,另一方面竭力保护自己的理想并救治那些最需要他们的病人。医学、警匪和律政是美国最主要的三大电视剧题材,但是近年来这些传统题材都经过了「改良」――例如ABC的热门新剧《逍遥法外》(How To Get Away With Murder)本质上是一部律政剧,但却将剧情重点放在悬疑谋杀案上。CBS的《Code Black》可能会参照这种做法。此外,今年正式进入开发程序的医学剧项目非常多,可以预见明年将是医学剧比较扎堆的一年(很可能出现五大广播网全部上马新医学剧项目的现象)。● HBO正式宣布预订古典音乐剧试映集《Virtuoso》――此时距离该项目立项已经过去很长时间。该剧由《真爱如血》(True Blood)的创作人Alan Ball开发,Elton John和他的同性恋丈夫David Furnish担任执行制片人。据称该剧的创意来自Alan Ball及其编剧搭档、演员Peter Macdissi、Steve Hamilton Shaw,故事设定在18世纪的音乐之都维也纳,一群来自欧洲各地的音乐汇聚在享誉盛名的「杰出音乐学院」(Academy of Musical Excellence),但他们很快意识到音乐并非那么纯洁,他们面对的是一个复杂的、反复无常的世界。Peter Macdissi扮演主人公Antonio Salieri,是一位作曲家兼音乐教师,负责管理这所音乐学院。奥匈帝国皇帝约瑟夫一世(Emperor Joseph)临终前委任Salieri创办这所学院以纪念自己的丰功伟绩。Iva Babic扮演俄罗斯大提琴天才Leonid。Francois扮演希扮演西班牙吉他与长笛天才Isidoro,他来自一个海滨小镇,没有接受过正式的音乐训练。Lindsay Farris扮演奥地利钢琴天才Heinrich。Nico Mirallegro扮演自学成才的奥地利小提琴天才Franz,没有任何背景。Alex Lawther扮演意大利阉伶(castrato)Battista,来自一个佛罗伦萨的穷人家庭。凭借歌唱天赋,他获得了免费教育机会。该试映集将于今年春季在匈牙利布达佩斯开机拍摄。● 电视喜剧之王Norman Lear打算重拍历史上最经典的一部喜剧:70年代的《一天一次》(One Day at a Time)。他初步计划启用全拉美裔演出阵容。该项目尚处在初级阶段,因此我们难以知道更多细节。原版剧集年在CBS播出了9季,故事描述一个离了婚的母亲搬到两个女儿家中居住,这家人与公寓管理员成了朋友。拉美版《一天一次》符合当下「种族多样性」的流行趋势,既能赚眼球又能赚口碑,何乐而不为?新剧选角信息● 来自《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead)的Tyler James Williams加盟CBS正在开发的《犯罪心理》(Criminal Minds)新衍生剧。此前我们已经知道,这部衍生剧仍由《犯罪心理》的剧集总监Erica Messer操刀制作,后门试映集在2月中旬开机拍摄。衍生剧的标题尚未确定,但可以肯定主人公是联邦调查局另一个调查组的成员(《犯罪心理》的主人公来自人类行为分析组,即BAU)――他们主要帮助美国公民解决在海外遇到的麻烦。Gary Sinise扮演有着20年经验的资深FBI探员Jack Garrett,是该调查组的主要负责人。Tyler James Williams扮演该调查组的技术分析师Monty,性格可爱,聪明绝顶。当调查组的其他成员去海外执行任务时,Monty留守大本营提供技术和信息支援。他注意细节,为人谦逊温和,这对该调查组来说至关重要――通常他们会让他去联系遇到麻烦的家庭,好言劝慰那些伤心的可怜人儿。他们还让他利用技术特长来分析案情中的缺失环节,帮助他们在海外抓住凶手。CBS曾在年播出《犯罪心理》的首部衍生剧《犯罪心理:疑犯动机》(Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior),但反响不佳。CBS的《犯罪现场调查》(CSI)目前已有三部衍生剧(《纽约》《迈阿密》《网络》),《海军罪案调查处》(NCIS)有两部衍生剧(《洛杉矶》《新奥尔良》),《海军罪案调查处:洛杉矶》也差点「生」出一部衍生剧《红色小组》(但后来胎死腹中)。值得一提的是,《海军罪案调查处》本身就是一部衍生剧,其前身是《军法署长》(JAG)。舆论普遍认为,Tyler James Williams「跳槽」意味着他在《行尸走肉》中的角色(Noah)很快将会死亡。剧集变动信息● HBO宣布续订《同在屋檐下》(Togetherness)第二季。据称HBO很满意该剧的多平台收视率数据(实时观众人数仅有42.7万,但在计算多平台数据之后猛增到260万)。
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