he spend all his money caring for the homeless to harvardd

58cv网址导航野宿III.露宿者攝影展 Homeless III
- Photo Exhibition of the Homeless in Hong Kong
recorded the life of Hong Kong homeless people for 15 years, SoCO
and photographer Lei Jih-sheng published Homeless III,
the third photo collection of street sleepers. Following Homeless
I & II, the new collection features the shrinking living
space of the homeless in the metropolis, as well as their helplessness
and dismay.
野宿 III.露宿者攝影展
Homeless III
- Photo Exhibition of the Homeless in Hong Kong
展覽詳情 About
日期|地點 Time
<font color="#FF年5月13日-
6月13日 8am - 11pm | 柴灣青年廣場的Y展覽平台
13 May to 13 Jun, 2014
8am - 11pm | Exhibition
Podium, Youth Square, Chai Wan.
2月16日 10am -10pm |尖沙咀香港文化中心地下大堂E3及E4展區
10 am-10pm, Feb 10-16, 2014 | Ground floor, Exhibition area
E3 and E4, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Tsim Sha Tsui
3月30日 逢星期五、六、日 12pm-6pm | 深水汝州街269號1樓
12pm - 6pm, Feb 28 - Mar 30, 2014 Every Friday, Saturday,
Sunday | 1st floor, 269 Yu Chau Street, Sham Shui Po
查詢 Enquiry:
(陳倩兒 Irene Chan, 吳衛東 Ng Wai Tung
公眾教育活動 Activities of Public Education
Public education
activities will be held during the exhibition in SSP. If
you are interested, please book in advance by calling 2713
9165 or sending email to . Thanks!
團體導賞 Group Visits
In-depth introduction of homelessne
suitable for groups of 20-35 each tour lasts one
收費:非牟利團體:HK $1,000/團;
商業機構:HK $2,000/團
Charges: Non-profit organizations: HK$ 1,000/ Business
institutions: HK$ 2,000/group
Please inform time you prefer during registration
講座分享 Talks
Sharing of homeless stories and re
each sharing lasts one hour
收費:HK$50/人 Charges:
Please select time you prefer during registration
□ 1/3/2014, 4pm-5pm □ 8/3/2014, 4pm-5pm
□ 15/3/2014, 4pm-5pm □ 22/3/2014, 4pm-5pm
Homeless FC》放映 Public Screening of Homeless FC
導演James Leong,
Lynn Lee歷時一年跟拍一群露宿朋友參加無家者世界杯的故事
Homeless FC follows a group of homeless people, who tried
hard to participate in the Homeless World Cup
捐助社協: HK$ 40/人
Donation HK$ 40/person
時間 Time:29/3/2014,
何處是吾家 ?
Hong Kong, My Home?
It was about midnight
when I walked past the football court in Sham Shui Po. I saw civil
servants lock the gate firmly, and the cleaners sowing disinfection
powder in every corner of the stairs. &They are washing the
floor again, so I have to sleep somewhere else tonight.&
Said my homeless friend. & Then we looked up, at the slogan
banners from the Hong Kong government &Hong Kong, our home&.
Hong Kong left no comfort
for the homeless in the past few years. Respective governmental
departments stealthily implemened unfriendly policies on the homeless,
and tried to prevent them from sleeping in the street: installing
immovable hand grips on the bench, paving uneven stones or strangely-shaped
decorations under the flyover. In the past two years, hostility
towards the homeless was even enhanced: several governmental departments
enclosed the area under flyovers in Kowloon City and Ferry Street
by building large flowerpo they also took
action to clear a homeless spot in the morning, throwing homeless
people's personal belongings into the rubbish truck.
With living space constantly
squeezed, however, the number of homeless people was not reduced.
More and more young people, low-income workers and returning Hongkongers
became homeless in recent years, and the re-homeless phenomenon
occur more frequently.
Since 1999, with local
photographer and journalist, Society for Community Organization
has started to record the plight of Hong Kong homeless people.
Hoping to share with the public the 15 years' record, we now launched
Homeless III: In the face of hostile governmental behaviors, frustration
Challenged by the adversity of life,
helplessness and tenacity are unfolded. What we want to see is
that what we've recorded can serve as a start for changes, a signal
for the government and a rise in public awareness of the homeless.
HO Hei Wah
Director, Society for Community Organization
February 2014
Photos of the Homeless
防止露宿者聚集及(2) 美化/綠化工程
Closure of a bridge
Over the past 10 years
or so, the area under the bridge at Yau Ma Tei's Ferry Street had
been a shelter for the homeless, among which many were of Southeast
Asian origin. They called the desolate site &Downtown.&
On the morning of April
10th, a handful of South Asian homeless people woke up to find a
notice from the Lands Department posted to the wooden planks they
used as beds. The notice stated that after May 7th, the area would
be closed down for refurbishment, and loitering or residing there
would be considered illegal.
In fact, as early as
2011, two district councilors from DAB had in fact proposed to clean
up the area. The council eventually decided to spend HK$2.53 million
for a greening project, which involved fencing off the area and
placing 200 concrete flower planters under the bridge. The goals
(1) To prevent homeless
people from gathering in the area, and
(2) Greening and beautifying the area.
Despite the protests
of homeless people and lawmakers, the district council was adamant
about the greening project. In August 2013, the area was closed
(Left photo)With pebbles
and artificial mounds installed under the bridge, street sleepers
can hardly have a good night sleep.
The homeless decided
to defend their Downtown.
也是個問題。有一次睡到深夜,Dounaut走失了,兩人四處搜尋,最後才發覺Dounaut 已被送往薄扶林附近的漁農自然護理署,為了領回它,兩人步行了好幾個小時。
Underground Love
Before the arrival of
Ah Lap and Ah Man, the subway in Wanchai was so quiet you could
hear a pin drop. Yet the cold underground tunnel now radiates joy
as the couple and their pet dog Dounaut welcome social workers to
their make-shift shelter.
Yet living underground
is by no means easy. One not only has to brace for bitter winds
but also the stone-cold gazes from pedestrians. Using cardboard
wastes as raw materials, Ah Lap and Ah Man still manage to build
a temporary love nest that allows them to have some privacy. Taking
care of Dounaut is another issue. The dog once ran away during the
night and both thought they had lost it forever. It was later found
that Dounaut had been sent to the government animal shelter in Pokfulam,
where the couple spent hours to reach on foot and to bring it home.
&What is love?
It is the conviction to stand by someone regardless of him/her being
rich or poor.& Years later, I find the saying true and alive
in the story of Ah Lap and Ah Man......
The man who can't
Ah Po, who was at the
time running a newspaper stall business, decided to take up a friend's
business selling audio-visual equipment. It was a big undertaking,
but the couple decided to go ahead.
The business did well
in the beginning. But then a large electronics and audio-visual
equipment chainstore moved in next door, and Ah Po's business began
to suffer. In order to keep the business afloat, the family re-mortgaged
their flat and spent all their savings, but to no avail. Ultimately,
they had to close it down. &We
couldn't even find someone to take up the business. We lost everything,&
said Ah Po......
這條天橋對55 歲的阿平來說,充滿感情,從不離棄。雖然一條馬路之隔便是政府避寒中心,有瓦遮頭有熱水有杯麵,但三年來阿平半步也沒踏過進去。「我就是不鍾意人多的地方。」阿平說,正因這份執著,那年農曆年跌至只得六度,又刮起大風雨,阿平仍然堅持留守天橋上......
Congeniality of the
Come rain or shine, you'll
meet Ah Ping along the Nam Cheong footbridge every night. He started
calling this place his home three years ago. Claiming to be the
first to discover this spot, the bridge now houses around 10 other
homeless people. Ah Ping is like Mr. Congeniality of the Nam Cheong
bridge, as he is always happy to share his life stories to volunteers
who have progressively come to visit the homeless......
It was still quite cool
in Hong Kong in February. This group of street-sleepers was suddenly
robbed of their clothes, blankets and mattresses. They could do
nothing but sit dully in the street, feeling angry and helpless.
They found it difficult to understand why their necessities to keep
warmth and their personal belongings were regarded by the Government
as rubbish......
Too Difficult to Get
When neighbours visit
each other and help each other out, it is heartwarming and something
to yearn for. However, when it comes to street-sleepers, the situation
is completely different. A group of three or five people sleeping
together in a street is easily referred to as a &nuisance&
by the government, and when numbers increase, they clear the site
or stop the gathering from happening. Among the ridiculous news
of the year 2013, none was more ridiculous than the greening project
organised by 20 district councilors in conjunction with seven government
departments. Its purpose was to &prevent the assembly of street-sleepers.&
Did the government, when taking such actions, give the streetsleepers
equal treatment as human beings? We do not know.
Actually, regardless
of whether one has a home or not, lives in a villa or on the streets,
all people should exchange communication with each other and support
each other. If one does so much as walk a few more steps and squat
down to hear the stories, one will find that hidden behind the &gatherings&
is friendship, love and a struggle for life.
In 2013, the park bench
within the pavilion in Sham Shui Po Park was no longer there. Pebbles
have been added on the only remaining covered section of the pavilion
floor, making it “uncomfortable to lie on”.....
點直至早上7 點看守看臺,禁止露宿者進入。
Who stole my rooftop?
Thinking back to years
past, the spectator stand at Maple Street Playground was the most
popular resting spot for the homeless in the area. The homeless
generally do not like to be seen, so the spectator stand was the
perfect spot for them to spend the night, with a shelter from wind
and rain, and lights turned off at 11pm every night. Even when social
workers pay them a visit, they need to bring their own torches.
Sadly, in the past years the Sham Shui Po District Council has spent
in the multiples of HK$100,000 to build gates on the spectator stand,
locking the gates at 11pm, and even hired a security service to
patrol the area, prohibiting the homeless from entering.
Thereafter, the government
organized a series of &clean-up& operations, including
locking the gates to Tung Chau Street Park at night, and spraying
the park grounds with water and odorous powder, causing skin irritations
in many of the homeless who spent their nights there. We remember
that during a protest of the homeless against the LCSD, when the
homeless asked the Assistant Director of the LCSD, in the past ten
years, who stole our rooftop (the cover at the Tung Chau Street
Park pavilion)? The Assistant Director's response was that the cover
was removed because it was obstructing the Hong Kong Police Force's
surveillance operations of illegal gambling activities in the area.
In that moment, everyone felt the true the meaning of the word &scapegoat&.
數年前楓樹街球場是露宿好地方,因為有看臺遮風擋雨,晚上11 時更關了燈,完全保障私隱。
A few years ago, the
Maple Street Playground used to be friendly to street sleepers,
as the roof over the stands provided shelter against winds and rain.
With lighting switched off at 11 pm, the homeless could enjoy some
sort of privacy.
2012 年深水康文署在看臺加了3
In 2012, the Sham Shui
Po office of the Leisure and Culture Department built three steal
gates to enclosure the stands area,
causing homeless people to move to more distant places.
in Hong Kong
is a common problem all over the world. It exists in rich and
developed countries like the United States as well as developing
nations such as India. People who are homeless have no access
to the most basic and fundamental resources - they have no roof
over their head, not to mention having adequate food to keep them
from hunger and maintaining personal hygiene.
has been helping the homeless since 1999. We have noticed that
in order to avoid facing public discrimination and harassments
from the city departments, most of them only appear to sleep in
hidden places after dark. They are highly &nomadic&
and difficult to reach and engage, and thus the statistics from
the Social Welfare Department could be an under-estimation of
the real situation. SoCO estimates that there are around 1,200
street sleepers in Hong Kong.
Understand the Homeless
- 露宿人數被嚴重低估 Number
of homeless people was significantly underestimated
According to
statistics from the Social Welfare Department, number of
registered homeless people surged from 342 in March, 2007
to 690 in October, 2013.
1. 由於社署未有公佈全年露宿者個案,沒有將每月的新登記個案計算其中
2. 社署不會將該月發現及同一個月內成功脫離露宿的個案列入露宿者數字中
3. 部份露宿者因居住在較隱蔽的地點(例如:私人樓宇樓梯、貨車車尾等)或不願承認自己是露宿者
4. 政府未有計算居住在露宿者宿舍的人口
SoCO considers
that this number was significantly underestimated due to
the following reasons:
1. Social Welfare Department did not report the total number
of homeless people by year and did not include the newly
registered case into the year figure.
2. The case of homeless people who was identified as sleeping
on street and his problems were settled within one month
would not be counted as a case by Social Welfare Department.
3. Some people who hide themselves in hidden places such
as the stairs of old-private building, lorries, etc. will
not admit themselves as homeless people.
4. The people who slept at the hostel for the homeless people
were not counted.
- 露宿增加 宿位減少
More and more homeless people, fewer and fewer hostels
In 2007, there
are 3 homeless hostels, providing 296 places. In 2013, places
dropped to 280 due to the close of St Barnabas' Society
and Home. Compared to the number of the registered homeless
people in 2013, the number of places is simply a drop in
- 四成露宿者自食其力
Over 40% of homeless people are self-supporting
未有領取福利、依靠低收入工作、拾荒維生的露宿者人口比例,由37%(2007年)上升至42% (2013年)
From 2007 to 2013,
the percentage of those who do not receive social welfare,
rely on low-income jobs and collecting scraps rose from
37% to 42%.
Unaffordable rent became main cause of homelessness
In 2013, 61% of
the homeless expressed that they slept on streets because
there are no houses with affordable rent for them. Compared
to same statistics in 2007 which is 26%, this number has
surged dramatically.
- 露宿者學歷愈來愈高 Education level became higher and higher
From 2007 to 2013,
the percentage of homeless people with secondary or higher
education rose from 34% to 47%.
- 露宿者年輕化 Age
of homeless people is Younger and younger
From 2007 to 2013, the percentage of homeless people under
age 49 rose from 32% to 45%.
- 露宿者健康狀況 Health
Condition of Homeless People
健康良好Normal health:50.0%
患有精神病People with
mentally ill:8.0%
身體殘障Ill health:4.3%
其他健康問題Other health
數據來源: 社會福利署 ()
Source: Social
Welfare Department ()
- 組織露宿者以請願、遊行、約見官員等不同的社會行動表達訴求;
- 協助十多名被政府無理驅趕及沒收個人財物的露宿者控告政府,提出民事索償;
does SoCO work with the Homeless?
SoCO believes that
every street-sleeper should enjoy the dignity and basic human
rights that make a person a human being. To press that the Government
face the street-sleepers' difficult circumstances, we have done
the following:
surveys on street-sleepers were conducted respectively to assess
the street-sleepers' needs and the effectiveness of existing services:
In 1999, survey found
out new patterns of street sleeping, including younger age of
street sleepers, shorter duration of street sleeping and street
sleeping after midnight. SoCO successfully advocated the Government
to improve the service period of streetsleeper outreaching team.
In 2010, survey found
that 35% of the respondents are returned Hong Kong residents and
they became streetsleepers due to the discriminatory welfare policy.
In 2012, survey found
that though the median wage of the street sleepers grew from HK$3,000
to HK$5,000, they cannot afford rent because the instability of
work and the ever rising rent.
Organise street-sleepers
to take various social actions such as petition, demonstration,
meeting with government officials in order to express their
Assisted over ten
street-sleepers to sue the government for civil claims for their
forced eviction and removal of their
In addition, since
2005, co-working with WoFoo Social Enterprises, SoCO organized
every year one new homeless soccer team - the Dawn Football Team,
which participates in the Homeless World Cup.
for Community Organization (SoCO)
in 1972, SoCO is a non-profit organization dedicated to relieve
poverty and advocate for civil rights. SoCO serves the most underprivileged
in HK, including cage and cubicle dwellers, the single elderly,
new immigrant women, children living in poverty, street-sleepers,
people with mental illness, low-paid workers, refugees and ethnic
minorities. In our 40th year of this journey, SoCO has been carrying
the same cause - to develop a caring, equal and just society.
thanks 特別嗚謝
攝影師 雷日昇
雷日昇從事新聞攝影工作接近25 年,現職星島日報首席攝影記者。他曾獲香港報業公會、香港攝影記者協會多個新聞攝影獎項,以及國際特赦組織人權新聞獎。雷日昇曾參與多個大型攝影展覽。於1999
年開始為香港社區組織協會從事義務攝影工作,記錄露宿者的生活,分別於2002 年和2007 年推出《野宿》和《野宿二》的展覽,其作品收錄於同名攝影集。他希望透過攝影,令社會各界更關注香港低下階層的困境。
Lei Jih-sheng
Jih-sheng is a veteran photo journalist with nearly 25 years
experience. He currently works at Sing Tao Daily as chief
photographer. He is the winner of the Amnesty International’s
Human Rights Press Awards, as well as awards from the Newspaper
Society of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Press Photographers Association.
Lei has been an exhibitioner for many large-scale photo
exhibitions. Since 1999, Lei has been working with SoCO
as a volunteer, documenting life of the street sleepers.
In 2002 and 2007, exhibitions named “Homeless” and
“Homeless II” were held with publications of the
same title. Through his camera, Lei hopes to enhance social
concern over the disadvantaged in Hong Kong.
大學畢業首份工作便當記者,曾任職《明報》及《香港經濟日報》記者多年,現為《香港經濟日報》旗下財經雜誌《i Money》執行主編。採訪對象包括億萬富豪也包括身無分文露宿者;經常採訪出入地點包括半山豪宅六星級酒店,也包括深水房。為社區組織協會合著《野宿》及《野宿二》,見證這城露宿者過去十多年變遷。
Ho Mei Wa Mian
Mei Wa's career as journalist has begun ever since her graduation
from university. Now she is the Executive Chief Editor of
i Money, a financial magazine managed by Hong Kong Economic
She interviews billionaires as well as penniless street
sleepers, going in and out of luxurious hotels and cubicles
in Sham Shui Po. She wrote publications “Homeless”
and “Homeless II” in collaboration with SoCO, witnessing
the city's change over last decades of years.
筆者 吳詠詩
Jennifer Ngo
Jennifer works
as a local reporter covering news on social issues, welfare
and human rights. She has a bachelor's degree in Globalisation
and Contemporary Culture, and stumbled upon journalism like
a blind woman over a stone boulder. She is passionate about
tackling poverty and social injustice, loves poetry, coffee
and travelling, among other good things in life.
Subscribe Homeless III Photo Album
香港社區組織協會Society for Community Organization
地址Address: 香港九龍何文田公主道52 號三樓 3/F,
52 Princess Margaret Road, Homantin, Kowloon, HK
電話Tel.: (852)
傳真Fax: (852)
傳真電子郵箱E-mail: .hk
電子網頁Website: www.soco.org.hk
定價Price:港幣180元 / 人民幣150元
EED - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst
Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic
The Community Chest of Hong Kong
Hong Kong ArtWalk
黎廷瑤 Lai Ting Yiu
施性央 Sze Sing Yeung
野宿三展覽場地贊助 Venue
sponsorship for Homeless III exhibition: Lilian Tang Design
Organizer : 香港社區組織協會 SoCO
校對: 文慧賢、約翰百德
Photographer: Lei Jih Sheng
Text: Mian Ho Mei Wa, Jennifer Ngo, Irene Chan, Ng Wai Tung, Wong
Translator: Alice Wong, Camille Sham, Christine Ip, Grace Tsoi,
Lau Kit Wai, Lau Wan Yan, Mia Du, Ng Hon Wah, Vod Chan, Shelley
Chan, Tim Pang, Wong Chi Yuen
Proofreading: Nicole Schoeni, John Batten
Editor: Ng Wai Tung, Irene Chan
for Community Organization (SoCO) All Rights Reserved. 香港社區組織協會
版權所有 翻印必究
for Community Organization (SoCO) All Rights Reserved. 香港社區組織協會 版權所有 翻印必究}


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