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I like travelling very much, if I make money, I would like to seventy percent is spent on tourism. Because I like to feel different local conditions and customs. In China, I have been to place, the deepest impact there are two. One is the qinghai, the other is a Qingdao. In qinghai I went, qinghai lake, kumbum monastery, candy blah national forest park, lijiaxia, pillow talk Muslim temple. Qinghai lake, is China's most beautiful one of the five great lakes, the other four lake is respectively, kanas lake, you know where it is? Yes, in xinjiang. Lake namco, in Tibet. Changbaishan tianchi, in jilin. The west lake, in zhejiang. Qinghai lake is a photographer and the artist's paradise. I am in July to the qinghai lake, is YouCaiHua blooming season, very beautiful, magnificent. In may to can see large groups of migratory birds, and regret that I go to when the migratory birds fly away. The surface of the lake qinghai lake elevation of 3260 meters. The lake have big three shidao, because away from land, is the birds of heaven. People, also called the place. Then I went to the kumbum monastery in China, he is a Tibetan Buddhism sect, one of six great temple. Architectural style has a characteristic very much, golden roof, gules metope, the white tower. Did the pilgrimage are devout believers. The number of kowtow to the banyan tree leaves and as much. The second day, we came to karbala forest park, here there is peculiar &danxia& landform, thick forest vegetation, ancient religious culture, magnificent power station dam, beautiful canyon library. It is 131 kilometers away from xining city of qinghai province. Here the weather changes a lot and the mountain side still raining, but on the other side is a sunny day. Lijiaxia, the upper reaches of the Yellow River is the hydropower station, the largest hydropower station is the northwest, I have to think about is, this is actually, the Yellow River water, very clear. A lot of people like xining have a reason, you know what? The reason is that, even in the summer and no mosquito bites, summer is the hottest also more than 25, 26 degrees Celsius. Xining have many snacks, breakfast people eat YangZaSui. Qinghai has characteristics of yogurt, just 1.5 yuan a bowl. There is a famous snacks night market, daxing street, people call it. Red yellow la street, because, the red tent, yellow light bulb, blue antependium. It's all very ch供唬垛舅艹矫讹蝎番莽eap snacks.We talk about Qingdao down. Located in shandong peninsula south and east, south is on the brink of the yellow sea. I in August 2007 went to Qingdao. First of all, I went to the zhanqiao pier. It is an important symbol of Qingdao. Qingdao pier and connected to zhongshan road. Zhongshan road is one of the most prosperous way of Qingdao. High tide, the great tide, arouse the white chairs, attract num Tide back and ochre reefs and aureate beach out of the water, the beach is full of GanHai pick up the visitors. In recent years, Qingdao launched &retaining the seagull& campaign, when in a calm sea, tens of thousands of seagulls fly freely in men. Then I went to Qingdao badaguan. Qingdao badaguan is China's most beautiful one of five big city. Is the colonists left amorous feelings. Is all some western courtyard villas. Modelling is not the same. The most famous is bulbophyllum floor. It is the architectural style of Europe of the castle. Because is the granite and pebbles built, its name granite. We live in view of the international youth hostel in xiangshan, every day to listen to the ship's siren, listening to the sound of waves, get up with the sun. And that was great....... This is from the view of the scenery on xiangshan overlooking!!!!! I also went to the ShiLaoRen scenic area, it is a 17 meters high of the columns, appearance is like the old man sitting in the sea, and said &ShiLaoRen&. The old man staring out, every morning watched the sun rises, the sunset at night send an evening away, with the tide, experienced the vicissitudes of life, don't know how many years spent. This is by nature carving in the art. My experience is introduced to this, a chance to hope and everyone to go traveling together.
I like travelling very much, if I make money, I would like to spend on tourism in seventy percent. Because I like to feel different local conditions and customs. In China, I have been to place, there are two of the most affected. One is the qinghai, the other is a Qingdao. In qinghai I went, qinghai lake, taersi, candy Nebraska state forest park, bend, Muslim temple walls. Qinghai lake, is China's most beautiful one of the five great lakes, the other four lake are respectively, kanas lake, you know where it is? Yes, in xinjiang. Lake namco, in Tibet. Tianchi lake, in jilin. The west lake, in zhejiang. Qinghai lake is a photographer and the artist's paradise. I'm in July to the qinghai lake, is YouCaiHua blooming season, very beautiful, magnificent. In may to can see large groups of migratory birds, and regret that I go to when the migratory birds fly away. The lake qinghai lake elevation of 3260 meters. The lake have three a shidao, because away from land, is the birds of heaven. People, also called the place. Then I went to the head, he is China Tibetan Buddhism sect, one of six great temple. Architectural style has a characteristic very much, golden roof, gules metope, the white tower. The bother of worship is very devout believers. The number of kowtowing to the banyan tree and the leaves. The second day, we came to cabra forest park, here the供唬垛舅艹矫讹蝎番莽re is peculiar \&danxia\& landform, thick forest vegetation, ancient religious culture, magnificent power station dam, beautiful canyon library. It is 131 kilometers away from xining city of qinghai province. Here the weather changes a lot and the mountain side still raining, but on the other side is a sunny day. Lijiaxia, the upper reaches of the Yellow River is the hydropower station, the largest hydropower station is the northwest, I have to think about is, this is actually, the Yellow River water, very clear. A lot of people like xining has a reason, you know what? The reason is that, even in the summer and no mosquito bites, summer is the hottest also more than 25, 26 degrees Celsius. Xining have many snacks, breakfast people eat YangZaSui. A characteristic of qinghai yogurt, just 1.5 yuan a bowl. There is a famous night market XiaoChiJie, daxing street, people call it. Red yellow la street, because, the red tent, yellow light bulb, blue antependium. This is very cheap snacks. We talk about Qingdao down. Located in shandong peninsula south, east, south on the yellow sea. I in August 2007 went to Qingdao. First of all, I went to the bridge. It is an important symbol of Qingdao. Qingdao pier and zhongshan road linked. Zhongshan road is one of the most prosperous way of Qingdao. High tide, the great tide, waving the white aroused waves, attract num The tide turned back and ochre reefs and aureate beach out of the water, the beach is full of GanHai pick up the visitors. In recent years, Qingdao carried out \&keep gulls\& campaign, when in a calm sea, tens of thousands of seagulls fly freely in men. Then I went to Qingdao badaguan. Qingdao badaguan is China's most beautiful one of five big city. Is the colonists left amorous feelings. Is all some western courtyard villas. Modelling is not the same. The most famous is bulbophyllum andersonii floor. It is the architectural style of Europe of the castle. Because is the granite and pebbles built, its name granite. We live in view of the international youth hostel in xiangshan, every day to listen to the ship's siren, listening to the sound waves, get up with the sun. And that was great....... This is from the view of the xiangshan overlooking scenery! I also went to the ShiLaoRen scenic area, it is a 17 meters high stone pillars, appearance is like the old man sitting in the sea, and said \&ShiLaoRen\&. The old man staring out every day, look at the sun rises in the morning, and at night send an evening away sunset, with the ebb and flow of the through the years, don't know how many years spent. This is carved by nature of art. My experience is introduced to this, a chance to hope and everyone go traveling together.
出门在外也不愁帮我把这篇汉语翻译成英语有急用谢谢 模具是制造业的重要基础装配。没有高水平的模具,就没有高水平的工业_百度知道
帮我把这篇汉语翻译成英语有急用谢谢 模具是制造业的重要基础装配。没有高水平的模具,就没有高水平的工业
被称为“工业之母”,模具设计过程主要采用人机交互方式进行,而对于前人成功设计的模具不能有效的利用.0,特别是塑料工业和钢材工业,模具CAD技术发展很快。模具又是“效益放大器”、 了解注塑机的一般选用原则、上百倍,大幅度地提高了模具的质量。但由于它是一项综合性技术,塑料模具设计是模具设计与制造专业学生的主干课程,60%一8%0的零部件都要依靠模具成形,然后组装调试、磨床,产品质量好、高生产率和低消耗、建材等各个行业。但是在这些系统中、刨床;2,生产效率高、
熟练应用UG3、50%的精加工零件由模具成型,往往是模具自身价值的几十倍、铣床。任何商品都是用模具制造出来的,降低了模具成本、电话机的外壳。在电子。蒸饭锅也是由金属平板用模具压成这样的形状,这些系统虽然具有较强的分析计算能力与图形处理能力。模具技术是衡量一个国家产品制造水平的重要标志;5。那么模具又是怎样做出来的呢。模具CAD技术给模具的设计和制造提供了一个高效,应用范围日益扩大,绝大部分塑料制品也由模具成型、 了解模具的整个装配过程、经济而且快速的方法,绘出图纸再由技术工人按图纸要求通过各种机械的加工(如车床、电子,塑料模具是其中之一、电器,可以提供交互式设计,大多数的设计是依靠操作者的设计经验:1。模具作为工业生产的基础工艺装备、高一致性,是把塑料加热软件注进模具冷却成型生产出来的、 熟悉掌握模具零部件的基本设计及其结构特点。模具是能生产出具有一定形状和尺寸要求的零件的一种生产工具。模具是工业生产的基础工艺装备,就没有高水平的工业产品、家电和通讯等产品中,工业的各个领域都广泛地使用模具,开发效率很低,通过本次设计达到以下几方面的要求;4,计算机只是进行一些规则匹配以及计算工作、化工、仪表,应用范围十分广泛,模具做的好、汽车;3、 系统的了解塑件的工艺性分析及其成型工艺,所以模具工需要掌握很高很全面的知识和技能,把模具结构设计出来,直到能生产出合格的的产品,比如电视机。工厂效益好、塑料桶等商品。模具的种类很多、仪器,成本较高,模具结构合理。作为国民经济的基础工业,所以它的发展必然涉及许多领域的共同配合,模具涉及机械、高复杂程度,造成模具设计周期很长、电机、冶金,并且己成为衡量一个国家产品制造水平高低的重要标志[3]。近10年来,在很大程度上决定着产品的质量、轻工。
模具行业是工业的基础行业。可以说没有模具就没有产品的生产?首先它由模具设计人员根据产品(零件)的使用要求,在国民经济中占有重要的地位,是其他加工制造方法所不能比拟的。75%的粗加工工业产品零件。目前国内外己经有许多模具CAD系统、效益和新产品的开发能力、电火花。也就是通常人们说的模子,缩短了模具的设计和制造周期、汽车、PORE等软件 ,用模具生产的最终产品的价值。用模具生产零件所表现出来的高精度、线切割)做好模具上的每个零件、AutoCAD模具是制造业的重要基础装配。模具生产技术水平的高低。没有高水平的模具
good skill in UG3? First of all it by mold design personnel according to product (parts) the use requirement:1, on the quality of products and the benefits and new product development ability.Mold is able to produce a has certain requirements of the shape and size of the parts of a production tools, so it&#39. Steaming pot of metal plate is by with mold pressed into such a shape. Mould technology is the measure of a national product manufacture level of important symbol, through this design to the fo3;benefit amplifier&quot, the system although has strong analysis ability and graphics processing power, 50% of industrial products finish machining parts are made by the molds, edm, the assembly and debugging, is the plastic heating software note into a mold cooling molding production comes out, good quality of product, plastic mould is one of them, the national economy in played an important role, high complexity.There are many kinds of mould. In the past 10 years. At home and abroad and have been many mould CAD system, lower the cost of the die, familiar with master the basic design of the die parts and their structural characteristics, the die structure designed, the development of efficiency is very low,s development will inevitably involve many areas of common cooperate, 4;;, application range widening, economy and rapid method, mould CAD technology develops very quickly. The factory efficiency good, can provide interactive design, electric motors. Mold is &quot, application scope is very extensive, the computer is just for some rules matching, automobile, in the mold production of the final product value, and other industries, line cutting) to each of the parts in the mold, especially plastic industry and steel industry, so tool to master a comprehensive range of high knowledge and skills, mould involving machinery, telephone enclosures, metallurgy. As the foundation of the national economy industry, chemical industry.0, automobiles, grinderIs the important basis of the mould manufacturing assembly.Mould industry is the foundation of industrial industries, building materials, plastic mould design is mould design and manufacture specialized students backbone course, the cost is higher. In electronics, and other commodities, until can produce qualified products. Mold production technology of level, and has become the measure of a national product manufacture level of important sign [3], known as &quot. Mould CAD technology to die design and manufacturing provides an efficient, home appliances and products such as communication, cause mould design cycle is very long, high consistency.Mold is the foundation of industrial production technology and equipment, 60% to 8% of a 0 parts depends on that of die forming, AutoCAD;5. Be also usually people say mold, high productivity and low consumption, understand the whole assembly process of mould, most of the plastic products also by molds, shorten the die design and manufacture period. Can say no without the mold the producthe mother of industrial&quot, die doing good, one hundred times, to a large extent, greatly promoted the mould quality. Mould as the basis of industrial production technology and equipment, and for previous success of the mould design can&#39, instruments and meters. So how do out of the mold, understand the general selection principle of injection molding machine. With mold production parts shown bt effective use of, electronic industry. 75% of the r2, light industry, is other processing manufacturing method can match, draw drawing again by technical workers according to the drawings by all kinds of mechanical processing requirements (such as lathe, industrial every field of widely used mold. No high levels of mould, mould design process mainly adopts the man-machine interactive way, planer, such as television. But in these systems, electric appliances, is often die own value on a few times. Any goods are in out of the mould manufacturing, PORE and software, high production efficiency, milling machine, no high level of industrial products. But because it is a comprehensive technology, mould reasonable structure, most of the design is depend on the design experience of the operator, the understanding of the system analysis of technology of plastics and molding process
模具是制造业的重要基础装配。没有高水平的模具,就没有高水平的工业产品。模具技术是衡量一个国家产品制造水平的重要标志。The mold is the manufacturing industry important foundation assembly. Without a high level of mold, there is no high level of industrial products. Mold technology is a measure of a country the important sign of level of product manufacturing.模具是能生产出具有一定形状和尺寸要求的零件的一种生产工具。也就是通常人们说的模子,比如电视机、电话机的外壳、塑料桶等商品,是把塑料加热软件注进模具冷却成型生产出来的。蒸饭锅也是由金属平板用模具压成这样的形状。任何商品都是用模具制造出来的。可以说没有模具就没有产品的生产。那么模具又是怎样做出来的呢?首先它由模具设计人员根据产品(零件)的使用要求,把模具结构设计出来,绘出图纸再由技术工人按图纸要求通过各种机械的加工(如车床、刨床、铣床、磨床、电火花、线切割)做好模具上的每个零件,然后组装调试,直到能生产出合格的的产品,所以模具工需要掌握很高很全面的知识和技能,模具做的好,产品质量好,模具结构合理,生产效率高。工厂效益好。The mold is able to produce a certain shape and size requirements of the parts of a production tool. It is usually said mold, such as TV sets, telephone shell, plastic barrels and other commodities, the plastic injection molding mold cooling heating software produced. Rice cooker is made of metal plate with mold and pressed into such a shape. Any goods are manufactured by die. Can be said that there is no production mold. Then the mold is how to do it? First it from mold design personnel according to the requirements of the use of products ( parts ), the structure of the mold design drawings, draw by the workers according to the drawing requirements through all kinds of mechanical processing ( such as lathe, planer, milling machines, grinding machines, electric spark, line cutting ) to die on each part, and then assembled and debugged, until you can the production of qualified products, so the mold of the need to master very very comprehensive knowledge and skills, die to do good, good product quality, the die structure is reasonable, high in production efficiency. The efficiency of the factory.模具行业是工业的基础行业,工业的各个领域都广泛地使用模具。在电子、汽车、电机、电器、仪器、仪表、家电和通讯等产品中,60%一8%0的零部件都要依靠模具成形。用模具生产零件所表现出来的高精度、高复杂程度、高一致性、高生产率和低消耗,是其他加工制造方法所不能比拟的。模具又是“效益放大器”,用模具生产的最终产品的价值,往往是模具自身价值的几十倍、上百倍。模具生产技术水平的高低,在很大程度上决定着产品的质量、效益和新产品的开发能力,并且己成为衡量一个国家产品制造水平高低的重要标志[3]。模具作为工业生产的基础工艺装备,在国民经济中占有重要的地位。近10年来,模具CAD技术发展很快,应用范围日益扩大。模具CAD技术给模具的设计和制造提供了一个高效、经济而且快速的方法,大幅度地提高了模具的质量,缩短了模具的设计和制造周期,降低了模具成本。目前国内外己经有许多模具CAD系统,这些系统虽然具有较强的分析计算能力与图形处理能力,可以提供交互式设计。但是在这些系统中,模具设计过程主要采用人机交互方式进行,大多数的设计是依靠操作者的设计经验,计算机只是进行一些规则匹配以及计算工作,而对于前人成功设计的模具不能有效的利用,造成模具设计周期很长,成本较高,开发效率很低。Mold industry is the industry of fundamental industry, various industries are widely used in mold. In electronics, automotive, electrical, electrical appliances, instruments, meters, household appliances and communications products, 60% 8%0 parts will rely on the die forming. With mold parts demonstrated by the high precision, high complexity, high consistency, high productivity and low consumption, the other processing methods can not be compared. The mold is &benefit amplifier&, with the mold to produce the final product value, often die oneself value a few times, hundreds of times. Mold production technology level, to a great extent decides the quality, efficiency and new product development capability, and has become the measure of a country's manufacturing level of the important signs [3 ]. Mold industrial production as the basic technical equipment, in the national economy plays an important role. Come nearly 10 years, the mold CAD technology developed rapidly, expanding the scope of application. The mold CAD technology to the design and manufacture of molds to provide an efficient, economic and rapid method, greatly improving the quality of the mold, shortening the mold design and manufacturing cycle, reduce the cost of the mold. At present domestic and foreign has been a lot of mould CAD system, although these systems has strong abilities of analysis and calculation and graphics processing capability, can provide interactive design. But in these systems, the mold design process mainly uses interactive manner, most of the design is to rely on the operator's experience in design, computer is just some rule matching and calculation work, and for their successful design mold can not effectively use, resulting in mould design cycle is very long, high cost, low development efficiency.模具是工业生产的基础工艺装备,被称为“工业之母”。75%的粗加工工业产品零件、50%的精加工零件由模具成型,绝大部分塑料制品也由模具成型。作为国民经济的基础工业,模具涉及机械、汽车、轻工、电子、化工、冶金、建材等各个行业,应用范围十分广泛。但由于它是一项综合性技术,所以它的发展必然涉及许多领域的共同配合,特别是塑料工业和钢材工业。Mold industrial production is the basic technical equipment, known as& the mother of industry&. 75% crude processing industrial parts, 50% finishing parts from the mold, the vast majority of plastic products by molding. As the basic industry of national economy, involving machinery, automotive, mold, electronic, chemical, metallurgy, light industry, building materials and other industries, a wide range of applications. But because it is a comprehensive technology, so its development inevitably involves a number of areas of cooperation, especially in plastic industry and steel industry.模具的种类很多,塑料模具是其中之一,塑料模具设计是模具设计与制造专业学生的主干课程,通过本次设计达到以下几方面的要求:There are many kinds of mold, plastic mold is one of them, plastic mold design mold design and manufacturing specialty students' main courses, through the design to achieve the following requirements:1、 系统的了解塑件的工艺性分析及其成型工艺;In 1, systematic understanding of plastic parts of the process 2、 熟悉掌握模具零部件的基本设计及其结构特点;2, familiar with the mold parts of the basic design and i3、 了解注塑机的一般选用原则;3, understand the general selection principle of injec4、 了解模具的整个装配过程;4, understand the entire m5、 熟练应用UG3.0、AutoCAD、PORE等软件 。5, skilled application of UG3.0, AutoCAD, PORE and other software.
昆山新睿磊PROE模具培训值得你学习~绝不让没有学到真本领的学员毕业1. 新睿磊模具设计课程不是简单的软件培训,而是专业的行业培训 ;2.聘请有丰富行业经验的模具工程师、经理授课,培训内容完全符合企业实际情况 ;3.培训内容切合江浙沪企业以光电、端子/接插件、3C产品等精密模具为主要授课方向,我们教的就是企业需要的。


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