i _if i can be in chinain next yearr to celebrate i

用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I hear you _____ (go) to Tibet for working next year. Can I go with you?2. She was _____ (interest) in the places of _____ (interest) in China.3. It _____ (take) me half an hour _____ (take) the photos last vacation.4. I planned _____ (take) walks with his lovely dog after supper.5. On the morning of my birthday. I can't wait _____ (open) the presents.6.
_____ (sleep) a lot is good for your health.7. I can't stand _____ (go) camping or _____ (hike) alone. It's too dangerous.8. I _____ (be) a professional doctor after graduation from college.9. How often _____ your parents _____ (exercise) on weekends?10. Hurry up! Your sister _____ (wait) for you to go surfing. - 跟谁学
跟谁学学生版:genshuixue_student精品好课等你领在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I hear you _____ (go) to Tibet for working next year. Can I go with you?2. She was _____ (interest) in the places of _____ (interest) in China.3. It _____ (take) me half an hour _____ (take) the photos last vacation.4. I planned _____ (take) walks with his lovely dog after supper.5. On the morning of my birthday. I can't wait _____ (open) the presents.6.
_____ (sleep) a lot is good for your health.7. I can't stand _____ (go) camping or _____ (hike) alone. It's too dangerous.8. I _____ (be) a professional doctor after graduation from college.9. How often _____ your parents _____ (exercise) on weekends?10. Hurry up! Your sister _____ (wait) for you to go surfing.用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I hear you _____ (go) to Tibet for working next year. Can I go with you?2. She was _____ (interest) in the places of _____ (interest) in China.3. It _____ (take) me half an hour _____ (take) the photos last vacation.4. I planned _____ (take) walks with his lovely dog after supper.5. On the morning of my birthday. I can't wait _____ (open) the presents.6.
_____ (sleep) a lot is good for your health.7. I can't stand _____ (go) camping or _____ (hike) alone. It's too dangerous.8. I _____ (be) a professional doctor after graduation from college.9. How often _____ your parents _____ (exercise) on weekends?10. Hurry up! Your sister _____ (wait) for you to go surfing.科目:最佳答案1. are going
2. interested, interest
3. took, to take
4. to take
5. to open
6. to sleep 7. going, hiking
8. am going to be
9. do exercise
10. is waiting解析基础试题拔高试题热门知识点最新试题
>>>阅读理解。 Once in a Lifetime Twice As GoodI can already hea..
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Once in a Lifetime Twice As Good &&&&& I can already hear firecrackers in the distance as the New Year begins. It is time to celebrate 2005. This is a brand new year for those of us who follow the Western calendar. Of course, according to the lunar calendar, the firecrackers will not sound for the New Year until February when the year of Rooster(公鸡) officially begins. I feel lucky to live in Shanghai because I can celebrate two different New Years.I am looking forward to learning about the traditions of Chinese New Year. &&&& At home in Canada, everyone in my family writes down their predictions (预言) for the next year. Then we hide them away for an entire (完整的) year (no peeking!) and read them on New Year's Day.I didn't predict that I would be living in Shanghai, China this year and if I had, I would never have predicted that I would be enjoying life here so much. (Better luck next year with my predictions!) &&&& I think I'll play it safe this year and predict that many new buildings will go up in my neighbourhood in Gubei! That is a prediction that is sure to come true, here in the fastest-growing city in the world! Anothertradition at the New Year is writing down all those resolutions (决心). So here I go! I have some plans forthe New Year that I intended (打算) to keep. For example, I plan to work much harder on learning Chinese.It is not an easy language, but living here gives me a once in a lifetime opportunity to really learn it. So, Iplan to apply myself, yes I do.&&&&&&I will use a new Chinese phrase every day when I am out in the city. My second resolution is to get rid of the habit of procrastination (拖延)! I am one of those people who always leave things to the last minuteand that has got to change! No more staying up late to finish my homework at the last minute. &&&& Let's not call it procrastination in China, but a month's grace period on New Year' resolutions. Whatever, Happy 2005!
1. The year of Rooster begins ______.
A. on January 1stB. in February of the western calendar C. on the Chinese New Year's Eve D. on the first day of the Western calendar
2. The writer is ______.
A. a Chinese student in Canada B. a Canadian student who is now studying in China C. studying Chinese in Canada D. from Canada and now working in China
3. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The writer believes that Shanghai is developing fastest in the world. B. The writer lives in Gubei, a neighbourhood in Shanghai. C. The writer is sure there will. D. The writer expects a much.
4. Which of the following is true?
A. The writer did not write down her resolutions. B. The writer intended not to keep her plans. C. The writer was determined to learn Chinese well. D. The writer thinks Chinese is easy to learn.
5. The writer used to ______.
A. use a new Chinese phrase every day B. use her time very wisely C. change her habit of procrastination D. leave things to the last minute
1-5: BBDCD
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。 Once in a Lifetime Twice As GoodI can already hea..”主要考查你对&&人生感悟类阅读&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
人生感悟类阅读:这类文章所涉及的人生道理和感悟也许平常我们在做这类阅读题的时候可能见过,所以注意不要把自己的日常经验带到考试中。阅读这类题目,要注意阅读各段的首句和末句,因为往往它就是这段的中心句或者是作者的观点所在。英语阅读题技巧:(一)阅读的技巧&&& 1.阅读时不要出声,要养成快速阅读的好习惯。&&& 2.阅读时不要逐字阅读,要养成以意群为单位阅读的好习惯。&&& 3.学会找关键词、关键句。关键句通常位于段落的开头或结尾。&&& 4.学会根据上下文猜测生词的词义。(二)答题的技巧&&& 1.通读全文,了解大意。&&& 2.带着问题,复读原文。&&& 3.理解识别,推断归纳。&&& 4.复核检查,确保无误。人生感悟英语格言:1、Great minds have purpose, others have wishes.杰出的人有着目标,其他人只有愿望。2、Being single is better than being in an unfaithful relationship.比起谈着充满欺骗的恋爱,单身反而更好。3、If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.太容易的路,可能根本就不能带你去任何地方。4、Getting out of bed in winter is one of life’s hardest mission.冬天,将自己从被窝里掏出来,是人生最难的任务之一了。5、The future is scary but you can’t just run to the past cause it’s familiar.未来会让人心生畏惧,但是我们却不能因为习惯了过去,就逃回过去。6、I love it when I catch you looking at me then you smile and look away.我喜欢这样的时刻:我抓到你正在看我,你笑了,然后害羞地别过脸去。7、Having a calm smile to face with being disdained indicates kind of confidence.被轻蔑的时候能平静的一笑,这是一种自信。8、Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.成功是,你即使跨过一个又一个失敗,但也沒有失去热情。9、Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.并不是你面对了,任何事情都能改变.但是,如果你不肯面对,那什么也变不了。10、A guy who whispers in your ears, saying ” It’s alright, I’m here.” Holds you when you’re sad, and treasures everything about you. That’s the guy I want to give my heart to.那个人会在耳边轻声说:没事,我在这。在你悲伤时给你依靠,与你相关的,他都珍视。有这样的人,我爱定了。11、Dream wh go
be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.做你想做的梦吧,去你想去的地方吧,成为你想成为的人吧,因为你只有一次生命,一个机会去做所有那些你想做的事。12、We all have moments of desperation. But if we can face them head on, that’s when we find out just how strong we really are.我们都有绝望的时候,只有在勇敢面对时,我们才知道我们有多坚强。13、If they throw stones at you, don’t throw back, use them to build your own foundation instead.如果别人朝你扔石头,就不要扔回去了,留着作你建高楼的基石。14、If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do have a problem.如果你的快乐与否取决于别人做了什么,我想,你真的有点问题。15、When there’s no expectation, losing won’t bring hurt, gaining makes you surprised.不去期望。失去了不会伤心,得到了便是惊喜。16、Sometimes your plans don’t work out because God has better ones.有时候,你的计划不奏效,是因为上天有更好的安排。17、How much truth of heart in one’s life is told in a joke?一辈子,有多少真心话,是以玩笑的方式说了出去?18、A relationship should be between two people, not the whole world.爱情是两个人的事,与旁人无关。19、You can’t have a better tomorrow if you don’t stop thinking about yesterday.如果你无法忘掉昨天,就不会有一个更好的明天。20、Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.今天,给一个陌生人送上你的微笑吧。很可能,这是他一天中见到的唯一的阳光。
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•&Foreign Teacher Placement Services
•&Procedure•&Qualification•&How to apply•&F.A.Q---------------------------------------
Step 1:&&When we receive your application, we will discuss your preferences with you and see how they can best be matched to teaching opportunities in China. We can also address any concerns and answer your questions. Meanwhile, we will contact schools with suitable openings and send them your resume. If a school is interested in hearing more about you, we will send you detailed information about the position. This step takes about one week.
Step 2:&&We then act as the primary contact between you and the school, and will answer most of your general questions. For some very specific questions, we may need put you in touch with the host school.NOTE - We believe this step is a team effort between you, the school, and us. We are advisors and facilitators and your contract is directly with your chosen school, so if at any time during this initial part of the procedure, you wish to be put in touch with the school, we will introduce you immediately. We are here to assist you through unfamiliar procedures, not to keep you from contact with the school
Step 3:&&When you indicate a desire to proceed with your application, we will send you the contract which will be very similar to the sample contract. Certain conditions such as salary, teaching hours and benefits are not normally negotiable, but we realize that there are bound to be matters which require explanation, so please make sure you clarify any items or wording that concerns you before proceeding to the next step.
Step 4:&&Sign the contract and send it to us or direct to the school. While this step is regarded as a sign of good faith and may not be legally binding, we urge you to please make sure that this is your final carefully-considered decision because after you give the host school your promise to accept, the school will decline applications from other candidates and commence an expensive and time-consuming procedure on your behalf.(This process is an important formality, and is very time consuming because several government departments are involved. The school first needs to report all your information and their intention to invite you as a teachers to the district education administration. After getting approval from the district government, they then need to follow a similar procedure with the provincial or Municipal city's education administration. Then, the third step is to go to the provincial or the Municipal city's foreign affairs office to apply for the work visa documents ( two letters) for you. The whole procedure usually take 15-20 days)
Step 5:&&The host school will arrange for the two documents you need to apply for your work visa to be sent to you by mail or courier.
Step 6:&&You will take these documents, together with your passport and an application form and fee to apply for a work visa (Z visa) from the Chinese embassy/consulate nearest you. The exact procedure depends on your nationality and the country you are applying in, so you should check any special local requirements before making a commitment.
Step 7:&&While waiting for your work visa, you may make your travel preparations and book a return airline ticket.
Step 8:&&Inform us as to the time and date you will arrive China and the airline and flight number. We then confirm with your host school to pick you up at the airport and arrange further travel arrangements to your host school
Step 9:&&Arrival in China. Your host school's representative will meet you at the airport and arrange travel to your school.
Step 10:&&You arrive at your apartment.Relax for the initial two days while you recover from jet-lag and settle in to your new life-style. Your host school's representative will help you become familiar with your campus and your living environment and assist you with shopping for basic equipment and food.
Step 11:&&Sign formal contracts with your host school.Your host school will then begin to apply and process the "Foreign Expert Certificate" and "Residence Permit" for you. This should be completed within 30 days of arrival.You will meet your Waiban and other teachers and colleagues An orientation program may be offered by your school.
Step 12:&&Your colleagues will assist you with preparation of your first lessons and you begin work.
Step 13:&&We also offer continuing support for you to have a successful teaching experience in China.
All applicants should:1. Be outgoing and self-reliant but sensitive and receptive to other cultures.2. Be enthusiastic about teaching but still willing to learn.3. Be sincere in your desire to teach English in China.4. Be a native English speaker.5. Hold at least a Bachelor degree or have experience in ESL teaching with a TESOL/ESL certificate.6. Be less than 60 years of age and in good health.
If your mind is made up and we can assist you to find your ideal position, please send your detailed application to us so that we can provide details of schools that might satisfy any special requirements you may have - for instance, climate, city, area, or type of school or students. As you will appreciate, a country as large and as diverse as China can offer experiences to suit any tastes.If you could send us the following application materials we will be in a better position to tailor our response to match your specific needs:1) A cover letter to introduce yourself and giving your preferences for the position2) Your resume3) Scans of your passport and degree4) A reference letter5) A recent color photo
If you are still considering your options and need answers or advice, please contact us and we will assist you to make the right decision.
Contact Information: Ms Jinsong Foreign Teachers Placement Department China Services International.North Gate, Science Hall, Beijing Friendship Hotel, No.58A North Sanhuan Xilu, Beijing, 100086, P.R.ChinaTel: +86-10-;
ext. 50112Mob: +86-Fax: +86-10-Email:
or teachinchina@Web site:
Q: How far in advance should I apply?
You can apply through CSI at any time, but to have the best selection of host schools, we recommend that you apply to us six months prior to the beginning of semesters in September or February. There is usually a more limited selection if you apply four months or less in advance.
Q: I don't speak Chinese. Do I need to?
No. The reason Chinese schools want to hire foreign teachers is to create an environment for genuine communication in English. Speaking Chinese with students defeats this purpose. Even if you do know some Chinese, you are not supposed to indicate this to students. However, some primary school positions prefer teachers who can speak Chinese.
Q: Should I get a "TESOL" certificate before I apply?
This is not necessary, but it is an advantage and can be very helpful. Some schools may pay a slightly higher salary for recognized certificates. Not all certificates are recognized, particularly those obtained "on-line" without any supervised classroom practice.
Q: May I contract to teach for just one semester?
Some positions accept teachers who want to teach for one semester, but most schools prefer to hire teachers who can teach for one year or longer. There is a difference in compensation between a one-year and a one- the host school will usually provide a one-way international airfare for a single-semester contract and round-trip airfare for a one-year contract.
Q: I want to finish the fall semester to return home for Christmas day. Will the host school allow this?
Christmas is not recognized in China and, depending on when the Chinese New Year falls, may be up to 5 weeks before the end of the semester. Private language schools also have a busy period with major activities at this time and will probably not permit leave. You are teaching in China and should be prepared to make your plans around the official Chinese vacations rather than holidays back home. If returning home is essential, you should make sure this is clearly specified in your letter of application and approved in writing as part of the official offer.
Q: Can I bring my family to China while I teach?
Most Chinese host schools like to offer accommodation to families, and will attempt to arrange proper accommodations for dependents. Some schools may not have adequate accommodation, especially if there is more than one child, or the child has special education needs. Generally ALL costs associated with travel, visa and living expenses of non-teaching family members will not be covered by the host school.
Q: Can I use a Chinese tourist visa to get a teaching job?
This is illegal in most cases, but it is possible. We do not recommend it and the schools we represent will not usually consider it. In China, a tourist visa is very difficult to transfer to a work visa. The best way to change it is to go to Hong Kong to apply for a work visa. Holding a tourist visa to China with an aim to teach here is risky unless you have your host school's advance approval. You will find that China's laws are very similar to those of your own country.
Q: What Is the Average Cost of Living in China?
This depends on your location and your individual spending habits. What you consider a necessity may be considered a luxury by others. Most foreign teachers find that the salary, housing and (sometimes) meals provided by the host school are enough to allow them to travel during holidays and to save some as well.
The cost of living also depends on different locations. In cities, the average cost of living is Y per month.
Q: Can you refer me to a teacher who is currently teaching in one of your host schools, or one who has recently taught there?
Certainly. We must respect their privacy, but we will make every effort to provide one or more email addresses.
Q: Will I be offered an orientation program or seminar by the host school before I start to teach?
If the host school has several foreign teachers, the Waiban office of the school or the English Department may offer you an orientation seminar. Some host schools do not offer a comprehensive orientation program. We will include these specifics in the job information package.
Q: What is the content of a comprehensive orientation program?
Usually, the program will introduce you to local policy, school rules you should obey, local status, culture, student situations, successful ESL teachers' working and living experiences, teaching and working skills, with the additional possibility of some demo and practical classes. Tutors will include experienced foreign teachers, experienced Chinese English teachers, Waiban teachers, and local officials.
Q: Can I take a part-time job during my teaching?
Maybe. Your contract specifies that you must ask your host school for their approval before you take a part-time job. The school has usually paid for your airfare and is providing you with free accommodation and other benefits and so it is entitled to get the full benefits of your presence. It is illegal to work outside the terms of your residence permit.
Q: Can I ask the school to provide a "release letter" regardless of the reason for leaving?
Yes, once any relevant provisions of the contract are satisfied.
Q: Is there a curfew in my apartment building?
Possibly. As long as your are lodging on campus, almost all governmental host schools impose a curfew or post a guard at the building. They feel this is necessary because they are responsible for your night safety. Host schools usually prefer that foreign teachers return home before 11:00 p.m. during weekdays but individual schools set their own rules. Schools may not unduly restrict your freedom. You should check what restrictions, if any, apply.
Q: If problems occur, who should I speak to?
Your Waiban office. Your welfare and contractual arrangements are the concern of your supervisor, Waiban, or Foreign Affairs Department. This is the branch of the host school with whom you will deal first and with whom you will have a continuing important relationship.
The English-speaking Waiban is responsible for drawing up your contract and ensuring that your stay in China is secure and enjoyable, a responsibility that they take very seriously.
The Waiban is the person/office that can make many things possible for you.
Q: What is the significance of the Qualification Certificate of the host schools?
For institutions that are granted the Qualification Certificate by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs to hire foreign teachers, they must meet the following conditions:
(1) The institution has assigned an administrator for foreign cultural and educational experts affairs.
(2) The administrative department has been established in the institution for the foreign cultural and educational expert affairs with trained professional personnel.
(3) Integrated management system and measures for the foreign cultural and educational experts have been formulated.
(4) Necessary living and working facilities (such as accommodation, sanitation, and working and safety conditions of the residence) for foreign cultural and educational experts or foreign teachers has been set up.
Also, any institutions that are granted the Qualification Certificate take part in the annual review and registration directed by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs.
Q: What do I risk if I teach for a school that does NOT have the Qualification Certificate to hire foreign teachers?
Institutions without the Certificate cannot apply to the foreign affairs departments for the issue invitation letters for the experts and the public security organs (PSB) cannot issue residence permits. You have no legal protection at all and are considered an illegal alien and may be subject to fines and imprisonment. All of our schools are approved to employ suitable qualified foreign teachers.
Q: How do you get paid?
We receive a one-time commission from the schools we work with. The commission does not vary from school to school, so we have no motivation to recommend one position over another. The commission we receive is not deducted from your future earnings.Note -- the following is derived from official Government publications.
Q: What is the meaning of the term "foreign cultural and educational experts" or "foreign teachers"?
The term "foreign cultural and educational experts" means the foreign specialists who are engaged in such areas as education, science & technology, journalism, publication, culture, art, sanitation, sports, science, economy, management, trade, accounting, tax, finance and law in China. The expert should have a bachelor degree or higher with working experience of more than two years.
Q: What requirements should foreign cultural and educational experts or foreign teachers meet to work in China?
(1) The invited person shall be friendly to China and willing to cooperate. Not only should he or she be excellent at a professional level, but should also be in good health.
(2) A Foreign Expert shall have at least 3-5 years teaching or research experience. The long-term cultural and educational expert shall be in possession of at least a master degree or titles above instructor level and corresponding experience. The short-term invited expert shall be in possession of a doctoral degree or titles above associate professor with remarkable achievements in their chosen academic areas.
(3) Where the invited person is an ordinary foreign teacher of language, he or she shall have gained a bachelor degree or higher and professional training in language teaching as well as some language teaching experience.
Q: Which department is in charge of the Foreign Experts affairs?
The State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, P. R. China is the official organ under the central government and is in charge of the Foreign Experts working in China. The foreign affairs offices and local administrations of Foreign Experts in the provinces, areas and cities are local governmental offices or units in charge of Foreign Experts working in the local places. The local authorities concerned in the administration of foreign cultural and educational experts include the foreign affairs office, the education department (committee or bureau) and the public security department (bureau) of the local government.
Q: What are the Foreign Expert's rights and duties?
Contracts will be signed when the Foreign Expert begins work in China. It will ensure the cooperation between the two parties and protect their rights. Both parties should fulfill the rights and duties, and any problems or disputes should be dealt with according to the contract.
Foreign Experts must obey the Chinese laws and regulations set by the governments at every level while working in China. Cases concerning Foreign Experts will be handled by the judicial departments and public security organs concerned, with the help of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs or the local offices of foreign affairs.
According to the Civil Lawsuit Law of the People's Republic of China, the "Administrative Lawsuit Law of the People's Republic of China," and the "Contract Law", Foreign Experts enjoy the same legal rights and duties as the citizens of the People's Republic of China. If the courts of the Foreign Expert's own country apply restrictions to the rights and duties of Chinese citizens in their countries, then equivalent restrictions will be employed over these Foreign Experts in China.
The rights and interests of Foreign Experts working in China are protected by the Chinese government. Foreign Experts should carry out the agreements listed in the employment contract, which outlines and clearly explains the details of: Foreign Expert's insurance, medical care, holidays and other living conditions. If disputes occur, the experts can go to the arbitration board of Foreign Expert's contracts or to the local courts.
The payment of expert's personal income tax is the responsibility of the expert and should be done according to the tax laws.
Foreign Experts can enjoy preferential treatment given by the Chinese government and will be praised or awarded for their good performance by the government at all levels or host institutions. The highest award is the "Friendship Prize" given by the Chinese government.
Q: What is China's religion policy for Foreign Experts?
It is China's religion policy that every citizen enjoys freedom of religious belief, and that normal religious activities are protected. All foreign bodies and religious affairs in China shall abide by the principle of independence, self-decision and self-organizing and shall not be controlled or manipulated by foreign power.
The religious belief of Foreign Experts shall not be interfered with. They may go to the open religious sites in China for religious life as common religious believers, but they are not allowed to preach, recruit new believers or interfere with religious affairs in China.
Q: What if one party of the contract requires modification of the contract?
If one party to the contract requests modification of the original contract, agreement should be reached through consultation, and the modified, added or cancelled content should be confirmed in writing. Before the new agreement is reached, the contract should be executed according to the original clauses till the expiration date of the contract.
Q: What if one party of the contract requires termination of the contract?
If the employee requests termination of the contract due to force majeure, a certificate issued by the relevant institution should be presented, with the employer's consent, and the employee should bear the expense of leaving China. An employee terminating the contract for no reason should pay the bail to the employer in addition to the expense of leaving China. If the employer requests termination of the contract due to force majeure, with the employee's consent, the employer should bear the employee's expenses of leaving China. An employer terminating the contract for no reason, should, in addition to the employee's expenses of leaving China, pay the bail to the employee.
Q: Under what circumstances may the employer terminate the contract?
The employer has the right to inform the employee in writing, of the termination of the contract under the following circumstances:
(1) The employee fails to execute the contract or fails to meet the contracted conditions and refuses amendment after being warned by the employer.
(2) The employee is unable to continue normal work after 30 continuous days of sick leave.
Q: What holidays are Foreign Experts working in China entitled to?
(1) Foreign Experts are entitled to the following holidays:
New Year's Day, Spring Festival, Labor Day, National Day, and other holidays according to the laws and regulations, the same as the Chinese employees in the same work place. It is normal practice to work the weekend prior to the three-day "golden week" holidays so that 7 days may be taken. (2) Foreign Experts are entitled to the following holidays according to their nationality and religion: two days for Christmas, three days for Corban, one day for Lesser Bairam, and one day for Water-splashing Festival.
(3) Foreign Experts can have a one-day holiday if they request to celebrate their own National Day.
Q: What is the current official salary guidelines for a foreign cultural and educational expert?
It should be set in accord with the Notice on Adjusting Foreign Cultural and Educational Expert's Salary issued by State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs and Ministry of Finance in 2000. Details may refer to the salary standard in deciding the salary for the experts.
The salary standard of foreign cultural and educational experts' salary (in RMB) was revised by State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs and Ministry of Finance in 2000:
First category: teachers of institutions of higher education with bachelor's degree and over two years of work experience, or middle school teachers with over three years of teaching experience.
Second category: assistant professors or lecturers of institutions of higher education, or middle school teachers with over five years of teaching experience, and professionals with corresponding titles and business levels.
Third category: professors, associate professors of institutions of higher education, senior lecturers of the Commonwealth countries, and professionals with corresponding titles and business levels.
Crucial talents needed in China and difficult to recruit may be employed at a higher salary rate.
Q: What percentage of the monthly salary of Foreign Experts can be converted into foreign currency?
For those single Foreign Experts coming to China, 70% can be converted. For those coming with dependant family members, 50% can be converted. For expert couples in China without children, 70% can be converted.
Q: When may an employed expert change foreign currency?
An employed expert may change foreign currency monthly or at the end of the contract period, at the exchange rate ruling on the day of exchange.
Q: What expenses shall be covered by Foreign Experts entitled to free medical service?
Expenses to be borne by Foreign Experts themselves include that of registration, house calls, tooth insertion, cosmetic surgery, eye-glasses, board in hospital and nutrition for non-medical purposes.
Q: Shall medical expenses for treatment in hospitals other than the appointed one be reimbursed?
The host institutions usually appoint certain hospitals for medical treatment for Foreign Experts. If the appointed hospital recommends transfer to another hospital, or if the disease needs treatment in a specialized hospital, the medical expenses thereby incurred may be reimbursed with the approval by the host institutions. If the expert goes to other hospitals for treatment without consent from the appointed hospital or host institution, medical expenses thereby incurred shall not be reimbursed.
&copy Copyright : Information Research Center of International Talent, SAFEA
Registered Number:京ICP证050780号}


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