缺词填空italy earthquakess bring casualties and losses.in f

Characteristics and reduction effect evaluation of earthquake disaster losses in Xinjiang in the future 10 years--《Journal of Natural Disasters》2014年04期
Characteristics and reduction effect evaluation of earthquake disaster losses in Xinjiang in the future 10 years
LI MTAN MLIU ZWANG QWU CEarthquake Adiministration of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous R
Based on the predicted results of 21 strong earthquake hazard zones and possible seismogenic faults in the future 10 years in Xinjiang,the possible dynamic earthquake disaster direct economic losses and casualties were estimated using the vulnerability bill method,which was applied to township computation element. The results show that,if all strong earthquake zones were striken by the expected earthquakes in the future 10 years,both the overall direct economic losses and casualties would decrease with time elapse,and the dominant losses would distribute in Tianshan area. Furthermore,the expected overall economic loss would be between 62. 845 and 72. 858 billion yuan( in fixed price of year 2013) and the expected casualties would be between 4013 and 10995. The reduction rates of earthquake disaster losses for the year 2013 to 2022 would range from 58. 21% to 105. 69% in economic loss and from 51. 4% to 85. 2% in casualties. These data indicates a notable disaster reduction effect in 10 years resulting from the so called project " safe residing and richening for citizens". This study provides an important basis for the local governments to deploy earthquake prevention and reduction works.
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(C)2006 Tsinghua Tongfang Knowledge Network Technology Co., Ltd.(Beijing)(TTKN) All rights reservedCasualties and Damage in Principal Earthquakes of the United States | Seismological Research Letters
Casualties and Damage in Principal Earthquakes of the United States
DOI: 10.1785/gssrl.8.3.12
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记者 刘上阳
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出版物经营许可证 新出发京批字第直0595号


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