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Fix Windows Installer Error 1721 – Smart Tips!
Users can employ simple techniques like, re-registering windows installer service and cleaning windows registry to fix the Error 1721 on their computer and enjoy easy installation of Java and other applications.
Sometimes users must have faced some problems while installing Java or similar applications. Those users who have faced these troubles must have also come across another problem called the 1721 Windows installer error.
This error arises when the screen of the fast computer reads: Error 1721. This indicates that there is some trouble in the Windows Installer Package and a program necessary to complete the installation process could not run. To resolve this issue, users should contact the support personal or package vendor.
The basic reason behind 1721 error is the computer’s incapability to read different files or programs that are necessary to run the installation program, therefore, hampering the installation process. It is necessary for the users to fix this problem by solving problems that are preventing them from installing applications or programs and find out other problems in the Windows system.
There are some techniques to fix this error. Mentioned below are some of such tips to resolve this issues.
Tip 1 Re-register Windows Installer Service – The Windows installer service, on a Windows system, performs the task of managing the installation and uninstallation programs. The Windows installer service utilizes the Microsoft installation engine to carry out these functions. In a situation, where the entries related to the Microsoft engine are damaged or incorrect, users will not be able to install programs.
Tip 2 Windows Installer Cleanup Utility – if the first tip doesn’t work then users should opt for the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility. This is basically a piece of software, which users can get from the official Microsoft website. This piece of software will fix any of the problems of the Windows Installer program. This is greatly suggested, as it will make your computer run much more reliably while installing software.
Tip 3 – Using Latest Version of Installer – Apart from the above mentioned two tips users should install the most recent version of installer. It is likely that users are using outdated versions of Installer without knowing the fact that these obsolete versions can’t fix errors like 1721. Hence, upgrading the Installer will definitely help in solving this issue.
Tip 4 – Cleaning Windows Registry – Among several probabilities of 1721 runtime error, dirty registry of Windows can be the one because registry is the central database of a computer and stores all the data and files. Thus, setting the Windows registry to run and operate properly can fix this error. Hence, users just need to clean the Windows registry with a .
Finally, if any of the above mentioned techniques doesn’t prove effective in solving this issue, then it is suggested that users should immediately take their system to a computer engineer, who can fix all the problems quickly.
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