do you know meliu qianping he is a

根据句意和首字母提示完成单词Do you know Liu Xiang is a r_百度作业帮
根据句意和首字母提示完成单词Do you know Liu Xiang is a r
根据句意和首字母提示完成单词Do you know Liu Xiang is a r
runner 田径运动员这里的意思是run是跑步的意思,后加上-er变成人.百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,
ruuner祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!英语翻译This is a nice classroom.You can see some boys and girls in it.Do you know the boy in a black and green shirt?His name is Mike.He sits beside the window.The boy behind Mike is Liu Tao.He’s a Chinese boy.He likes stamps.He has many Chine_百度作业帮
英语翻译This is a nice classroom.You can see some boys and girls in it.Do you know the boy in a black and green shirt?His name is Mike.He sits beside the window.The boy behind Mike is Liu Tao.He’s a Chinese boy.He likes stamps.He has many Chine
英语翻译This is a nice classroom.You can see some boys and girls in it.Do you know the boy in a black and green shirt?His name is Mike.He sits beside the window.The boy behind Mike is Liu Tao.He’s a Chinese boy.He likes stamps.He has many Chinese stamps.The girl next to him is Lucy.She’s American.Her twin sister is Lily.They are in the same row but in different groups.Look at the girl in a green dress.She is Wang Ying.She sits between Mike and Helen.She’s Helen’s good friend.
忘了江南Style吧,中国有“潮外公Style”(刘谦平)Forget G Chinese farmer does 'Grandpa style'作者:enzone&发布日期:&浏览:3404香港(美国有线电视新闻网)--穿戴着航空眼镜,一系列的长筒袜以及褶边的短裙—72岁的刘谦平在中国引发了不小的影响。原创翻译:龙腾网
翻译:enzone 转载请注明出处本贴论坛地址:/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=106207&extra=page%3D1%26filter%3Dauthor%26orderby%3Ddateline%26orderby%3Ddateline原文地址 ... dex.html?hpt=ias_t2原创翻译:龙腾网&&翻译:enzone 转载请注明出处本贴论坛地址:正文翻译:Hong Kong (CNN) -- Wearing aviator sunglasses and a selection of thigh-high tights and frilly skirts, 72-year-old Liu Qianping has caused quite a stir in美国有线电视新闻网)--穿戴着航空眼镜,一系列的长筒袜以及褶边的短裙—72岁的刘谦平在中国引发了不小的影响。In the past few weeks, images of the former farmer from Hunan province have appeared on Taobao, the Chinese version of eBay, marketing clothes for Yecoo, a business set up by his granddaughter Lv Ting and four of her friends.在过去几周,原本是湖南农民的潮外公的照片出现在了淘宝上一家他的孙女刘婷和四个朋友合开的网店Yecoo上。Lv told CNN she invited her grandfather to visit her in the southern province of Guangzhou earlier this month, and while unpacking boxes of clothes to sell, he pulled out -- and slipped on -- a hot pink cloak.刘婷告诉美国有线电视新闻网的记者说,她在这个月初邀请爷爷到广州看看她,就在取出准备销售的衣服盒子时,爷爷拿出了一件时尚的粉红色外套就套上了。Struck by how well he wore it, a friend assembled some amateur lighting and starting taking photos that were later posted online.惊讶于爷爷穿起来是多么好看,刘婷的一个朋友就弄来了一些业余的灯光并开始了为也有拍照,也就是后来传到网上的那些。There's Liu in a white tights, a pink skirt and a fur-lined red polka dot coat. In other images, he's posing demurely in bright green leggings, clutching a handbag and wearing a layered pink shawl. Sometime he wears a wig, sometimes not, but the aviator glasses are always present.一张照片中,潮外公以白色紧身裤,粉色衬衫和红色的毛绒圆点外套示人。在其他照片中,他穿着者淡蓝色的长腿裤,优雅地摆着造型。提着手提包,戴着粉红色披巾。有时候他头戴假发,有时候又性感,并且总是戴着航空眼镜。Liu has attracted a lot of attention on Weibo, China's version of Twitter.潮外公刘谦平在微博上有很多的粉丝。&That's a good example of 'Enjoying life at the moment.' The old man enjoys it. And it's making me happy too!& writes one user, whose handle translates to &Kite walking on the ground.&一位网民写道,“这是个“享受当下生活”的好榜样,老人享受生活,这让我看了也高兴!”@S_ziming writes: &I love this grandpa! And I hope life for all elderly people can be as interesting and colorful.&@S_ziming写道:“我喜欢这个潮外公!我也希望所有老年人的生活能够像这样有趣多彩。”But others aren't so sure: &Is he crazy, being weird and mess around like this?&但是其他人也许并不这样看:“他就是这样疯疯的,古怪地又一团糟地到处走吗?”@GuYue adds: &Neither fish nor fowl, inappropriate.&@GuYue写道:“非驴非马,不合适。”Lv told CNN that her grandfather is loving the attention.刘婷告诉美国有线电视新闻网的记者说,她爷爷很喜欢成为焦点。&My grandfather is happier than before, he enjo he calls our relatives at our hometown about his experiences here in the city,& she said.“我爷爷比以前更加快乐了,他乐于接受采访。他也给在家乡的亲戚们打电话述说他在这座城市的经历,”她说道。Liu's fame has also translated into higher sales for the fledgling company, which only launched in May.潮外公的名气也为这个五月份才刚刚兴起,还羽翼未丰的淘宝小店带来了高销量。Sales have surged fivefold since his image appeared on the site, an unforeseen benefit according to Lv, who says the photos were just taken for fun.自从潮外公的照片发布在网上,销售量变成了以前的五倍。这是刘婷以前都没有想到的,她觉得那些照片就是拍拍玩的。&I wasn't intended to raise the sales. It's just for fun, for both my grandfather and me. I'm surprised that this went viral online,& she said.“我并没有是想着去提高销售量的,就是拍着玩玩,对于我跟我爷爷来说都很有趣。对于现在病毒式营销的现象,我也很惊讶。”她说道。Lv said she had no intention of hiring any other &older& models. And no, he wasn't paid.刘婷说她并没有想要雇佣其他“更年老”模特的计划。她并没有支付爷爷钱的。The range of clothes Liu models has now been dubbed &Grandpa style.&现在刘谦平拍摄的这一组图被称作“潮外公Style。”And they'll take more photos, Lv says, as long as Liu enjoys it刘婷说,只要爷爷乐意的话,她就会再给爷爷拍更多照片。原创翻译:龙腾网&&翻译:enzone 转载请注明出处本贴论坛地址:评论翻译:JasonKL&He's doing this as a publicity stunt for his granddaughter's fledging business, so in a way - it's actually kind of sweet. Go for it, gramps. (lol)潮外公这么做是为了帮忙他孙女刚起步羽翼未丰的淘宝小店,所以这样看来,事实上很甜蜜啊。继续加油,外公。Though - I guess it says something about the body type of models that if you slapped a wig on this dude and sent him down the runway, no one would know the difference. That cracks me up.然而我也觉得这说明了模特就身材方面重要,如果你在这位爷爷头上发一个假发,然后送上T台,我觉得没有人能够辨别出。哈哈,这好好笑。VirginiaInd&Fantastic! You go grandpa!!!绝妙了!加油啊潮外公!!ustawuz&I love it我爱这个JanetMermaid&Love it! What a great &second career&.喜欢!多么棒的“职业第二春啊”JamesAllen&Clever viral marketing, I'm not knocking it! But I can't be the only straight guy who finds it a little disturbing that from the shoulders down, this seventy year old chinese man looks exactly like skinny female models. I think I have a new appreciation for Cristina Hendricknow!!聪明的病毒式营销啊。我不是在说这个的不好!但是绝不会只有我一个人这样认为,从肩膀一下,这个七十多岁的中国老人看起来就像一个纤瘦的女模特啊。我认为我对于Cristina Hendrick该有新的审美了。Myra Diphyto&Aww, he's such a sweet and fun-loving grandpa. More power to you!嗷。他是一个多么可爱甜美的爷爷啊。给你加油啦!TheLostSurveyor&JamesAllen is correct. I just had a thought. So many fashion models are chosen by gay male fashion designers. They choose rail thin females that in my mind actually look like young men (or old men in this case) as far as their bodies go. This series of photos exemplifies this. Perhaps these photos will make the fashion world as well as Hollywood realize that real men prefer curves. Now I did not say overweight I said curves.&楼上的JamesAllen说得对,我也刚好有这样的想法。好多时装模特都是由男同性恋时尚设计师挑选的。他们挑选那些特别瘦的女性(这种情况下他们就像男的了)。这一系列的图片同样证明了如此,也许他们会让时尚界以及好莱坞意识到,真正的男人喜爱的是线条。我说的是线条,不是超重之类的。spock500&Live long and prosper!祝你长寿健康!Sharptooth&Hehehehe...I like it. :) Not in a gay way or anything but, hell, he's out there and made a splash. That was the point anyway, right....呵呵呵呵呵,我喜欢这个。并不是出于同性恋的喜欢,而是他就那样穿着,就惊艳到我了。我想说的是这个。。Armando A. Garcia&He's not Korean, so I don't know what the deal with the Gangnam Style reference alludes to. Unless CNN are saying that all Asians are the same. Funny story minus that.他又不是韩国人,所以我不知道所谓的江南Style在这里是要说什么。除非美国有限电视新闻网认为所有的亚洲人都一样。抛开那点,这还是个有趣的故事。AaronT3&lol, That's a Grandpa for u, do anything for his grand babylol,这就是你应有的爷爷,为了孙女做一切。SuZieCoyote&LOL. Very funny and quite uplifting in an odd sort of way.Lol。有趣的故事啊,古怪地很振奋人。Shamooo&lol thats actually a cool grandpalol好酷的潮外公啊80sGuy&Incredible! Wish I'd look this good and fit if I lived to be 72.不可思议!我希望我倒72岁的时候也能像他那样身材好。Sabrina Walker&He does it with such flair! Go, Grandpa!他表现得是如此有天赋!加油爷爷!flyinfur&What an amazingly cool grandpa! How sweet is that?!好神奇的酷潮外公啊!多甜美啊?!lovitar&He's got the body type and apparent attitude for it ,. so why not?他完全具备了那样的身形,态度也很好,所以有何不可呢?Gpaul50&Great story, but I'm glad there are no swimsuits.好故事啊,同时我也很高兴没看到穿泳装的照片。LaffinOutLoud!!!!!&Thank goodness for that.谢天谢地。Capritaur&Bony and wrinkled, he looks exactly like all the other fashion models. It's a travesty that they haven't booked him to walk in Milan or Paris yet.瘦弱又有皱纹。他看起来就跟其他的时装模特一个样。要是有人雇佣他去米兰或者巴黎的时装秀那就好有趣啦。GailScottt&I love the granddaughter's sense of style. She's given me some ideas on what to get my daughter for Christmas. As my daughter would say, very cool.我喜欢这个孙女对于时尚的感觉。她给了我灵感圣诞节要给我的女儿什么东西。我女儿会说,好酷。Sotzume&He is it....go for it Gramps!他太棒了。。我喜欢。。加油啊爷爷!Debra Moore&Love this! Fabulous way to support his family efforts!!好喜欢!绝佳的支持家庭收入的方式啊!!eagspoo&Hate to tell you this sweetheart, gampy is gay.不忍心地告诉你一个事实,我的小孙女,爷爷我是个同性恋。MeJustMe&Did someone do an 50 year age progression on Lady Gaga?这个是有人做了Lady Gaga五十年后的造型吗?【女装老汉】老爷爷你个骚货该投稿暂无简介收藏0点赞0这个人是碧池,请不要逗他&/&转载:龙腾译者:enzone老爷爷年轻时有一个心愿,现在心愿已了。忘了江南Style吧,中国有“潮外公Style”(刘谦平)如撞车请回稿。转载:龙腾译者:enzone老爷爷年轻时有一个心愿,现在心愿已了。忘了江南Style吧,中国有“潮外公Style”(刘谦平)如撞车请回稿。[+展开简介]官方下载功能反馈初中英补全对话A:Look at the poster,what's that?B:It's a job ad.A:What does it want?B:空.A:B:I think Liu Li should.A:Why do you think so?Is Li Bing OK?I know Li Bing graduated from EducationUniversity.He's more intellectual than _百度作业帮
初中英补全对话A:Look at the poster,what's that?B:It's a job ad.A:What does it want?B:空.A:B:I think Liu Li should.A:Why do you think so?Is Li Bing OK?I know Li Bing graduated from EducationUniversity.He's more intellectual than
初中英补全对话A:Look at the poster,what's that?B:It's a job ad.A:What does it want?B:空.A:B:I think Liu Li should.A:Why do you think so?Is Li Bing OK?I know Li Bing graduated from EducationUniversity.He's more intellectual than Liu Li and空.He is good at sports,so he is more athletic.B:Yes.But he is a boy.A:What about Li Shasha?She likes to do the same things as Liu Li does,I think.B:空.A:Well,as we can see Wei Hua is outgoing,too.B:But she's only 15 years old.空.A:Well,you'er right.I agree.Tony:Who is your best friend,Henry?Henry:Peter.Toney:Why is he a good friend?Henry:Because he likes to do the same things as I do.1.______Toney:Are you good at sports,too?Henry:Well,I like sports,2._______ I’d say we are both pretty outgoing,though.Tony:3._______Henry:He is funnier than I am,and he is wilder.Toney:4._______ Who is your best friend?Maria:My best friend is Vera.Some people say that we look the same.5.______ and I ammore outgoing.
A teacherDo u think who can do this job?and he is outgoingBut she is not outgoing as Liu LiAnd she is still a student.
这里可以填的有很多吧,我觉得他是不是想问他“你是不是去过那”所以,他的回答才是” 不,但我会去那渡假“ 那么就可以填” have you been there before?"打字不易,如满意,望采纳。用所给动词的适当形式填空1.Do you like _____ (run) after dogs?No,I _______(do).  2.What do you _____(like)?I like ____ (sit) on the ball.  3.What ____ (do ) Liu Tao _____ (have)?He _____ (have) a towel.  4.What is Jack ____ (do_百度作业帮
用所给动词的适当形式填空1.Do you like _____ (run) after dogs?No,I _______(do).  2.What do you _____(like)?I like ____ (sit) on the ball.  3.What ____ (do ) Liu Tao _____ (have)?He _____ (have) a towel.  4.What is Jack ____ (do
用所给动词的适当形式填空1.Do you like _____ (run) after dogs?No,I _______(do).  2.What do you _____(like)?I like ____ (sit) on the ball.  3.What ____ (do ) Liu Tao _____ (have)?He _____ (have) a towel.  4.What is Jack ____ (do) He’s ______(listen) to music.  5.Don’t _____ (draw) on the desk.  6.Don’t forget _____ (open) the door.  7.I’d like ____ ____ (climb) the tree.  8.There ____ (be) some chicken in the tin.  9.__________(not make) a model plane.  10.What_____ (be) near the garden?There______(be ) a lot of houses.  11.I _____ (not) have a telescope.  12 They like_____ (fly) kites after class.  13.______ you ____ (like) milk?  14.Look,the bird is ____ (sing) in the tree.  15.Can Kate _____(ski)?Yes.Look,She ____ ____ (ski) over there.  16.Here ______(be) some change for you.  17.My parents like ____ (drink) tea.Now,they ___ ____ (drink) tea in the room.  18.How many students want _______(be) a doctor?  19.I like ____ (have) noodles.Now I ___ _____ (have) noodles with my parents.  20.What can your brother _____(do ) He can ____ (write) in English.  What ____your brother _____(do) now?He ____ _____ (copy) words.  21._____ (not read) the newspaper.______ (read) the magazine ,please.  22.What _______ the children _______(have)?They _______ (have) some cards.  22.What _______ the woman _______(have)?She ______(have) a storybook.  23.The boy ______ a yo-yo and his parents ______ some books.(have)  24.Let’s _______(make) a cake now.  25.Would you like _______(join) us?  26.Shall we ______(learn) the English song now?  27.I don’t know how _______ (cook) rice.  28.Please show us how _______(clean) the window.  29.Why don’t we _______(buy) a mask?  30.I’ll _______(play) basketball with you.
1 running don't 2 like sitting 3 does have has 4 doing listening 5 draw 6 to open 7 to climb 8 is 9 Don't make 10 is are 11 don't 12 flying 13 Do like 14 singing 15 ski is skiing 16 is 17 drinking are drinking 18 to be 19 having am having 20 do write is doing is copying 21 Don't read~Read 22 does have has 23 has have 24 make 25 to join 26 learn 27 to cook 28 to clean 29 buy 30 play}


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