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Technological Revolution
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The ease of using social-media tools, combined with recent indications that the Democratic-controlled National Labor Relations Board will be examining acceptable uses of technology by employees -- and not just union employees -- means that HR leaders should be taking a hard look at the issue as well.
Earlier this month, the world watched as the citizens of Tunisia erupted in protest over an iron-fisted ruler who had held power for more than two decades.
Coverage of the protests, which had been going on for weeks, didn't appear much in the Western news media until protesters using blogs, Facebook, Twitter, WikiLeaks documents, YouTube and other forms of digital media mobilized and reported on events in that country.
While social media surely didn't cause the citizens' revolt -- two decades of an autocratic ruler did that -- social media's role as a rapid and powerful communication tool was certainly on display. Citizen protesters were able to use the technology to publicize their grievances and share information with the world in real time.
Why should HR executives take note of the events in Tunisia?
Well, what if we weren't talking about Tunisia, but about a company with some disgruntled employees, unhappy with their treatment by management?
Employees have access to the same technology and social-media tools used by protesters in Tunisia. They could use the tools -- and have used the tools -- to protest treatment by their employers and to rally others to join their protest.
And recent steps by the National Labor Relations Board suggest that employees who make use of digital tools to engage in concerted activity over terms and conditions of employment will be gaining greater protections under the National Labor Relations Act.
HR professionals who have operated in a union environment are very familiar with what constitutes &concerted activity& under the NLRA. But in a workforce where fewer than 8 percent of private-sector workers are unionized, too few HR executives have paid attention.
They're under the mistaken belief that there has to be a union involved for the law to apply. They don't realize that the NLRA protects employees even when there' it just requires two or more employees taking some action to improve their working conditions.
That lack of knowledge is likely to change as the NLRB continues to adopt policies that recognize and embrace new technology and social-media tools.
First, in November, the NLRB charged an employer with illegally firing a worker who posted derogatory comments about the company and her supervisor on her Facebook page. Although the company's policy stated that:
&Employees are prohibited from making disparaging, discriminatory or defamatory comments when discussing the Company or the employee's superiors, co-workers and/or competitors,&
the NLRB said in its press release that this policy was &overly broad& and constituted &interference with employees in the exercise of their right to engage in protected concerted activity.&
Hal Coxson, with the labor law firm Ogletree Deakins, describes the ruling as the NLRB saying there is &no difference between something posted on Facebook and something said at the break room or water cooler.&
Thus, employees may have rights of free expression on Facebook.
Second, in November, the NLRB signaled another possible change in policy, on a company's right to limit a union's handbilling in front of its stores.
This opens up the question of whether the NLRB will change the standard about access to physical property, as the Board has asked for input on &What bearing, if any, does Register Guard have on the Board's standard for finding unlawful discrimination in nonemployee access cases?&
Since Register Guard articulated limits on employee use of an employer's e-mail system to solicit support for a union, this invitation for input signals that the standard may be loosened in the future -- meaning that employees may have greater rights to use a company's e-mail for concerted activity.
Finally, in December, the NLRB issued a proposal requiring all employers to post a notice informing employees of their rights under the NLRA. Such notice is currently required to be posted by federal contractors, but this proposal, if enacted, would require all other employers -- union and nonunion -- to post the notice.
Posters would have to be placed where other workplace notices are typically posted. However, if an employer communicates with employees primarily by e-mail or other electronic means -- which many now do -- the notice would have to be posted electronically as well, either through e-mail or on a corporate intranet.
The message from these recent NRLB policy shifts for HR professionals should be clear.
Just as the NLRB addresses the use of technology and social media by employees as tools for concerted activity, HR executives need to be prepared to make some changes.
While social-media tools are unlikely to lead to a revolution in your workplace, they may very well revolutionize how you lead and manage your social-media policy.
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HR沙龙版权所有technological revolution是什么意思_百度知道exasperate
adj. 被激怒的v. 使恼怒;激怒;使加剧
He shouted in an exasperate voice.
R:young man, do not exasperate a man who neglects the dead!
That child exasperates me.
These problems are being exasperated by the "information explosion" and the technological revolution we are presently experiencing.
1.exasperate or irritate
2.make furious
3.make worse
This drug aggravates the pain
1.He shouted in an exasperate voice.
2.Do not exasperate a man who neglects the dead.
3.R:young man, do not exasperate a man who neglects the dead!
摘要: 据物理学家组织网日转载来自加拿大麦克马斯特大学(McMaster University)提供的消息,该大学的亚历克斯·阿德罗诺夫(Alex Adronov)教授的研究小组描述他们将具有艺术美感的金属碳纳米管(metallic car ...
& & 据物理学家组织网日转载来自加拿大麦克马斯特大学(McMaster University)提供的消息,该大学的亚历克斯·阿德罗诺夫(Alex Adronov)教授的研究小组描述他们将具有艺术美感的金属碳纳米管(metallic carbon nanotube)推入到溶液中进行分离的过程。相关研究结果已于8月16日作为欧洲《化学》(Chemistry– A European Journal)杂志的封面插图发表——Darryl Fong, WilliamJ. Bodnaryk, Dr. Nicole A. Rice, Sokunthearath Saem, Prof. Jose M. Moran-Mirabal, Prof. Alex Adronov. Influence of Polymer Electronics on Selective Dispersion of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Chemistry– A European Journal, First published: 16 August 2016, DOI: 10.1002/chem..
可以想象一张电子报纸,你可以将其卷起,而且在其上面溢溅上咖啡,恰好此时它就在你的眼前呈现出一种新状态。这就是一直蓄势待发的技术革命(technological revolution)的一个例证。其中有一个大问题,科学家至今一直未能解决。麦克马斯特大学的研究人员通过已经开发的一种净化碳纳米管(carbon nanotubes)新方式清除了障碍,碳纳米管是更小、更灵敏的半导体。预计其将取代电脑芯片和广泛的电子产品中的硅片完全有可能。麦克马斯特大学的化学教授亚历克斯·阿德罗诺夫说:“一旦我们有可靠来源的纯碳纳米管,而且其成本不是很贵,有很多事可能会快速发展。”亚历克斯·阿德罗诺夫的研究团队开发了一种新型的,而且是潜在的有成本效益的方法来纯化碳纳米管。碳纳米管都很微小,是具有柔性的导电纳米材料,预期通过代替大得多的硅基芯片,将导致电脑和电子产品的彻底变革。然而,阻碍新技术的一个主要问题就是已被攻克的金属和半导体碳纳米管的纠缠,因为金属和半导体碳纳米管在产生微观结构的过程中同时形成。形成微管结构的过程通常涉及到加热含碳气体,而自发形成的混合纳米管簇是以炭黑(black soot)的形式存在。在设备应用上只有纯半导体或金属纳米管才是有效的,但对其有效地分离已被证明是一个需要克服的具有挑战性的问题。即使纳米管炭黑被磨碎, 在每一粒粉末中半导体和金属纳米管还是纠缠在一起。虽然这两种组分都是值钱的货,但是前提是将其分离开。世界各地的研究人员花费了数年时间,试图找到有效和高效的方法来分离碳纳米管,使其实现价值最大化。虽然以前研究人员已经制备出可以允许半导体碳纳米管溶解并冲走的聚合物,将金属纳米管留下来,但是,还没有将纳米管混合物溶解之后,使金属纳米管分散于溶剂,易被冲走;留下半导体结构。现在, 亚历克斯·阿德罗诺夫研究小组已经设法成功地扭转了已知聚合物的电子特性,可以实现半导体纳米管的分散,同时保留其聚合物其余结构不受影响。通过这样做,他们已经逆转纳米管混合物的溶解过程, 使金属纳米管分散于溶剂,留下半导体纳米管。研究人员和专家密切合作,而且设备来自加拿大麦克马斯特大学的工程学院(McMaster's Faculty of Engineering)和位于麦克马斯特大学校园内的加拿大电子显微镜中心(Canada Centre for Electron Microscopy)。亚历克斯·阿德罗诺夫说:“全球像这样跨学科合作开展研究工作的地方并不多见。”他解释道,对于他的研究团队或其他研究人员来说,未来的工作就是通过寻找开发更高效聚合物的方法来进行拓展此项研究,并进行放大实验使其早日实现商业化生产。
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