I recognize that smile as a cover for seriouswith determinationn是什么意思

& 湖南省常德市石门县第一中学2016届高三上学期10月月考英语试卷 Word版无答案
湖南省常德市石门县第一中学2016届高三上学期10月月考英语试卷 Word版无答案
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1Where does the conversation probably take place?
A.In the woman’s home.
B.In a restaurant.
C.In a museum.
2.How will the man make a call?
A.With his mobile phone.
B.With a public phone.
C.With the woman’s mobile phone.
3.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?
A.Interviewer and interviewee.
B.Boss and secretary.
C.Teacher and student.
4.What do we know about the house?
A.It’s no longer available.
B.It’s only for rent.
C.It’s not as good as advertised.
5.When will Mr Brown have to be at the airport?
A.By 8:30am.
B.By 9:30am.
C.By 10:30 am.
第二节(共1 5小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6When does the flight probably take off?
A.At about 10:10.
B.At about 10:30.
C.At about 10:50.
7.What can we learn from the conversation?
A.The speakers are probably going to Germany.
B.The woman can speak German very well.
C.The tickets are in the pocket of the man’s blue shirt.
8.How will the man travel?
A.By train.
B.By motocycle.
9.Why is the man making this trip?
A.To visit some places.
B.To collect money.
C.To see old friends
10.Whom will the man go with?
A.His classmates.
B. His family.
C.His friends.
11When does the man usually get up?
A.At about 5:00 am.
B.At about 5:30am.
C.At about 6:00 am.
12.Where is the man usually between 7:00 and 8:00 in the morning?
A.On a bus.
B.At home.
C.In his office.
13.What does the man usually do at 7:30 pm?
A.He reads newspapers.
B.He watches TV.
C.He plays with the kids.
14.What do we know about the man?
A.He doesn’t earn much.
B.He types a lot.
C.He almost works overtime every day.
15.Why won’t the man talk to his boss?
A.His manager doesn’t allow him to do so.
B.He seldom sees the boss.
C.He is afraid to be fired.
16.What does the woman advise the man to do at last?
A.Ask for a pay rise.
B.Go on working in the centre.
C.Leave and find a new job.
17.What is the most important part of dog-care?
A.Proper feeding.
B.Active exercise.
18.How long should food be left before a dog?
A.Not more than twenty minutes.
B.Not more than thirty minutes
.C.Not more than an hour.
19.Why does a pet dog need active exercise?
A.To build its strength
B.To help it sleep well.
C.To keep it lively.
20.What kind of dog needs to run in an open field?
A.An old one.
B.A small one.
C.A big one.
第二部分 阅读理解共两节,满分40分)
第一节(共1 5小题:每小题2分,满分30分)
Holland Finley is a senior(毕业班学生) at The University of Texas in Austin. She has always been an athlete, but at a young age she had no idea that her growth as a competitor would help her set the path for her growth as a student, leader, and community member.
Holland has been involved in a large number of sports her whole life, but her onset of asthma(哮喘) in middle school caused her to reevaluate her athletic pursuits. Instead of giving up, however, she decided to focus on sports that required more strength than endurance.
Holland quickly began cheerleading and wakeboarding(海上滑板), and even though she had to suffer from serious injuries, she became a Jr. Women’s World Champion in wakeboarding and made the UT Cheer squad(小队) in her freshman year. Recently, she won the Collegiate Women’s National Cable Wakeboarding Championship title.
While Holland’s commitment to athletics is strongly influential in her life, it is her commitment to service and the community that makes her special. She challenges herself to excel(超常,突出) further in the classroom than she does on the water, and uses her drive to help others. Convinced by the power of will and creativity. Holland has sought to make a difference on her campus. She founded Orange Outreach within UT’s Student Government. Orange Outreach plans monthly community service events for students and staff, and hosts an online platform where groups within Austin who need volunteers can post bulletins(公告).
Holland is confident that whichever path her life takes her down, she will be able to use her determination and skills to help others.
21.Because of asthma, Holland ________.
A.gave up her athletic pursuits
B.began to focus on limited sports
C.had to drop out of middle school
D.stopped cheerleading and wakeboarding
22.Paragraph3 is mainly about ________.
A.Holland’s school life
B.why Holland loves sports
C.Holland’s achievements in sports
D.how Holland recovered from asthma
23.Orange Outreach aims to ________.
A.encourage people to do sports
B.change students’ classroom behavior
C.help UT’s Student Government post bulletins
D.connect people with volunteering opportunities
I wanted to buy something today — until I figure out the cost versus the benefit. At that point I knew it was a completely stupid idea.
What I wanted to buy was an older car to have in addition my four-year-old Smart Car that I absolutely like. So you wonder, if I like the Smart Car, why would I want to have another car as well? The reason is … grandkids. I have several and in the Smart Car I can only have one passenger(It’s a two-seater). Besides, one of my daughters-in-law does not trust the the Smart Car as a vehicle for her daughter Lily to ride in, so that’s one little girl I can’t take anywhere at all. My husband also has a car — and a truck — but I have driven the truck only a couple of times in the many years we’ve had it and I have not driven his year-old car at all.
So that’s why I had the stupid idea to buy an old Toyota I found on the lot of an honest used car salesman. Thank heavens I came to my senses before I spent $8,000 to buy it, $80 or so to license it and probably $500 to insure it for a year. It would be senseless to buy that car.
My grandkids just have to continue to come with me one by one. I can’t take two girls out to lunch or two girls shopping or pick up the brother and sister that live in the same house. As for the little one that’s not allowed to ride with me... well, Grandpa will have to pick her up. As for me, I didn’t get money in my savings account by being totally stupid. Sure, doing things with the kids is fun, but spending that kind of money to put two or more of them in a group — which would probably drive me crazy anyway — is really dumb. Sometimes temptation(诱惑) can prove that you still have a little sense.
Whew! That was close.
24.Why did the author want to buy a car?
A.Her Smart Car is in poor condition.
B.She wanted to replace her Smart Car.
C.Her daughter-in-law asked her to do so.
D.The space in her Smart Car is limited.
25.The author gave up the idea of buying the Toyota because ________.
A.it was a used car
B.she couldn’t afford it.
C.there was no need for it
D.the salesman was unreliable
26.The underlined word “dumb” in the last paragraph can best be replaced by ________.
27.Which of the following proverbs best describes the text?
A.Look before you leap.
B.Better late than never.
C.Don’t judge a book by its cover.
D.Every advantage has its disadvantage.
Robert Armstrong’s favorite food has been his grandma’s cookies ever since he was a child.
Years later and armed with a business degree, Armstrong, 28, is turning his grandma’s cookie recipe into a national brand, G Mommas Southern Style Cookies, featuring chocolate chip pecan(美洲山核桃) and “buddasctch” oatmeal(燕麦片) flavors.
In February, California-based specialty retailer(零售店), Cost Plus World Market, with 265 stores in 31 states selling home décor(装饰), food and drink, started selling the cookies. They will also be in 800 Cracker Barrel stores this fall.
After graduating from college in 2008 and unable to find a job, Robert Armstrong asked his grandmother, Anice Morris Armstrong, to teach him how to bake, which he thought would take an afternoon.
“It was harder than college,” he said.
With basic cooking tools and an oven in an abandoned kitchen, he set up his own business, Selma Good, and began producing cookies in an old warehouse. Baking 10 to 12 hours a day, he managed to deliver cookies to 35 stores. His grandmother helped him develop the “buddascotch” recipe before her death, aged 88, last July. “She encouraged me in ways no one else ever could,” said Armstrong.
He reached out via LinkedIn, a website, to a national distributor, who asked for samples. Within a year, he found a commercial bakery in Pennsylvania and a deal to go national with World Market. “Everybody has a grandma recipe, but I was lucky to find people that would take a chance on me,” Armstrong said. “They’re crunchy(松脆的), but light, like feathers, and taste extremely good,” said Judy Mckinny at Mark’s Market, one of Armstrong’s first retail customers in his hometown of Selma, Alabama.
World Market is ordering two cases per store each quarter, a huge leap from the 9,000 bags he made himself per quarter.
His goal is to one day move production back to his native Selma to help its development. Selma has struggled economically since the closure(关闭,终止) of a candy factory several years ago.
28.What do we know about Robert Armstrong from the passage?
A.He disliked eating cookies when he was little.
B.He majored in business when he was in college.
C.He barely visited his grandmother after graduation.
D.He sold his grandma’s cookie recipe to a company.
29.Why did Robert Armstrong choose to bake after his graduation?
A.Because he wanted to make his grandma happy.
B.Because he had great difficulty in finding a job.
C.Because he was deeply influenced by his grandma.
D.Because he was very interested in making cookies.
30.When first starting his career in bakery, Robert Armstrong ________.
A.lacked support from his family members
B.could not develop a new type of recipe
C.lacked fancy tools and an ideal workplace
D.could not get any stores to order the cookies
31.According to Paragraph7, Robert Armstrong owes his success to ________.
A.his good luck
B.a useful website
C.his grandma’s recipe
D.his ability to make friends
As a published author with a degree in English, 33-year-old Tom Williams has achieved more than many people will in a lifetime. What makes those achievements more impressive is that he’s dyslexic(诵读困难的).
Tom, who worked as a literary agent at school and now has a full-time job with a digital publishing company, would often find keeping up in lessons so tiring that he would fall asleep. “I found it quite frustrating(令人泄气的) that everybody else had neat handwriting and could spell and I just couldn’t do what they could,” says Tom, who has written a respected biography of crime writer Raymond Chandler.
It wasn’t until the age of 17 that he was given a test for dyslexia(阅读障碍) that showed why he’d struggled for so long. He was studying for A levels including English. “My teacher didn’t think I’d get the grades I was capable of,” he says. “So she pushed me to be tested and I’m grateful that she did it.”
Until his diagnosis Tom had been ranked somewhere in the middle of his classes at school. He couldn’t understand why assignments would come back covered in red ink. However, after Tom’s diagnosis, when his condition began to be taken into account, he found himself at the top of the class.
“I’ve always loved books and loved English and although I sometimes have difficulties in reading, it’s not in a significantly disabling way,” says Tom, now living in north London.
He adopted certain strategies to help him including writing down new words as he came across them and trying to find somewhere quiet to read and write. He says people were often surprised that someone with dyslexia wanted to pursue a degree in English. Similarly, when he went to study at University College London, the tutors were initially taken aback at his degree choice.
Not everyone understands dyslexics so well. “If teachers aren’t trained to recognize signs of dyslexia, they’ll think children are less able and may think it’s carelessness,” he says. To make sure that doesn’t happen and encourage a deeper understanding of the condition among those affected by it, Tom has become a supporter of the charity Dyslexia Action.
32.Before the age of 17, Tom Williams ________.
A.didn’t like his teachers
B.wanted to be a crime writer
C.had difficulty reading and writing
D.was too careless to get straight A’s
33.The underlined part “taken aback” in Paragraph 6 most probably means ________.
34.Dyslexia Action is intended to ________.
A.get dyslexics better understood by people
B.call on more people to help the disabled people
C.introduce how to use dyslexia to great advantage
D.promote effective ways of teaching kids with dyslexia
35.What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Tom Williams’ school life.
B.How to overcome dyslexia.
C.Tom Williams became a writer with his teacher’s help.
D.Tom Williams overcame dyslexia and became an author.
New Year’s resolutions
The clock has struck midnight, the new calendar is hung, and you’ve made it halfway through the school year! It’s time to think about how you really want your life to look in the coming new year. The following are some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions for teachers.
Relax your mind.
With teaching, it’s so easy to continually think of the next lesson plan. You have to say, “No, I’m not going to think about school for the rest of the evening,” and just let it go.
Stay late one day a week, if necessary, so you don’t have to bring work home over the weekend.
Learn something new.
What’s one area where you could use professional development? Integrating(融合) technology into lessons? Classroom management? Choose one and commit to improving. There is always a risk to learning something new. You risk not being good. But the rewards are great.
It makes your job more interesting.
Maybe it’s that summer trip or starting a business. Take a mental leap and say yes to something you’ve always wanted. Then do it.
Teachers have a lot of skills — public speaking, time management, creativity — that translate to other ventures. Look at your strengths, and channel them into your next dream.
Give back.
Offer to help a new teacher at your school. You may find that helping out makes you a better teacher and reenergizes(重新激励) you.
Connect with students by seeing them outside of the school setting. Go to their sporting events or musical recitals(演奏会). It will show the students you care.
Watch them do something that matters.
A.Get moving.
B.Make a dream come true.
C.The greatest gift is attention.
D.Go back to school for an advanced degree.
E.It puts you in the mind-set of being a student again.
F.If you don’t give yourself a break, you can burn out.
G.Set aside time to build a deeper relationship with your students.
第三部分 知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。as a director and it seemed I was living the American Dream. But it really wasn’t. I began to get
. It started with full-body pain. My
shifted and I went from an energetic, happy girl, to a person my husband James didn’t
. I was constantly angry and confused. I found myself
all the time without cause.
Things went from bad to worse and I was almost at risk of losing my
. James took me to see my long-time doctor, who told me I had to go on medical leave
. I fought him like crazy, but in the end, he and James
I was so ashamed. I thought I had lost my mind and didn’t want anyone to
. I made James promise not to tell our families and it broke his heart to have to
I still feel awful that I made James
that way, but I’m so
to have a partner who was willing to make such a sacrifice for me.
I went on medical leave before I got my diagnosis: fibromyalgia(纤维肌痛) and a severe sleep disorder that
me to wake up over two dozen times an hour! There is no cure, but both can be
I remembered sitting in my doctor’s office, crying, “Why me?” James and I had been married just two years and this
was testing both of us, and testing our marriage as well. It all seemed so
. Just then, my doctor said, “No one
you anything. You are not owed a perfect, healthy life. Anything you
in this world is a gift, so stop thinking you’re
just because life has handed you some
. Get over these difficulties and find a way to live.”
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。’s now 96 years old, so every time I visit her, the two of us are aware that it
be the last time we see each other.
Last time I visited her, I did a series of short video
(interview) about her life. I
(ask) her what it was like to grow up with her father in the 1910s. I asked her about her greatest memories and her favorite books, foods and stories. These were very intimate conversations and
very special time for both of us.
This year, I did not
(real) have questions, but only let her know I love her. I cooked for her, and read her stories. I gave her a foot massage, and I was
(amaze) to discover that it was her first time ever!
(leave), I was looking for a way to leave something meaningful. So I wrote her five different notes to let her know how much she means
me, and hid them in different places
I knew she would eventually find them.
第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
2.只允许修改1 0处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。’t. In my surprise, she and I got off at the same stations later. After a short conversation, I learned she had to walk a long way home. So I offered give her a ride and she accepted. When thinking of this experience, I was sad that she didn’t do the right thing the first time on the bus. But I was very happy to have a second chance to doing it.
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
你今年暑假到一家肯德基(KFC)/麦当劳(McDonald’s)快餐店做保洁员 (cleaner)工作。你每天工作七个小时,为期3周。这项工作辛苦且枯燥,你感到非常疲劳,几乎半途而弃。每天你都要起早贪黑的工作。在新学期开始之前,你终于完成了这项工作,并由此认识到了劳动的意义。你认为这是一次成功的体验。
2015年下学期高三英语试题’t. In my surprise, she and I got off at the same stations later. After a short conversation, I learned she had to walk a long way home. So I offered give her a ride and she accepted. When thinking of this experience, I was sad that she didn’t do the right thing the first time on the bus. But I was very happy to have a second chance to doing it.
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