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How to forget someone you love? | Is It Normal? |
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How to forget someone you love?
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I really like/love/have a crush on somebody. Pick whatever.Anyway, I'm getting desperate and I can't seem to function properly ever since I met him. I can't stop thinking of him and I don't know what to do but it is really annoying when I have to study and do other necessary things. I'm also in a bad mood all the time and am constantly day-dreaming. This is going on for about four months and it really burdens me.I know we will never be together yet I can't prevent my feelings for him. So I just wanted to know how can you stop loving/strongly liking someone? Is there anything that helps??
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Message HereWhat Is the Easiest Way to Lose My Tummy Fat? (with pictures)
What Is the Easiest Way to Lose My Tummy Fat?
Small amount of belly fat.
Vigorous cardiovascular exercise is one of the best ways to lose fat.
Depending on the runner&#039;s metabolism, a one-hour jogging workout can burn up to 1,000 calories.
Building muscle mass can help a person lose weight and stomach fat.
Jogging provides an aerobic workout.
Drinking water instead of high calorie drinks like soda can help people lose fat.
Dancing can help you lose tummy fat.
Crunches can be done to lose tummy fat.
Abdominal exercises can build muscle, but do not have much affect on fat content.
Excess calories that are consumed are often stored in the belly as fat.
Relieving stress, such as through prayer, can help with weight loss.
Bicycling may help reduce tummy fat.
Article Details
Written By:
Tricia Ellis-Christensen
Edited By: O. Wallace
Last Modified Date: 08 June 2015
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Conjecture Corporation
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There is no miracle cure that will help one lose tummy fat, mostly due to the fact that the stomach is one of the most obstinate fat holdouts for many people.
Short of major
and , one must lose tummy fat at a slow rate.
There are no quick diets, or quick pills that will result in one being able to lose tummy fat quickly.
The most important factor in helping one lose tummy fat is regular .
This does not mean taking casual walks.
Generally, depending upon one’s age, one should work out for at least 15-20 minutes, five days a week, at peak .
Aerobic dancing, jogging, fast walking, jazzercise, swimming, and using stair steppers, bicycles or ski machines can all help one lose tummy fat.
Generally, one must work up to peak heart rate, and one should check with a doctor regarding what one’s peak should be.
But usually, the 15-20 minutes should occur after about 15 minutes of warming up.
One will get to peak heart rate more quickly if one is working more than one major muscle group simultaneously, like the arms and legs.
Thus aerobic dancing or swimming may be more effective than riding a bike.
Second, exercises that work the stomach muscles are important.
in the body helps us to
more efficiently and reduce fat storage.
Lean stomach muscles can reduce the size of a larger stomach.
Many people do abdominal
to lose tummy fat, but often do them incorrectly.
Using a , or participating in
2-3 times a week may be more effective.
As well, Pilates helps one work other problem areas like hips and thighs.
If one doesn’t have the times for a full Pilates' class, adapt 15 minutes of -oriented exercises for home use.
One many not lose tummy fat if abdomen exercises are not combined with the fat-burning power of cardiovascular exercise.
A combination of both is needed in order to lose tummy fat.
In addition to exercise, pay attention to diet.
Do not eat in excess of what you need – most westerners consume far more food than what the body really requires.
Sticking to the Food Pyramid diet is often one of the best ways to lose tummy fat.
Lastly, stress does often cause fat to accumulate around the stomach.
Fortunately, someone who is regularly exercising is going a long way toward reducing stress already.
One might further help their battle to lose tummy fat by trying to destress, using a variety of relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and prayer.
Significant stress that seems to occur without outside stressors may suggest one is suffering from chemical imbalances.
If you suffer from panic attacks or great anxiety, you may notice more tummy fat and it may be harder to lose.
One should address this with a physician, as restoring an appropriate chemical balance can significantly reduce stress, and possibly help one lose tummy fat.
As well, one should always see a physician prior to beginning an exercise program.
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I'm 18 years old. I'm 5' 4. I have diabetes type 1 and I have tummy fat which I had because it hangs over my clothes. Can someone help? I am tired of it and want to get rid of it.
I am 13, I am almost 5 1/2 ft tall and I weigh almost 170 pounds. I've had a jelly roll since I was about six. I have tried everything! Even my doctor has told me some stuff to try, like my fitness pal, and those kinds of things, but nothing works! I need help! My friends think I'm lame for being way overweight, my mom hates me, my dad works me to the bone, my brothers abuse me (and make me do their chores). I have just lost hope! I need some advice. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I am 16, 5'1&, and weigh 121 pounds. I checked my BMI and it said I'm at a normal weight range, so I don't really want to lose anymore weight in case I become underweight. But I have almost no muscle and rarely exercise, so if I exercise more, will it maybe turn my belly fat (where most of my body fat has accumulated) into toned muscle?
I'm 14 and 5'5 and I weigh 200 pounds. I work out and I'm strong. I play rugby as prop and baseball, yet I can't lose any weight. I want to get rid of my man boobs and stomach so I can feel better about myself. I don't know what to do. I need some tips, please.
It is easy to lose weight, but some people lose weight in different areas first or last when dieting. For instance, most women lose fat in the arms or legs first, but stomach and thighs last. This means don't give up if you don't see results!
Here are my tips. Please copy and paste for others.
Drink half your body weight in ounces every day. For exampled, if you weight 160 pounds, drink 80 ounces of water per day.
No alcohol. There are many reasons. Just don't drink it.
No refined carbs. This means bread, pasta, cookies, candy, donuts, soda.
No fried foods. Stay away from fast food.
Work out twice a day every day. Perform 30 or more minutes
of aerobic exercise in the morning. Work hard enough to sweat and it should be so difficult that you can't hold a conversation easily. Do strength training after work/before dinner. Alternate chest/shoulder/back one day and the next day is legs/arms/abs. You only need
10-pound dumbbells and a bench.
For flat abs, the best exercise is bicycle crunches. Have good form and try for 100 every other day.
Stretch every day. You won't lose weight, but you will feel better.
That's it. Please pass this on to others.
I will say a prayer for all of you tonight. A healthy body comes from a healthy lifestyle. It is not a quick fix, or a need to look good by the month of September.
My first diet was at age 11, and I have been on several diets since then. My highest weight has been 199. I am 38 and now down to 164. I am very determined to change my lifestyle. This time I decided to lose weight by doing what I could and would do for the rest of my life. I eat healthy, I get protein in my diet, I drink water, I don't drink soda/diet soda, fake sugar, only frozen foods on occasion, and
order out one time
per month, max. I eat fruits, veggies, nuts, lean protein, fish and some whole grains. I walk a lot with my dog, and home from work.
Now I've added in a kettlebell workout routine for muscle tone. I keep adding more in so what I do becomes habit, a habit I can maintain for life. This is what you can do: do better today than you did yesterday. No crash diets. Eat better this week, and eat even better next week and the next. If you walk a mile this week, next week walk two. Soon your lifestyle will be filled with healthy habits that will naturally lead you to a healthy body.
Stress also causes belly fat, so take time for yourself to enjoy your youth and life. A little fat is fine. You don't have to be skinny or all muscle, but a healthy body fat percentage is healthy. If you are slender but your belly is bloating, you might be having an allergic response to a food that you are eating, so talk to a nutritionist or holistic doctor.
Oh and most importantly, embrace and love yourself first, then taking good, healthy care of your body will be natural, and looking good will be a result of that love and good care. Talk to someone who listens and can help you. You may be too young to handle depression on your own. Just be healthy all! With love!
I'm 13 and I'm 5'4 and I weigh about 125 pounds. How long will it take to get a flat stomach? How many bottles of water should I drink? How many sit ups a day? How long should I do sit ups? What should I eat?
Try working out at home. Do some push ups. maybe jump rope a little bit. The point is to get yourself sweating, and get your heart rate up to a comfortable point, where you're pushing yourself, but you aren't throwing up.
Have any of you thought about/heard of It Works Body wraps? It is a naturally based botanical wrap you have on for 45 minutes and it helps to tighten, tone and firm areas such as the tummy, thighs, buttocks, back and even arms. The botanicals continue to work past the initial 45 minutes up to 72 hours. The first time I used this wrap I had reached a plateau with my exercising and tried this to get rid of my 'baby flap' belly and I lost five and a half 2 inches over 72 hours. Between the wrap and the daily supplements they offer, I have lost about 17 pounds since March of this year. The products are amazing, all natural and completely safe for people with several ailments.
Excersices will build muscle. That's the point. Cardio, etc. will help burn calories, but unless you're eating less than you burn in a day, the cardio will just make you fitter, not leaner.
Doing ab exercises will never reduce your tummy fat. A diet consisting of more calories than your body burns is why you have the fat deposits. The most lean athletes such as body builders have learned to fine tune their diet so their excess body fat is reduced to less than 12 percent. That is approximately where you will begin to see your abs. The problem with this is, it is not healthy to have such a low body fat percentage, especially for women. Vanity and the magazine covers give us the impression that we all have to look like this. It is just not true that we need to have a six pack to be beautiful and attractive.
Cardio and nutrition will help people lose stomach fat the fastest. Weight training is important as well, but cardio and nutrition deliver the fastest results.
I'm 27 with a nice shape but my stomach is the biggest thing on my body and I can't get it to go away. Help. I really need it because summer time is coming.
I'm 11 and I weigh 160 pounds. What do i do?
I'm 18 and just recovering from cancer. I've lost a lot of weight and have flab. I'm now putting it back on mainly on my stomach and get really embarrassed! what can i do as i am not able to run?
I'm 13 and 5'6 and weigh around 214 pounds. I want to get rid of stomach fat and fast. Please help me and give me some tips on what i can do.
This is some excellent info to lose tummy fat! i also am going to try out some of the tips given here, especially the regular exercise one and the cold water one. cheers to good health!
I am 15 years old and am very active. I have a small figure. I weigh 100 pounds and am around 5ft 1 or 2. My tummy bulges out and becomes bloated easily. I eat pretty healthy, but I would prefer a flattened tummy. what is best for a flattened tummy and how can I get it ready in time for summer? How long will it take?
I'm 13 years old and pushing 170. I want to lose a lot of weight before next school year, but I really don't know how. Help?
How do you lose weight? I'm going to a hot country for my sister's wedding, and i have to look fit. Help me out!
I'm 12, am 5 foot 6' and weigh 150 pounds. i want to get rid of some tummy fat, so besides like sit ups or something what else can i do to get rid of it? i use the ab lounge but want to do other things to help lose tummy fat and maybe help other areas on my body. so i was wondering what else i could do?
I think girls, (and guys) are getting big stomachs from sitting at a computer. They are not active enough and are sitting at school all day then come home and sit at a computer. It is a generational problem.
I am 14 and weigh 130 lbs and i play soccer and volleyball. i am very active but every time i eat i seem to get super fat and bloated. what can i do? i tried eating less but that didn't work either and eating healthy everything, but nothing works. plus i want to get rid of my rolls before volleyball tryouts. help!
Your 13 year old thighs will slim out as you get older. enjoy what you have! For tummy fat, exercise and eat right. It's the only way.
Well i'm 15 going to be 16 in July. I am 5'1 and i weigh 120-125. I was
wondering what could I do to lose my stomach and a little bit of jelly rolls i'm starting to have? please send me some tips that i could do!
I'm a 13 year old girl that is very short. I'm only like 4'10 and I weigh 106 pounds. I can't stand it because I have a skinny upper body but my thighs are huge! I just want them gone! I need help. My best friend is having a pool party in a few weeks and the guy i like is going to be there and i don't want fat thighs! Please help me! I don't know what to do.
i am 22 years my height 5'8'inch my weight is 75. i have regular exercise but i can't lose my fat. what i will do?
i started taking cold showers and this helps. i have started to see results i think it's to do with how the cold water affects your body. Your body works harder to keep warm or something like that, plus you feel way better after it than hot showers. You will be more alive and you just want to give up and exercise. Lots it burns like 60 calories but you have to drink it before you eat though, or it doesn't work. Don't give up. I'll be back with more ideas.
I'm 14-15 and i lost 4-5 stones when i found out i was moving. i cut my food intake and did loads of exercising, but i have decided to lose some weight to get down to a size 6-8. I'm like almost six foot and i know how skinny I'll look, but to be honest it's worth it. Plus anyway, i want to be a model and they are skinny, right? Anyway I'm running, doing 400 sit ups 300 skips and press ups, I have like three or four months to do this. i have had problems in the past but I'm not letting food stop me. keep up girls.
@anon165602: Depends what you eat. Carbs will pack on the weight, and diet sodas will make you gain weight, believe it or not. Go on a low carb, high protein diet, and the weight will drop dramatically. Research the Atkins diet.
I am twenty three years old I have always been over weight, I have weighed over two hundred pounds for as long as I can remember. At one point three years ago, I was at 218lbs which wasn't too bad for my height and large frame. I looked pretty good (not as small as I would like to my weight was distributed nicely).
However, I took a new job with a lot more stress and sometimes I work up to fifty hours a week and now I weigh more than I ever have. I did recently join a gym that is very close to my place of employment and has late hours so that I have
no excuse of why I can't go. However, I am trying to decide if I should focus more on the elliptical or the treadmill?
I am not to the point where I can run on the treadmill yet because I have something of a weak ankle, but on the elliptical I can do about four miles and my heart rate gets fairly high. Any suggestions?
I'm not overweight but i do have a stomach and it makes me feel bad about myself. My friends say I'm thin all the time but it's just hard to believe that whenever i look into the mirror. I admit i don't eat a lot and my friends tell me all the time that i should but i just want to lose weight! I know starving myself isn't the way i should be heading but I'm not an entirely an active person, and i know i should be. I have tried exercising a little but i just don't have the energy. Last year, i did have problems regarding an eating disorder and i don't really want to head down that path again. I am going to try exercising more and more, and hopefully i will lose my stomach.
I'm 23 and gradually feeling more and more depressed..
I've had knee surgery back last year in November, but due to a dislocated knee cap, I've been out of work and immobile since July 2010, I had surgery in November 2010, gained a clot so it's put me behind a lot on being able to get out and about
I've crept up from a size 14 UK size to a size 20+ UK size. I've a very loving partner who says they love me no matter what, but my self-esteem is suffering, I've never been happy with my body but these days it just makes me cry and feel depressed.
I've gone from being able to wear nice clothes, skirts
dresses etc., etc., to living in jeans and T-shirts constantly. I have so much fat gained around my tummy, my bra size has gone from a nice 34/36 to a 40, and now that's getting a bit tight and gives me back problems.
Due to my knee I've been limited to what I can do, but I'm too depressed to go out because I'm so ashamed of the person I've become. I have stretch marks over my thighs now and my belly is enormous. I look pregnant. I've even brought a size 18 Maternity jeans just so I don't feel like the buttons are digging in all the time.
I've cut out crap out of my diet, I'm drinking 8 pints of water per day, I've been doing a little exercise but since I've been immobile for so long, it tires me after five minutes and my knee aches.
Suicide isn't on my mind, but I'm feeling depressed about my whole body image. I don't like to go outside, I hate my partner touching me, I hate not being able to wear nice clothes. I've been doing Charlie Brooks DVD before and after at home, again only in short bursts due to getting tired easily. I am wondering if anyone can help me.
I hate myself and my body. My confidence and self esteem have evaporated.
I have a six pack but after a while it went away. is it because of the fat covering it?
i am 11 and i weigh 170 pounds and I'm a size large - x-large! i am not happy with my weight but i lost like eight pounds. i am always around skinny people and it makes me jealous. My cousin was like as big as me last year and in like two or three months she was wearing a medium. i know the best thing to do is swim but i don't have a pool near my house. someone please help me i need to know if someone is just like me in this situation. Please help!
My name is brogan and I'm 14. i do 150-200 sit ups a day to lose my tummy fat and my stomach is getting harder but my dad says that that's all it would do -- keep bloating. he said i should do it every other day, but when i do this i feel like I'm not losing any weight at all. who is right: is it my dad or is it me?
I'm 13, just turned, and almost 100 pounds. I'm very happy with my body and i exercise a lot. I'm not exaggerating. Unfortunately, I inherited the bloating stomach from my mom. Whenever I eat too much, my stomach bloats and now it's just bigger. It's just round like I'm pregnant. I have to cover it up with shirts. I just want to be skinny again, being able to look down my stomach and not a lump.
well i don't know about many of you, but I am 13. I am a monster. I am almost six feet tall, but I weigh about 165 pounds. I do have a lot of muscle, but I have had a jelly roll since I was 4. It just doesn't seem to go away! no matter what I do, cardio, sit-ups --nothing ever works!
I'm constantly trying to get rid of my belly fat. I'm a natural apple shape so whatever i do i always have that bit of flab on my stomach.I'm 5'4 and 106 lbs, yet my waist is 26 inches. it confuses me.
i am a 27 year old and weigh 113 KG. i have a lot of fat around my tummy. it looks weird. how can i lose it? My height is 5.8&
So I'm 14 going on 15 and i weigh 160 pounds and trust me, I'm not proud of it.Every summer my family goes to Sauble Beach for a whole week and all we do is sit at the beach all day long. I love it but I would love it more if I looked better in a bikini.All of my friends weigh like 97 pounds, and a lot of them say that my weight is just muscle, but trust me, when I sit down and try to hide those rolls, it's not that easy.Could someone please help me? I really want to lose at least 40 pounds at the least before next summer. Thank you so much.
Read me to lose your tummy. Worked for me. I'm 19.
1) You've got one thing right: swimming = good. Give it a go! My local pool has a 'ladies only' swimming night on a tuesday, so that's the shyness bit out the way. No horrible boys to gawp at you. Just ladies, all shapes and sizes! It's nice, you'll end up toning up your tum, arms and legs in no time. Plus, no sweaty, clammy horribleness. Really. Stop moaning and give this a go. I find it really relaxing to have a nice quiet swim.
Only, I find I work up an appetite after a good swim so have your food after you swim. I found even If I ate
not long before I went, I still get a bit hungry afterward. Plus, cramps from eating then swimming straight after, not good. If your mum's made you dinner beforehand, no problem. Stick it in the microwave and have it when you come back.
2) Sugar free drinks. Important. Just because it's liquid, doesn't mean it's not going to give you a tum. Let's face it, water is boring. Swap your coke for Coke Zero and go for 'light' or 'diet' drinks. It makes the difference. I have a 40p sugar free energy drink to perk me up a bit, rather than a rubbish snack.
3) If you can, invest in a Wii. Or maybe you can go round to your mates and play together. You burn those calories having a laugh. Better than snacks and a movie.
4) Water down stuff. Water = no calories. So stick a bit of water in stuff where you can to make it seem like more. Too much makes it yucky. Just a bit here and there. Example, stick a little water in your soups, cereal, yogurt, water down sugary drinks.
5) Fruit and veggies are your friends! They say you can eat as much as you want of things like celery and lettuce because it takes more calories to digest them than they provide – or something like that. Look up 'zero calorie foods' and ram your face with them.
6) The mini rule. Make a little rule for yourself. Don't go crazy! Just one or maybe two rules or you'll flop. Like 'No chocolate things this week!' Then maybe next week 'No chips!'
7) Don't starve yourself. Really. Teenage hormones + no food = severe crankiness and you'll get grumpy and snappy and it'll be rubbish. Rubbish.
8) Chilled/iced drinks burn more calories when you drink them as you lose more heat that your body then has to replace to restore your body temperature. Stick in ice cubes.
9) Sauna. The most pleasurable way to help you lose weight. Your body uses more energy by dilating blood vessels pumping you heart harder and sweating to cool you down.
I'm 11 years old
and I weigh 101-106.5(?) lbs. I know it might be an average weight or not, but my stomach is pretty fat, and my thighs are chubby. I tried starving myself, but with asian parents shoving food at me all the time, I can't. I'm trying to cut down on my soda consuming. Is there a way where I can lose fat by not &doing&
anything? Like an easy way? All my other friends are like sticks. Please help.
I am 25 years old. I weigh 139 kgs. what should i do to make it 100 kgs? my height is 6'feet 1.
i am 22 years old living in saudi arabia and my routine job is in the office, which means only sitting work. What should i do for my tummy is big. Please give me some suggestions.
@Kaitlyn: Child, you weigh 97 pounds? What do you think is a healthy weight? How much weight do you want to lose, anyway?
It is *normal* for a healthy human female to have some abdominal fat. That's the way you're supposed to be. Certainly, you can do ab toning exercises to firm up the area, but jogging and starving yourself are not healthy ways to address this.
Try to focus on being healthy, on eating healthy, and on having good mental health. It sounds cheesy, but positive personal affirmations do help and are beneficial. You are *more* than your skin and bones. That's just the house you live in. That's not the furniture inside.
Try taking up a hobby or
interest where you can express yourself in a healthy way, like painting or poetry. Learn to play an instrument for fun, not for others' approval. Do something where you don't require yourself to be perfect and see if that doesn't help you in your body perception, too.
Be Kaitlyn, not who you think others want Kaitlyn to be. Be unique, wonderful and yourself, and don't let something like tummy fat interfere with you living life and enjoying who you are.
I'm 16 years old and weigh 97 pounds. I'm wanting to get rid of my stomach fat. I've tried starving myself, jogging, everything but i just can't lose the weight. please help me. --Kaitlyn
best way to lose fat is swimming. better start it and i surely say after one or two months, you will find that you are losing your weight because i also did.
I am 11 going on 12 and I am 134.0 pounds. like most people I have an older sibling that is four years older than me and is only 100.00 pounds. It's not fair. I have friends who are sticks and are my exact same age. I don't know why I am like this. I have a huge stomach but like always my friends say I don't. I really need a workout plan that will tighten my stomach. --anonDesperate
i have problems losing weight. i don't eat that much. i just eat my good breakfast and lunch and no dinner and i still look the same. i don't know what else to do to lose my tummy fat.
I'm 13 nearly 14. i hate my body. i have started gaining weight ever since high school and it's annoying because i am small and i just look horrible. I am 7 stone which isn't that bad but i don't have a flat stomach and i have big legs and thighs. what daily exercise routine can i do at home to help me lose weight and tone up a bit?
I'm 13, turning 14 in about seven months. i used to be skinny then at about 10 i gained a lot of weight one summer. when i was 12 my dad forced me to run 4.5 miles every day for three weeks and he kept my diet the same. still i kept the exercise up for the whole summer and in seven weeks i lost about 40 pounds and gained reasonable muscle. my stomach was flat and i was so happy. i stopped exercising but kept my diet the same and my flat stomach and weight stayed the same right until July when my mom said i should eat more to grow and i listened (stupidly) when i didn't need to since i was 5 ft 9.So i gained all my weight back and a few more pounds so i think you shouldn't stop exercising or you should never change your diet.
Well I'm not &chubby&. I'm actually pretty skinny- I'm 17 and weigh 105 pounds. Still, I have let myself go because of that and have a little bit of tummy fat that is starting to be noticeable. For some odd reason the rest of my body stays skinny, making it look like I have malaria or something. Yuck!
@anon104917: I'm 15, and I'm in the exact situation as you. you're not alone. i too have big arms, and a tummy. i also have those kind of friends, and a sister who's two years older as well, kind of plump. she hardly exercises but she's 95 pounds (no idea why!). though my mom couldn't care less about whether i exercise or not, and she's against me being vegan, nothing can stop me from wanting the fit body that i want (as well as not wanting to benefit from the sufferings of animals!) so nothing should stop you either.
The tips on this page seem rather logical, so i guess trying it out wouldn't hurt, but remember that it takes
a lot of patience. so you shouldn't give up half way if you don't see results in just a few weeks. it could take months, depends on your metabolism. I've been doing something like the routine stated on this page for about three months, been vegetarian for a year, and started paganism about four months ago.
So far, I'm not sure if I'm losing any tummy yet, but i sure did benefit a lot from my vegan diet, and all that working out (which lasts about one hour per day, five to seven days a week) such as maintaining my weight at 103 pounds (a supposedly healthy range for my height and age), less stress, slimmer legs, gained some abs, and i pretty much feel better about my physical image, and self values!
it's perfectly normal that your mom won't allow you to diet, because any mother who cares for the well being of her daughter wouldn't allow her to lose weight unhealthily. there are also dangers to becoming anorexic if you're too used to dieting as well. and mothers usually know what's best for you. perhaps you could adapt a vegetarian/vegan diet instead. it's a much healthier way to lose weight because fat from meat, etc. is much harder to lose than vegetable fat. that's just one of the many benefits of being a vegetarian/vegan. if you're interested, you could always look up online sites that educate you about being a veg, how to start, the healthier plant-based substitutes to meat, the benefits you gain for the well-being of yourself and farm animals. it's definitely affected me positively in my lifestyle after this new change of diet and exercise.
So I'd encourage you to at least start exercising soon if you're not too keen on a diet change, because really, it's better to be doing something about your health rather than neglecting it and then wondering why you're not losing any weight. setting goals is the perfect motivation.
You can look online to find out your Body Mass Index (BMI) and body fat percentage. oh and since you seem to like shopping, perhaps being able to feel comfortable and look good in the clothes you like could be your motivation as well!
i know this is kind of
wordy, but i hope it helps because I've only got advice from my experience. if you're still unsure, you could always go to your family doctor for more professional advice. well, at least that's what they always say on those weight loss and exercising web pages lol. anyway, good luck with everything. hope you'll achieve what you want as long as you have that patience and will power!
heyy, im 15, and im in the exact situation as you. you're not alone(: i too have big arms, and a tummy. i also have those kind of friends, and a sister who's 2 yrs older as well, kind of plump, she hardly exercises but she's 95 pounds (no idea why!) though my mom couldn't care less about whether i exercise or not, and she's against me being vegan, nothing can stop me from wanting the fit body that i want (as well as not wanting to benefit from the sufferings of animals!) so nothing should stop you either.
The tips on this page seem rather logical, so i guess trying it out wouldn't harm. but remember that
it takes a lot of patience. so you shouldn't give up half way if you don't see results in just a few weeks. it could take months, depends on your metabolism. I've been doing something like the routine stated on this page for about 3 months, been vegetarian for a year, and started paganism about 4 months ago. so far, im not sure if im losing any tummy yet, but i sure did benefit a lot from my vegan diet, and all that workout(which lasts about one hour per day, 5-7 days a week) such as maintaining my weight at 103 pounds(a supposedly healthy range for my height and age), less stress, slimmer legs, gained some abs, and i pretty much feel better about my physical image, and self values!
its perfectly normal that your mom won't allow you to diet, because any mother who cares for the well being of her daughter wouldn't allow her to lose weight unhealthily. there are also dangers to becoming anorexic if you're too used to dieting as well. and mothers usually know whats best for you(: perhaps you could adapt a vegetarian/vegan diet instead, its a much healthier way to lose weight because fat from meat etc are much harder to lose than vegetable fat. that's just one of the many benefits of being a vegetarian/vegan. if you're interested, you could always look up online sites that educate you about being a veg, how to start, the healthier plant-based substitutes to meat, the benefits you gain for the well-being of yourself and farm animals. it's definitely affected me positively in my lifestyle after this new change of diet and exercise.
so id encourage you to at least start exercising soon if you're not to keen on a diet change, because really, its better to be doing something about your health rather than neglecting it and then wondering why you're not losing any weight. setting goals are the perfect motivation. you can go to this site, /fitness/diet.html to find out your Body Mass Index (BMI) and body fat percentage. it'll also tell you if you actually need to lose weight, your caloric requirements and the amt of daily protein intake you should have.
i know this is kind of
wordy, but i hope it helps because I've only got advice from my experience, if you're still unsure, you could always go to your family doctor for more professional advice, well at least that's what they always say on those weight loss and exercising web pages lol. anyway, good luck with everything, hope you'll achieve what you want as long as you have that patience and will power! (:
So I'm 13 going on 14. i have nice legs but my arms are biggish and my stomach is bigger. not as big as some people though. I'm 120 pounds and have a big stomach. my friends say i don't but they're my friends.
my dad makes fun of me sometimes but he's also bigger. my self esteem is pretty low because i have friends who are 91.5 or 88 pounds and they're sticks but they're good friends and don't want me to feel bad.
then my sister who is two years older weighs 101 pounds and is real thin. a lot of times i wish i could be as skinny as them. my mom won't let me go on
a diet so i can't do that and i can't motivate myself to exercise! i know that if i want something bad enough i should work for it but i just can't motivate myself. i go shopping tomorrow and i know that I'm going to miss a lot of cute clothes because of my stomach size.
I'm fed up! i don't know what to do anymore. i feel the same way as a lot of people here and I'm looking for the same answer. what do i do? what does everyone do? i want to exercise but i just can't find the motivation. it's so much easier to sit down and watch tv then to get up and do hardcore workouts. I'm lost and i need help!
These are very beneficial points for losing weight.Thanks.
@Anon102223: I feel for you. I was the chubby kid in school, myself.
First thing: look at your diet. Do you drink lots of sugary drinks, like soda or Kool-Aid? If you do, cut it out of your diet. Drink lots of water or other diet soft drinks. They do take some getting used to, but the fruit flavors seem to work better in diet than colas. Although you can get used to anything.
Try to get all the junk out of your diet. This does not mean you can't have a cookie or a candy bar once in a while. It means you have one cookie--not six. You have a candy bar once a month, not three times
a week. Try to eat more salads with dressings like oil and vinegar, or any that don't have a lot of sugar in them.
Do you get any exercise? If not, is there some physical exercise you like to do? Aerobics, maybe? If so, get a DVD and do the routines at home. As cheesy as it sounds, the Richard Simmons "Sweatin' to the Oldies" tapes really are good. And you do what you can do, as much as you can do. Your endurance will increase with time. If all you can do is 10 minutes, or even five minutes at first, then do those five or 10 minutes. In a while, you'll be able to do the whole routine.
If you don't like doing that sort of thing, then walk around your neighborhood. Again, if you can do just five minutes, do it every day and gradually increase it. Anything is better than nothing at all.
You're young and believe it or not, the weight will come off more easily for you than for an older person. Start forming good, healthy eating and exercise habits now, and they will pay off in the long run. But be patient: the weight didn't get there overnight, and it's not coming off overnight, either. But you can do it!
Good luck and congratulations on wanting to do something healthy for yourself!
i am 13 and weigh almost 200 pounds but i only want to weigh about 170. how do i lose this weight? please help me! i am always getting made fun of.
I'm only 11 years old and I'm always up all night looking online for tips on how to lose weight. my mom even calls me and apple because I'm so fat. any tips on how to lose weight?
- anon93369: Laziness isn't going to get your anywhere. in this case, it probable backfired. exercise tells your body that it needs more energy, hence it will try to store more (fat) in the future when you exercise again. This won't make you gain weight unless you exercise and then stop. You probably gained more weight than before. same goes with starvation followed by going back to your normal eating.
@anon93758: Was anyone else in your family similar to you at your age? some obese- like appearances are genetic. other possibilities are metabolic disorders, e.g. Cushing disease (excess cortisol) and Cushing syndrome (too much steroid intake). Anyhow, all of it can be countered by following the instructions above. it might be slower but I'll get there.
I'm 15 in six days and i weigh 60.i have been worried for a very long time but i have done little about it because all of my friends and family can't see what i see and think I'm skinny.what do I do? Help! Moderator's reply: Please see the wiseGEEK article:
I am 33 and 220 pounds. help me reduce. i am losing my confidence.
I'm 14 and my tummy is bulging out.What to do?
I am 13 years old and am 7 stone which is about average compared to all of my friends at school. However I do have a bit of a podge on me and even my mum admits it. I wouldn't call myself extremely fat but compared to my friends at school I don't see how I weigh the same as them because i have bit of a spare tire on me. I have tried doing some crunches and sit ups before I go to bed at night and I have my 5 a day fruit and vegetables so I am not sure how to lose the spare tire. Please help because I am going on holiday soon and don't want to be self conscious about my figure all the time!
any easy diet plans?
I'm 14 and I'm to obese. Well at times I think that i will do exercise and practice diet plans but then i don't follow them and i don't feel like exercising. i get irritated. my height's also short. how can i lose weight and increase height? Please help!
To anon58509 - very well said and I couldn't agree more.What I'm about to say isn't new here but this is my advice. Aerobic exercise combined with core strength work is the only way to combat a tummy. I have PCOS so weight has recently become a real battle for me. Make your exercise a part of your everyday life. I do an hour a day as soon as I get up.
O.K. I am 13 and 200 pounds! I really need to lose weight this summer. I am going into junior high, and I am not just tooting my own horn, but I am actually really pretty and one of the more popular girls at school. I just think it will be harder making friends at my new school if I look like this. I need to get healthy! Help!
what is a good way to lose thigh weight? I am 14 and weigh 143 pounds! I need to lose the weight in my thighs and tummy. What is a good work out plan?
I'm 13 years and i weigh like 13 stone ( all of my mates weigh like 7 but none of them have some muscle on them and I'm known for being the tall strong one.
Because I'm much stronger than the rest and i have more muscle on me than any of them, but I've heard that muscle weighs more than fat. I'm not fat, so i lie when we are discussing our weight so i say I'm 8 and a quarter etc. and they believe me because I'm have a wide rib cage and wide hips but my stomach is quite flat and my thighs are fine.
It just annoys me that i look mainly like a bloody rugby player
like type of build. I mean i still want to be strong, because in my school it matters if you're strong or not because of fights and that, but I've had huge arguments with my mate and I've hit her before on the bus, but she's never asked me for a fight unlike when she asks people half her size for a fight.
So anyway, i want to be strong yet i want to be skinny, you know, like a thin build, not the one I've got.
nice post. it gave me a lot of information.
i am 13and i am about to go back to my old school. i haven't been there in almost two years. i weigh like 145 - 155. i haven't weighed my self in like forever but i want to be thin in two months! Please, please help! i am like begging you!
i am 43 years old and have gained weight a lot. my tummy is the biggest problem. i cannot even touch my toes. that sounds very bad, having pain when i sleep. I also have to wear long shirts.
if i work out like use a treadmill for half an hour a day will that cut back on my stomach weight, as i am 16 and wanting to slim down a bit for prom.
I'm 13 and i don't want to say my weight. it's embarrassing. but I'm not overweight. i just need the easiest way to lose weight on my tummy and thighs. If someone can, please help me! I'm desperate for weight loss.
I'm 14 and weigh about 102 pounds. So really, I'm not fat. But I have a little tummy, and I don't like it at all. and my thighs are a little big, but I think that's just the way my body is. So I'm not too worried about it. But I hate my tummy.
I'm 13, 130 pounds. i wouldn't call myself fat, but my tummy is. and my thighs a little. I'm 5ft.4. i just want to lose it.
For anon81508: Try the Atkins Diet.Research it. But do it with a doctor's supervision.
I'm 26 and my weight is 118. Please help me out. I want to cut down 20 kg weight in 15 days.
Can someone please help me! I am an 11 year old girl an I weigh 88 pounds. I know that doesn't sound fat but I have a humongous tummy and it's all in layers. Can someone please help me! Please I don't want to end up being fat!
I'm going to be 29 and I weigh 46kg and I'm 5ft. I'm worried about my tummy because it's becoming big and fat. for the past five years I've weight about 40 kg. Only my tummy is becoming big and sometimes it's difficult for me. when i sit it comes out like a ball. i don't do any exercise except walk every day for 10 mins at normal speed and usually i do sit for long time.
I'm 11 years old and i'm 5'5 and 150 pounds and ugh i hate it. my back is always hurting. And I'm very sad.
Starving is not the answer my friends. Just shorten your meals, especially dinner. Eat dinner like at least three hours before you go to sleep, and then have Green Tea (Lemon preferably) about half an hour before going to bed. Then do some ab work outs and you will see the difference in no time. I tried it. Don't start something then give up. Have patience and trust in the good Lord to bring you through it. Have a blessed day.
I'm 13, turning 14 in 19 days and i weigh 9.92. i have fat on my stomach and thighs and i'm going holiday on july and my mum told me to lose some weight. any tips? and i go swimming every wednesday for 30 minutes.
i am 31 and I'm 70 kilos. i hate the tummy and like you said, i eat when I'm panicked and I'm never full. it's driving me insane. thanks for the advice.
I'm 14 and 120 pounds and i don't think I'm that fat -- it's just my legs! i always swim so it makes them chunky like all the other swimmers.
This was the first site I found when I typed in &How to lose tummy fat& and I have got some really useful information here, so thanks! I am Australian but currently staying on Guam. I am 40 years old and it is getting harder to shed those unwanted kilos as we age. so the time for change is now! Thanks for the advice and support. I will be back often to read up on the site.
Am i fat? i am 13 and weigh 8 stone. i do dancing every wednesday and sunday.
I'm 15 and a freshman in high school, and i'm not fat. in fact you can see the outline of my abs. But I want a definite outline of them, and the only way I find to do that is to get rid of the rest of the fat on my stomach.
I am 15 going on 16 and summer is coming up. My weight is between 150-165 and I'm 5'9. I'm trying to fit into a bikini by june, but my body has too much fat on it. How can i lose/tone my thighs, love handles ans tummy? I need help. Summer is almost here!
I'm 12 but my tummy flab always obstructs me from wearing nice clothes. what should i do (and my mum won't let me go outdoors.)
OK I'm 14. I'm 115 pounds and i have no idea how to get a flatter tummy. i mean, I'm not huge, but i would love to not stress out that my tummy sticks out every so often. What should i do? and i am in high school. we kids get judged on everything! lol
i am a 26 year old and weigh a 100 pounds. but i have a lot of fat around my tummy. it looks weird. how can i lose it?
I am 23 years old and have lot of fat in my stomach and chest area. Apart from jogging what else should i do to reduce my fats instantaneously?
You will lose weight by reading t as such, being healthy is a lifestyle, not a diet! There are many good tips on how to achieve p none of them includes gimmicks, diets, or diet pills.
To assist with weight control, keep a daily food journal and every time the urge to snack is felt, first drink a large glass of clear water. It does not hurt to treat yourself with something special once in a while. What is necessary is that you moderate your food portions. Being overweight stinks, but after reading a book, I lost 85 pounds! Words cannot express how good I feel! This is a comment which I recently received about the book &Lose Weight Using Four Easy Steps.&
Exercising regularly is a very good thing to achieve a healthy body, and it will help one lose weight and firm up. There is another concern, however: Why do so many think a woman's belly should be flat? The images we see of women in advertising, on television, etc. are *not* normal.
Women are supposed to have some roundness to their bellies. Let's not be deceived by Barbie doll images, but look at real women who are in good shape.
One thing that I have read (I do not know if it works or not). I have not tried it yet.Place your right hand, flat out over your close as possible without touching, and apply a clockwise circle motion, round and round. You will feel an effect. It is called Chakra I believe. Supposed to get rid of fat. Research it.
I'm 27 years old and newly married. i am very much depressed with my fat tummy. i need to reduce, as my hubby doesn't like it and now even i don't like it. i need to flatten my tummy and peel off some weight. Please help me as i m planning for the baby as well.I need to reduce my weight and flatten my tummy in the next six months and i don't have any work at home. after cooking i just sit sit and sit and there is no good gym here in congo (lubumbashi).Please help. I don't want to become fat.
i am 26 years old and i am just not happy with my tummy. i just want too reduce. i left all junk food as well, but no difference. Please help.
i'm only 18 years old, but my tummy makes me look aged, and odd. i don't have time for exercises to be done every day, so please tell me is there anothersafe way of reducing my tummy --please!
I'm thirteen, but I am really tall and look like i'm 18. I have tummy flab. It's the only fat part of my body and I hate it. I want to have a flat tummy. what kinds of ab exercises should I do to get rid of the flab? I'm already starting to stop eating junk food, but I want to lose the flab faster by exercising too.
Any suggestions on ab exercising?
I've changed my diet to a healthy one - By eliminating fast food, fatty snacks and fizzy drinks, and replacing it by eating five fruits and vegetables a day.
Don't think "oh man, it's something i've got to do." change your mindset and try to eat a different color fruit and vegetable everyday! =D I love it!
My occupation involves me walking a lot, however having some sort of activity that lasts 15-30 minutes and that allows you to break a sweat I highly recommend to do everyday. Skipping is my favorite!
Eat lots of high protein food, fresh meat and fish! I've noticed as time has gone by by big flabby belly is reducing it's fat level, and it's keeping me very motivated, because if I'll be patient I know I will get the abs that I always wanted. I hope this helps.
Good luck guys, goodbye belly. lol :P
It really depends on what kind of exercises you do. You don't need to do so much cardio or work out 5 days a week to lose tummy fat. Long cardio exercises are a waste of your time. Your exercises just need to consist of intense interval training and weight training to lose tummy fat quickly.
When you want to get rid of some fat somewhere on your body, you will need to lose fat everywhere. Fat is an "organ" that is located everywhere, so you won't be able to loose it in some particular places by exercise. So if you have a big tummy, and you do 1000 sit ups every day, you will definitely have strong abs, but they will be covered by fat. So the best way is to combine the control of your calorie intake with exercise. It works really well but it takes a while.Alternatively, liposuction works well, but I am sure that the fat will just eventually redistribute itself around the body.Good Luck
@rosniYou have to reduce overall fat to shed the tummy fat.Sit ups, jogging, walking are worthless. Skipping may help, although you need to skip at a very fast speed. Jogging a long distance will make your body store *more* fat - it's your body's natural response.Only sprinting(interval training), swimming(at your fastest speed, not a leisurely swim) and weight training(need to do squat, bench press, deadlift: the holy trinity of the gym) will help.Watch what you eat too. Less carbs, more lean meat/fish protein. Avoid sugary drinks and sweet/fried snacks.Lastly, you need to sleep early, regularly. 7-9 hours uninterrupted.
I do 300 sit ups, 12,000 skipping, 30 minutes walking and 25 minutes jogging a day..and I lost 13 kg in 3 months..still I got plenty o' fat in my tummy..lolwhat do I do to lose it?what'z da prob!?sumbody help!!=[
Just do heaps of sprinting and ab exercises and eat high protein diet.
You say the progress is slow - how long will it be until you notice a difference if you do cardiovascular exercise for 15-20 minute 5 days a week as recommended?
Well.. I think it may disappear a bit. Although not quickly, as it says in the article losing tummy flab without tummy tucks or liposuction is a slow rate of time. I'm going to try lots of exercise, eating fruit and vegetables more and drinking water.
Then hopefully, I'll lose my 13 year old tummy flab.. grr tummy flab haha.
Will the little flab around the tummy disappear after exercising?
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