事实上 英文,对每个人来说,和家人共度时光很重要,In fact , spend time with f

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2012版初中英语新课标金榜学案配套课件:Unit 12人教版 九年级下
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2012版初中英语新课标金榜学案配套课件:Unit 12人教版
官方公共微信2016年5月雅思口语part2新题思路详解+范文:A person you
spend time with.
摘要:雅思微信ieltsim雅思君今天跟大家分享5月雅思口语变题季part2新题Describe a person that you like to spend time with(描述你喜欢共度时光的人)思路及范文,欢迎同学们参考!
雅思口语5-8月最新话题范文汇总-Part 2部分,点击进入...
Describe a person that you like to spend time with.
You should say: Who is this person How do you know this person What you like to do together and explain why you like to spend time with this person 思路解析:
总论点:最喜欢和我的朋友Steven待在一起。 介绍人物:Steven是我从小就认识的好朋友。(介绍人物外貌、性格、特长等等) 怎样认识这个人:有一次Steven上学忘带书,我帮助了他,从此我们成为了最好的朋友。 在一起做些什么:Steven给我讲解数学理论、一起交流书评和政见。 为什么喜欢和这个人待在一起:因为有共同的兴趣爱好(common interests)、互相帮助、互相理解,一同学习、做有趣的事情等等。 Sample answer:
The friend I like to spent time with is Steven. I met him when I was only 8 years old and was in primary school. After that our intimacy(亲密关系) grew up and we became best friends. One day he forgot to bring his book in school and that day I helped him with my expire(过期的) books. After that we talked for a long after school and our friendship started to begin. We went to college together and then got admitted in different Universities. Since we were studying in the same city, we can meet each other and spend time together. We are yet to finish our graduation and busy with our own stuffs but whenever we get vacation we spend time together. Since our hometown is same, we go there together and thus we meet each other at least twice in a month. He is a helpful and talented friend who helps people and always wished best for people. He is studying Mathematics and he has a talent in Mathematics. Sometimes he explains some complex mathematical theories in a very simple and interesting way. He is passionate(充满激情的) about reading books and that makes a good bonding with me. We often exchange our thought and criticism about books and politics. I like to spend time with him because we have many common interests between us. I never feel bored spending time with him. Since we are friends for a long time, we understand each other. A good friend always extends helping hands when in need and I've found Steven by my side always. We do so many fun stuffs together and help each other in our study. Good friendship, understanding and common interests makes us close friends and those are the major factors for what I like to spend time with his. 以上就是雅思微信ieltsim雅思君跟大家分享的关于学校活动的口语范文啦,希望大家好好准备,取得好成绩。
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From decreasing loneliness to slashing stress levels, from helping with quitting smoking to making a difference in healthy eating habits, check out these eight reasons why it's healthy to spend time with people you love.
Parenting Lengthens Life
Being a parent & especially being a mom & is linked with living longer, according to a study of 21, 276 couples from Denmark.
The research, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, showed that women who gave birth to children were four times less likely to die early from cancer, accidents or circulatory disease. Fathers also had lower risks of early death from these causes.
Big Social Networks Are Good For Your Health
Having many strong social ties could help you live a longer, healthier life, according to a study from Brigham Young University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill researchers.
The study showed that social ties' impact on longevity is actually the same as that which is seen between people who smoke and don't smoke, TIME reported.
Sisters Decrease Loneliness
Having a sister is good for your mental health, according to research from Brigham Young University.
Specifically, researchers found that having a sister could help preteens to feel less lonely, self-conscious and afraid & and more loved.
And researchers found that having a sister or a brother was linked with more inclination to do good deeds, according to the Journal of Family Psychology study.
Friends And Family Make A Difference In Your Healthy Habits
Your friends and family are highly influential when it comes to the kind of lifestyle you lead, according to a 2011 survey.
reported that 36 percent of people say their nutrition is affected by influence from their friends and family. And 46 percent of people in the survey said that their loved ones make a difference in their overall healthy lifestyles.
Dads Influence Teens' Sexual Activity
Having a strong bond with Dad makes a big difference when it comes to risky teen sexual behavior, according to a study in the journal Pediatrics.
It showed that dads who were open about talking about sex and their opinions on sex with their children made a bigger influence on their children's actual sexual activity.
Mothers Influence Child's Obesity
Being close with your mom could have an impact on your weight, according to a study published last year in the journal Pediatrics.
The study shows that the relationship between a mom and her child when the child is young seems to be associated with his or her weight later on as a teen. Specifically, young kids with close relationships with their moms were less likely to be obese in the study in adolescence, compared with those with more distant relationships with their moms during toddlerhood, CNN reported.
调查显示妈妈和孩子幼年时期的关系,会对孩子青少年时期的体重产生影响。调查中特别指出,和那些幼年时期与妈妈关系 疏远的孩子相比,和妈妈关系密切的孩子成年之后会不怎么可能变胖。
Sisters Spread Happiness
Spending time with your sister could help you feel happier, according to a University of Ulster study.
The study, which included 571 people between ages 17 and 25 , showed that people with sisters had greater family communication, BBC News reported.
&Emotional expression is fundamental to good psychological health and having sisters promotes this in families, & study researcher Tony Cassidy told BBC News.
&情感交流是心理健康的基础,有了姐妹能在家庭中促进这一点。& 调查的研究者Tony Cassidy对BBC新闻这样表示。
Talking With Mom Lowers Stress
Spending some quality talk time with Mom could help to lower stress, according to a 2010 study conducted by University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers.
reported that talking on the phone with Mom seemed to decrease stress hormones and increase the feel-good chemical oxytocin among young girls, between ages 7 and 12.
编辑:foodtransSpending time with the family is a very nice thing to do.
I plan on spending time with the family and getting more involved in charity.
Or you could show us what keeps you real-world rational -- like spending time with the family...
或者您可以向我们展示什么让您的真实世界合理化 ——像与家庭度过时光...
For example, in Japan, New Year is for spending time with the family to eat, talk, have fun, and go to the temples.
Maybe it’s a game of golf, a cup of coffee, church, community group or spending more time with the family.
Everyone has a new years resolution; whether it's to stop smoking, spending more time with the family, or simply dieting.
Many parents who welcome the idea of turning off TV and spending more time with the family are still worded that without TV they would constantly be on call as entertainers for their children.
George: Same old same old. Just enjoying work and spending more time with the family on the weekends.
Actually, some of my fondest memories of my childhood were of spending time with my family in the basement waiting for the tornados to pass.
Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with family, playing the guitar, going on outdoor excursions, and sleeping (which seems to be getting rarer and rarer these days).
If you will be spending time with your family today, enjoy the love, support and growth your family offer.
Studies show that spending time with friends and family may reduce the risk of many illnesses.
Top of the list is spending time with your family.
To me the holidays are about spending time with family, reflecting on what the past year has brought and what the new year has in store.
For myself, my favorite things in the world include spending time with my family, writing, reading and running.
Top of the list is spending time with your family.
But he added: 'Bosses need to be taking proactive steps to ensure greater flexibility with working hours and to highlight the importance of spending time with family and friends.
People increasingly spend more time alone watching TV or surfing the Internet rather than spending time with family.
As we grow, we add more tasks and suddenly we’re working all hours of the day, spending precious little time with our family and friends.
I enjoy spending time with my family and with my girlfriend. But the best relaxation for me is trying to get some sleep!
Although he's also spending more time with family, his sons are well into the teenage years, "and progressively want less of my time, " he said.
I love going out and spending time with my close friends and family, but at the same time I take a few days to spend time with myself.
The more time you can “sneak” studying in, the less time you’ll have to devote to studying later in the night when you could be spending time with your family or doing something more interesting.
Spending quality time with your friends and family at this time of the year might be the most important thing to you. Or perhaps it’s shopping for them.
Lewis makes sure that he enjoys his time away from the track as well, spending time with friends and family.
Although Kate respectfully declined25) the invitation in favor of spending time with her own family, it was a gesture that meant the royal family was bracing for26) a new member.
Moreover, the basic responsibility of the father is to make sure the family is materially provided for and spending time rearing tile children would interfere with his ability to support the family.
Moreover, the basic responsibility of the father is to make sure the family is materially provided for and spending time rearing tile children would interfere with his ability to support the family.
- 来自原声例句


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