why not meto betray me ?

20 Ways Married Women Betray Our Single Girlfriends&|&Wendy Widom
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20 Ways Married Women Betray Our Single Girlfriends
I got to chatting online with a friend this week, a single, child-free woman in her mid-thirties who I think -- and you would too, if you met her -- is extraordinary. She's wicked smart, super attractive and she is dedicating her career to helping make the world a better place. She's a total catch. But here's the catch: She's single. And worried, or at least feeling a gentle yet persistent tug, as if she's missing out on something because of her relationship status. My conversation with her affirmed something I've known for a while, which many of us married ladies will probably never willingly admit: We are betraying our single female friends in a really big way. "Oh no, not me!" you declare. You love your single friends. You value the diversity they bring to your life. Who cares if they're married? Not you. You are a loving, empathic, supportive and non-judgmental woman who wants your friends to find happiness and fulfillment in life and that's it. If marriage is not in the cards for them, well, who the heck cares?Ok, I believe you. And despite the fact that I believe you, I still think many of us, myself included, are betraying (or being less than forthright with) our single gal pals. To prove my point, I now present the top 20 ways married women suck when it comes to our single girlfriends:
1. We ask you if you've met "someone special" too often.
2. We tell our hubbies way too much about your relationship troubles.
3. We use your breakups to feel relief that no matter how bad our marriage gets, at least we're not dating anymore.
4. We don't share with you that some of our loneliest life moments have taken place during marriage.
5. We think you're better in bed than we are.
6. We're jealous of your freedom.
7. We secretly think you'd be more flexible if you had a partner.
8. We envy that you don't have to compromise all the time.
9. We wish we had time, like you do, to do whatever the heck we want.
10. We tell you awful things about our partners and then expect you to forget them once we've moved on.
11. We worry about you being alone. And lonely.
12. We put pressure on you to get married and have kids.
13. We're embarrassed that you see how we launder our husbands' underwear, give up our careers and take on other traditional gender roles.
14. We expect you to understand and immediately forgive us when we don't call, email or text you back.
15. We sometimes make you feel, intentionally or not, that your life is not complete until you find a spouse and have a family.
16. We think you're too picky.
17. We don't tell you that you should be exactly who you are when you meet someone, because he will see every good and bad thing about you eventually, so you might as well get it out now.
18. We don't tell you we notice that you keep making the same mistakes with the people you date.
19. We give you relationship advice even though we have no idea what we're talking about and haven't had sex with our husbands in months.
20. We don't tell you that getting hitched will not solve your problems or make you feel better about yourself.
If you're like me, you figured out pretty quickly that marriage is not a magic bullet. It does not take away your problems or improve your self-esteem. If you're like me, you know that attempting to blend your bumps and bruises with another person's is a lifelong project that requires infinite amounts of care, patience and forgiveness. So, why do we subtly pressure our friends to join us? And why do we encourage them to buy into the notion that we are not complete as women until we find a life partner and have kids?To all the single gals in my life, I apologize for asking you too often if you've met someone special or for telling hubby about your relationship woes. I'm sorry I haven't shared with you that I think the guys you date have serious intimacy issues and will probably never give you what you want. I hope you will always tell me about your latest adventure in some far-off land, the awesome gig you just landed or a new, sexy move that I can try out with my honey. Our marital status might be different, but I can promise you this: We're far more alike than you'll ever know.
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Thanks for your report!Love, Honor, and Betray (Reverend Curtis Black Series #8) by Kimberla Lawson Roby | 9 | Paperback | Barnes & Noble
Love, Honor, and Betray (Reverend Curtis Black Series #8)
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The infamous Reverend Curtis Black's sordid past is no secret, as his wife, Charlotte, is well aware. But when Curtis' long-time mistress and mother of his illegitimate two-year-old, dies, he and Charlotte have no choice but to raise Curtina together. While the living, breathing reminder of her husband's infidelity infuriates Charlotte, Curtis couldn't be happier to finally have his whole family together. Despite her best efforts to keep her feelings hidden, Charlotte resents Curtina, taking her emotions out on the young girl. When confronted about her behavior Charlotte starts spending time away from home, all the while getting closer to her ex-boyfriend. Curtis appears to devote himself to his parish and the new church they're building, but is he really focusing his attention on the female parishioners trying to lure him into bed? Suddenly Curtis and Charlotte find themselves slipping into dangerous territory, and not even Curtis' seven-figure salary can prevent what is about to happen.
Editorial Reviews
Publishers WeeklyIn Roby's eighth update exploring the family of the righteous Reverend Black (after 2010's Be Careful What You Pray For), life at the Deliverance Outreach ministry of Mitchell, Ill., is relatively calm (except for a sneaky chi never trust a CFO named Raven), but the minister's household is suffering. Most notably, his frustrated wife, Charlotte, is furious that he's taken in Curtina, the daughter that came from an affair. Charlotte doesn't believe she can love Curtina the way she loves Matthew, the teenage son the couple share. Roby's rendering of Charlotte rekindling her own affair, with an old now-married flame, and her one-night stand with a secretive man is a hoot, and fans of faith-based series will no doubt relish these sinful shenanigans. But readers will find it hard to empathize with a woman who bears such fiery resentment for a toddler ("Curtis would either get rid of that little brat or find himself in divorce court"), and also wish Roby had endeavored to make her eventual redemption less predictable. (Jan.)
Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel"Roby [deals] with real issues in her novels."
Indianapolis Star"Kimberla Lawson Roby weaves truth into fiction."
Memphis Commercial Appeal"Roby's fiction...[addresses] issues that are important to women today."
Rockford Register Star"Kimberla Lawson Roby has reached a pinnacle most writers only dream of."
RT Book Reviews"4 Stars! Roby is the queen of redemption! She has a knack for taking characters that readers love to hate and turning them into ones everyone will cheer for. This one's definitely a page-turner!"
San Jose Mercury News"Roby, a bestselling author with a devoted audience, knows well the recipe for success: equal parts heartbreak and romance, with liberal dashes of sexual satisfaction."
<"New York Times best-selling author Kimberla Lawson Roby has a knack for writing suspenseful, page-turning stories, and her latest novel, Secret Obsession, is no different... A must-read for fiction thriller fans."
Lolita Files"Kimberla's writing is magical."
Memphis Commercial Appeal on Kimberla Lawson Roby"Roby's fiction...[addresses] issues that are important to women today."
Rockford Register Star on Kimberla Lawson Roby"Kimberla Lawson Roby has reached a pinnacle most writers only dream of."
RT Book Reviews on SECRET OBSESSION"4 Stars! Roby is the queen of redemption! She has a knack for taking characters that readers love to hate and turning them into ones everyone will cheer for. This one's definitely a page-turner!"
Indianapolis Star on Kimberla Lawson Roby"Kimberla Lawson Roby weaves truth into fiction."
Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel on Kimberla Lawson Roby"Roby [deals] with real issues in her novels."
San Jose Mercury News on Kimberla Lawson Roby"Roby, a bestselling author with a devoted audience, knows well the recipe for success: equal parts heartbreak and romance, with liberal dashes of sexual satisfaction."
< on SECRET OBSESSION"New York Times best-selling author Kimberla Lawson Roby has a knack for writing suspenseful, page-turning stories, and her latest novel, Secret Obsession, is no different... A must-read for fiction thriller fans."
From the Publisher"New York Times best-selling author Kimberla Lawson Roby has a knack for writing suspenseful, page-turning stories, and her latest novel, Secret Obsession, is no different... A must-read for fiction thriller fans."—< on SECRET OBSESSION
"4 Stars! Roby is the queen of redemption! She has a knack for taking characters that readers love to hate and turning them into ones everyone will cheer for. This one's definitely a page-turner!"—RT Book Reviews on SECRET OBSESSION
"An intense gem in an authentic voice."—Publishers Weekly on A DEEP DARK SECRET
"Kimberla Lawson Roby weaves truth into fiction."—Indianapolis Star on Kimberla Lawson Roby
"Roby [deals] with real issues in her novels."—Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel on Kimberla Lawson Roby
"Roby's fiction...[addresses] issues that are important to women today."—Memphis Commercial Appeal on Kimberla Lawson Roby
"Kimberla Lawson Roby has reached a pinnacle most writers only dream of."—Rockford Register Star on Kimberla Lawson Roby
"Roby, a bestselling author with a devoted audience, knows well the recipe for success: equal parts heartbreak and romance, with liberal dashes of sexual satisfaction."—San Jose Mercury News on Kimberla Lawson Roby
<"For those thousands of fans, who can't get enough of the 'good' reverend and his wives, this is a book that should not be missed."
Las Vegas ReviewLively, action packed and full of sassy sensuality, Roby once again has created a story that grabs the reader's attention and holds it until the very end."
The New York Amsterdam NewsLove, Honor and Betray is an entertaining read and remains true to Roby's style of creatively telling a story."
Corpus Christi Caller-Times"Lively, action-packed, and full of sassy sensuality, Roby once again has created a story that grabs the reader's attention and holds it in her grip until the very end.
Kirkus ReviewsEighth in Roby's Reverend Curtis Black series, this time featuring Curtis' clueless third wife, Charlotte.
Despite his checkered past as clerical babe magnet to the entire Chicago-land African-American community, Curtis has emerged unscathed and wealthier than ever as pastor of his own megachurch in ex-urban Chicago. His family, wife Charlotte and their son Matthew, enjoy all the perks of Black's success, including entrees to Ivy League schools and shopping sprees at Tiffany. However, another viper (the couple's domestic road has been a rocky one as regular readers will know) lurks in the gold-plated nest. Curtis' lover Tabitha, stricken with AIDS, dies, leaving her two-year-old daughter Curtina in her baby-daddy Curtis' care. The affair with Tabitha was Curtis' payback for Charlotte's adultery in a previous installment. (That liaison resulted in a child, now deceased, whom Charlotte tried to pass off as Curtis' own). Charlotte, predictably, doesn't consider them even. She resents Curtina's presence in her household and insists that Curtis consign her to one of Tabitha's relations. Curtis' refusal to abandon the girl starts the cycle of revenge affairs spinning yet again. While carousing in a Chicago jazz club, Charlotte meets Tom, with whom she trysts drunkenly in a sleazy motel. As their marriage disintegrates, Curtis is tempted by a number of predatory females all too willing to be wife No. 4, including Raven, the church's CFO, and a hot-to-trot parishioner named Sharon. Charlotte enjoys a passionate Palm Beach weekend with Michael, an old flame re-ignited via Facebook. Just when Matthew's involvement in a high-school hostage situation seemingly reunites the couple—now remorseful, Charlotte is even trying to act motherly toward Curtina—Michael's estranged wife Sybil, and Tom, who has his own agenda, threaten to expose her betrayals. The pace, slowed by too much stilted dialogue and clunky exposition, accelerates in the last pages, preparing the way for the next novel.
Schadenfreudeis the only enjoyment readers could derive from watching these spoiled characters repeatedly self-destruct.
KIMBERLA LAWSON ROBY is the award-winning and New York Times bestselling author of the Reverend Curtis Black series as well as several other novels and novellas. She lives with her husband in Rockford, Illinois. You can visit Kimberla at her website, , find her on Facebook at /kimberlalawsonroby, and follow her on Twitter @KimberlaLRoby.
Average Rating 4
page turner
kimerla lawson has done it again. hope one day she will bring rev curtis black to the big screen. just loved it!!!!
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Only ok.....
Finished the book in 5 days which is a long time for me whenever I read a book by Roby. Pretty predictable and you can tell Roby is setting up the next phase in the Curtis Black series. I personally would
like it if she focused on another character from the book, even if its Matthew because the Curtis and Charlotte story line is getting old.
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'Kimberla never disappoints'
Another great installment about the good ole Rev. Black.
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Wonderful additional to Rev. Black Series.
Quick read with lots of page-turning drama.
Colorful characterful any of us can identify with at some point in your lives.
Excellently written, flows to the final page and leaves you wanting MORE!
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This is my first Kimberla book, and i finished it in 3 days!!!!! OMG WHAT A PAGE TURNER!!!!! I looooooovvvvvvveeeeee Kimberla
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Could Not Put It Down....WOW..You Out Did Yourself Kimberla OMG...
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Highly recommend a must read
A page turner that left me wanting more. Can't wait for # 9 in the Curtis Black series
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Saga Continues
Great installment in the Curtis Black Series!
It was hard to put down.
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Great Read
I really enjoyed this book.
I couldn't wait to see what would happen next.
Love, Honor and Betray does not disappoint.
the Reverend Curtis Black Series is the best
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This book represents real life...awesome
Charlotte is definitely Curtis Blacks match. The book starts off slow but once it got going, it did not disappoint me. I am anxious to see what happens with this couple in the next novel.
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Mrs. Roby great book
Oh man great book....i cant wait for #9;. Your a great story teller......
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I have read all of KLR books, good book.
Highly recommend
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Love this book.A must read!
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This was one of the best books I have ever read.
I could not pu
This was one of the best books I have ever read.
I could not put this book down.
OMG was a great story.
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This is a GREAT BOOK...a must read!!!!
I really enjoyed this book...I love all the storylines involving Rev Curtin Black but I would hate to see him and Charlotte separate after all this time.
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Check it out
I enjoyed the way the author
exam the depths in which a woman hurt will explore methods to cover the pain but to not exam what her own issues are. We asked the question& would you stay with a man that had a outside child?' Well, fs there was a on going situtation like Charlotte & Curstis then all fair in Love & War. However. there will be no step children in my home. Nor will the father is he feels that strongly about raising his child. Could never treat a child wrong, But then i would not have to look at that child daily as a remainer of his affair!!! After all of these books, I am about
to be sick of Rev. Black and
Charlotte...But does anyone know the next release date***......
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My first book by this author and I did not want to put it down. I would have never expected things to turn out the way they did. I am ready for the next one!
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Great book! This time it was not the Rev...........
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Awesome book!!!!!
Kimberla has done it again.....cant wait to see how they fix this mess
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