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> 在Windows环境下用Editplus打造一个Python编辑调试环境Python有很多集成开发
qhl717 & at
User tools里新建一个
python group里新建一个工具也起名为
Menu text:填入
Initial Directory:填入
  ---------- python ----------
  File "test.py", line 6
  print 'a
  SyntaxError: EOL while scanning single-quoted string
  Output completed (1 sec consumed) - Normal Termination
Output Pattern的实现这个功能。具体做法如下,在图(
Capture Output选项前的复选框要选上,然后打开
Output Pattern按钮,在
Output Pattern对话框中,首先取消
Use default output pattern选项前的复选框,在
Regular expression栏里填入正则表达式如下:
  File "(.+)", line ([0-9]+)
  File Name栏里选择
Tagged expression 1,
Tagged expression 2,
  File "test.py", line 6
  tools-&preferences-&Setting & syntax下,首先新建一个文件类型,命名为
file extensions)栏里填入
syntax file栏里找到刚才下载的
Auto completion栏里找到
Function Pattern栏里填入:
  [ \t]*def[ \t].+:
Insert spaces instead of tab和
Enable auto indent。然后在
Auto Indent open里填入一个冒号“
file path设置到刚才建立的
希赛网 版权所有 & &&&&湘教QS2-164&&增值电信业务经营许可证湘B2-已经不记得是何时知道有pagerank这个东西了,好象就是上google时,看到google所做的关于它的工具条的宣传。只要你安装了google的工具条,除了搜索、阻挡弹出窗口外,就是可以看到正在浏览网页的pagerank。我也安装过,但那时我使用MyIE(后来改名了),google的工具条看不到,因此就又给删掉了。
现在我常用的浏览器软件就是Firefox了。我还曾经一直因为它不象MyIE一样方便而不太使用,直到1.0出来,再加上看到 Keso 写的他常用的扩展(这篇文章很多地方都有,很容易搜到),于是装了不少插件,终于象MyIE一样方便了。而且有些地方已经超出我的想象。(顺便说一句,上新出了一种增强的中文版本,预装了不少插件,而且全部是中文化,这样很多插件在安装软件就可以使用了,不用再自已找了,很方便。不过,因为我已经用上了Firefox英文版,插件装了不少,再加上用英文版也挺习惯,就没试这,有兴趣的可以试一试)。其中我的Firefox上还装了一个可以看pagerank的插件,可以方便地看到每个浏览网页的pagerank。
— limodou @ 4:45 pm
Static methods and class methods
The new descriptor API(记得吗?有专门的文章介绍descriptor) makes it possible to add static methods and class methods. Static methods are easy to describe: they behave pretty much like static methods in C++ or Java(python中的静态方法同C++或Java中的静态方法很象). Here’s an example:
def foo(x, y):
print “staticmethod”, x, y
foo = staticmethod(foo)
C.foo(1, 2)c = C()c.foo(1, 2)
Both the call C.foo(1, 2) and the call c.foo(1, 2) call foo() with two arguments, and print “staticmethod 1 2″. No “self” is declared in the definition of foo()(在静态方法中不需要定义self参数), and no instance is required in the call(不需要使用实例来调用静态方法). If an instance is used, it is only used to find the class that defines the static method(如果给出实例,将用来查找对应的类). This works for classic and new classes!(这对classic和net-style class都一样)
The line “foo = staticmethod(foo)” in the class statement is the crucial element(使一个方法成为类方法需要在类中使用这样的语法,很重要。在2.4中可以使用decorator来实现): this makes foo() a static method. The built-in staticmethod() wraps its function argument in a special kind of descriptor whose __get__() method returns the original function unchanged(内置staticmethod()把传入的函数用特殊的descriptor进行封装,这个descriptor的__get__()返回原始的函数).
More on __get__ methods: in
2.2, the magic of binding methods to instances (even for classic classes!) is done through the __get__ method of the object found in the class. The __get__ method for regular function objects returns a the __get__ method for staticfunction objects returns the underlying function. If a class attribute has no __get__ method, it is never bound to an instance, or in other words there’s a default __get__ operation that returns
this is how simple class variables (for example numerical values) are handled.
Class methods use a similar pattern to declare methods that receive an implicit first argument that is the class for which they are invoked(类方法与静态方法的声明方式相似,不过,第一个参数为类对象。而静态方法不需要为实例对象或类对象). This has no C++ or Java equivalent(在C++或Java中没有对应的东西), and is not quite the same as what class methods are in Smalltalk(与Smalltalk中的类方法很不一样,没学过), but may serve a similar purpose. (Python also has real metaclasses, and perhaps methods defined in a metaclass have more right to the name “class method”; but I expect that most programmers won’t be using metaclasses.) Here’s an example:
def foo(cls, y):
print “classmethod”, cls, y
foo = classmethod(foo)
C.foo(1)c = C()c.foo(1)
Both the call C.foo(1) and the call c.foo(1) end up calling foo() with two arguments(使用类对象或实例对象来调用类方法最终是一样的,同静态类方法), and print “classmethod __main__.C 1″. The first argument of foo() is implied(第一个参数是隐含的), and it is the class(是类), even if the method was invoked via an instance. Now let’s continue the example:
class D(C):
D.foo(1)d = D()d.foo(1)
This prints “classmethod __main__.D 1″ in other words, the class passed as the first argument of foo() is the class involved in the call, not the class involved in the definition of foo().
But notice this:
class E(C):
def foo(cls, y): # override C.foo
print “E.foo() called”
foo = classmethod(foo)
E.foo(1)e = E()e.foo(1)
In this example, the call to C.foo() from E.foo() will see class C as its first argument, not class E. This is to be expected, since the call specifies the class C. But it stresses the difference between these class methods and methods defined in metaclasses, where an upcall to a metamethod would pass the target class as an explicit first argument. (If you don’t understand this, don’t worry, you’re not alone.
— limodou @ 2:25 pm
— limodou @ 8:43 pm
Introspecting instances of built-in types
For instances of built-in types (and for new-style classes in general), x.__class__ is now the same as type(x):
&&& type([])&type ‘list’&&&& [].__class__&type ‘list’&&&& list&type ‘list’&&&& isinstance([], list)1&&& isinstance([], dict)0&&& isinstance([], object)1&&&
对于内置类型的实例(通常是new-style class的实例),x.__class__现在与type(x)是一样的。(因此在一些文章中你会看到type(x)就表示x的父类或基类。因为object是所有类的基类,因此isinstance([], object)返回为True。这里用得是1,但现在已经改为True和False了。)
In classic , the method names of lists were available as the __methods__ attribute of list objects, with the same effect as using the built-in dir() function:
Python 2.1 (#30, Apr 18 :18) [GCC egcs-2.91.66 /Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)] on linux2Type “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information.&&& [].__methods__['append', 'count', 'extend', 'index', 'insert', 'pop','remove', 'reverse', 'sort']&&& &&& dir([])['append', 'count', 'extend', 'index', 'insert', 'pop','remove', 'reverse', 'sort']
在classic Python中(python 2.2版之前),列表的方法名可以使用列表对象的__methods__来得到,这同使用内置的dir()函数的效果一样。
Under the new proposal, the __methods__ attribute no longer exists:
Python 2.2c1 (#803, Dec 13 :05) [GCC egcs-2.91.66 /Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)] on linux2Type “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information.&&& [].__methods__Traceback (most recent call last):
File “&stdin&”, line 1, in ?AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘__methods__’&&&
Instead, you can get the same information from the dir() function, which gives more information:
&&& dir([])['__add__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__','__delitem__', '__eq__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__','__getitem__', '__getslice__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__iadd__','__imul__', '__init__', '__le__', '__len__', '__lt__', '__mul__','__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__repr__', '__rmul__','__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__setslice__', '__str__', 'append','count', 'extend', 'index', 'insert', 'pop', 'remove', 'reverse','sort']&&&
The new dir() gives more information than the old one: in addition to the names of instance variables and regular methods, it also shows the methods that are normally invoked through special notations, like __iadd__ (+=), __len__ (len), __ne__ (!=).
新的dir()给出的信息比新的更多:除了给出实例变量的名称和正常的方法以外,它还给出通常是通过特别标记来调用的方法,如:__iadd__(+=), __len__(len), __ne__(!=)。
More about the new dir() function:
dir() on an instance (classic or new-style) shows the instance variables as well as the methods and class attributes defined by the instance’s class and all its base classes.
dir() on a class (classic or new-style) shows the contents of the __dict__ of the class and all its base classes. It does not show class attributes that are defined by a metaclass. 对一个类(classic或new-style)使用dir()会显示类的__dict__中的内容,以及所有基类中__dict__中的内容(也就是类属性)。但并不显示通过metaclass来定义的属性。
dir() on a module shows the contents of the module’s __dict__. (This is unchanged.)
dir() without arguments shows the caller’s local variables. (Again, unchanged.)
There’s a new C API that implements the dir() function: PyObject_Dir().
Th in particular, for objects that override __dict__ or __class__, these are honored, and for backwards compatibility, __members__ and __methods__ are honored if they are defined.
You can use a method of a built-in type as an “unbound method”:
&&& a = ['tic', 'tac']&&& list.__len__(a)
# same as len(a)2&&& list.append(a, ‘toe’)
# same as a.append(‘toe’)&&& a['tic', 'tac', 'toe']&&&
This is just like using an unbound method of a user-defined class – and similarly, it’s mostly useful from inside a subclass method, to call the corresponding base class method.
Unlike user-defined classes, you cannot change built-in types: attempts to assign an attribute of a built-in type raises a TypeError, and their __dict__ is a read-only proxy object. The restriction on attribute assignment is lifted for new-style user-defined classes, including subclasses of built- however even those have a read-only __dict__ proxy, and you must use attribute assignment to replace or add a method of a new-style class. Example session:
不象用户自定义的类,你不能改变built-in type:试图向一个build-in type的属性(已存在的)赋值会引发一个TypeError异常,而且它们的__dict__是一个只读的proxy(代理)对象。对属性赋值的限制也对new-style的用户自定义的类起作用,包括从built-in type派生的子类。然而尽管有着只读的__dict__代理,你也必需使用属性赋值来向new-style class替换或添加方法。(好奇怪,看下面的例子)
&&& list.append
#list有一个append方法&method ‘append’ of ‘list’ objects&&&& list.append = list.append
#不可以对built-in list的属性作出修改Traceback (most recent call last):
File “&stdin&”, line 1, in ?TypeError: can’t set attributes of built-in/extension type ‘list’&&& list.answer = 42
#也不可以向list增加新的属性Traceback (most recent call last):
File “&stdin&”, line 1, in ?TypeError: can’t set attributes of built-in/extension type ‘list’&&& list.__dict__['append'] #在list中的__dict__中可以找到append方法&method ‘append’ of ‘list’ objects&&&& list.__dict__['answer'] = 42
#list的__dict__是只读的Traceback (most recent call last):
File “&stdin&”, line 1, in ?TypeError: object does not support item assignment&&& class L(list):
pass… &&& L.append = list.append
#可以对子类使用属性赋值&&& L.answer = 42&&& L.__dict__['answer']
#L的__dict__中有新加的属性42&&& L.__dict__['answer'] = 42
#但直接使用L的__dict__是不允许的Traceback (most recent call last):
File “&stdin&”, line 1, in ?TypeError: object does not support item assignment&&&
For the curious: there are two reasons why changing built-in classes is disallowed. First, it would be too easy to break an invariant of a built-in type that is relied upon elsewhere, either by the standard library, or by the run-time code. Second, when Python is embedded in another application that creates multiple Python interpreters, the built-in class objects (being statically allocated data structures) are shared betw thus, code running in one interpreter might wreak havoc on another interpreter, which is a no-no.
为什么不允许修改built-in class有两个原因。第一,会很容易破坏那些依赖这些built-in type的不变 性的标准库或运行代码。第二,当Python嵌入到另一种创建多个Python解释器的应用程序中时,built-in class对象(静态分配数据结构)是在所有解释器中 共享的,因此运行在一个解释器中的代码可能会别的解释器造成破坏,这是要禁止的。
对于built-in type,不可以增加新的属性,不可以修改存在的属性。通过__dict__可以读出,不能修改,因为它是dictproxy类型,是只读的。
对于new-style class或从built-in派生来的子类,可以通过属性赋值来增加属性和替换存在的属性。可以通过__dict__来读出属性,不能直接通过__dict__来增加和修改属性,因为它是只读的。
— limodou @ 4:04 pm
Built-in types as factory functions
The previous section showed that an instance of the built-in subtype defaultdict can be created by calling defaultdict(). This is expected, because this also works for classic classes. But here’s a new feature: built-in base types themselves can also be instantiated by calling the type directly.(type是可以用来生成新的类,而且它是类的工厂函数。但如何做,没试出来。)
For several built-in types, there are already factory functions named after the type in classic , for example str() and int(). I’ve changed these built-ins so that they are now names for the corresponding types. While this changes the type of these names from built-in function to built-in type, I don’t expect that this will create backward compatibility problems: I’ve made sure that the types can be called with exactly the same argument lists as the former functions. (They can also generally be called without arguments, producing an object with a suitable default value, s this is new.)
在classic python 中,对于几种内置type,已经存在工厂函数,它们的命名与类型相一致,象str()和int()。我(Guido)已经改动了这些内置方法,这样它们都是用对应的类型来命名的。同时这也导致这些类型从built-in函数变成为built-in type(变化挺大)。我(Guido)不认为这样会产生向后兼容问题:我已经确保这些类型可以用同以前一样的函数参数列表来进行调用(调用方法没有变化)。(它们也可以不用参数进行调用,这样产生的的对象带有一个合适的缺省值,如0或空。这是新的。)
These are the affected built-ins:
int([number_or_string[, base_number]])
complex([number_or_string[, imag_number]])
unicode([string[, encoding_string]])
type(object) or type(name_string, bases_tuple, methods_dict)
The signature of type() requires an explanation: traditionally, type(x) returns the type of object x, and this usage is still supported. However, type(name, bases, methods) is a new usage that creates a brand new type object. (This gets into , and I won’t go into this further here except to note that this signature is the same as that used by the Don Beaudry hook of metaclass fame.)
传统上,type(x)返回对象x的类型,并且这一用法仍然是支持的。然而,type(name, bases, methods)是一种新的用法,可以生成崭新的type对象(可以理解为新的type或class,这已经属于metaclass的用法了)。
There are also a few new built-ins that follow the same pattern. These have been described above or will be described below:
dict([mapping_or_iterable]) – ret the optional argument must be either a mapping whose items are copied, or a sequence of 2-tuples of length 2 giving the (key, value) pairs to be inserted into the new dictionary
object([...]) – return a ne arguments are ignored
classmethod(function) – see below
staticmethod(function) – see below
super(class_or_type[, instance]) – see below
property([fget[, fset[, fdel[, doc]]]]) – see below
The purpose of this change is twofold. First, this makes it convenient to use any of these types as a base class in a class statement. Second, it makes testing for a specific type a little easier: rather than writing type(x) is type(0), you can now write isinstance(x, int).
这种改变有双重意义。首先,可以很容易地在class语句中把它们用成基类。其次,在测试某种类型时相对容易:比起type(x) is type(0)来,你现在可以写为 isinstance(x, int)。
Which reminds me. The second argument of isinstance() may now be a tuple of classes or types. For example, isinstance(x, (int, long)) returns true when x is an int or a long (or an instance of a subclass of either of those types), and similarly isinstance(x, (str, unicode)) tests for a string of either variety. We didn’t do this to issubclass().
isinstance()的第二个参数现在可以是一个class或type的tuple。例如,isinstance(x, (int,long)),当x是一个int或long(或int和long类型的子类实例)时返回真。对于issubclass()却不能这样做(第二个参数是tuple)。
— limodou @ 10:40 pm
Subclassing built-in types
这里还用的是subclass,看有些文章已经不用subclass,而改用subtype这个词。这是为了区别于class专指classic class而来的。等到全部统一到new-style class时,使用subclass还是习惯一些吧。
这是2.2的一个明显的变化,built-in type可以被子类化了。不过,2.2版中已经把type和class合二为一统称为type了,这就非常的自然了。其实这里更主要的意思我认为是想说:以前的built-in type象list, dict原来是不可以被子类化的,现在已经可以子类化了。
Let’s start with the juiciest bit: you can subtype built-in types like dictionaries and lists. All you need is a name for a base class that is a built-in type and you’re in business.
There’s a new built-in name, “dict”, for the type of dictionaries. (In version 2.2b1 and before, this was called “dictionary”; while in general I don’t like abbreviations, “dictionary” was just too long to type, and we’ve been saying “dict” for years.)
Here’s an example of a simple dict subclass, which provides a “default value” that is returned when a missing key is requested:
class defaultdict(dict):
def __init__(self, default=None):
self.default = default
def __getitem__(self, key):
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
except KeyError:
return self.default
This example shows a few things. The __init__() method extends the dict.__init__() method. Like __init__() methods are wont to do, it has a different argument list than the base class __init__() method. Likewise, the __getitem__() method extends the base class __getitem__() method.
The __getitem__() method could also be written as follows, using the new “key in dict” test introduced in
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key in self:
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
return self.default
2.2 中新引进的”key in dict”的条件判断。(这种用法其实相当于:key in dict.keys()。)
I believe that this version is less efficient, because it does the key lookup twice. The exception would be when we expect that the requested key is almost never in the dictionary: then setting up the try/except statement is more expensive than the failing “key in self” test.
不过上面的新版本效率有些低,因为它要查找键值两次(一次是key in self,一次就是真正把值取出来)。然而使用异常机制的代价要比”key in self”判断高一些。(没做过测试,我想可能要看字典的大小吧。)
To be complete, the get() method should probably also be extended, to make it use the same default as __getitem__():
def get(self, key, *args):
if not args:
args = (self.default,)
return dict.get(self, key, *args)
(Although this function is declared with a variable-length argument list, it really should only be called with
if more are passed, the base class method call will raise a TypeError exception.)
We’re not restricted to extending methods defined on the base class. Here’s a useful method that does something similar to update(), but keeps existing values rather than overwriting them with new values if a key exists in both dictionaries:
def merge(self, other):
for key in other:
if key not in self:
self[key] = other[key]
This uses the new “key not in dict” test as well as the new “for key in dict:” to iterate efficiently (without making a copy of the list of keys) over all keys in a dictionary. It doesn’t require the other argument to be a defaultdict or even a dictionary: any mapping object that supports “for key in other” and other[key] will do.
我们并没有限制只可以扩展在基类中存在的方法。这里有一个有用的方法可以实现与update()相似的功能,但当一个键存在时,它是保持对应的值不变,而不是象update一样,覆盖对应的值。它也使用了新的”kek not in dict”判断和新的”for key in dict”来有效地列取(不用生成键列表的拷贝)一个字典中所有键。merge方法并不要求另一个参数是defaultdict类型或dict类型:任何支持”for key in order”和other[key]的映射类型的对象都可以使用。(其实从这里看,Python中就已经有interface的概念,但因为Python获得一个对象的方法非常容易,就是a.x就行,因此并不需要显示有一种interface的定义。不过,这也造成,我们一般是通过一些文档来描述interface的信息,而没有特别的强制手段来保证传入的对象是满足条件的。只有运行的时候引发异常,可能才会知道我们传入的对象是存在问题的。现在许多framework正在试图定制强制手段来实现interface的可见性,象zope 3x中就大量使用了interface。可以阅读我的这篇Blog看一看了解一些Python中Interface的使用习惯。)
Here’s the new type at work:
&&& print defaultdict # show our type&class ‘__main__.defaultdict’&&&& print type(defaultdict) # its metatype&type ‘type’&&&& a = defaultdict(default=0.0) # create an instance&&& print a # show the instance{}&&& print type(a) # show its type&class ‘__main__.defaultdict’&&&& print a.__class__ # show its class&class ‘__main__.defaultdict’&&&& print type(a) is a.__class__ # its type is its class1&&& a[1] = 3.25 # modify the instance&&& print a # show the new value{1: 3.25}&&& print a[1] # show the new item3.25&&& print a[0] # a non-existant item0.0&&& a.merge({1:100, 2:200}) # use a dictionary method&&& print a # show the result{1: 3.25, 2: 200}&&&
We can also use the new type in contexts where classic only allows “real” dictionaries, such as the locals/globals dictionaries for the exec statement or the built-in function eval():
&&& print a.keys()[1, 2]&&& exec “x = 3; print x” in a3&&& print a.keys()['__builtins__', 1, 2, 'x']&&& print a['x']3&&&
However, our __getitem__() method is not used for variable access by the interpreter:
&&& exec “print foo” in aTraceback (most recent call last):File “&stdin&”, line 1, in ?File “&string&”, line 1, in ?NameError: name ‘foo’ is not defined&&&
Why doesn’t this print 0.0? The interpreter uses an internal function to access the dictionary, which bypasses our __getitem__() override. I admit that this can be a problem (although it is only a problem in this context, when a dict subclass is used as a locals/globals dictionary); it remains to be seen if I can fix this without compromising performance in the common case.
Now we’ll see that defaultdict instances have dynamic instance variables, just like classic classes:
&&& a.default = -1&&& print a["noway"]-1&&& a.default = -1000&&& print a["noway"]-1000&&& print a.__dict__.keys()['default']&&& a.x1 = 100&&& a.x2 = 200&&& print a.x1100&&& print a.__dict__.keys()['default', 'x2', 'x1']&&& print a.__dict__{’default’: -1000, *: 200, *: 100}&&&
我们可以看到defaultdict的实例拥有动态的实例变量。象classic class一样。你可以修改它。
This is not
in particular, using a separate dictionary to hold a single instance variable doubles the memory used by a defaultdict instance compared to using a regular dictionary! There’s a way to avoid this:
class defaultdict2(dict):
__slots__ = ['default']
def __init__(self, default=None):
…(like before)…
The __slots__ declaration takes a list of instance variables, and reserves space in the instance for exactly these in the instance. When __slots__ is used, other instance variables cannot be assigned to:
&&& a = defaultdict2(default=0.0)&&& a[1]0.0&&& a.default = -1&&& a[1]-1&&& a.x1 = 1Traceback (most recent call last):File “&stdin&”, line 1, in ?AttributeError: ‘defaultdict2′ object has no attribute *&&&
Some noteworthy tidbits and warnings about __slots__:
An undefined slot variable will raise AttributeError as expected. (Note that in
2.2b2 and earlier, slot variables had the value None by default, and “deleting” them restores this default value.) 一个未定义的slot变量将按我们所期望地引发AttributeError异常。(注意在
You cannot use a class attribute to define a default value for an instance variable defined by __slots__. The __slots__ declaration creates a class attribute containing a descriptor for each slot, and setting a class attribute to a default value would overwrite this descriptor. 你不能使用类属性来为使用__slots__定义的实例变量提供缺省值。__slots__声明会为每一个slot变量创建一个包含descriptor(描述符)的类属性,而设置类属性为一个缺省值会覆盖这个descriptor。(通过在类定义中声明类属性一般可以为实例对象提供一个属性的缺省值,但是使用__slots__时不要这么做。关于descriptor又是漫漫长路,详情参见。其实在2.3+的文档中已经有descriptor的描述,但感觉不易懂,可能是语言的缘故,看这篇文章可能会好一些。)
There’s no check to prevent name conflicts between the slots defined in a class and the slots defined in its base classes. If a class defines a slot that’s also defined in a base class, the instance variable defined by the base class slot is inaccessible (except by retrieving its descriptor directly this could be used to rename it). Doing this renders the meaning of yo a check to prevent this may be added in the future. 没有检查来阻止一个类中定义的slots和基类中定义的slots产生的名字冲突问题。如果一个类定义了一个slot,并且这个slot也定义在基类中,那么基类中定义的实例变量是不可访问的(除非直接从基类的descriptor来获取,这样可以用来重命名)。这样做会致使你的程序未被定义(还有这种意思?)。以后会加入对此的检查。
Instances of a class that uses __slots__ don’t have a __dict__ (unless a base class defines a __dict__); but instances of derived classes of it do have a __dict__, unless their class also uses __slots__. 使用了__slots__的类实例不能再有__dict__(除非一个基类定义了__dict__)。但从它派生的类可以拥有一个__dict__,除非它也使用了__slots__。
You can define an object with no instance variables and no __dict__ by using __slots__ = []. 你不能定义通过定义__slots__=[]来定义一个即没有实例变量,又没有__dict__的对象。
You cannot use slots with “variable-length” built-in types as base class. Variable-length built-in types are long, str and tuple.你不能把slots用在以“可变长度”的built-in type作为基类的类上。可变长度built-in type是long, str和tuple。(long也算可变长度真是很奇怪,而dict却不算。)
A class using __slots__ does not support weak references to its instances, unless one of the strings in the __slots__ list equals “__weakref__”. (In Python 2.3, this feature has been extended to “__dict__”) 一个使用了__slots__的类不支持对实例的弱引用(weak reference),除非在__slots__列表中的一个字符串等于”__weakref__”。(在Python 2.3中,这一特性已经被扩展到”__dict__”上)(我试了试,如果在__slots__中加入了__dict__,我就可以定义在slots之外的实例变量了。)
&&& class A(object):…
__slots__=['x', '__dict__']&&& a=A()&&& a.b=1
The __slots__ variable doesn’ any non-string that can be iterated over will do, and the values returned by the iteration are used as the slot names. In particular, a dictionary can be used. You can also use a single string, to declare a single slot. However, in the future, an additional meaning may be assigned to using a dictionary, for example, the dictionary values may be used to restrict the type of an instance variable or
the effect of using something that’s not a list renders the meaning of your program undefined. __slots__变量不一定是一个list,任何可以被列举的非字符串都可以是,并且列举所返回的值将作为slot的名字。特别是,可以使用字典。你也可以使用单个字符串来声明一个单一slot。然而,在未来,可能对于使用字典会赋予特别的意义,例如,字典值可以用来限制一个实例变量的类型,或提供一个doc string。使用非列表的东西会致使你的程序处于非定义的意思。
Note that while in general operator overloading works just as for classic classes, there are some differences. (The biggest one is the lack of support for __coerce__; new-style classes should always use the new-style numeric API, which passes the other operand uncoerced to the __add__ and __radd__ methods, etc.)
There’s a new way of overriding attribute access. The __getattr__ hook, if defined, works the same way as it does for classic classes: it is only called if the regular way of searching for the attribute doesn’t find it. But you can now also override __getattribute__, a new operation that is called for all attribute references.
有一种新的覆盖属性访问的方式。如果定义了__getattr__钩子,它将同classic class一样的方式工作。只有当正常查找的属性找不到时它才会被调用。但你也可以覆盖__getattribute__,它可以用来对所有的属性引用进行处理。
When overriding __getattribute__, bear in mind that it is easy to cause infinite recursion: whenever __getattribute__ references an attribute of self (even self.__dict__!), it is called recursively. (This is similar to __setattr__, which gets called for all a __getattr__ can also suffer from this when it is carelessly written and references a non-existent attribute of self.)
The correct way to get any attribute from self inside __getattribute__ is to call the base class’s __getattribute__ method, in the same way any method that overrides a base class method can call the base class method: Base.__getattribute__(self, name). (See also the discussion of
below if you want to be correct in a multiple inheritance world.)
从self获得任何属性的正确的方法是在__getattribute__中调用基类的__getattribute__方法,同其它调用基类方法一样:Base.__getattribute__(self, name)。(如果想要正确处理多得继承,看后面对super的讨论)
Here’s an example of overriding __getattribute__ (really extending it, since the overriding method calls the base class method):
class C(object):
def __getattribute__(self, name):
print “accessing %r.%s” % (self, name)
return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
A note about __setattr__: sometimes attributes are not stored in self.__dict__ (for example when using __slots__ or properties, or when using a built-in base class). The same pattern as for __getattribute__ applies, where you call the base class __setattr__ to do the actual work. Here’s an example:
class C(object):
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if hasattr(self, name):
raise AttributeError, “attributes are write-once”
object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
C++ programmers may find it useful to realize that this form of subtyping in Python is implemented very similarly to single-inheritance subclassing in C++, with __class__ in the role of the vtable.
There’s much more that could be explained (like the __metaclass__ declaration, and the __new__ method), but most of that is pretty esoteric. See
if you’re interested.
I’ll end with a list of caveats:
You can use multiple inheritance, but you can’t multiply inherit from different built-in types (for example, you can’t create a type that inherits from both the built-in dict and list types). This is a p it would require too many changes to Python’s object implementation to lift it. However, you can create mix-in classes by inheriting from “object”. This is a new built-in, naming the featureless base type of all built-in types under the new system. 你可以使用多重继承,但不能从不同的built-in type来多重继承(例如,不能创建一种type,同时从dict和list类型继承而来)。这是永久的限制。不这样限制的话,需要对Python做非常多的改动才可以适应。然而你可以通过从object继承来创造mix-in类。object是一种新的built-in,在新系统下为所有built-in type命名的无特性的基type。(Python已经是单根继承了,要记住。)
When using multiple inheritance, you can mix classic classes and built-in types (or types derived from built-in types) in the list of base classes. (This is new in Python 2.2b2; in earlier versions you couldn’t.) 当使用多重继承,你可以混合classic class和built-in type(或从built-in type继承来的类型)在基类列表中。(在Python 2.2b2中是新的,在更早的版本则不行)(那么结果到底是什么类型呢?是&type ‘type’&类型,你可以试一试。)
See also the general .
— limodou @ 9:35 pm
我想学习还是精读一些的好。这几天看了不少关于New-Style Class的文章,资料,想到一句话是“侯门深似海”,我现在的感觉是“OO深似海”。许多概念、原理、技术如果只是平时应用的话可能并不是很关心它的细节,只要能保证我正确使用就行了。因为每个人都有一种使用的习惯,在这种习惯下很多东西也许你不是很清楚为什么会这样,但是经验告诉我们,这样就不会有问题。但光会用对我来说是远远不够的,只有深入了解Python的细节,特别是OO的知识,有些东西你才可能明白。从这一段阅读 .list 上的邮件来看,有些东西已经很深入地涉及了象 New-Style Class这样的知识。如果你不具备这样的知识和经验,你很难明白别人在说什么。就是象我前面介绍过的Lazy计算,看一看代码,别人也是用的Metaclass来实现的。因此,只有不停地学习才可以。
2.2 introduces the first phase of “type/class unification”. This is a series of changes to Python intended to remove most of the differences between built-in types and user-defined classes. Perhaps the most obvious one is the restriction against using built-in types (such as the type of lists and dictionaries) as a base class in a class statement. Andrew Kuchling’s
paper devotes one of its longest sections to this language deficiency. Incidentally, Andrew’s paper
gives a broad overview of what else is new in Python 2.2.
从Python 2.2开始就第一次引入了“type/class统一”的术语。Python作了一系列的改变以消除大部分built-in type和用户定义的类之间的不同。其中最明显的变化可能就是可以在一个class语句中把built-in type作为基类,如list和dict。
This is one of the biggest changes to Python ever, and yet it can be done with very few backwards incompatibilities. The changes are described in minute detail in a series of
(Python Enhancement Proposals). PEPs are not designed to be tutorials, and the PEPs describing the type/class unification are sometimes hard to read. They also aren’t finished yet. That’s where this paper comes in: it introduces the key elements of the type/class unification for the average Python programmer.
这些改变在一系列的PEPs中有详细的描述。PEP不是教程,而且有时很难读懂。(的确如此,有些PEP不仅写了如何做,还有怎么做,看起来是够复杂的,至今我也没看过几篇。)这篇论文讲述了type/class unification中一些主要的元素,是给普通的Python程序员看的。
A bit of terminology: “classic Python” refers to Python 2.1 (and its patch releases such as 2.1.1) or earlier versions, while “classic classes” refer to classes defined with a class statement that does not have a built-in object amongst its bases: either because it has no bases, or because all of its bases are classic classes themselves – applying the definition recursively.
classic classes 是指在一个class语句定义中,基类不包括built-in对象的类(或者是没有基类,或者所有的基类都是classic class)。这是一种循环定义。
Classic classes are still a special category in Python 2.2. Eventually they will be totally unified with types, but because of additional backwards incompatibilities, this will be done after 2.2 is released (maybe not before Python 3.0). I’ll try to say “type” when I mean a built-in type, and “class” when I’m referring to a classic class or something
if it wouldn’t be clear from the context which interpretation is meant, I’ll try to be explicit, using “classic class” or “class or type”.
Classic class 在Python 2.2中仍然是一种特别的种类。最后它们终将被type所同化,但由于所带来的向后不兼容,这一过程将可能在2.2发布之后(也许在Python 3.0发布之前)完成。(Guido是在2.2发布时写的这篇论文,要记住。既然如此,建议大家以后编程还是直接用New-Style class好了,早用早好。)以后type是指built-in type,而class是指classic class或诸如此类的东西。如果从上下文很难分清某种解释是什么意思,将试着明确使用”classic class”或”class 或 type”。
那么我们可以理解为:type就是new-style class的称呼,而class已经专指classic class。由于现存两种不同OO机制,看上去的确挺乱的。那么在这篇文章我们可以这样理解。如果大家全部统一到new-style class上来,是用type还是class可能就无所谓了。不过,这篇文章很强调built-in type。为什么呢?因为对于new-style class来说,要么从object继承而来,要么从type继承而来,而且这种继承是在class语句中显示指明的。而object,type就是built-type。因此这一点就成为new-style class与classic class的根本区别。
— limodou @ 4:59 pm
&&& class A(object):…
def abstract(self):…
raise “You should implement this method”
&&& class B(A):…
&&& a=B()&&& a.abstract()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “&pyshell#8&”, line 1, in -toplevel-
File “&pyshell#3&”, line 3, in abstract
raise “You should implement this method”You should implement this method
可以看出,当在子类的实例上调用未在基类实现的方法时,会引发一个异常。不过,这也有一个问题,那就是如果一直没有调用这个未实现的方法,Python 是不会告诉你哪个方法未在子类中实现的。
写一个decorator方法,它的作用是给每个指定为abstract的函数加一个属性,用于指明此函数为abstract函数。在文章中是: f.abstract = True
不过,使用这种方法要求你在基类中一定要使用super(Class, self).__init__来调用父类的初始化函数,以保证对abstract函数能在初始化时被检查出来。
不过,记得在 python.list 邮件列表中看到过有关在Python中实现纯虚函数的讨论(很有趣)。
— limodou @ 12:59 pm
PSF是Python Software Foundation的简称。在今年它第一次发起资助项目,今年有60多个提议被发起,最终有三个项目被批准进行资助。它们是:
Brian Zimmer will manage the project
Ilya Etingof will manage the project
Greg Wilson will manage the project
— limodou @ 12:16 pm
— limodou @ 10:44 pm
Pythoner in 中国


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