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1. Here is a previous post on the topic of comparable worth.
2. If you are unhappy with your hotel room, we will give you another of comparable worth.
如果您对您的房间不满意, 我们会给您另一间同等价格的房间.
1. 可比价值
心理学专业词汇翻译辞典 - MBA智库文档 ... comparable measure 可比数量 comparable worth 可比价值 comparative 比较的.
- 基于412个网页
2. 可比较价值
管理学英语专业词汇 ... cohesiveness 凝聚力 comparable worth 可比较价值 confrontation meeting 碰头会.
- 基于27个网页
A) 香港男女工作的“可比值”(Comparable Worth)问题
- 基于15个网页
4. 同值同酬
...业法案(affirmative action),“同值同酬”(comparable worth),双语、双文化的教育与服务。
- 基于14个网页
1. 比较收入和净值
Please furnish comparative earnings and net worth figures for the past five years ., 请装备比较收入和净值图过去五年.
- 基于1个网页
1. 相对价值
there is a definite trend in many organizations toward a market- that is , salaries are aligned with the comparative worth of the job in the marketplace .很多组织都有朝市场机制发展的趋势;也就是说工资要根据工资在市场中的相对价值来安排。
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comparable worth
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1. What is it worth?
(或Howmuch isit worth? )这值多少钱?
2. It is certainly worth checking up on your benefit entitlements.
3. By the time he's twenty he'll know everyone worth knowing in Washington.
4. Any coach worth his salt would do exactly as I did.
5. The directors of this company feel he's worth every penny.
(worth值得→adj.值得…的 n.价值 v.值…的,价值… prep.值得……的)
值得做的, 值得出力的 (worth值得+while→adj.值得做的, 值得出力的)
有价值的, 应……的, 可敬的, 值得的, 相称的 (worth值得+y表形容词→adj.有价值的, 应……的, 可敬的, 值得的, 相称的)
(worth值得→adj.值得…的 n.价值 v.值…的,价值… prep.值得……的)
值得……的 (worth值得→adj.值得…的 n.价值 v.值…的,价值… prep.值得……的)
(worth值得→adj.值得…的 n.价值 v.值…的,价值… prep.值得……的)
崇拜,敬仰;做礼拜 (wor=worth值得+ship状态→认为值得[信任]→尊敬)
for all someone is worth informal 非正式
1. 尽力,拼命
he thumps the drums for all he's worth.
2. 榨干某人所有
the youths milked him for all he was worth and then disappeared.
for what it is worth
1. 不论真伪;不论好坏
for what it's worth, she's very highly thought of abroad.
1. (非正式)值得的;值得麻烦的;值得花钱的
it requires a bit of patience to learn, but it's well worth it.
worth one's salt
1. it requires a bit of patience to learn, but it's well worth it.
for all (one) is worth
1. 尽全力:至某人力量或能力的极限
for what it's worth
1. 不论好坏:即使可能不重要或价值不大
Here's my advice, for what it's worth.
1. “价值;利益;重要”释义下的同义词
: 侧重指使用价值,着重人、物或事所具有的重要性、用途或优秀品质等。
worth, worthy, worthwhile这些词均可表“值得的”之意。
: 前置词,后接名词或相当于名词的词,指做某事有一定价值或意义。
: 形容词,与worth同义,但搭配不相同。
: 形容词,用作表语或定语,指某事物是值得的,或某事是值得做的。
v-link worth amount
价值;值…钱 If something is worth a particular amount of money, it can be sold for that amount or is considered to have that value.&
These books might be worth ?80 or ?
90 or more to a collector... 这些书对收藏家而言可能值八九十英镑或更多。
His mother inherited a farm worth 15,000 dollars a year...
The contract was worth ?25 million a year.
(与金额连用)价值… Worth combines with amounts of money, so that when you talk about a particular amount of money's worth of something, you mean the quantity of it that you can buy for that amount of money.&
【搭配模式】:QUANT of n
I went and bought about six dollars' worth of potato chips...
Large numbers of deer now roam the forests and are causing thousands of millions of roubles-worth of damage.
Worth is also a pronoun.
'How many do you want?' — 'I'll have a pound's worth.'
(与时间连用)可维持…(时间) Worth combines with time expressions, so you can use worth when you are saying how long an amount of something will last. For example, a week's worth of food is the amount of food that will last you for a week.&
【搭配模式】:QUANT of n
You've got three years' worth of research money to do what you want with...
After an hour and a quarter's-worth of cleansing, toning and pampering, the difference to the way my skin felt was remarkable.
Worth is also a pronoun.
There's really not very much food down there. About two weeks' worth.
v-link worth -ing
值得(拥有) If you say that something is worth having, you mean that it is pleasant or useful, and therefore a good thing to have.&
He's decided to get a look at the house and see if it might be worth buying...
If this was what his job required, then the job wasn't really worth having...
Most things worth having never come easy.
v-link worth n/-ing
具有(某一行动)的价值;值得(做) If something is worth a particular action, or if an action is worth doing, it is considered to be important enough for that action.&
No one is worth a great deal of sacrifice...
I am spending a lot of money and time on this boat, but it is worth it...
This restaurant is well worth a visit...
(某人的)价值,用处,重要性 Someone's worth is the value, usefulness, or importance that they are considered to have.&
【搭配模式】:usu with poss
【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式
He had never had a woman of her worth as a friend...
The team would have need of a driver of his worth.
拼命地; 全力以赴地;热情高涨地 If you do something for all you are worth, you do it with a lot of energy and enthusiasm.&
【搭配模式】:V inflects
We both began waving to the crowd for all we were worth...
Push for all you're worth!
尽可能地利用;充分利用 If someone does something for all it is worth, they do it as much as possible and for as long as they can get benefit from it.&
【搭配模式】:V inflects
You get anywhere with legal aid only by playing the system for all it is worth.
...taking an idea and exploiting it for all it's worth.
(尤为避免显得傲慢)不管好坏,不管有没有用 If you add for what it's worth to something that you say, you are suggesting that what you are saying or referring to may not be very valuable or helpful, especially because you do not want to appear arrogant.&
【搭配模式】:PHR with cl
For what it's worth, my feeling is that ice in whisky is fine...
I've brought my notes, for what it's worth.
(行为或活动)值得…去做,对…有好处 If an action or activity is worth someone's while, it will be helpful, useful, or enjoyable for them if they do it, even though it requires some effort.&
【搭配模式】:v-link PHR
It might be worth your while to go to court and ask for the agreement to be changed...
You'll find it well worth your while to learn something of each island's special features before visiting them.
worth your weight in gold→see:
1. (表示比率)值(多少钱), 值得;有…价值;值…钱
The picture is worth at least twenty pounds.
The novel is worth reading.
2. (表示归属)拥有(财产等)
3. (指行动)值得,有价值
4. 值得(费周折)
1. 价值, 意义, 作用
2. 价值(十元、40 英镑等)的东西
3. 能用(一个星期、一个月等)的东西
1. an indefinite quantity of something havi
"10 dollars worth of gasoline"
2. the quality that renders something desirable or valuable or useful
项目管理术语英汉对照表 - MBA智库百科 ... Work-to-Go 尚未完成的工作 Worth 价值 Written 书面信息.
- 基于6392个网页
新东方六级高频词汇整理_百度文库 ... vulnerable a. 易受伤的 worth a. 值得第二节六级核心副词 deliberately ad. 故意,有意地.
- 基于3904个网页
新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... pound 英镑 worth 值…钱 penny 便士第91 课.
- 基于712个网页
高中英语必修2_百度百科 ... with the help of 在……的帮助下 worth prep. 值得的;相当于……的价值 zone n. 地域;地带;地区.
- 基于685个网页
1. 个人价值
安利_互动百科 ... 诚信( Integrity) 个人价值(personal worth)( Personal Worth) 成就( Achievement).
- 基于1992个网页
1. 可比价值
心理学专业词汇翻译辞典 - MBA智库文档 ... comparable measure 可比数量 comparable worth 可比价值 comparative 比较的.
- 基于412个网页
1. 资本净值
财会术语表 - MBA智库百科 ... Net sales 销售净额 Net worth 资本净值 nonoperating items 营业外项目.
- 基于790个网页
2. 资产净值
会计英语 ... net realizable value 可变现净值 net worth 资产净值 network analysis 网络分析.
- 基于692个网页
Learn Chinese Simplified Characters ... 不予 : not grant 不值 : not worth 不智 : unwise.
- 基于168个网页
not worth a damn
1. 没价值的,没用的,没意义的
This pen is not worth a damn.
not worth a plugged nickel
1. 没价值的,没什么用处的,不起什么作用的
His word isn't worth a plugged nickel.
Mary isn't worth a plugged nickel at baseball.
WORTH ( 沃思 ) WORTH 源自于英文单词,worth英音:[wə:θ]美音:[wɝθ] 中文可读作沃思,译为价值。 词典解释 形容词a. [F] 1. 有(...的)价值,值。.. This necklace is worth 1,000 US dollars. 这条项链值一千美元。 2. 值得(做。..) That novel is not worth reading. 那部小说不值得一读。 The exhibition is worth a visit. 这展览值得一看。 3. 拥有。..价值的财产的 名词n. [U] 1. 价值 This research
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Comparable Worth - Pay Equity
Equal Pay for Work of Comparable Value
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Comparable worth is shorthand for &equal pay for work of equal value& or &equal pay for work of comparable worth.& The doctrine of &comparable worth& is an attempt to remedy the inequities of pay which result from a long history of sex-segregated jobs and different pay scales for &female& and &male& jobs. Market rates, in this view, reflect past discriminatory practices, and cannot be the only basis of deciding current pay equity.
Comparable worth systems seek to compensate jobs held primarily by women or men more equitably by comparing the educational and skill requirements, task activities, and responsibility in different jobs, and attempting to compensate each job in relation to such factors rather than the traditional pay history of the jobs. Thus, the job of a licensed practical nurse (held mostly by women) might compare more equally to the job of an electrician (held mostly by men), and compensation adjusted accordingly. In most actual implementations of comparable worth, the pay of the lower-paid group is adjusted upwards, and the pay of the higher-paid group is allowed to grow more slowly than it would have without the comparable worth system in place.
The Equal Pay Act and many court decisions on pay equity revolve around the requirement that the work being compared be &equal work.& Thus, when mainly men or mainly women are in a job, the pay of women and men may still be distributed unfairly, if the &male& jobs were traditionally compensated more highly in part because they were held by men, and the &female& jobs were compensated less well in part because they were held by women.
By using more objective standards applied to otherwise-different jobs, the effect is usually to increase pay to the jobs where women dominate in numbers. Often, the effect is also to equalize pay across racial lines as well.
Most comparable worth agreements have been the result of labor union negotiations or other agreements, and are more likely to be in the public sector than the private sector. The approach lends itself better to large organizations, whether public or private, and has little effect on such jobs as domestic workers, where few people work in each workplace.
The union AFSCME (American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees) has been particularly active in winning comparable worth agreements.
Opponents of comparable worth generally argue for the difficulty of judging true &worth& of a job, and for allowing the market forces to balance a variety of social values.
More on Comparable Worth:
- by Jo Freeman, 1984
- from Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University
Linda M. Blum. Between Feminism and Labor: The Significance of the Comparable Worth Movement. 1991.
Sara M. Evans, Barbara N. Nelson. Wage Justice : Comparable Worth and the Paradox of Technocratic Reform. .
Joan Acker. Doing Comparable Worth: Gender, Class, and Pay Equity. .
Helen Remick. Comparable Worth and Wage Discrimination. .
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《新东方·GMAT高频核心词汇》密切结合GMAT考试,从考点出发,以真题为蓝本,全面收录高频词条;主词条均配有权威英语释义,其释义筛选参考文章语境;主词条下附的同根/同义词及词组,可以拓展主词关联词汇,丰富考生词汇量;书中精选考试中出现的经典例句,有利于考生结合真题例句记忆单词,巩固学习效果。作&&&&者赵洪波出版社西安交通大学出版社页&&&&数473页开&&&&本32定&&&&价35.00类&&&&型考试出版日期日语&&&&种简体中文, 英语ISBN3, 品&&&&牌新东方图书
《新东方·GMAT高频核心词汇》编辑推荐:收词全面,充分拓展关联词汇;中英双解,根据语境提供释义;乱序编排,结合文章记忆单词;经典例句,突破长难及复杂句。赵洪波,北京新东方学校北美考试部知名教师。主讲GMAT阅读,逻辑.托福口语。曾获“北京新东方学校优秀教师”称号。并获得美国哥伦比亚大学颁发的“Teacher·Leader P rofessional Development”专业教师培训证书。Word List 1   Word List 2   Word List 3   Word List 4   Word List 5   Word List 6   Word List 7   Word List 8   Word List 9   Word List 10   Word List 11   Word List 12   Word List 13   Word List 14   Word List 15   Word List 16   Word List 17   Word List 18   Word List 19   Word List 20   Word List 21   Word List 22   Word List 23   Word List 24   Word List 25   Word List 26   Word List 27   Word List 28   Word List 29   Word List 30   附录1:GMAT数学专业术语   附录2:参考文献   索引GMAT(Graduate Management Admission Test)考试考查题材较多,涉及人文科学、自然科学、生命科学和经济管理等内容,这势必对各位考生的专业词汇具有很大的挑战。那么如何克服这些问题呢?对于应试而言,选择一本优秀的词汇书进行短期突破无疑是最直接和有效的方法。   何谓一本“优秀的GMAT词汇书”呢?以我的教学经验看,应该是涵盖真题考试词汇、包括真题例句或与真题同等难度的例句及其译文、具有权威英英解释,并且单词顺序安排合理。   本书以真题为蓝本,从考试考点出发,收录主词条、派生词及同义词约8000个词汇,按照主词条在真题文章出现的顺序排列,单词释义源自文章语境意义,且单词配有来自韦氏词典准确的英语解释和同义词;改编真题例句,给考生真实的语境,以“语境原理”背单词,即学即用,让考生在真实例句当中循环记忆单词,巩固记忆效果。例句配以中文译文,全方位解读核心词汇,有效解决考生句意理解不正确或理解有偏差的问题,从而在短时期内突破必考词汇,真正提升阅读理解能力。本书具有以下特点:   一、收词全面,采用乱序编排   本书密切结合新GMAT考试,全面收录真题中出现的词条,涵盖《GMAT官方指南(综合)》内容,GMAT Prep破解版以及GWD24套题所有阅读、逻辑和语法词条。单词排序方面,本书打破由A至Z的排列方式,避免单词记忆产生的A综合征,B综合征……Z综合征;打破单词按学科分类的方式,避免每个单元单词过于专业,打击背诵信心。本书按照以上备考资料的阅读理解、逻辑和语法单词在文章中出现的顺序排列。考生在背单词的同时可以结合手边的备考资料进行分类练习或三科交叉实战演练,最大限度解决考生单独查询文章生僻词汇的问题,从而节省出大量时间有效备考。   二、单元分类,按照文章来源循序渐进   本书共30个单元,第1单元~第13单元单词选自OG,第14单元~第22单元单词选自Prep,第23单元~第30单元单词选自GWD24套题,而且所有词汇以阅读、逻辑和语法为序。   例如,考生背完第1单元中由advance至approach的主词条后,就可以解决第13版OG新增加的一篇生命科学类文章(鱼群有效保护鱼不受捕食者的伤害)所有的生词、易混淆词组和长难复杂句,充分理解文章;与此同时根据主词条下面拓展的派生词、同义词和参考用法达到举一反三的记忆效果。另外,本书所选主词条以在真题中出现的先后为序,易于考生查找。   考生在背完第1单元~第13单元OG上的词汇后,可以利用官方推出的模考软件Prep在实践中进一步掌握第1单元~第13单元的生词。此时,一方面考生可以在不背诵第14单元~第22单元Prep生词的情况下进行练习,以利用OG题目的特点、方法和技巧来解题;另一方面,考生也可以先背完Prep生词,在没有任何生词的情况下做题,以验证自己对文章逻辑关系提炼和把握的能力。   在做完OG和Prep上面的题目后,考生可以背诵第23单元~第30单元选自GWD24套题的生词,做一些难度更大的题目,以巩固学习效果,提高应试能力。   考生可以利用以上的分类方式和方法,按照顺序记忆单词,在充分了解OG的出题模式、考查方式及应试技巧的基础上,利用Prep文章巩固学习效果并充分应用应试技巧,最后使用难度更大的GWD24套题有效突破高分。   三、经典例句,突破长难句及复杂句   GMAT考试长难复杂句较多,比如会出现现在分词、过去分词、介词和动词不定式后置作定语,以及同位语从句、定语从句、主语从句、宾语从句等多种不同的复杂从句。例如,However,the question still remains: have the gains already made in pay equity under comparable worth principles been of a precedent-setting nature or are they mostly transitory,a function of concessions made by employers to mislead female employees into believing that they have made long-term pay equity gains?...Neither compares tasks in dissimilar jobs (that is,jobs across occupational categories) in an effort to determine whether or not what is necessary to perform these tasks—know-how,problem-solving,and accountability—can be quantified in terms of its dollar value to the employer.   GMAT阅读文章的一般特点是喜新厌旧,标新立异,同情弱者,这些特点导致很多考生很难接受或理解作者的观点和态度,因此在长难句的理解方面产生困难。本书精选的经典例句充分体现了这些考试特点,从而帮助考生突破长难句,提高句子分析能力和理解能力,更好地了解文章整体逻辑结构,有针对性地备考。   四、精选词句,拓展考生对不同题材文章的背景知识   本书所选词汇均是真题高频词汇,例如According to Whig propaganda,women who turned out at the party&s rallies gathered information that enabled them to mold party-loyal families,reminded men of moral values that transcended party loyalty,and conferred moral standing on the party.句中confer在GWD24套题中出现了数次,是较为重要的关键词。掌握了这些高频词汇,就可以有效突破制约充分理解重点考句的单词瓶颈。   另外,本书所选例句改编自真题和权威的维基百科,以及《经济学家》、《金融时报》、《商业周报》等报刊,包括了人文科学、自然科学、社会科学、生命科学、经济管理类等题材,充分涵盖了GMAT考试考查的所有题材,可以有效拓展考生的背景知识,有针对性地为考生补充读文章时必要的专业知识。例如,(1)When the edge of one plate bends under another and its cooler material is consumed in the mantle,volcanic activity occurs as molten lava rises from the downgoing plate and erupts through the overlying one.(2)A third theory,proposed by Wynne-Edwards and termed “epideictic,” argues that organisms have evolved a “code” in the form of social or epideictic behavior displays,such as winter-roosting aggregations or group vocalizing; such codes provide organisms with information on population size in a region so that they can,if necessary,exercise reproductive restraint.(3)Firms traditionally claim that they downsize(i.e.,make permanent personnel cuts) for economic reasons,laying off supposedly unnecessary staff in an attempt to become more efficient and competitive. Organization theory would explain this reasoning as an example of the “economic rationality” that it assumes underlies all organizational activities.   五、英文释义,加强考生对单词和句子意思的准确理解   本书生僻词汇均配有来自韦氏词典权威的英语解释。传统的中文释义在某种程度上会使考生对句子的理解产生一定的偏差,为了更加有效地区分同义词和加强对句子的准确理解,本书特配了英语解释,帮助考生养成用英文思维理解英文句子的良好阅读习惯。例如,qualified这个词在韦氏词典中的英语释义是fitted (as by training or experience) for a given purpose; limited or modified in some way。这样考生就可以很好地理解qualified acceptance的意思了。   本书在编写过程中,得到了北京新东方大愚文化传播有限公司编辑们的支持和帮助,在此特向他们表示诚挚的谢意!   最后预祝各位考生考出好成绩,进入自己理想的商学院,实现自己的梦想!   赵洪波
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