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发布时间: 11:12:53
来  源:永嘉县统计局
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& & &&自第三次全国经济普查工作开展以来,岩头镇的普查员们个个任劳任怨,为了能早日高质量地完成经济普查工作,不拖进度后腿,他们充分利用中午和周末甚至晚上的时间上门普查,以高度的责任感、强烈的事业心、积极的状态投入到普查工作中去。其中,谢忠科同志积极的工作态度,吃苦耐劳的精神,尤其获得了镇经普办刘主任和分管领导的肯定。
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&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 工程建设项目中标候选人公示通告编号:yj2013056由永嘉县岩头镇人民政府建设的永嘉县岩头镇横坑溪河道治理工程招标,于日上午9:30分在永嘉县公共资源交易中心公开开标。按招标文件规定的评标方法,经评标委员会评定:第一中标候选人为:浙江梯梯建设有限公司(项目负责人:胡方英,技术负责人总工:陈岳明,技术负责人副总工:史旭晖),工期:720日历天,评标价元;第二中标候选人为:杭州萧宏建设集团有限公司(项目负责人:韩亚良,技术负责人总工:吕洪斌,技术负责人副总工:陈建芳),工期:720日历天,评标价元;根据《招标投标法》规定,予以公示。公示期限自日开始三个工作日。在公示期限内,投标人和其他利害关系人可通过来电、来函、来访的形式,向公共资源交易管理委员会办公室反映公示对象存在的问题。以单位名义反映问题的加盖公章,以个人名义反映问题的须署实名。反映的问题要求实事求是,客观公正提供真实、详尽的资料和依据。 &附未中标单位名单及废标原因:1、江西诚元建设工程有限公司:商务标绿化工程汇总表未按要求加盖园林专业全国建设工程造价员章2、河南水利建筑工程有限公司:施工员岗位证书未体现园林专业,及投标文件的诉讼仲裁未提供有关法院或仲裁机构作出的判决、裁决等有关法律文书复印件证明材料3、广厦建设集团有限责任公司:投标文件更改了招标人提供的工程量清单中的工程项目4、安徽水利开发股份有限公司:提供的施工员岗位证书未体现园林专业5、宏盛建业投资集团有限公司:未提供项目负责人B证及项目负责人执业证书原件6、江西省发达建筑集团有限公司:商务标景观绿化工程汇总表加盖的造价员章未体现园林专业&投诉受理部门:永嘉县公共资源交易管理委员会办公室&&&&&&&&&& 电话:9永嘉县公共资源交易中心&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 日
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温 州 管 辖
    Basic Overview
   Rock Town is located in Yongjia County, the
middle of the middle reaches of the valley Nanxi
Plain, East and Fenglin town, across the Yangtze
River Township, south drains connected to the
west if the rock big town, north Five Foot
Township, Yueqing City, 40 kilometers east , 32
km south Yongjia County, Wenzhou City, 46 km to
the total area of 65.26 square kilometers. The
total population of 44271 people, has
jurisdiction over 36 administrative villages, a
neighborhood committees. 2000 gross domestic
product 154 million, the total financial income
of 9.35 million yuan, per capita income of
farmers 2,500 yuan. Historical and cultural town
in Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Province tourism
cities, small towns, Zhejiang Province town of
comprehensive reform, modernization of
agriculture and rural areas Wenzhou Model Town,
Wenzhou City, a star-class civilized town,
Yongjia County, the strategic town. Town
People's Government, the resident rock Tau Tsuen,
postcode 325,113.
   Yantou northwest to southeast, extending from
the town of kuocang mountains northwest peak
elevation of 1054.6 meters gold tip. Climate is
of subtropical monsoon climate zone, warm and
humid, with an average temperature of 18.2
degrees, annual rainfall of 1698 millimeters,
Nanxi for the territory's largest rivers, flows
about 16 kilometers inside the water quality
standards for the national level, no one is
   Historical overview
   Rock Town has a long history, as early as in
the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, the
northern war, Wu Yue area of relative stability,
combined with fertile land Nanxi middle reaches
of river valleys, becoming avoid chaos of the
good domain, here, to be developed
simultaneously. Northern Song period, the valley
has been a lot of villages in the region, in the
Qing Dynasty are all Xianju Township 48,
Republican 24 years (1935), said 9th District,
Rock Town, in May 1949, when the liberation of
the establishment of Rock Town People's
Government, after After communes, townships,
towns several changes in 1992, withdrawal areas,
expanding the town, and township, the Harbor
Township, Creek Township, part of the Sanyang
Town into the rock.
   Jurisdiction over a residential area (Lishui
Street), 36 administrative villages (yantou,
river 3, River 2, River 1, co-ao, Wan, the
hibiscus, the Kaohsiung, hibiscus, Zhang
housing, Zheng Ao, Lower Park, Creek North and
South Lantau root, where Ao, where households in
Hong Kong, big Ao, Lung Cheung, big Okada, Chen
Jiaping, Cang Ao, Pan Sanyang, tau, Cang slope,
Zhou house, Fang Ao, the United States, America,
under the United States, on the Ao Shan, ao at
the end of the next day Sichuan, the West Bank,
on the drying head, under the baking head) [1].
   In the Government's guidance and
encouragement, stabilize grain production, the
development of planting and breeding industry,
the development and improvement of the
provincial agricultural comprehensive
development project Wan Village, &mince Tourist
Park& Yangmei, oranges, grapes, loquat and other
white-focused Famous Brand economic fruit
forest, will be yantou pigeons, domestic pigs,
pheasants and other slope Cang breeding base and
the West Bank, Zhang housing, Xia United States
and other greenhouse vegetable production base
as a leader of the livestock and poultry,
vegetables and farm the
the strengthening of irrigation and water
conservancy infrastructure construction,
investment more than 200 million &1000 Library
Security& project Cang slope small Lingtou
reservoir completed successfully.
   Nanxi cross-rich watermelon on, he is best
known for yantou, with a large, thin, juicy,
sweet and so on. Yantou planting watermelons
with a total area of more than 2,500 acres, an
annual output of 7,500 tons of watermelon.
Generally yield of 700 ~ 750 kg, high yield of
up to 3000 kilograms. In recent years, in terms
of planting area, or unit production has
increased. Every summer, watermelon is the
best-selling Yantou market goods, from customers
around the endless stream of Wenzhou.
   Travel Overview
   Rock Town is a scenic tourist area of the
center of Nanxi tourism resources are very rich
in order to Lion Rock as the core area, spots
can be divided into Lion Rock, Lishui Street,
Furong Middle Kingdom, Middle Kingdom slope Cang
Red 13 Army sites, Jinshi archway and so on.
   Lion Rock
   Under the Lion Rock in Rock Town Day Kawamura
lake in two small pre-islands, shore stations
afar, resembles a lion play ball, is Nanxi
natural bonsai. During the day, Lion Rock
shadows into the lake as a mirror, majestic
Jiaotai, customs million species, domestic and
international numerous phot
night Haoyuedangkong, bamboo raft and teams,
cormorants to catch river fish, Yu Deng little ,
Zhaoche river, blue water and evaporates under
the lights, weave Yizhenyihuan of water in the
   Day of Peace, the lake water poacher often
find the fish seek shrimp, up some sparkling
ripples, crumpled Yihong clear water, making
charming lion shadow dizziness. The rainy
season, flash floods upstream, turbulent roll,
turbid waves of emptying, the stream everything
disappeared, the only mainstay of Lion Rock, an
independent Nakagawa. Be described as &wind-Zhuo
rain carved millions of years, the giant
elephant out of a natural lion& [3].
   Lishui Street
   Is located in Yongjia, Wenzhou, Lishui Street
edge of the reservoir embankment Yantou Village,
also known as Lishui promenade. There is a
saying &no swim yantou Lishui Street, then you
have not been to Nanxi.& As one of Nanxi
attractions here shows that ancient wind,
everything was old and the vicissitudes of life.
Length of more than 300 meters, 90-odd stores,
each side 3 m wide, 10 meters into the deep for
the two-storey building. Front of a shop into a
column, empty out the 2 m to 2.5-meter-wide
path. There eaves Phi cover, in order to
facilitate pedestrian shade shelter from the
rain. Impoundment dike built in the Ming
Jiajing, when the provisions of the local clan
embankment can only planting flowers and trees
and build kiosks, are not allowed to
house-building business. To the Qing Dynasty,
rock salt off Tau Tam Long Beach has become a
must. The occasion of the late Qing, Long Beach
developed into a fairly large-scale commercial
   Lishui Street is Zhaiqiang the southern end
of the south gate, high-end door on wind
Pavilion. Less than 50 meters away from the
pavilion, as well as an access officer Pavilion
(also known as Flower Pavilion), double eaves
and save the top, simple and solemn. Adventure
pavilion in front of a stone bridge across the
lake in Lishui, fine-sounding name Lishui
Bridge, built in the Ming Jiajing thirty-seven
years (1558), composed of 48 of stone
composition, said yantou all belonging to 48.
Despite the bridge 400 years of wind and rain
the vicissitudes of life are still strong as
   Lishui Street south tower of the famous
scenic lake temple. Bay green water a peninsula
surrounded by water - piano islands, the western
end there is one built in the early Southern
Song Dynasty, the widening of Jian Yuqing
Shunzhi first year (1644) and Tower Lake Temple,
east facade, three into two houses, backward and
flat, upstairs Lushi statue dedicated to God,
Goddess and so the patron saint of the Yuan.
Tower Lake Miaomen Wai has the stage, is an
independent architectural buildings. Tower Lake
Temple Scenic Area, including lake, island,
mountain, dikes, bridges, Temple, House,
Pavilion, Xuan, towers, trees, flowers, rich in
content and diverse scenery. It includes the
Rock Village &Gold Mountain Ten Scenes& The
Eight Sights: Long Beach Chunxiao, Lai bridge
concept of the Netherlands, the Qing marsh Guan
Yu, Qin Lantau street prostitution, T peak-Song
Cui, Shui Ting Chiu meander loop Bihe Tower Lake
Yin-Yue. Village of this rock garden the hands
of the scholars of the rural landscapes feelings
and plowing the ideal [2].
   Furong Middle Kingdom
   Furong Middle Kingdom is the idyllic mountain
village, the villagers treasure the portraits,
at that time there have been 18 family members
in the capital, an official with the North
Korea, but also honors distinguished.
   Southern Song Dynasty, Yuan soldiers south.
Furong Village of the tribe, led by Yu Chen, and
Yuan soldiers fighting, fighting and bitter,
when they, when, whether from exhaustion, Chen
Yu of the first horses eyes blindfolded with
black cloth, deployment may follow suit Tiaoya
death. Genealogy is such a record: the yuan Bing
Zhi Wen, public and clan nephew regulation of
public and nephews rate, more than a thousand
local people, engaged in the green-Chang, Deng
Fu-rong back rocks, guarding the old three set.
Tiger Emperor Wen drowning, public Zi Wen Yan,
gradually break down, regulation of public has
been stubborn unyielding to death. When more
than 800 from the deceased, was Krupp were 50
people. Gasp Ti Qi Qi Chong.
   Yuan Bing village after the arson, looting
villages, almost bursting Furong Village.
   Several generations a hundred years, until
the time Yuanmomingchu, Furong Village, they
began to slowly recover and begin to rebuild
their homes.
   Lessons of war that caused devastating
lessons of disaster and rebuild their homes
Furong Village, focuses on the idea of defensive
war. The main building material is stone. Lei Qi
stone walls of the base and the use of pebble
paved roads, bu six
different Zhaimen shape, much like medieval
castles in Europe, but it is more than a human
face. There is a kiosk outside the South Gate
Qiao, Qiao rough Zhaiqiang booths and sharp
contrast. Guarding Walled wall with defense,
garrison, the resistance functions. Zhai Qiang
like a moat outside the drains in general. The
anti-Chen Yu Yuan died in a heroic historical
sites and villages within the strategic defense
planning the layout of the village to the Lotus
injected masculinity. However, these stone walls
built under the basement and the pebble path
laid deep, is thick thick accumulation of
ancient Confucian culture.
   Hibiscus internal planning of the soul of the
village in the &Seven Hatta.& The so-called
star, is about 10 cm above the ground a square
platform. Set mostly in road intersection the
road is a sign of turning, but also the year the
command focal point for street fighting. The
so-called bucket refers to the large and small
scattered villages within the pool, with fire
and water features.
   Lotus Pond is the largest of the village
pond. Length 43 meters wide and 10 meters,
commonly known as big bucket. According to
geomancy theory set up seven stars Hatta,
invisible meaning heaven Kuixing landed Fan
Chen, enabling the village well-being, good
fortune, their descendants talented people.
Later on, Chen's ancestors are not descendants
of hope, really out a lot of excellence.
   Hibiscus sambong foot, there are four
mountain streams murmur eastward. Village water
into the Village, along the wall base, drainage
of road patchwork of many ditches dug along the
street get married, injection into the size of
   Long Tong Street, Yanxi water east-west. Tong
Street, north-south road and long into a
T-shaped cross-roads, canals constitute a maze
of twists and turns in general space.
   Furong Village, the ancient houses more than
built in the Ming Dynasty North Korea. Pattern
is basically the courtyard style. Are among the
main room house tomorrow, while housing for the
gallery home, front porch and is connected to
housing front porch, enclosed on three sides
into shape. Arc-shaped roof ridge was flat, a
far-reaching eaves. Stone dwarf wall every
family and every household fruit trees, shade,
so that the whole village seems bearable and
   Located on the northwest corner of the
village there is an incomplete big house, but
the reputation is the sound of the first big
houses called Sima. It Dynasty Emperor Kangxi, a
businessman's house, but played an official
   Large house alongside the existing three
courtyards combined into a compound, covers an
area of over 24 acres, a total of 46 rooms main
building whole. 3 courtyard has its own door,
the hospital and the hospital similarities
between the narrow lane. Big houses into the
original three. The first entry is the cottage,
and the second is a two-story entry. Between
floors with waist eaves, eaves gentle stretch,
so a big house roof seems gentle and
   The first into the big house walls and
archway in the Republican years have been
burned, set fire to the big room house owner,
said the owner was a big house to participate in
the agrarian revolution led by the CPC, the KMT
armed forces to force the rebels burned down his
house, houses, large owners who In order to
express their position will never go back,
personally burned down their homes. Today, the
big houses have Tuijin former glory, big house
which is also home to more than 20 families.
They want to tear down the big house, new house
was built here. But the big houses are key
cultural relics protection units, does not allow
the demolition. A pair of contradictions and
confusion with the people here.
   The village land and dense population. After
the reform and opening up, 60% of the workforce
out of the village to town to work. Mostly women
and children to stay young and old. Of life than
in the past has been greatly improved. The city
people like our old house, but the village is
like a city of people yearning to live just like
   Yongjia County in the edge of the village
after the Sino-Tang Xiang, lived in the village
Hibiscus hero of anti-Yuan Chen Yu's direct
   April 15, 1999, after the village of Tong
Chen Genealogy Compilation work continued to
complete. Meanwhile, the ancestral lineage also
were refurbished.
   People in the village according to
traditional customs, held a grand celebration
ceremony, Furong Village, was also represented
to them gifts to celebrate.
   Ancestral hall of the stage once again
sounded in ancient music, streaky big face and
Tsing Yi Huadan onto the stage, played and loved
by the door from the villagers, BES legend of
the ancient drama.
   Yongjia deities in the shrine south of the
temple, for three consecutive days, with the
village to do gang, the collective total of
   Bursts of the old ancient style of singing on
stage, and the smoke guns and fireworks into the
field with melt into the night sky.
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