
求人不如求己,但不要期待这样做会提高自己的学业成绩,加油! 学习是自己的事,你可以要别人帮你做作业。望你三思不要这样吧!自己做啦
What are the girls looking at、因--茵. 4、悄悄. I’m in Class 5 Grade 6.略 六、1.C 2.C.二;must5.六?4。(言之成理即可)八,加减: must motherII、俏; 7.13. sleep 5。”(意对即可) 八.答; 4.6.三. speak speaking This doing watchingVI.幕 2.1.(x+y+20)岁、1.3(m-n)+2 2.10a+b 3.(m+1) +(m+3) +(m+5) 4.(6a-1)人 5.( + )小时 6. .四!8.3.也 九.异—翼 3、绵绵;5,600-360=240,6. 三; 6.b; 3.4,3 4.6.四.7,得解这个方程.1。三.1. should&#47. What is your hobby?4; 8:略.步第13页至14页一. 1?6.四.项羽 6. 2-3-4-1-5VI、1. 2.0.点明了这春光从荒漠沉闷中给人以激情和希望. What does your grandpa like,不等于0的数.曹植 14. nameP21-22I.) 4.⑴ 3. My father gets up at six; 3.-2:431—265 III; 6.4或2. 图下序号依次是, . I get up at six-thirty, . V.诸葛亮 13; 2.0?P9-10I,却已经用事实“宣布”了最正确、1.-22 2.- 3. Fill in the blanks with the proper pronouns.正确8,3 3.-1. Lucy is my good friend. FP13-14I.鞠躬 四、空气、1.D 2.D.二; 4.-60. It is summertime. triangle square rectangle round&#47. F 3. Listen to tmust7.你不应该把屋里弄得乱七八糟的。 B. should&#47! 4. F 2. 略II. 1,3.(九)一.春风.犀利 4. your My that 2. Did 4、1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B.空说道理没有用. 1-5AACCB 6-10CBBBCV.三.吕蒙六. 1-5BDDDB 6-9ACCC IV; 2.数(除数不能是0)。(或抄原文) 3; 3.≤.y 7. 略 III。⑷“白色”特指象征反动势力. She has a round face.d i懒惰 5、1.- 2.–12. should&#47.5 . twelve January second of Spring Festival third on fourth on May it it June June sixth seventh September 10th on October eleventh December twelfth ChristmasP25-26I。”2; 5. . He is drawing.你应该帮助布置餐桌.略 二.二.4: make cakeegg.1.苏秦 12;7找8同“旋”立刻四,240米做裤子.四; 4.四.D 4,0,1. x+80=3(x–40).怨恨。⑸指丧事的讳称; zhǎng ch ng zhǎng ch ng zhǎng zhǎng ch ng 四. at 10?3、 、溪水。II. 1-7ADBBCACII,3.峭 3.8;4. WhatV、1. 2.x -3x+5 3.6a+6b 4; keep…desk clean.B 2. B watching 3、略.(十)一. should 2、亲--钦、1.72千米&#47. 1-5ABADDII。3; 4.1. 1-5EDABC V.通“悦”.依次为,减去5; 2.8 .3.6. 1-5ACDCBII. planting flowers—种花 drawing—画画 collecting stamps—集邮playing volleyball—打排球 singing—唱歌 playing basketball—打篮球V. 略VII. this He his He III. play with 3. 1; 3. (m+n)h; 3:充分发挥想象:水城—威尼斯 音乐城—维也纳 大学城—牛津等 七. from…to 2. was 2、1.50件 2.1分钟40秒 3.10千米或12.旧知识 6. Mickey and his mother.陶罐和铁罐?5,3. A.0. 1、1.4x–17=0. 1.⑴“清楚,8?V.s 长久从事某种工作 3;6、1.输了3局. Whaabout&#47.克 六.籍—藉 4、消.E.①回 ②卡 ③忐忑第11页至12页二.1;fēn—f n. go 2. go out 9. She likes painting and playing the piano.三、徒然”. get messhalf callwatch catchlook cook do don’tS Deat meetDSwait makeSSlate ask DDIV,-5、孤. H 2、1.数. make 3、1.8. Kerry years England teaches numberV、1.1. No littering.suō 2,+. right write 4.象狗似的 六、山路,-; 7.3. Yes he does. 略P23-24I. 1. Where do you come from. 略 IV. She is from England,正、1.x= 2.x= 、填入的字依次为. listening to. We give Jane our presents; 4.1680 .达到 5.P31-32I。三. make 3、轻. Tom 4.“小张,-10?2.1、喊--罕.三. 1. green 4. has 8. 1-5SSDDS 6-8SSDII. 1-6ABCAADVI. that That 3. hear here 7、1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B.二.三、招;mustn’tV.4.心地善良. Does Lucy’s father go to work by bus; 6. should/ 5.-x +3xy-4y ? 2、忡忡、1.x=-4 2.x=-15 3.x=4 4. What is your father’s hobby,我帮您洗洗吧.1; 8.2(x-1).三.A.4 4.-4; 3.254 C.1 2.36 3.3 4.-2 5.-9 6.-24 7.30 8.399.480 10.- .四、(60x+12y)元;3. 1. 看图 用适当的代词填空、1.– <- 2.-(- )>- >-|- | 。5? 3;5.[x-(-1)] =x -7 6.6(13-2x)=( x+21)+7.五. What a good boy he is、18岁. longer longer 6.庖丁 7赵括 8; 2. to go 2. spit 7.支撑 3、人--仁.白居易 4.苏东坡 3、雷--擂.挪 B. wants 8. harvesting 6.D.1. 略II:经过7分钟才能将水池注满。1、处--触. 2.漠—寞3.(十二)一;时 2.2% .(三)一. sun son 6. playing 4. 1. feelsP3-4I. 略II.7;②31、1.38 2.10小时 3.设用3x米布料做上衣.“对不起. they aren’t playing volleyball3、己--已. My father doesn’t work in a factory。四. It’s Saturday.懊悔 3、1.50 2.21千米&#47.四. celebrating 4. carefully 3. She your she 4. gets up 5. My father 3.5 3.15 4.– 5. 6.-5。根据题意。(意对即可) 五. He is looking into the water at himself.李白 2. What is he good at、饱.44元.(二)一;to&#47.1,得x= 答.⑴24,-1,1.5千米 4.设经过x分钟才能将水池注满、伯牙2. 1; 4.1.震惊→疑惑→顿悟第9页至第10页一. Please be quiet、红杏. Her hair is long and beautiful. is is at makes doesn’t help watches reads goes writes(makes)IV、是--世、1.A 2.C.二,乘除; 7.-1.142:360米做上衣.秦始皇 15.4; 3.<,不如让孩子去亲身体验.18n;绝佳的角度.二、1.① . Do you go to school every day. waters 7?6. 1。My name is Kate、1.D 2.C.q 休息 2. They are performing.略四略五. AnnP29-30I.紧跟 3.(略)二,-3.五.三. 2a-3c+ac.(七)一,.明月因爱而更加皎洁. Which season is the third season of the year、草. he isn’t He is swimming.jiě解渴xi 解数 sāng奔丧s ng丧气 kǎ卡车qiǎ发卡 dǒu烟斗d u斗争二.七; 4.略. Lily 2. Please don’t cut the cake、1.D 2.D 3.A 4.C.二,-4.hu i 6?3,. 2.chāi—chā.略(提示,-1; 3.9、1.3a-5b.特意,两个猎人同时举起了枪等 2. I’m in Grade Six。⑹“无代价无报偿”四,(a+b) . B have 2.斥 4.抱 3.动词打洞.赵高 3. mustn’t&#47. She likes playing the piano too、头--投. Lisa doesn’t blow out the candles;生活因爱而更加丰富多彩(意对即可) 八.1,整式.(八)一:设甲.liǎn收拢 6. reading 10;(或设共能生产x套. 略P17-18I.1.(略) 二、1.2 2.2; 5,注意和上下句有关联的词)四. A She’s III; 5.<.物体 错误 事务 跳舞 失误 污辱 无理 污染 服务 务必 实物 请勿打扰 二,共生产240套、1.B 2.D 3.C 4.C.二.III. She is interested in painting,括号里面的、梢. May 2、最理想的答案,12. no know 5.A 8. 1、1.-0.正确 3. What’s yours think me him your mine Here are after II.略 三.李清照六,2x米布料做裤子,讲出这个故事.馋 2. flying 8.拿自己的长处去比别人的短处是没有必要的.IV. 略III.你不应该回家太晚; playing the pianoP7-8 I.2.; playing table tennis,获得了小组第一.A 四略六.亡 4:水乡—绍兴 日光城—拉萨 羊城—广州等 世界. D 4,⑵ . are singing 8. We shouldn’t have dinner at home。 D. T 4; 8.11.三。 4,括号. 5. 1-5ehabc 6-10gifjdII.三,别人也有比你强的地方. 1.三 3.六年级语文寒假作业参考答案第1页至第2页一;3。 2. skating 5.家 2、1.-27 2.6 3.-16 4.0. 五.五, .更 7. 3. 4. C in 4: watch wantplay.(五)一.鼠 牛 虎 兔 龙 蛇 马 羊 猴 鸡狗 九.五; 5.1,1.略第17页至18页一,-85 . 略P11-12I. 1-5BABCD 6-10ABBAD IV. playing tennis.二. comes goes says friendly all 1.美好的环境:3 1 4 2第21页至22页 一.略 二. take good care of 4;小时. But today she is wearing a red dress. 1,③ 2.11 3.S=65π 4.①M=21+0、D、1.πr . No spitting on the ground. Sue 5. . playing 7.你应该早睡觉. 略III、1.-1999 .悼 4、彩--采.蔺相如 11: apple have what. 1.如何除掉旷野里的杂草 2.学识丰富 饱经风霜; 7.1;2. (1)from (2)about (3)at (4)to (5)at (6)in (7)by (8)with (9)with&#47、树芽.5.解.志—致 6. Her hair iof (10)from2. 1,绝对值; hand in…on time.1: any manyduck.三、1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A. 二.四.略 九;2.(十一)一.1; 6.25; 2.-1.l ng kēng qiāng 2、1.-466. were 5、1.D 2.C. B-A-D-F-E-Cnoodles—juice—ice-cream—fruit IV. EIII,10200 . My mother and my sister get up at seven. You must keep off the grass、1.5y=y+4 2.x- x=12 3. 4.9x+4=12(x- ). 五; does…works…office. 1-5CBACB 6-8CDAIII,四. Reading comprehension.5 10 ,绝佳的时机. ch 惊讶 4: ask class cat。⑶“没有效果.朴—仆7. Do the animals come out from their long sleep. after、1.x的3倍与y的一半的差 2.a与b两数的平方差 3.a与b的差的平方.五. shouldn’t&#47.V; 4.4; 9.6、霄.D 3.原来. Kate 3. went didn’t 6.中国.廉颇 5. their there 3. 1,负. Yes I do,– 9. They are having a good time、1.k= 2. . 1; 5. She is reading a book.2. I have a good friend; 3.x+ x=81 .四、鞘,宽宏大量. I come from Australia2. (1)playing (2)obey (3)ask (4)open (5)goes (6)have (7)do (8)paint (9)drawing (10)flyingIV;⑵租60座客车便宜、A,负.云 2. 略,将奶水一滴滴挤在叶子上.漆黑-洁白 幸福-苦难 消失-出现 肯定-否定 绝望-希望清楚-模糊 五、个--各;xīng—x ng 二、宵. III,1 . sometimesIII:甲:伴、1.乘方.形—型 七;mustn’t 4.ti n恬静 四. was 7、略.四;x -5x; fishingP19-20I,x=120 3x=360 2x=240 360 3 2=240 答、逍;5. 1.fēi 二. wait 5. When does he get up,愉快 8. 7. in 3,0、乙两地间的距离是X千米.曾经,2、1.x=3 2.x= 3.x=1 4.x=a+b.四. collecting 5.害--骇. warmer and warmer 7、B(先找首括句. C 6; 2.-.略第19页至20页一. isII, 根据题意得 解得x=7 答.成绩 三; 3.-1 .B 5. 略 II.回 2.声--生.x=-23. She has a round face; 5.正。6.⑴240人;shouldn’t 2,3x+2x=600 ,-8,-314000、F. is He He’s fishing 2. is 9. No I don’t:峭、1.5x +4x+4 2. a – ab+b 3.7a -7ab 4.2x -2x 5. (x+y) – (x+y) 6.-3ab+14a b-11ab ,弄清真相”.1. She is often in green clothes.1。第3页至第4页一;mustn’t3.驰—弛 4. 阅读理解. I’m playing computer games.劳动是辛苦的幸福是要靠劳动创造的.有备无患 机不可失 盖世无双 百里挑一 爱不释手 其乐无穷 百依百顺 随心所欲引以为荣 八.提示人们要珍惜你所拥有的一切. I eye8; 2. 4. He is playing tennis,李阿姨.III; 2.-4、1; 6.相等或互为相反数. see sea 2。C、梢; 8.3. 1. Is Li Yan good at drawing. 1-6DBACFEIV.5;2; swimming.3.P27-28I.1.正确 5;circleIII. Your mother is interested in(likes) cooking,谦逊、豪--毫.60 10 平方千米.正确的语言顺序是. like 6. 略P15-16I; Look out…wait forVI.踽踽独行 2。4.点题 美德是一个人灵魂中最重要的一部分、1.y=6 2.x= 3.y=- 4.x= . 六。⑵“什么都没有”. F 5.长—常 2!六年级英语寒假作业参考答案P1-2I.二。哲学家人未到.001 10 .天津泰达队战败了. shouldn’t&#47. 1-5BDDCBII. shouldn’t&#47. play 6. 1-5ABCCDII, 3.14 4.-12 5. 1-5BCBCC 6-10AABCA 11-14BBCAIV?7,上海申花队获得了小组第一. 2.成就 4.xi 4; 4.1.55 3. 4.-2b 5.3 6.49-4a-4b. (四)一.(六)一.A。第7页至第8页一. like 8,相除; 3.3、C. 略IV.一帆风顺 二人同心其力断金 三长两短 四面楚歌 五光十色 六神无主 七上八下 八仙过海 九牛一毛 十全十美 三. for fourIII. Does he get home at six. Tom doesn’t know my name. They are playing hockey,y; 2.4(a+b)。第15页至16页一. She is Lucy.澈--辙 2.灵魂 血肉 眼睛骨骼 脉络 筋结 细胞 外表 精神七.5、饱食终日 3.不是失信.3. the second 4.扶持 2、1.x=–4 2.k= ,⑵–16 . Women’s Day-- March 8th Children’s Day-- June 1st Tree Planting Day-- March 12th Teachers’ Day-- September 10th Labour Day --May 1st New Year’s Day-- January 1st Father’s Day-- the third Sunday in June National Day--October 1st Thanksgiving Day-- the fourth Thursday of November Mother’s Day-- the second Sunday in May Christmas Day-- December 25th III.(略)二,-10ab . keep 4;6、禁、乙两地间的距离是30千米.斧—釜 三.①聋子 ②触觉 ③嗅闻 ④品尝3.母爱的伟大等(要联系生活实例来谈)第23页至24页一.1;must 6.成品 3. was 3、⑴y=8-6x ⑵x= - y; 10. 5,2; 2.720. She is wearing a red dress today、1.x=3 2.x= 3 .x=- 。五.6.陶渊明 9 勾践 10. G 3,0或-1.洵—绚 5. hobby 6.C 三;must 8. 略IV; 2.8 ,≥.欣赏 消失 暴躁轻快 懊恼 喧嚣 安慰 纯洁 三.成果 2. I watch TV at six thirty,靠你靠我靠大家、1.正.1、1.D 2.A 3.D 4.钟子期、1. 2.684 3.-90 4.29 5.12 6. ,<.按一定时间复习;4.- .0 10 .98% (1-20%)a元、1.0. 1-5DACCD 6-10ADBBCII.5. 1.2. interested in 7、猪--株.芒—茫8.1. 5. does…do…plays;4、驹二.三,留给小猴以后吃,② . Dick does his home work before supper、没有作用. watched ate六年级数学寒假作业参考答案(一)一. growing vegetables IV,你把我的被单弄脏了.记 4.喂两个小猴吃奶. She is from England.ch ng zhǎng ch ng zhǎng ch ng ch ng zhǎng.1. -; 2.0的人55
根本是牛头不对马嘴.1. B 7. 略V、1.2x= x+4 2.|x-8|=2 3.20%y-x=3x-1 4.n+n+1+n+2=27.匡衡 4. 1.2.二.峭—山势又高又陡 截—割断 居—处在 昂—抬起 贯—集中 屈—屈服 四. did 8. 1,3. 母猴再无路可逃,只要合情合理即可)、哨.胆第5页至第6页一.gǔ x ju ji ng y lǐ 2.天津泰达队战败了上海申花队;zh n—zhān.P5-6I; 6.0
六字成语(按首字笔画排序)如下: 一个鼻孔出气 一不做二不休 一动不如一静 一而再再而三 一传十十传百 一步一个脚印 一床锦被遮盖 一虎难敌众犬 一客不烦二主 一蟹不如一蟹 丁是丁卯是卯 九牛二虎之力 士可杀不可辱 万变不离其中 三寸不烂之舌 三折肱为良医 大开方便之门 中惠而实不至 井水不犯河水 太岁头上动土 五十步笑百步 天无绝人之路 天不怕地不怕 天有不测风云 无所不用其极 不可同日而语 不当家花拉的 不足为外人道 不知天高地厚 不怕官只怕管 不废吹灰之力 不登大雅之堂 止谤莫如自修 勿谓言之不预 父母在不远游 务白头马生角 牛头不对马嘴 手无缚鸡之力 长安居大不易 风马牛不相及 风从虎龙从云 心有余力不足 巧诈不如拙成 东风压倒西风 犯天下之大韪 生同裘死同穴 生米做成熟饭 礼之用和为贵 立与不败之地 发昏章第十一 毕其功于一役 过五关斩六将 过屠门而大嚼 耳闻不如目见 老死不相往来 死无葬身之地 死不死活不活 存十一于千百 有过之无不及 有志不在年高 有志者事竟成 有目不识泰山 吃一堑长一智 当面鼓对面锣 迅雷不及掩耳 如入无人之境 如坠五里雾中 远水不救近火 拒人千里之外 求人不如求己 求大同存小异 吹皱一池春水 男女授受不亲 言必信行必果 事实胜于雄辩 英雄所见略同 拉大旗做虎皮 明人不做暗事 彼一时此一时 卑之无甚高论 使功不如使过 经一事长一智 挂羊头卖狗肉 竖子不足与谋 胜不娇败不馁 狡兔死良狗烹 哀大莫如心死 闻名不如见面 活不活死不死 前怕狼后怕虎 神不知鬼不觉 几来之则安之 恭敬不如从命 赶着鸭子上架 起死人肉白骨 夏虫不可言冰 热锅上的蚂蚁 烈女不更二夫 顾左右而言他 借寇兵赍盗粮 冤有头债有主 疾雷不及掩耳 海水不可斗量 高不成低不就 掷地作金石声 眼不见心不烦 眼中疔肉中刺 悬羊头挂狗肉 敢怒而不敢言 貂不足狗尾续 割鸡焉用牛刀 强不强以为知 满招损谦受益
你们是什么版不会问我百度号 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
出门在外也不愁高分求人解决英语口试1.do you think we should hold gratitude for every single moment of the life?why?2.when your friends are upset.do you comfort them?what do you think can support you in your moments of depression,despair or a setback 3.what will you struggle for allyou_百度作业帮
高分求人解决英语口试1.do you think we should hold gratitude for every single moment of the life?why?2.when your friends are upset.do you comfort them?what do you think can support you in your moments of depression,despair or a setback 3.what will you struggle for allyour life?4.HOW do you understand this sentence"we have become so smart about self-protection that in the end,we have all understand ourselves" 最好时对话高分我要4篇完整的英语文章,.....
1.Yes, I think so. Life is so wonderful and there are so many people around us who care about and help us so much. We should really feel grateful to them and life.2.Yes, I do.The inspiring w...
第一个:你认为我们是否应该对生活的每一片刻表示谢意呢?为什么?见下:A:You thought us whether should to the life each moment expression gratitude?B:I know should.Because in this world the indefinite factor too were many....
1. 你认为我们对生活每一个特别时刻都表示感动吗?为什么?2.当你的朋友不安的时候,你是否安慰他们呢?是什么支撑你度过沮丧、绝望和挫折的时刻?3.你的生活目标是什么?4.你如何理解该句子:我们已经变得如此聪明,最后学会了自我保护,并了解了我们自己。...几道英语题目不会求人解答..谢谢啊(我打字也挺辛苦的忘理解)我们学过了很多形容词的最高级,你能将下列形容词的最高级准确放在相应的个子里面吗?young& pretty& close& boring& ugly& bad& stupid&_百度作业帮
几道英语题目不会求人解答..谢谢啊(我打字也挺辛苦的忘理解)我们学过了很多形容词的最高级,你能将下列形容词的最高级准确放在相应的个子里面吗?young& pretty& close& boring& ugly& bad& stupid& good& fat& comfortable& thin& nice& wet& light& large& sadest:st:iest:x2est:most:irregular:2.Let's writeWhat do you know about these countries and places?Use:dry& deep& gighlong& salty& largex2cold smallx2& wetE.g.The Western Deep Gold Mine is the deepset mine in the worldThe Pacific Ocean is______________ocean in the world.ASia is______________contient in the world.Mount Everest is_____________________mountain in the world.The Atacama Desert is_________desert in the world.Columbia is________________country ub the world.Australia is___________________continent in the& world.The Nile is_____________________river in the world.Antarctica is________________continent in the world.The Vatican City is________________in the world.The Dead Sea is_______________sea in the world.终于打完了
est: young, light st: close, nice, largeiest: pretty, uglyx2est: sad, wet, thin, fat
most: boring, stupid, comfortable,
irregular: bad, good, 2.Let's writeWhat do you know about these countries and places?Use:dry
largex2cold smallx2
wetE.g.The Western Deep Gold Mine is the deepset mine in the world 这题的答案一定是所给单词,且不能重复使用吗?我就只能做成这样了.1. The Pacific Ocean is 【the deepest】 ocean in the world.也可以用the largest2. ASia is 【the largest】 contient in the world.3. Mount Everest is 【the highest】 mountain in the world.4. The Atacama Desert is 【the driest】 desert in the world.5. Columbia is________________country ub the world. 所给单词都不能用,因为用任何一个都与事实不符;6. Australia is 【the smallest】 continent in the
world.7, The Nile is 【the longest】 river in the world.8. Antarctica is 【the coldest】 continent in the world.9. The Vatican City is 【the smallest】 in the world.10. The Dead Sea is 【the saltiest】 sea in the world.终于打完了
the deepest,the largest,the highest,the largest,the smallest,the smallest,the longest,the coldest,the wettest,the saltiest你没打题号,我是按照顺序来的。浙教版英语作业本答案快!_百度作业帮


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