为什么想起3dm上下载的丧尸围城3 3dm加上1到5号补丁都打上了还是会这样子

& 模拟人生4 3号升级档+破解补丁V7[3DM]
模拟人生4 3号升级档+破解补丁V7[3DM]
《模拟人生4(The Sims 4)》是一款策略性人生模拟游戏,属于广受好评的《模拟人生》系列的第四代作品。美国艺电于宣布《模拟市民4》将于日推出。
模拟人生4 游戏截图 (1/8)
Origin下载地址: 或
By GlowStorm@3DM技术组 (感谢SkyBP@3DM技术组提供支援)
修复全部闪退BUG(这里指的是破解引起的闪退 不包括正版玩家也会遇到的那些闪退问题)
解锁游戏发售至今全部DLCs(解锁DLCs 需要你手动删除 我的文档\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4目录下除了saves和MODs以外的其它全部文件和文件夹,再用新破解进游戏,就能看到效果)
Update: 9/24/14
Bug Fixes / Issues:
Fixed some issues related to error codes 102 and 122--Fixed an issue that prevents loading an auto-saved game directly from the &Load Game& menu.
Fixed some instances of disappearing Sims.
Did you know?
You can change your camera preferences in the Options panel to use the The Sims 3 Camera control scheme. [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Tab] will also toggle between The Sims 4 and The Sims 3 camera settings.
Looking for more Tips & Tricks? View our Player Guide here.
Update: 9/9/14
TIP: If you are not being prompted to download the September 9th patch for The Sims 4, please exit completely out of Origin and then restart the client, this should then prompt you to download the latest patch.
New decorative object! The High-Rider Gnome has journeyed long from his hidden grotto in the tropics to join you in The Sims 4. He&s eagerly awaiting your arrival in Build Mode, ready to grace your homes with his feats of stationary flamingo bronco busting!
Look for him in Build Mode in the Outdoors or Decorations sorts, or type Gnome in the search box.
Sim and object highlights can now be toggled on/off by entering hovereffects on/off in the cheat console (this will eliminate the white border on a Sim or an object when you hover over it to interact). In addition, you can add -nohovereffects to the Command Line Arguments. In order to add the argument:
Open the Origin client, right click on The Sims 4 game box art, select &View Game Properties&, click &Game Properties&, enter -nohovereffects into the text box, and then click Apply.
Bug Fixes / Issues
Fixed an issue with some gallery downloads that were causing the game to hang.
Fixed several bugs that would result in incorrect relationship states between Sims.
For players using the &cas.fulleditmode& cheat to go back and adjust Sims after they&ve been created, note that using this cheat will still allow you to manually select invalid relationships. Please exercise caution when changing relationships while using this cheat.
The automated filtering used for Gallery uploads was unintentionally blocking the words &gay&, &homosexual&, or &homosapien&. It has now been fixed and these terms will not be blocked or prevented.
Fixed a crash that would result if a block without walls was saved as a room.
Update: 9/5/14
Bug Fixes / Issues:
It has been brought to our attention that some of our cute and adorable babies have had difficulty expressing themselves without& well& distorting. There was an issue with some integrated chipsets causing the poor little ones to appear in their own &unique& way. We have corrected the problem and pulled everyone back together. Thank you for helping us identify, and track down this issue.
Update: 9/2/14
Severe Issues / Crashes:
Fixed a crash in Build Mode by preventing the game from thinking fences were rooms.
Fixed a crash in Create A Sim that could occur after the you lock and unlock your computer.
Bug Fixes / Issues:
Fixed an issue with &Shine on Men&s Suit&, &Glitter and Abs&, &Big Hat of Shame&, &Star-Spangled Glasses& and the &Tiki Bar&, not remembering their unlocked state upon reload.
Fixed several issues with Sims attempting to go on dates with the Reaper, resulting in non-responsive game states.The Reaper still loves ya baby, he is just too busy to go on a date with every lovelorn Sim that vies for his attention.
Fixed several issues where babies were incorrectly hibernating within household inventories resulting in several issues:
You can now exit Build Mode when not on your home lot if a baby was incorrectly left in the home lot inventory.
Game no longer hangs if you attempt to split a household with a baby on the lot and in the household inventory.
Splitting and merging households no longer results in unplayable households due to babies being left in household inventories.
Babies are no longer left locked in the household inventory if all the other Sims in the household die.
Babies no longer multiply if left in the Household Inventory while editing the lot via Manage Worlds.
Fixed an issue where Gallery households that have been merged with another household were preventing Live Mode from loading.
Adding a new Sim to a played household via Create A Sim by going from Manage Worlds will now allow you to modify their face and body.
Lots with scaled objects (via the shift + [,] cheat) that are shared to the Gallery will now remember their enlarged state for others to enjoy.
Gallery Issues:
Fixed an issue where the game would become non-responsive when attempting to save a lot to the your library.
1、游戏目录__Installer\vc\vc2013\redist文件夹内的VC2013运行库请务必确保安装(双击运行vcredist_x86.exe即可安装) 否则游戏100%无法运行 另外游戏可能需要注册表运行 下方有传送门自行下载即可
2、信杀软无破解 请自觉防止杀软误删3DMGAME.dll这个破解文件
CopyRight (C) 3DMGAME- ,All Rights Reserved
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