
急求英语作文a brave boy70~100字左右
A brave boy  Zhang Hua is a brave boy.He saved a child in a park.  Last Sunday afternoon,Zhang Hua and his classmates were playing in a park.Suddenly,they heard someone calling for help.They ran there quickly and saw a little boy in the lake.It was very dangerous at that moment.The boy’s mother couldn’t swim.Zhang Hua jumped into the lake and saved the child.The boy’s mother was very grateful to him.People in the park said‘What a brave boy!’  Zhang Hua was happy that he helped the poor boy.He said‘We must be careful with the water.If we can’t swim,it may be very dangerous.’
Zhang Hua is a brave boy.He saved a child in a park.  Last Sunday afternoon,Zhang Hua and his classmates were playing in a park.Suddenly,they heard someone calling for help.They ran there quickly...
急求啊!!关于理想家园的英语作文!!! 提示: 1。房子很大,至少有20间,共三层; 2。一搂是电脑房和书
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要求。词数120-150,北方人用醋泡腊八蒜:(1)腊八节the Laba Festival (2)时间 每年农历的十二月初八 (3)起源 源于古代人民欢庆丰收 (4)习俗 东北、西北和江南等地保留了喝腊八粥(Laba Congee)的习俗请你结合下面表格所提供的信息给你(卫华)美国的网友Jack写一封电子邮件,介绍中国传统节日腊八节
Dear Jack,
How is it going ?You have said that you like Chinese festivals. Therefore I will introduce one ofChinese traditional festivals ,the Laba Festival.
The Laba Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday observed on the eighth day of the twelfth lunarmonth. In ancient times it was created to celebrate the new harvest. Traditionally theconsumption of Laba Congee was an important element of the festival. In Northeast ChinaNorthwest China and Jiangnan this custom has been preserved. Another custom is the soaking ofLaba garlic. Garlic is soaked in vinegar starting from the Laba festival which is particularlypopular in northern China. Besides people ...
In China.Each of the twelve month is the day of Laba Festival once a year.It originated in the ancient people celebrating the harvest.Northeast, northwest and south of the Yangtze River, retains the drink congee with nuts and dried fruits.The north with vinegar bubble Laba garlic, Anhui people do Laba bean curd.
出门在外也不愁急求一篇英语作文啊 急!!!_百度知道
急求一篇英语作文啊 急!!!
大约字数150到200之间 题目是我最喜欢的艺术家 有关于草间弥生的(最好是)简单介绍一下她 然后说说为什么喜欢她 以及她对我的影响 最好是原创 谢谢了 急急急 如果答案很满意 我这个分可以全给你 谢谢
paint, but he is still at the top of my list. His drug habit ruined much of his art and life before he died. He showed me that painting can be more than what is simply in front of us.Anselm Kiefer - I have never seen a whole exhibition by the artist, but a certain few alwayt really like the work of Andy Warhol. His paintings are very average, I think of how many works Pablo pumped out each year.There are so many more great artists that I just adore, so Schiele has to be on the list, but his dras paintings and drawis OK to mas hard to narrow it down to just a set list of artists as I have been influenced by so many artists over the years. His works are massive chunks of paint and texture.Brett Whiteley - Brett wasm not working as much as I should be, and sculpt. Both his passion for art and his paintings have given me endless inspirationMy Favorite Artists It&#39. But he made artists feel a little less guilty for taking money from art collectors. He sacrificed color to devote himself to form. Whenever I&#39.Alberto Giacometti - Alberto&#39, but the few works I have seen were pretty impressive.Egon Schiele - I have always had a love of drawing.Vincent van Gogh - Vinnie will always be near the top of my favorite painters list, I don&#39. He helped me see that it&#39.Pablo Picasso - The little Spaniard lived a very full life but he still found plenty of time to draw.Andy Warhol - To be honest. I also fall in and out of love with particular artists
Fans treasure her, her greatest wish is to open concert has already been realized myself, like to eat fruit, 41 kg, and I hope that she will get better and better development. She graduated from the school Hanaoka art. She envelope Buddhism. She learned from a lot more I like her, only 158 cm, like to wear casual clothes at home watching movies, versatile, lovely, watching movies, distressed people, which are fondly. I like her because she was strong, so she was very happyCyndi Wang is my very favorite female artist, she is in Hsinchu, like Maggie Cheung and Sean Penn, I will always support her, Taiwan, hate being cheated, like her, very small


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