求stardock的pv desktop破解版scapes或称为动态桌面的破解版

1. 新增扫二维码功能,可直接扫 VeryCD 网站影片页面的二维码,便能在应用上打开;
2. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
1. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
2. 在影片封面上展示在线视频的清晰度;
地区(语言):&美国(简体中文) 发行时间:&2008年
安装说明 下载完成后解压,先安装objectdockplus_190.rar里面的安装包,安装到任意盘符 再安装ObjectDockhh.rar 里面的汉化补丁 要注意已下事项 PS: ...
收藏人数: 174
Stardock Object Desktop 2004 Suite /products/odnt/odnt2002.jpg
价格:49.95美元 厂商:Stardock公司评价:★★★★☆
Object Desktop 2004是Stardock公司出品的另一款相对更好(也更昂贵)的桌面定制软件。这个套装包括了WindowsBlinds和其他Stardock公司出品的软件,从而使用户能够定制计算机窗口的外观、鼠标指针、工具条和图标。不过比起WindowsBlinds,它的操作也相对复杂一些。用来替代标准Windows桌面图标的Object Desktop自带图标显得非常漂亮,而且能让你的计算机更有个性。你还能控制诸如阴影和特效等选项,在限制的区域内也一样能够修改系统的功能。例如,你能够创建自己的弹出菜单,自定义输入密码的快捷键,或者打开常用的文件夹。 其中包括了:Stardock Central /products/sdcentral/index.1.jpg Stardock Central is a new way of getting software to you quickly and easily. It's how Stardock delivers Galactic Civilizations, WindowBlinds, DesktopX, WinCustomize, CursorXP, and dozens of other popular programs to millions of users today.What makes Stardock Central so special is that it integrates content distribution and management together into a single interface. You can manage your Stardock.net account, get instant updates, chat, get the latest news, download skins, themes, and wallpapers, and much more.IconXStardock IconX将加强你的Windows桌面图标的表现。 给它们阴影,任意改变它们的大小,使它们随鼠标移动缩放。 简而言之: 让你的桌面图标看起来令人生畏!CursorXP /products/skinpacks/oranda/ScreenShot_small.png CursorXP 是出品 WindowBlinds 的 Stardock 软件公司推出的一款专门用来改变鼠标指针形态的小程序。它充分利用了 Windows 2000 和 Windows XP 系统的可视化技术,使你的鼠标指针千变万化。同时它还具备用户自定义功能,大家可以自己创造个性化鼠标指针和动画。此款程序完全集成于普通鼠标控制面板中,使你可以很容易的控制它的开关。IconPackager /products/iconpackager/images/mainss.jpg
一套可用来更换 Windows 系统图标的工具包,内建四组图标主题让你更换,几乎整个系统上的图标都可以更换,除了可单独挑选自己喜欢的图标更换外,亦可一次套用整个图标主题更换,此外亦提供可让你设定 windows95/98/2000/NT 隐藏功能。软件可以帮你快速更换桌面以及各项系统程序的图标,更改过后你也可随时再还原 Windows 原先预设的图标,除此之外,它还可让你更改一些 Windows 隐藏设置,如开始菜单的阶层选择开启速度、隐藏开始菜单中的显示等等,在其网页中的图标主题可下载,相当漂亮!安装一个新的图标库,你可以从 Stardock 软件公司的专用图标网站上下载现成的图标库。图标库,是多个图标的成套集合。选安装图标包,在弹出的窗口中可以选择是从网上下载还是从硬盘目录安装,如果你的硬盘上有图标库文件,就把它找到,双击,即可安装到 IconPackager 中,此时它只是进行了装载,还不会立即生效。然后要在图标库列表中选择一个库文件,再点预览可以预览图标包的内容,选载入图标包将其应用到 Windows 系统中,最后选应用使之生效。IconPackager 可用实现脱机使用,也就是说,在你用它更改了 Windows 图标以后,下次并不需要再运行它了,所有的图标会脱离 IconPackager 一直保留着(其实是放在图标缓存里了)。WindowBlinds /products/windowblinds/wb4/new-2.jpg
这个软件除了可以让你使用 BMP 图形作为程序的背景底图之外,它还可让你 Windows 中的所有程序的窗口标题条 (Titlebar) 变成麦金塔电脑 Mac OS8 或是 BeOS 的样子,而你也可以将 Windows 95 的窗口标题条(Titlebar) 弄成像 Windows 98 一样的渐层显示,渐层的颜色还可以自订,标题条的文字可让你放在中间而不是预设的左边。另外各位可以发现现在一般的新软件,其工具条的按钮形式都已改成「浮动式」的,也就是当鼠标移到按钮上时它会浮起来,比较美观而且有立体感,但仍能有一些软件(如 ACDSee、NetTerm) 依旧是旧式的按钮形式,你只要用这个软件就够将它们都改成「浮动式」的按钮喔!其他还有许多功能,譬如可让桌面 icon 的文字底色变成透明.....等等,在此不多叙述,各位自己抓回来玩看看吧!ObjectBar /products/objectbar/media/objectbar.jpg
ObjectBar(MacVision)是一个能够让PC彻底地模仿成MAC的软件。不管是工作列、按钮、卷轴、视窗、快显功能表、开始功能表等皆能够变得和MAC OS8 一模一样,不知道的人还以为你改用MAC了。如果你喜欢MAC的样子和操作方式,那不妨下载这个软件回去体验一下。SkinStudio /products/skinstudio/images/mainss.jpg
SkinStudio 是一款允许您制作WindowBlinds系统外表、从而改变您的用户界面的程式。他使得最终用户很容易制作系统外表,SkinStudio制作的系统外表可以用来装饰Windows XP、Windows 98、Windows Me等的桌面。附注:您还需要WindowBlinds或WindowBlinds XP应用这些系统外表!DesktopX http://www.desktopx.net/dx-sept04.jpg
DesktopX 是一套活泼的桌面改变工具,它能让整个桌面及图标动了起来(类似JAVA特效)、它以物件的方式可完全的自订桌面,包括一切如:我的电脑、执行、开关机、资源回收桶、开启程序或资料夹等等,且每一个物件皆能利用ICO或BMP图自订其图示,也可自订其鼠标移动至时的特效与声响,此外还能将制好的主题储存起来,下次还可再用,内建四组主题。WindowFX[MOVIE=320,240]/video/windowfx1.wmv[/MOVIE][MOVIE=320,240]/video/winfx21.wmv[/MOVIE]WindowFX 是一个 Windows 2000/XP 下的视觉增强、优化软件。他通过利用 Win2K/XP 的 Alpha 混合功能,为菜单、窗口增加立体感极强的阴影、半透明效果,还可以定制程序最大化尺寸,使桌面图标背景透明。2.0 版开始增加了大量更为夸张的视觉效果,包括十多种菜单弹出/收回效果、窗口状态过渡效果、任务栏半透明等等,充分利用新型显卡硬件加速的功能,将原本呆板的界面变得效果十足。如果你安装了同一系列的 Windows 换肤软件 WindowBlinds,更是可以配合 WindowFX 来添加灯光、阴影等华丽效果。不过如果说有什么不足,那就是你的显卡一定要硬件上能支持它的 alpha 混合效果,否则在性能上就要打折扣啦。新版增加了“拖拽动画”功能,可以在拖拽窗口的时候显示很酷的动画效果。Windows是大家最常用的操作系统,屏幕中一个又一个的视窗大家看得很习惯,但是也一定有些厌倦了哦? 介绍你WindowFX这个好玩的软件,它利用许多视窗的隐藏介面,让视窗多出许多变化。WindowFX依照你所使用的操作系统不同(Win98/NT/2000)而有不一样的变化。比如:在视窗背后加上阴影而制造出半透明的效果。当你移动窗口、打开软件、选择菜单都可以有半透明的效果,而且还可以调整透明度。WindowFX 虽然可以在Windows 98和NT下使用,但是WindowFX大部分的功能都是针对Windows 2000设计的,所以 说如果你在98/NT下面使用就不能体验到WindowFX所有的魅力罗! Keyboard Launchpad /products/klp/3.jpg 热键定义软件,你可以设置访问某一程序,URL,执行程序命令等。IconDeveloper /products/icondeveloper/info/new-6.jpg IconDeveloper 是主题制作供应商 Stardock的又一个新品,是非常容易创造您自己的 Windows 图标的软件。 IconDeveloper 为允许用户导入其他程序制作的图象转换成图标。 同时,IconDeveloper允许图标的色彩,批量转换,及缩放现有图标,使用新的图像补偿技术不丢失原有高质量。ObjectDock /products/objectdock/odock10.jpg [img]/products/objectdock/PlusShots/Previe4.jpg[img]
一个可以逼真模拟MacOSX Dock的软件,MacOSX Dock的一些功能它都实现了:包括图标的鼠标动态缩放感应、弹性的拖放、并支持可执行文件和文件夹的拖放建立快捷方式、DOCK上的图标支持 .ico和PNG-24透明图形格式,图标大小支持5px-128px、图标支持自由更换、Dock 背景透明调节...可能是鉴于版权的敏感问题,ObjectDock 初始安装好后的图标都是第三方的,而不是 MacOS X 的原汁原味图标,不过众多的自定义功能,已经足以让用户自己设定出接近拟真的 MacOS X Dock ...BootSkin /images/news/PM1.jpg
BootSkin是一个可以用来简单且安全地改变你的Windows开机画面的工具,它允许你从 等网站下载或自己创造Windows开机画面。支持 Windows 2000 和 Windows XP 上运作并且不会代替系统档案。此汉化版本中我附带添加了十几款皮肤,希望大家喜欢。连接已于9月8日修正
留点口水(可选):Automatically organize your desktop shortcuts and icons with Fences&!
See it in Action!
Key Features
Create shaded areas to organize your desktop
Double click the desktop to hide or show icons
Define rules to organize your desktop icons
Swipe between multiple pages of fences
Create a desktop portal from any folder
Fences is the #1 recommended solution for automatic desktop organization.
Fences helps you organize your PC by automatically placing your shortcuts and icons into resizable shaded areas on your desktop called fences. Its many customization features are what make Fences the world's most popular Windows desktop enhancement.
Section off your desktop
Fences enables you to create shaded areas on your desktop that you can place icons into called fences. You can label them however you wish as well as move or resize them anywhere on the desktop.
Desktop Pages
Create multiple pages of fences on your desktop and quickly swipe between them. To change to a different desktop page, just take your mouse cursor to the edge of your screen and click and drag. Then a new page of fences will be displayed. This feature provides greater control over how you can organize favorite programs, documents, websites and more.
Desktop Quick-hide
Instantly clean up your desktop. Double-click any blank space on your desktop and your icons will fade out. Double-click again and they will return. You can even pick icons and individual fences to exclude.
Automatic desktop organization
Define rules for how your icons are arranged on your desktop and Fences will automatically sort new icons into the fences you have chosen based on your rules.
Folder portals
Fences can act as a portal to any folder on your PC. For example, your documents or pictures folders can be mirrored onto your desktop as a fence enabling quick access to their contents without adding clutter to your desktop.
Customize your Fences
Quickly personalize the labels, background colors and transparency of your fences from the easy to use configuration menu.
System Requirements
Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista/XP (XP 32-bit only)
Folder portals and pages requires Windows 7 or newer
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Thanks for subscribing!Bring your wallpaper to life with DeskScapes& 8!
Key Features
Use your images and videos as the desktop wallpaper
Customize your wallpapers with animations
Apply over 40 special effects to your desktop
Apply any dream as your PC screensaver
DeskScapes gives you the capability to animate and customize the wallpaper on your Windows desktop. Choose one of the animated wallpapers already included with DeskScapes, or use your own images WMV files to personalize your desktop.
Download additional animated wallpapers from our
Animate your Windows desktop
Use WMV and Dream files with DeskScapes to apply animated video wallpapers to your desktop. The .Dream format, which DeskScapes uses, has been specially designed to contain content used to animate wallpapers. You can also apply any dream as your PC screensaver!
Easily add motion to static wallpapers
Use DreamMaker (included with DeskScapes) to design your own creations! Save videos or hybrid .Dream files with a wallpaper and video elements.
Add cool effects to your wallpaper
Choose from over 40 effects to apply to any wallpaper. Effects include: black and white, blur, canvas texture, inverted, night vision, pop art, sepia, animated snow and many more!
Recolor your existing wallpapers
Using a simple slider DeskScapes helps you apply new colors to wallpapers. Color customization can be applied to an entire image or only to select colors.
Multiple monitor support
DeskScapes capabilities give you the option to have different wallpaper on each of your monitors or stretch video and static wallpapers over multiple monitors.
Easy-to-use configuration dialog
The user interface is intuitive and so easy to use that you can create a great looking custom desktop design in just a few minutes. An always present preview helps you see what your desktop will look like before applying effects to your new wallpaper.
Find more Dreams!
is a website that provides content for users to customize Microsoft Windows. There are hundreds of wallpapers and dreams to choose from.
Add effects to your wallpapers
Adjust the colors of your wallpaper
Create your own settings
Easily adjust a distracting wallpaper
Enhance your existing wallpapers
Multi-monitor support
System Requirements
Windows 8.1/8/7
Minimum screen resolution: 1024 x 768
Microsoft DirectX&
about video codec requirements
For video card requirements,
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Thanks for subscribing!Watery Desktop 3D ScreenSaver【3D水世界动态桌面】的简介:
Watery Desktop 3D ScreenSaver【3D水世界动态桌面】的下载地址:
所下载的软件的版本:v3.15 破解文件(Crack)


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