And am I glad you came下载to see you! 走遍美国精讲笔记

  目 录  1. 褚利明(Ronald): Improvement, Fulfillment, Gratitude  (进步 充实 感谢)  2. 邵诗利 (Alex): A Farewell Speech  (告别演说)  3. 王东伟 (Edward): The Four Things I Did at UIR  (在国关的四个“一”)  4. 李京红 (Lilly): No Pains, No Gains  (一分耕耘 一分收获)  5. 冯晋平 (Jim): Tariff and English  (关税和英语)  6. 贾杰 (Nick): China Financial and Economic Publishing House  (中国财政经济出版社)  7. 杜经彬 (Bill): E-Learning:An Approach to the Learning Society  (网络教育:建立学习型社会的必由之路)  8. 查艾军 (Aline): Rainbow after Rain  (风雨过后是彩虹)  9. 金荣华 (Joe): The Old Maples  (古枫树)  10. 尹伯钦 (Bob): Reflections on Learning a Foreign Language  (学习外语的几点体会)  11. 林皎 (Helen): Learning English at UIR is a Joy   (在国关学习英语的乐趣)  12. 柳柏树 (Lewis): The First Step in the Long March   (万里长征的第一步)  13. 邵荣华 (Linda) But My Heart Wants to Stay  (我心依旧)  14. 李军 (Richard): Where There is a Will, There is a Way  (有志者 事竟成)  1. Improvement, Fulfillment, Gratitude  进步 充实 感谢  农业司 褚利明 (Ronald)  We have been in the University of International Relations (UIR) for 100 days since April 19th. To sum up the 100 days, I think there are three words that best reflect our campus life. They are “improvement”, “fulfillment” and “gratitude”.  从4月19日算起,到国关已经100天了。回顾100天来的校园生活,有三个词可能是最关键的,这就是“进步”、“充实”、“感谢”。  Firstly, we achieved steady and sure improvement. In UIR, our main task is learning English. If you ask how we are getting along with our studies, different students may have different answers. But one thing is common: we improved ourselves a lot. For example, we enlarged our vocabularies, strengthened our listening and writing ability, improved our intonation as well as pronunciation, and developed the skill to have conversation in English, although to limited extent. More   importantly, we got a deeper understanding of English, increased our interest in English learning, and found study methods that are suitable for us, all of which will benefit us all our lives.  首先,我们取得了实实在在的进步。来到国际关系学院,我们最主要的任务是学习英语。如果问我们学得怎么样,可能不同的人有不同的回答。但其中有一点是共同的。那就是我们取得了实实在在的进步。表现在,我们的词汇恢复并增加了,我们听的能力、写的能力提高了,我们的发音更地道了,我们具备了一定的会话能力--尽管这种能力还很有限。更重要的是,我们对英语的理解加深了,我们学习英语的兴趣增加了,我们摸索出了适合自己的学习方法。所有这些,都将使我们受益终身。  Secondly, we felt really fulfilled in the past 100 days. In UIR, we had a colourful life as if we had returned to our youth. We enjoyed the delight of studies. Attending classes in the daytime, listening to lectures in the evening, taking part in the English corner at the weekend, and sometimes burning the midnight oil, we gained knowledge this way and felt very happy. We enjoyed the harmonious and friendly interpersonal relations. English is the link between the students and the professors. We have grown to know each other better, and have built a profound friendship. We enjoyed the happiness of physical exercises. There were our vigorous figures in the gymnasium and the basketball court. We enjoyed the wonderful food in the campus’ canteen. For instance, big bowls of beef noodles, all kinds of dishes, and even Muslim delicacies. Looking at these foods, we have good appetite. Just as a classmate of mine said, “Every morning, I hear the clear and melodious birds’ singing. I like it. Then I go to the class, and I like it, too. Later, I review the lessons and do the exercises. Wow, how pleased I am! For me, every day here is fulfilled.”  第二,我们度过了充实的100天。生活是丰富的。来到国关,重温校园生活,仿佛又回到了从前。我们享受了学习的乐趣--白天上课,晚上听讲座,周末的英语角,以及挑灯夜读,使我们获得知识并乐在其中;我们享受了和谐、友善的人际关系带给我们的愉悦--在这里,英语成为密切我们师生关系的纽带,师生之间、学员之间由相识到相知,建立起了深厚的友谊;我们享受了体育锻炼的乐趣--体育馆里、篮球场上留下了我们矫健的身影;我们享受了学生食堂的菜肴--大碗的牛肉面,各色炒菜,乃至穆斯林风味餐,都使我们胃口大开。正如有同学所说:“每天清晨听到清脆的鸟叫--这是我喜欢的,去听老师讲课--这是我喜欢的,然后复习、练习,呵!多么惬意。在这里,每一天我都过得很充实。”  Thirdly, our hearts are filled with gratitude. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to leaders of the Ministry of Finance for providing us with the opportunity to study. Without your help, we can achieve nothing. And we appreciate UIR for arranging this training course, and adjusting the teaching in accordance with the actual needs. Also, we owe a great deal to the professors. You are so outstanding, so kind, so patient, so considerate, and so dedicated. We can’t help showing clearly in our words and manner that we admire and esteem you very much. Of course, we won’t forget the young tutors who tried their best to help us. And we must also thank ourselves. During the past 100 days, we encouraged each other, learnt from each other, raced against time, and spared no effort to learn English. So, I believe we will not let you down.  第三,我们心中充满了谢意。我们感谢部领导给我们提供这样的学习机会,否则,一切都无从谈起;我们感谢国际关系学院的精心安排,并根据实际情况作出适应性的调整;我们感谢各位老师,你们是那样的优秀,那样的敬业,那样的亲切,那样的耐心,那样的善解人意,使我们对你们的钦佩和爱戴之情溢于言表;当然,我们不会忘记那些稚气未脱但尽职尽责的小教员们。我们也要感谢我们自己。100天来,我们相互鼓励、相互切磋、争分夺秒、奋力拼搏。我想,我们没有辜负领导、老师们的期望。  Nevertheless, our experience of the past 100 days was not flawless. We felt that 100 days is too short for us to learn an elegant and popular language. I’m sorry that we were once worried by the distance between our actual level and our goal, and took it out on others. However, as the saying goes, “All’s well that ends well.” Now we are satisfied with the outcome of our efforts, and want to share the joy with you all.  当然,这并不意味着100天的校园生活完美无缺。对于学习一门优美、普遍受欢迎的语言来说,100天太短太短。我们也曾被现实和目标之间的差距引起的烦恼所困扰,并因此而迁怒于他人。有谚语说得好:“结果好一切都好。”我们已经取得了好的结果,我们有理由感到高兴,并期待与领导和老师们一起分享快乐。  In the end, I particularly want to say that we have a common idea: 100 days’ campus life has ended. But as far as English learning is concerned, it is just the beginning rather than the end. And it is a good beginning. So, I firmly believe that we will start off here, and make solid progress towards success!   我特别想说的是-当然,这也是我们本期学员共同的想法,100天的校园生活过去了,但对我们的英语学习而言,它不是结束,而仅仅是开始,而且是一个非常好的开端。我深信,我们将会由此出发,在通向成功的道路上迈出更加坚实的步伐。  2. A Farewell Speech  告别演说  人教司 邵诗利 (Alex)  How time flies! Three months’ study has elapsed before we can fully appreciate it. Three months ago, we came to the UIR to study E today, we are going to leave the campus full of gains. At this special moment, I find it difficult to express my complicated feelings by words. The only word that I can say is: thanks.   光阴似箭!三个月转眼过去了,想当初,我们满怀希望,来到国际关系学院学习英语;今天,我们将满载收获,就要告别这个美丽的校园。在这特殊的时刻,我很难用言语来表达复杂的心情。我唯一能说的就是:谢谢!  First of all, I’d like to extend my sincerest gratitude to my leaders in the Ministry of Finance. With the development of economic globalization, finance diplomacy is playing an increasingly important role in promoting the development of the socialist market economy. The leaders of the Ministry of Finance show great foresight and make the wise decision to hold this English training program. I’m one of the lucky dogs being chosen to study here, so I should thank my leaders for offering me such a precious opportunity.  首先,要向部领导表达我诚挚的谢意!随着经济全球化的进一步发展,财经外交在推进社会主义市场经济的发展过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用。部领导高瞻远瞩,并作出英明决策,加强干部外语培训。我有幸被选派来这里学习,在此,我要衷心感谢领导给了我这个宝贵的机会!  Second, I appreciate the help from leaders and teachers of UIR very much. During the past three months, the leaders of UIR did a great deal for us. They provided us with comfortab dispatche made scientific teaching plans and selected good teaching materials. The respectable professors of UIR left no stone unturned to improve our English level from every aspect, such as listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating. I was deeply moved by their scrupulous spirit about every detail and keeping on improving in their academic pursuit.  其次,非常感激国关的领导和老师们!在过去的三个月中,国关的领导为我们做了很多工作:给我们提供了良好的学习环境和生活条件,配备了优秀的教师,制定了科学的教学计划,选择了合适的教材。国关的老师爱岗敬业,受人尊敬。他们从听、说、读、写、译等方面对我们进行了全方位的训练。他们一丝不苟、诲人不倦的治学态度使我深受感动。  Third, I want to present my heartfelt thanks to my colleagues. Though short of hands while facing arduous tasks, they gave me their full support and shouldered extra workload due to my absence. Their support and help enabled me to devote myself to studying English.  第三,衷心地感谢我的同事们。在人手紧缺、工作任务繁重的情况下,他们任劳任怨地承担了我的工作,全力以赴地支持我,使我能够全身心地投入到学习中。  Last but not the least, I am very grateful to my family. Because of the full study schedule, I cannot go home until the weekend. Instead of complaining, they give me their full support. In fact, it’s their understanding and support that give me enough confidence and courage to face and surmount the difficulties and hardships I encountered in my study.   最后,还要感谢我的家人。由于学习紧张,只有周日才能回家,我的家人非但没有丝毫怨言,还给予了我很多帮助。正是他们的理解与支持,我才有了足够的信心和勇气,去面对并克服了在学习中遇到的种种困难与挫折。  3. The Four Things I Did at UIR  在国关的四个“一”  国库支付中心 王东伟 (Edward)  I’m very honored to stand here to make this presentation. As I begin, I wish to thank the leaders at the Ministry of Finance for giving me this opportunity to learn English. I wish to thank my teachers at UIR for their excellent job. At this very moment, looking back at the past one hundred days, I am filled with the happiness of making progress and the sorrow of saying goodbye to UIR. I believe that I have done four things at UIR.  现在,我高兴地向大家汇报一下自己三个月来的学习体会。首先,我要感谢部领导,感谢部领导给了我这次难得的学习机会;其次,我要感谢我的国关老师,感谢他们辛勤的努力和出色的工作。此时此刻,回顾一百天来的日日夜夜,真是心有千言、欲说不能。既有进步的喜悦,又有挑战的压力;既有美好的回味,又有别离的伤感。值此,我想汇报四点体会,概况起来讲就是四个“一”,即:取得了一个进步,培养了一个兴趣,树立了一个理念,结下了一段感情。  First, I have made a big progress. In the past one hundred days, I have developed my ability in the four basic skill of English learning: listening, speaking, reading and writing. In contrast to the past, I can now see clearly not only where I have been, but also where I am going. I believe that I have turned over a new page in my English learning. I believe that I have started off on a way to success.  取得了一个进步,就是自己在英语听、说、读、写四项基本技能方面,有了大的进展,其中有的方面取得了明显的突破。一个突出的成效,就是形成了英语学习的新的平台。有了这个平台,我能够清醒地认识到自己现在是什么样的水平,下一步要从哪里学、学什么、怎么学。我再也不会像过去那样,一想到英语学习就茫然不知所措。从某种意义上讲,这个平台的建立,使我明确了方向,找到了道路,翻开了英语学习的新的一页。  Next, I have cultivated a strong interest. With the teachers’ encouragement and my own efforts, I become more and more interested in English. Learning English is no longer a mental strain, but an inviting enjoyment. This interest will inspire me to do better and better.  培养了一个兴趣,就是在老师的鼓励和自己的努力下,我对英语学习的兴趣越来越浓。学习英语,不再是一种被动的接受,而是一种主动的进取;不再是一种精神负担,而是一种诱人的乐趣。这种兴趣的意义不仅对于现在,更重要的是对于将来会产生深远的影响。  Third, I have adopted a time-cherishing concept. Hard work is the way to the end of the rainbow. English learning is a time-consuming work. As a busy working man, I have to seek and find time to do it. However, just as an old saying goes,“An inch of time is an inch of gold, but even gold cannot buy time.” I will make the best use of any available time and won’t let time slip through my fingers.  树立了一个理念,就是逐步确立了英语学习的“惜时”观念。英语学习是一个花费时间与精力的艰苦过程。保证一定的学习时间至关重要。对于一个工作忙碌的人来说,必须积极挖掘并合理运用时间。有道是“点滴之间,成就非凡”。不能忽视会前的两分钟、候车的三分钟,务必珍惜好、利用好一切可以利用的时间。  Lastly, I have developed a deep affection for UIR. UIR meant little to me at my first sight. But now, one hundred days later, UIR means so much to me. I love the cuckoo’s singing in the early morning, which wakes me up. I love listening to the lessons in the classroom, which fulfills me. I love walking in the moonlight on the campus, which activates my imagination. I will never forget the days together with my teachers and my classmates. I will never forget the teachers’ encouragement and guidance. I will never forget what happened to me here.  结下一段感情,就是与国关发生的百天“情缘”。初见国关,不如所想,心有所失。然而,百天之后的国关,情形迥异,多姿多彩。清晨,我在布谷鸟的歌唱中醒来,望着窗外日出而豪情满怀;白天,我坐在教室里聆听与交流,偶有倦意却充实满足;夜晚,月光洒满校园,我夜读之余漫步其中,别有滋味在心头。不能忘记老师的精心指导,不能忘记同学的倾心交流。百天弹指间,百天之情伴永远。  learning is not a race, but a journey to be savored on each step of the way. The one-hundred-day experience is not an end, but a new beginning. Chairman Mao once said,“ten thousands years are too long, seize the day, seize the hour.” I will seize the day. I will seize the hour. I will never hesitate, never yield, and never stop.  学习不是一场匆忙的比赛,而是一个漫长的旅程。在这个旅程中,重要的是能够仔细地品味走过的每一步,认真地总结和思考。一百天的学习虽然结束了,但它又是一个新的开始。时不我待,只争朝夕,我将永不懈怠,永不屈服,勇往直前!  4. No Pains, No Gains  一分耕耘 一分收获  中注协 李京红 (Lilly)  I began to learn English more than 20 years ago, but I dropped it after the second year in college. These years, with the increase of international exchange, it becomes necessary for me to pick up my English learning again. Fortunately, the leaders from the Ministry of Finance offered me such a good opportunity. I feel very happy and cherish this rare chance. Now, I have been studying English hard for three months. Thanks to the instruction of professors, with the help of my tutors and classmates, and through my continuous efforts, my English improved a lot in listening, speaking, reading and writing. After this period of study, I have made progress in the following aspects:   我的英语学习是从20多年前开始的,大学二年级以后基本中断了学习。近些年,由于国际交往越来越多,我需要重新捡起丢失多年的英语学习。此次,财政部领导给我们提供了这么好的一个机会,我十分高兴,并十分珍惜这段难得的好时光。在老师和小辅导员的精心教导下,在同学们的帮助下,通过自己的努力,使我的英语的听说、读写能力有了较大的提高,回顾三个月的学习,主要有以下三点收获:  1.Learnt a set of methods of English learning.  1.掌握了英语学习的方法  Formerly, my English learning was focused on reading, writing and reciting, while listening and speaking were left alone. Under the professors’ systematic instruction and exercises, with the help of tutors who focused on my problems, I have learnt a set of methods of English learning: listening, imitating, transcribing and reciting. Now, these methods have become a habit in my English learning, and I benefit a lot from it.   过去我的英语学习是看-写-背,对听说基本不涉及,因此也属典型的哑巴英语。通过这三个月的学习,经过课上老师的系统训练,课后小辅导员针对我个人特点的具体指导,我基本掌握了一套学习英语的好方法, 即: 听-模仿跟读-听写-背诵.目前这种学习方法已成为自己的一种英语学习的习惯,收益很大。  2. Established a willingness to challenge myself.  2.确立了挑战自我的观念  In the past, affected by vanity, I’d rather learn something in my level or a little lower. As a result, I couldn’t improve my English quickly. After these three months of studying, my previous thought completely changed. For instance, it is difficult for me to follow the Listening Comprehension Course offered by Professor Chen. The content of this course is designed step by step from easier tasks to more difficult ones. As soon as I make some progress, the task becomes more difficult. I always have a feeling that I am climbing a high mountain, and if I do not study hard I will fall behind. Facing such problems I put forward strict requirements to myself. I do all the exercises as intensive listening comprehension though the teacher required us to do it as extensive listening comprehension. Furthermore, I try my best to transcribe all the listening materials. As an old saying in Chinese goes, ‘constant effort yields sure success’. I achieved good results as expected.  过去学习英语总是爱面子,宁愿学习与自己水平相当的内容或略低于自己实际水平的知识,以满足自己的虚荣心。所以,进步不快。通过这三个月的学习,打破了这种学习观念,特别是陈教授的听力课,对我来说有一定的难度。该课程内容多,且由浅入深,总是当我刚刚达到一个新水平了,课程内容又难了,总有不断往山上爬的感觉,如果不努力就会跟不上。面对上述困难我给自己提出了更高的要求,老师要求泛听,但我认为可通过精听,收获更多的东西。因此我努力做到精听,并描述下来。回头看,收获很大。  3. Strengthened my interest in English learning.   3.增强了英语学习的兴趣  Through three months’ learning, I have not only accumulated English knowledge, but also improved English skills. More importantly, I have learnt the ability to teach myself. Now, I have a strong interest in learning English, because I find pleasure in the process of learning. I believe that I will take the achievements as a starting point for further progress in order to increase my English level continuously.   通过学习,我不仅积累了英语知识,提高了听说读写等各方面技能,更重要的是具备了一定的英语自学能力。目前我有了更强烈的英语学习的兴趣,因为我能在学习中找到乐趣。我相信我将以此为起点继续努力学习,不断提高自己的英文水平。  How time flies! I will always remember all my teachers. Professor Chen, speaking with a southern Chinese flavor, used systematical listening materials. Professor Feng explained famous speeches with his solemn teaching style. Professor Zhang’s lectures were filled with an active atmosphere and he made a summing-up of major grammar points. Professor Wang told or retold a story in an orderly way. Professor Qi, with a constant genial smile on his face, taught us Family Album USA. Professor Zhang and Professor Gao directed us to develop our vocabulary power rapidly. All these learning experiences will become happy memories and they will accompany me throughout my English learning process.  时间飞逝,陈教授带有江南口音的语音和系统的实景录音资料,冯教授庄重的授课风格和讲授的演讲美文,张教授活跃的课堂气氛和串讲的语法要点,王教授有条不紊的话语和复述的故事以及祁老师笑眯眯领我们走遍美国,张老师和高老师快节奏带我们拓展词汇……这一切都将成为美好的回忆,我相信这段美好的记忆将永远伴随着我们英语学习的历程。  I have long dreamed about speaking in English. It seems that if I stick to English leaning, I’ll be able to make my dream come true.  长期以来,能用英语讲话是我一个遥远的梦,现在看来,只要自己继续努力,这个梦不再遥远。  5. Tariff and English  关税和英语  关税司 冯晋平 (Jim)  How time flies. I remember when we began our English training course, we were asked to make self-introductions. At that time, I tried, but could only say a few words about myself. Part of the reason was that I wasn’t able to say more, and the other part, a lack of courage to speak English in front of others. Since then, three months have passed, and I think my English has improved. Today on this special occasion, I would like to try and tell you something about my work.  三个月很快就过去了。在入学后不久,我们每个同学都做过自我介绍,我简单地讲了自己的名字、毕业学校、工作单位等等几句话,因为那时我不能,起码是没胆量用英语讲更多。现在我也许能够讲得多一点,比如有关我的工作,让我试一试。  As you all know, tariff is levied on imported goods when they go through the customs. The basis of levying is China’s tariff policies. I am from the Tariff Policy Department, a department of the Ministry of Finance that studies the tariff policies of our country and deals with related affairs.  大家知道,海关对进口商品是要征收关税的,海关征税的依据是国家关税政策。我来自于关税司,这正是一个研究我国关税政策,处理与关税政策相关事务的司局。  Generally speaking, the work concerning tariff is macroscopic. For instance, tariff is an embodiment of national sovereignty. The tariff level, besides, is an indication of the extent of how open the country is towards the outside world. The leaders of China have declared more than once to the world that China will lower the overall tariff level, for the purpose of demonstrating the sincerity and resolution with which we open up. For the past ten years, the overall tariff level has fallen from 40% to 10%. Moreover, tariff plays a significant role in state revenue. Statistics show that in 2003, revenue collected from imported goods totals over 370 billion yuan, accounting for 19% of the national gross tax revenue, and 30% of the central government’s revenue.  关税工作基本上是宏观的,比如:关税是国家主权的重要体现,而且关税水平还是一个国家对外开放程度的标志之一。我国领导人曾多次向世界宣告,中国将进一步降低我国关税总水平,以体现我国对外开放的诚意和决心。十年来,我国关税总水平由40%降低到10%。再者,关税的财政作用十分明显。2003年进口税收超过3700亿元,占全国总的税收收入的19%,占中央财政收入的30%。  Yet under many circumstances, tariff is closely related to people’s daily lives. Undoubtedly you all know that the prices of automobiles are decreasing, and one of the causes is in the past ten years the tariff on automobiles has been reduced from 180% to roughly 35%, and on July 1st, 2006, it will fall to 25%. Some people may notice that on the consumer market,the variety of southern fruits has increased and they are less expensive. Again it is mainly because all fruits imported from Thailand have been free of tariff since last November.  同时,在很多情况下,关税工作与人们的日常生活也密切相关。大家都知道,汽车的售价在逐渐下降,其中一个重要因素就是十年间,我们将汽车的进口关税由180%降到了35%左右,而且在日,还将降到25%;大家可能注意到了,市场上南方水果多起来了,而且应该比以前要便宜,同样地是因为自去年十月一日起,我国对来自于泰国的水果实行了零关税。  Since China's admission to the WTO, more and more work concerning tariff, such as international conference and tariff negotiation, requires to be done. Therefore, a good command of English is very important to me. I have been fortunate to have the opportunity to take this three-month course, from which much has been gained, especially the confidence that I am able to learn English well, and the ability to teach myself English in my future work.   需要过“关”去做的关税工作是越来越多了,如国际会议,关税谈判等等,所以对我来讲英语很重要。很幸运的是我有机会参加了这三个月的学习。我收获很大,尤其是增强了学好英语的自信心,掌握了一些在工作中进一步学习英语的方法。  I believe that if someday I can use English skillfully, I will certainly say that I owe my thanks to these three months in UIR. Finally I would like to express my gratitude to the leaders and teachers who have made this possible.  我想如果有一天我能够更为熟练地使用英语的话,我想我会说,多亏了在国关的那三个月。由衷感谢各位老师和各位领导。  6. China Financial and Economic Publishing House中国财政经济出版社财经出版社 贾杰 (Nick)  As we all know, knowledge makes one wise. The book is one of the important sources for people to get knowledge. I am working in the field of publishing, which offers people books of various kinds. Now I would like to briefly introduce China Financial and Economic Publishing House in the hope of providing you with more knowledge about it.  众所周知,知识使人睿智,书是知识的重要载体。我们出版领域就是为人们提供各种各样的图书。现在,我想简单介绍一下中国财政经济出版社的有关情况,希望您对他有更多的了解。  China Financial and Economic Publishing House was founded in August 1956. It belongs to the Ministry of Finance. It is a large-size publishing house specializing in economics. Now it publishes 600 kinds of books every year, with its annual output of over 300 million Yuan. The publication covers various economic subjects, like finance, taxation, accounting, banking, securities, commerce, investment and world economy. Among these, several hundred economic textbooks have been widely used by various universities and colleges. The books we publish have won praise from teachers and students.  中国财政经济出版社成立于1956年8月,隶属财政部,是一所大型经济类专业出版社。现在,年出新书600种,码洋3亿多元。出版范围涵盖财政、税收、会计、金融、证券、商贸、投资和世界经济等经济门类的各个学科,其中几百种财经教材被各类院校广泛采用,赢得了广大师生的好评。Since the 1980s, China Financial and Economic Publishing House has formed long-term cooperative relations with many international organizations. We have published many important books for them, such as the Chinese edition of World Development Report for the World Bank, Finance and Development for the International Monetary Fund, Human Development Report for the United Nations and World Trade Report for WTO. In recent years, we have also conducted much copyright cooperation with many famous foreign publishing companies, such as McGrow Hill, Thomson Learning, Oxford University Press, and Pearson Educations. Many well-received books have been published through copyright cooperation with them.   二十世纪八十年代以来,中国财政经济出版社与许多国际组织建立了长期合作关系,出版了他们的很多重要图书,如世界银行的《世界发展报告》、国际货币基金组织的《金融与发展》、联合国的《人类发展报告》和世贸组织的《世界贸易报告》等中文版。近几年来,我们还与许多国外的著名出版公司进行了版权合作,其中包括麦格劳?希尔出版集团、汤姆森学习出版集团、牛津大学出版社和培生教育出版集团等。通过这种版权合作,我社出版了很多颇受读者欢迎的进口版图书。  Although we have made much progress, we know clearly that the publishing industry of China is facing fierce competition and severe challenges. In the process to further reform the publishing industry, there are still many difficulties in front of us. But we are full of confidence that our publishing house will become better and stronger and even a pioneer in this industry in the future through our continuous efforts.  虽然已取得很大成绩,但我们清楚地认识到,中国的出版业面临着激烈的竞争和严峻的挑战,在深化改革的过程中,还会遇到很多的困难和挫折,但我们有信心,通过不懈的努力,做大做强,将来成为出版业的排头兵。  7. E-Learning:  An Approach to Learning Society  网络教育:建立学习型社会的必由之路  干教中心 杜经彬 (Bill)  It’s my great pleasure to stand here, in the UIR, to present my speech. On this occasion, I am very glad to say that in the past three months I have made much progress in my English. During this period, learning English is the whole of my daily life. I have learned not only a lot of knowledge and skills of English, but also the way to learn English. Furthermore, learning English has offered me new visions, broadened my horizons and built my confidence. I have also learned that learning is playing a more and more important role in our life. Learning, lifelong learning, a learning society and e-learning are becoming the most popular topics in the world. Now, I would like to take this chance to present my opinion of e-learning and a learning society.  很高兴有机会向各位领导、老师和同学们汇报我的学习成果。经过三个月的学习,我的英语水平有了很大提高。我不仅学到了很多英语知识和技能,还掌握了学英语的方法,更重要的是,学习英语使我开阔了眼界,树立了信心。我认识到,在现代社会,学习在人的一生中发挥着越来越重要的作用。学习、终身学习、学习型社会、网络教育正在成为热点话题。今天,利用这个机会,我想就网络教育和建立学习型社会问题谈一点自己的认识。  As we all know, with the coming of the information age, knowledge is renewed at a high speed. In response to the challenge of information and globalization, more and more people have to get kinds of knowledge and skills in their daily life and work. They believe that the most important ability is the ability to learn. Learning and life have become one ? that is to say ? learning is life itself.  我们知道,随着信息化社会的到来,知识更新的速度不断加快,越来越多的人离开学校后需要不断地在工作和生活中学习各种知识和技能。在信息社会,一个人最重要的能力,就是学习的能力。可以说,在未来,学习和生活将成为密不可分的整体,学习就是生活。  E-learning ? web based learning ? makes education more social and helps learning blend into daily life. Internet gives us an opportunity that education could move out of school into the society. On the one hand, the development of e-learning extends education into homes, communities, countryside and any other regions where information technology reaches. As a result, the level of socialization of education would be enhanced. On the other hand, according to different needs in different periods, one can acquire knowledge through the Internet. Learning through the Internet not only exists in schools and institutions, but also in such corners of social life as offices, recreational places and homes, which means that anyone can learn anything at anytime anywhere. It helps us to understand the concept that learning equals life. As a result, life with continuous learning has become a lifestyle and learning has turned into a socialized and lifelong process, which breaks the traditional idea that education could be only available in schools.   网络教育使教育社会化,使学习生活化。互联网为教育走出校园、迈向社会提供了强有力的支持。网络教育的发展,一方面可将教育由学校扩展到家庭、社区、农村和任何信息技术普及的地域,提高教育社会化的程度;另一方面,人们还可根据自身在不同时期的不同需要,通过互联网有目的、有计划地进行学习。这种学习不仅可以存在于学校或类似机构中,而且可以出现在办公室、娱乐场所、家庭和社会活动中,从而促使“学习即生活”的理想变为现实,帮助人们把生活的学习化作为一种生活状态,最终达成学习社会化和终身化。  Lifelong learning completely changes the purpose, the content and the method of learning. The purpose of learning is no longer to get diplomas and occupations only, but to help individuals adapt to the ever-changing society. The content of learning is no more within the limit of books, but contains the whole knowledge and skills in daily life and work, especially focusing on the ability to practice and innovate. The way of learning is not the recitation of knowledge and the rigid imitation of skills, but rather the cultivation of learning ability. What is more, the main body of learning appears diverse, ranging from teenagers to pre-adolescents, adults and the aged ones.   这种终身学习的现象打破了以学校为依托的传统学习观念,使人们对学习的目的、内容和方法等的认识都发生了深刻的变化。学习目的不是简单地获取文凭和职业,而是帮助个人适应快速变迁的社会;学习内容不能局限于书本上的知识,必须是个人生活和工作中需要的全部知识和技能,尤其强调实践能力和创新意识;学习方法不是对知识的死记硬背和对技能的机械模仿,而是注重学习能力的培养。尤其重要的是,学习的主体从青少年,扩展到学龄前儿童、成人和老年,学习主体趋于多样化。  From the shaping of the concept of lifelong learning to the growth of e-learning throughout the world, it all indicates that the learning pattern is undergoing a revolution. The main characteristic of this revolution is lifelong learning. Mankind has entered a learning society on the basis of the Internet.  从终身学习观念的形成到网络教育在世界范围内的兴起,种种迹象表明,学习模式正在经历着一次革命,这次革命的主要特征是终身学习和学习的生活化。人类已经进入一个建立在互联网基础上的学习型社会。  8. Rainbow after Rain  风雨过后是彩虹  经建司 查艾军 (Aline)  To begin with, I’d like to express my sincere thanks for giving me such an opportunity to share with you my experience of learning English in UIR. At this moment, I am not certain whether the progress I made here, if any, will satisfy the leaders as well as the teachers.  首先,感谢你们给我一个机会来汇报我的学习体会。此刻,站在这里,我感到有点忐忑不安,不知能否交上一份令领导和老师满意的合格答卷。I  t is no doubt that English has already become part of our daily life, and it plays an important role. In modern society, learning English is difficult while not learning English makes life difficult. We may all have such mixed feelings about English. Before taking this training course, I had learned English for years. But unfortunately, my “soundless English” didn’t help. Moreover, as English has been put aside for a long time, I can hardly recall anything I learnt in college. Because of this, I always feel uneasy and embarrassed when contacting with foreigners both at work and in daily life.  毫无疑问,英语已经走进了我们的生活,并牢牢地占据着一席之地.在当今社会,学英语难,不学英语更难,它令我们爱恨交加。在进入培训班学习之前,我曾学过多年英语,但遗憾的是“哑巴英语”无法示人,况且,由于年久失用,原有的那点老底子也几乎全部“还给”老师了。以致在工作与生活中,一旦与外国人接触就感到紧张、不知所措,总会出现尴尬的场面。  Luckily, leaders of both the Ministry of Finance and my department offered me this precious opportunity to make up. Under such harmonious atmosphere of language study in UIR and their relatively systematic and complete teaching and service system, through the teachers’ wholehearted dedication, the tutors conscientious work, the classmates’ selfless assistance, and my unswerving study, I pick up my English again as well as my self-confidence after three months learning. Gradually I developed a sense of happiness and achievement, which can hardly be conveyed by words. I seem to see “the rainbow after rain”.  幸运的是,部里和司里的领导给了我这次难得的机会,集中补补课。经过三个月的英语培训,在国际关系学院良好的语言学习氛围和比较系统、完善的教学服务体系下,通过老师们认真负责的教学、小教员尽心尽力的辅导、同学们无私的帮助和自己不懈的努力,我又重拾英语,找回自信,也从中获得了难以言表的幸福感、成就感,似乎见到了“风雨过后的彩虹”。  On my way of learning, I have the very feeling that English seems like a window ? pushing it open, you shall see the ex English seems like a lane ? stepping forward, you will create a brand-new field. The course of learning English is like a pupa coming out of the cocoon and developing into a butterfly in the end. The course is hard, but the result is pleasing. As an old saying goes, “no sweet without sweat. ”   一路走来,我深深体会到,英语好像一扇窗,推开它,会看到外面精彩的世界;英语好像一条路,坚持走下去,会创造一片新天地。学习英语的过程好比蚕蛹脱茧而出,最终化为蝴蝶,过程是辛苦的,但结果是美丽的。正如人们所说,“不付出汗水,就不会有甜蜜”。  Studying here is just like living in a big family. We love and help each other and make progress together, which I will never forget. During this training course, I once felt anxious and tired because of slow improvement and heavy pressure. However, the stronger are the feelings of excitement and delight because of the enlargement of my knowledge and the improvement of my skills. We have gone through thick and thin together. From now on, I will strike while the iron is hot to further my English study. If possible, I would be willing to continue my study of English here in UIR.  这段时间就像生活在一个大家庭里,同学们团结友爱,共同进步,令我终身难忘。其间,我曾因进步慢、压力大而焦虑、疲惫,但更多的是因知识不断积累、技能逐步提高而兴奋、快乐。大家与我同甘共苦,一起走过。今后我会趁热打铁,将英语学习进行到底。如果有可能,我还愿来这里继续深造。  9. The Old Maples  古枫树  会计资格评价中心 金荣华 (Joe)  Three months is short in one's life, but it is important to me. After a period's learning, I found my intelligence and confidence awaken. Now, the door is open to me. During this time, profound friendships have been built among teachers and students. The teacher's prominent professional ethics and competence have been deeply imprinted in my mind.   三个月的时间在人生中是很短暂的,但对我来说却非常重要。通过英语的学习,我感到大脑的智力在重新启动,自己又捡回了失去的信心,在我的面前从此又开启了一扇新的大门。在学习期间,师生之间、同学之间结下了深厚的友谊。特别是老师们高尚的师德和高超的英语水平给我留下了深刻的印象。  Given permission, I'd like to recite a prose I wrote.  下面,请允许我用英语朗读我写的一篇散文:  Outside my room, there is a beautiful garden, where a few towering maples grow upright.  在我的屋外,有一个精美的园林,园中生长着几株高大的古枫树。  I always marvel at the dazzling beautiful scenery, whether it is natural or artificial. I would never be tired of seeing this garden with such extraordinary elegance. When you step forward into it, bamboos are waiting for you respectful the soldierly poplars are standing sideways behind you. Surrounded with low evergreens, a chromatic marble path takes you on a fascinating journey to explore the beauty of this little garden. You find people walking soundlessly, as if unwilling to break the silence of the flowers in the green tender bed. Near the library, there is an arc of corridor with glazed tiles on top, which links both sides of white pergola. Covered with vines, it embosoms the garden and embraces the maples.  我常常惊叹这园林的优雅别致,无论是人造景物还自然景观,举目皆是,精美绝伦,即使是日日相处也总看不厌。举步小径,前有翠竹恭迎,后有杨树侧立,低矮的灌木和鲜艳的大理石小径,巧妙地导引着。人们静悄悄地行走,仿佛不忍打扰躺在绿色软床上鲜艳的花。在靠近图书馆的一侧,红色琉璃瓦披沿的弧形的长廊,将两面长长的白瓷砖砌成的爬满滕蔓的滕架紧紧相连,拥抱着整个园林,拥抱着古枫树。  I like maples. There are a lot of maples in my hometown. I still remember that big old tree growing at the gate of my village, which takes three people to embrace. I often played under the tree in my childhood. The brawny big tree had cast a deep impression in my mind.  我喜欢枫树。在我的家乡生长着许多枫树。村庄旁边就有一株需要3个人才能合抱的古枫树。小时候我常常去大树下玩耍。古枫树那粗壮厚实的身影已深深地印在我的脑海里。  To my great joy, 20 years later, I come across huge maple trees again in this college in the capital city. What a pleasant thing to have a three-month study of English with the maples.  二十多年后,在这京城高校的院子里竟又遇到了这粗壮的古枫树。初进校园,我就有了些许感慨。有古枫树陪伴渡过3个月的学习生活,确实是一件快事。  In the early morning, through the maple leaves over the building, summer sunshine fills my room. The rising and falling sound of reading and the rumpus of magpies wake me up from my sound sleep. Then, a new day begins. The big maples attend my morning reading, see me off and welcome me back.  清晨,阳光早早地从前排高楼的房顶上,透过枫树茂密的枝叶射进屋里,窗外高低起伏的读书声,伴着喜鹊的喧闹,拉开窗帘,新的一天就这样开始了。大树陪伴我晨读,目送我上课,迎接我归来。  During the daytime, the temperature grows higher quickly, but the maples keep their guard outside my window. They stand the sunburn and bring coolness and peace to me. Whenever passing the tree, I can feel the cool wind from its top. As darkness falls, I often stroll in the garden, enjoying the gentle breeze caressing my face, hearing the billow sound, and feeling an angel comforting my soul.  夏日,北京的天气,阳光充足,气温迅速升高。守望在窗外的古枫树,忍受着烈日的煎熬,依然带给人们凉爽和安详。每次经过这里,我都能感受到大树从高处带来的凉爽的风。傍晚,我在园中散步,只觉微风拂面,涛声回荡,仿佛是天使抚慰着我的灵魂。  Night getting deeper, bugles of some far-away barracks streaked across the sky. Following the moonlight, I walked along the small marble path stretching to the grassplot, where some maples used to grow. Now, some of them were cut down, leaving huge stumps on the ground, bits of wood are left on their solid center and diffusing fragrance.   夜渐渐深了,天空划过远处军营传来的熄灯号声。寻着月光,我沿着大理石铺成的小径前行,不觉来到园外的草地上。这里原有几株古枫树,在建筑施工时被砍伐了,巨型的树根,裸露在地面上,坚实的树心上残留着斑驳的木屑,散发着淡淡的芳香。  Near these stumps there still stands an old maple. One of its branches was broken, exposing other branches, which used to be wrapped up by luxuriant leaves. Streaming lights from the school library illuminate the big tree. I gazed at this serene picture: white tresses twisted and spread from the bole. Each of them is a living soul full of vitality. Hopping, energetic and adamant. It looks like “the sunflower” of Van Gough, though it is serene rather than maniacal. The white smooth tresses shuttle through the deep green leaves against a silver gray background, as if in a fantasy. Such charming scene can only be found in Wu Guanzhong’s traditional Chinese painting ? planting
gestating hope in fantasyland.  树根的旁边还留有一株古枫树,大树的一侧在施工时被压折了,树上原被树叶紧裹着的树枝暴露无遗。图书馆里明亮的灯光直泻在大树上。我凝视着这宁静的画面。弯曲向上的白色枝条,在灯光的照耀下清晰有力,从树干两侧向上伸展开去。一枝枝,一条条,都是跳动着的充满生命活力的不屈的灵魂。这图案,使人想起梵高的名画“向日葵”,只是这里没有梵高笔下的那份狂热。白色的光滑的树枝,在银灰色的背景下,穿梭于暗绿的枝叶中,恍如梦境。寄不屈于宁静淡雅,怀希望于忧郁梦境,这神韵只有在国画大师吴冠中先生的笔下才能见到。  Walking closer to the maple, I touched its rough skin, feeling its serenity after vicissitudes and musing over its spirit. Neither nourished by the sea, nor relying on high mountains, the maples surrounded by tall buildings still impart to us with lenience and masculinity. Oh, maple, your spirit is the union of serenity and fervor, the integration of simplicity and greatness.   我走近古树,用手抚摸那粗糙的皮肤,感受着这历经沧桑之后的宁静,品味着枫树的价值。虽无崇山峻岭依傍,也无碧海银波滋润,于这高楼局限之中,古枫树以其特有的顽强和博大的胸怀,自如运用自然神力,予人以宽厚之德阳刚之美。宁静与热情的统一,平实与伟大的结合,形成了枫树独特的品味。  I wish the old maples will remain young forever!  愿古枫树永远年轻!  10. Reflections on Learning   a Foreign Language  学习外语的几点体会  税政司 尹伯钦 (Bob)  It gives me great pleasure and honor to share with you some of my feelings of my study here. Allow me to express my earnest gratitude to the Ministry of Finance as well as the University of International Relations. The Ministry provides me with a wonderful opportunity to improve my English while UIR offers me the best teaching. Together, you give me a precious opportunity to once again experience a student’s life on campus.  很高兴与大家分享在国关学习的体会。首先,我要最诚挚地感谢财政部和国际关系学院。财政部给我提供了一个极好的学习机会;国际关系学院对我进行了最好的教学;财政部和国际关系学院给了我一次体验学习、生活的机会。机会难得,机不可失,时不再来。  Reflecting on my studies, I have four points to make. First, I have learnt a lot. Twenty-one years have past since my graduation from college. During these 21 years, I have hardly learnt or practiced English and have forgotten almost all I have learnt before. Thanks to this training, I have now regained my old knowledge, learnt new knowledge, especially in listening and speaking. Moreover, I have mastered studying methods which will benefit me continuously in the future.   第二,受益非浅。我走出校园已有二十一年了。就外语而言,几乎没有很好地学和用,也几乎还给了老师。通过这次学习,我拣回了已学过的知识,学到了新的知识(特别是视听、会话),还掌握了今后学习的方法。  My second reflection of study here is that the process of learning a foreign language is a process of living, a process of communicating and contacting with different peoples. Through this very process, I have learnt not only a foreign language, but also different nations’ ways of thinking, their values, life styles, culture and art, local conditions and customs, and so on. Therefore, learning a foreign language can help me enrich my thoughts, broaden my horizon, and furthermore, help me with direct communicating and problem-solving in foreign affairs.   第三,学习外语的过程是一个生活的过程,是一个与不同民族人们交往的过程。通过这个过程,我不仅学习了他们的语言,也学到了不同民族人们的思维方式、价值观念、生活方式、文化艺术、风土人情,等等。学习外语,能丰富自己的思想,开阔视野,更能在对外交往中直接交流和解决问题。  Another point is that foreign-language learning is reciprocal. This means that on the one hand, we should make every effort to learn a foreign language and try to absorb the on the other hand, we should make the foreigners learn Chinese. The ultimate purpose of learning a foreign language is to communicate. Therefore, learning and communicating is a two-way process. And one way to make foreigners learn Chinese is to promote economic growth and strengthen our national power, because people always learn from the strong. I work in finance and tax field. In my opinion, in order to promote economic development and strengthen China’s financial resources, we should make the foreigners learn our language. Hence, my learning English aims at two points. One is to learn English myself, the other is to do my finance and tax job well and make others learn Chinese.  第四,学习外语,不仅要自己学,还要让他人学。什么意思?有两点:一是自己必须花时间努力地学习,要真学,要学懂。二是让外国人学我们的语言。学习外语的目的是交流,因此,学习、交流是一个双向的过程。如何使外国人学习我们的语言,其中之一就是发展经济、增强国力。世界上的人们总是要向优秀的学习。我是从事财税工作的,因此,做好经济工作,增强国家的财力,让外国人学我们的语言,这也是学外语。因此,我学外语有两点,一是自己学,二是做好财税工作,让他人学。  Last, a modest proposal. According to the characteristics and situation of students like us, I suggest that the courses be more centralized, with focus on reading, listening and speaking.   第五,一点建议:根据我们这些学员的特点和实际,建议学习的课程更集中一些,重点是看、听、说。  Our 100-day training here will soon end while a new term of study will start in the near future. S study ma study makes us young, happy and healthy. Let us persevere in studying and never give up.   百日学习即将结束,新的学习又将开始。学习最明朗,学习最充实,学习最快乐,学习最健康,学习最年青。让我们学习、学习、再学习。  11. Learning English at UIR is a Joy   在国关学习英语的乐趣  教科文司 林皎 (Helen)  Thank you for giving me this chance to attend this training course. I had a dream that someday I’ll have a chance to improve my English. English is more and more important to our work and life, particularly with more activities in international communication. Unfortunately heavy workload prevented me from realizing that dream, till the day I stepped into the campus of the University of International Relations (UIR). Graduated from the Renmin University, I have never imagined to see a campus that is so peaceful and beautiful. Neither had I thought of the quality of its English class ? the most interesting and effective of all the English teaching I have ever known.  感谢领导给我这个机会参加这个培训班。多年来,我一直有个梦想就是有朝一日能有机会提高自己的英语水平。英语在我们的工作和生活中起着重要的作用,尤其是随着国际交往的进一步深化,这种作用越来越明显。可是,繁重的工作任务却使我一直未能实现自己的梦想。告别大学生活多年后,重新走入大学校园,发现象牙塔竟如此平静和美丽。国关高质量的英语教学,使我觉得这个英语培训班是我所知的最生动、最有效的英语课。  I will say, the teachers at UIR provide a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere for study. They use suitable and varied teaching methods according to our English level. By attending the classes of listening, speaking and comprehensive reading, I feel that my English has been improved day by day within the past three months.  我要说的是国关的老师给我们提供了一个舒适幽雅的学习环境。他们根据我们的英语水平采用了多种适当的教学方法。通过听力、口语、精读课的学习,我感觉在过去的三个月里我的英语水平逐日提高。  I remember that in the beginning, I always asked myself, “How to improve my English effectively?” The teachers at UIR told us, English proficiency takes a long time to acquire, which cannot be done in an instant. To achieve this goal, they set various courses to train our different abilities. For instance, in the Intensive Reading class, teachers teach us not only what is in the textbook, but also how to learn English by ourselves. No doubt, the latter is more important. Such is the reality that in today’s society we have several sources to get access to English, newspapers, magazines, radio, TV and the Internet. With effective ways of self-teaching,        we may continue our English study afterwards by using these sources.  培训初始,我总在问自己“如何才能有效地提高我的英语水平呢?”国关的老师告诉我们,学好英语是一个长期的过程,不是一蹴而就的。为了提高我们的英语,他们设置了各种课程全方位地提高我们的英语各项技能。例如,精读课上老师不仅教会了我们课文的东西,还教会了我们如何去自己学好英语。毫无疑问,后者才是更重要的。现在我们可以通过报纸、杂志、广播、电视、英特网等多种途径接触英语。掌握好有效的自学方法后,我们今后就可以运用这些途径继续学习英语。  We are now in an information age. In such a knowledge-explosion age, it is never too old to learn and what you had learned in school can never meet the demand of the society. So after the training course, no matter how much progress I have made, I can never say “I have learned enough. I can face any challenges. I need no more learning.” To this point, the principle of ‘sustainable development’ is applicable in English learning just like that in economic growth.  我们现在处于一个信息时代。在这知识爆炸的时代,你在学校学到的东西远不能满足社会的需求,所以我们必须活到老学到老。这个培训班结束后,不论我取得了多大的进步,我都没有理由说“我已经学到头了!我能应对任何挑战了!我不需要继续学习了!”从这个角度上讲,经济中的“可持续发展”也同样适用于英语学习。  “Rome is not built in a day,” “No pains, no gains”. It is true that there is no shortcut in language learning, but we can still summarize some rules to improve our English. I believe that by the hard work of those teachers from UIR, I will find a scientific and efficient way to learn English, which will also ensure my further study in the future.  “冰冻三尺非一日之寒”,“没有付出,哪来收获”。虽然学习英语没有任何捷径可走,但我们还是能总结出一些原则来提高我们的英语。我坚信在国关老师的帮助下,我一定能找到一条科学有效的学习方法,以利于我今后继续学习。  12. The First Step in the Long March   万里长征的第一步  国库司 柳柏树 (Lewis)  Three months ago, I came to learn English at the University of International Relations. I did not learn English in the past 20 years and this chance means a recovery and an improvement of my English learning. Therefore, I feel very pleased. On this occasion I would like to present my thanks to the leaders of the Personnel Department and Cadre Training Center, who showed concern on my E to the leaders of UIR, who created a perfect learning environment for my fe and to the industrious professors, who provided me with patient instructions. At the same time, I would also like to present my thanks to my fellow students, who gave me plenty of warm-hearted help.  三个月前我来到国际关系学院学习,这使我放下了近二十多年的英语语言学习,又重新有了一个恢复、以至提高的机会。为此我感到欣慰和高兴。在这里,我要感谢部领导,感谢人事司和干部培训中心的领导在英语学习方面给予我的关心;感谢国际关系学院的领导为我及我的同学们所创造的良好的学习环境和条件;感谢付出辛勤劳动和汗水的老师们对我的培养。同时,我也要感谢我的同学们对我的热情帮助。  I am deeply aware that my English is quite limited. However, I have taken the first step in the Long March, and I will cherish it very much. Professor Wang Qiuling told us in her first lesson, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” I will regard it as my motto, and bear it in mind. After I return to work, I will keep learning and improve my English level continuously.  我深知,我现在的英语水平有限,只是“万里长征刚迈出了第一步”,但是我会非常珍惜这“第一步”。正如我来国关后王秋玲老师给我们上的第一堂课时教诲的那句话:“有志者事竟成”- 它将作为我的座右铭,牢记在心。回到工作岗位后,我会不懈努力,坚持学习,不断提高我的英语水平!  13. But My Heart Wants to Stay  我心依旧  中评协 邵荣华 (Linda)  Three months have flown by through busy and orderly hours. We enjoyed a large variety of conveniences supplied by UIR, but all the material conditions would have gone useless if my excellent teachers have not been there. Step by step they guided us with their abundant experience and effective methods. From basic knowledge to
from correcting our pronunciation and intonations to training our listening, speaking and writing abilities, they disciplined us in every aspect. Moreover, they enlightened us on how to further our study when we return to work, and how to perfect our ways of learning. Their instructions have enormously broadened our horizons, their humor has painted our sight, and their knowledge has nourished our mind.  三个月的时间在紧张有序的学习中飞快地过去了。在此期间,我们享受着国关为我们提供的各项便利的学习条件。特别是这些优秀的教师,以他们丰富的教学经验和有效的训练方法,因材施教,对我们进行循序渐进的训练。从最基础的语音语调纠正开始,到听说读写的全面训练,引导着我们不断取得新的进步,并在相互的交流中,带给我们许多有益的启示,鼓励我们如何在以后的工作实践中继续坚持学习,找到适合自己的更加有效的学习方法。这极大地开拓了我们的视野,并将使我们受益终身。  The past days also witnessed my great effort. Since time was so limited, I have to treasure it by making use of all pieces of a minute. Adjustment against impatience was done at every right second, in order that I could advance in proper sequence. Now I’m very pleased that after this intensive training course, my English ability has leapt forward quite a big step, while my interest and confidence are both increasing vastly.  在此期间,我自己也付出了很大的努力。由于深感机会的珍贵,也就更加倍珍惜,充分利用一切可以利用的时间和资源,并适时调整,克服急于求成的急躁情绪,按部就班的进行练习。现在,可以高兴地说,自己的英语水平在这种强化训练中不断提高,并取得了可喜的进步,对英语的学习兴趣和自信心也与日俱增。  I know it deep in my heart that before I can master English there’s a rather long way to go. However, I do believe that with the harvest of three months’ training, under the guidance of sound study methods, and in the courage of continuous striving, nearer and nearer comes the day when I shall have a good command of this beautiful language and make it serve as my faithful assistant in daily work.  我也深知,在熟练掌握和精通英语的道路上我仍有很长的路要走,但我坚信,有了这三个月的学习和积累,有了正确的学习方法,有了贵在坚持的学习精神,在不远的将来,我终将熟练掌握之,并使之服务于自己的工作实践。  I shall bear it in my mind that “hard work is the way to the end of the rainbow.”我将时刻牢记“刻苦努力是通向成功的必由之路.”Now it is time to say good-bye to the UIR, although I wouldn’t tear my heart from this peaceful and beautiful campus that has been familiar to me. Words turn pale when I want to express my reluctance to part from my dear teachers. Just like a song sings, “I know now, I must go now, but my heart wants me to stay!”  现在就要告别国关,告别我已熟悉的宁静而美丽的校园,告别我亲爱的老师们 - 没有语言能表达依依惜别之情。正像一首英文老歌所唱:“离别的时间已经到来,但我心依旧! ”   14. Where There is a Will, There is a Way  有志者 事竟成  国防司 李军 (Richard)  As is known to all, English plays an important role in our daily life. When learning advanced technologies abroad, we need to master English so as to read and understand English articles. In this way we will gain the information we need in time. And when communicating with our foreign friends, we have to speak English in order to chat with them friendly. Since English is the language most widely used all over the world, it serves as a necessary tool in our communication. Especially, when we travel to a foreign country, this tool will help us appreciate the exotic culture. Also, when adopting the open-up policy, our nation should learn and use the language to express ourselves, gain the understanding from foreign countries, and become accepted and supported by the whole world.  众所周知,英语在我们的日常生活中扮演着极其重要的角色。当我们学习国外先进科学技术的时候,需要掌握这门语言来阅读和理解英语文章,从而及时获取我们所需要的信息;当我们与外国朋友交流时,需要讲英语以达到与之友好交谈的目的。英语作为公认的全世界最广泛使用的语言,已经成为我们交流必不可少的工具。特别是当我们到国外旅游时,它可以使我们更深刻地领略奇特而动人的异国风情。与此同时,伴随着改革开放政策的实施,我们的民族更需要学习和运用这种语言来展示自己,以获得其他国家的了解,最终赢得世界各国的认可与支持。  Undoubtedly, English is extremely important. Then, how can we learn it? I possess the experience of learning it in UIR. To tell the truth, it is not a task easy or relaxing. English learning takes much time and effort. It consists of listening comprehension, intensive reading, speech writing, and oral practice. Instructed by our teachers, we learn the language every day. And the past three months has witnessed our great progress. In listening to the conversation between native speakers, we have become more familiar with the real life abroad. In reading our textbooks, we have learned the grammar and enlarged our vocabulary. In organizing speeches, we have become more eloquent and our writings more logical. In speaking English every day, we are now confident and able to communicate with each other in English. With our effort and persistence, we have succeeded. Just as the saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”  英语的重要性是毋庸置疑的。那么如何学习英语呢?我在国际关系学院接受的英语培训使我体会到,学习的过程并不简单,更谈不上轻松。英语的学习包括听力理解、精读、口语训练和演讲稿的撰写,它是需要付出大量的时间和艰苦努力的。在老师的精心指导下,我们每天坚持不懈地学习。我们的进步在过去的三个月里得到了见证。通过精听英语的对话,我们对国外真实的生活更加熟悉;通过阅读课文,我们学到了语法知识,扩大了词汇量;通过组织演讲,我们的表达更具说服力,写作更具逻辑性;通过每天说英语,我们现在能够自信地用英语交流。由于不懈的努力,我们获得了成功。正如古谚所云:“有志者,事竟成。”  It has been 20 years since I left college and entered the world of work. We feel it difficult to learn a foreign language now. We are no longer as sharp as the young. However, “no one is too old to learn.” Our success in the past three months has demonstrated our ability to learn the language. And the future depends on ourselves. Now, we are going to graduate from here. No matter where we are, we will continue to learn English. Although we will become busier when we return to work in the Ministry of Finance, we will further our study after work. My aim is to read English newspapers, listen to CRI news, and chat with foreigners in my daily life. With the methods I have learned here, I will review my texts,recite some useful passages, and practice listening in my spare time. I will take advantage of every chance to learn the English language in order to improve my English.  大学毕业至今,我从事工作已经有二十年了,学习外语对于我们来讲并非易事。我们已经不像年轻人那么聪明伶俐。然而,“活到老,学到老。”过去三个月里我们的成功已经证明了我们学习语言的能力,未来要靠我们自己不间断的学习和努力。现在我们即将结束在这里的英语学习了。然而,不管走到哪里,我们都将继续学习英语。虽然财政部的工作繁忙,但我们仍将在工作之余继续深入地努力学习:多读英文报纸,多听中国国际广播电台的新闻,在日常生活中尽可能与外国朋友会话,以提高自己的英语能力。我将会用我在这里学到的方法,利用业余时间重温学过的课程,利用一切可以利用的机会和时间努力学好英语,使我的英语水平更上一个台阶。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
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