ifdid you know 下载what the four italians did yesterday

"These are the Days' of Elijah, Prepare ye the
(Washington D.C.) On
March 25th, 2018, at 2:00 pm eastern time, at
the United States Capitol Building, on lawn
nine (9) of the Capitol Grounds Demonstration
Area, the Archbishop of the Ministry of
Repentance and Holiness, USA, and National
Overseer of the United States of America,
Louis Lupo, along with the Senior Pastors and
Ministers of the Gospel will announce the
THE&LORD, He has Come!
These are the Days' of Elijah, prepare ye the
Way!”& (Mal 3:1, Mal 4:4-6, Revelation
Who commands the oceans to come out as we saw
with Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans,
Hurricane Irma, and Hurricane Maria that mowed
down the Caribbean, and deleted the Island of
Barbuda for failure to repent?& Who&on a clear
summer day on live TV for the whole world to
see, in Nakuru, Kenya, and at Gusii Stadium,
in Kisii, Kenya?&
Who&&of Mama Rosa?&
Who sent the global plagues of&, and Ebola virus?& Who
prophesied the great financial distress of
2008?& Who cleansed the lepers?& Who&and
wobbled the entire universe&—even the space
time fabric—&where Earth resides?&&from
the dust with the leaves of the Tree of Life?
These are the stripes of&Elijah
and Moses, the Two Witnesses&of
Revelation& 11, and these are the
fulfilled Prophecies of THE MIGHTIEST PROPHET
This long-awaited announcement is most
serious, most sobering, and most holy for this
is not about money&that we see at apostate
altars of Baal known as "prosperity churches”.&
The days of corruption are over in the Holy
House of the LORD!
The Message is clear:& May those who have
ears prepare for the glorious Coming of the
Messiah.& Be it Muslim, be it Hindu, be
it Buddhist, be it Atheist, it does not matter
now. You simply repent and receive Christ
Jesus as LORD, and be born-again and walk in
righteousness, because the Coming of the
Messiah is at hand.
"For I tell you, you will not see me again
until you say, 'Blessed is he who comes in the
name of the Lord.'"& (Matt 23:39)
Web: http://www.repentandpreparetheway.org
Mobile: http://jesusislordradio.caster.fm/
Source: Ministry of Repentance and Holiness,
PROPHET DR. OWUOR, March 14th, 2018!
The Man of God, the Mightiest Prophet of The LORD,
Prophet Dr. David Owuor, Prophesied live via
, March 14th, 2018.
&The LORD has spoken with me. The LORD Jehovah,
has spoken this morning, today, coming towards
afternoon, about eleven (11), coming to mid-day or
so, and things are moving very fast, very, very
The LORD put me there --where I was-- and then,
all of a sudden, HE slayed me. And then, all of a
sudden the rapture took place. All of a sudden,
the church was snatched away.
Again, today, coming to afternoon, close to
afternoon, the LORD, where I was, HE slayed me.
And then, all of a sudden, there was a shock. It
was almost like an earthquake, it was a shock
-like this, (prophetic demonstration) and the
rapture took place. The church was snatched away
instant. And that means things are moving very,
very fast.
I remember January 15th, the year 2017, last year,
when the LORD showed me the entrance to heaven. HE
brought me very close, about twenty feet or so to
th and I saw the church enter
and the glorious stairs they were climbing on.
Now, the glorious stairs have already appeared.
And then, the LORD now shows me this. Now,
finally, shows me that the church is snatched like
this. (prophetic demonstration) And, that is why I
say, --this is Super Urgent-- that is why I passed
the message to the Radio Team to prepare at this
time prepare the listeners at this time: that
those who are wise, those who have ears, those who
tune in, those who know the portal from which the
LORD speaks now, those who know the channel from
which the LORD is communicating from, through
which Heaven is communicating with the Earth that
they may tune in and get to hear that the MESSIAH
is COMING and the church is about to be taken.
And nobody knows the day or the hour that is why I
very urgent because
it could happen any time: could be ten years from
now, could be ten (10) months from now, ten (10)
weeks from now, ten (10) hours from now, ten (10)
minutes from now, ten (10) seconds from now. That
is why I had to come to you super urgently that is
why I said, “Urgent, urgent, and immediate.”
Today, the LORD has showed me the rapture of the
church again.& HE has shown me the Holy
Saints taken up --instant, snatched away from the
Earth, it almost happened like a snap. It is a
flash, a twinkling of an eye, like an earthquake.
It is something like a flash that happened.&
And they are taken away.
And then, what amazed me is that, after that, the
Earth was plunged into total darkness.
And I am able to see some people around me who
will not enter.
The LORD now showed me, that is why I have been
warning about sin. I have been warning about
sexual lust and sexual sin. Then, I am able to see
some people that fail to make it. And then, as
they begin to walk in darkness, they are now
knocking their --the LORD makes them knock, knock
their feet on rocks. He says, "I am not seeing,
it’s too dark, I am not seeing." So, they are
knocking their feet on the rock. They are hitting
their feet on the rock, going as if stumbling, as
if they will stumble and fall. And it is too dark.
It is pitch darkness. It is total darkness.
And I see a lot of people remain --the church is
taken-- those who were not holy, those who did not
embrace righteousness. But, most interesting
enough and sad is that the LORD now shows me those
around me that remained. Those people that have
been working around me: that is why I have always
said, ‘when you operate between, next to the two
witnesses of the LORD, these dreadful Prophets of
the LORD, you have to go very gingerly, and it is
a serious responsibility.’ You cannot serve the
way you want. You cannot treat Him with
condescendance. The LORD takes those things very
I saw some people that work around me here that
owing to this carelessness you see they
engage in sometimes. And you wonder sometimes why
they do that. And I have warned for a long time. I
said, ‘Be careful, the Father is watching here
very carefully.’
But, I have seen that the church is taken, the
holy church. So, if there is any message to take
now is for all people across the Earth, the four
ends of the Earth, to realize that the vision and
the prophecy I gave last year, January 15th, 2017
about the church entering, into the Glorious
Kingdom of Heaven, while stepping on the Glorious
Stairs of GOD; that prophecy has begun to unfold
and we are so blessed that the LORD is fulfilling
and unfolding that prophecy in bits.
The first part, when HE showed me the stairs
yesterday, I began to understand right away that
the taking of the church is also going to follow
and I said so in yesterday's broadcast. Now
come today, HE now shows me how the church is
snatched away. So, HE has slowed it down to help
people, to help the Church of CHRIST, to help the
believers turn away from your false prophets, and
the lies the nonsense they teach you out there.
Please, be holy and enter the Kingdom of GOD. Time
is over. The LORD has lowered the stairs of
Heaven. Meaning, HE is ready to receive the
church. The Heaven is ready to receive the
glorious church. So, let everybody repent. Time is
over now. Let all people repent and receive JESUS
CHRIST as LORD. Even if you are Muslim, or you are
a Hindu, or you are an atheist, you just look at
those stairs climbing towards the Kingdom of GOD
and you receive JESUS and you enter into eternity.
Turn away from those who are preaching the cheap
grace, who are not teaching you holiness and
Be holy, receive JESUS, The MESSIAH is coming to
take the church.
The stairs have been lowered. And, in the dream,
in the dream, in that dream HE mentions that the
stairs, that those stairs remain in place until
the church climbs in. That is one part I almost
forgot to tell you now. In that same dream HE told
me that those stairs to Heaven will remain in the
they will not be removed until the
church enters. Which means, this is going to
happen soon, beloved people. How much love! HE
that says, the day and the hour nobody knows, now
is helping you.
HE must have seen that the condition of the church
is so bad, that HE is now helping in fulfilling
because, in that prophecy I
saw that they were being taken up as the stairs
were lowered, as they were stepping on the stairs.
And now, out of His Mercies, He has now lowered
the stairs and told me that the stairs remain in
place until the church has entered: that those
stairs will remain in the skies here until the
church enters. And that tells you very clearly
that it is going to happen soon, beloved people.
We don't know the day or the hour, however, the
signs you can see, the season is here.
The message is clear.& The Messenger has
spoken.& The trumpet has been blown.
It doesn't matter, you are a police officer. It
doesn't matter, you are a banker, a teller, you
are a doctor, a nurse, a pilot, flight attendant,
engineer, construction architect, you are just a
widow in the village, just a housewife, you are
unemployed, you are employed, you are sick, you
are what. IT DOES NOT MATTER NOW!& All that
matters is that let the four ends of the Earth
repent and turn away from sin and receive CHRIST
THE LORD, THE MESSIAH that died for them on the
Cross died for all of us on the Cross.
Let them receive Him now.& Let all people
receive Him.& Let all the nations receive
Him.&& And, let everybody have a chance
to enter into the Glorious, Eternal, Kingdom of
Peace of Heaven of GOD.
If you don't, there is a place for those that will
not enter Heaven. It is called hell. It is eternal
Nobody wants to go to eternal fire.
All of you tuned in, listening to me, maybe out
there you are prime minister, or ministers of
government, or you are m it
does not matter anymore, doctor, lawyer, surgeon,
who --huh-- unemployed, village woman, village
man, a maiden servant: it does not matter.&
Just repent.
Let the nations repent!
Repent, repent and turn away from sin and receive
Christ Jesus as LORD, and be holy, then you will
have eternity with GOD!
The Mouth of the LORD, today, has spoken with you,
beloved people.
And, this is He about whom the scriptures promised
that the LORD will send you a Messenger, a Special
Messenger to prepare the n
for the Glorious, Kingdom of GOD. The forerunner
that comes with a spade Preparing the Way, the
Glorious way for the MESSIAH...the Highway of
Holiness, beloved people.
Hasn't the LORD spoken with you?
Shalom, Todah Rabah.
Prophecy of a Ferocious Dreadful Clash Beyond
This Dispensation, The Man of God, The Mightiest
Prophet of The LORD, Prophet Dr. David Owuor,
Prophesied February 25th, 2018, via live
Well, now, well, The LORD Jehovah, spoke with me
about two (2) days ago, in a conversation that I
have been trying to work through with Him. Two (2)
days ago, The LORD Jehovah spoke with me in this
conversation I bring to you tonight. And Jehovah
Elohim, Jehovah El Olam, Jehovah Yahweh, and in
this conversation the God of Israel, the God of
Heaven, He spoke with me about the dispensation
after the church has been taken.
Now, after the church has been taken, I have seen
total darkness cover the entire Earth. Let me
repeat this. The LORD, two (2) days ago, spoke
with me about this very, very, dreadful
conversation to the church.
And in this conversation, The LORD showed me the
Earth after the church has been taken away in the
rapture of the church —or the gathering of the
saints, or the snatching away of the holy
believers— the holy church.
And in this very, tremendous visitation that took
place two (2) days ago, He showed me the Earth
after the church is taken away, and there was
total darkness —I even still see it as I talk to
you— total, total darkness, total, absolute,
total, darkness. And that really now helps to
underscore the importance of the church and the
Holy Spirit at this hour on the Earth because the
church is the light of the world.
Christ Jesus The Messiah said, “I am the
light of the world.” And then He turned
around in the same book of Matthew, and He said,
“You are the light of the world.”
—referring to the church.&
And so, The LORD Jehovah, The God of Heaven, He
showed me pitch darkness, total darkness all over
the Earth. And then, in that darkness, He showed
me His two (2) fierce and ferocious witnesses, the
servants. And I saw that they lit up fire, they
lit up fire —that is the fire that was now giving
the light within that darkness— I see two (2)
One lit up fire this way, on my left, and
the other lit up fire on the right.
So, again, the way The LORD has set it up, it was
total, total darkness, absolute
obscuridad, there was total darkness, such that I
could not see through.
And then, He showed me the two (2) of His
witnesses, His two (2) messengers, the ones that
have been doubled. And one was on my left, and one
on my right, and He looked exactly like He who
speaks with you today.
And the one on the left lit up tremendous fire.&
The same on the right lit up tremendous fire,
equal amount of fire, and there was a flame.
And that is the only fire that was giving light to
the whole Earth. The entire Earth, that was the
only light they received. Everything else was
pitch darkness.
Even now, I see as I talk to you, I see the fire,
the one on the left, lit up, and the fire, the one
on the right, lit up.
And then, after that, The Voice of The LORD God
The Father spoke from Heaven and He said that
“They have been like this even before the coming
of The Messiah, to die on the cross” — meaning, in
the Old Testament.
The LORD let me know that in the Old Testament,
they were like that. They performed that role in
the Old Testament and He, and He called it, in His
Words, He said, “ This miracle and wonder, they
did it also in the Old Testament before The
Messiah came.”
And I see the two (2) of them, and it is a
ferocious time. I see they are very fierce. They
are going all across and I see the fire they
behold, and there is a serious conflict. It is
unbelievable, unbearable conflict I cannot share
here, only this part I can share: The LORD has
allowed me until this day —remember the
conversation was two (2) days ago— but I see that
they have lit up fire and they are the only light,
the only fire that is burning within the pitch
darkness, tremendous darkness, unbelievable
darkness, unspeakable darkness.
And then, He said, “ They did the same, this thing
they are doing.”
In fact, the way He put it, He said, “ This thing
they are doing, they did it, they begun to do it,
way back in the Old Testament before The Messiah
The Voice of The LORD God Yahweh, Jehovah Yahweh,
spoke and said that.
And it was a dreadful time, serious dread,
dreadful time. But I could see them —they look
exactly a copy of He that speaks with you today—
and they were going ferociously and vicious with
tremendous power and there was a serious
situation, a serious conflict, unbelievable
situation I cannot share beyond here.
I can only say that the dragon they face, they are
facing a dragon that is red, with his anti () the
false prophet — red, meaning bloody.
It is going to be a tremendous time, beloved
I have seen the church already taken away from the
Earth. I have seen that the Earth has, is, without
the church, and without the Holy Spirit.
And the tremendous power of The LORD, the power of
The Spirit of The LORD, is now resting on the two
(2) messengers, the two (2) witnesses.& And I
see they lit up fire, I see the two (2) fire and
they go with tremendous flame. But what happens as
they go is absolutely vicious, ferocious, it is
tremendous fear and a serious clash.
I have seen The Messiah coming, beloved people.
This is the one about whom the scriptures
promised, God The Father promised the Earth, that
He would send the two (2) messengers that would
prepare the nations before the coming of The
Until this scripture, on this day, has been
fulfilled in your hearing, those who have ears,
please, repent. Please, be holy. Please, be
righteous. Uphold righteousness, and enter into
the eternal kingdom of God when The Messiah comes
to take the church.
I have seen a fierce time, a ferocious conflict,
unbearable clash beyond this dispensation, just
around the corner. Again, I have seen them going
unbelievably fierce. It is shocking.
May The LORD bless those that have ears, to
listen. The Messiah is coming. Christ Jesus The
LORD, is coming. The Redeemer is coming.
Please, prepare the way in your hearts. Whatever
it is on this Earth that can take away your
eternity, please, please, please, I have seen the
other side.& I beg you, today, I beg you,
please, stay away from that, stay clear from this
conflict!& I have seen the other side it is
terrible, it is unbearable. You cannot bear,
nobody can bear this.
If it means being holy to enter the kingdom of
God, please, be holy and down load all the baggage
of sin and wickedness and avoid this coming
dispensation. Enter the glorious kingdom of God,
enter the safety of Heaven —I call it the safety
of Heaven— go into the safety of Heaven where you
will be safe.
It is unbearable down here. After the church is
taken, it is totally unbearable. And besides, the
pitch darkness is absolutely unbelievable. No one
can stand. Nobody can stand.
And He said, they lit up — they the two (2), the
two (2) messengers, the two (2) witnesses of The
LORD that look total copy exactly like He who
speaks with you — they lit up fire, the only
light, the only fire that was burning on the
Earth, the rest is pitch darkness. And they move
with ferocious power, vicious, tremendous, and
there was a serious clash, unbelievable,
unbearable, unspeakable.
The Messiah is coming.
This is He about whom the scripture promised,
until it is fulfilled, that The LORD will send one
to prepare the way for The LORD before the
dreadful day of The LORD. That He would send His
messenger to turn the hearts of all the peoples of
the Earth back to The Father in Heaven, lest He
strike the Earth with a curse.
And there is bigger detail that I am not sharing
here, including how He put () signs on their
countenance as they were going on the mission.
The LORD bless you,
The Man of God, Mightiest Prophet of The LORD,
Prophet Dr. David Owuor, Prophesied live via
, February 22nd, 2018.
This night, The LORD showed me The Messiah coming
in the clouds, with tremendous glory.
So, prepare the way, beloved people. This the one
about whom the Bible wrote that The LORD in Heaven
“would send a messenger to prepare the nations
before The Messiah comes, for the glorious coming
of The Messiah.”
The Messiah comes as a victorious king. He's not
coming to preach the gospel. So, we need to
prepare very well.
And I said that there are three (3) anchors on
that victory that is coming, adorning:
1.Because He defeated death on the cross.
2.Because He defeated the world, He entered
sinless and He came out sinless.
3. Because He was sent as a Messenger from Heaven,
to go and deliver God's people to the eternal
kingdom of God.
So, the third (3rd) aspect of His victory and
triumph, depends upon the church.& That when
the church will be prepared, and they be holy,
when that day comes, the victory, the victorious
king, the pomp and colour, is complete.
Why? Because the mission to deliver the church
into Heaven is also completed.
Apart from defeating death on the cross, apart
from defeating this world, but now, also, bring
the fruit of the Cross into Heaven.
And that’s why, right now, the church is being
called upon to greater responsibility, upon a very
irresponsible generation.& This is the
message essentially:& that the church has a
role unto the fig tree of The LORD. The church has
responsibilities. It is time for the church to
catch repentance, and to catch righteousness, and
catch holiness, that The Messiah may be victorious
on that day.
And that’s why, now, He’s establishing and
exalting the value of repentance, the value of
holiness and righteousness. To establish to them,
the responsibility the church has on the coming of
The Messiah.
May The LORD bless you, beloved people. I have
seen The Messiah coming.
This is the train for preparing many nations for
the coming of The Messiah. Nobody knows the day or
the hour, but I need to go.& We need to bring
this, this, the Holy Spirit is saying, “It is the
hour to revive one mission, after the other.”
Everybody listen to me, revive now to prepare for
the kingdom of glory.
He is worthy.
The LORD bless you,
Given live, By The Man of God, The Mightiest Prophet of
The LORD, Yahweh, live on
, February
20th, 2018.
&Now, THE LORD JEHOVAH, beloved people, JEHOVAH
has spoken with me this past night. THE LORD, THE
He spoke with me this past night in a very
tre a conversation that is a
continuation of the conversation that happened
A very, very, shocking conversation that I want to
share with the church globally, the church world
over. That the church may be in the know that she
may prepare herself for the glorious coming, the
most anticipated coming of THE KING OF GLORY, THE
This conversation, this night, is a continuation
of the conversation that happened yesterday when
THE LORD showed me the beast and the role ()
necessary, the mission, the duty that He assigns
He that speaks with you on the other side of this
But this past night, THE LORD JEHOVAH, He again,
presented He that walks with me that looks exactly
as my countenance is. And He came in. He opened
the door. And then at that time when THE LORD
presented Him, He looked exactly like He that
speaks with you. .
And immediately at that time, a huge, a very huge
olive tree, big roots, big roots, big trunk, big
stump, big, huge roots that are split —you could
see they are split in different directions to
deepen— huge olive tree grew over myself.
Again, immediately THE LORD JEHOVAH presented He
that walks with me. And He presented at that time:&
He looked very exact, exact copy of He that speaks
with you here today- a very dreadful conversation
and the encounter that took place in this
residence this past night.
And THE LORD called me to open the door and come
in and when HE got in, then had me stood.
Then immediately a huge olive tree, very huge —I
could see the roots how the roots down on the soil
have split— grew over me, grew over He that speaks
And then it went tall up, very huge tree,
absolutely huge, unbelievable, unbelievable tree
that grew over me, a huge olive tree with branched
roots& the way the roots on the soil had
branched different directions —big branches, huge
stump, huge tree, grew over me.
And then at that time, immediately I came back.
Then again, I saw a huge olive tree that did grow
over me on the other side.& This is the kind
of conversation that is going on. And another
olive tree now grew () on the other side.
And so considering the conversation we had
yesterday regarding the mission and the
dispensation, the dreadful hour on the other side,
THE LORD seems to be now totally focused on
pursuing the agenda for the dispensation beyond
the rapture.
May those who have ears prepare the way for the
glorious coming of THE MESSIAH OUR LORD, THE KING
Shalom! Todah Rabah!
February 17th,
2018, by Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor!
Now, beloved people, The LORD spoke with me this
past night. The LORD Jehovah asked me to look up
into the sky and I saw the tremendous Glory of The
LORD, tremendous Glory of The LORD, coming in
the&sky.& And I saw the opening in Heaven.&
Heaven opened and the Glory was moving but moving
much faster. The Glory was moving much, much
faster and headed towards the Earth and Heaven was
Beloved people, these are the days in which it’s
very prudent, it would be wise to prepare in
righteousness and turn away from sin.
The LORD asked me to look up into the sky and I
saw the opening in Heaven and the Glory of God was
coming, tremendous pure white glory, extremely
white but rushing.
Prepare for the coming of The Messiah.
The LORD has spoken with you today. Hasn't The
LORD Jehovah spoken with the nations today?
Again, I have seen the gates of Heaven open and
the glory of The LORD rushing much faster than
I’ve seen before, very, very fast, pure white
glory, it was radiant, pure white glory and the
opening into heaven that is open.
Beloved, prepare the way, this is the voice of He
that calls out in the wilderness, 'prepare ye the
way of The LORD.'
The King is coming. The Messiah, Christ Jesus The
LORD, The One that died for the church, He is now
coming to take a holy church.
Shalom! Todah! Rabah!
By The Man of God, The Mightiest Prophet of
The LORD, Yahweh, live on
www.Jesusislordradio.info, February 13th, 2018!
Amen now, The LORD Jehovah, The LORD Jehovah
Elohim, The LORD Jehovah Adonai, Jehovah Eli,
Jehovah Hamelech, The Great King of Righteousness,
Jehovah Hashopet, The Eternal Judge, He is The
Judge, Jehovah El Olam , Jehovah Elyon, Jehovah
Hoseenu, Jehovah Rophe, Jehovah Eloheeka, Jehovah
Hoseenu, Jehovah Shalom, Sabaoth The LORD, The God
of Israel.
He has spoken with me today. And uh, He has spoken
to me about some events that are going to happen
on the Earth. Also, The Coming of The Messiah.
The LORD takes me to the United States of America.
I see a flight - I think it’s coming to Washington
it looks like it was coming from, from, New York
or somewhere - coming towards Washington. And
then, there is so much air, air turbulence,
there's so much wind. So, it was so bad, the plane
has to take as to avoid the storm.
And then The LORD by voice He said, “ Then I bring
you here and you are seated here."
Then I found myself seated there, and the, this
distress coming and then there is so much that I
cannot share here today.
But The LORD is calling upon the United States of
America also, to repent and all the nations to
repent because The Messiah is coming.
This is the one about whom the Bible wrote that “
I will send you my messenger ” in the book of
When The LORD wrote and He said -The LORD God -
said, “I will send you my messenger ahead of you
who will prepare your way before the great and
dreadful day of the LORD.”
When God The Father promised Christ The Messiah,
That He will send Him, His messenger, to prepare
the nations. This is the one about whom the
Scriptures wrote that “ A voice of one calling out
in the wilderness 'prepare ye the way of The
LORD!' Make straight in the wilderness a highway
for our God.”
Bring down the mountains in your hearts. The
mountains that have impeded your worship, blocked
your worship of Christ Jesus and The LORD,
Jehovah. This is the one about whom the Scriptures
wrote that in these last days, He would send a
The Dreadful Servant that will prepare the way for
The Glorious Messiah, Christ Jesus, The LORD.
Hasn't The LORD has spoken with the nations of the
Earth today?
Shalom! Toda, Toda, Toda Chaverim, Toda L'Chaim,
Toda Raba. Erev Tov.
January 28th,
2018, by Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor.
Now, the Bible, the Bible says in the book of
Matthew 24:7 - Beloved People, I’m reading from
Matthew 24:7 - He says, “ For nation will rise
against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and
there will be famines and earthquakes in place
after place.”
This is Amplified, it says, “ And there will be
famines and earthquakes in various places.”
Beloved People, The LORD has spoken spoke with me
today on this day. Today, The LORD Jehovah, The
Tremendous God of Heaven, on Sunday 28th of
January, the year 2018, The LORD, He brought me to
the nation of Italy. And when He brought me to
Italy and then- He showed me the state of sin in
the land of Italy. The Catholicism, the
Pentecostal churches are in deception, false
prophets, false apostles, false gospel, modernism,
there is so much immorality in Italy.
And then The Voice of the LORD spoke from Heaven
and He commanded me and He said, “ Please, stretch
your left Prophetic Hand and speak The Judgment of
The LORD over this land.” And when I pointed at
the land of Italy with my left Prophetic Finger,
then I saw a tremendous earthquake hit Italy.
But I am announcing to the nation of Italy that
the LORD has spoken with me about Italy, and He’s
asking the nation of Italy to repent, to observe a
national repentance.
This is a call to repentance. The LORD has called
Italy, the nation of Italy, to return to Jesus, to
be born again and turn away from the Catholicism
and the idol worship you see there. And the
Pentecostal churches, turn away from your
deception and lies, the false prophets, your
immorality, the women are in nudity, homosexuality
is in the church.
The LORD has commanded the entire nation of Italy,
the church and the people that are not born again
all to repent and receive Christ Jesus as LORD.
The Messiah is coming.
The LORD is asking the entire nation of Italy to
go back to The LORD in repentance. I see- The LORD
instructed me to bring judgment unto you- and I
see a massive massive earthquake coming and it
looks more like its going to be in some central, I
don't know why, I see like uh a central part, of
Italy. I see many buildings have collapsed. I
already see many buildings have collapsed.
So there is going to be tremendous earthquake
today 28th, of January, 2018. I am giving a
prophecy that if Italy does not repent there is
going to be a massive historic earthquake hit
Italy. I see many buildings have collapsed. I see
this building with white, it's a white building, I
look - I don't know what, if it is an office
building or residential- but it’s collapsed, it
sunk, it collapsed. Many buildings are going to
There is a massive earthquake coming to Italy.
And I feel like The LORD is pushing me, He was, He
pushed me towards the central part of Italy. I
don’t know where exactly central Italy is but
towards the central. In other words, slightly
different, probably slightly different from where
it was before, but there is a massive earthquake
coming to Italy, Beloved People.
And so The Messiah is coming. These are the days
when The LORD is shaking the nations. The LORD is
instructing repentance. He is purging the worship
across the Earth. He is purging the dross, the
sin, from the lies of the church, the lies of the
I have spoken that there is going to be a historic
earthquake that will hit Italy, if Italians do not
repent, if they do not repent.& There is a
command for Italy to repent now. The voice of The
LORD is now over the land of Italy. And The LORD
has instructed and commanded Italy to repent and
return to righteousness, return to holiness.
Time is over. I have seen The Messiah coming. The
Father in Heaven has sent me to prepare the
nations of the Earth for the coming of The
So, there is going to be a massive earthquake hit
Europe, and it's going to hit Italy. I have seen
as though it's somewhere in center, central, a bit
away from the previous, central Italy, but anyhow,
there is going to be an earthquake, whatever it
will be, it will hit Italy. It is a massive
earthquake and the buildings are going to collapse
and it is going to be such a tremendous time of
fear and terror in the land.
And so The LORD is commanding repentance in Italy.
May those who have ears listen to The Voice of The
LORD. I have seen the Messiah coming.
I have seen the Messiah coming Beloved People. You
turn away from the ways of the world. The church
has been warned.
I have warned the church in the United States of
America to turn away from that deception, and now
begin to seek God, and call for a national
repentance in the U.S; the church in Canada, the
church in Mexico, the church in Central America,
the church in South America, Brazil, El Salvador,
Ecuador, all those countries are again Argentina,
Chile down the line, Peru, the LORD is asking for
And I've seen myself also, today, I saw myself
arriving in Puerto Rico.
So, this is a tremendous time when The LORD is
calling upon the nations to repent. There is going
to be a tremendous earthquake hit Italy.
The Messiah is coming. Repent and prepare ye the
way of the LORD. Be holy! Turn away from sexual
lust, the lusting of women with your eyes, turn
away from sexual immorality, pornography,
homosexuality, lesbianism, LGBT, the gay pride
parades so called. Turn away from deception in the
church. The church has done a grievous service to
This is the hour when The LORD is calling upon the
church to now return to purity and righteousness
and holiness, as a means of preparing the way the
hearts of the believers for the glorious Coming of
The Messiah.
Can't you see? Can't you see for yourself that
time has changed?
The Messiah is coming Beloved People.&
I have warned all the nations of Africa to repent,
Asia to repent, Australia repent, New Zealand, the
island, everybody, repent, Europe. The Messiah is
coming!& There is an earthquake coming to
Italy. A dreadful earthquake, Beloved People.
January 4th,
2018, by Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor!
the Super Urgent Prophecy, The Man of GOD spoke at
11.07 p.m. E.A.T., 3:00 PM Eastern Time, USA,
Thursday, January 4, 2018.
The LORD Elohim, The LORD Jehovah Elohim, Jehovah
Saboath, Jehovah El Olam, Jehovah Roi, Jehovah
Elyon, Jehovah El Gibbor, Jehovah Eloheenu,
Jehovah Hoseenu, Jehovah Ely, The LORD Jehovah
Adonai, the Tremendous and Mighty GOD of Israel,
my Father, and my Friend.& He has spoken with
me beloved people. The LORD spoke with me in a
very, very tremendous way and this is urgent!&
This is super urgent! He spoke with me this night,
this morning, actually, this morning in a very,
very shocking manner.
took me in the night deep in the night. He took me
deep into space and He commanded me to shake the
universe and the galaxies.& And there was a
tremendous, tremendous shaking of the universe and
the galaxies that took place deep in the night.
And then He showed me as the galaxies shook and
the planets
this past night
in the middle of the night.& And then I saw
some of them leave their positions, some of the
planets and the suns, leave their position. And I
saw one sun, one sun beaming on another sun, these
are planets that look like emerald or sapphire,
shiny like glass almost but very very shiny,
emerald or sapphire, two of them shining on each
other on each other.
I saw, I saw them come, come close to the earth.
And then, this morning after the conversation deep
at night, this is urgent.& Urgent! Super
Urgent!& Then this morning, the LORD again,
took me deep into space, deep into space, above
the earth and He now showed me how I shook those
planets and the galaxies, and how they left their
positions and a lot of planets came close to the
earth. It is a shocking, shocking, shocking
moment, shock and dread.& It is a very
dreadful moment for the earth.& Because a lot
of planets now came close to the earth threatening
to knock the earth to knock it off it's position,
very very close, for the first time since the
heavens and the earth were created.
And when they
came this morning now as The LORD took me to show
me the effect, the shaking in the night, when He
took me there, now this morning He showed me how
the planets I had shaken with my left prophetic
hand now came very close to the earth.
Big big planets, big planets. Big! And by Voice,
GOD The Father told me these ones are much, much,
much bigger than the earth, and much, much, much
bigger than the sun. Those are huge planets, huge.
And then I saw the two planets He showed me that
they are very very shiny and they are beaming on
each other, on each other, one is smaller one is
bigger and they are big planets, big...they
all...and millions and millions of planets begin
to pass near the earth it is shocking, it is a
fearing that they would knock the earth. It is
very shocking as they pass close to the earth,
almost....very big, big, big, bigger, absolutely
bigger than the earth.
It was the
moment of dread when the earth was threatened with
existential threat, with extinction. And The LORD
says they are too big, if one of them hit the
earth: Bye bye human race. It is done.
They came on at the same time because of they
passed close to the earth, it was a moment of
terror on the earth as they are passing very close
to the earth. And then I saw those planets that
shine like emeralds, like sapphire, they were
shining like glass on each other, shining on each
other, shining. And then I saw another set also of
the same planets shining, very shiny planets also
coming and The LORD saying, "The sizes are too
big."& They are much much bigger than the
earth and bigger than the sun and they came and
passed very close and it was a moment of terror.
It was a shocking moment of wonder.
Wonder. And people feared. People said, "Wow! If
this one hit the earth, we are done.& We will
be done. If they will hit the earth, we are done."&
And then after
that, The LORD Jehovah, at that moment the LORD
Jehovah, He showed me a rock, a rock, a major
rock, a big rock that came from above.& I can
see its design, it came and hits the earth.&&
The rock hits the earth, when it hits the earth,
it fell like this, it dug deep into the earth. And
they began to dig the rock, they began to dig it.&
They began to dig the rock out, a lot of scientist
a lot of workers begin to dig the rock of where it
hit and it went deep, they dug a hole and they
pulled out the rock. The rock was pulled out. The
rock from space is coming to hit the earth. The
LORD has commanded me to shake the universe. I
have shaken the planets and the galaxies, some of
them are billions of times larger than the earth
and they all came very close to the earth,
threatening to hit the earth.
Big, very big, huge, monumental, shocking!&
It is a wonder, people were terrified, and said,&
"Wow, if they were to hit the earth we would be
dead, we would be finished."
Then the rock,
the rock, a rock came and hit the earth and it dug
deep and I saw scientist dig it.& They were
digging and people dug it out, then the LORD
showed me the rock.& He showed me the rock.&
But it is amazing because He wrote on the rock.&
He wrote on the rock. When I checked on the rock,
He wrote to His Servant on that rock. You may not
be able to see on that day when the rock is dug,
but I am seeing in the spiritual, He wrote my name
there and He wrote me a text there.& He wrote
me a text there on the rock.& Tremendous
times beloved people.
He wrote it to
me, it is addressed to me, it is amazing on the
surface of the rock. It was dug out, by man, but
you will be not able to see what He wrote. He
wrote a text on it to His Servant. How amazing.
How shocking. And then many, many planets, shiny
planets, some of them beaming on each other,
beaming on themselves. Two of them coming
together, but beaming on each other like sapphire,
like glass, like shiny, shiny, shiny more than
silver, sapphire, emerald and shiny ones all
coming close to the earth.
Beloved, the LORD has taken me up deep into the
space and He commanded me to use my left prophetic
hand to shake the entire universe.& And I
have seen the universe shake and the planets broke
loose. They have moved from their positions and
broke loose and have drifted towards the earth in
a very shocking, shocking, shocking phenomenon,
shocking event!
Beloved people, The MESSIAH is Coming!
Unbelievable times. Tremendous time in the history
of the church.& A shocking time.&
Shocking, shocking hour in the church.
The LORD this night, in the middle of the night,
He took me to up above deep into space and He
commanded me to use my left prophetic hand, the
dreadful hand of GOD that I behold to shake the
entire universe.& And when I shook the entire
universe, they shook so violently that a lot of
planets were destroyed. They moved from their
galaxies, from their positions and drifted towards
the earth. It was shocking. Big planets, very big.
morning He showed me how they would arrive.
Massive planets, much much bigger than the earth.
They are passing above the earth, near the earth,
it was shocking, shocking, shocking.& It was
a moment of terror and fear.& Because the
fear was they were passing too close that they
would hit the earth, some of them much much bigger
than the earth. Much much bigger, The LORD spoke
by voice. He said, "These are much, much, much
bigger than the earth to the sun."& If they
hit the earth: Bye bye human race.& And then
as they passed I was shocked, I see these two very
shiny ones, one or two of them are beaming on each
other. I see them beaming on each other. Going
together like this, binarily. Two planets like
this one smaller one bigger.& They are
shining like emeralds, like sapphire. And then
after that I saw others, others shining the same,
like emeralds, like sapphire, it is a wonder, it
is a wonder beloved people. This is urgent! This
is going to happen very, very soon. This is super
urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Very Urgent!
And so the
planets will come close, then a rock, I know it is
going, it is flat, it is flattish and then it came
and hit the earth.& When it hits the earth it
went down deep into the ground and people dug it,
they dug it out until they removed it. And when
they removed it, the LORD showed it to me, but He
wrote the message to me there, He wrote a message
for me, He addressed it to me. He put my Name
there. Though you may not see it on that day, but
I am seeing in the Spirit there is a text He wrote
What a tremendous time.
He has commanded me to use my left prophetic hand
and shake the universe and the universe shook very
violently and the big planets they came, they came
towards the earth, very close and a rock hits the
earth. The MESSIAH is Coming beloved people. The
MESSIAH is Coming. The MESSIAH is Coming. Prepare
Ye The Way of The LORD.
The Book of Luke chapter 21:26 H
"Man will faint from terror apprehensive of what
is coming to the world. For the heavenly bodies
will be shaken. At that time they will see the Son
of Man coming in a cloud with power and great
glory."& He says, "When
these things begin to happen to take place, stand
up, lift up your head because your redemption is
drawing near."
The LORD has commanded me to shake the universe.
And soon big planets are going to pass close to
the earth, very big, some of them very shiny to
spectacular, however, it will
be terrifying because they are so big, so big,
bigger than the earth. If they hit the earth it
will be bad. It will be disaster. It would rip the
earth off course deep into oblivion. But they do
not, it is only a rock that hits the earth. And
when the rock will hit the earth it will come it
will hit down deep, many people will dig it.
Coming, beloved people. The MESSIAH is Coming.
Prepare Ye The Way of The LORD.
May those who have ears prepare in righteousness.
The Kingdom of God is near beloved people.
Shalom Todah, Todah Rabah. &
December 22nd,
2017, by Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor!
The LORD Jehovah, Jehovah Magen, the LORD our
Shield, Jehovah Ganan, the LORD our Defender,
Jehovah Tsori, the LORD our Strength, He has spoken
with me.& The LORD Jehovah Magen, the LORD our
Shield, The LORD Jehovah Ganan, the LORD our
Defender, the LORD Jehovah Tsori, the LORD our
Strength, He has spoken with me this past night.&
And The LORD has spoken with me about Israel, the
State of Israel, the nation of Israel.& He has
spoken with His Servant about events coming to
happen to Israel, in Jerusalem.& And I see
tremendous violence come to Jerusalem.
I see a lot of
running and stone throwing and what and the Israeli
IDF, the Israeli soldiers running and defending
Jerusalem and trying to chase the youth and these
people and a lot of fight with the people that came
from the Gaza strip and a from the West Bank, it was
such a severe conflict.& Again The LORD
Jehovah Magen, the LORD our Shield, the LORD Jehovah
Ganan, the LORD our Defender, the LORD Jehovah
Tsori, The LORD our Strength, He has spoken with me
today.& He took me to Jerusalem this past
night and I see a lot of violence, and I see the
Israeli IDF the Israeli Police defending, trying to
defend Jerusalem.&
And there is a
lot of stone throwing and violence, it is something
like an intifada.& The Arabs on this side and
a lot of attacks and violence and running.&
And then I see this Israeli soldier that is pushing
them this way, running with them and then one of
them comes and hits him down.& The LORD shows
me an Israeli soldier hit down on the head, hit on
the head down. And then, I don't know whether he
died but he is hit down with his gun there.&
So it is tremendous terrible violence that is coming
to Jerusalem.&
The LORD has
shown me these things.& He showed me a lot of
bloodshed coming to Jerusalem.& And He showed
me blood, blood coming to Jerusalem.& And this
is related to the recent announcement by The United
States of America, the recognition of Jerusalem as
the One Indivisible Eternal Capital of The State of
Israel.& And so that means there is going to
be a greater violence that is going to come up soon
into Jerusalem.& And The LORD has spoken with
me about this.& And in that conversation I went
ahead and asked The LORD to defend Jerusalem.&
I spoke with
The LORD in that conversation in the night, the LORD
Jehovah and I asked the LORD Jehovah to defend
Jerusalem, to defend Israel, the state of Israel.&
And I am reading right now from the Book of Isaiah
chapter 31:4, and He says, "The LORD said to me no
matter how shepherds yell and shout, they can't
scare away a lion from an animal that it has
killed.& In the same way there is nothing that
can keep Me the LORD Almighty from protecting Mount
Zion."& Isaiah 31:5, He says, "Just as a bird
who was over its nest to protect its young so I The
LORD Almighty will protect Jerusalem and defend
JEHOVAH He has spoken with me about what is coming
to Jerusalem.& He has raised for me this great
concern of what is going to come to Jerusalem and
tremendous violence and bloodshed. Then He showed me
a lot of blood that poured, and I see the Israeli
soldier hit and he falls down, is bleeding and so
forth.& A lot of running and violence related
to the recognition of Jerusalem of the Eternal
Indivisible Capital of Israel.&
And then in
that conversation when The LORD showed me the
intifada, the running, the violence, then I turned
around and I spoke with The LORD and I asked The
LORD to defend Jerusalem, to defend The State of
Israel.& And now I read again from The Book of
Isaiah chapter 31 verses 4 and 5 He says, The LORD
says to me no matter how shepherds yell and shout
they can't scare away a lion from an animal that it
has killed.& In the same way there is nothing
that can keep Me The LORD Almighty from protecting
Mount Zion.& Verse 5, "just as a bird who was
over its nest to protect its young, so I The LORD
Almighty will protect Jerusalem and defend it!"&
Hasn't the LORD spoken with Jerusalem today? &
December 21st,
2017, by The Mightiest Prophet of The Sovereign LORD
GOD of Israel!
Amen, Now The LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me and
I see um, I see a country a developed world, a
country in the developed world and then I see a
very tall building. I see a tremendously tall
building, very very tall and beautifully built.
It's a very tall building, the color of the
building it
top, top, top
first world. The color is a almost whitish but
creamish white. Beautiful color, beautiful
building and it is a tall building, it is really,
really very and a very modern country. And then I
see an earthquake shake that nation. It is a
nation in the first world. Again I see a very very
tall building and that building is shaken, and so
I see it swaying and all that.
I see a tall building, it is a creamish building
in color, the color of the building is kind of
cream and I see a it's tall. It is whitish
creamish beautifully designed, the mold, the
exterior very beautifully and I am now aware that
on top there is also hotel up there. Beautiful,
very tall really really tall, extremely tall
building. And then all of the sudden I see the
building shaking and fear, and then I see a, some
parts falling from above the top parts of the
building, pieces falling to the soil. But a, I
don't know whether the entire building comes down,
but it looks like it doesn't come down but there
is a shaking, a very severe shaking that takes
The Bible tells us in The Book of Matthew 24:7,
that there will be earthquakes and famines in
various places before The Coming of The MESSIAH.
When the disciples gathered and sat at His feet on
The Mount of Olives and they asked CHRIST JESUS
The LORD, they asked The MESSIAH; when is Your
Coming? When are You Coming? When, what will be
the signs of Your Coming? Then among the signs He
mentioned The Days of Noah, the deception of the
day and all that. And then He also mentioned
Matthew 24:7 and He said there will be famines and
earthquakes in various places, there will be
earthquakes and famines in various places. And so
I see an earthquake coming to a nation in a first
world country and when it comes up in the news it
will be a tall building, creamish white in color,
beautifully top State-of-the-art building, tall
really tall. It is the tallest building in that
And then there is a shaking that takes place and
there are some pieces that fall from above and
fall to the ground of the building. There is an
earthquake coming and then The LORD tells me that
those people don't like The LORD. They don't like
Salvation. So, The MESSIAH is Coming beloved
people. This is The Messenger that was promised in
The Book of Malachi, also promised in The Book of
Matthew and then promised in The Book of Isaiah
chapter 40:3, "The Voice of one crying out in the
wilderness: Prepare Ye The Way of The LORD,
Prepare Ye The Way of The MESSIAH."
The MESSIAH is Coming.
December 20th,
2017, by Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor!
Well, beloved
people, the LORD Jehovah, the LORD Jehovah El
Olam, The Mighty God of Israel, He has spoken with
me. Again, precious beloved saints, those who are
tuned in. The LORD Jehovah, Jehovah thy Shield,
Jehovah thy Fortress, Jehovah thy Refuge, Jehovah
thy Deliverer, Jehovah thy High Tower, Jehovah thy
Banner, Jehovah thy Light, Jehovah thy Healing,
Jehovah thy Shepherd, Jehovah thy Rock, Jehovah
thy Peace, Jehovah thy Righteousness, Jehovah thy
Saviour, Jehovah thy Strength, Redeemer, He has
spoken to me blessed people.
And that's why I come to you this morning, today.
I come to you this morning, on this Wednesday
morning, December 20th, beloved people. Because He
has spoken with me. And so are the tremendous days
in which we live, when there is a constant
conversation between the Heaven and the church of
Christ, when there is a non-stop conversation
between Heaven and the earth.
The LORD lifted me up and took me to His Throne
Room in Heaven. And these are the tremendous days
beloved people when the LORD is doing these
things.& And it's amazing that this time
around when the LORD brought me to the Throne
Room, He walked with me inside the Throne Room,
GOD The Father Himself, GOD The Father of our LORD
JESUS CHRIST, The GOD of Israel, He took me to The
Throne Room, His Throne Room in Heaven. The Throne
Room of Heaven, The Most Holy Place. The Holy of
Holies in Heaven, and He was walking with me in
The Throne Room.
And it's amazing, because when we crossed over
like this, then this time around He opened the
door. So, when He opened the door, the door swung
open, and when the door swung open The Glory of
The LORD shone, did shine in front, when the door
opened then He showed me The Glory because He was
walking with me.
And then I saw The LORD now touch, touch and
remove the leaves and begin to pluck the leaves
from The Tree of Life.
Again, The LORD walked with me this time around.
He did it differently, because He opened The door
now, and I could see The Tree of Life, and the
leaves of The Tree of Life. And this time He
touched and went again and touched the leaves, and
He broke the leaves with H beautifully
cut, in proportionate, and He cut them and placed
them on my left prophetic hand. And then The Voice
of The LORD said, again, "These are for the
healing of the nations." And then after that I
came back to earth.
And so, while there is a tremendous avalanche of
healings and the number of cripples that have
gotten up, we don't know the number who have
gotten up. We do not know how many hundreds. And
very many blind eyes have been opened, very many
deaf ears have popped open. Very many mute tongues
have been loosened. Many cancers, including women,
people who had cancers on the head, and when they
asleep, the puss pool, it would accumulate when
they put their heads on the bed-sheet. These have
Tremendous things have taken place. Heads that
were perforated, the skull was rotting, and weak,
and was perforated, and the moving parts have
tried up in this land, and there have been many
healings across other nations, also.
So, while that avalanche of healing's November
19th, 2017, all the way to the 3rd of December
3017, all the way to the weekend before that, all
the way to this past weekend, (December 17th,
2017) and now we cannot catch up.& We cannot
even catch up with the number of cripples that
have been healed. Any stories that the radio team
and the medical teams out there go to the villages
are celebrating on their own right now. They are
celebrating and calling, where is the Bishop?
Please come! This person is ours. This is our
father our uncle he was blind since birth. Now he
saw when you brought him to your church.
Where is the Pastor of this church? Please come!
Villages are now organizing celebration services
on their own and calling the Pastor to open a
church for them there, so there is a big
avalanche, so while there is that avalanche, while
there is that tsunami of healing, in the land The
LORD saying there is even a greater tsunami, an
avalanche of healing that is coming.
So, what a tremendous time, beloved people. What a
dreadful time to be alive. What an awesome time to
be a Christian, to be a believer to be Born Again!
What an awesome time to be righteous and holy to
choose righteousness so that you may see the
goodness of The LORD. So, The LORD is saying there
is another tremendous healing anointing again that
He is going to send His Servant to release into
the church of CHRIST to set His people free, to
set the captives free that the nations may know
that Time is Over!
That The LORD JEHOVAH is now visiting the earth.
That GOD The Father is now visiting the church of
CHRIST, to prepare the church, to prepare the
nations for The Glorious Coming of The KING, The
MESSIAH. That is what all this is about.
That people and churches and all these
denominations, or what you call them, which we see
on TV, or anywhere else, will stop that game and
return to righteousness,
and uphold holiness, and preach righteous, and
preach holiness and go back to The Gospel of The
Cross and The Blood, and stop the modernism, and
stop this so-called financial wealth transfer into
the church and what, what, what, and whatever they
are preaching and begin to prepare a people unto
The LORD. Begin to prepare the church unto The
MESSIAH, unto The Kingdom of GOD.
What a tremendous time, beloved people. So The
LORD is saying in as much as you are returning to
your churches, this coming weekend, The LORD is
saying that there will have to be a joint service
after that. Unless He speaks with me to speak
healing into your churches. But if I understand
this conversation now as it stands, The LORD is
saying that again you have to go after two weeks,
this coming weekend you go back to your churches,
from the joint services. You go back to your
churches, to celebrate the crippled that have
walked, the blind eyes that are open, the deaf
ears that have popped open, the mute tongues that
have been healed, the tumors that have healed.
It is tremendous to see crippled babies getting up
walking. It is a tremendous sight to behold. It is
a shocking moment that you may go celebrate those
But the weekend after this one, you may collect
your cripples again, your blind again and document
them their villages. Go deep into the villages and
remove out all the cripples, all the blind, all
the deaf, and bring them back together in joint
services after this coming Sunday. The next one
collect them into joint services, celebrations
And The LORD then will again use His Servant to
release a tremendous historic healing anointing
that will have no boundary. It will cross the
borders and crash the land. This will drench the
land, it will soak the land with the tremendous
Glory of JEHOVAH, the healing anointing of
JEHOVAH. The LORD is cleaning up the cripples, He
is setting the captives free.
The lunatics, how awesome to see the violent
lunatic in Ivory Coast, very violent, finally
delivered and new clothes, head shaved, talking
normal, telling them things now, where he comes
from, remembers things. The LORD is setting the
captives free.
I have seen a most historic healing anointing
coming. This Latter Glory is Greater than the
first rain.
So, this coming weekend you go and celebrate. I
know you are celebrating throughout the week. But
your churches you celebrate, the radio station
will go from church to church. The radio will be
tuning in live, from church to church. The time
has changed in clock of Heaven. The Time has
changed in the church, the worship of the church
has become a celebration praise, a celebration
worship. That tells you that time has changed in
Heaven, beloved people.
And so, The LORD is saying that this coming
weekend you have your services, celebration
services and the Bishops will submit all the
tremendous healings to the radio station. And then
the radio station will prioritize, which church
first. And you may given only given ten (10) to
twenty (20) minutes, then the next church, and the
next church.
Many crippled babies have walked. It's very
shocking. You cry, you fall on the floor, when you
see them walking for the first time. Total
crippled, on the dust, total blind. Look at Meru,
what happened, being led by two people. Paralytic
babies, whose backs were broken, in Nakuru Main
Altar. Spinal cord injuries, with a hole, finished
on the soil, stood up and walked, they are walking
But The LORD is saying the weekend after this one,
then you collect your crippled, blind, deaf, mute,
lame tumors, cancers, lunatics, everybody, and
collect them and do joint services again. Now you
have two weeks, you can do it even better. And
then The LORD will use His Servant to speak a
tremendous, historic healing anointing, into your
churches, and set the captives free, and heal the
wounded, and bind up the broken hearted.& And
prepare the nations, and prepare the church for
The Glorious Coming of The MESSIAH.
So, as we begin celebrations tonight, today here
in Kenya, beloved people, The LORD has taken me to
The Throne Room. The LORD's friend, the friend of
JEHOVAH. He has walked with me in The Throne Room.
And this time around He opened The Door. He opened
The Door, the other Door, the back Door. And when
He opened The Door, then I saw The Tree of Life,
and The Glory of The LORD did shine. And then He
took the tremendous leaves of The Tree of Life. He
opened, I don't know whether if it was a side
door, it looked like a side door. But He opened
The Door. He opened The Door and The Glory did
shine in front. And I saw The Tree of Life. And He
took the leaves. Fresh ones, fresher leaves, much
more anointing and they flourished on my hand.
When He put them in my hand, they flourished. And
He said "These are for the healing of the
That means there is a tremendous visitation
coming, and I don't have to go to any country. All
the nations can literally tune in and receive
their healing. Their cripples get up and walk,
their blind eyes see, their deaf ears hear, their
mute speak, their paralytics walk, their tumors
resolved, their cancers dry, their spinal cords
healed, their mental illnesses restored.
There is going to be a Global Healing Service in
two weeks from now. I've seen The MESSIAH Coming.
I've seen The MESSIAH Coming.
In Isaiah 62:10, He says, "Pass through,
Pass through the the gates.& Prepare The Way
for the people, build up, build up The Highway!
Remove the stones. Raise a banner for the nations.
Build up, build up The Highway for The LORD."
The LORD is now giving us a Highway for The
MESSIAH and it is the precursor, if the harbinger,
if the forerunner is beholding this amount of
authority, how much more powerful is The Coming of
The MESSIAH Himself? Prepare The Way, beloved
This whole night, this one here, the whole night,
He was showing me the many, many, many cripples
who are healed in Kenya right now. This past
night, these are the conversations of the Throne
Room, was the other night, was before tonight. The
night before this night. This last night, we have
just woken up from, the whole night He was showing
me the tremendous beautiful healing that have
taken place in this land. The cripples walking,
the blind seeing, the deaf hearing, the mute
speaking. The LORD is cleaning up and He is
helping the poor, in the villages of Africa, the
forgotten, the abandoned, the neglected, the ones
the hospitals gave up on.
He is saying, "No, The Kingdom of Heaven
is Coming!" Now it does not matter if you
are poor or you have no money to go to the
hospital, or you don't have any money for surgery,
or the hospitals gave up on you. Now The Glory of
JEHOVAH is Coming to Prepare The Way. So Rise Up
and receive your healing! Rise up and See The
Glory of The LORD! Rise up and See The Coming of
Beloved people, this is the one about whom the
Bible promised.& The Bible promised that in
the Last Days I will send you My Servant, I will
send you Elijah The Prophet. The Great Prophet,
The Great Prophet, the one that Prepares The Way,
The one that restores everything, before The
Dreadful Coming of The MESSIAH.
Prepare The
Way. I have seen The MESSIAH Coming! The Father
has walked with me already in The Throne Room, and
He opened The Door. I don't know if it was a side
door or which it was. But He opened The Door,
another Door, and The Glory shone, and He took the
leaves and He placed them on my hand, and He said,
"Go down there, this is for the healing of
the nations."
brought me back! Prepare The Way! Prepare The Way,
beloved people!! Time is Over. The MESSIAH is
Coming. I have seen The Coming of The MESSIAH.
John The Baptist has spoken with me before The
Throne of GOD. I have seen The LAMB of GOD Coming.
Thank you, Shalom. Todah Rabah!
www.Jesusislordradio.info November 14th,
2017, Mightiest Prophet Dr. Owuor!
Amen. Well, beloved people, the LORD Jehovah has
spoken with me. This past night the LORD He spoke
with me in a very, very tremendous way, in a very
shocking manner. And that is the conversation I want
to share with you now. The LORD the King of Heaven,
the King of Creation, the King of Glory, the Mighty
God of Israel, He spoke with me this past night in a
very, very shocking way, in a very tremendous way.
And I want to share that with the nations of the
Earth, the nations that He created: the nations that
He is very busy now preparing for the Glorious
Coming of the Messiah.
And in this past conversation, a very shocking
conversation, the Voice of the LORD is deep in the
space. The Voice of the LORD Jehovah, Jehovah
Elohim, Jehovah El Olam, Jehovah Ori, Jehovah
Hamelech, the King. Jehovah Hashopet, the Righteous
Judge, Jehovah Shalom, Jehovah Elyon, M'gaddishcem,
Jehovah El Hoseenu, Eloheeka, the God, the Shepherd
of our souls, the Redeemer of all the nations, the
One without whom there is no Savior. The One that
you see in Isaiah 43:11, when He says, I, even I am
the LORD and apart from me there is no Savior.&
The God of Israel spoke with me this past night.
Again, the tremendous and terrible God of Israel,
the One that removed the nation of Israel from
Egypt, He spoke with me in a tremendous way this
night, a very shocking way.
When He took me on this 14th of November the year
2017. He lifted me up and took me deep into space.
And while there deep into space, the LORD, He
commanded me to command. He gave me a command that I
should command two stars and push them with my left
prophetic hand, that they may collide in a most
historic manner, never seen before. And I remember,
when I was commanded by the glory of the LORD that
was next to me --to push the two stars. And, I do
not know if they are neutron stars or they are
but they look more like two neutron
And as I pushed my left prophetic hand, the
dreadful hand of the LORD, stretched it to go and
push the two to collide. As I just begun to
straighten my hand towards them, they were pushed
and one of them was pushed a little faster than the
other, and headed to the other one to collide with
And it was such a spectacular, tremendous moment
to see the two stars chase each other. And, what is
most astounding of it all is that as I stretched my
left prophetic hand to push them, and they got
unplugged, plucked off their orbits, and one begun
to pursue the other. It moved with such a tremendous
force I have not seen before, and speed, the speed
of light. And, as that star moved at such a dreadful
speed of light and force headed towards colliding


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