i'm the abandoned 电影one

I'm so sorry, all of you that have been w by MissTeek on DeviantArt
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Jan 30, :11 PM
Listening to: Confessions of a Broken Heart - Lindsay Lohan
Reading: The Subtle Knife
Playing: Guitar Hero III
Drinking: Diet Coke &3
Hi there!&&*ducks to avoid rocks being thrown at her*Ok, OK, I'm sorry.&&The truth of the matter is, when I opened this account, I was working in an office building, and I opened this with my email address there.&&After I changed jobs, I couldn't get back on here because I forgot the password and couldn't retrieve it because I no longer had that email.&&And with the new job and life going the way it goes, I just abandoned it.BUT, I did NOT abandon my story, Always.&&If you go to my main account, , you will see that I finished it a while back, AND started two more fics, an AU, and a canon SessKag (!!!).&&I thank each and every one of you that were loyal and kept checking back to see if I was alive...&&^_^;&&If any of you still think I'm worthy are interested, I've opened a brand-spanking-new account that will be focused ONLY on my writing.&&The cause of this?&&I'm working on an actual fiction story.&&I don't have details, but it will definately be a fantasy story.&&Something like Eragon-meets-The Golden Compass.&&&And it will have my own OC's and everything.&&But that's a while down the road and for now, I will try very hard to get all my fanfics and oneshots up over there - but for writers, deviantART is a pain, because you have to enter HTML.&&So it'll be slow-going, I can promise you that.On my new account, I won't be faving anyone's works (sorry!) but I will accept watchers and will watch other people as well (maybe a comment or too, lol).&&So if you want to check it out, my new account, in place of this one, is .&&Pitabread is my pen name.&&Some of you might already know, if you ever checked out my mediaminer page.&&Unfortunately, 7 years ago, someone took that name and hasn't been on since - but that doesn't mean anything to dA - they could give a rat's ass that someone might actually make USE of that name.&&So I had to re-invent my name to make it work...Sorry for going on and on - I just really wanted to explain everything to you guys.&&Thank you all for watching - I hope to see you on one of my other accounts., Pita.
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