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I have been planning to run an experiment with the Tweetmeme button for a while, and today I finally got some time to integrate it in the blog. Now you will find the button after every single post, both in the blog and in the RSS feed.
I am using the
for the integration. If you are using the widget, I suggest that you try the plugin instead, because it gives you the possibility to add your Twitter userid to the retweets.
The interesting thing is that Tweetmeme uses bit.ly as the default URL shortener, so I can even see how many retweets each of my past posts got. The average for the last 20 posts, for instance, is 26.9 retweets. This means that after I publish 20 more posts I will be able to measure the increase that the addition of the Tweetmeme button brought.
I will also track the possible increase on the number of referrals that Twitter will send, so stay tuned for the results.
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33 Responses to “Experimenting with the Tweetmeme Button”
good post, i will use this in my blog too! Thanks!
Michael Aulia
Good move. I’ve seen this widget almost everywhere on the blogosphere. I’m thinking to add this widget on my blog too.
Do let us know about your statistics etc after installing the plug-in
Looks like a very useful plug-in.
I have been playing with the idea of using it to leverage some traffic and links my way.
I’m very interested in learning how it works for you.
Good luck!
Blog Angel a.k.a. Joella
Another widget I would like to install, but I can’t quite figure out how to do this on my blog platform. I may have to change over to WordPress – b2evolution is powerful, but it can be a real pain to figure out how to do things that are much easier in other blog platforms.
Let it be known that the Tweetable plugin also offers this functionality.
It adds a template tag, or you can have it automagically added to your posts.
Marcio Rocon
I think I at least try …
Glen Allsopp
I have been thinking about adding this as well, probably using the small version though as it does take up a lot of room. I’m impressed that your posts naturally get so many tweets!
I look forward to your results
Boerne Search
Yeah, I too agree. Twitter is going to be huge! LOL
As big as the tool is I for one am glad it came along.
I’m on the twitter diet and i love it!
Daily Good Tips
How to apply tweetmeme in blogspot ?
Blogger User
I dont know about the plug in as i do not use wordpress but the button is simply awesome and ya good tool.
Daniel Scocco
@Daily Good Tips, use the widget they provide on their site.
@ Daily Good tips..
Please Google this same question and you would find couple of sites that might guide you into changing your layout in blogspot . Some HTML changes are required and that’s all it will take .
Enjoy Blogging
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Very useful post..never would have done this if it were not for this post.
Roseli A. Bakar
Tweetmeme is a great plugin but sometimes it doesn’t count the retweet.
Hope they will settle this problem soon.
It’s a great plugin. It’s easy to install and it does increase your twitter traffic.
Laura Christianson
I used Tweetmeme for a while on my blog, but I don’t like the way it takes up so much room at the bottom of each post. If I could place it in the upper right area of each post and have my text wrap around it, I’d prefer that.
But the WordPress plug-in documentation didn’t give enough info for a non-coder (me!) to figure out how to adjust my code to place it differently. If anyone has suggestions, feel free to e-mail me: .
Blogger Make Money
I don’t like twitter………
Fatin Pauzi
I’ve installed it but I got an error occurred. Maybe I got something to fix it.
Nick Halstead
Daniel, Really glad you are trying out the button. Would be very interested in the results of the changes in retweeting you see. We ourselves see a large range depending on the type of site based upon demographics etc – these of course corrolate directly to twitter user base.
Laura, I have forwarded your comment onto our dev team to see if we can add some more options for positioning the button.
I expect to see a lot more retweets with the plugin installed, the button is very easy to “find” as it sits right there for the user to click after reading/checking the article and the number of retweets encourages more retweets.
This social media button usage is very interesting topic all-in-all, so I’m looking forward to the results of the experiment. Oh and I’m predicting this particular post will get a lot, if not the most, of retweets
Tom the Webmanager
I have it since a while at my blog and I can tell that it significantly increases the number of tweets to your blogposts.
Looking forward to see your results
You can change the button position to the right by changing the CSS style on the settings page to:
float: margin-left: 10
Laura Christianson
Thanks, Nick, for responding to my comment about re-positioning the button to make it more prominent and to wrap text around it. If that can be done, I’ll reactivate my plug-in!
I just installed this for a client, and plan to install it in another client’s blog. Great tool.
Laura – I used that same CSS to position mine in the upper right and have the text wrap around it.
I changed the code so the RT is from my client, not tweetmeme and the URL is for the permalink of the post.
Tom Bradshaw
I’ve noticede this around recently, I’ll have to try and add it to my blog too
I’d used Tweetmeme for awhile and I’d removed it due to some circumstances. Now I think I’ll put it back! =D
Ajith Edassery
I found this widget pretty useful though in my case/profile it’s only getting 1-10 tweets per post.
I however, found that the widget is causing the XHTML/CSS compliance of my blog to break…
I have been thinking about adding this as well, probably using the small version though as it does take up a lot of room. I?EUR(TM)m impressed that your posts naturally get so many tweets!
I look forward to your results
Now that you have succeeded in making me add the button, can you also suggest which one to choose? I mean Tweetmeme or Tweetable?
I have been thinking about adding this as well, probably using the small version though as it does take up a lot of room. I?EUR(TM)m impressed that your posts naturally get so many tweets!
I look forward to your results
Thanks! I just added the plugin to my Blog…
Jason Cairns
Hi, I can’t seem to get my tweetmeme to work in my RSS Feed. I’m also using the wordpress plugin. Is there some setting I need to change. thanks! I also use feedburner
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