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原形或不定式Can you help me(to do sth/do sth)其实就是help的固定搭配学习愉快O(∩_∩)O~
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Can you help me ( to do sth)?
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Can You Help Me
来源:&&日期:日 09:59:07&&阅读
&Down here on my knees, crying begging please, I’ll do anything, for your love...& CE24、帮帮我好吗&活在边缘,情难自控,世界不许我缓步但在我最大的照片里有你和我女孩,你知道我努力过,我努力工作满足你的物质所需我以为你会快乐我迷茫了,能否让我明了,因为我曾努力给予你最好的我以为我们是天生一对,却可能是我的盲目,从未深思细看&帮帮我,告诉我你要什么帮帮我,告诉我你为何要离去宝贝救救我,没有你,我的整个世界会崩溃,我会疯的单思中的生活就如在狱中,我要你回家,我不想影孤只单&女孩我曾把你的爱束之高阁,任它枯竭至死导致现在劳燕分飞,因为我害你伤痕累累现在你不近身旁,我祈求着消逝的每一刻,以前的每一刻可是蘸满了甜蜜的爱 宝贝引导我,牵我的手,如果你愿意,我能捉紧你不要拒人于千里之外,只顾袖手旁观,我要你女孩,难道你没看到吗……&帮帮我,告诉我你要什么帮帮我,告诉我你为何要离去宝贝救救我,没有你,我的整个世界会崩溃没有你,我想我会发疯,单思中的生活就如在狱中我要你回家,我不想影孤只单&再给我一次机会,我想做你的爱人,女孩你拥有了我双漆跪下,哭求着,为了你的爱,我愿赴汤蹈火,在所不惜……CE&
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Can you help me?)
I have a question. The answer is very important for me)
1. Write please what is your idea of a perfect woman or man. Please discribe your image)
Thank you)
Nov 29, 2011
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1 . 请你描述出你心目中一个完美的女人或者男人的形象。谢谢
Dec 04, 2011
Can you help me?)
I have a question. The answer is very important for me) HOW TO BE A PERFECT MAN OR WOMAN?
Dec 04, 2011
Can you help me?)
I have a question. The answer is very important for me) 1. Write please what is your idea of a perfect woman or man. Please discribe describe your ideal image.
Thank you.
Whether this is a man or a woman, the attributes and qualities are the same for me.
First of all that person should have a body of a Greek God of my definition.& Yes, I am shallow.& I am a human being.& I am not going to settle for some Quasimoto!& My ideal may not be the same as yours. Nature makes sure that the physical attributes are there to attract one and another.& I always say, the face is the matchmaker.& However it is not the glue that binds you two together forever.& That Krazy Glue is what makes you tick inside.& Understanding, thoughtful and possessing a kindred spirit are the basic inner qualities that I want.& I don't care for all their birthday or anniversary gifts.& I place greater value if they call me up to say that they are late from work, to keep me from worrying about them.& This is the finer detail of responsibility.& I prefer out of a sudden, when they brought home a cookie back for me for no apparent reason.(Yes, I love those delicious devils).& This shows that they think of me now and then.& The icing on the cake will be those of honesty (as long as you don't know, it is honesty to me.& It is no crime if you are not caught!), outgoing, jovial and share the same common interests as me.
Having common interests are the bonds to an eternal relationship.& How much sex can you enjoy?& These are important only in the beginning and do not last.& Common interests are the waters in which your love needs to grow.& It would be nice, if they can sing or play the piano.& Of course I ask many things but hey, you are asking to describe my ideal.
Well, these are not enough.& Let us talk about their character and habits.& These too are extremely important.& No use if there is so much love flowing but you two cannot live together!& One night stands do not count.& Number one: Non smoker, Number 2: Cannot snore.& Number 3: No alcoholics... Number 4: No druggies...& There are more but not as important as these top four.
I am quite precise since I am an engineer.& I know what I want and what I do not want.& I do not want a coach potato!& I do not want an irresponsible person.& I do not want that is not loyal to me.& This does not mean fidelity.& These two concepts are totally different.& As I said in the beginning, what I don't know is not a sin.& I will give credit to them to be able to hide things from me.& My eyes are sharp in observing people.& One of my hobbies is people watching or in here in the way they express their ideas.
Nov 30, 2011
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