she to read english for a little while you read

she can watch tv for a little while every day对for a little while 提问
How long can she watch TV every day?她每天可以看多久的电视?她每天只能看一会儿电视.希望赶上帮忙了
十本简单易读的入门级英文原著 (
- 1 -Charlotte’s
This is a lovely novel
that all age groups can understand. Aimed at native&English&speaking
children, there are many adults who still say this famous book is their
This is part of the
national curriculum in many schools around the world, so it’s quite possible
this book will also come up in conversation. You can almost guarantee that the
majority of native English speakers have read this book at least
plot summary
A baby pig called Wilbur
is almost killed because of his status – he is the smallest pig that was born
and he is considered to be useless and of no
Charlotte, the spider,
knows that the farmers are planning to kill Wilbur.&She&promises to
make a plan to save his life. The farmers are surprised the next day when they
see the words “some pig” written in the web Charlotte has
Wilbur is sad
when&Charlotte&disappears. But in the end, her baby spiders turn out
to be great company for the pig. They continue to protect each other and the
story ends well.夏洛消失后,威尔伯很伤心。但最后,夏洛的孩子们变成了威尔伯最好的陪伴。他们继续保护着彼此,故事的结尾很美好。
- 2 -Mieko and
the Fifth&Treasure
Eleanor Coerr 埃莉诺·科尔
This book is not really
so famous, but it is on the recommended book list. What’s great about “Mieko and
the Fifth Treasure” is that it’s short. At only 77 pages long, this will be
Again this book is aimed
at young native English speakers, so if you’re learning English, the level won’t
be so difficult. This book will keep you interested as you’ll learn many
interesting things about Japan and its
plot summary
This is an emotional
story about Mieko. Mieko is a talented artist and calligrapher (handwriting
artist). Her hand is badly hurt during the bombings of the war. The scared
little girl is sent to live with her grandparents in the countryside where it is
Mieko is worried and
afraid that she’s lost her 5th treasure – the “beauty in her heart.”
This&treasure&is the key to her happiness and her beautiful
Mieko starts a new
school. Her new classmates are mean. They constantly laugh at her and tease her
which just makes her angrier. Her grandparents eventually manage to lift her
darkness through their patience and
S.E. Hinton&辛顿
This short novel is
perfect for EFL learners. It has modern themes and typical teenage issues that
people around the world have experienced.
There are very few
cultural notes in this, which means you don’t need much background information.
The sentences are short and easy to understand. The&vocabulary&is also
very easy. You should be able to read this book without
plot summary
Ponyboy Curtis is one of
the main characters. He is a part of a gang of teenagers called the Greasers.
They meet up with the rival gang and the fight&begins. One of the enemies
Ponyboy is really scared.
They hide in a church and try to hide their appearance by dyeing (coloring)
their hair. A number of different fights break out between the two gangs.
Eventually Ponyboy wakes up in the
A trial is set in the
courtroom and the judge has to decide Ponyboy’s fate (future). Is he guilty or
not guilty?审判在法庭上进行,法官将决定波尼博伊的命运。他到底是有罪还是无罪?
- 4 -The House
The great thing about
“The House On Mango Street” is that it’s an interesting read. It’s written from
the point of view of the writer. You can really feel what the protagonist (the
main character) feels.
The sentences are really
short so it’s also easy to understand. There are a few challenging words and a
little bit of descriptive language, but you can usually understand them with the
context. Another great thing about this is book is that it gives you a deep
understanding of a different
plot summary
This book follows the
life of&Esperanza, a Mexican girl. Esperanza moves into a new home
on&Mango&Street. Their new house is old and small. In the new home,
Esperanza feels like she has no time to be alone. She promises herself that one
day she will leave and have her own
Throughout the novel the
young girl grows up a lot. The story follows her life as she makes friends, her
body changes and she begins to have feelings for a
There is a lot of focus
on other women in the community and&Esperanzahopes never to be like them.
Through watching the older women and how they are stuck, she knows that she
wants to leave.小说也描绘了社区中的其他女人,埃斯佩朗莎希望自己永远不会像她们一样。通过观察老妇女们和她们如何被困住,她知道她想要离开。
- 5 -Thirteen
Reasons Why&《13个理由》
Jay Asher&艾雪
This story takes place in
the present, which means the writer writes using simple grammar. All sentences
are short and the vocabulary is relatively easy.
The interesting grammar
and short paragraphs make this a quick and easy book for ESL learners. This is
an award-winning book and on the&NY Timesbest books list, so it’s worth a
plot summary
The main character is
Clay Jensen, a quiet high school student. He comes home from school to find a
parcel at his front door. He does not know who sent it. He opens it and
discovers 7 cassette tapes. These tapes are from Hannah Baker, his previous
classmate. She had emotional problems and has committed suicide (killed
The tapes came with
instructions. The paper stated that they should pass the tapes from one student
to another student. There are 12 people in total. In the paper, she explains to
these people that they helped her die – she gives them 13
We hear about her pain.
She talks about her first kiss, people who lied to her and stole from her.
Everything started with gossip. The gossip then grew and became out of
Almost everyone knows the
story of “Peter Pan” which is why this is an easy read. Being familiar with a
story already helps the reader to understand the text better.
This book is aimed at
children, but it continues to be enjoyed by adults around the world
plot summary
Peter invites Wendy to
return to Neverland with him. Wendy asks for her brothers Michael and John to
join them. They have a magical flight as they travel to Neverland and have many
adventures along the way.
After all their
adventures and fun, Wendy decides that her place is at home with their mother.
But&Peter&doesn’t want her to go. Instead he tries to trick her. He
tells her that their mother doesn’t want them anymore. However, he understands
how sad their mother must be. In the end, he decides to let them go home.
- 7 -The Old Man
and the Sea
This is a famous classic.
Almost all native English speakers will have read this book at some point in
school. So, if you ever find yourself in a conversation about literature and
books, this is a good one to talk about.
It has a little bit of
difficult vocabulary, however, it is short and you won’t have too much trouble
being able to finish it.这本书有一些较难的词汇,但是它篇幅很短,读完它你不会感觉太困难。
plot summary
This is a story of a long
fight between an old, experienced fisherman and the best fish he ever
caught.&Santiago&has returned to the village without any fish for 84
On the eighty-fifth day,
his luck changes and so does his life. At 12 pm, a huge fish (a marlin) takes
the bait (the food used to attract fish). The man tries to pull the fish up, but
the fish is too big and strong. Instead, the fish begins to pull the boat. The
old man continues to fight and hold on to the line. The fish pulls the boat
around the sea for two
On the third day, the
fish gets tired. Santiago is able to pull the fish closer and kill it. It’s the
biggest fish he has seen in his life. He begins to sail back to the village, but
the blood of the fish attracts sharks. The boat is attacked by a Mako shark,
but&Santiago&is able to kill it. He kills most of the sharks, but
there is a problem. They have eaten the meat of the fish and now only the
skeleton (bones) is left. He returns back to his home and falls
Giver”&begins&in a very interesting way and catches the attention of
the readers from the beginning. It has easy-to-understand grammar. Most of the
grammar is just past simple and past perfect.
All of the sentences are
short. This is a longer book. It’s really easy though, so you’ll finish it
plot summary
Jonas is a young boy. He
lives a very safe life with a lot of order and rules. There are many rules and
everyone follows them. They don’t often make a decision by
But Jonas soon learns
some truths about the people in the community. He comes to understand that this
kind of life is unfair. He wants to allow people to make their own
Jonas comes up with an
interesting plan to change the community. He decides he needs to move the
community to another place. In his plan, they be able to live a good and fair
- 9 -Number the
This is a realistic
novel. It’s based on history. Unlike other historical literature,
it’s&easy&to understand.
If you already know a lot
of information about World War II, this might be an interesting book for you.
It’s not recommended if you don’t know too much about the World Wars. In this
case, you will be focusing on trying to understand the facts too much so you
will not enjoy the book as
plot summary
This is a story of hope
and courage. The year is 1943 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The area has been taken
over by Hitler’s army. There are soldiers everywhere. The life of
10-year-old&Annemarie&has changed a lot. There is little food and
everyone is very scared. There is talk about moving all of the Jewish people to
another place. This is difficult for Annemarie because her best friend, Ellen,
This is a different book
about the war. It shows it was not only the Jewish people who suffered during
the war. Annemarie’s family lost their eldest daughter, Lise, a few weeks before
Annemarie will later do
what her sister, Lise, did. She will join the resistance party to fight against
the Nazis. She ends up being a heroine for a few reasons (which I will not tell
you because I don’t want to ruin the
- 10 -A Wrinkle
This book has a mix of
shorter and longer sentences. The short sentences allow the readers to relax a
little bit more. They also create the scene well and let you know what is
happening through simple words.
There is a lot of
vocabulary to learn. It is a good book if you’ve already got experience reading
novels in&English. Make sure you have your&vocabularynotebook with
you, just in case there are any cool words that you’d like to learn. This book
plot summary
Meg&is 14-years-old.
Everyone sees her as a troublemaker. They think she’s a bad student. Everyone in
her family seems to be perfect. Her mom is a very beautiful scientist. Her twin
brothers are very athletic. And her little 5-year-old brother, Charles Wallace
Murry, is a child genius and can often read the mind of Meg.
Meg and her brother meet
a friend. Calvin O’Keefe is a high school junior student. Meg and Calvin begin
to like each other. Charles suddenly announces that they should focus on finding
their father who is lost somewhere in the
Eventually they find
their dad, but not without drama. Along the way,&Meglearns to
love.&She&uses this new love to help them


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