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&&&&You need to be on acid to understand the opening.it was bad!!by Jony7/27/:21 PM 6:21 AM
&&&&Wish they had the lights on earlier, so we could see what was going onby Daniel Hargreaves7/27/:04 PM 6:20 AM
&&&&pls go to you tube and watch the Beijing ceremonies! The Brits will be ashamed of what they have given to the world today!by patriia7/27/:33 PM 6:18 AM
&&&&noooo my tv turned off!!by isaac7/27/:40 PM 6:05 AM
&&&&To put a floundering system in the middle of such a wonderful event? I suppose America should put Obamacare at the center the next time the US is privileged to host the Games. What a joke!by NHS - Really?7/27/:39 PM 6:05 AM
&&&&Beijing and Vancouver impressive&&I was hoping to watch and get entertained by the British but I got Mr Bean! Awful. Danny Boyle what a waste of money!by fire danny7/27/:45 PM 5:58 AM
&&&&What was that all about, a huge lost oppertunity , I am British and was ashamed at this opening,they had an almost once in a lifetime to make this big, and it was a joke, Barcelona, Canada winter olimpics best for meby Richard7/27/:46 PM 5:57 AM
&&&&As a Londoner, I&m so disappointed. Most of it has just been one chaotic party without any harmony& and nothing stunning visually. Where&s the entertainment for the non British world that is watching this? Organizers should have warned everybody to study the history and culture of Britain, and be fluent in the English language, prior to the event.by barmiparmi7/27/:19 PM 5:57 AM
&&&&London opening ceremony team did not do their homework! It&s a complete failure. I did not understand the opening ceremony! Nor did I get any sense of what it really means to be British!by olympic hopeful7/27/:50 PM 5:56 AM
&&&&Danny Boyle! what&s with all those rap music, bed time monsters, back to the 80&s&..you could have done better!by upset7/27/:12 PM 5:56 AM
&&&&&The Chinese get a surprisingly big round of applause.&
&&&&It was a delayed &thank you& for their opening ceremony not being lame.by Piliage7/27/:21 PM 5:55 AM
&&&&bloody failure!by back in london7/27/:03 PM 5:54 AM
&&&&The absolute worst ceremony.. No culture whatsoever& Its been confirmed
&&&&This is utterly woeful. Where are the fireworks, drums, atmosphere?! It is truely bad. Seriously, all this hype and a BILLION people watching, Boyle has decided the best use of time to represent the UK on a global stage is Dizzy Rascal rapping in a house and two unknown people texting and going to a fake house party. I can only apologise to t i&m just as confused as you are as to what I just saw. Where are the different historical periods with kings, queens and castles? Where was the world wars that brought the whole world together where we all shared suffering? Where is the sporting element and parts that the rest of the whole world can understand?! Danny Boyle, you should be ashamed & im surprised it never had an advert for Coka Cola half way through&
&&&&太糟糕了,烟火鼓声气氛在哪里?真的很差,说真的,宣布吹的天花乱坠,亿万观众在看,丹尼鲍依决定最好能代表英国的居然是令人头昏的RAP和两个路人在发短信然后去了一个山寨HOME PARTY!我能做的只有给全世界道歉,我也跟你一样困惑我看到的开幕式,看不到不同历史时期的国王女王城堡,看不到世界大战把全世界团结在一起分享我们的痛楚,看不到关于运动的阐述,剩下的英国外的世界完全看不懂。丹尼,你该羞愧
&&&&so bored i&m now drinking my son in law&s gin with diet coke ! no tonic in the house !by mike kiddle7/27/:48 PM 5:51 AM
&&&&太无聊了。我现在在喝我女婿的GIN酒+健怡可乐。 家里没有补品啊
&&&&i have to wait another 4 years to see hopefully a better opening ceremony! but Britain, you topped it&it&s not bad, its horrible! am sorry but am just being honest!by name it7/27/:42 PM 5:39 AM
&&&&I am from Asia and I was impressed with Vancouver and Beijing. London is messed up. what right does Danny Boyle have to have messed up what could possibly be one of the most anticipated show in the world. It could Britiain&s chance to brag!by Anonymous7/27/:01 PM 5:32 AM
&&&&I was hoping to get a glimpse of UK&s culture, history and to get inspired by the ceremony. But I got nonsense. :(by Pat7/27/:25 PM 5:31 AM
&&&&This is even worse than I could ever have imagined. What would be wrong with just welcoming the athletes and then going to bed like lm doing now. Thanks for making britain a laughing stock again!by Anonymous7/27/:12 PM 5:31 AM
&&&&This country should be ashamed of this dross put out to the world, it looks as if all the village am dram societies have been called in at the last minute to try and entertain a crowd. What an absolute waste of time and money.by Disgusted in England7/27/:09 PM
&&&&5:30 AM
&&&&The athletes are here& so that&s it for the ceremony& damn i should have chose golf over this boring bs&by Oceans X7/27/:02 PM 5:30 AM
&&&&I agree 110% Andrew M. Worst ceremonies I have seen! Bad!by Kristine7/27/:56 PM 5:29 AM
&&&&Look, if none of you are going to come out and say it then I will.
&&&&This is shamefully pathetic. Unquestionably the worst Opening Ceremonies for a wide variety of reasons & in &decades&.
&&&&I&ve been flipping back from several channels to the opening ceremony and it&s not getting any better. Can I say Boring!!! Is it just me?by MB7/27/:55 PM 5:28 AM
&&&&cut out the Stars! we need inspiration performance. Olympics is not about Hollywood. its about the regular man and we need more inspirational performance than this.by bored7/27/:21 PM 5:28 AM
&&&&I&m finding it hard to follow what&s going on.by Ram Singh7/27/:58 PM 5:26 AM
&&&&sorry but comparing this with Beijing and the Winter Olympics in Canada, they were better than what I am seeing. Danny Boyle messed this up! Big TIME!!!!!!!!!!by Anonymous7/27/:42 PM 5:26 AM
&&&&This all seems a bit commercial to me.by Scotty K7/27/:04 PM 5:26 AM
&&&&Well this tops Vancouver for corny amateurish tedium.by Laurel7/27/:50 PM 5:25 AM
&&&&Watching it live via streaming. The show is boring&
&&&&Give me some real performance by some real stars.by JG7/27/:44 PM 5:24 AM
&&&&I guess some knowledge of UK history might help a bit& i&m honestly a bit lost so far&by Oceans X7/27/:54 PM 5:23 AM
&&&&I might be too early to judge but the ceremony I am seeing with all the pop culture music is pretty sad considering this is the OLYMPICS! I am not impressed&yet&sorryby KR7/27/:18 PM 5:22 AM
&&&&This opening ceremony is unbelievably bad. I can&t believe Danny Boyle actually is the mastermind behind this royal mess. totally boring. the only good (kinda) bits are the Queen/Bond and Mr. Bean. The opening is like a travelogue and then we get non-stop music videos. Olympics opening cermont is supposed to be spectacular and grand for the international audience. This has to be worst ever Olympics opening I&ve ever watched. What a huge yawn fest!!
&&&&I am watching a rock concert or what?by Andy7/27/:49 PM 7:04 AM
&&&&Time to go to bed and maybe when I wake up it was just one big nightmare dream&by Anonymous7/27/:48 PM 7:12 AM
&&&&comment by supersubag (U7126766)
&&&&posted 14 Hours Ago
&&&&Well make this look like a childrens party in 4 years time - were GREAT Britain - you dont hear anyone calling it &Great China& - although they do have that Great Wall...
&&&&4年后的我们或搞成一场小p孩儿狂欢 && 我们是&大&不列颠,&& 没人把中国叫成&大&中国,即使他们有伟大的长城。
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&&&&各国友人看奥运 美国网友:傻子才会让伦敦举办
&&&&英国网友:如果你们中的谁曾经试过钢管舞或者钢管健身的话,你就会明白这需要极佳的平衡性、力量、优雅和技巧。想想看,这和体操相比又有什么不同?除了那根管子是竖着的而体操是横着的。嗯 我猜我可能有了个看奥运的理由了。
&&&&日前,英国武装部队宣布将增派3500人,组成&待命部队&,加强奥运会安保。英国陆军新增派的士兵将在几天内到达伦敦。 之前,已经有13500名军人投入到奥运安保中。此事引起了众多美国网友的注意,他们在网上纷纷吐槽&&
&&&&(本组稿件来源:英国《卫报》、《亚特兰大城市报》等 编译:虎扑体育 点评:姜迪)
|||级别:三级士官积分:608财富:887不敢说差劲,但比起2008北京,本次开幕式实在是一般|||级别:上尉积分:9387财富:809不管开幕式如何,只要不浪费钱就好,就算伦敦奥运会开幕式一百个不精彩,那也是奥运会,北京奥运会倒是烧钱无数,华美华丽华彩,但你不也是地球的奥运会吗!谁把你看做外星人了?|||级别:中尉积分:6521财富:855为什么央视高抬英国开幕式?因为,人家是东道主啊!中国运动员参加的很多项目,是要靠印象分决胜负的!得罪了东道主不划算啊。|||级别:中尉积分:5730财富:-69看到大裤衩那帮奴才,就感着恶心,人家开他们兴奋那个样|||级别:少尉积分:3994财富:812一场漫长无聊的演唱会+一个无聊漫长的入场式=第30届奥运会开幕式|||级别:上等兵积分:117财富:888这还算奥运会的开幕式吗?简直是给了英国一个巨大的耻辱!!!!!!!|||级别:上等兵积分:120财富:888那火炬是&创意&吗?那是没钱的标志!|||级别:二级士官积分:397财富:892英国的表现就是个屁!& 我看三十分钟之后受不了了,关了,从奥运会可以看出英国在走下坡路了,英国祝贺你们他妈的就要完蛋了。|||级别:上等兵积分:120财富:888
|||级别:州判积分:1603财富:291惊闻楼主还看奥运会!|||个人签名:一生俯首拜阳明级别:上等兵积分:120财富:888&&&&& 如果谁说伦敦&的奥运会开幕式比北京的好,那么那个人一定是瞎子!!!|||级别:上等兵积分:120财富:888
大家想想是不这么回子事儿。|||级别:门千总、营千总积分:6851财富:876不如直接欢迎运动入场,然后上床睡了|||级别:门千总、营千总积分:6851财富:876给喊大英帝国的奴才们一记响亮耳光!|||级别:六级士官积分:2880财富:896看了一会就睡着了,没看头。|||级别:上尉积分:8859财富:908看着很热闹,没那么差吧|||级别:五级士官积分:1615财富:866这也称的上是奥运会开幕式。太简单,太朴素,小气的不知英国人还有什么脸面立于世界民族之林。看看08年北京奥运会的开幕式,那个复杂的,豪华的,气吞云天的中国人谁有资格和我们比一比,我们钱多的不得了,一个天上,一个地下。也难怪,英国太穷了,英国人民太穷了。|||级别:六级士官积分:2817财富:882不能比、我们有13亿人赞助、有花不完的钱。|||级别:三级士官积分:534财富:903英国海军远征上万公里,收复了被阿根廷占领的马尔维纳斯群岛,这样有骨气的国家,不需要跟别国比较开幕式的宏大程度,来炫耀自己|||级别:少尉积分:3503财富:883 引用:以下是冷眼旁观有话说在& 13:40:46&发表的: &&&&& 如果谁说伦敦&的奥运会开幕式比北京的好,那么那个人一定是瞎子!!!是撅着屁股瞅太阳---!!|||个人签名:庄稼佬不识电灯泡----闲(线)扯蛋级别:三级士官积分:534财富:903 引用:以下是 鼹鼠可可 在& 12:09:20&发表的: 早上看了重播!感觉真垃圾,英语区以外的国家简直就看不懂,听不懂。一群垃圾,群魔乱舞。至少比中国,规定大学生必须英语过四级才能毕业,显得更有尊严|||级别:三级士官积分:534财富:903 引用:以下是冷眼旁观有话说在& 13:36:00&发表的:
石头可以做很多事情,而钻石只能做两件:一 切玻璃& 二装比
|||级别:五级士官积分:1252财富:4英国阳萎了?我没看开幕式,但从评论里感到是这样。看来还是中国手淫式的开幕式更好看。|||级别:少尉积分:3272财富:875&兴幸偶和朋友喝了一晚酒没看。。。偶是幸福滴~~~|||级别:列兵积分:10财富:008年 就曝光过这样的帖子都是中国大学生自己编辑自欺欺人的,结果今年又来了。麻烦你来原文链接,擦|||级别:把总积分:3026财富:5
|||级别:少将积分:51200财富:78这开幕式实在看不下去。|||个人签名:我收藏的帖子在哪里能看到?级别:知州积分:9228财富:878比这个没意思!|||级别:少校积分:14940财富:-15伦敦奥运会与北 京奥运会比起来,一个是只会烧钱的傻X,一个是会创新的精英|||级别:少校积分:14940财富:-15一个是贵 族,一个是暴 发 户,楼主你说二者有的比吗?|||
译者:unknown&&&&&发布时间:&&&&&超过 0 位网友阅读
& Posted by jamaicajp
& Posted by LR
The release right for DVD should belong to China. It will be on the best seller&s list worldwide.
& Posted by Nash
We are really fed up with all those talk about human rights or political systems and so so.
& Posted by Royi
So&they didn&t need Steven Spielberg after all. It was truly amazing in a riveting, once-in-a-lifetime way. Cirque de Soleil multiplied 2008 times.
&& Posted by Jorge Gaviria&
NBC is the bigger loser already in the olympics. It is an insult for China, they did these effort to show these beautiful ceremony, as audience we deserve to see it LIVE, The bigger sponsors like Coca Cola should not spend money with NBC anymore.
We demand Respect.
& Posted by TT
The opening ceremony can be viewed at the CCTV&s website ([url]/english/special/opening/02/index.s[/url] html). You need to click on the chinese link to download a player. I watched the truely spectacular ceremony last night on NBC and therefore I didn&t download the player myself. I suppose you can set a restore point on your PC to make sure the player can be uninstall later.
The opening ceremonies were a big bore with each part dragging out like any negotiations involving the Chinese. The Taiwan flag issue proves once again that the IOC is made up of a bunch of pandering wimps.
& Posted by Frank A. Langheinrich
Great show put on by the Chinese. Couldn&t NBC figure out how to air this historic event without 5 minutes of commercials after every 3 minutes of the ceremony? The constantly repeating ads we pitiful and annoying.
& Posted by GL
NBC cut some of the segments (e.g. the beijing opera with opera muppets). I hope they release a full DVD version, so we can see the whole uninterrupted.
& Posted by LZ
I don&t mind the tape delay, if they had shown the ceremony properly. They butchered the dramatic transitions by inserting excessive commercials, and squashed any hope for the viewer to experience the beauty and magic of the performance with non-stop &morning show& style drivel chatter. An absolute travesty. They even had to make a special thread for negative commentary on their boards: [url]/nbc/index.php?showtopic=800173[/url] because all the comments were negative. I am not one to write forum posts but I have to say that NBCs butchery of this unique event was so outrageous that I had to speak up. Please someone fix American media. We are not a nation of blithering uncultured idiots only our mass media treats us that way.
& Posted by nbcshame
我倒不在乎延迟播出的事儿,但是至少播的时候要好好播。人家场景转换的时候他们就没完没了的插广告。这么漂亮、魔幻的表演,大家就想安安静静、完完整整看完,解说员又&Morning Show&似的不停在那得瑟。太滑稽了!他们甚至开了个专门的帖子,把网友的负面评论都弄那儿去了。我不是特喜欢回帖那种,但是这回NBC把这么特别的演出切的乱七八糟,真TMD把我惹毛了。有谁把美国的媒体好好修理一下啊!咱们国人又不是没文化爱唠叨的白痴,偏偏媒体就这么着对待咱们。
Yes, the opening event was spectacular, but I wish that NBC had limited the commentary, and I especially wish there were not so many commercials. I was frustrated when the great fireworks displays were on and we couldn&t see them, and we did not see parts of the acts. General Electric got a bit too greedy.
& Posted by Gary Farland
Glad I bought a DVR to record the show. It was stunning even I watch it the second time.
& Posted by Rick Bujak
Hi Rick Bujak,
You should sell those DVDs. I would buy a copy!
& Posted by mefeelsoolympics
The ceremony was awesome, but the NBC coverage was just okay. Not terrible but nothing special. Why didn&t they have a Chinese person in the booth with them to lend greater cultural context to the play by play? Major oversight in my opinion. Another pet peeve-they kept referring to the fact that the countries were not in alphabetical order&.and mentioned the characters/# of radicals determining the sequence. I wanted to see the characters! NBC could have easily included them at the bottom of the screen along with the english name, map graphic etc. Characters are cool, interesting and beautiful&.and relevant considering the millions of overseas Chinese watching the broadcast. Seems like a no brainer to me.
& Posted by Patrick
The show was spectacular. Zhang Zhimou was able to translate his cinematic brilliance to a live spectacle.
I found myself exited and a little unnerved at times as the spectacle displayed not so subtle militaristic elements. I couldn&t help but think this is what nations do when they have ambitions of global dominance.
I loved it and hated it at the same time.
& Posted by GG
Have never seen anything like this: condensing 5000 years of history into a two-hour performance with beauty, charm, and grandeur. I would see it second and third time.
Anyone saying it is a bore just reflected his/her own ignorance about history, culture, art, and beauty&it has nothing to do with the awe-inspiring ceremony.
& Posted by Wendy
Didn&t anyone notice: Hitler&s Nazi Germany all over again! Look at old clips of Nazi Germany&s displays and you will find a frightening echo of China&s display yesterday.
& Posted by Lou
The opening ceremony was dignified and artistically majestic - I wish I were there to see it in person. Zhang Zhimou did an incredible job. Glad that Spielberg dropped out - he would have turned it into an American-style blockbuster, typically juvenile and bombastic.
# 27 writes, &I found myself exited and a little unnerved at times as the spectacle displayed not so subtle militaristic elements.& You mean like the military jet flyovers at American sporting events?
& Posted by Greg
I can just picture the London Olympics organizing committee scratching their heads to figure out what show to put on 4 years from now. The bar is just too high now. They secretly must be wishing that New York got the Olympics.
China put on a show that was beyond spectacular. Now we got to wait and see whether they will top the medal charts.
& Posted by Pratti
Why couldn&t the NBC announcers just let the event unfold without their banal commentary? The opening ceremonies don&t need a play-by- Matt Lauer and Bob Costas turned into that annoying couple that sits behind you at a Broadway show and reiterates loudly what just happened on stage.
& Posted by Phuz01
为啥NBC解说员就不能让演出自然进行,非得在那儿唠叨个没完呢?Matt Lauer和Bob Costas就好像一对罗里巴唆的夫妻,在你看百老汇的时候坐在旁边不停大声说啊刚才台上演的是啥啥啥。
The opening ceremony was one of the most spectacular live events I&ve ever seen. Elegant, sophisticated and quite stunning. Kudos to the Chinese.
& Posted by Kris
Only NBC and that non-stop-babbling-idiot Costas would cut to comercials in the middle of one of the biggest and best fireworks displays in history! Bravo!
& Posted by RGM
comment by undersealevel (U)posted Yesterday
I thought the commentry on BBC 1 was rubbish.Far too political for a sporting event and they were rarely talking about the event itself.
Well done China that was an opening ceremony to be proud of the best yet.
comment by marlomull (876 manc crowned king in Moscow) (U6684283)posted Yesterday
The Chinese put on a great opening ceremony this will be a tough one for London to out-do or come close to this one......to be honest this just might be the best Olympic ceremony i have seen...well done to the Chinese and to Team GB start thinking creatively cause if the 2012 Olympic logo is anything to go by we just might become a laughing stock
comment by Howardddddddd (U)posted Yesterday
To the naysayers who think we don't have a chance come 2012 - don't be so negative! With Amy Winehouse and a bunch of Morris dancers for support we'd easily beat the Chinese effort. Maybe Mark Ronson if we can afford him!
那些觉得伦敦不行的tx们 && 别这么悲观!我们有Amy Winehouse(英国女歌手),再来一群跳莫里斯舞的(英国民间舞蹈),我们能轻松战胜中国。也许在找来Mark Ronson(英国歌手) && 如果我们付得起出场费~~~~~
comment by happyharryhampton (U)posted Yesterday
For cultural references to draw upon for an opening ceremony China does have a bit of an advantage.
When most of Western Europe was basically peopled by savages, China had already embarked upon a civilised culture that had refinements that weren't to be seen here for a couple of thousand years. It is the oldest continuous culture on Earth and though surpassed technologically by us for a few centuries has in the space of a couple of generations cought us up and will in the latter part of the 21st Century be the most powerful economy in the World.
One can only but marvel at the sheer arrogance and brutal economic power displayed in this Olympic opening ceremony. It was truly Olympic.
What government in the West apart from probably the USA could muster such economic power to put on such a spectacle as we have witnessed today?
It was both awe-inspiring and frightening.
They wanted to send out a message to us and boy didn't they?
comment by acmilanlover (U7703795)posted Yesterday
comment by aredeegee (U7017671)posted Yesterday
Er Hazel just said the ceremony was enervating - surely it was the opposite of that - as everybody else seems to say! Perhaps she meant energising??
呃 Hazel(解说员)刚才说开幕式没生气? && 瞎扯!人人都认为正好相反! 也许是她用错词儿了??
comment by kingFreddieHarris (U7381623)posted 2 Days Ago
Breathtaking, easily the best OC ever!
赞! 轻松获得最佳奥运开幕式称号!!
comment by fear_my_googly (U7911761)posted 2 Days Ago
Wow the BBC presenters doing the voice-over for the feed are really, really wooden. They sound so laboured.
Come on, put a bit of excitement into your voices at least! You sound like you're reading off the worlds most apathetic autocue.
Despite NBC&s decision to tape-delay (sigh), and despite bob costas talking too much, and despite too many commercial breaks& That was an absolutely spectacular opening ceremony.
& Posted by LeeJohnson
除了 NBC延迟播放,除了BOB COSTAS唧唧歪歪,除了广告太多&&&这场开幕式绝对帅呆了!
Trying to capture some of the entirety of the opening ceremony, searched and searched on the sties. Many postings have been blocked.
Are we facing a new kind of censorship in the US? Had a strange experience earlier on, I was able to access BEIJING OPENING CEREMONY - Part 2 (no problem with part 1) on you tu be, few minutes later, it was gone.
Hey, NBC, CBS, ABC & if there is going to be another such sought after world event like this one & quite unlikely for some years to come, fundraise from the viewers like Obama did, then you can &serve& the American public better, and you don&t need to censor us like you did, and continue to do so.
& Posted by getting mad
想在网上找找开幕式的图片,发现好多都被屏蔽了。在you tu be上找的开幕式视频,几分钟后也没了&&.被审查了?新闻自由啊~~~~~~(原来国外也需要新闻自由啊!)
Those commentators are awful, I wish they'd shut up.
I preferred it when they just used one of the usual athletics commentators to witter away over the ceremony. What Huw Edwards is doing there is a mystery. Charisma-less twonk.
Taking a break from the China Bashing, I would like to say that this ceremony is rather spectacular.
I hope London 2012 doesn't embarrass us.
比起(那些主持人)在开幕式里没完没了的唠叨,我情愿他们只是用一个普通的体育评论员(来直播这个赛事)。真闹不懂Huw Edwards在干嘛。还有Charisma-less twonk.
All those thousands of people making shapes and practising for over a year is amazing
The London ceremony will be very different to this, i mean, we don't have thousands of years of history, legends etc to draw on
Just wish all this political commentary could be left out. I know China's rife with pollution and all the crimes against humanity, but I don't want to hear it at this time when there's so much already to take in and try to appreciate.
I can imagine our crowd booing each team that comes out and keep chanting 'Engurland'
we so will won't we!
its going to be a disaster in 2012
I can imagine the chants now..'who are ya'...'you're gonna win f all'...'stand up if you hate germany'
Wait until the national anthems get played during the medal ceremonies. *booo's* *whistles*
I can't help but laugh at that thought.
No way is that going to happen.......
Me neither It will be very embarrasing though, especially when the camera pans onto the shirtless lobster tanned beer bellied men swigging their lager until they burst into a fit of frenzy when they see themselves on screen
I want me a huge dragon in this, I'll feel cheated otherwise
i'm sure the piano will transform into some sort of dragon
chinese transformers
Now that I'd pay to see
I want a bigger dragon
If there was a massive dragon and some flying ninjas all would be well
Hope they bring on the shaolin monks...
that would be ace, they'd probably fly away after
we all want a dragon
unfortunately, I think they were all booked out for the night.
at a dragon party
From what COULD be seen from the NBC braodcast with running mouth commentary, (some of it interesting factoids but much NOT) the ceremoney was indeed spectacular (reminde me of Cirque duSOleil performance art) Too bad they did NOT find a way to have it present ed COMMERCIAL free, the constant commercial interruptions (and so out of place that McCain political attack ad) had they presented it UNINTERRUPTED , then listed the COMMERCIAL SPNSORS and used the coomericial footage&elsewise&The opeing was important enough they should have figured a way to so accomplish and would have received very high marks for such coverage !!!
& Posted by Bozzy54
The word &awesome& is so overused, that when something like this comes along, we are at a loss for a deive word that does it justice. The Opening Ceremony was so spectacular that it will stay in our minds for a long time. I agree with all the negative comments about the Commentary&.
I never heard such stupid blather in my life..
whatever amount these guys were paid, they should give it all back. They reflected very poorly on NBC as well as our whole country. However, as regards the commercials, we can&t forget that because those companies are willing to foot the bill, we can sit in our living rooms and watch the entire Olympics, free&which is very nice ! But they seem to forget that we resent the commercial interrupting the scene&which is no way to build up sales !
The Chinese have given a new meaning to the word &spectacular&. Unfortunately having to wade through a swarm of ugly commercials spoiled the whole affect. The first hour had almost 25 minutes of commercials or promos and the ugly NBC logo was attached to the screen in the upper right corner like a gigantic tick sucking the lifeblood out of the picture.
It was without a doubt the most extraordinary event I have seen in more than my 80+ years on the earth. The opening drumming was eyepopping and the ending was without equal in any exhibition I have ever witnessed.
I was in China 20 years ago this month and the progress they have made during the last 20 years is staggering. I think we have just seen the opening shot in their dominance of the world stage. The USA is about to become an also ran thanks to the buffoons in Washington.
& Posted by JonJon&
I feel so lucky to live close enough to Canada to have seen the ceremony *live* on CBC Friday morning. It started at 7:00 AM PT and was replayed again later in the afternoon with relatively little commentary and commercial interruption. Yes, there was a bit of ogling once the Canadian team entered the stadium, but they had a split screen so that viewers could still see the remaining teams enter and be recognized. It was like a breath of fresh air after years of listening to Costass and Co. Thanks, Northern Neighbors
& Posted by ML
I watched about 5 minutes total of the NBC broadcast during commercial breaks from CBC&s live coverage last night. I was struck by the need of NBC&s commentator to talk over the children&s choir singing the Olympic Anthem during the flag raising ceremony. Rude, insensitive, arrogant, disrespectful & Take your pick. CBC had the class to let the choir sing uninterrupted when it broadcast the same ceremony 15 hours earlier.
& Posted by Chris in WA&
I think this show has been and it will be the
most incredible show ever in television
& Posted by Tony, Puerto Rico
Did anyone notice that Bush was sitting through most of the ceremony slumped down in his chair with his jacket unbuttoned and his legs spread apart? He looked like he was some slob having a beer at a baseball game. Embarrassing.
-is there anything that didn't come from china
-I didn't... although...
-Jesus tapdancing Christ, this is insanely amazing
-You know, even if we were able to drag the Lord out of retirement to perform a tap-dancing session, I'm not entirely sure it would beat this current performance!
I appreciate the fact that NBC covered the opening ceremony, however, the constant interruption with commercials and constant chatter over the musics and sounds of each segment drove me up the wall. We never got to see even one complete event! I hope that someone somewhere filmed the entire ceremony and will offer it on DVD or in a special televison event. The sounds should have been experienced along with the visual, but the commentators droned on over the beautiful productions oblivious to their destruction of the entire scene. I agree that this was unique and amazing. Everyone should see it.
Do we know if they skipped over parts? Because if it was taped, they could&ve stopped the action between ads and picked it up on the other side. On the other hand, if the actual show did last more than 4 hours, that wouldn&t work. Oh, well. I would like to see the uninterrupted show (minus the athlete parade) in HD, but this was better than nothing.
Despite NBC&s decision to tape-delay (sigh), and despite bob costas talking too much, and despite too many commercial breaks& That was an absolutely spectacular opening ceremony.
尽管NBC决定录播(唉),尽管bob costas老是得得,尽管这么多广告&&这还是绝对精彩的开幕式。
Trying to capture some of the entirety of the opening ceremony, searched and searched on the sties. Many postings have been blocked.
Are we facing a new kind of censorship in the US? Had a strange experience earlier on, I was able to access BEIJING OPENING CEREMONY - Part 2 (no problem with part 1) on you tube, few minutes later, it was gone.
Hey, NBC, CBS, ABC & if there is going to be another such sought after world event like this one & quite unlikely for some years to come, fundraise from the viewers like Obama did, then you can &serve& the American public better, and you don&t need to censor us like you did, and continue to do so.
怎么在美国我们要面对新的审查制度?有件怪事,方才我还能上you tube看开幕式,几分钟后给删除了。
I don&t understand WHY, after that 12 hours delay in televising the opening, they cannot find time to insert the commercial while including the whole ceremony!
Why did NBC felt a need to still leave part out when they have plenty of time to edit the raw tape!
Shame on you NBC. You have butchered a perfectly good opening. It is like watching a film and the editor cut out all the kissing and cuddling part!
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