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名胜古迹 名山大川厚重而光辉的历史必然会创造出灿烂的物质文明,但这些物质文明随着日月的流逝,能保存至今的只是沧海遗珠了。仅就今天 见到的而言,在山西其数量却相当可观,至今山西仍有地面不可移动文物3.7万多处,各级文物保护单位6068处,全国重点文物保护单位271处,在全国各省份中位居第一。人类进入文明社会以后,凝聚着历史辉煌和古代山西人民智慧的北魏平城、晋阳古城虽然已不复存在,但祭祀晋国开创者唐叔虞的晋祠,早已和当地的秀丽山水融为一体,成为镶嵌在山西大地上的一颗明珠。屹立在晋中平原的平遥古城,以其近乎完美的城建规模,见证着三晋大地上曾经走过的岁月。最值得庆幸的是承载着晋商兴盛历史的乔家大院、王家大院、渠家大院、三多堂、日升昌,等形式的晋商大院文化,又有着往日晋商们多少的艰辛和荣耀。与晋商大院文化相媲美的,还有隐藏在阳城山峦中的皇城相府,其主人陈廷敬曾主持编纂了久负盛名的工具书《康熙字典》。至于位于运城市祭祀关云长的关帝庙,更是人们心中的尚武圣地。如果说中华名族有着悠久而辉煌历史的话,中华名族还是一个非常善于吸收外来文化的名族,这其中又以对佛教文化的吸收为重要。佛教从东汉传入中国,魏晋、南北朝时期已经非常兴盛。其中,佛教雕塑艺术达到了一个非常高的水平,山西大同云冈石窟就是其中最杰出的代表作。与佛教雕塑艺术同时兴盛的是佛教寺院艺术,被称为“四大佛教名山”之首的五台山就坐落在山西的忻州市。仅就佛教的建筑艺术而言,五台山佛光寺、南禅寺大殿、应县木塔、隰县小西天等建筑,是国内同类作品中的上乘之作。佛教是融合了多种艺术的宗教,体现出了极强的包容性。正是这种包容性,使佛教圣地永济普救寺中演义出了一段张生与莺莺缠绵的爱情故事。佛教传入中国后,还与中国传统的儒学、道教相互通融,相互借鉴,恒山悬空寺即体现着儒释道的和平共处,展现着中华民族的团结和谐。说道道教,这是中国土生土长的宗教,浑源的北岳恒山、吕梁的北武当山、芮城的永乐宫代表着道教文化的特有风韵。
山西这方土,堪称是“表里山河”,名山大川遍及全境,多层次的地理地貌展现出了丰富的自然景观,全省可供观赏游览的名山风景地有50多处,面积万余平方公里。省内名山有中国五岳之一的北岳恒山,佛教四大名山之首的五台山,道教旅游胜地北武当山以及植被葱绿、气候宜人的五老峰,还有岩溶地貌发育神奇、峡谷绝壁绵延百余公里的太行山,保存有华北地区少有的原始森林是历山,松林密布的灵空山,传说众多和引人入胜的绵山、藏山、黄围山和姑射山,中国五大镇山之一的中镇霍山,栖息繁衍着国家一类保护动物褐马鸡的关帝山、管涔山和芦芽山,保存较好、研究最早的大同火山群,风景雄奇秀丽的庞泉沟、锡崖沟、蟒河等,风景不同,山态各异,分别以险峻、优雅、奇特、秀丽而引人入胜,令人目不暇接,激荡壮怀。山西自古以来战略地位至关重要,而在群山之中的雁门关、平型关、娘子关、天井关,又为山西的自然景观增添了几多雄奇和惊险。 黄河流经山西的西部、南部边界,境内还流淌着黄河支流汾河、沁河、涑水河和海河水系的桑干河、滹沱河等。其中,著名的黄河壶口瀑布素以激流汹涌澎湃、瀑声如雷轰鸣闻名于世,壶口瀑布以下的十里龙槽、龙门三激浪和其上游的天桥激流十分壮观。垣曲小浪底水库、大禹渡、风陵渡、古蒲津渡和娘娘滩、老牛湾附近的黄河景色不同,令人流连忘返。平定县娘子关城堡附近的娘子关瀑布也素以秀美绮丽闻名于世,而娘子关附近的“水上人家”,一家一景,如入山水画卷。山西境内湖泊、泉水分布广泛,著名的运城盐池和宁武天池等湖泊群古老而有特色,地热水、矿泉水分布也相当广泛。
  Monuments mountains and rivers  Heavy and glorious history is bound to create a brilliant material, but the passage of material with the sun and the moon, the sea can be preserved only the Pearl of the. Far as to see in terms of today, but their number in Shanxi considerable ground still has not moved in Shanxi Cultural Relics 37,000 spots, 6,068 units of cultural relics, the national key cultural relics protection unit 271, the provinces in the country in the first place.  After entering the human civilization, embodied the history of glory and wisdom of the ancient people of Northern Shanxi Pingcheng, Jinyang city although no longer exists, but sacrifices the pioneers Tang Shu Yu Jin's Jinci, had beautiful scenery and local integration, a mosaic on the land in Shanxi jewel. Stand in the ancient city of Pingyao Jinzhong of the original, with its near-perfect urban construction scale, Shanxi witnessed the years have gone through the earth. The good news is that carrying the prosperity of the history of Qiao Family Courtyard Jin, Wang Family Courtyard, Drainage Courtyard, more than three together, Rishengchang, and other forms of Shanxi compound culture, and Merchants who have a number of past and the pain and glory. Merchants and culture, comparable to the compound, as well as hidden in the mountains of the Imperial Xiangfu Yangcheng, the owner of Rhythm of the Fifth has presided over the prestigious compilation of the books &Kangxi.& The city is located in Wan Kuan Kung in the temple worship, it is holy warrior people's minds.  If the family of the Chinese name has a long and glorious history of the case, the Chinese name of family is still very good at absorbing foreign culture, the name of the family, which went to the Buddhist culture that the absorption is important. Buddhism was introduced into China from the Eastern Han, Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties have been very prosperous. Among them, the Buddhist sculptures and reached a very high level, Shanxi Datong Yungang Grottoes is one of the most distinguished representative. And the Buddhist sculptures are also flourishing Buddhist temple art, known as the &four famous Buddhist mountains,& the head of the Wutai Mountain in Shanxi Xinzhou City sits. Far as the construction of Buddhist art, Buddhist Temple Mount, Nanzenji hall, Ying County Wooden Pagoda, Xi County Xiaoxitian and other buildings, is a superior kind for work. Is the integration of a variety of Buddhist religious art, reflecting the strong inclusive. It is this inclusiveness, the Buddhist holy temple Yongji Romance of a universalist Zhang and Yingying some touching love story. Buddhism entered China, but also with the traditional Chinese Confucianism, Taoism mutual accommodation, mutual learning, which embodies the Monastery of Hengshan Road, the peaceful coexistence of Confucianism, Buddhism, the Chinese nation to show unity and harmony.  Taoism says, this is the native religion, Hunyuan the Hengshan mountain, Luliang North Wudang Mountain, Ruicheng Taoist Yongle Palace represents the unique cultural charm.  This side of Shanxi soil, called a &table mountains and rivers&, great mountains and rivers throughout the territory, multi-layered to show the geographical landscape of the rich natural landscape, the province's famous for scenic tours to watch the 50 spots, an area of million square kilometers. China's Five Sacred Mountains of the province has one of the famous Hengshan mountain, the first of four famous Buddhist Mountain, Wudang Taoism and the vegetation lush resort north, the climate pleasant Wulaofeng, there are magical karst landform, the canyon cliffs stretching hundreds of km of the Taihang Mountains, the preservation of rare virgin forest in North China is Alexander, the spirit of the empty mountains, dense pine forests, large and attractive Mianshan legend, the Tibetan mountains, hills and Gushe Wong Wai Shan, one of China's five sacred mountains in Town Huoshan, breeding habitat for the state of a class protected animals Guan Brown Eared Pheasant Hill, in Mount and Luyashan, well preserved, of the first group of Datong volcano, magnificent scenery and beautiful Pangquangou, tin cliff ditch , Manghe other, different landscape, different mountain states, respectively, rugged, elegant, exotic, beautiful and fascinating, dizzying, stirring Zhuanghuai. Since ancient times, important strategic position in Shanxi, and in the mountains of Yanmenguan, Pingxingguan, Niangziguan, patio off, and the natural landscape of Shanxi How many magnificent and breathtaking add.  Shanxi Yellow River flows through western and southern borders, the territory still flowing tributary of the Yellow River Fen, Qin River, Su River and the Haihe River in the Sanggan, Hutuo and so on. Among them, the famous Hukou Waterfall of the Yellow River known for the surging rapids, thundering sound of roaring waterfall is famous Hukou Waterfall miles below the long slot, the Longmen Mountain Dew and its three rapids upstream bridge is spectacular. Xiaolangdi Yuanqu, Dayudu, Fenglingdu, ancient Pujin Du and empress Beach, near the Yellow River scenery laoniuwan different blow people away. Pingding Niangziguan Niangziguan waterfall near the castle is also known for beautiful scenery is famous, and near Niangziguan &boat dwellers&, one a scene, such as the volume into the landscape. In Shanxi, lakes, springs are widely distributed, well-known Yuncheng Salt Lake and other lakes Ningwu Tianchi ancient and unique, ground water, mineral water, a wide distribution.
Famous mountains and great rivers in the famous spots and historical remainsThe history being decorous but glorious by all means will create a material civilization of glitter, but these material civilizations can keep up to now along with the passage of the sun and moon of Be just Cang sea unrecognized talent.Is only and then see today of but speech, in its amount in Shanxi but very considerable, up to now there is still ground in Shanxi can not move cultural object more than 37,000 places, the all levels cultural object protects unit 6068, whole country point cultural object protection the unit is 271, resides the first in in each province of whole country.The mankind get into civilization society after, coagulate glorious and ancient Shanxi people of history wise North Wei even city, Jin sun thou although the city no longer replies existence,offer sacrifices to a Jin country to found Tang Shu Yu's Jin ancestral temple, already and the beautiful landscape of the region merge into an integral whole and become a bright pearl of the earth that insets in Shanxi.Stand erect the even Yao thou city of plain in the Jin, border on perfect city to set up scale with it, the witness wears three Jin the earths up once walked of years.Is the worthest to rejoice of is loading great big hospital, more than three halls in house in the hospital, Wang Jia Da Dun's hospital and dike in Joe's house of Jin company prosperous history and sun rise Chang, wait the Jin of form company great hospital culture, and then have the Jin of the past days the companies how much of hardships and honor.Mutually match in excellence with Jin company's great hospital culture of and also have conceal a mountain at the sun city in of emperor's city mutually mansion, its host, Chen Ting, respectfully once managed to compile long took the reference book of great reputation of 《Kangxi's dictionary 》 .As for be located in to carry a city to offer sacrifices to close the pass emperor that cloud grows temple, is also people heart in of emphasis on arms holy land.If say a China, the clan has the words of long but glorious history, China a clan is still a that is really good at absorbing foreign culture clan, this among them again with to Buddhism cultural absorption is importance.The Buddhism streams into China from the man of east, the Wei's Jin, South and North Dynasty period has been very prosperous.Among them, the Buddhism carves an art to come to an a very high level, Shanxi greatly and together cloud Gang stone cave is the most outstanding representative work among them.It is prosperous to carve with Buddhism at the same time an art is a Buddhism monastery art, be called five set mountains of the head of &four greatest Buddhisms famous mountain& to locate at in the Xin state City in Shanxi.Just in regard to the building art of Buddhism, five the set mountain Buddha light temple, south Buddhist temple big palace, in response to county wood tower, Xi county small Buddhist paradise etc. building, is in the local the same kind work of best of make.The Buddhism is the religion that blended various artses, embodied the strongest inclusivity.It is exactly this inclusivity, make the Buddhism holy land help Pu always to save a historical novel in temple a piece living a touching love story with oriole oriole.The Buddhism streams into after China and also learns with traditional scholar in China, the religion of Taoism compromise mutually and draw lessons from mutually, the Heng mountain hangs an empty temple namely embody a scholar to release the peace of way to get along, make a show of Chinese nation of incorporation harmony.Say religion of Taoism, this is the Chinese native religion, the Yung-loh temple of the northern Wu Dang Shan, Rui city of the northern mountain of Yue Heng, Lyu Liang of Hun source represents religion of Taoism culture of have charm especially.This square soil in Shanxi, it is &country in the form& to be rated as, the famous mountains and great rivers spreads over whole territorieses, the geography geography of the multilayers made a show of abundant of natural view, all province can be provided as the famous mountain scenery ground of appreciating the tour to have more than 50 places, the area is more than ten thousand square kilometers.Province inside the famous mountain has China five Yue of an of northern mountain of Yue Heng, Buddhism four the head of the name mountains of five set mountain, the religion of Taoism travels divine spot north Wu Dang Shan and vegetation the spring onion is green and pleasant weather five old Feng, and the rock dissolves geography growth magic, the canyon cliff continue long more than 100 kilometers too to go mountain, keep have north China the region rare primary forest is a Li mountain, loose what wood spread densely work properly empty mountain, numerous and fascinating fabulous Mian mountains, hide mountain and Huang Wei Shan and Gu to shoot mountain, China five greatest town mountain of an of medium town Huo mountain, dwell for rest to multiply greatly a type of protection animal brown Ma Ji of nation of pass emperor mountain, take care of Cen mountain and Lu bud mountain, keep more like, research at the earliest stage of greatly and together volcano, scenery male strange beautiful huge spring ditch and tin precipice ditch, and Mang river...etc., the scenery is different, mountain the Tai is each difference, respectively with steep, elegant, unusual and beautiful and fascinating, make people's eyes not the Xia answer, surging strong bosom.Shanxi from time immemorial the strategic position go to a pass importance, but at cluster mountain in of the wild goose door close, the even type the pass, Niang son pass, courtyard close, and then increased much more several males for the natural view of Shanxi strange with breathtaking.The yellow river flows through the west, southern boundary of Shanxi, inshore still flow to drip the yellow river subsidiary current Fen river, Qin river and Su of water river and sea river water fasten of mulberry stem river, and Hu Tuo river...etc..Among them, famous yellow river pot waterfalls vegetable with torrent current dashing surge, the Pu voice,such as thunder, bellow to rise in the world, pot waterfalls the following of ten inside Long Cao, Dragon gate three arouse a wave is as very sublime as the overpass torrent current of its upper stream.Yuan song small wave bottom reservoir, big Yu Du and breeze Ling Du and thou Pu Jin Du and empress' pool and old cow gulf the yellow river landscape of the neighborhood is different, it make people linger on, forgetting to return.Quell the Niang son of the county Niang son pass fortress neighborhood pass waterfalls also vegetable with pretty and attractive rise in the world, but Niang son pass neighborhood of&aquatic family&, a per view, such as go into landscape painting book.The inshore lake in Shanxi, spring distributes extensively, famous luck city salt pond and rather Wu Tian Chi etc. lake thou old and have a special feature, the subterranean heat water, mineral spring distributes also very extensive.
Monuments mountains and riversHeavy and glorious history is bound to create a brilliant material, but the passage of material with the sun and the moon, the sea can be preserved only the Pearl of the. Far as to see in terms of today, but their number in Shanxi considerable ground still has not moved in Shanxi Cultural Relics 37,000 spots, 6,068 units of cultural relics, the national key cultural relics protection unit 271, the provinces in the country in the first place.After entering the human civilization, embodied the history of glory and wisdom of the ancient people of Northern Shanxi Pingcheng, Jinyang city although no longer exists, but sacrifices the pioneers Tang Shu Yu Jin's Jinci, had beautiful scenery and local integration, a mosaic on the land in Shanxi jewel. Stand in the ancient city of Pingyao Jinzhong of the original, with its near-perfect urban construction scale, Shanxi witnessed the years have gone through the earth. The good news is that carrying the prosperity of the history of Qiao Family Courtyard Jin, Wang Family Courtyard, Drainage Courtyard, more than three together, Rishengchang, and other forms of Shanxi compound culture, and Merchants who have a number of past and the pain and glory. Merchants and culture, comparable to the compound, as well as hidden in the mountains of the Imperial Xiangfu Yangcheng, the owner of Rhythm of the Fifth has presided over the prestigious compilation of the books &Kangxi.& The city is located in Wan Kuan Kung in the temple worship, it is holy warrior people's minds.If the family of the Chinese name has a long and glorious history of the case, the Chinese name of family is still very good at absorbing foreign culture, the name of the family, which went to the Buddhist culture that the absorption is important. Buddhism was introduced into China from the Eastern Han, Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties have been very prosperous. Among them, the Buddhist sculptures and reached a very high level, Shanxi Datong Yungang Grottoes is one of the most distinguished representative. And the Buddhist sculptures are also flourishing Buddhist temple art, known as the &four famous Buddhist mountains,& the head of the Wutai Mountain in Shanxi Xinzhou City sits. Far as the construction of Buddhist art, Buddhist Temple Mount, Nanzenji hall, Ying County Wooden Pagoda, Xi County Xiaoxitian and other buildings, is a superior kind for work. Is the integration of a variety of Buddhist religious art, reflecting the strong inclusive. It is this inclusiveness, the Buddhist holy temple Yongji Romance of a universalist Zhang and Yingying some touching love story. Buddhism entered China, but also with the traditional Chinese Confucianism, Taoism mutual accommodation, mutual learning, which embodies the Monastery of Hengshan Road, the peaceful coexistence of Confucianism, Buddhism, the Chinese nation to show unity and harmony.Taoism says, this is the native religion, Hunyuan the Hengshan mountain, Luliang North Wudang Mountain, Ruicheng Taoist Yongle Palace represents the unique cultural charm.
This side of Shanxi soil, called a &table mountains and rivers&, great mountains and rivers throughout the territory, multi-layered to show the geographical landscape of the rich natural landscape, the province's famous for scenic tours to watch the 50 spots, an area of million square kilometers. China's Five Sacred Mountains of the province has one of the famous Hengshan mountain, the first of four famous Buddhist Mountain, Wudang Taoism and the vegetation lush resort north, the climate pleasant Wulaofeng, there are magical karst landform, the canyon cliffs stretching hundreds of km of the Taihang Mountains, the preservation of rare virgin forest in North China is Alexander, the spirit of the empty mountains, dense pine forests, large and attractive Mianshan legend, the Tibetan mountains, hills and Gushe Wong Wai Shan, one of China's five sacred mountains in Town Huoshan, breeding habitat for the state of a class protected animals Guan Brown Eared Pheasant Hill, in Mount and Luyashan, well preserved, of the first group of Datong volcano, magnificent scenery and beautiful Pangquangou, tin
Niangziguan waterfall near the castle is also known for beautiful scenery is famous, and near Niangziguan &boat dwellers&, one a scene, such as the volume into the landscape. In Shanxi, lakes, springs are widely distributed, well-known Yuncheng Salt Lake and other lakes Ningwu Tianchi ancient and unique, ground water
名胜古迹 名山大川厚重而光辉的历史必然会创造出灿烂的物质文明,但这些物质文明随着日月的流逝,能保存至今的只是沧海遗珠了。仅就今天 见到的而言,在山西其数量却相当可观,至今山西仍有地面不可移动文物3.7万多处,各级文物保护单位6068处,全国重点文物保护单位271处,在全国各省GHHTRHJUGHJFGTHHHHHHHHHTRHSHYJTYJFYJTYJHGJTT
Monuments mountains and riversHeavy and glorious history is bound to create a brilliant material, but the passage of material with the sun and the moon, the sea can be preserved only the Pearl of the. Far as to see in terms of today, but their number in Shanxi considerable ground still has not moved in Shanxi Cultural Relics 37,000 spots, 6,068 units of cultural relics, the national key cultural relics protection unit 271, the provinces in the country in the first place.After entering the human civilization, embodied the history of glory and wisdom of the ancient people of Northern Shanxi Pingcheng, Jinyang city although no longer exists, but sacrifices the pioneers Tang Shu Yu Jin's Jinci, had beautiful scenery and local integration, a mosaic on the land in Shanxi jewel. Stand in the ancient city of Pingyao Jinzhong of the original, with its near-perfect urban construction scale, Shanxi witnessed the years have gone through the earth. The good news is that carrying the prosperity of the history of Qiao Family Courtyard Jin, Wang Family Courtyard, Drainage Courtyard, more than three together, Rishengchang, and other forms of Shanxi compound culture, and Merchants who have a number of past and the pain and glory. Merchants and culture, comparable to the compound, as well as hidden in the mountains of the Imperial Xiangfu Yangcheng, the owner of Rhythm of the Fifth has presided over the prestigious compilation of the books &Kangxi.& The city is located in Wan Kuan Kung in the temple worship, it is holy warrior people's minds.If the family of the Chinese name has a long and glorious history of the case, the Chinese name of family is still very good at absorbing foreign culture, the name of the family, which went to the Buddhist culture that the absorption is important. Buddhism was introduced into China from the Eastern Han, Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties have been very prosperous. Among them, the Buddhist sculptures and reached a very high level, Shanxi Datong Yungang Grottoes is one of the most distinguished representative. And the Buddhist sculptures are also flourishing Buddhist temple art, known as the &four famous Buddhist mountains,& the head of the Wutai Mountain in Shanxi Xinzhou City sits. Far as the construction of Buddhist art, Buddhist Temple Mount, Nanzenji hall, Ying County Wooden Pagoda, Xi County Xiaoxitian and other buildings, is a superior kind for work. Is the integration of a variety of Buddhist religious art, reflecting the strong inclusive. It is this inclusiveness, the Buddhist holy temple Yongji Romance of a universalist Zhang and Yingying some touching love story. Buddhism entered China, but also with the traditional Chinese Confucianism, Taoism mutual accommodation, mutual learning, which embodies the Monastery of Hengshan Road, the peaceful coexistence of Confucianism, Buddhism, the Chinese nation to show unity and harmony.Taoism says, this is the native religion, Hunyuan the Hengshan mountain, Luliang North Wudang Mountain, Ruicheng Taoist Yongle Palace represents the unique cultural charm.
This side of Shanxi soil, called a &table mountains and rivers&, great mountains and rivers throughout the territory, multi-layered to show the geographical landscape of the rich natural landscape, the province's famous for scenic tours to watch the 50 spots, an area of million square kilometers. China's Five Sacred Mountains of the province has one of the famous Hengshan mountain, the first of four famous Buddhist Mountain, Wudang Taoism and the vegetation lush resort north, the climate pleasant Wulaofeng, there are magical karst landform, the canyon cliffs stretching hundreds of km of the Taihang Mountains, the preservation of rare virgin forest in North China is Alexander, the spirit of the empty mountains, dense pine forests, large and attractive Mianshan legend, the Tibetan mountains, hills and Gushe Wong Wai Shan, one of China's five sacred mountains in Town Huoshan, breeding habitat for the state of a class protected animals Guan Brown Eared Pheasant Hill, in Mount and Luyashan, well preserved, of the first group of Datong volcano, magnificent scenery and beautiful Pangquangou, tin cliff ditch , Manghe other, different landscape, different mountain states, respectively, rugged, elegant, exotic, beautiful and fascinating, dizzying, stirring Zhuanghuai. Since ancient times, important strategic position in Shanxi, and in the mountains of Yanmenguan, Pingxingguan, Niangziguan, patio off, and the natural landscape of Shanxi How many magnificent and breathtaking add. Shanxi Yellow River flows through western and southern borders, the territory still flowing tributary of the Yellow River Fen, Qin River, Su River and the Haihe River in the Sanggan, Hutuo and so on. Among them, the famous Hukou Waterfall of the Yellow River known for the surging rapids, thundering sound of roaring waterfall is famous Hukou Waterfall miles below the long slot, the Longmen Mountain Dew and its three rapids upstream bridge is spectacular. Xiaolangdi Yuanqu, Dayudu, Fenglingdu, ancient Pujin Du and empress Beach, near the Yellow River scenery laoniuwan different blow people away. Pingding Niangziguan Niangziguan waterfall near the castle is also known for beautiful scenery is famous, and near Niangziguan &boat Shanxi, lakes, springs are widely distributed, well-known Yuncheng Salt Lake and other lakes Ningwu Tianchi ancient and unique
Monuments mountains and rivers Heavy and glorious history is bound to create a brilliant material, but the passage of material with the sun and the moon, the sea can be preserved only the Pearl of the. Far as to see in terms of today, but their number in Shanxi considerable ground still has not moved in Shanxi Cultural Relics 37,000 spots, 6,068 units of cultural relics, the national key cultural relics protection unit 271, the provinces in the country in the first place. After entering the human civilization, embodied the history of glory and wisdom of the ancient people of Northern Shanxi Pingcheng, Jinyang city although no longer exists, but sacrifices the pioneers Tang Shu Yu Jin's Jinci, had beautiful scenery and local integration, a mosaic on the land in Shanxi jewel. Stand in the ancient city of Pingyao Jinzhong of the original, with its near-perfect urban construction scale, witness the earth has gone through Shanxi years. The good news is that carrying the prosperity of the history of Qiao Family Courtyard Jin, Wang Family Courtyard, Drainage Courtyard, more than three together, Rishengchang, and other forms of Shanxi compound culture, and Merchants who have a number of past and the pain and glory. Merchants and culture, comparable to the compound, as well as hidden in the mountains of the Imperial Xiangfu Yangcheng, the owner of Rhythm of the Fifth has presided over the prestigious compilation of the books &Kangxi.& The city is located in Wan Kuan Kung's Temple worship, it is holy warrior people's minds. If the family of the Chinese name has a long and glorious history of the case, the Chinese name of family is still very good at absorbing foreign culture, the name of the family, which went to the Buddhist culture that the absorption is important. Buddhism was introduced into China from the Eastern Han, Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties have been very prosperous. Among them, the Buddhist sculptures and reached a very high level, Shanxi Datong Yungang Grottoes is one of the most distinguished representative. And the Buddhist sculptures are also flourishing Buddhist temple art, known as the &four famous Buddhist mountains,& the head of the Wutai Mountain in Shanxi Xinzhou City sits. Far as the construction of Buddhist art, Buddhist Temple Mount, Nanzenji hall, Ying County Wooden Pagoda, Xi County Xiaoxitian and other buildings, is a superior kind for work. Is the integration of a variety of Buddhist religious art, reflecting the strong inclusive. It is this inclusiveness, the Buddhist holy temple Yongji Romance of a universalist Zhang and Yingying some touching love story. Buddhism entered China, but also with the traditional Chinese Confucianism, Taoism mutual accommodation, mutual learning, which embodies the Monastery of Hengshan Road, the peaceful coexistence of Confucianism, Buddhism, the Chinese nation to show unity and harmony. Taoism says, this is the native religion, Hunyuan the Hengshan mountain, Luliang North Wudang Mountain, Ruicheng Taoist Yongle Palace represents the unique cultural charm.
This side of Shanxi soil, called a &table mountains and rivers&, great mountains and rivers throughout the territory, multi-layered to show the geographical landscape of the rich natural landscape, the province's famous for scenic tours to watch the 50 spots, an area of million square kilometers. China's Five Sacred Mountains of the province has one of the famous Hengshan mountain, the first of four famous Buddhist Mountain, Wudang Taoism and the vegetation lush resort north, the climate pleasant Wulaofeng, there are magical karst landform, the canyon cliffs stretching hundreds of km of the Taihang Mountains, the preservation of rare virgin forest in North China is Alexander, the spirit of the empty mountains, dense pine forests, large and attractive Mianshan legend, the Tibetan mountains, hills and Gushe Wong Wai Shan, one of China's five sacred mountains in Town Huoshan, breeding habitat for the state of a class protected animals Guan Brown Eared Pheasant Hill, in Mount and Luyashan, well preserved, of the first group of Datong volcano, magnificent scenery and beautiful Pangquangou, tin cliff ditch , Manghe other, different landscape, different mountain states, respectively, rugged, elegant, exotic, beautiful and fascinating, dizzying, stirring Zhuanghuai. Since ancient times, important strategic position in Shanxi, and in the mountains of Yanmenguan, Pingxingguan, Niangziguan, patio off, but also for adding Shanxi how many magnificent natural scenery and adventure.
Shanxi Yellow River flows through western and southern borders, the territory still flowing tributary of the Yellow River Fen, Qin River, Su River and the Haihe River in the Sanggan, Hutuo and so on. Among them, the famous Hukou Waterfall of the Yellow River known for the surging rapids, thundering sound of roaring waterfall is famous Hukou Waterfall miles below the long slot, the Longmen Mountain Dew and its three rapids upstream bridge is spectacular. Xiaolangdi Yuanqu, Dayudu, Fenglingdu, ancient Pujin Du and empress Beach, near the Yellow River scenery laoniuwan different blow people away. Pingding Niangziguan Niangziguan waterfall near the castle is also known for beautiful scenery is famous, and near Niangziguan &boat dwellers&, one a scene, such as the volume into the landscape. In Shanxi, lakes, springs are widely distributed, well-known Yuncheng Salt Lake and other lakes Ningwu Tianchi ancient and unique, ground water, mineral water, a wide distribution. (你可以用Google翻译)


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