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''国际化'' 和 ''地方化''是术语,用来描述使WordPress(和其它这样的项目)以英语以外的其它语言显示,供不同地区,持不同方言和地方特色的网民使用。
第二步就是真正地''本地化'',网页上的文本和其它的设置都翻译好了,并且符合其它的语言和文化习惯,并且使用了软件开发者指定的构架。WordPress已经被本地化翻译为许多种语言(更多的信息,请看看[[WordPress:WordPress in Your Language|英语外其它语言的WordPress]])。
== 翻译 WordPress ==
在你开始翻译WordPress之前,查看[[WordPress:WordPress in Your Language|英语外其它语言的WordPress]] (以及那里引用的资源)是否已有了将WordPress翻译为你的语言的版本。也有可能每个人或者(一个组)已经开始将WordPress翻译为你的母语,但是他们还没有翻译完。要找到这样的信息,订阅[[WordPress:Mailing_Lists#Polyglots|wp-polyglots mailing list]],介绍你自己,并且问问有没有什么人正将WordPress翻译为你的母语。也有一个[[WordPress:L10n:Localization_Teams|本地化小组]] 和 [[WordPress:L10n:Teams Currently Forming|正在形成的本地化小组]]列表,你可以查看这个列表看看翻译是不是正在进行。
=== 资格 ===
=== 关于本地化 ===
== 本地化技术 ==
WordPress的开发者选择使用[http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/gettext.html GNU gettext]本地化框架来提供WordPress本地化的基本结构。Gettext是一个成熟的,广泛使用的,软件翻译模框架,而且是免费软件领域/开放源码本地化的''实际''标准。
gettext使用''消息标准''的翻译&就是说,显示给用户的每个"消息"都是单个翻译的,不管这个消息是一段话还是一个单词。在WordPress中,WordPress PHP 文件通过两个PHP函数产生,翻译,并且使用这样的"消息"。当消息作为参数传给另一个函数的时候,会用到&tt>__()&/tt>;使用&tt>_e()&/tt>直接在网页上写信息。更多的关于这两个函数的详细信息:
; &tt>__($message)&/tt> :搜索翻译&tt>$message&/tt>的本地化模块,并且将翻译传递给PHP&tt>返回&/tt>申明。如果没有找到&tt>$message&/tt>的翻译,只会返回&tt>$message&/tt>。
;&tt>_e($message)&/tt> : 搜索翻译&tt>$message&/tt>的本地化模块,并且将翻译传递给PHP&tt>echo&/tt>申明。如果没有找到&tt>$message&/tt>的翻译,只会echoes&tt>$message&/tt>。
注意如果你正将一个主题或者插件国际化,你应该使用一个"文本域"。更多关于怎样国际化一个插件的内容的信息,请看看[[WordPress:Writing a Plugin|编写一个插件]];主题国际化的操作也类似。
Gettext框架照顾到了大部分的WordPress。但是,WordPress版本中的某些部分不能使用gettext—更多关于怎样翻译这些部分的信息,请看看[[WordPress:Files For Direct Translation|关于直接翻译的文件]]。
=== gettext 文件 ===
;POT(轻便目标模板)文件:本地化过程中的第一步是使用一个程序来搜索WordPress源代码并且找出通过&tt>__()&/tt> or &tt>_e()&/tt>函数的每个message。这个英语message列表被输进一个特别格式的模板文件(POT文件),这个文件形成了翻译的基础。一般来说,你可以为WordPress下载一个POT文件,这样你就不要制造一个自己的POT文件了。如果主题/插件开发者将所有的文本包含在&tt>__()&/tt> 或者&tt>_e()&/tt>函数中,主题和插件也可以使用分开的POT文件。
== 翻译工具==
; [https://translations.launchpad.net/ Launchpad] : Ubuntu Linux项目有一个网站能够使你不看PO或者PO文件,就可以翻译内容,并且直接将翻译内容导出到MO。
:''注: 许多翻译人员发现Rosetta是个很好的出发点,但是如果要校正整个翻译内容,许多翻译者开始选择手工编辑PO文件或者使用一个程序像poEdit或者KBabel,因为Rosetta缺少一个搜索功能和其它对于校正和编辑来说至关重要的功能。''
; [http://pootle.locamotion.org/projects/wordpress/ Pootle] :一个开放源码,以网络为基础的翻译系统。服务器托管在Locamotion.org当然拥有WordPress翻译。
;[http://www.poedit.net/ poEdit] :Windows,Mac OS X和UNIX/Linux的一个开放源码程序,提供一个便于使用的GUI来编辑PO文件并且产生MO文件。
;[http://i18n.kde.org/tools/kbabel/ KBabel] :Linux上的KDE窗口管理器的另一个开放源码PO编辑程序。
;[http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/ GNU Gettext] :官方的Gettext工具包包含了创建POTs,操作Pos,和产生MOs的命令行工具。那些适合于一个命令行shell。
=== 用Launchpad翻译 ===
=== 用Pootle翻译(在Locamotion.org) ===
# 在Pootle服务器上[http://pootle.locamotion.org/register.html 注册一个帐户],并且向[http://codex.wordpress.org/Special:Emailuser/Leuce 其中的一位管理员]发送电子邮件,添加你的语言。
# 在试着翻译任何内容之前,记住[http://pootle.locamotion.org/login.html登录] 到 Pootle。访客没有登录的时候,有时候能够阅读或者提出建议,但是只有登录后,才能够翻译。
# 访问WordPress页面,查找你的语言。例如,Afrikaans页面在[http://pootle.locamotion.org/af/wordpress/ pootle.locamotion.org/af/wordpress/](记住拖尾的斜线)。
# 点击 "显示编辑功能"。
同时看看WordPress的Decathlon wiki页面,[http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/decathlon/wordpress here] 和[http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/decathlon/wordpress_files here]。
'''将你的翻译融合到 wordpress.pot'''
#下载[/wordpress-i18n/pot/trunk/wordpress.pot 官方的 WordPress POT文件]。
#在你的电脑上下载并且安装[http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/toolkit/installation 翻译Toolkit]。
#首先,将PO文件结合到一个单一的翻译存储器中(因为使用单一的文件而不是多个文件,更容易执行接下来的步骤),并且从命令行中执行下面的内容:'''po2tmx -l xx -i pofiles -o xx.tmx''' "xx"是你的目标语言代码的位置。
这会创建一个 TMX 翻译记忆文件,称为
#其次,先前翻译的WordPress POT文件使用了翻译记忆。要实现这一点,请从命令行中执行以下的:'''pot2po --tm=xx.tmx -i wordpress.pot -o wordpress_xx.po'''。会为你的语言创建一个PO文件,称为wordpress_xx.po。
#最后,在你的PO文件上做一个单词/字符串统计,看看多少已经翻译好了,还有多少较模糊,没有翻译,从命令行中使用:'''pocount wordpress_xx.po'''
=== 用poEdit翻译 ===
#下载并且安装[http://www.poedit.net/ poEdit]
#下载[/wordpress-i18n/pot/trunk/wordpress.pot 官方 WordPress POT 文件] [[WordPress:Image:po_edit_windows.jpg|right|thumb|100px| poEdit 界面]]
#进入'''文件 & 保存 as&'''在一个PO文件中保存你的翻译。
#当你完成翻译后,进入'''文件 & 保存 as&'''再次地产生一个MO文件。
#或者你可以将你的poEdit设置为当点击'''文件 & 喜好'''来保存变化的时候,总是编译一个MO文件而且在'''编辑 符'''上选中在保存框中''自动编辑.mo 文件'' 。
===用KBabel 翻译===
#下载[/wordpress-i18n/pot/trunk/wordpress.pot 官方的 WordPress POT 文件]
=== 用 Gettext工具翻译 ===
#下载[/wordpress-i18n/pot/trunk/wordpress.pot 官方 WordPress POT文件]
#发行&tt>msgfmt -o ''filename''.mo ''filename''.po&/tt>
==== PO 文件标头 ====
# '''WordPress语言(本地化)翻译。'''
# 版权(C) '''YEAR WordPress 投稿者。'''
"Project-Id-版本: '''WordPress 版本'''\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"最后的-翻译人员: 全名&EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"语言-小组: 语言 &LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-版本: 1.0\n"
"内容-形式: text/ charset=CHARSET\n"
"内容-翻译-编码: 8bit\n"
====内容格式 ====
#: wp-comments-post.php:13
msgid "对不起, 这篇文章不能够评论。"
#: wp-comments-post.php:29
msgid "对不起,你登录后,才能够发表评论。"
#: wp-comments-post.php:35
msgid "错误: 请填上必须的内容 (姓名,电子邮件)。"
下一行,&tt>msgid&/tt>,是''源'' message。WordPress正是将这个命令行发送到&tt>__()&/tt>或者 &tt>_e()&/tt>函数,而且你需要翻译这个message。
下面是几个相同的行在翻译之后,是怎样的,使用'''[/wordpress-i18n/fr_FR/trunk/messages/fr_FR.po 法语 (法国)]''' 本地化来作为一个例子:
#: wp-comments-post.php:13
msgid "对不起,这篇文章的评论功能已经关闭了。"
msgstr "'''L'ajout de commentaire n'est pas ou plus possible pour cet article.'''"
#: wp-comments-post.php:29
msgid "对不起,你登录后才能够发表评论。"
msgstr "'''Vous devez &tre connect& pour r&diger un commentaire.'''"
#: wp-comments-post.php:35
msgid "错误:请填上必要的内容 (姓名,电子邮件)。"
msgstr "'''Erreur : veuillez remplir les champs obligatoires vides (nom, e-mail).'''"
:''注: 请看看下面的 '''[[#WordPress:Character_Encodings|字符集编码]]''' 和 '''[[#WordPress:HTML_Character_Entities|HTML 字符集实体]]''' 关于怎样在翻译中使用 HTML 字符实体。''
messages 的类型==
=== 标签 ===
'''Labels'''通常用在HTML&tt>&label&&/tt>, &tt>&legend&&/tt>, &tt>&a&&/tt>, 或者&tt>&select&&/tt>标签中。这些标签通常是一个UI元素的简单而精确的描述符。这些标签有时候可能很难翻译,特别如果标签是单词的话,而且如果单词可以被翻译为名词或者祈使句中的动词。拥有最多的'''labels'''的时候,你需要在编码中搜索一下,在找出编码在上下文中的用法,然后再决定合适地翻译编码。
==== 例子====
msgid "Post"
msgstr "Artikkeli"
''"post"可以被翻译为一个命令式的动词,但是在这个语境中,它是一个名词。"post"在英语中的名词形式,翻译会比较难,一些翻译小组很难决定哪个翻译最合适。许多翻译使用其英语的对等词"Article,"的确是这样的。&small>(来自'''[/wordpress-i18n/fi_FI/trunk/messages/fi_FI.po Finnish (Finland)]''' 翻译。)&/small>''
#: wp-login.php:79 wp-login.php:233 wp-register.php:166
#: wp-includes/template-functions-general.php:46
msgid "Register"
msgstr "रजिस्टर"
''&small>来自'''北印度语''' 翻译。&/small>''
#: wp-admin/admin-functions.php:357
msgid "- Select -"
msgstr " - Dewis -"
''这个例子周围的破折号可能会被删除或者取消,如果这些破折号可能会使本地用户感到疑惑,或者你的本地化有不同的使用惯例。&small>来自 '''威尔士语言'''翻译。&/small>''
=== Informational Messages ===
另一种常见的message形式,'''informational message'''通常是由完整的句子组成的,通常传递信息或者需要一个用户的执行活动。因为informational message比'''labels'''要长,这些message更容易翻译。然而,message越长,正式化(或者非正式化)的差别越大,翻译人员应该注意到这一点。
==== 例子 ====
#: wp-login.php:146
msgid "你的新密码在邮件中。"
msgstr "Вашата нова парола е в електронната ви поща."
''这个特别的 message包含了一个更改了的英语正式用语 ("邮件中的check/支票"), 这导致了非正式性用语。 &small>(来自 '''[/wordpress-i18n/bg_BG/trunk/messages/bg_BG.po 保加利亚语 (保加利亚)]'''翻译。)&/small>''
#: wp-includes/functions.php:1636
msgid "&strong&Error&/strong&: Incorrect password."
msgstr "&strong&FEL&/strong&: Felaktigt l&senord."
''错误信息因为更加简短精确,倾向于更加地正式。 &small>(来自'''[/wordpress-i18n/sv_SE/trunk/messages/sv_SE.po 瑞典语 (瑞典)]''' 翻译。)&/small>''
#: wp-includes/functions-post.php:467
msgid "对不起,你只能每隔十五秒才能够发表一个新的评论。慢点,伙计。 "
msgstr "Leider kannst du nur alle 15 Sekunden einen neuen Kommentar eingeben. Immer locker bleiben."
''当然,并不是所有的都那样。&small>(来自'''[/wordpress-i18n/de_DE/trunk/messages/de_DE.po 德语(德国)]''' 翻译。)&/small>''
=== 拥有描述的字符串 ===
If a string contains a vertical bar |, the part on the right of | is a description. Its purpose is to help you translate the string, placing it in certain context or providing additional information.
==== Examples ====
==== 例子 ====
#: wp-includes/locale.php:186
"number_format_decimal_point|$dec_point argument for http://php.net/number_format, default is ."
msgstr ","
#: wp-includes/locale.php:186
"number_format_decimal_point|$dec_point argument for http://php.net/number_format, default is ."
msgstr ","
''The description suggest you look at a web page, in order to translate the string. ''
=== Date and Time Locale Settings ===
=== 时间和日期本地化设置 ===
Rather than using PHP's built-in locale switching features, which is not configured for very many languages on most hosts, WordPress uses the gettext translation module to accomplish date and time translations and formatting.
WordPress translates the following:
==== Month names ====
==== 月份名称 ====
#: wp-includes/locale.php:42 wp-includes/locale.php:57
msgid "May"
msgstr "Květen"
''&small>(From the '''[/wordpress-i18n/cs_CZ/trunk/messages/cs_CZ.po Czech (Czech Republic)]''' translation.)&/small>''
#: wp-includes/locale.php:42 wp-includes/locale.php:57
msgid "五月"
msgstr "Květen"
''&small>(From the '''[/wordpress-i18n/cs_CZ/trunk/messages/cs_CZ.po 捷克语 (捷克共和国)]''' 翻译。)&/small>''
==== Month abbreviations ====
==== 月份缩写 ====
#: wp-includes/locale.php:57
msgid "May_May_abbreviation"
msgstr "Mag"
#: wp-includes/locale.php:57
msgid "五月_五月_缩写"
msgstr "Mag"
''Note the unusual &tt>msgid&/tt>. These messages should '''NOT''' be translated literally: they are a hack to get around the fact that in English, the full name and abbreviation for May are the same, which Gettext would erroneously combine into one entry. &small>(From the '''[/wordpress-i18n/it_IT/trunk/messages/it_IT.po Italian (Italy)]''' translation.)&/small>''
''注意不寻常的 &tt>msgid&/tt>。 这些messages '''不'''应该直译: 它们破解了英语中的一个事实,全名和缩略名是相同的, Gettext 可能错误地将两个结合在一篇文章中。&small>(来自'''[/wordpress-i18n/it_IT/trunk/messages/it_IT.po 意大利语(意大利)]''' 翻译。)&/small>''
==== Weekday Names ====
==== 星期名称 ====
#: wp-includes/locale.php:7
#: wp-includes/locale.php:18
#: wp-includes/locale.php:31
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "火曜日"
''&small>(From the '''[/wordpress-i18n/ja_JP/trunk/messages/ja_JP.po Japanese (Japan)]''' translation.)&/small>''
#: wp-includes/locale.php:7
#: wp-includes/locale.php:18
#: wp-includes/locale.php:31
msgid "星期二"
msgstr "火曜日"
''&small>(From the '''[/wordpress-i18n/ja_JP/trunk/messages/ja_JP.po 日语 (日本)]'''翻译。)&/small>''
==== Weekday Abbreviations ====
==== 星期缩写 ====
#: wp-includes/locale.php:31
msgid "Tue"
msgstr "Уто"
#: wp-includes/locale.php:31
msgid "Tue"
msgstr "Уто"
''&small>(From the '''[/wordpress-i18n/sr_RS/trunk/messages/sr_RS.po Serbian (Serbia)]''' translation.)&/small>''
''&small>(来自'''[/wordpress-i18n/sr_RS/trunk/messages/sr_RS.po 塞尔维亚语言 (塞尔维亚)]''' 翻译。)&/small>''
==== Weekday Initials ====
==== 星期词首大写 ====
#: wp-includes/locale.php:18
msgid "T_Tuesday_initial"
msgstr "ti"
#: wp-includes/locale.php:18
msgid "T_星期二_词首大写"
msgstr "ti"
''The weekday initials are for WordPress's calendar feature, and use the same hack as the month abbreviations to get around the fact that in English Tuesday and Thursday share the same first letter. Not all locales use single-letter abbreviations for all days: in this example, Norwegian Bokm&l uses an extra letter to distinguish ''tirsdag'' (Tuesday) and ''torsdag'' (Thursday). &small>(From the '''[/wordpress-i18n/nb_NO/trunk/messages/nb_NO.po Norwegian Bokm&l (Norway)]''' translation.)&/small>''
''星期首字母大写符合WordPress历法的特色,与月份缩略词使用同样的方法,以符合要求,因为在英语中星期二和星期四的首字母是一样的。并不是所有的本地化都是用对每个日期都使用单字母缩略词的形式:在这个例子中, 挪威语Bokm&l使用一个额外的字母来区分 ''tirsdag'' (星期二)和''torsdag'' (星期四)。&small>(来自'''[/wordpress-i18n/nb_NO/trunk/messages/nb_NO.po 挪威语 Bokm&l (挪威)]''' 翻译。)&/small>''
==== Date Formatting Strings ====
==== 日期格式字符串 ====
These are [http://php.net/date PHP &tt>date()&/tt>] formatting strings, and they allow you to change the formatting of the date and time for your locale.
这些是[http://php.net/date PHP &tt>日期()&/tt>]格式字符串,而且这些字符串能够使你更改你的本地化的日期和时间的格式。
WordPress uses the translations elsewhere in the localization file for month names, weekday names, etc. This special string is for the selection of which elements to include in the date & time, as well as the order in which they're presented.
WordPress使用本地化文件其它地方的翻译来用于月份名称,星期名称,等等。这个特别的字符串可以选择哪个元素要包含在日期 &时间,和日期时间呈现的次序中。
Take this &tt>msgid&/tt> from the &tt>theme.pot&/tt> file:
#: archive.php:40 search.php:19 single.php:22
msgid "l, F jS, Y"
#: archive.php:40 search.php:19 single.php:22
msgid "l, F jS, Y"
In English, this gets formatted as:
Sunday, February 27th, 2005
However, different locales format their dates differently. In Danish, for example, dates are written:
s&ndag, 27. februar 2005
s&ndag, 27. februar 2005
To accomplish this, the &tt>msgid&/tt> above would be translated to:
#: archive.php:40 search.php:19 single.php:22
msgid "l, F jS, Y"
msgstr "l, j. F Y"
#: archive.php:40 search.php:19 single.php:22
msgid "l, F jS, Y"
msgstr "l, j. F Y"
To use another example, one way to format dates in Chinese and Japanese is as follows:
This would be accomplished in the translation like this:
#: archive.php:40 search.php:19 single.php:22
msgid "l, F jS, Y"
msgstr "Y年n月j日"
#: archive.php:40 search.php:19 single.php:22
msgid "l, F jS, Y"
msgstr "Y年n月j日"
Lastly, if you need to include literal alphabetic characters in your date format, as sometimes occurs in Spanish, you can backslash them:
#: archive.php:40 search.php:19 single.php:22
msgid "l, F jS, Y"
msgstr "l j \d\e F \d\e Y "
#: archive.php:40 search.php:19 single.php:22
msgid "l, F jS, Y"
msgstr "l j \d\e F \d\e Y "
This would output:
domingo 27 de febrero de 2005
domingo 27 de febrero de 2005
==== Translation via WordPress-PHP ====
==== 通过WordPress-PHP 翻译====
To translate your Date e.g. inside your plugin use the wp-function [http://code.wordpress.de/xref/nav.htm?wp-includes/functions.php.htm#mysql2date mysql2date(Dateformat, Datestring)]. It uses the month- and week-translations to return your date.
要翻译你的日期,例如,在你的插件中使用wp-函数[http://code.wordpress.de/xref/nav.htm?wp-includes/functions.php.htm#mysql2date mysql2date(Dateformat, Datestring)]。这个使用月和星期翻译来返回你的日期。
=== Messages With Placeholders ===
=== 占位符Messages ===
Many messages contain special PHP formatting placeholders, which allow the insertion of untranslatable dynamic content into the message after it is translated. The PHP placeholders come in two different formats:
; &tt>%s&/tt> : When only one placeholder is present, this marker is used.
; &tt>%s&/tt> : 只有一个占位符呈现的时候,会使用这个标记。
; &tt>%1$s&/tt>, &tt>%2$s&/tt>, &tt>%3$s&/tt>, & : Numbered placeholders, which allow translations to rearrange the order of the placeholders in the string while maintaining the information each is replaced with.
; &tt>%1$s&/tt>, &tt>%2$s&/tt>, &tt>%3$s&/tt>, & :有限的占位符,允许翻译来重新地组织字符串中占位符的顺序,同时保持每个占位符所代表的信息。
==== Examples ====
====例子 ====
#: wp-login.php:116
msgid "The e-mail was sent successfully to %s's e-mail address."
msgstr "El e-mail fue enviado satisfactoriamente a la direcci&n e-mail de %s"
#: wp-login.php:116
msgid "这个电子邮件成功地发送到了 %s的电子邮件地址。"
msgstr "El 电子邮件 fue enviado satisfactoriamente a la direcci&n e-mail de %s"
''This message inserts the username of the user to which an email has been sent. &small>(From the '''[/wordpress-i18n/es_ES/trunk/messages/es_ES.po Spanish (Spain)]''' translation.)&/small>''
''这个 message 插入了用户的用户名,电子邮件正是发送到这个用户名。&small>(来自 '''[/wordpress-i18n/es_ES/trunk/messages/es_ES.po 西班牙语 (西班牙)]''' 翻译。)&/small>''
#: wp-admin/upload.php:96
#, php-format
msgid "File %1$s of type %2$s is not allowed."
msgstr "类型为%2$s的文件%1$s不允许被上传。"
#: wp-admin/upload.php:96
#, php-format
msgid "File %1$s of type %2$s is not allowed."
msgstr "类型为%2$s的文件%1$s不允许被上传。"
''This message reverses the order in which the file name and type are used in the translation. &small>(From the '''[/wordpress-i18n/zh_CN/trunk/messages/zh_CN.po Chinese (China)]''' translation.)&/small>''
''这个message颠倒了翻译中文件名和类型是次序。&small>(来自'''[/wordpress-i18n/zh_CN/trunk/messages/zh_CN.po汉语 (中国)]'''翻译。)&/small>''
== Tips for Good Translations ==
==优秀的翻译小贴士 ==
;Don't translate literally, translate organically :Being bi- or multi-lingual, you undoubtedly know that the languages you speak have different structures, rhythms, tones, and inflections. Translated messages don't need to be structured the same way as the English ones: take the ideas that are presented and come up with a message that expresses the same thing in a natural way for the target language. It's the difference between creating an ''equal'' message and an ''equivalent'' message: don't replicate, replace. Even with more structural items in messages, you have creative license to adapt and change if you feel it will be more logical for, or better adapted to, your target audience.
;Try to keep the same level of formality (or informality) :Each message has a different level of formality or informality. Exactly what level of formality or informality to use for each message in your target language is something you'll have to figure out on your own (or with your team), but WordPress messages (''informational messages'' in particular) tend to have a politely informal tone in English. Try to accomplish the equivalent in the target language, within your cultural context.
;试着保持同等级别的正式性(或者非正式性):每个message有一个不同级别的正式性或者非正式性。你的目标语言中需要使用什么样的正式性或者非正式性,你需要自己决定(或者与你的小组一起决定),但是WordPress messages(特别是''informational messages'')倾向于使用一种客气的非正式的语调。试着在目标语言的语境中找到对等的语调。
;Don't use slang or audience-specific terms :Some amount of terminology is to be expected in a blog, but refrain from using colloquialisms that only the "in" crowd will get. If the uninitiated blogger were to install WordPress in your language, would they know what the term means? Words like ''pingback'', ''trackback'', and ''feed'' are exc they're terminology that are typically difficult to translate, and many translators choose to leave in English.
;不要使用俚语或者针对特别用户的术语:一些术语需要用在博客中,但是不可以使用在"in"人群所用的口语中。如果外行的写博客的人要使用你的语言来安装WordPress,他们会知道这些术语的意思吗?单词像''pingback'', ''trackback'', 和''feed''是这个规则的例外;这些是特别难以翻译的术语,许多翻译人员选择将这些术语保留英文。
;Read other software's localizations in your language :If you get stuck or need direction, try reading through the translations of other popular software tools to get a feel for what terms are commonly used, how formality is addressed, etc. Of course, WordPress has its own tone and feel, so keep that in mind when you're reading other localizations, but feel free to dig up UI terms and the like to maintain consistency with other software in your language.
== WordPress Localization Repository ==
== WordPress 本地化知识库 ==
The '''WordPress Localization Repository''' at [/wordpress-i18n/ /wordpress-i18n/] is a [[WordPress:Using_Subversion|Subversion repository]] where official WordPress translations are maintained. Various teams collaborate on translations for their native language, and team maintainers commit updates and changes to the repository.
[/wordpress-i18n/ /wordpress-i18n/]上的'''WordPress 本地化知识库'''是一个[[WordPress:Using_Subversion|子版本 知识库]]这里保存了官方的WordPress翻译。不同的小组一起合作将WordPress翻译为他们的母语,而且小组维护人员使得知识库保持更新和变化。
=== Participating ===
=== 加入 ===
Participation in the repository is open to anyone. Simply subscribe to the [[WordPress:Mailing_Lists#Polyglots|wp-polyglots mailing list]], introduce yourself, and let everyone know what translation you'd like to work on. If there is already a team for your language and locale, they'll let you know and you can join them. If not, you can either volunteer to be a maintainer for your language and locale, or simply contribute your localization and the repository maintainers will add it.
任何人都可以加入这个知识库。只要订阅[[WordPress:Mailing_Lists#Polyglots|wp-polyglots mailing list]],介绍你自己,让他人知道你想要翻译什么。如果已经有一个你的母语翻译的小组,他们会通知你,让你加入。如果没有这样的小组,你可以志愿成为你的母语翻译维护人员,或者本地化人员,或者只是付出你的本地化翻译,知识库维护人员会添加你的翻译。
=== Guidelines and requirements ===
=== 指导方针和要求 ===
''Note: these guidelines are subject to change a repository maintainers will be happy to assist you in updating the files you maintain in the repository should these guidelines change.''
''注: 随着系统的升级,这些指导方针会受系统变化的支配;如果指导方针改变了,知识库维护人员会非常乐意帮助你来更新你储存在知识库中的文件。''
==== Character Encodings ====
==== 字符编码====
All localizations should have at least a UTF-8 version, but may optionally add versions in other character encodings popular for that locale.
PHP does not support Byte Order Markers (BOMs), so be sure the UTF-8 encoded files you contribute do not have them.
PHP不支持Byte Order Marker(BOMs),因此要确定你贡献的UTF-8编码的文件不包含有BOMs。
==== HTML Character Entities ====
==== HTML 字符实体 ====
With a few exceptions (noted below), all translations should be written literally, rather than escaping accented and special characters with HTML character entities.
Some characters must be escaped to avoid conflict with XHTML markup: angle brackets (&tt>&&/tt> and &tt>&&/tt>), and ampersands (&tt>&&/tt>). In addition, there are a few other characters better used escaped, such as non-breaking spaces (&tt>&&/tt>), angle quotes (&tt>&&/tt> and &tt>&&/tt>), curly apostrophes (&tt>’&/tt>) and curly quotes.
一些字符必须要避免与XHTML标记相冲突:尖括号(&tt>&&/tt> 和 &tt>&&/tt>), 和&符号 (&tt>&&/tt>)。此外,有一些更易于使用的字符,丢失了,例如non-breaking spaces(&tt>&&/tt>),angle quotes(&tt>&&/tt>和 &tt>&&/tt>), curly apostrophes (&tt>’&/tt>)和curly quotes。
For more information about the W3C's best practices involving character encodings and character entities, see the following references:
* http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-i18n-html-tech-char-/#IDAPNGO
* http://www.w3.org/International/tutorials/tutorial-char-enc/#exceptional
* http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-i18n-html-tech-char-/#IDAPNGO
* http://www.w3.org/International/tutorials/tutorial-char-enc/#exceptional
==== Repository File Structure ====
====知识库文件结构 ====
The repository contains directories for each locale, which are named as follows:
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639 ISO 639 language code] (lowercase)
* an underscore
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code] (uppercase)
* If the directory is a variation in script for the same locale, an @ sign, plus the [http://www.unicode.org/iso15924/iso15924-codes.html ISO 15924 script code].
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639 ISO 639 语言代码] (小写字母)
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 国家代码] (大写字母)
*如果目录是同一个本地化翻译脚本的变化形式,一个 @ 标记, 和 [http://www.unicode.org/iso15924/iso15924-codes.html ISO 15924 脚本代码]。
Within each locale's directory are the regular Subversion versioning directories: branches/, tags/, and trunk/.
在每个本地化翻译的目录中有正规的子版本译文目录:支部/, 标签/, 和枝干/。
Inside the appropriate versioning directory are the following subdirectories:
===== messages/ =====
===== messages/ =====
This directory contains the Gettext MO and PO files for the locale. Message files are named after the locale name.
这个目录包含了本地化翻译的Gettext MO 和 PO文件。Message文件命名以locale名命名。
In the &code>kubrick&/code> folder you should put the translation (using exactly the same PO/MO filename as above) of the i18n-ed [/wordpress-i18n/theme/ default theme, residing at the wordpress-i18n svn repository]. There is also another way of translating the default theme:
在&code>kubrick&/code>文件夹中,你应该将i18n-ed的翻译放到(使用与以上相同的PO/MO文件名)[/wordpress-i18n/theme/ default theme, residing at the wordpress-i18n svn 知识库]。还有另一种方式翻译默认主题:
===== dist/ =====
===== dist/ =====
This directory contains all [[WordPress:Files_For_Direct_Translation|files in the WordPress distribution that cannot be Gettexted]], which have been translated into the target locale.
目录包含有所有的[[WordPress:Files_For_Direct_Translation| WordPress 发行的,不能够被 Gettexted的所有文件]],可以被翻译为本地化语言。
If the locale has only a UTF-8 translation of the files, the dist/ directory may be populated with them directly, and the structure within dist should mirror the structure of the wordpress root directory:
If the locale contains more than just a UTF-8 character encoding, then dist/ should contain subdirectories for each encoding:
===== theme/ =====
===== 主题/ =====
''It is better to translate the i18n-ed kubrick (see the &tt>messages/&/tt> part above), instead of using &tt>theme/&/tt>.''
''最好翻译 i18n-ed kubrick (请看看上面的 &tt>messages/&/tt> 部分),而不是使用 &tt>主题/&/tt>。''
Similarly to the dist/ dir, theme/ contains hard-translated theme files. If only a UTF-8 translation is present, the directory can be populated with subdirectories for each theme translated. These subdirectories contain all of the same files as the original theme (except that they're translated), and are named the same as the original theme:
Just as with the dist/ directory, if there are multiple character encodings represented, theme/ should contain a subdirectory for each character encoding, which in turn would contain subdirectories for each theme translated.
== Using Localizations ==
== 使用本地化 ==
In order to localize your installation of wordpress, create a directory named ''languages'' inside of ''wp-includes'', if it does not already exist.
Then grab the appropriate localization files from the [/wordpress-i18n/ Subversion Repository] as described above.
The main .mo file for the language should go inside the ''languages'' directory.
Set WPLANG inside of ''wp-config.php'' to your chosen language.
For example, if you wanted to use french, you would have:
为了要本地化安装你的wordpress,如果本地化还不存在,创建一个目录名为''语言'' 而不是''wp-包含''。然后如上所述,从[/wordpress-i18n/ 子版本知识库]中提取一个适当的本地化文件。语言的main .mo文件应该在''语言''目录内部。在''wp-config.php''内部为你选择的语言,设置WPLANG。例如,如果你想使用法语,你就会有:
&pre>define ('WPLANG', 'fr_FR');&/pre>
&pre>define ('WPLANG', 'fr_FR');&/pre>
== Troubleshooting ==
== 发现并解决问题==
; Rosetta won't export my translation as an MO file. It just says, "A system error occurred." :There is a syntax error in your translation that is preventing it from compiling to an MO. Download the PO instead and try compiling it manually with &tt>msgfmt&/tt>. This will tell you which lines the errors are on so you can correct them by hand. If you don't have the GNU Gettext package installed, you can try opening the PO file in poEdit or KBabel to see if they will help you correct the errors, or you can email the [[WordPress:Mailing_Lists#Polyglots|wp-polyglots mailing list]] and ask for someone to debug it for you.
;Rosetta不会将我的翻译以一个MO文件导出。只是显示,"出现了一个系统错误。":你的翻译中有一个语法错误,阻止翻译汇编成一个MO。下载PO并且试着动手用&tt>msgfmt&/tt>将它编译。这样你会得知哪行出现了错误,这样你可以动手更改这些错误。如果你没有安装一个GNU Gettext软件包,你可以试着在poEdit或者 KBabel中打开PO文件,看看那这些文件能否帮助你来更改错误,或者你可以发送电子邮件到[[WordPress:Mailing_Lists#Polyglots|wp-polyglots mailing list]]让其他人来帮助你解决程序错误。
[http://boren.nu/archives//localizing-plugins-and-themes/ Ryan Boren's Localizing Plugins and Themes]&br />
[/articles/translating-wordpress-themes-and-plugins/ Translating WordPress into another language (themes and plugins too)]
[http://boren.nu/archives//localizing-plugins-and-themes/ Ryan Boren的插件和主题本地化]&br />
[/articles/translating-wordpress-themes-and-plugins/ 将WordPress翻译为英语外的其它语言 (主题和插件)]}


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