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圣严法师108语录 I
◎提升人品 Uplifting Character
O our wants are many.
To be grateful and repay kindness—
to benefit others is to benefit ourselves.
Devote wholehearted effort without calculating who does or gains
Kindness and compas
wisdom engenders no vexations.
。vexation [vek5seiFEn]n.恼怒, 烦恼, 着急, 苦恼的原因
。engender [in5dVendE]v.造成
The busy make the most of
the diligent enjoy the best of health.
。make the most of [简明英汉词典]v.尽量利用,充分利用
Those who give se
those who do good deeds are happy.
Cultivate a big heart—but a small ego.
To take on anything, one must first be able to let go.
One is truly free who can take on and let go of anything in
。take on and let go of提起和放下
Know yourself and others, and the ways of the world,
so as to have a peaceful body and mind.
Recognize, cherish, and nurture your blessings,
and seize every chance to be of service.
。be of service有帮助
。chance to be of service善缘
For those who can take things on and let them go in peace, every
year is an auspicious year.
For those who can sow with wisdom the seeds of blessings, every
day is a good day.
Maintain a relaxed body and mind, and meet and
greet with a smile.
Relaxation enhances physical and mental
and a smiling face promotes friendship.
Before you open your mouth to speak,
think twice and chew your words carefully.
The point is not to hold your peace, but to speak with
discretion and prudence.
。with discretion adv.谨慎地, 慎重地
。prudence [5pru:dEns]n.审慎
。hold one's peace v.闭口不说
。with discretion adv.谨慎地, 慎重地
。think twice再三考虑;重新考虑| 三思
Try to cultivate this attitude in life:
if I can have what I want, that’
if I can’t, that’s fine too.
This will help us turn our suffering into joy,
and live a happier life.
To uplift our character, begin with cultivating peace in
mind, body, family, and activity.
In dealing with your heart’s desire, ask yourself these
questions: Do I need it, or do I want it?
Can I acquire it?
Should I acquire it?
。In dealing with在处理
To get along with others, we must
feel grateful for events that help us grow,
feel thankful for chances to hone ourselves,
reform ourselves through the Dharma,
and inspire others through exemplary behavior.
。exemplary [i^5zemplEri]adj.可仿效的, 可做模范的, 警戒性的, 惩戒性的
。hone [简明英汉词典][hEun]n.(细)磨(刀)石, 油石, [方言]抱怨, 想念vt.用磨刀石磨
When faced with any difficulty of life, resolve it by following
these four steps: face it, accept it, deal with it, and then let it
To increase our blessings we need to
recognize blessings,
cherish blessings,
nurture blessings,
and sow the seeds of blessings.
Pursue only what you can and should acquire.
Never pursue what you can’t and shouldn’t acquire.
Gratitude can make us grow, and the resolve to return
favors can help us succeed.
。return favors报恩
Feel thankful for the chances to hone ourselves:
both good and ill fortune are our benefactors.
。hone [hEun]n.(细)磨(刀)石, 油石, [方言]抱怨, 想念vt.用磨刀石磨
。benefactor [5benifAktE]n.恩人, 捐助者, 赠送者, 赞助人
When good things happen, we should rejoice in, praise,
encourage, and then learn from them in modesty.
。rejoice in [简明英汉词典]对自己的事感到欣喜
。modesty [简明英汉词典][5mCdisti]n.谦逊, 虚心
To criticize less and praise more is a good way to avoid
creating negative karma of speech.
An ordinary mind is a mind of utmost freedom and unsurpassed
。unsurpassed 5QnsE(:)5pB:st]adj.未被凌驾的, 非常卓越的
。ordinary mind平常心
A solid step forward speaks louder than a hundred empty, fair
The more weaknesses you discover in yourself, the faster you
will develop, and the more self-confident you will be.
Keep your ears and eyes wide open,
quick with your hands and legs, but slow to spend.
Only after encounters with hardships will one be roused to
vigorous diligence.
29.踏踏实实做人,心胸要广大;稳稳当当做事,着眼宜深远。Be a down-to-earth person with a
be a sure hand with piercing foresight.
。down-to-earth adj.实际的
◎享受工作 Enjoying Work
Be busy without being disorganized,
and weary without being dispirited.
。disorganized [dIs`R:^EnaIzd]adj.紊乱的, 无组织的
。dispirited [dIs`pIrItId]adj.沮丧的
Be busy but happy, and tired but joyful.
It’s fine to be busy: just don’t let it get on your nerves.
。get on one's nerves 令人不安
Work swiftly, but don’ relax your body and mind and
never tighten up.
。tense up 紧张
。tighten up 使紧密,加强。
Work swiftly i never compete with time in a
nervous flurry.
35.不要以富贵贫贱论成败得失,只要能尽心尽力来自利利人。Don’t measure success and gain by
wealth and rank: to benefit ourselves and others as best we can is
all that matters.
To take on tough tasks, one must prepare to tough out
complaints, and to be in charge is to be in for criticism.
Yet complaints help foster compassion and patience, and
criticism often holds golden advice.
Stay at ease under all circumstances, and give whenever
conditions allow.
。under all circumstances 无论如何
The tripartite formula for success is: go with the causes and
conditions, seize them as they come, and create them when they
。tripartite [trai5pB:tait]
adj.三重的, 分成三部分的
39.见有机缘宜把握,没有机缘要营造,机缘未熟不强求。Grasp opportune conditions when they
come, create them when there are none, and ere conditions ripen,
never force a thing to be done.
All the ups and downs of life are nourishing experiences for our
Deal with matters with wisdom, and care for people with
Rectify de accommodate others with
。accommodate [E5kCmEdeit]vt.供应, 供给, 使适应, 调节, 和解, 向...提供, 容纳,
The deeper our compassion, the greater our wisdom and the fewer
our vexations.
Simply deal with matters with wisdom and treat people with
compassion, without worrying about personal gain or loss. Then
we’ll never be plagued by vexations.
。plague [plei^]n.瘟疫, 麻烦, 苦恼, 灾祸
vt.折磨, 使苦恼, 使得灾祸
To let the circumstances dictate one’s st
to let the mind dictate the circumstances is sage.
。dictate [dik5teit]v.口述, 口授, 使听写, 指令, 指示, 命令, 规定n.指示(指理智,变心)
a small duck cuts a small wake. Big
or small, each duck will paddle its own way to the other shore—but
only if it paddles.
。wake [weik]vt.叫醒, 激发
n.醒, 守夜, 尾迹, (人, 车等经过的)痕迹
If the mountain won’t move, build a road around it.
If the road won’t turn, change your path.
If you are unable to even change your path, just transform your
Diligence doesn’t mean stretching beyond our limits. It means
displaying unremitting persistence.
A passing boat leaves no t
a bird’s flight leaves no trace in the sky.
When fleeting success, failure, gain, or loss leaves no trace
upon the heart, the great wisdom of liberation has been
To be accommodating to others is to be accommodating to
。accommodating [E5kCmEdeitiN]adj.乐于助人的, 随和的, 善于适应新环境的
Who is willing to be openly exploited is noble-
who is insulted and insidiously exploited is dim-witted.
。insidious [in5sidiEs]adj.阴险的
Pressure usually stems from caring too much about externals and
other people’s opinion.
Offer your service with a heart of gratitude, as if repaying a
kindness, then you won’t feel weary or tired.
Always feel gratitude in your heart, and give unstintingly of
your wealth, physical strength, mental effort, and wisdom.
。unstinting [5Qn5stintiN]慷慨的 无限制的
◎平安人生 Living Life in Peace
The meaning of
the value of life in
The purpose of life is to receive karmic results, fulfill old
vows, and make new ones.
。karmic ['kɑ:mik]adj. karma的变形:业报 | 业报反应 | 自业
。karma [5kB:mE]n.因缘, 因果报应
Our value depends not on how long we live, but on how much we
As the past has faded into misty memories, and the future
remains a dream unrealized, seizing the present is most
。fade into渐渐融入于
There’s no need to be concerned about the past or the future.
Live fully in the present, and you are connected with both the past
and the future.
Wisdom is not knowledge, nor experience, nor dialectical
excellence, but a selfless attitude.
。dialectical [,daiə'lektikəl]adj. 辩证的;辩证法的;方言的
A positive li the bigger the ego, the
greater the insecurity.
。pivot on v.依...而定
The noble pursue the path,
the average pursue their duties, and
the misguided pursue fame and fortune.
Live up to your role and status, and fulfill your required
。live up to v.实践, 做到
In peace and harmony, seize the promise of today, and live out a
fresh tomorrow.
While worry fuels unnecessary torment, carefulness breeds
。fuel[fjuEl]n.燃料vt.加燃料, 供以燃料vi.得到燃料
。torment [5tC:ment]n.痛苦v.折磨
Wealth is like running water, and giving like digging a well.
Just as the deeper the well, the more water it holds, the more you
give, the more wealth you have.
In life, we must make the best preparations, and be ready for
the worst.
As long as we still have breath, we have boundless hope, and
the breath we have is the greatest wealth.
Those who aid and deliver the suffering are bodhisattvas, and
those in the throes of suffering are great bodhisattvas.
70.超越生老病苦三原则:活得快乐、病得健康、老得有希望。To transcend the sufferings of
birth, old age, and sickness, keep to the three principles: live
happily, face illness with a healthy mind, and embrace old age with
To transcend the suffering of death, keep to the three
principles: never seek death, never fear death, and never wait for
death to come.
Death is an occasion for neither mourning nor celebrating,
but one for solemn Buddhist practice.
Every child is a little bodhisattva that helps the parents
With adolescents,
we should care, but
communicate with, but not command them.
To love your children, rather than worry about them, just give
them your blessings!
The relationship between a husband and wife is governed by
marital ethics, not logic.
。marital [5mAritl]adj.婚姻的
77.现在所得的,是过去所造的,未来所得的,是现在所做的。What you have results from karmic
causes that you created, and what you’ll gain hinges on karmic
causes that you’re creating.
。hinge on v.靠...转动, 以...为转移
Vision is luck, from blessings.
。be derived from 源自于
To crave your likes but reject your dislikes will plunge you
into constant anxiety. Once there, you are prey to vexations.
。plunge into v.投入, 跳入
Those content with few desires will never want.
Bodily ailments do not necessarily constitute
An unsettled mind does.
To eliminate the suffering induced by an unsettled mind, just
start reciting Guanyin’s name to restore your inner peace.
What we have now is the best. He who can never be satisfied is a
poor man, no matter how much he owns.
Don’t try to control your negative emotions by suppressing
them. Rather, dissolve them through contemplation, reciting the
Buddha’s name, or praying.
◎幸福人间 Building a Pure Land
May good wo
then may the fortunes of all be transformed.
m then all may
transform their fortunes.
If everyone can just say one more good word or do one more good
deed every day, all the small good will add up to a great
good for society.
。add up to v.合计达
If an urgent task is waiting to be done, come forward and say,
“I’ll do it!”
。come forward 自告奋勇,自愿
In harmony with self and so with others, both in mind and in
speech, one is full of joy and happiness.
In harmony with the inner and so with the outer, with causes in
harmony with conditions, in peace and well-being one is truly
To seek inner peace is to to care for
others is to attain happiness.
Virtues are equal to fortunes, and giving is equal to
To give of oneself is t to achieve
inner peace is to succeed on the path.
。give of oneself:牺牲自己,牺牲自己的时间和精力;腾出时间和力量来帮助别人
。inner peace内心的平静;内在和平;安心
inner peace:内在和平 | 内心的平静 | 内心平静
94.拥有的多,不一定让人满足;拥有的少,不一定让人贫乏。Possessing much won’t necessarily
possessing little won’t necessarily make one
By just picking up litter and refraining from littering, we are
doing meritorious deeds.
。meritorious [7meri5tC:riEs]adj.有功的
The good are never alone, and the kindhearted are the merriest.
Those who help others and so benefit themselves are the
To develop good interpersonal relationships, one needs to
broaden the mind, and be more affable and tolerant.
。interpersonal [7intE5pE:sEnl]adj.人与人之间的, 关于人与人之间关系的
。affable [5AfEbl]adj.和蔼可亲的
Change your mind-set, and you will see the world differently:
there is no absolute good or bad in this world.
。mind-set ['maindset]n. 心态;思想的形式,心向 | 心理定势
Building good interpersonal relationships requires
communication. When communication fails, try compromise. And if
attempts at compromise also fail, then forgive and tolerate.
。compromise [5kCmprEmaiz]n.妥协, 折衷
v.妥协, 折衷, 危及...的安全
The larger should the lesser should
understand the larger.
Put your heart and soul into the family, and your whole life
into your career.
102.戒贪最好的方法,就是多布施、多奉献、多与人分享。The best way to abstain from greed
is to give more, contribute more, and share more with others.
。abstain from v.戒, 避免, 弃权
Tolerance is the best solution to differences.
Buddhists have two great missions: one is to glorify the buddha
land, and the other is to bring sentient beings to spiritual
。sentient being:有情众生
。sentient [5senFEnt]adj.有感觉力的, 有感情的, 感觉灵敏的, 意识到的n.有知觉力的人
。spiritual [5spiritjuEl]adj.精神上的
。maturity [mE5tjuEriti]n.成热, 完备, (票据)到期, 成熟
Be a bottomless trash can that can never be choked by others’
be a dustless mirror that reflects the world as it is
with no distortion.
。trash can n.&美& 垃圾桶
To dissolve vexations within
to share interests with others is compassion.
Scrutinize ourselves with a sense of shame, but
view the world with a sense of gratitude.
。scrutinize [5skrutinaiz]细察
To purify the mind, start by reducing desires and knowing
to purify society, start by extending loving care to others.
圣严法师 108自在语108 Paths to Liberation
Master Sheng Yen 圣严师父修正定稿版
108 Adages of Wisdom II
。adage [5AdidV]n.格言, 谚语
Living a Carefree Life自在人生
1. Be humble to those below and show respect to those above.
These are important lessons for a bodhisattva practitioner.
1. 谦下尊上,是菩萨行者的重要功课。
2. Dedication rather than competition. Cherish blessings rather
than indulgence.
2. 用奉献代替争取,以惜福代替享福。
3. Love yourself, others, and rescue
yourself, others, and all sentient beings.
3. 自爱爱人,爱一切众生;自救救人,救一切众生。
4. An altruistic mind is a pure mind that does not ask for any
result or reward.
4. 利他,是不求果报及回馈的清净心。
5. The essence of possession and giving is love , but, one
benefits the self, the second benefits others. Possession is self
giving stems from a great love that is selfless, joyful,
and equanimous.
5. 占有、奉献都是爱,但有自利和利人的差别;占有是自我贪取的私爱,奉献是无私喜舍的大爱。
6. Self-disciplined by principle the bodhisattva does not
demand of others what is inappropriate or impossible.
6. 道理是拿来要求自己,不是用来苛求他人。
。inappropriate [7inE5prEupriit]adj.不适当的, 不相称的
7. A bodhisattva is broad-minded and big-hearted. He is the
steppingstone and path to accomplishment for others.
7. 要有当别人垫脚石的心量,要有成就他人的胸襟。
。broad-minded adj.气量大的
8. When others misunderstand you, first realize that the fault
lies with you.
8. 让人产生误解,就是自己的不是。
in a mistake, look to
9. 做事时多为别人想一想,犯错时多对自己看一看。
10. Accomplish your own end
reconcile hostility wi increase harmony
with praise of others.
10. 以礼让对方来成就自我,以尊重对方来化解敌意,以称赞对方来增进和谐。
。reconcile with v.与...和解
11. One who cannot let go of
cannot let go of others lacks compassion.
11. 放不下自己是没有智慧,放不下他人是没有慈悲。
12. Greet others with a blessing, gain friendship and peace at
the same time.
12. 与人相遇,一声「我为你祝福!」就能赢得友谊,获得平安。
13. Show friendship and extend a helping hand and you will emit
the radiance of harmony, happiness, and peace.
13. 对人付出友谊,伸出援手,就是在散发和乐平安的光芒。
14. Less quarreling leads more sincerity
leads to more peace.
14. 少点口舌少是非,多点真诚多平安。
。sincerity [sin5seriti]n.诚挚, 真实, 真挚
。controversy [5kCntrEvE:si]n.论争, 辩论, 论战
。quarrel [5kwCrEl]n.吵架, 反目, 怨言, 争吵的原因vi.吵架, 争论, 挑剔
15. To affirm your strengths is self- to know your
to understand others is respect.
15. 肯定自己的优点是自信,了解自己的缺点是成长,善解他人的立场是尊重。
16. Care for sentient beings and let go of your achievement.
16. 要把众生的幸福提起,要把自我的成就放下。
17. When working together with a subordinate, show concern not
blame, encouragement not arrogance, consultation not authority.
17. 与下属共事,当以关怀代替责备,以勉励代替辅导,以商量代替命令。
18. A forceful and stubborn person only hurts others without
a mild and patient person is at peace with himself
and others.
18. 刚强者伤人不利己,柔忍者和众必自安。
19. To calm people you must harmonize with them. To gain
respect, be a person who is mild and patient, for harmony unites
people and mildness diffuses severity.
19. 安人者必然是和众者,服人者必然是柔忍者,因为和能合众,柔能克刚。
。diffuse [di5fju:z]v.散播, 传播, 漫射, 扩散, (使)慢慢混合adj.散开的, 弥漫的
。severity [si5veriti]n.严肃, 严格, 严重, 激烈
。patient [5peiFEnt]n.病人, 患者adj.忍耐的, 耐心的
20. The meaning of life lies in constant learning and
helping others leads to self-growth.
20. 生命的意义在不断的学习与奉献之中,成就了他人,也成长了自己。
21. If wisdom is your measure, you will refrain from idle
21. 有智慧作分寸的人,一定不会跟人家喋喋不休。
22. Friendliness towards others brings a life of peace.
22. 和和气气与人相处,平平安安日子好过。
23. A bright person is
a dull person not
necessarily foolish. Wisdom is not t it lies
in how you treat others and handle yourself.
23. 聪明的人,不一定有智慧,愚鲁的人,不一定没有智慧;智能不等于知识,而是对人处事的态度。
24. Compassion is to reduce others' wisdom is to
reduce your own.
24. 为他人减少烦恼是慈悲,为自己减少烦恼是智慧。
25. Do not force other do not confuse
others' problems with your own.
25. 不要拿自己的鞋子叫别人穿,也不要把别人的问题变成自己的问题。
26. Great merit lies in attending to others'
Great wisdom lies in helping them solve their problems.
26. 勤于照顾众人的苦难是大福报,
27. Once you realize that all phenomena in this world are
impermanent, you will attain true inner peace.
27. 认清世间一切现象都是无常的事实,就能完成内心世界的真正平安。
28. Reap gratitude not hatred—you will live in harmony and
28. 逢人结恩不结怨,必能和谐相处、生活愉快。
。hatred [5heitrid]n.憎恨, 乱意, 仇恨
。live in harmony 和睦相处
29. A smile and a kind word are great giving that sow favorable
29. 一个笑容,一句好话,都是广结善缘的大布施。
30. If you can reduce meaningless emotions, you will avoid
unnecessary trouble.
30. 只要少闹一些无意义的情绪,便能少制造一些不必要的烦恼。
31. Dedicat repentance disciplines the
31. 奉献是为了报恩,忏悔是为了律己。
。repentance [ri5pentEns]n.后悔, 悔改
32. Do your best to benefit others and in the process improve
yourself. This is the measure of success.
32. 凡是尽心尽力以利益他人来成长自己的人,便是一位成功者。
33. How should you conduct yourself and deal with others?
Be "square inside"—
and "round outside"—exercise expedience.
33. 做人处事要「内方」而「外圆」,
。expedience &n.方便, 私利, 权宜
。expediency [Ik`spi:dIEnsI]n.方便, 私利, 权宜
34. If you cannot help others, then at least refrain from
hurting them.
34. 当我们无力帮助他人,至少可以停止伤害别人。
。refrain from v.忍住, 制止, 戒除,控制,克制不要
35. Increase v decrease ill will in
speaking. These great merits will nurture blessings.
35. 多积一点口德,少造一点口过,就是培福求福的大功德。
Living a Simple Life 简单生活
36. Pursue what keep hope in exertion.
36. 人生要在和谐中求发展,又在努力中见其希望。
。exertion [i^5zE:FEn]n.尽力, 努力, 发挥, 行使, 运用
37. Reduce the m and direct your effort to
timely endeavor, and successful is likely.
37. 少点成败得失心,多点及时努力的精进心,成功机率自然会增加。
38. The warmth of a family lies in mut the
value of a family lies in mutual help and understanding.
38. 家庭的温暖在于互敬互爱,家庭的可贵在于互助互谅。
39. As a boss, reduce the mind of gain and loss. Always keep
honor and integrity in mind, so success will not pass you by.
39. 做老板,得失心要少一些,把诚心、信誉放在心上,便会有胜算。
40. When you hear gossip, calm down and examine yourself—correct
mistakes and guard against new ones. Instability and impatience
make gossip worse.
40. 听到流言,先要静下心来反省自己,有则改之,无则勉之。如果心浮气躁,流言的杀伤力会更大。
。guard against 提防, 预防
。instability [7instE5biliti]n.不稳定(性)
。impatience [im5peiFEns]n.急躁
41. Suffering in our hearts
hardship in our lives engenders appreciation 增进of merit.
41. 内心的苦难,增长我们的智慧;生活的苦难,增进我们的福报。
。engender [in5dVendE]v.造成
。appreciation [E7pri:Fi5eiFEn]n.感谢, 感激, 正确评价, 欣赏, 增值
42. Life, death, always imminent.
42. 对于「生命」,要充满无限的希望;对于「死亡」,要随时做好往生的准备。
43. Know clearly what you "need"; get rid of what you
43. 清楚知道自己的「需要」,化解个人欲望的「想要」。
44. Treat the positive and the negative with a positive
44. 凡事要正面解读,逆向思考。
45. With failure, with success, redouble your
effort. This is the principle for peace and happiness in
45. 失败了再努力,成功了要更努力,便是安业乐业的准则。
46. Simplicity itself improves and protects the environment.
46. 环保最重要的观念就是「简朴」,简朴一点过生活,就是生活环保。
47. Maturity care wisdom does not doubt the
an open-mind does not worry about the future.
47. 成熟的人不在乎过去,聪明的人不怀疑现在,豁达的人不担心未来。
。maturity [mE5tjuEriti]n.成热, 完备, (票据)到期, 成熟
48. Both favorable and unfavorable cond
treat them with equanimity and gratitude.
48. 顺逆两种境遇都是增上因缘,要以平常心与感恩心相待。
。with equanimity 沉着, 泰然 安之若素
。gratitude [5^rAtitju:d]n.感谢的心情
49. Treat past, future, fame, and p try to
live a hap that itself is a life of bliss and
49. 过去、未来、名位、职称,都要看成与自己无关,但求过得积极、活得快乐,便是幸福自在的人生。
50. A diploma does not repre capability
does not d fame does not bespeak virtue. No
job is really high or low, only convention makes these
50. 学历不代表身分,能力不代表人格,名位不代表品德,工作没有贵贱,观念及行为却能决定一切。
。social standing 社会地位
。bespeak [bi5spi:k]v.预订预先请求; 预示, 预言; 指出;显示; 表明;
。convention [kEn5venFEn]n.大会, 协定, 习俗, 惯例
。distinction [dis5tiNkFEn]n.区别, 差别, 级别, 特性, 声望, 显赫
51. Reconcile化解 unhappiness with sincerity, affirmation, and
decisiveness, rather than hesitation, passivity, and
51. 化解不愉快的方法,是要诚恳、主动、明快,不要犹豫、被动、等待。
。化解reconcile [5rekEnsail]vt.使和解, 使和谐, 使顺从
。sincerity [sin5seriti]n.诚挚, 真实, 真挚
。affirmation [EfE:5meiFEn]n.断言, 主张,肯定
。decisive [di5saisiv]adj.决定性的
。passivity [pA5siviti]n.被动性
。vacillation [7vAsi5leiFEn]n.摇摆游移不定, 踌躇, 不果断
52. Worldly ma but approach them with
confidence and patience, and achievement will surely follow.
52. 做世间事,没有一样没有困难,只要抱着信心和耐心去做,至少可以做出一些成绩。
53. Live the present with no regret about the past and no regard
for the future.
53. 活在当下,不悔恼过去,不担心未来。
54. Reduce stress by diminishing the mind of gain and loss and
increasing the mind of appreciation.
54. 减轻压力的好办法,就是少存一些得失心,多用一点欣赏心。
55. No resentment or r active, positive
preparation for the future with stability in every step.
55. 对于过去,无怨无悔;对于未来,积极准备;对于现在,步步踏实。
56. Don' act it.
56. 不要光是口说感恩,必须化为报恩的行动。
57. Have no worry as you pass through the day. Find the right
the right moment will arise.
57. 凡事先不要着急,找对人,用对方法,在适当的时机,即可安然过关。
。arise [E5raiz]vi.出现, 发生, 起因于
58. Abandon conce an all-embracing wisdom
appears before you.
58. 把自我的利害得失放下,才能有通达天地万物的智慧。
。all-embracing [`R:lem`breIsIN]adj.包括一切的
。embracive[Im`breIsIv]adj.无所不包的, 全部包围的
59. Give your disease to the doctor and your life to the
bodhisattva, then you'll be a healthy person with nothing to worry
59. 把病交给医生,把命交给菩萨,如此一来,自己就是没有事的健康人。
。disease [di5zi:z]n.疾病, 弊病
60. A lack of self-understanding increases vexation.
60. 人往往因为没有认清自己,而给自己带来不必要的困扰。
61. Conduct yourself in this way: act with devotion, be at your
best, always responsible and dutiful.
61. 人生第一要务是学做人,那就是尽心、尽力、尽责、尽份。
。dutiful [5dju:tiful]adj.忠实的, 顺从的, 守本分的, 恭敬的, 孝敬的
62. Employ "feelings"
"principle" in
public matters.
62. 处理私人的事可以用「情」,处理公共事务,就必须用「理」。
63. Rather than attempt the impossible, cherish what you
63. 与其争取不可能得到的东西,不如善自珍惜运用所拥有的。
64. Forget past, future, stay only in the
64. 不要管过去、未来,以及所有一切的好坏,最好只管你自己的现在。
65. If your really let go of everything, everything is
everything is yours.
65. 若能真正放下一切,就能包容一切,拥有一切。
66. Take up a method and
let go and you
take it up again. Progress appears between taking up and letting
66. 提得起是方法、是着力的开始,放得下是为了再提起;
67. Do not simply do your best.
67. 不要跟他人比高比低,只要自己尽心尽力。
68. Good and bad situations appear only through our eyes.
68. 我们的环境从来没有好过,也没有那么坏过,就看自己怎么看待。
69. The end of a disaster is the time for the positive. Disaster
has much to teach.
69. 灾难之后,是往正面思考的契机,人可以由灾难中得到很多教训。
70. No greed or attachment—dignity is intact.
70. 只要无所贪求,无所执着,即能保有尊严,他人是奈何不得的。
71. Cherish the present moment and each moment is unique.
71. 若能珍惜当下每一个因缘,每一个当下,都是独一无二的。
72. Meddle in everything, problems and trouble multiply.
Cast off gain and loss, you will experience liberation.
72. 任何事如果把自己放进去,就有问题、有麻烦。除掉主观的自我得失,就得解脱了。
。meddle in 干预, 管闲事
。multiply [5mQltipli]v.繁殖, 乘, 增加
73. Happiness does not lie in fame or fortune, but in
contentment and inner peace.
73. 快乐,并不是来自名利的大小多少,而是来自内心的知足少欲。
。存在于lie in
1. 晚起, 睡懒觉2. 分娩, 待产3. 躺在4. 位于5. 在于
tell the truth with sincerity,
use good words with goodwill—
these are the merits of speech.
74. 说话算话,用真心讲实话,用好心讲好话,就是立言。
75. Ordinary people such as we should bear a
sense of responsibility and let go of the mind of
75. 虽然身为平常人,责任心要担起来,执着心应放下些。
。sense of responsibility 责任感
76. Do not lose control in busyness, do not fall into boredom at
leisure, the tide of life will not sway you this way and
76. 忙时不要觉得无奈,闲时不要觉得无聊,才不致随波逐流,茫茫然不知所以。
。this way and that 踌躇不决,纠结
77. When things go smoothly, do not let success go to your
when encountering difficulties, do not lose
77. 一帆风顺时,不要得意忘形;一波三折时,不必灰心丧志。
。go to sb.'s head v.冲昏某人头脑
。lose heart v.丧失勇气
。encounter [in5kauntE]v.遭遇, 遇到, 相遇
n.遭遇, 遭遇战
78. Narrow-minded with no end to desire?
then happiness will evade even the wealthy.
78. 如果心量狭小又贪得无厌,纵然生活富裕,仍然不会快乐幸福。
。narrow-minded [5nArEu5maindid]
adj.气量小的, 小心眼的
。narrow-minded [5nArEu5maindid]adj.气量小的, 小心眼的
Maturing the Heart-Mind心灵成长
79. Progress in simplicity, let glory shine in difficulty.
79. 人生要在平淡中求进步,又在艰苦中见其光辉。
80. Strive for prosperity and show grace in adversity.
80. 人生要在安定中求富足,又要在逆境中见其庄严。
。adversity [Ed5vE:siti]n.不幸, 灾祸, 逆境
81. Possess a stable temperament and succeed.
81. 拥有稳定的情绪,才是立于不败之地的基础。
82. A mind undistracted by circumstance is the result of
&a mind at one with circumstance is result of
82. 心不随境,是禅定的工夫;心不离境,是智慧的作用。
。at one with(与...)一致
83. Take devotion to
others as the best way to self-growth.
83. 以退为进、以默为辩、以奉献他人为成就自己的最佳方法。
。the best way to ...最好的方法
84. The Buddha resides in our mind, speech, and daily life.
84. 佛在心中,佛在口中,佛在我们的日常生活中。
。reside in v.居住
。reside [ri5zaid]vi.居住
85. Compassion is feeli wisdom is
intelligence with flexibility.
85. 慈悲是具有理智的感情,智能是富有弹性的理智。
86. South, north, east, west ar
walking, standing, sitting, and lying are no other than
bear cont repentance and repayment of
gratitude yield the highest virtue.
86. 南北东西都很好,
。contrition [kEn5trIF(E)n]n.悔悟, 后悔
。repentance [ri5pentEns]n.后悔, 悔改
 。repayment [ri:5peimEnt]n.偿还的款项, 报答, 报复
。no other than adv.只有, 正是
87. A practitioner should be frank and sincere and harbor no
this is the meaning of "a straightforward mind is
the path" (Vimalakirti Sutra). 维摩诘经
。87. 修行人要开诚布公、真诚相待,不存邪念恶念,就是所谓的「直心是道场」。
。Vimalakirti Sutra:维摩诘经
88. When vexations occur, do not confront them head-on, but
resolve them with a mind of shame, repentance, and gratitude.
88. 当烦恼现前,不要对抗,要用惭愧心、忏悔心、感恩心来消融。
。head on adv.迎面地
。head-on ['hed'ɔn]
adj. 正面的;直接的;头朝前的
adv. 迎头;头朝前地;正面针对地
head-on:迎面地 | 正面的 | 当头对遇
89. To experience life wholeheartedly is Chan practice.
89. 踏实的体验生命,就是禅修。
。wholehearted adj.一心一意的, 诚恳的, 整整的, 全神贯注的
90. To possess health in body and mind is the greatest
90. 拥有身心的健康,才是生命中最大的财富。
91. Breathing is wealth and being alive is hope.
91. 呼吸即是财富,活着就有希望。
92. When the mind is knotted, best look inward where thoughts
92. 心里如果「打结」了,最好能向内观看自己的起心动念处。
93. When vexed and troubled, enjoy the feeling of your own
93. 被烦恼撞着了,此时最好享受自己呼吸的感觉。
。vexed [vekst]adj.焦急的, 为难的, 恼怒的
。troubled [5trQbld]adj.麻烦的, 杂乱无章的, 不平静的
94. When there is hindrance in the mind,
when there is no trouble in the mind, the world is in bright
94. 心中有阻碍时,眼中的世界皆不平;心中无困扰时,眼前的世界都美好。
。jarring [5dVB:riN]adj.刺耳的, 不和谐的, 辗轧的n.震动, 冲突, 辗轧声
。hindrance [5hindrEns]n.妨碍, 障碍
95. When the mind is not open and clear,
when the mind is open and clear, suffering turns to
95. 心不开朗就是苦,心境豁达就能转苦为乐。
96. Rising and falling are normal conditions of the
world. It takes a wise person to penetrate into the phenomena of
rising and falling.
96. 生灭现象是世间常态,若能洞察生灭现象,便是智者。
。penetrate into深入;刺入;透入;贯穿
97. Turn your mind and turn your fate.
97. 把心念转过来,命运也就好转过来。
98. Wisdom is more tha it means possessing
the skill to transform vexations.
98. 智慧并不只是通晓经典,而是要有转化烦恼的巧妙方便。
。sutra [5su:trE]n.佛经, 经典
99. "Defilement is identical to enlightenment" does not mean
that you do not have defilement, but that you do not treat
defilement as defilement.
99. 烦恼即菩提,并不是说没有烦恼,而是虽然有烦恼,但是你不以它为烦恼。
。be identical to:一致,与相同
100. With even-mindedness and a peaceful disposition, life will
100. 只要心平气和,生活便能快乐。
。evenminded [`i:vEn`maIndId]adj.沉着的,平静的,镇定的
。disposition [,dispə'ziʃən]n. 处置;[心理] 性情;性格[军] 部署;倾向
101. In facing anger, look within and examine the source of
your anger.
101. 面对生气,要学会「反观自照」,照一照自己的心念,问一问为什么要生气?
102. When you are worried, when you let go,
you are free.
102. 操心就有事,放心便无事。
103. Self-affirmation, self-improvement, and self-dissolution
are three stages in the path from "self" to "no-self".
103. 从自我肯定、自我提升,到自我消融,是从「自我」到「无我」的三个修行阶段。
。self-affirmation [5self7AfE(:)5meiFEn]n.自我肯定
。self-improvement [5selfim5pru:vmEnt]n.自我改善, 自我修养
104. It is better to place emphasis on cultivating good
causes rather than expecting pleasant results.
104. 要重视善因的培育,不要只期待美果的享受。
。place emphasis on 注重, 着重于, 强调, 加强(语气), 重读
105. When you realize that you lack wisdom, your wisdom
increases imperceptibly.
105. 当你体认到自己的智慧不足时,智慧已经在无形中增长了。
。imperceptibly [,impə'septəbli]adv. 极微地;微细地;察觉不到地,冉冉 | 无形中 |
106. The mind should be like a wall—still and unwavering, yet
always functioning.
106. 心要如墙壁,虽然不动,确有作用。
107. Be like a dustless mirror that clearly reflects everything,
but on which nothing adheres.
107. 要做无尘的反射镜,明鉴一切物,不沾一切物。
。dustless [`dQstlIs]adj.无尘的,不起灰尘的
108. When people compete blindly, it is better to choose another
108. 当大家都在盲目地争夺之时,你最好选择另外一条路走。
108 Adages of Wisdom, Part III
Kind Behavior and Compassionate Vows
。compassionate [kəm'p&ʃənit]adj. 慈悲的;富于同情心的
vt. 同情;怜悯
1 为为善恶在一念间,修修福慧于方寸中。
Doing good or doing bad is determined in one thought, blessings
and wisdom are cultivated through one's mind.
2 星星之火足以燎原,小小善愿能救世界。
A single spark can start a prairie fire, a tiny bit of good
intention can save the world.
3 天地有作育大德,我岂无慈悲宏愿。
Heaven and earth support all sentient beings without condition,
should I not share the same compassionate vows?
4 救度众生是提起,不住着相是放下。
Take on your responsibilty by delivering all sentient beings,
let go of your attachment by not abiding in any form.
5 漫天红尘心勿染,遍地荆棘杖竹行。
Do not be corrupted by worldly vexations that surround one like
dust, do not be deterred by a path beset with difficulties.
Compassion brings blessings
6 慈悲必春风化雨,智慧当日光普照。
like the warm summer sun.
Kindness and compassion eliminate suffering and bring forth
7 悲善拔苦慈予乐,智火灭罪慧断惑。
wisdom eliminates wrongs and dispels false views.
8 有大智慧有大愿,无量福德无量寿。
Cultivate great wisdom and great vows and one shall gain
infinite blessings and infinite life.
9 若见心中如来藏,三界火宅化红莲。
When one sees one's own Buddha nature, the burning house that is
our world turns into blooming lotus flowers.
Let your mind function freely, without abiding anywhere or in
anything - this is entering the gate of kindness and
In one's resolve to pursue the Path lies the giving of
When one puts down all self-centered concerns, one can lift up
the world.
As you settle your body and mind, you are well on your way to
settle your family and career as well.
The ancient pine tree may be hundreds of years old, yet what is
hundreds of years compared to the age of the stars in the sky?
The mighty dragon travels in deep seas and vast swamps, the
vigorous tiger rests near high cliffs and perilous caves, the able
thrive in adversities.
The Buddhadharma is but one flavor - the flavor of liberation
through benefiting oneself and others.
Recite often the name of Guan Yin, Bodhisattva Avalokitesavara,
and you will find your way to a peaceful mind, a peaceful life.
Go on a pilgrimage to improve your practice, prayers will be
answered and vo be respectful, listen intently
and sing wholeheartedly, prostrate yourself after every three
your body and mind will feel refreshed, karmic obstructions
will be removed while blessings and wisdom increase.
。go on a pilgrimage to ]去...朝圣
。pilgrimage ['pilɡrimidʒ]n. 漫游;朝圣之行
vi. 朝拜;巡礼|长途旅行
Carrying a bowl filled with alms from a thousand households, I
am a lone monk with a bamboo cane who has travelled ten thousand
knowing that all comes and goes according to causes and
conditions, when causes and conditions dissipate I let go of
20 放下不等放弃,是为脱困,是为提起;要能放下才能提起,提放自如是自在人。
Letting go is not giving up, rather it helps one take on new
challenges. One cannot take on anything without first letting go.
One who can take on and let go of anything in peace is truly
人间智慧Wisdom of the World
Interprete everything positively, consider everything from a
different angle, and do not falter in pursuing one's goals.
Don't be deterred by life's trials and tribulations, don't be
corrupted by worldly pleasures and indulgence.
Share your power and wealth with all, but treat your joys and
suffering as causes and conditions of your own.
When one is not tempted by money, power and fame, one has
nothing to fear even when facing an army.
When you are tempted to blame the environment, first look inward
when you are tempted to fault others, first reflect upon
。fault ][fC:lt]n.过错, 缺点, 故障, 毛病vt.挑剔vi.弄错
Ask not why one has so few good sons and filial grandsons, ask
how one has brought up one's offsprings.
Research is key t
practice is key to genuine experience.
The dark and long nights are easy to pass with dreamless sleep,
the other shore across the sea of suffering is easy to reach with
the Dharma as your boat.
Wisdom will help us overcome all obstacles, virtues will help us
build a pure land on earth.
Command the ship of prajna, wisdom, and help those on the sea of
climb the mountain of nirvana and keep one's mind
。prajna ][`prJdVnE,-njB:]n.[宗]般若,智慧(大乘佛教修习的主要内容之一,
。unperturbed ][5QnpE5tE:bd]adj.泰然自若的
As time goes by, one sees that nothing escapes the law of
Happiness and suffering are both created by one's own mind.
The green mountains and bubbling streams, the chirping birds and
fragrant flowers -- everything around you can be an eloquent Dharma
teacher if you know where to look.
。bubble ][5bQbl]n.泡沫, 幻想的计划vi.起泡, 潺潺的流
。eloquent ][5elEkwEnt]adj.雄辩的, 有口才的, 动人的, 意味深长的
Education is an undertaking that will have impact for a thousand
morality is a lodestar that will shine for a hundred
。undertaking ][7QndE5teikiN]n.事业, 企业, 承诺, 保证, 殡仪业
。lodestar ][5lEudstB:]n.北极星
Even the deepest ocean is not bottomless, even the tallest
mountain has a base, everything great starts small.
For a Buddhist,
every day is a good day,
everywhere is a good place.
The difference between "pure" and "impure" only exists in a
discriminating mind.
。discriminating ][dis5krimineitiN]adj.识别的, 有差别的, 有识别力的
38 夕阳西下明天见,旭日东升近黄昏。
When the sun sets, remember that it will
when the sun rises, remember that the sunset is not far behind.
Those watching a play often forget it is only a play,
those dreaming often forget they are in a dream.
As soon as thunder and lightning begin, one can expect a rain
storm to follow. This is the workings of causes and conditions
Turn a crisis into an opportunity, turn a dead end into a new
Heaven and hell are both in one's mind,
there is no attaining Buddhahood outside of one's mind.
You are already near enlightenment if you are aware of your
you are near a disaster if you refuse to recongize and rectify
44 人生若梦谁都会说,终生作梦怎么不醒。
Everybody says life is like a dream, so why does everybody
refuse &to wake from this dream?
You can plan and plot your life down to the smallest
yet it is when you let go of all self-centered concerns that
your life will finally flourish.
As you do not wait till you are thirsty to start digging a well,
do not wait till you are in trouble to start learning the
47 勿因有事而忧,宁为无事而喜。
When you can keep your mind unruffled by the ups and downs in
life, you will experience true joy.
。unruffled [,ʌn'rʌfld]v. 使平整;变得平静(unruffle的过去分词)adj.
平静的;不骚动的;镇定的:不混乱的 | 安祥 | 从容不迫
。ups and downs ]n.盛衰, 沉浮
The study of Ch'an is the study of mind.
All phenomena are manifestations of one's mind.
Whoever wakes from this never-ending dream of ours will be far
removed from illusions and inverted views
50 人上有人,山高水长。
Always keep humility in mind and one can accomplish
Walking is a great way to train one's body and mind. Walking
fast helps dispel illusions, walking slowly helps nurture
concentration and wisdom.
52 月缺月圆日,若晦若明时;风雨无月夜,月亮本常明。 While the moon waxes and wanes, it
is always there.
When all the obstructions are removed, it reveals itself.
。wax and wane月圆月缺;盈亏;兴衰成败:盛衰 | 兴衰 | 盈亏圆缺
What characterizes an ordinary person: The body is a tree
swaying in the wind, the mind a placid lake with the reflection of
the autumn moon.
。placid ][5plAsid]adj.平静的
54 修行境:身是菩提树,心如明镜台。
What characterizes a practitioner:
The body is the Bodhi tree, the mind a mirror bright.
。characterize ['k&rəktəraiz]vt. 描绘的特性;具有的特征
vi. 塑造人物:以为特色 | 特性化 | 表示vt.表现...的特色, 刻画的...性格
What characterizes one who is enlightened: There is no Bodhi
tree, nor sign of a mirror bright.
Existence and emptiness are one and the same.
Make friends with those who are honest, sincere, and
have faith in the Buddhas without getting caught up by the
learn the Dharma wit
revere the Sangha without blindly following any individual.
。dabble around周围玩
。dabble ][5dAbl]v.弄湿, 弄水, 涉足
。occult ][C5kQlt]adj.神秘的, 玄妙的, 不可思议的, 超自然的v.掩蔽, 隐藏n.神秘之事
Cultivating Gratitude and Blessings
58 多福少福当培福,知恩念恩必报恩。
Whether one finds oneself with or without blessings, continue to
& recognize and remember the
kindness of others and never neglect to repay it.
A mind of kindness and compassion will
a mind of wisdom will dispel all vexations.
。rivalry ][5raIvElrI]n.竞争, 竞赛, 敌对, 敌对状态
Uphold the Three Jewels with a mind of reverence, spread the
Dharma and benefit others with a mind of purity.
View every experience in life with gratitude, make good use of
one's life with diligence.
Virtues are cultivated through a sense of contrition, karmic
obstructions are eliminated through a mind of repentance.
。contrition ][kEn5trIF(E)n]n.悔悟, 后悔
As we conserve and cherish our water source so that water will
never run dry, recognize and repay the kindness of others so that
the chain of kindness will continue.
Persistence will get you through everything,
resilience will help you achieve anything.
。persistence ][pE`sIstEns, -`zIs-]n.坚持, 持续
。resilience ][rI5zIlIEns]n.弹回, 有弹力, 恢复力, 顺应力, 轻快, 达观, 愉快的心情
65 你心我心同佛心,知福惜福多培福。
Your mind and my mind are exactly the same as the Buddha's 
recognize, cherish, and nurture our blessings.
Repay one drop of kindness with abundant generosity,
return the favor of one meal with utmost devotion.
When you have water to drink,
when you receive kindness from others, repay it with
Untie the knot of love and hate, of
instead, learn the generosity of kindness and compassion, of
sympathetic joy and equanimity.
69 父母之恩重于天地,三宝之德多过恒沙。
The kindness of one's parents is greater t
the virtues of the Three Jewels are greater than the countless
grains of sand in the Ganges.
。Ganges ][5^AndVi:z]n.恒河(在印度北境)
Be grateful to and repay the kindness of others.
Avoid emotional entanglement that causes suffering.
。entanglement ][in5tAN^lmEnt]n.纠缠
71感恩是终生受用的福报,怀恨乃永世纠缠的魔障。Harboring gratitude will nurture
blessings that you can use all your life, harboring hatred will
create obstructions that follow you.
One who does not use his wealth to benefit others is analogous
to one who is all dressed up in complete darkness where no one can
see him -- it is vain and foolish.
。analogous ][E5nAlE^Es]adj.类似的, 相似的, 可比拟的
The value of managing w
the reason for possessing money is to cultivate blessings.
Cultivate blessings, and family wealth may last for a hundred
be selfish, and family fortunes will not survive three
75随时服务他人,终生幸福;有力不结善缘,后悔莫及。One shall find lifelong happiness by
being of service to others. Sow favorable conditions
whenever one is able or regrets will.
。be of service to ]v.对...有用
76看天播种时,耘草施肥日,丰收感恩月,祈求年年好年。 Plant your seeds, weed and fertilize
your field, be grateful when you have a full harvest and pray for
more auspicious years to.
Those seeking blessings should first plant, cultivate, and
those seeking wealth should first create good causes and
those seeking longevity should first take good care of one's
those seeking good luck should first be pleasant and kind to
Reflect upon oneself with a sense of contrition, and always be
&mindful that one has not done enough for and
given enough to oneself and others.
Always reflect upon oneself with a sense of contrition.
Without self-reflection on one's behavior, one is in
constant danger of going astray.
。on one's behavior对一个人的行为
。go astray ]v.走入歧途
View everything in the world with gratitude.
If one is not grateful and does not repay the kindness of
others, one will soon run out of good luck.
To live happily ever after,
be grateful and respectful to one another,
learn from one another,
forgive one another, and
love and support one another.
。one another ]n.彼此, 相互
。ever after ]从此以后一直...
Cultivating Virtues and Merits.
Be sincere, and your prayer will be answered,
be diligent, and &anything can be
Do not slack off because
always compensate for a lack of intelligence with diligence.
。slack off偷懒;懈怠:偷工 | 松懈
。compensate for:赔偿 | 补偿 | 弥补
One will not suffer any loss by being disciplined with oneself,
one has much to gain by being forgiving towards others.
。disciplined ][`dIsIplInd]n.受过训练的,遵守纪律的
Be content with poverty, but hard work and thrift will
stay calm in the face of turmoil and keep your mind from being
。perturb ][pE5tE:b]v.感到不安
Simple meals and clothes are as good as fancy ones.
Hard work &leads to good health and thrift
leads to wealth.
While it may seem romantic to seize the moment and enjoy life's
pleasure to the fullest, it is doing good deeds whenever and
&wherever you can that will truly bring you life's
blessings and
。to the fullest尽情地;最充分地
There is always competition. Just focus on your own endeavor
&without envy or jealousy.
Good advice is usually hard to take, just as good medicine
usually tastes bitter.
Be the heaven-sent rain when there is a draught,
be the person &who brings warmth
and care in the dead of winter.
。in the dead of winter.
。heaven-sent ['hevənsent] adj. 天赐的;天赋的;最合时宜的
The Phoenix, a symbol of luck, will only nest in an auspicious
the white crane, a symbol of longevity, will only visit a
blessed home.
Keep your mind free from thoughts of gain and loss, and you will
be free and at ease at all times.
Those with both talent and virtue will benefit all, those with
talent but no virtue will only bring harm.
Recognize your wrongs and never repeat them.
Even the butcher becomes a Buddha the instant he puts away his
. put away ]v.放好, 储存...备用, 处理掉, 放弃, 抛弃
Beware that wealth rarely lasts and power often corrupts.
96 自古将相多出寒门,舍己为公天下太平。
History teaches us that great men often emerge from difficult
circumstances, and that those who sacrifice their own selfish
desires for the common good lead society to peace and
97 少些人我是非的执着,多点成人之美的言行。
Avoid the attachment to one's ego and be open minded, always
behave in a way that is helpful to others.
。be helpful to对有用,:有助于 | 对是有帮助的 | 对有帮助
Cultivating one's blessings is crucial to maintain one's wealth.
Where blessings abound, wealth usually follows.
99 受持观世音菩萨名号,得无量无边福德之利。
Boundless blessings are found in upholding and reciting often
the name of Guan Yin, Bodhisattva Avalokitesavara.
。Bodhisattva [,bəudi'sʌtvə] :菩萨 | 菩提萨埵 | 菩提萨棰
Rather than plunder another's bowl of rice, plow your own rice
100争夺他人饭碗莫如自家耕田,自家无田可耕帮人耕田也好。 if you do not have a rice field
of your own, then help someone with his.
。rather than ]conj.胜于,而不是;宁可也不愿
。plunder ][5plQndE]v.抢劫n.抢劫, 战利品
101 Always keep in mind the spirit of humility, respect,
always act with the principles of honesty, civility, thrift and
。keep in mind ]紧记
Fame and wealth obtained overnight are difficult to keep.
Be sensible and realistic.
。sensible ][5sensEbl]adj.有感觉的, 明智的, 有判断力的
It is difficult to find a kindred soul, but don't let
that stop you from befriending others.
Minimize worries and vexations, and your blessings will grow
while obstructions lessen.
。kindred ][5kindrid]n.家族, 相似, 亲属关系, (用作复数)亲戚、族人adj.同族的, 同类的,
血缘的, 类似的
104 多心防人易遭鬼,知己知彼逢贵人,富贵贫贱皆布施,自利利人利众生。
One who is paranoid is prone to be deceived,
one who is understanding is bound to find a helping
Any household that follows these principles will find itself
blessed with great wealth and great characters.
。be prone to v.有...的倾向, 易于
。be bound to 一定要...
。paranoid ][5pArEnCid]n.(=paranoiac)患妄想狂者adj.类似妄想狂的
There are four conditions for a good life:
born at the right place,
blessed at old age,
maintaining a healthy mind in sickness,
and death at the right time.
For richer or poorer, don't hesitate to give,
for giving is the key to benefiting oneself, others, and all
sentient beings.
This would truly be a life of bliss.
The wealthy shall
the poor shall be diligent.
。sentient [5senFEnt]adj.有感觉力的, 有感情的, 感觉灵敏的, 意识到的n.有知觉力的人
107 行善没有条件。
Doing good is without condition.
Cherish one's life and always cheer oneself on.
。cheer on 鼓励
The Environmental Protection of the Mind
Use ordinary mind to face unordinary circumstances.
2. 得理让三分,理直气要柔。
Even if you're right, don't be harsh to others. Express correct
views gently.
3. 察觉自己情绪起伏、不稳定时, 要马上回到呼吸。
体验呼吸、感 觉呼吸,就能渐渐安稳下来。
Become aware of your breathing the moment you feel agitated or
emotional. Experience and feel your breath and you will soon become
4. 心不安,主要是受到环境或者身体因素的影响。
The mind is agitated by either the environment or the body.
Be watchful of body and mind to maintain a peaceful and
stable mind.
5. 环境是我们的镜子,发现自己的言行举止让他人不舒服、惊讶,或者不以为然,要马上反省、忏悔、改进。
Let others be your mirror. If your words or actions discomfit,
shock, or cause concern to others, immediately reflect on your
behavior, express remorse, and improve.
6. 心是我们的老师,我们的心随时 随地与当下所做的事、所处的环 境合而为一,就是在净土之中。
。Cause Concern:引起关注,提起注意
The mind is our teacher. We are in The Pure Land when our mind
is unified with whatever we do, wherever we are, at all times, in
all places.
7. 不管高兴或痛苦,只要是因为他 人的评断,而使我们的心受牵动、被影响,就是没有好好保护我们的心,没有做好心灵环保。
If other people’s praise or criticism affects you & whether it
makes you happy or sad & it means that you have neglected to take
care of mind and spirit.
8. 生气,可能是身体上、观念上或其他因素引起的烦恼,不一定代表修养不好。
Anger may stem from the body, perception, or many other causes.
It is not necessarily an indication of poor cultivation.
如果能够向内心观照,用智慧来化解烦恼,也就不会自害害 人了。
If you can look within, dissolve the anger, you will neither
harm yourself or others.
9. 任何状况下,都要照顾好自己的心,保持内心的平稳与安定,就是心灵的健康,就是心灵环保。
Take care of your mind, no matter the situation. Keep inner mind
calm and peaceful. This this is protecting the
spiritual environment.
10. 遇到不舒服、不愉快的事要调心, 调心是调我们自己的心,不是调别人的心。
Unpleasant encounters, unhappy situations - we must mend our own
minds, not other people’s minds.
11. 不论对方是喜欢的人或讨厌的人, 不管遇到任何开心或麻烦的事,都要心平气和地处理事、对待人,这就是「是非要温柔」。
Someone we like or dislike, happy or difficult situation & treat
everything with calmness and equanimity & this is “treating right
and wrong with gentleness.”
12. 温柔,是以柔和的心、柔顺的态度 来对待人、处理事,但并不等于柔弱}


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