the voice of 美国选秀 voice节目 是哪个国家发起的

《中国好声音》的名字改成什么?唐德影视认为更名换LOGO 今年《
  综上,北京知识产权法院裁定灿星公司立即停止在歌唱比赛选秀节目的宣传、推广、海选、广告招商、节目制作过程中使用包含&中国好声音&、&the Voice of China&字样的节目名称及相关注册商标;责令世纪丽亮公司立即停止在歌唱比赛选秀节目的宣传、推广、海选、广告招商过程中使用包含&中国好声音&字样的节目名称。记者 何欣
  《the Voice of&&》是荷兰Talpa公司独创的音乐类真人选秀节目,前四季《中国好声音》由灿星制作播出。随着不断飙升的版权费,灿星与Talpa公司终止合作。今年1月,唐德影视宣布以6000万美元获得《the Voice of&&》节目五年四季版权。双方的版权大战也随之开启。
&&&&&&3&&&&&> 【答案带解析】书面表达(满分15分) 你喜欢看选秀节目吗?近年来,选秀类节目层出不穷,像Voi...
书面表达(满分15分)你喜欢看选秀节目吗?近年来,选秀类节目层出不穷,像Voice of China, China’s Got Talent等。对此,人们众说纷纭。请就这一话题,根据内容提示,以Different Ideas on Talent Shows 为题写一篇短文。一些人认为,观看这些节目非常轻松愉快。他们不但丰富了人们的生活,而且让很多人有了实现梦想的机会。在这 些节目中,还能发现在些优秀的表演者。但并不是所有的人都喜欢这类节目。他们认为许多学生花太多时间观看这些节目,不利于他们的学习。有些学生甚至为了参加这类节目而放弃学业。我们应该以正确的方式来看待选秀类节目。请你也表明自己的观点,并说明理由。要求:1.语言表达准确,短文连贯通顺;2.短文应包括所有内容,可适当发挥,不要逐句翻译。3.词数80左右。文章开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:performer, be bad for, give up, make … colorful, in a right wayDo you like watching talent shows? More and more talent shows have been on TV recently, such as    
Different Ideas on Talent Shows
Do you like watching talent shows? More and more talent shows have been on TV recently, such as Voice of China, China’s Got Talent and so on. Different people have d...
& & &命题作文:是根据所给的作文题目,自己审题,自己构思进行 写作。要求学生根据题目,写出文字通顺语法正确,符合该文题材和体裁,单词数符合要求的作文。所以命题作文考查学生在书面表达方面的综合能力。
(3)了解英语应用文的写作要点:书信,便条,通知等。注意格式正确,用语规范。 &&
enjoyOn November 9,2014, the International Marathon was held at Xichang Qionghai Lake Wetland. It was the first
to hold marathon in Sichuan. The marathon was
“the most beautiful one in history” by some people.Nearly 20,000 runners from 25 countries took part in the game. Among the runners, the oldest one was more than 90 years old and the
one was only four. The whole racing track (赛程) was 42 kilometers 4.
. During the competition, people could not only watch the wonderful game but also
the beautiful flowers in the wetland. The game included three events: full marathon, half marathon and 5-kilometer mini marathon. The
line and the finishing line were both at Xichang Torch Square.In order to make runners feel
and forget tiredness, beautiful music was played during the competition. At the same time.
of volunteers in local national clothes were waiting along the road to offer the best service. The theme of the game was ‘running healthily in beautiful Xichang and chasing dreaming in colorful Liangshan.” On the event day, there was live broadcasting of the whole marathon by CCTV-5. People
the world watched it.The next Xichang International Marathon will be held at the same place. People in Xichang welcome sportsmen and sports
from the whole world to attend it. 
单词拼写 (共5小题, 每小题1分,满分5分)根据句意及首字母或括号内单词或汉语提示,用词语的正确形式填空,并将其答案写在答题卡上相应的位置。每空一词。1.You can practice soccer by j
a sports club.2.Who e
in my class will go to the movie besides me?3.Please find out some
(不同) between the two pictures.4.People want to challenge
(自己) in the face of difficulties.5.You’d better not go out because it’s raining
(heavy) outside. 
K:KarenL: Hello!K: Hello!
1.L: Yes, speaking.K:It’s Karen here. I’m going to buy some books tomorrow. Would you like to go with me?L: Sorry. I don’t need to buy any books. I can do some reading on the Internet.K: Reading on the Internet?
2.L:Oh. I see.K:
3.L: OK. I’ll go with you. When shall we meet ?K:
.L:Great. See you then.K: See you.A:And there are many wonderful books in the bookstore.B: But it’s bad for your eyes to read on the computer or the mobile phone.C. What about half past two tomorrow afternoon?D: Is that Laura? 
口语应用 (共两段, 满分8分)从对话后的选项中选择适当的选项补全对话,并涂在答题卡上相应的位置。(共8个空,每空1分,满分8分)AA:Excuse me ! Can you tell me how to get to the nearest supermarket?B: Just go along this road and turn left at the second crossing. Then you can see a bank. The supermarket is across from it.
.A: Is it far from here ?B: No.
Are you new here?A: Yes. But I have come to Xichang before.B:
3.A: It’s beautiful. Great changes have taken place. The food is delicious and the people are friendly.B:
4.A:Thank you.B: You are welcome.A.What do you think of Xichang?B.Have a good trip!C.It’s about 10 minutes’ walkD.It’s between a post office and a hospital 
Zheng He was an amazing man. He was born in 1371. Eleven years later, he was caught by the army of a rich young man called Zhu Di and made to work for him. Over time the rich man saw that Zheng He was very clever and strong and they became close friends. In 1403 Zhu Di was made the King of China and he asked Zheng He to join his government.The King wanted to learn more about the world and show other countries his power. He ordered many new ships to be built and made Zheng He their leader. between 1405 and 1433, Zheng He led seven sea trips to different parts of the world. He certainly travelled to India, Africa and the Middle East. A few people think his ships have even reached South America and Australia.Each trip lasted between two and four years and it is believed he sailed more than 50,000 kms during the years of his travels.Zheng He led a fleet with 28,000 men and over 300 ships, such as boats for food, water and even soldiers' horses.On these trips he brought with him many Chinese goods like silk and medicine to give to foreign kings or to sell for local goods. He returned from each trip with boats filled with expensive things such as gold and treasures, foreign guests and strange animals like a giraffe.It is a pity that we may never learn everything about Zheng He' s travels. The Columbus of the east, Zheng He, died in 1433. After that, the new king, had these trips stopped and he burned almost all the books about Zheng He's travels, because he believed the trips were unlucky and too expensive. It is only in the last 50 years that historians have begun to carefully study the adventures of great Zheng He.1.Why did Zhu Di want Zheng He to sail to many different countries?A. To learn more about the world.B. To bring new countries under the control of China.C. To show other countries his power.D. Both A and C.2.What do we know about Zheng He from the passage?A. He travelled to India and Africa.B. Each trip lasted six years.C. When he died, he was 72 years old.D. He was a great king.3.Which of the following did Zheng He take to foreign countries from China?A. Gold
B. Treasures
C. Giraffes
D.Silk.4. After Zheng He died, ___________A. nobody remembered himB. almost all the books about his travels were burnedC. the new king thought these trips were luckyD. sea trips to other countries lasted 50 years.5. What's the best title of this passage?A. The King's Seven Sea TripsB. Zheng He's Travels to Western CountriesC. Zheng He, the Columbus of the EastD. Zhu Di, the Great King 
Copyright @
满分5 学习网 . All Rights Reserved.中国好声音节目名被叫停?灿星:会提出行政复议 the Voice of Talpa公司资料
综艺娱乐:《好声音》又“摊上事儿”了,就在《2016中国好声音》首录当日,北京知识产权法院作出行为保全裁定:禁止灿星使用“中国好声音”、“the Voice of China”字样的节目名称及相关注册商标,而灿星方面给出的第一反应是:我们会向法院提出行政复议。唐德祭出“保全裁定”,灿星见招拆招:行政复议日21点20分,根据浙江唐德影视股份有限公司(以下简称“唐德公司”)申请,北京知识产权法院作出行为保全裁定,责令上海灿星文化传播有限公司(以下简称“灿星公司”)立即停止在歌唱比赛选秀节目中的宣传、推广、海选、广告招商、节目制作过程中,使用包含“中国好声音”、“the Voice of China”字样的节目名称及相关注册商标,世纪丽亮(北京)国际文化传媒有限公司(以下简称“世纪丽亮公司”)立即停止在歌唱比赛选秀节目的宣传、推广、海选、广告招商过程中使用包含“中国好声音”字样的节目名称。行为保全,是指法院为了保护当事人一方的合法权益,保证生效的判决或裁定得以顺利执行,避免造成损失或损失扩大,在诉讼前或诉讼过程中,责令另一方当事人作出一定行为或禁止其作出一定行为的强制性措施。消息一出,刚刚开录在即的《2016中国好声音》又一次卷入纷争,记者第一时间联系到《2016中国好声音》宣传总监陆伟,得到的回复是“我们会向法院提出行政复议,并等待复议的最终结果。”媒体解读:唐德与灿星面临“双输”局面 Talpa才是大赢家自今年年初以来,关于“中国好声音”版权问题的纠纷从未停歇。在不久前广电总局最新出台的关于限制引进模式的《关于大力推动广播电视节目自主创新工作的通知》中,对引进境外版权模式的数量进行了限制,“通知”中规定:“各电视上星综合频道每年在19:30—22:30开播的引进境外版权模式节目,不得超过两档。每个电视上星综合频道每年新播出的引进境外版权模式节目不得超过1档,且第一年不得在19:30—22:30之间播出”。据业内人士分析,这项规定出台后,唐德实际上已经无法用“the voice of …”的模式制作节目,即使制作出节目也只能在19:30—22:30之外的非黄金时间段播出。而如果在非黄金时间段播出,唐德付出的巨额版权费用绝无可能收回。与此同时,唐德迄今为止没有启动“the voice of …”项目,说明今年之内出现《The Voice Of China》的可能性极小。有媒体猜测,唐德此举更多的是为了干扰灿星“好声音”的节目制作。此次唐德申请行为保全的结果相当于将“中国好声音”冻结,在法院最终判决之前,唐德不能制作“the voice of …”,灿星也无法制作《中国好声音》。“这其实是一个双输的局面,最终只有‘the voice of …’的模式方Talpa能从中获利。”也有法律界人士指出:法院该裁决并未提及浙江卫视,因此不论结果如何,浙江卫视依然可以如期播出《2016中国好声音》。据悉,灿星方面根据这一举动也在积极研究解决,除了上面提到的“行政复议”,暂无其他举措,今天,《2016中国好声音》将迎来第二天的录制,相关消息记者还在持续跟进,《2016中国好声音》究竟怎么应对,请关注腾讯娱乐后续报道。最初发现老公不正常的时候是去年夏天,女儿刚一岁多,发现他上厕所很频繁,...


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