英语说:请问您下一站下车吗?1Will you get off the train at the getnextsiblingitem station?还是?Will you get of...

交通 英语口语:乘车对话语句 无忧考网为您整理了“交通 英语口语:乘车对话语句”,更多英语口语相关信息请访问无忧考网。 1.Where is the taxi stand?出租车停靠站在那里?2.Where can I get a taxi?我到哪里可乘出租车?3.Call a taxi,please.请替我叫辆出租车。4.Do you know the way?你认识路吗?5.Take me to this address.送我到这个地址。6.Take me to the shopping district.送我到购物区。7.Take me to a good place to eat.送我到一家好餐厅。8.How long will it take to the airport?到飞机场要多长时间?9.How long will it take me to get there?到那里需要多长时间?10.Is it very far?很远吗?11.What should I take to go to the Grand Hotel?去圆山饭店我该坐什么车?12.What number bus do I take to down town?到城内坐几路公共汽车?13.How can I get to Taibei airport?到台北机场怎样去?14.Does this bus go to the National Park?这辆公共汽车到国家公园吗?15.Could you please tell me where the bus stop is?请你告诉我公共汽车站在哪里好吗?16.Take me to the train station.送我到火车站。17.Would you please tell me when to get off?请你告诉我在什么时候下车好吗?18.Should I get off at the next stop?下一站我该下车吗?19.Please tell me which bus goes to the Taibei train station.请你告诉我坐几路公共汽车到台北火车站。20.Do I need a transfer?我需不需要换车?21.Tell me when I get there.到站时请告诉我。22.Would you tell me where I should get off?请你告诉我在什么地方下车好吗?23.What time does the bus leave?公共汽车什么时间开?24.When is the next one,please?请问下一班车什么时间开?2分钟英语课堂:在火车站 At the train station 扫描二维码方便学习和分享 Introduction In this lesson we will learn sentences and words that you can use at a train station. 本节课我们将学习在火车站会用到的句子和词语。 Buying a one-way ticket Cindy : Hello. I would like to buy a ticket to Chicago. 森碟:哈喽,我买一张到芝加哥的票。 Ticket Agent : Would you like a round-trip ticket or a one-way ticket? 售票员:您要单程票还是往返票。 Cindy : I don't know when I will be coming back, so I want a one-way ticket please. 森碟:我不知道什么时候回来,所以我想买单程票。 Ticket Agent : When would you like to travel? 售票员:你要什么时候旅行。 Cindy : I would like to leave on Monday. 森碟:我想周一走。 Ticket Agent : That will be $45 for the one-way ticket to Chicago. 售票员:去芝加哥的单程票要45美元。 Cindy : Thank you. Here is my credit card. 森碟:谢谢你,这是我的信用卡。 Ticket Agent : This is your ticket. You'll find the car number and the seat number on the ticket. 售票员:这是你的票。 Cindy : Thank you. Goodbye. 森碟:谢谢你,再见。 Buying a round-trip ticket Cindy : Hello. I would like to buy a ticket to Chicago. 森碟:你好,我想要买到芝加哥的火车票。 Ticket Agent : Would you like a round-trip ticket or a one-way ticket? 售票员:您想要单程票还是往返票。 Cindy : I am coming back soon so I want a round-trip ticket. 森碟:我会马上回来,所以我想要往返票。 Ticket Agent : When are you leaving? 售票员:你什么时候离开? Cindy : I am leaving on Tuesday and coming back on Saturday. 森碟:我周二离开周六回来。 Ticket Agent : The train does not return from Chicago on Saturday. Do you want a ticket for Sunday? 售票员:周六没有芝加哥回来的火车,周日可以吗? Cindy : No, that will not be convenient. Could I get one for Friday? 森碟:不,这样很不方便,周五有票吗? Ticket Agent : Yes, there is a train that day. 售票员:可以,周五有票。 Cindy : Thank you. Please give me return ticket for Friday. 森碟:谢谢,请给我一张周五的返程票。 Checking luggage Cindy : Can I check my luggage instead of carrying it on the train? 森碟:我可以不把行李带上火车而是托运吗? Ticket Agent : Yes, you can. There is no charge for that service. Do you have your luggage here? 售票员:可以,但是这里没有这项业务,这里有你的行李吗? Cindy : Yes. This is the bag I wish to check. 森碟:有的,这是我想要托运的行李。 Ticket Agent : Let me put a tag on your bag and give you a receipt. 售票员:让我在你的行李上贴上标签给你票据。 Cindy : Thank you. 森碟:谢谢你。 Receiving someone Laura : Hi Cindy! I am so glad you have come to visit us! 劳拉:嗨,森碟。我很高兴你来看我们。 Cindy : Oh, Laura! It is so good to see you. 森碟:哦,劳拉!见到你太开心了。 Laura : Did you have a good trip? 劳拉:路上还好吗? Cindy : Yes. The train was very fast, and they had a restaurant car where I could eat lunch. It was fun to sit at a table and watch the countryside go by as I ate. 森碟:愉快,火车很快,他们有餐车我可以在哪里吃午餐。坐下来边一边吃饭一边看风景很有趣。 Laura : That&s great! Do you have any luggage? 劳拉:太棒了,你有行李吗? Cindy : Yes, but I checked my big suitcase. We will have to pick it up at the gate. 森碟:有的,但是我托运了大件的行李。我们要去大厅取它。 Laura : Let&s go! 劳拉:走吧! 内容来自 听力课堂网:用手机学英语,请加听力课堂微信公众号:tingclass123 [报错与提意见] 订阅每日学英语:英语说:请问您下一站下车吗?1Will you get off the train at the next station?还是?Will you get of...英语说:请问您下一站下车吗?1Will you get off the train at the next station?还是?Will you get off the train the next station?at能省吗?the train 含情脉脉WIy5 从我的经验上来说Will you get off the train at the next station 是最正确的Will you get off at the next station 也是正确的Will you get off the train the next station 语法上应该不是很完整,但是口语也有常用希望有语法大虾能补充 为您推荐: 其他类似问题 在口语中都是可以的.如果在火车上说话,the train也是可以省略的。 不能,at是介词,省掉不合适 Will you get off the train at the next station? 是Will you get off the train at the next station 口语表达:will you get off next station?但是中国英语中是不可能这样说的,别人肯定会说有语法问题。如果你是学生,千万别刻意的去了解口语表达,咱这中国重视英语应试教育,必须说:will you get off the train at the next station?望采纳。 off get off下车 你可以在下一站下车 OFF get off 下车 off 你可以在下个停车口下车。 get off 下车 off 下车 get off下车在下一 你好。at不能省略。原因:at是介词,at the next station意为“在下一站”,作地点状语,如果省略at,单独的the next station无法构成地点状语,整个句子也就没有完整的句法了。其实,我们汉语普遍说“请问您下一站下车吗”,是省略了“在”,但是,汉语中省略的成分不一定在英语中也要省略呀!各有各的习惯。有严格的、完整的句法,才能够构成正确的句子。


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