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英文翻译aboard:&&&& be living:&&&&chariot,one of the pieces in ...:&&&& upward
例句与用法He sat in the car for a while, inventorying his wounds .他在车上坐了一会,仔细验看身上的伤处。Such is the state of mind that natalie discerns in the car .这就是娜塔丽在车上觉察出的一般人的心理。I can do eighty miles an hour when he's in the car, and he doesn't turn a hair .他坐在车上,我把车开到每小时八十英里,他仍然镇定自若。Suddenly he realized he had left his trousers on the train, and there were swastikas on his socks .突然,他想起长裤还在车上,自己的袜子上还有标记。Tess, surprised beyond measure, slid farther back still on her seat, at which he urged the horse anew, and rocked her the more .苔丝听了这个话,惊得不可言喻,连忙在车上往后退避,他见了这样,就又打马前奔,把苔丝摇晃得更厉害起来,You left the keys inside of a truck in front of a - -你把卡车的车钥匙留在车上- - How ' s it my fault you left the book in the limo你把书落在车上怎么会是我的错Yeah , yeah , i got it . well , he ' s onboard , boss对,我们接到他了他就在车上,老板Which attracted the flies , which got stuck to it引来了很多苍蝇,它们被沾在车上- the - tree fell on the car , spilling the syrup-那是-树倒在车上,把糖浆洒了一地。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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英文翻译whereon:&&&& be living:&&&&what:&&&& on t ...
例句与用法I have some money, and don't know what to do with it .我有一些钱,不知用在什么上面好。First she tried to look down and make out what she was coming to .她先是想朝下看,想弄清楚自己会掉在什么上面。Look where you ' re standing . all that gunpowder看看你站在什么上面满地都是火药I wrote it down somewhere . um . . . there you go我好象记在什么上面了. . .找到了I wrote it down somewhere . um . there you go我好象记在什么上面了.找到了But the head swayed helplessly with the jerky steps of the bearers , and the cold , apathetic eyes did not know on what to rest但是,这个头竟因扛起伯爵的人脚步不均匀而显得软弱无力,微微地摇晃,他那冷漠的目光真不知要停留在什么上面。 Conduct may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes , but after a certain point i don ‘ t care what it ‘ s founded on人的行为可能建立在坚固的岩石上面,也可能建立在潮湿的沼泽之中,但是一过某种程度,我就不管它是建立在什么上面的了。 Then one can see the oval face of a handsome young woman with deep dark eyes and long heavy clinging tresses , which seem to clasp in a beseeching way anything they fall against这时候,你就可以看见一个年轻漂亮的女孩子了,她长着一张鸭蛋形的脸,深色的眼睛,又长又厚的头发平平整整的,好像它无论披散在什么上面,都会被紧紧地粘住。 Generally speaking , when trying to take your car ' s finish to its maximum potential for clarity , gloss , shine and depth of color , there comes a point , or a plateau , that you will reach whereupon additional applications of either polish or wax will not increase the results of any of those categories一般来讲,当尽量把车漆打理得清洁、闪亮、车漆颜色深度发亮时或者想维持在稳定水平时,在什么上面进行额外的护理,都能获得效果或者抛光和打蜡不会提升它的外观效果。
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