'I was getting worried by this strange man'sconsumer behaviourr

Bodyswap (Fiance!NorwayXReaderXDenmark ) RQ by shihachii on DeviantArt
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Apr 7, :32 PM
Lukas&s dull sapphire eyes rested on your giggling form, the lines of his mouth pursing slightly as he watched both your and Mathias&s antics. He couldn&t lie to himself, the way you smiled and laughed at his Danish brother worried him greatly. His anxiousness was also fuelled by how the Dane in turn looked at you. The softness and tenderness of his gaze, that small but ever-present twinkle in his cerulean eyes whenever he was with you... Lukas would scowl if only he could permit himself to do that. But he kept his eternal poker face having experienced in the past what could happen if he showe so instead he bottled his emotions out of fear that you would leave him. He knew exactly what his brother felt. Knowing just how alluring the feather light touch of your side could be when it seemed to brush up to his by accident, knew how alluring your laugh and your smile were and most of all how irresistible you were in essence. His habit rose up again and he found himself twisting the band of metal around his left ring finger to reassure himself, as he always did now when he felt the first twangs of nervousness. &Luke,& you called out, craning your neck back in time to see his head snap up, a questioning expression on his face. Blowing him a kiss, you smiled not even knowing why you&d done it, but not really caring. After all, you were engaged to him, so you didn&t really need a reason to show him affection. Mathias rolled his eyes at the action, scowling when he saw just how happy you looked. The Norwegian&s lips twitched up in a smile, not being able to help himself and he nodded in reception of your affection. Despite this, he still felt apprehensive somehow and his brooding didn&t let up, even as he lay there in the middle of the night. One of his arms was protectively slung over your waist, holding you loosely against his body whilst he watched your chest rise and fall rhythmically. Usually this always worked when he couldn&t fall asleep. Watching you breathe or listening to your heartbeat worked like counting sheep for him, but that night he simply couldn&t get to sleep. His thoughts somehow always managed to return to mull over your smile and the Dane&s, how you laughed when you were with him. Maybe if I were more like him then.... then what? Would you stay with him for absolute certain? He asked his mind, hating himself for comparing himself to that loud, obnoxious blond. But still.... Mathias cracked his eyes open with a loud yawn, stretching like a satisfied cat and frowning when he felt sleeves restrict his movements. Strange... he hadn&t thought he&d gone to bed with anything but his boxers on.... Suddenly he caught sight of someone beside him in bed, his heart thumping loudly when he realised it was you. Was this another one of his dreams? If it was, then he would continue like he always did in his fantasies. You were turned from him, your shoulder bared as your top was rumpled and had shifted up. Mathias smirked at the sight and leant down, his lips skimming your soft skin ever so lightly. As soon as the first contact had been made, he started to leave kisses down the cleft of your shoulder and to the back of your neck where he left a prominent love-bite. Rousing because of his actions, you rolled over sleepily, smiling when you saw the face of your beloved. &Morning Luke,& you murmured, your arms twining around the warm frame of your Norwegian. &Luke?& He echoed quizzically, his dark blue eyes widening when he looked down at his hands. What the hell was going on?! Mathias yelped loudly, startling you in the process. &Luke, are you okay?& You asked, cupping his cheeks and gazing worriedly into his scared eyes. &It&s not Lukas (Y/n)! It&s me, Mathias!& Now that he&s said it, you recognised the Dane&s actions and loud voice, even if they did come from Lukas&s body. Lukas awoke groggily from the sleep he&d barely indulged in, sitting up drowsily and rubbing his eyes. He patted the spot next to him, searching around for you. When he didn&t feel anything beside him, he shot awake and scrambled out of bed, taking no notice of his boxer-clad form as he stumbled out of the room and down the hall to where he heard someone yell.Slamming the door to his own room open, he snatched you away from his own body. &You&re...me?& The apparent Norwegian asked, his tone loud and completely belonging to Mathias. However Mathias had hold of your waist and was staring quite fixedly at your fianc&. What was going on?! &So to get this straight, Mathias is in Lukas&s body and Lukas is in Mathias&s body.& Emil summed up, watching as Tino blinked in confusion. &H&w?& The Swede&s interjection only made the two, now dressed men in question shrug. Though Lukas did have a clue as to how this whole body-swapping business might have come about. Was it his brooding thoughts that could have led to this? &I&ll look some stuff up and see if we can do anything about this.& &Mathias& commented, his expression sullen and strange looking on the normally hyper Dane. You could feel his distress radiating from him, so you leant up to him and cupped his cheek. It felt so wrong to be doing this to Mathias, but you couldn&t really figure out why it felt so right. It was probably because Lukas was Lukas, even if his body had changed. He even reacted the same way, pressing his hand on yours and entangling your fingers together. &Don&t worry, I&m sure you&ll find a way. Or we can ask Vladimir, heck even asking Arthur is worth a shot. See? It&ll be alright.& You told him, smiling lovingly at him whilst you rubbed your thumb across his cheek. &I don&t see why we have to.& The five of you froze as &Lukas& spoke cockily. You all turned to stare at him in question. The three other men in the room tensed, Berwald getting ready for what could be a horrible and bloody fight between them. Tino quivered and clutched his white dog to him whilst Emil started backing off already. &Lukas& raised his eyebrow and smirked, his arms crossed. &Why don&t we just stay like this?& &Mathias& tensed and pulled you to his chest. &No, I won&t let you have-&&Oh but the thing is brother that (Y/n) isn&t yours anymore. Not officially anyway.& &Lukas& held up his hand, the metal band that matched yours glinting in the light. He stood up and after pushing you to the side, he grasped hold of &Mathias&s collar. &What&s the matter? Lost your tongue? Does it torment you now, now that I can satisfy my dear, sweet (Y/n) in every way? You know, you&ve lost her. She&s mine now,
Mr. K&hler.& & &Mathias& started trembling uncontrollably, his hands shaking so hard he barely managed to muster the strength to shove &Lukas& off. A small gasp was the only sound he made, before he took a mad dash for the front door, too distraught to remember to close it. You bit your lip as you watched this confrontation, your fists tightening when &Lukas& smirked in triumph. That wasn&t what he&d really do. That wasn&t something your Lukas would do. Bringing the back of your hand sharply across his face, you felt something break in you in hurting your love, but deep down you knew that it wasn&t him. With that you turned on your heel sharply and chased after &Mathias& desperately. He&d had quite a head start, though his pace was faltering at every desperate step. Searching for a brief bit of comfort, he twisted the skin on his left ring finger, letting out a sob when he didn&t feel the cool metal there to calm him. When his breath started to come in quick gasps he finally came to a stop, collapsing on the closest thing he could sit on, which happened to be a little brick wall. Your head swivelled round each time you called his name, his real name and you followed whatever trail he&d made. A hurried footprint beside a puddle here, a couple of old ladies gossiping about what the youth was coming to nowadays. Eventually you found him, staring out into space as cold tears ran down his cheeks. &Luke,& you breathed, sitting beside him and wrapping your arms around him. He didn&t respond, even when you&d shaken his shoulders slightly. &Lukas, look at me, c&mon.& You coaxed his face to turn and Mathias&s blue eyes stared past you, unseeing. You took a short breath and slapped him hard to bring him back to reality. He jumped at the impact and started sobbing. &I&m sorry,& you murmured, stroking his hair whilst he&d nestled his face in your neck. &I&m sorry, I didn&t mean to hit you that hard.& You felt him shake his head slightly. &That wasn&t it. I-I wanted to make you laugh like he did. I wanted to make you smile just like he does, using his stupid jokes.& Creasing your face into a frown when he started explaining, you rubbed circles on his large back. A back that was so different from usual. &Why would you want to do that?& You asked, not wanting to rush him. &I was worried you&d get bored of me. I know I don&t say much, but that doesn&t mean I don&t love you. I f-find it hard to find the right words. An-and I didn&t want you to choose him instead because of that.& He admitted, tightening his grip on your waist and clinging to you as if you were the last thing on earth anchoring him to it. &Hey Luke,& you said, nudging his face up. &Look.& You stated simply, holding up your left hand for him to see. &This little piece of metal is proof that I chose you and that I will always only choose you. You don&t have any competition Luke, because even if Mathias makes me laugh a lot, you&re the only one that makes my heart beat like this.& Your fingers entwined with his, you pressed his palm to your heart. He gazed at you in wonder, leaning down to capture your lips with his but paused after a moment. &I can&t kiss you like this, can I?& He pouted and looked to one side. &Hey (Y/n),& he said, mimicking you. &I think I&ve found the right words now.& Nuzzling your head to his, his lips twitched up in that smile that only Lukas could perfect. &I love you with all my heart and soul. I want to be with you always and I will never allow anyone to take my place. I love you.& He repeated, as though his point hadn&t gotten across at this point. &I know you do Luke and, I love you too.& You murmured, silently cursing the fact that you couldn&t kiss him, but for now a loving embrace would have to do. &Meeeeh, I still want to know how we turned back to ourselves!& Mathias complained loudly, throwing his hands up in the air for the somanyieth time that day. &No idea Mathias, but I suppose we&ll never find out.& You answered, playing with the hair of your husband as he leant against your side, large book in hands and apparently completely asleep. &Hmmmm,& the Dane pondered, a rare thinking expression on his face. &I remember Lukas telling me about people&s desires and stuff like that, I think he also said that he was different from us because, whilst our desires manifest themselves in dreams, his desires manifest themselves in reality.... so that would mean that Lukas wanted to be me, eh? Eh?& You blinked in surprise when he seemed to have drawn a correct conclusion for once. &Aaaaw Luke, you just had to say you wanted to be like me, I&d have given you top tips-AAARGH!& &Shut it Dane.& The Norwegian growled, his cheeks pink as he pulled on Mathias&s tie sharply.
This was a request for
I hope you enjoy love and if it wasn't your cup of tea, I'll write you a new one as I did sort of mess around with this one ^^ .... I'm really sorry confuses the hell out of you, if it does tell me what parts you can't comprehend and I'll explain them better for you (I won't take offense if you do!) So yeah, I'm trying to work on Pure, but I keep on getting distracted by ideas like... well this I suppose.... I'll get back to work soonPlease enjoy and tell me what you think, feedback is as always appreciated!And if you want to have a hand in deciding which character and plot is used, please vote in the poll!
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man, that was sad. i still love it tho (。•̀ᴗ-)✧good job! ✨💕
I squealed so hard bro good job &3 &3 &3 &3 &3&&
omg I loved it so much!!!
Thank you!&
Your welcome!!
Cheers love! C:
awesome just like the awesome prussia!
Thank you C:
This is amazing! What I dont understand is why didnt I kill Matthias for kissing me after i found out.....
Aaaaaand there go my feels..............flying out the window..........This is possibly the best fanfic I have ever read!!!!!! You are awesome!!! (Even more than Prussia!) &: did some one call for mein awesomeness?? &:nope! * whistles and walks away* &
I'm really happy to hear it love! Thank you very, very much for saying so C:
IT'S THE TRUTH!!!!!!!& by the way expect a new watcher and a stalker.
I love your fanfic!
I'm so happy to hear it love! Thank you very much!
Every time you say love I think of England! XD
so sexy.....~
Aah thank you C:
:3 your welcome~
I don't usually ship reader-chan with Norway but this was absolutely amazing!!!!
Thank you very much for saying so love! c:
Soo... If reader-chan had sex with 'mathias' would the baby be Lukas's or mathias's?
You miss, have turned my whole world upside down by one simple question made up of thirteen words.
Thanks! That's just how I roll. I always seem to be the one asking the questions you think but can't put in to words.
I guess it would be Lukas's as it's his body ^^
That would be kind of akward.
Take this, I cant make a sentence. So make a fusion Sentence with all The great comments and mix Them Together.That is my comment fo chu.
In easier words this was awesome! Although when Reader-chan slapped Lukas I got mad then remembered it was Matthias in Lukes body lulz.
Thank you very much for saying so lovey!&
I like this a lot!!! I really felt for Lukas when he was explaining himself, though. You did a really really good job with this!! ^^
Thank you very much for saying so lovey!
You're welcome! ^^
Loved it! Good job Onee-San!
O-Onee-san? O////OThank you very much for saying so lovey!
I like Onee-San better than writer-sama
That's true C:
When reader-chan slapped Lukas I just lost it and went like "Oh nu uh! I am DONE!" and went out to buy food .-.
it'u; I spent all my money but it's okay... besides, this is awesome! &3&
Such a great story! I got to have Lukas as my man and Matthias was there being Matthias. *sighs* life is great.
I like it! It's very much 'human' in the aspect of desires, dreams, and wishes. We all, at one point or another, wish we could be that person who makes other people feel special even when we don't realize that we have that ability.
That's what I hoped to write, so I'm very happy that the feelings were transmitted... so to say. I can't really explain it ^^'
It was still beautifully written.
Thank you very much for saying so love ^////^
You are quite welcome.
Cheers lovey!
....... does anyone know if I can marry this story?
I'm not sure! ... But if it isn't possible, we should make it possible!
lol that's awesome
Thank you very much lovey!
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