
责任编辑:gz005发布时间: 14:43:31浏览7次
020- QQ:&  关于面试英语口语的情景对话&  A:&Good morning, Mr. White. I am Zhang Yan coming for an interview.  B:&Nice to meet you. Take a seat, please.  A:&Thank you.  B:&We have been looking over your&application. I see you have got several years' experience in secretarialwork. What kind of work did you do in your previous job?  A:&I mainly did typing, filing, answering telephone calls and such routine work in the beginning. I started the job as a junior secretary, but within the year I was promoted to senior &secretary and I drafted business correspondence for the General Manager.  B:&Tell me three qualities your coworkers would useto describe you and your work style.  A:&Firstly they say I am very punctual. Secondly theythink I am a cheerful person to work with. I always try to have a positive attitude towards work. And thirdly, they believe I am &flexible and efficient.  B:&Tell me something about your education.  A:&In 2010, 1 was admitted into Dalian Institute ofForeign Languages. I specialized in Englisr Secretarial Studies.  B:&Thank you for coming. I'll let you know as Boorr as we've made a decision.&  A:早上好,怀特先生。我叫张燕,是来面试的。  B:很高兴见到你。请坐。  A:谢谢。  B:我们已经看过你的申请表了。我知道你已经有几年的文秘工作经验。你以前的工作具体做什么?  A:开始主要是打字、文件归档、回电话等日常工作。刚开始工作时我是初级秘书,不过在一年内我被提升为高级秘书,为总经理起草商业信件。  B:说说你的同事评价你的为人以及工作方式的三个方面。  A:第一,他们会说我是一个非常守时的人。第二,他们认为和我一起工作很愉快,我总是努力以积极的态度来面对工作。第三,他们觉得我工作灵活而且高效。  B:说说你所受的教育吧。  A:我于2010年被大连外国语学院录取,专业是英语秘书学。  B:非常感谢你参加我们的面试。我们做出决定后会立刻通知你。&&&&点击&进入网站,查看更多热门课程、最新优惠、学员评论、师资介绍、乘车路线等& &&& 咨询电话:020-& QQ:&  地址:广州越秀区中山一路杨箕村& 网址:.cn/jigou/129628&
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&A:Give me a summary of your current job description.
B:I have been working as a computer programmer for five years. To be specific, I do system analysis, trouble shooting and provide software support.
A:Why did you leave your last job?
B: Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks, I will take it.
A: What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization?
B: I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position.
Copyright @ 2010 All rights reserved. 咨询电话:400-660-8085 &&
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I have learned english in spiiker over than half an year.
And I still remembered that I could not understand the chinese teacher's questions on english level test. I was very disappointed.
It impacted my work very much, because I needed to join english calls with my India colleagues. After study for a long time, I find I can express
my ideas to other ones. I don't afraid to talk with other ones. It is a big progress to me. Even though, I still can not understand my colleagues totally, but I am not afraid to join a english call. Recently, I can understand some sentences in the call and my colleagues can understand me too.
I think I still need to try to recite much more english words and learn much more english grammars. In my spare time, I plan to read some news, such as VOA, and watch some movies. And I hope I could call my colleagues from other countries proactively in the future.
I have been studying English in Spiiker for nearly 1 year. From lv.3 to lv.5, from my university to our company, from a post-graduate student to an engineer, Spiiker witnesses what happens.
Thanks to Spiiker which gives me such opportunities to learn English with my great teacher Marchelle, who is experienced and really a kind person dealing with any students of her, I achieved my goal of talking English fluently. Moreover, I really appreciate my study manager Anna who always works with enthusiasm and patience. They teach me how to think in an English way while talking with others in English, thus, enhancing my English-speaking ability in many aspects obviously. For everybody, let's try together to speak English more frequently, more proficiently, and more fluently!
Copyright 2015 by
education group all right reserved && 学 找 上! 国内最专业的平台!求职面试英语口语二人情景对话_兼职吧
&没有经历英语面试的人,往往会比较紧张,担心自己听不明白主考官问的是什么,没法回答问题。针对这些情况,情景再现,让你提前进入英语面试的情境。希望以下求职面试英语口语二人情境对话能助你一臂之力。 情景一: A:we have received your letter in answer to our advertisement,i would like to talk with you regarding your qualifications for this position. 我们已收到你的信和简历表,我想和你谈谈关于应征的事。 B:I am very glad to know that my letter and resume were received. 我的信和简历,贵公司已采纳,本人感到非常荣幸。 I am very happy that i am qualified for this interview. 是的,先生,我是非常高兴,能获得这个面谈机会。 情景二: A:where were you employed? 你以前在哪里高就? A:.what did you do in the past? 你过去曾作些什么事? A:would you tell me your employment history? 请你把过去的工作经验告诉我好吗? A:what positions have you held before? 你以前担任过什么职务? A:have you been employed in this field? 你以前在这方面服务过吗? answers B: i have never been employed before,because i just finished my study. 以前我从未工作过,因为我刚离开学校。 B:i have been a secretary in a trading company. 我曾在一家贸易公司担任秘书。 B: i have just graduated from college,i hope to look for a job. 我刚大家毕业,希望找个工作。 B:i can do all kinds of office work,i hope you could give me the opportunity to work for you. 办公室各种工作我都能做,希望你能给我一个工作机会。 B: i have been a salesman but now,i can do public relations. 我曾做过推销员的工作,但现在的公共关系工作我也能做。 情景三: A:where are your previous places of employment? 你以前的工作地点在哪里? A:how many places have you worked altogether? 你一共工作了几个地方? answers B: i have just graduated from college,and am now looking for a job. 我刚大学毕业,正在谋职。 B:i have just graduated from college,i have not had an opportunity to work. 我刚大学毕业,尚未工作过。 B:i have had one job since graduating. 毕业后,我曾做过事。 B: i have been employed as a secretary at a trading company. 我曾在一家贸易公司担任秘书工作。 情景四: A: what kind of work did you do? 你以前做过哪一类工作? A:what is your job in the company? 你在那家公司,担任什么工作? A: what do you think of your present job? 你认为你目前的工作如何? A: do you enjoy your present job? 你喜欢目前的工作吗? answers B: i have been the personal secretary to the president of t.t. company. 我曾担任过t.t.公司董事长的私人秘书。 B: i am in charge of the trading department. 我是公司贸易部门的主管。 B: i am a clerk. 我是文员。 B:i am responsible for the company’s correspondence. 我负责公司的书信工作。 B: i have also been a warehouse clerk. 我也曾做过仓库管理员。 B: i can type all kinds of the letter. 我能打各类函件。 以上这些是英语口语常见的发问方式,熟记这些对话就不至于在面试中手忙脚乱了。要想在面试中熟练应用外语,最主要的是多加练习,多说、多写、多听。不要因为自己发音不准就不敢说,如果有机会的话要多与老外交流,熟悉外国人的思维方式和说话方式,发音的语气等。多看一些这样的求职情景对话,熟悉面试问题,抓住机遇。


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