iphone apple id在一次连接电脑后itunce和applestore都没了,怎样不破坏原有文件还能够还原

出门在外也不愁Redeem an iTunes Gift Card through iTunes
This is the same whether you are on a Mac or PC, and in all versions of iTunes:
Launch iTunes and click on ‘iTunes Store’ in the left hand sidebar
Click on the “Redeem” button on the right hand side of the iTunes Store screen
Enter the coupon code that is on the bottom of the gift card, it’s a randomized 16 character hexadecimal string looking something like this: XRXP RYPM YCQL 3K3K
Click on “Redeem” and you will be asked for your Apple ID login and password, this is so you can add the gift card balance to your iTunes account
If you have another gift card to redeem, click on “Redeem Another” otherwise click on “Done” and you are free to browse the iTunes Store.
Redeem an iTunes Gift Card directly on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
In true post-PC fashion, you can also redeem codes directly on iOS hardware and never touch a computer:
Tap on iTunes
On the bottom of the iTunes screen tap on “Music” and scroll to the very bottom of the list (yes, tap onto Music even if you have no intention on buying music)
Tap onto “Redeem” to bring up the code redemption screen
Enter your iTunes gift card code and tap onto “Redeem” to add the gift card balance to your Apple ID (email address)
Again, it doesn’t matter if you redeem the code on your PC or an iPhone, it’ll still work elsewhere.
Redeem iTunes Gift Cards through the Mac App Store
This is basically the same as the iTunes method:
Launch the Mac App Store
From the “Featured” tab look on the right-hand side for “Redeem”
You’ll be at the same redemption screen as you see in iTunes, so enter the gift card code and click on “Redeem”
As usual you can redeem more or just click done and be on your way.
Notes about iTunes Gift Cards
iTunes gift cards work on the iTunes Store, iOS App Store, and Mac App Store
You can add the gift card balance to your Apple account without spending it immediately
Adding an iTunes gift card to iTunes will transfer to the iOS App Store and Mac App Store automatically, and vice versa, assuming you use the same Apple ID within iTunes, your iPhone, and the App Stores
Despite the name, iTunes gift cards are not limited to iTunes or music purchases, you can also buy movies, TV shows, games, apps, etc
If you are buying something worth more than the value of the gift card balance, your credit card will be charged the difference
You can apply gift cards to , allowing for a simple budgeting method
You may have noticed that redeeming gift cards is the same as
for either iOS or Mac apps. The main difference is that the gift card is transferable, whereas the app promo codes are not (yet) interchangeable and must be applied to the App Store in which the intended app is hosted, if not you’ll get a .
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Posted by: Paul Horowitz in , ,
Leave a Reply越狱能在apple store 上免费下软件吗?(不是下免费的软件)顺便告诉我是在itunce上下载还是在touch上下载_百度知道
越狱能在apple store 上免费下软件吗?(不是下免费的软件)顺便告诉我是在itunce上下载还是在touch上下载
越狱只是拿到iphone 的最大权限,对原有的操作不做影响,还是可以在app store 中下载免费的软件的可以的
不行,下载91助手就可以,apple store是苹果的正规软件店。只能用91助手免费下载收费软件。
出门在外也不愁ios - iphone: Apple ID does not have permission to access iTunes Connect - Stack Overflow
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We have a company account and I have admin rights on it and I am trying to Login into to
but its giving error.
Apple ID does not have permission to access iTunes Connect.
I can log on to Apple site and have admin rights on our companies account but could not post Application to App Store because I do not have Team Agents rights and there it gives error
"Only Team Agents are authorized to prepare and submit applications for distribution."
Now I want to post application to App store so that it could be ready for testing for multiple people.
I send an Email to IOS () and they send me this response which clears the conflict.
Please be advised that you currently have an Enterprise Developer
Account. As an Enterprise Developer you do not have access to iTunes
Connect, because the Enterprise Program is for internal app
distribution. Therefore you cannot submit apps to the App Store, so
there is no access to iTunes Connect as a Enterprise Developer.
If you wish to submit apps to the App Store we ask that you enroll
into the iOS Company Developer Program.
Please note, if you would like to join the iOS Company Developer you
may visit the following link:
Additionally, your iOS Company Enrollment and Program will need to be
managed separate from your Enterprise Program this means you need to
create a new Apple ID and also pay the enrollment cost as well.
Ask your team admin to log into iTunes Connect, in the home page click on the item "Manage Users". Here you'll find a list of Members approved to access iTunes Connect. Add a new user and select user type as iTunes connect user. Fill in the other details, the new user will get a confirmation email from Apple, once you click on the confirmation, you'll be able to access iTunes connect using your Apple ID.
The Provisioning Portal and iTunes Connect are two different things with different permissions and accounts. Just because you have access to the Provisioning Portal and can create profiles etc does not mean that you automatically have access to ITC.
The person who first set up your iPhone Developer account is the 'team agent'. They will automatically have access to ITC with 'admin' privs. You need to get them to add you as a user with 'admin' or 'technical' privs. You can then access ITC and manage application submissions on their behalf.
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Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled苹果手机登陆iTunes Store时,登陆账号不是我的,怎么修改?_百度知道
苹果手机登陆iTunes Store时,登陆账号不是我的,怎么修改?
设置— itunes appstore和 app store 把账号注销,重新输入自己的账号
如果iCloud里的账号是你的 并且你能关闭查找我的iPhone功能的话 就还原所有设置重新进行激活就可以了


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