任务型阅读Are yoube attracted too remote places? Do you prefer to vacation away from other tourists?Are

课时作业(三) 必修1 Unit2 Heroes  Ⅰ.单项填空  1.―It’s worrying that they’re doing things without training,isn’t it?  ―________.  A.Absolutely      &B.Impossible  C.All right &D.Forget it  2.(2013?天津六校三模)The Chinese government has begun a campaign to________the crazy housing market.  A.calm &B.destroy  C.occupy &D.reflect  3.(2013?郑州毕业班第一次质量检测)When________about what she thought of the movie,she just said it was worth seeing a second time.  A.asked &B.asking  C.being asked &D.to be asked  4.Susan didn’t finish the job on time.Mr Brown realises now that he________too much of her then.  A.expects &B.expected  C.is expecting &D.would expect  5.(2013?东城检测)With the college entrance examination________near,both the parents and the students are more and more anxious.  A.draws &B.drawn  C.drawing &D.is drawing  6.The first letter Ann worte me was less than a page long,and her second letter was________brief.  A.similarly &B.immediately  C.personally &D.fortunately  7.Justin Bieber’s latest movie covers his childhood and his rapid rise to fame,________his fans a closer look at his personality.  A.gave &B.giving  C.gives &D.given  8.Sam,I suppose the issue is________to be discussed behind closed doors.  A.too far important &B.far too important  C.important too far &D.too important far  9.The people expressed their desire that________war should come to________end soon.  A.the;an &B.the;the  C.a;an &D.a;the  10.―It was________of you to share your food with me,Sam.  ―Forget it,we’re friends.  A.brilliant &B.confident  C.generous &D.skillful  11.How will Mr Andrews________without a housekeeper?He’s never had to look after himself before.  A.lift off &B.give up  C.pull through &D.get on  12.The woman sitting on the sofa,________needs constant attention,is cared for by relatives.  A.which &B.what  C.that &D.who  13.Kids should be encouraged to get________in activities where they meet other kids.  A.involved &B.involve  C.involving &D.to involve  14.―Must I turn off the gas after cooking?  ―Of course.You can never be________careful with that.  A.enough &B.too  C.so &D.very  15.Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health.It may also be good for________building.  A.respect &B.friendship  C.reputation &D.character  Ⅱ.完形填空[建议用时15′]  (2013?江西省高三上学期七校联考)  When I entered Berkeley College.I hoped to earn a scholarship.Having been a straight A student,I believed I could__1__tough subjects and really learn something.One such course was World Literature given by Professor Jayne.I was extremely interested in the ideas he__2__in class.  When I took the first exam,I was__3__to find a 77,C&plus,on my test paper,__4__English was my best subject.I went to Professor Jayne,who listened to my arguments but remained__5__.  I decided to try harder,although I didn’t know what that__6__because study had always been easy for me.I read the books more carefully,but got another 77.Again,I__7__with Professor Jayne.Again,he listened patiently but wouldn’t change his__8__.  One more test before the final exam.One more__9__to improve my grades.So I redoubled my efforts and,for the first time,__10__the meaning of the word “thorough”.But my__11__did no good and everything__12__as before.  The last hurdle (障碍) was the final.No matter what__13__I got,it wouldn’t cancel C&pluses.I might as well kiss the__14__goodbye.  I stopped working hard.I felt I knew the course material as well as I ever would.The night before the final,I even__15__myself to a movie.The next day I decided for once not to__16__much about the result of the test.  A week later,I was surprised to find I got an A.I hurried into Professor Jayne’s office.He__17__to be expecting me.“If I had given you the A&pluses you__18__,you wouldn’t have continued to work as hard.”  I stared at him,__19__that his analysis and strategy (策略) were correct.I had worked my head__20__,as I had never done before.  I was speechless when my course grade arrived:A&plus.It was the only A&plus given.The next year I received my scholarship.I’ve always remembered Professor Jayne’s lesson:you alone must set your own standard of excellence.  1.A.take&& &B.discuss&   C.cover& &D.get  2.A.sought& &B.presented&   C.exchanged &D.obtained  3.A.shocked& &B.worried  C.scared& &D.anxious  4.A.but&& &B.so  C.for& &D.or  5.A.unchanged&& &B.unpleasant  C.unfriendly &D.unmoved  6.A.reflected &B.meant&   C.improved& &D.affected  7.A.quarreled &B.reasoned    C.bargained &D.concerned  8.A.attitude &B.mind&   C.plan&& &D.view  9.A.choice& &B.step   C.chance& &D.measure  10.A.memorized& &B.considered  C.accepted&& &D.learned   11.A.ambition &B.confidence   C.efforts &D.methods   12.A.stayed& &B.went&   C.worked& &D.changed  13.A.grade&& &B.answer&   C.lesson& &D.comment  14.A.scholarship& &B.course  C.degree&&& &D.subject  15.A.helped &B.favored  C.treated&& &D.relaxed  16.A.care& &B.ask   C.cheat& &D.produce  17.A.happened &B.proved   && C.pretended &D.seemed  18.A.valued& &B.imagined    C.expected&& &D.welcomed  19.A.remembering&& &B.guessing  C.supposing&& &D.realizing  20.A.out&& &B.over   C.on& &D.off  Ⅲ.阅读理解  (2013?哈尔滨复习质量检测)   Ecotourism:A Different Way to Travel  Are you attracted to obscure places?Do you prefer to vacation away from other tourists?Are you careful to take only memories and to leave only footprints?If you answered yes to more than one of these questions,you just might be an ecotourist.  Ecotourists are people who want to experience the unspoiled natural world―and leave it that way when they return home.This trend started in the 1990s,and ecotourism is now growing three times faster than the tourism industry at large.The Kapawi Ecolodge in Ecuador’s remote Amazon Basin is contributing to that expansion,and it gives a snapshot of what ecotourism looks like.  At the Ecolodge,a small group of cabins sits in the middle of the Achuar people’s reserve and is only accessible by air.From here,visitors can explore parts of the Amazon rainforest seen by few outsiders.As they do,local Achuar guides explain how the forest is like their supermarket,where they find food,clothing,medicine and tools.As a result,tourists learn to appreciate the local culture as well as the natural environment.  The owners of Kapawi pay monthly rent to the Achuar people,but they also train the community to run and manage the lodge.They have agreed on a plan to turn the operation over to the Achuar completely by 2011.The owners are working to make ecotourism benefit and empower the local people.  You probably won’t start your own ecolodge,but you can be an ecotourist if you follow these guidelines:Protect the environment;Support local businesses;Respect the local customs and traditions.  The world is full of fascinating places to visit.As an ecotourist,you can enjoy them yourself and make sure that they remain beautiful for future generations as well.  1.According to the text,the ecotourists should be________.  A.those who like to experience the easily&remembered natural environment  B.those who like to go to their travelling places by hiking  C.those who prefer an undamaged natural world and remain what it used to be  D.those who prefer unique natural environment of cultural relics  2.At the Kapawi ecolodge,visitors can’t________.  A.explore the Amazon rainforest  B.reach there by air  C.live in the Achuar reserve  D.see many travelers from outside  3.Which of the words is closest in meaning to the word “snapshot” in the second paragraph?  A.Idea. &B.Aim.   C.Adventure. &D.Opportunity.  4.We can learn from the passage that________.  A.the Kapawi ecolodge will continue to run and manage the lodge after 2011  B.the Kapawi ecolodge owners are the Achuar in favor of ecotourism  C.the achuar people have benefited a lot by collecting money from ecotourists  D.the owners of Kapawi encourage tourists to appreciate the Achuar culture  Ⅳ.短文改错  (2013?鞍山市第二次模拟考试)  As students,all of us will be faced a problem after passed the college entrance examination.Should we choose a good major and a good university first?Here are some different ideas.Some more prefer to choose a major first so they can learn that they are interested in.In this way they can put their hearts into study and got their favorite jobs in the future.Other believe that the environment is important to one’s develop and that graduates from key universities are more likely to find good jobs.As long as I’m concerned,the best choice is a good university if we can’t obtain all.
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