Can youyou can see methe girls __there?

By Gabrielle. Photos by
for Design Mom.
Would you like to see my daughters’ bedroom? If yes, this is the post for you. I have tons of photos and lots of details to share. This room came together slowly. There was lots of sketching of floor plans, moving of walls, trying furniture in different configurations, and pondering about closet space. We eventually took it down to a 14.5′ x 22.5′
and created from there.
But all the work and patience paid off. The room is terrific! The girls love it. It meets their needs easily and it looks fabulous as well.
As you may , all four of our daughters share the same room. That wasn’t the original plan when we moved in. But we hadn’t actually seen
in person until after we’d purchased it, so we didn’t really have a true sense of the dimensions of the rooms and the best way to use the space.
I receive quite a bit of email asking me about this shared room situation, so I thought I would start this post with a few FAQs, then, you can click through if you want to see all the details and the thinking behind the design decisions. At the end of the post, I included four shots of the room taken from each corner, so that you can get a good sense of the overall space.
Why Four Kids in One Room?
While doing renovations on this space, we could see that the bedroom in question was originally two bedrooms, and we weren’t surprised at all. Without knowing the history of the house, we considered doing the same thing — splitting the bedroom into two.
Interestingly, Maude, who has the strongest feelings among our kids about room-sharing, much preferred the idea of four people in one room, instead of two people in two rooms. When I thought about it, I felt like I understood where she was coming from. When there are two of you sharing a room, and you’re irritated about something, it’s easy to direct that irritation at your roommate. And those recurring negative experiences can make for a tense relationship. But if there are four of you in the room, the irritation gets dissipated. It’s easier to see that 3 people aren’t intentionally bugging you, that you are simply bugged and it has nothing to do with the people in the room.
That’s an oversimplification, but hopefully you understand what I mean. : )
Anyway, that’s how we ended up putting all 4 girls in one room, instead of splitting the room into two or trying some other household configuration. We also tested it out for many months before we jumped in and started renovating. By that time, it was easy to see the four-sister-in-one-room situation was working well for everybody.
But how does it work? Do the different ages make bedtime difficult?
Good question. So far, bedtime hasn’t been an issue at all. The younger two go to bed around 8:00. They go through their bedtime routines (bath, pjs, etc.), we read a book, and then they’re off to dream land. By the time the older kids come into the room the younger ones are already fast asleep.
I would say it also works for us, because we have a specific theory about kid bedrooms. We set aside bedrooms for sleeping and dressing only. We have other spaces in the house for homework and toys — even other places for reading. It’s not a strict rule — we do keep a shelf of books in the bedrooms, and the youngest ones like to have a stuffed animal or two around. But in general, our bedrooms are only used for sleeping and getting dressed/ready for the day. I realize that not every house works like this — if you have a tiny apartment, the bedroom and playroom are likely the same room!
Don’t kids need their own space as they get older?
Yes. I think they do. And we work hard to make sure the kids have personal time as needed. But I don’t think that means every child needs their own room. For most families in the world, the idea of each person getting their own space is simply not possible, and for big families like ours, sharing bedrooms is a no-brainer. In fact, I’ve shared a bedroom my whole life — with siblings, with college roommates, and with my husband. But I always figured out ways to get alone time when I craved it.
For our girls, since the bedrooms are generally empty of people during waking hours, if someone wants to be solo, their bedroom is usually the go-to option. But they can also use the reading loft, or one of our decks, or the family office, or even the master bedroom.
I suppose sharing a room is not for everyone, but it’s also not out of the ordinary in any way. And I’m confident the alternative, a sprawling house with 7 or 8 bedrooms, would not be a good fit for our family at all.
So if the idea of 4 kids in a bedroom is stressing you out, just know that you don’t have to do it. Hah! Also know that it’s working for us, and that if it stops working for us, we’ll try another solution. Simple as that.
I’m going to start the tour with beds and bedding. Each girl has a standard size twin bed. The mattresses rest on a boxsprings with legs attached, and the closets act as headboards.
We kept the color scheme super simple. Black, white & red. Though really, I used very little black, and instead focused on grey and charcoal instead. The far wall is painted in
by Sherwin-Williams. The poster is a photo of all four girls taken by
during our . It’s an inexpensive poster — the printout was made on an engineering printer at Office Depot and was only five bucks!
I wanted the bedding to be coordinating but not identical. The idea was to make each bed feel individual.
Most of the bedding is from Ikea, but I sourced accents from lots of places.
recently came out with a Scandinavian-inspired home line, and lots of their wares fit the black, white, and red scheme. So I ordered several items from their collection (including the , and the
pictured here).
The red & black throw pillow we’ve had since Colorado. The red herringbone blanket at the end of the far bed is from . And the handstitched red and blank
I ordered online.
There’s enough space between the beds and closets that the kids can walk between them, but they typically don’t. The paths that go around the beds are easier to use.
Also, there are two big cozy rugs that lie beneath the beds. My sister
picked them up in Morocco. You can see them in the overall pictures at the end of the post.
Instead of bookshelves, we used this rolling cubby as a moveable library within the room. We love these Ikea
and own 3 — two in the office and one here.
I’m really into the . They are relatively affordable, they have an industrial vibe that I’m drawn to, they’re lightweight and easy to move around, and they’ve been really fun to customize. The girls thread scarves through the wires, use s-hooks to hang purses and bathrobes, and display tomorrow’s outfit by putting a clothes hanger on an outside door. Here, Maude shows off her cross-country medals .
To prevent them from falling over, we’ve attached them to the bed frames with zip ties.
We hung the backs of the closets, which function as headboards, with a simple curtains + hooks. The curtains keep the closet contents a bit more private and provide a simpler background for the beds.
Inside, we placed a set of wire drawers that don’t come with the closets, but look like they do. : ) They fit wonderfully to one side, and eliminate the need for separate dressers.
Another nice thing about the free-standing closets, is that if we tire of this set up, we can move them against the wall, and move the beds against the wall as well, to open up the middle of the room. Or, we can even retire a closet as sisters move to college. I love the flexibility!
We left plenty of space between the closets and the wall to create a dressing area. The closets also become almost their own wall — giving privacy to the dressing area.
Note the giant mirror at the end of the dressing area (it used to be sliding closet door — there’s a second matching door that is hung over the vanities/desks).
are as good-looking as they are functional — they’re another Hanna Andersson find. I chose one pattern with
and one with , with the idea they’d be used for sorting dark and light laundry. Sometimes that works, sometimes they’re all mixed in.
Don’t laugh, but I moved the hampers so we could also get a shot in the natural light.
We rolled two
through the space. They visually lengthen the area, add a cheery pop of color, and provide a soft surface for bare feet.
We’ve tried a few different jewelry storage options over the years, but I think this is our best yet by far! We tried one of the vanity drawers, but it quickly turned into a mess of knotted necklaces. Our solution: bulletin boards covered in charcoal grey fabric! We attached them directly to the wall, at a height that is accessible for all 4 girls. Standard pushpins hold the accessories.
Should the girls tire of baubles, the bulletin boards can hold notes or cards or magazine tears equally well.
We wanted the dressing area to be well-lit, so we installed an overhead light in front of each closet. We used a combination of
and . Ben Blair rewired them to be plug-in lights, and also rewired them to have an on/off switch at a height that even little June can reach.
Sometimes all four lights are on, but late at night, or in the early mornings, the girls can turn on only one light so it’s not disturbing to the others.
I intentionally let the cords hang out in the open against the wall because I thought they looked interesting — sort of a wild or organic feature in an otherwise orderly space. But the neat-freak in me is wondering if I should have the lights hardwired into the ceiling instead — and have wall switches installed for each light. I’m still on the fence.
As you come into the bedroom, immediately to your right you’ll find two simple desks that we’re using as vanities. The drawers hold things like hair brushes and lip gloss. One of the old mirrored closet doors hangs above the desk. Moving some of the grooming tasks to this space means the kids’ bathroom is less crowded on busy mornings.
In theory, the girls could use these for homework as well, but really, we have other areas in the house that are better set up for studying.
The aluminum chairs we’ve had since our New York days!
I know it’s sometimes hard to get a sense of the whole room in a tour like this, so I specifically requested photos from each corner of the room to give you a better idea of the space. I think it’s easier to see the walkways in these photos as well.
I hope you like the tour! If there’s anything I forgot to source, please let me know. And I’d love to hear what your experiences have been with shared rooms.
P.S. — You can find all the posts about our Treehouse renovations .
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英语四级快速通关入门班 原价:¥120
以下是2013年6月及音频,供各位考生参考,赶快一起来练习吧。Part III Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and2 long
conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be
asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be
spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause,
you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the
best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single
line through the center.11.W: What are you doing in here, Sir? Didn't you see the private sign over
there?M: I'm sorry. I didn't notice it when I came in. I'm looking for the
manager's office.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?12.W: Mike, what's the problem? You've known from month the report is due
today.M: I know, but I'm afraid I need another few days. The data is hard to
interpret than I expected.Q: What does the man mean?13.W: Excuse me, Tony. Has my parcel from New York arrived?M: Unfortunately, it's been delayed due to the bad weather.Q: What is the woman waiting for?14.W: Pam said we won't have the psychology test until the end of next week.M: Ellen, you should know better than to take Pam's words for anything.Q: What doesthe man imply about Pam?15.W: Tom, would you please watch my suitcase for a minute? I need to go make a
quick phone call.M: Yeah, sure. Take your time. Our train doesn’t leave for another twenty
minutes.Q: What does the man mean?16.M: Frankly, Mary is not what I'd called easy-going.W: I see. People in our neighborhood find it hard to believe she's my twin
sister.Q: What does the woman imply?17.M: How soon do you think this can be cleaned?W: We have same day service, sir. You can pick up your suit after five
o'clock.Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?18.W: I really enjoy that piece you just play on the piano. I bet you get a lot
of requests for it.M: You said it. People just can't get enough of it.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?Section BQuestions 19-22 are based on the conversation you have just
heard.W: Good afternoon, Mr. Jones. I am Teresa Chen, and I’ll be interviewing you.
How are you today?M: I am fine, thank you. And you, Miss Chen?W: Good, Thanks. Can you tell me something about your experience in this kind
of work?M: Well, for several years, I managed a department for the Brownstone Company
in Detroit, Michigan. Now I work part time because I also go to school at night.
I’m getting a business degree.W: Oh, how interesting. Tell me, why do you want to leave your present
job?M: I’ll finish school in a few months, and I’d like a full-time position with
more responsibility.W: And why would you like to work for our company?M: Because I know your company’s work and I like it.W: Could you please tell me about your special skills and interests?M: Of course, I’m good at computers and I can speak Spanish. I used to take
classes in Spanish at the local college. And I like travelling a lot.W: Can you give me any references?M: Yes, certainly. You can talk to Mr. McCaw, my boss, at the Brownstone
Company. I could also give you the names and numbers of several of my
teachers.W: All right, Mr. Jones, and would you like to ask me any questions?M: Yes, I wonder when I’ll be informed about my application for the job.W: Well, we’ll let you know as soon as possible. Let’s stay in touch. Thank
you very much for coming this afternoon.M: Thank you.Questions 19-22 are based on the conversation you have just
heard.19. What does the man say about his working experience?20. Why does the man want to leave his present job?21. What is the man interested in?22. What question did the man ask the woman?Questions 23-25 are based on the conversation you have just
heard.M: Lisa, Lisa! Over here, darling! It's wonderful to see you. Oh, Lisa, you
look marvelous.W: Oh, Paul, you look tired. Two months away in the capital? Paul, I think
you've been working too hard.M: I'm fine. The city is very hot this time of the year. It's good to get
back to some fresh air. You know, Lisa, what they say about pregnant women
really is true.W: What's that Paul?M: They say they look beautiful.W: Well, I had a lot of tension while you've been studying hard on your
course in D.C.M: Oh?W: Oh, don't worry, all from a man over 50. Father has told all his business
friends the good news about the baby. And the phone hasn't stopped ringing.M: Oh, look, darling. There's a taxi.W: Paul, tell me about the special project you mentioned on the phone. You
sounded very excited about it!M: You know, I've learned a lot from the project. I'm surprised that was
still in business.W: That's because we have a wonderful sales manager ——you!M: Thanks. But that's not the problem at all. Lisa, our little company, and
it is little compared to the giants in the city. Our little company's in danger.
We are out of date.We need to expand. If we don't, we will be swallowed up by
one of the giants.Questions 23-25 are based on the conversation you have just
heard.23. What do we learn about Lisa?24. What do we learn about the man from the conversation?25. What does the man say about his company?Section CPassage 1Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just
heard.Farmington, Utah, is a more pleasant community since a local girls' 4-H club
improved Main Street. Six 4-H girls worked to clean the 72 foot curbside that
was covered with weeds, rocks and trash. Each member volunteered to clean up and
to dig in plot, five flats of flowers. They also took terms in watering, weeding
and maintaining the plot. Participation in this project helped the girls
developed a new attitude towards their parent they've
learned how to work with tools, and improve their work habits. One mother said
that before her daughter was involved in this project, she would not even pour a
weed. The experience on Main Street stimulated self-improvement, and encouraged
members to take pride in their home grounds and the total community. City
officials cooperated with the 4-H members in planting trees, building cooking
facilities, pick-me tables, swings and public rest rooms. The 4-H girls planted
trees and took care of them during the early stages of growth. The total park
project needed more plantings in the following years. Members of the 4-H club
agreed to follow the project through to completion, because they receive
satisfaction from the results of constructive work. The project is a growing one
and is spread from the park to the school and the shopping center. Trees and
flowers have all been planted in the shopping center, making the atmosphere
pleasant.Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just
heard.26. What do we learn about Main Street in Farmington?27. What do the 4-H club members do about the curbside?28. What have the 4-H girls learned from the project?29. Why do the 4-H girls agree to follow the park project through to
complete.Question 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just
heard.Passage 2According to a survey on reading conducted in 2001 by the U.S. National
Education Association (NEA), young Americans say reading is important, more
important than computers and science. Over 50% of the 12 to 18 years old
interviewed say they enjoy reading a lot. 79% find it stimulating and
interesting. And 87% think it is relaxing. About 68% of those surveyed disagreed
with the opinion that reading is boring or old-fashioned.Over half teenagers interviewed said they read more than ten books a year.
The results also show that middle school students read more books than high
schoolers. Over 66% of teens like to read fiction, such as novels and stories.
Over 26% are interested in non-fiction, such history books.64% of students
listed reading stories about people my own age. That's a favorite topic.
Mysteries and detective stories came second on the list at 53%. Just under 50%
said they were interested in reading about their own culture in tradition. Of
the teenagers who participated in the survey, 49% said that libraries are where
they get most of their books. However, many complain that their school libraries
do not have enough up-to-date interesting books and magazines. Even though many
teenagers in the US enjoy reading, they still have other interests. When asked
which activity would be the most difficult to give up for a week, 48% said
listening to music. TV would be difficult to give up for 25% of those
surveyed.Question 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just
heard.30. What does the survey on teenager reading show?31. What books are most popular among teenagers according to the survey?32. What activity do teenagers find the most difficult to give up for a
week?Questions 33-35 are based on the passage you have just
heard.Passage 3Thank you for coming, everyone. Today’s presentation will show how we see the
development of the motor car in the short to medium term, and that is why we
have invited all of you here today. Let’s start with power. It’s clear that
petrol-driven engines have no future. Already there are many alternative fuel
vehicles on the market, powered by anything from solar power to natural gas.
Some independent thinkers have even produced cars that run on vegetable oil. But
as we all know, of all these alternative fuel vehicles, the most practical are
electric vehicles. Sure, in the past electric vehicles have their problems,
namely, a limited driving range, and very few recharging points, which limited
their use. Now, however, recent developments in electric vehicle technology mean
they can match conventional petrol engines in terms of performance and safety.
Let’s not forget that electric vehicles are cleaner. Plus, importantly, the
power source is rechargeable, so this does not involve using any valuable
resources. Moving on to communications, very soon, cars will be linked to GPS
satellites, so they’ll do all the driving for you. What controls remain for the
users will be audio-based, so, for example, you’ll just have to say “a bit
warmer”, and the air conditioning will adjust automatically. You’ll also be able
to receive email, music and movies, all via an internet link. So just type in
the destination you want, sit back, sleep, watch your movie, whatever.Questions 33-35 are based on the passage you have just
heard.33. What is the presentation mainly about?34. What used to restrict the use of electric vehicles?35. What does the speaker say about electric vehicles of today?
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